Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Reading and Thinking 教学设计


名称 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Reading and Thinking 教学设计
格式 doc
文件大小 44.5KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-26 18:28:42



Unit 3 Sports and Fitness课时教学设计
第4-6课时 课型 Reading and Thinking
核心素养 1.To learn information about two living legends about Lang Ping and Michael Jordan and learn some words and expressions to describe athlete.2.To know some reading skills and learn some writing skills of developing a well-organized article.3.To arouse awareness of the importance of sports and health and learn from the spirit of living legend.4.To evaluate and choose living legends of sports and learn to describe sports legend vividly.
教学内容分析 This lesson focuses on the discourse analysis of its organization and features. Through the questions, the students are guided to sort out why Lang Ping and Jordan are masters and what role models they set. On this basis, the students are allowed to use the language they have learned to talk about the sports stars in their minds.
教学重难点 1.Help Ss learn to have depth and gradient analysis of the text, and output to the writing process.2.Output Ss’ idea of a sport legend and deepen the understanding of sports spirit and master a certain writing skills and reply the magazine.
教学策略 Situational Teaching Method and Question-driven method, Task-based Language Teaching Approach, Individual and group work method.
教学环节 教与学活动(师生活动) 设计意图
Step 1.Lead in Show Ss the letter. Use a help letter from a sports magazine to lead to the content of this lesson. Let the children think about how to choose their own sports legends. 导入本课主题和任务,激发学生对此话题的兴趣并引起学生的思考。
Step 2.Pre-reading Discussion:Let Ss discuss the basic elements of writing a sports legend.Who do I choose as the master What to write about Why do I choose him/her How to write a well-organized article 通过讨论让学生明白写体育传奇人物需要具备的四要素“ who, what, why, how”,为后面的活动做铺垫。
Step 3.While- reading Part 1 Fast reading1.Ask students to find out the athletes mentioned in the article.Skim and find out what has been talked about in the passage.2.Through prediction and activity, children can have an in-depth understanding of the text, so as to solve several elements that must be included in the reply: what, why.Watch videos, read again and find out Lang Ping and Michael Jordan’s good qualities.3.Ask students to read the text and find out the answers.In pairs, read and decide what is stated in the text (S), what you know to be true from experience (E) and what can be inferred (I). 1.通过fast reading 让学生快速掌握文章主题以及对who 进行突破。2.通过活动环节让学生深入分析文本从而对要素 what, why进行一一突破,观看视频并结合文章,找出Michael Jordan’s的优秀品质并启发学生名人身上有哪些是值得我们学习的,为什么他们会成为我们的榜样。3.通过活动3,让学生对how这个元素进行深入剖析,并让学生明白细节题的做题技巧。
Step 4.While- reading Part 2 Detail reading 1.words, phrases and sentences:Ask Ss to read the passage carefully, and instruct Ss to master the key words and phrases and sentences.2.Ask Ss to read the text carefully again, and answer the questions. Then the teacher gives them positive feedback on their answers and tell them how to combine reading materials to answer questions which can not get answers directly. 1.通过detail reading ,学生可以更好地掌握重要单词短语和句子的用法,巩固词法和语法。2.精读部分的阅读理解练习可以让学生在更具体地理解文章内容的同时,整合文章中句子来回答问题的能力。
Step 5.Post- reading 1.Show Ss two video about Lang Ping and Michael Jordan to think about what is the real spirit of athlete.Talking:Ask Ss a question “who would you choose as your “Living Legend of Sports” for the magazine and let Ss discuss the questions on P39-4, then finish blanks. Meanwhile, the teacher can give Ss some useful sentence structures. 1.借助郎平和乔丹的视频让学生更直观更生动地体会运动员的体育精神,从而引发对真正的体育精神的思考。2.设计让学生谈论选择谁作为自己杂志的传奇人物,引导学生各抒己见,先在口头上输出,训练了学生的英语交际能力和合作能力,以及培养了学生分析、推理、评判和合理表达的思维。
Step 6Summary Do the summary with the students. Let them know about they have learned in this lesson. 梳理本节课内容,巩固强化所学知识。
Step 7.Homework Finish P39-5 by given words and phrases.