Unit 4 Natural Disaster Reading and Thinking 教学设计


名称 Unit 4 Natural Disaster Reading and Thinking 教学设计
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-26 18:36:22



第3-4课时 课型 Reading and Thinking
教学目标 通过学习本课时,学生能够:1.掌握本课与旅游相关的词汇;2.能通过阅读方法skimming标题,图片预测课文内容;3.能通过阅读方法scanning 查找详细信息;4.能用英语描述秘鲁的地理,历史以及景观;5.能分析介绍性文体和旅游宣传册特征并掌握两种不同的文体。
教学内容分析 1.活动主题:主题是探索秘鲁。学生通过观看视频,阅读有关秘鲁的介绍和旅游宣传册,了解秘鲁的旅游资源,同时了解这个国家的地理,历史,文化及景观等内容。学生通过阅读旅游宣传册和百科全书试的介绍性文本来了解旅行的目的地的过程,让学生学会从不同渠道搜寻信息,为制订旅行计划做好准备。同时增加学生了解到非英语国家的机会,使其在爱国的同时拥有更广阔的国际视野。2.文本分析:文本包括两部分。第一部分是介绍性文本,常见于百科全书,内容简要,语言平实,简洁,严谨,客观陈述事实,不带感彩。第二部分是旅游宣传册,介绍了秘鲁四条不同特色的旅行路线,向读者介绍目的地的基本信息,表现作者的观点,态度。通过拉近与读者的关系,激发读者的共鸣,吸引读者加入旅行。3.活动设计:活动设计主要对秘鲁的地理,历史,文化,景观等方面的学习与探究。活动1观看秘鲁风光的视频;活动2是快速阅读,识别文本体裁;活动3是填空练习;活动4是秘鲁景观的细节理解。
学情分析 本课时面向的是高一学生,他们学习英语的兴趣较浓,乐于参与课堂活动。经过前面两课时对本单元的学习,学生对旅游这一话题有基本的了解,但很少有学生了解秘鲁这个国家的旅游文化。在学习策略方面,大多数学生已了解基本的阅读策略,但是还没有完全掌握。1.学生英语听力能力弱,视频解说难听懂,看完仍然不知是何地;2.部分学生不了解文章体裁(介绍性文本和旅游宣传册);3.学生的英语基础相对薄弱,单词量少,设置疑问和填空内容要简单易懂;4.大部分学生只能说某一个单词,难以用英语表达完整的个人观点;5.缺乏独立思考,总想看看别人怎么写。
教学重难点 重点:1.让学生掌握不同阅读策略(skimming,scanning and detailed reading),熟悉介绍性文本和旅游宣传册两种不同文体;2.指导学生了解中国和秘鲁等国家景点和文化特色,培养学生的爱国情怀,拓展国际视野,树立保护环境和文明旅游意识。难点:学生对所获悉的信息进行讨论、反思,形成个人见解,能独立思考并形成创造性思维和批判性思维。
教学策略 任务型教学法:创设情景法、自主学习和合作学习法、探究学习法
课时作业 Choose a dream tourist attraction and introduce it to the class next class.
教学环节 教与学活动(师生活动) 设计意图
Step 1 Lead-in:学习理解,围绕主题创设情境。T: Good morning, everyone. First,let’s watch a video and answer the following questions.(show a video 2')T: (2' later) What’s the video about Ss: It is about Machu Picchu Tour.T: Where is it (show a map)Ss: It is in Peru.T: It is just one of the main tourist attractions of Peru. Peru has many places of interest. do you want to know more about it Ss: Yes. T: Now, let’s read the following texts. 通过看视频和提问,引入主题,视觉美景冲击力能够更好的激发学生探索秘鲁的兴趣。
Step 2Step3Step4Step 5 Step 2:技能提升Task 1T: Read the texts quickly and answer the following questions.(3')What types of text are they Text 1: A encyclopedia B. brochureText 2: A encyclopedia B. brochure2.Where does this text probably come from A. An agricultural magazine B. A medical journalC. An engineering textbook D. A tourist brochure3. Read and Match the following tours with their special features. 1. Amazon Rainforest Tour ( )2..Machu Picchu Tour ( )3.Lake Titicaca Tour ( )4. Cusco Tour ( )A. Countryside sightsB.Unique Spanish and local Indian cultureC. The ancient city with Incas’ dry stone buildingsD. Unique plants and animalsTeacher activity: check their answers and solve vocabulary,such as encyclopedia...Task 2T: Well done! Now read text one carefully and fill in table 1. I will ask you to write down your answer on the blackboard.(2')Table 1Locationon the Pacific ________ of South America Three areas land ________ along the coast; the Andes Mountains; the Amazon _________ History center of the ________ Inca Empire; _______ took control of Peru Language _______ is the main official language. 1.设计意图:该环节主要目的是获取和梳理信息,设计了三个关联活动,首先学生通过快读分析两种不同的文体,掌握主题词并欣赏旅游景点的特色。培养学生略读的能力。2.设计意图是快速阅读培养学生提炼细节信息的能力,迅速掌握秘鲁的地理,历史,语言。表格直观易懂有益教师引导学生理解并掌握介绍性文本以及介绍性文本的特点。设计意图:通过细读课文学生依据所梳理和提炼阅读到的信息进行结构化和条理化处理,从而形成语篇的结构化知识,加深对文本的理解,增强记忆。分析和欣赏旅游宣传册的文体特征和语音特点。1.设计意图:既要求掌握理解文章,又立足于高考阅读技巧写作意图和文章的出处。实现深度学习,促进能力素养转化。2.让学生独立思考合,理性判断。培养学生批判性思维和树立文明旅游的意识。体现人与自然和谐,旅游文明行为的传播及旅游业发展的利与弊。设计意图:结合高考练习巩固本课所学的知识,实现深度学习,促进能力素养转化。
Task3:品味语言-两种文体语言,结构特点Teacher activity: check their answers.T: Ok! Now read text2-4 and fill in table2-3. In this part, you will be divided into 4 groups. One group fills one blank. (4')Table 2AMAZONRAINFORESTMACHUPICCCHUNumber of days4 days4 daysTransport Flight; boatwalkingAccommodationIn the middle of the forest..Activity boating, hiking, exploring nature Walking in the mountainsExploring the ancient cityTable 3CUSCOLAKE TITICACANumber of days4 days4 daysTransport --Car; boatAccommodation Local hotelLocal homeActivity Visiting themuseums,admiring the architecture,Enjoying the local food, and shopping at the local marketsEnjoying the beautifulcountryside, staying with local familyTask4:迁移创新,分析评价语篇的意义T: Read the passage again and answer the following questions.(3') 1.What is the author’s intention of writing the passage A. To recommend four tourist attractions of PeruB. To tell people to travel as often as possibleC. To encourage people to do outdoor activitiesD. To help people learn more about Peru2.What can we learn from this text A. Visitors will walk through the Andes Mountains before reaching Machu Picchu.B. Machu Picchu is a modern city, which is very amazing.C. It will take visitors four days to explore the city of Machu Picchu.D. The Andes Mountains run through the centre of the city.T: We have finished reading the texts. You did a wonderful job. Now let’s think and discuss the 3 questions.Thinking(8')1.Why do people travel 1)experience a different life 2) know a new culture3).enjoy beautiful scenery 4)broaden horizons......2.What advantages and disadvantages does travelling bring to tourist destinations Advantages: increase local economy, protect and expand traditional culture.....Disadvantages: pollute environment, damage Eco-system ... 3.If you have a chance to travel around, what should you pay attention to Don’t throw rubbish, Don’t spit on the ground, Don’t damage environment......Step 5概括,梳理,整合信息T: Good points! Let’s do the summary.Peru is a country which is 1.____ the Pacific coast of South America with three main areas. Peru was the centre of the 2.____ (power) ancient Inca Empire in the 1400s and 1500s. Spain took control of Peru in the 16th century and 3.____ (rule) until 1821. It is for this reason 4.____Spanish is the main 5.____(office) language of Peru.You can go from Cusco to the Amazon rainforest by plane. From there, you will spend one day 6.___(travel) by boat to your accommodation. Then you can spend three days exploring the rainforest with a local guide and 7.______ (enjoy) the plants and animals unique 8. _____ the rainforest.It will take you four days 9.______(go) to the city of Machu Picchu on foot on amazing paths. Reach your destination and you will have a day to explore and be 10._____(amaze) by this ancient city. Especially the Incas’ dry stone method of building is amazing.
Homework 1.Review the words and expressions.2.Choose a dream tourist atraction and introduce itto the class next class. 巩固所学的知识并学以致用
板书设计 Section C&D Reading and Thinking Explore Peru1.核心词汇:Source ,narrow, flat, powerful, empire, emperor, site, official, recognise, flight, type, accommodation, unique, path, destination, admire, ect.Discussion1).What can we learn from this text 2).What advantages and disadvantages does travelling bring to tourist destinations
教学反思 本堂课主要采用了交互式教学法,在英语教学中有着如此的优势:1.采用自主学习的形式,让学生发现问题,提出问题;2.创设学生感兴趣的主题内容,让学生乐于去实践;3.采取小组讨论的学习方式,然后根据学生的讨论结果进行适当的引导、归纳。在教学过程中,我们针对学生的问题进行引导和示范,有效地解决了疑难;4. 让学生对个人的学习自我评价或学习小组对个人的学习评价,及时获取教学信息反馈。在课堂上,让学生去评价自己对学习内容掌握的程度。这样,我们可以更好地评估自己的教学效果,调整教学计划和教学方法,完善教学的侧重点,提高教学质量。