Unit 4 Natural Disaster Listening and Speaking& Talking 教学设计


名称 Unit 4 Natural Disaster Listening and Speaking& Talking 教学设计
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-26 18:36:45



第1--2课时 课型 Listening and Speaking& Talking
教学目标 通过学习本课时,学生能够:1.能够抓住关键词,理解听力文本的大意;2.能够利用所学语言谈论自己的旅行计划和根据实际情况预订航班、宾馆、餐厅,培养学生的计划制定能力和语言表达能力;3.培养学生全面考虑、系统安排的意识和能力;4.了解中国与其他国家的著名景点和文化特色,培养爱国情怀,拓展视野,树立保护环境和文明旅游的意识。
教学内容分析 本节课为听说课,主要意图是引出本单元旅游这一主题。首先通过观察几幅旅游景点的图片,讨论自己旅行的目的地以及为旅行做好的准备,然后通过一段预订航班的对话录音,包括开场白、谈论时间、谈论个人偏好、支付方式以及其他信息,为 role-play讨论预订机票、宾馆或餐厅做准备。
学情分析 本课授课对象是高一的学生,在听、写方面已经具备了一定的能力,也掌握了一定的听力技巧。在听前激活学生关于旅行的相关背景知识,为学生的听力做铺垫。但是高一的学生对旅行类听力练习还是比较少。所学在教学过程中要注意培养学生对此类听力的技巧的训练。
教学重难点 重点:帮助学生通过听关键词获取关键信息的技能和能力;难点:学生能正确使用与旅行话题相关的词块,谈论自己的旅行计划,及根据实际情况预订航班、宾馆、餐厅等。
教学策略 任务型教学法:自主学习、合作学习、探究学习
课时作业 Pronunciation on p25
教学环节 教与学活动(师生活动) 设计意图
Step 1 Lead-inT: Hello!Everyone! Before the class, I’ll show you a picture. Please look at the picture, and tell me ,who are they , what are doing Ss: ... ...T: You’re right. The picture shows the father and son on the journey. Do you think the experience they’re sharing is good for them Teacher’s activity : Show the passage and led the students read it loudly.Bacon’s famous words express :“For children, travel is not only a form of entertainment, but also a form of education. Children can broaden their horizons, enlighten their minds, and sharpen their spirit and will through travel.”T: Before the class, let’s listen to the song TRAVEL and fill in the blanks.Teacher’s activity: Play the song “TRAVEL”“Now where ______Call on my friends ... We are gonna _____far away.”T: OK!Let’s check the answer.T: Do you like travelling Ss: Yes/No. 1.以主题图片导入本单元的话题,让学生直观的了解单元话题,呈现旅游的益处,并对学生进行亲子间的情感教育。2.以听音乐填词的方式既可以培养学生的听力能力,又可以激发他们的兴趣,同时引入本单元的主题。
Step2 Pre-listeningT:Yes, this is today’s topic, look at this title, “Traveling around”. Now tell me tourist attractions as many as possible.Ss: ...T: Thanks for your answers. I also show you some photos of famous tourist attractions. (show pictures )T: Do you want to travel to these places And what do you need to prepare for the trip Ss: ....T: Yes,we should get a passport/apply for a visa/book tickets/book a hotel room/rent a car/buy a guidebook/pack some clothes/research the local weather. (show pictures and read)T: (pair work) Now please make some sentences like this: I am going to the Eiffel Tower and I will apply for a visa and book tickets.Ss: ...(T chooses someone to answer or volunteers)While-listeningTask 1T: Now let’s learn something about Meilin’s and Paul’s plans. Listen to the first part of the conversation and choose the answers. Please listen to key words and focus on the main idea, not on single words or grammar. .Circle the two places Meilin is going to for holiday. A. Germany B. England C. Iceland D. France2). How is she going to get there A. By sea B. By air C. By train3). How is she planning to get around after she arrives.By car B By train C. On footTeacher activity: Ask students to show their answers and solve their problems .Task 2T: Next,let’s listen to the second part of the conversation and choose the best answers. .Where is Paul’s family going over the holiday Lijiang in Yunnan, China Dali in Yunnan,ChinaC. Yulong Snow Mountain.Why are they going there A. His father’s friend invited them to visit.B. His father invited them.C.His mother’s friend invited them.Teacher activity: ask students show their answers and solve their problems .3.Post-listening (pair work)T: Now it's time for you to talk. Choose a travel destination and make a conversation with your partner, for example:A: Hi, Julie! Do you have any plans for the holiday B: Hi, Wang Lei! Yes, I’m planning to travel to Jiuzhaigou. Actually, I’ve just finished the travel arrangements.A: Oh, good idea! Jiuzhaigou is an extremely beautiful place.B: Yes, I’m looking forward to seeing the colorful lakes, amazing waterfalls, and beautiful plants.A: How are you getting ready for your trip B: I am planning to go there by train,so I should book the ticket.....A: Great!Part 2 Listening and talkingActivity 1:T: If you have the chance to travel, what should we book in advance Ss:Book plane/ train tickets,book a hotel room ,book a table in a restaurant ....T:Yeah, we should make reservations in advance. Let’s listen to a phone call and complete the table on P29 .Student activity: Listen for specific information.Teacher activity: give listening skills and check the answers.Activity 2: T: Can you tell what aspects we need to make reservations Ss: Opening,Talking about time, Talking about what you prefer, other information, payment.T: Wonderful! These sentences in the table are useful for making reservations. Please read loudly. 1.欣赏图片引入新课,与学生走得更近,从而提高学习效率,为听力和对话做准备。2.简单的造句既对新学内容的巩固又为pair work 做准备。3.听前技巧提示,降低难度。考查学生获取细节信息的能力,学会抓住关键词4.把课本上的回答问题改成选择题,降低了难度,增强了学生的兴趣,提高了学生的成就感。5.实现对语言知识和文化知识的内化,促进语言运用的自动化,有助于学生将知识转化为能力,通过口语练习,增加学生的口语听说能力。6.通过提问,自然过度到关于预订这一主题。7.考查学生获取详细内容的能力。8.为Group Work 奠定基础,降低难度,让学生有话可说,才会积极参与。
Step3 Activity 3: Group Work (make a conversation)T: Please use the sentences above to make reservations in activity 3 on page 29. You can choose one of the three situations.Teacher activity: Walk around to help students solve their troubles. Finally, choose some groups to show their works. 培养学生合作能力,语言表达能力,巩固所学知识。
Step 4 Homework 1.Listen to English songs after class.2.Exchange the role and make new a conversation.
板书设计 Unit 2 Travelling Around Section A&B Listening and Speaking&Talking1.核心词汇:castle ,apply ,visa ,rent ,packamazing, amazed , arrangement ,extremely2.Pre-listening, While -listening , Post-listening
教学反思 英语中,听说学习是不少学生的薄弱点。鉴于学生存在的问题,我以注重培养学生的核心素养为目标,采用形式多样的教学方式,培养学生听说的能力。以听音乐填词的方式既可以培养学生的听力能力,又可以激发他们的兴趣,同时引入本单元的主题。听前技巧提示,降低难度。考查学生获取细节信息的能力,学会抓住关键词。把课本上的回答问题改成选择题,降低了难度,增强了学生的兴趣,提高了学生的成就感。通过口语练习,增加学生的口语听说能力,实现对语言知识和文化知识的内化,促进语言运用的自动化,有助于学生将知识转化为能力。