Unit 4 Natural Disaster Reading for Writing 教学设计


名称 Unit 4 Natural Disaster Reading for Writing 教学设计
格式 doc
文件大小 86.5KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-26 18:37:05



第6课时 课型 Reading for Writing
教学目标 在本课时学习结束后,学生能够:了解西安著名景点,特别是秦始皇的兵马俑;理解和运用现在进行时表示将来时谈论旅行计划;3.会运用适合的词汇和表达表示你的个人感受;4.写一封邮件给Richard ,谈谈即将到来的假期的旅行计划。
教学内容分析 该活动的主题是“写信告诉朋友旅行计划”write to a friend about a travel plan". 该板块是从外国Richard 的视觉介绍中国最令他着迷的地方----西安。这里的兵马俑是中华文化的瑰宝,被称为“世界八大奇迹之一”,受到世界人民的喜爱与推崇。我国学生应该有更刻的认识,并引以为豪。同时,学生通过写作活动,探索、思考国内有价值的旅游资源及文化内涵。第一部分以电子邮件的形式介绍了作者的西安旅行计划。作者运用了现在进行时表示将来的计划于安排,内容包括旅行的主要目的、重点景观、其他景点和旅行安排(出发时间、出行方式等)。该文本的语言轻松随意,是年轻朋友之间的交流,并且使用了富有情感的表达,如:“...it is an amazing sight, and I can’t wait to go. ” “It is an amazing sight, and I can't wait to go.” “Terracotta Army is almost unbelievable. ""It's amazing to think of that. "
学情分析 很多学生的英语基础差,导致他们对英语不感兴趣。特别是写作,由于词汇量的贫乏导致他们在写作过程中,用英语表达自己的想法、感受、情感有困难。
教学重难点 重点:1.指导学生使用阅读技巧总结每个段落的段落大意。2.要求学生运用掌握的有用词汇和句子写旅行计划。难点:学生能写一份简明、连贯、有结构的电子邮件,介绍他们的旅行计划。
教学策略 任务型教学法、情景教学法
课时作业 用现在进行时表示将来时做一份旅行计划
教学环节 教与学活动(师生活动) 设计意图
Step 1 Lead inT:hello,my dear class! Before our class,I’d like you to watch a video. (Watch a video about Xi’an.)--2 minutesT: (2 minutes later) Which city is it Ss: Xi’an.T: Yes, it is. Do you know what things in Xi’an may attract foreign visitors most Or What do you think is special about Xi'an Student activity:(Discuss together and answer the question freely )1-2minutes.T: Time is up! Thanks for your answers. Now let’s explore Xi’an together to learn more about Xi’an. (T show pictures about main attractions in Xi’an, including The Terracotta Army, The Shaanxi History Museum, The Xi’an City Wall, Cold-Skin Noodles,Spicy Cumin Lamb Burger,Lamb Pao-Mo Soup, Chang'An Spicy Tofu )1-2minutes 1.通过看视屏和提问题激起学生探索西安的好奇心。2.老师通过图片分享西安的著名景点和美食,增强学生对西安的了解,激起进一步了解西安古城的欲望。
Step 2 ReadingT:Now, my class! Suppose you are Xiao Li ,who got an email from your good friend Richard. He plans to visit Xi’an. Are you curious about what he wants to tell you Ss: Yes.T: Now try to read what Richard have written in the letter .Let’s Go through the text quickly then tell me: ( 1 minute)T:What’s the topic/subject of this letter Ss: A travel to Xi’an.T:The letter was written from whom to whom Ss: Richard to XiaoliT: What’s the relationship between Richard and Xiao li Ss: FriendsT: Can you tell me the format of the E-mail Ss: Greeting, Main body, Close, Signature T: Wonderful! Now read the text quickly and summarize the main idea of each paragraph, then complete the following blanks:7- minutes Student activity: Read the text and write down their answer on the blackboard.T: Ok Let me check your answers.(T help to check and revise their answers)Para.Main ideaSupporting detail1 main purpose for the tripgo to Xi'an to see the Terracotta Army2 other plans for the tripgo to the Shaanxi History Museum, the Xi'an City Wall, and a few other famous sights 3transporttake the train4final thoughtswrite again soon and send photos.T: You did a fantastic job! Now let’s read the text again loudly and find out the sentences bellow and read them loudly. Student activity: Read the text loudly and underline these sentences and summarize sentence structure.(1-2minutes)Sentences to describe destinationSentences about plan expectationI’ve heard that it is amazing sight. Sb.be planning to do...I can’t wait to go...sth. is almost unbelievable.Sb. be going to do.. My dad and I are both looking forward to going...It is amazing that...Sb. be doing...Sth. is famous for/as...Sb. will do.. 1.让学生浏览文本了解总结邮件的框架、格式和结构。2.让学生阅读邮件,掌握各段大意,培养略读和细节阅读的能力,同时学习如何写一封描述旅行计划的邮件。3.再次大声朗读文本,找出文章中对景点的描述,对计划的表达、对情感期待的表达的句子, 为下面写作任务打基础。
Step 3 Writing(25minutes)T:Are you familiar with these sentences Ss: Yes.T: Now pretend you are Xiao Li. With the winter vacation approaching, Richard is curious about your travel plan. Please reply to his email about your travel. Please use the sentences we learned above. Before you write, fill in the table below. Please work in groups. I can show you an example .Student activity: Prepare in groups, choose a city and talk about its famous attractions, such as food, architecture, tourist sights and so on--5 minutes.A travel planDetailed informationwhoMy brother and IwhereBeijingwhenOver the winter holiday howBy train/by planeHow to make preparations and arrangementsBook tickets and hotel online, check the weather, buy travel brochure or map, learn about transports, food, touristattractions.Main attractionsThe Great Wall,The Imperial Palace,The Summer Palace,Peking University, The Tian’anmen Square,...Pecking Roast Duck...1.T: Are you ready Now please make a draft based on the outline.( T walks around the class to instruct and help solve difficulties.)---15 minutes.Dear Richard ,Nothing is happier than hearing from you. I’m glad to know you want to know my holiday plan. I’m writing to tell you some details. Over the winter holiday, My brother and I will go to Beijing to see_______. As we all know, it is amazing sight. We also are planning to visit_______, because it is famous for/as ______. Finally, _______is the almost unbelievable, we can’t wait to go and are looking forward to______ . We’re taking airplane/train, leaving at ______, arriving at ______. We’re staying at______. I need make full preparations from now on. I will_______. I'll take gifts for you. Now, I can't wait to see your photos. I'm looking forward to your reply.Your friend, Xiao Li2.(15 minutes later) T: Time is up! Now Exchange your drafts in groups. Assess each group’s work according to the checklist. Then come here to read your group work to the class. (T choose 2-3 groups to read their E-mails to class.)ChecklistIs there a clear purpose for the trip Does each paragraph have a clear main idea Does the writer use the present continuous tense (be doing) for future plans Are all the words spelt correctly Are all the proper nouns capitalized Is the format of the email right , 让学生首先头脑风暴探索国内外珍贵的旅游资源,然后裂出写旅行计划的必备要素,应用所学句型组织语言培养协作英语表达和技能,提高写作的兴趣。
Step4 Summary: Learn the format of the letter and master the key words phrases and sentences used to write a travel plan. 归纳、总结、整合现在进行时表将来的形式和意义。
Homework Revise your draft, write an email to Richard and recite it. 升华运用现在进行时表将来的结构。
板书设计 Section F Reading for Writing核心词汇: Credit, detail, check in, request, view, sight, more than, right away, comment2.Discussion1).What do you think is special about Xi'an 2).What’s the topic/subject of this letter 3.Write a travel plan. I was amazed by..., It’s unbelievable ...
教学反思 1.本课时的活动以写信告诉朋友旅行计划为主题,学生通过写作活动,探索、思考国内有价值的旅游资源其文化内涵。对其有着更深刻的认识,激发学生对祖国大好河山热爱及祖国悠久历史文化引以为豪。 2.以书信的方式创设语境,运用现在进行时表将来做旅行计划。学生通过讨论Richard 写给Xiao Li 的邮件,为学生的后续写作的内容和思路提供了支撑。3.学生通过对Richard的来信做出评价和反馈,然后再谈自己的假期旅行计划。运用加强语境设置的方法,有利于激发学生的写作动机,提高写作任务的真实感。
单元教学反思 本单元的主题是人与社会—旅游与文化,围绕旅行这一话题展开,让学生明白旅行的意义,也引发了学生对旅游业发展带来的利和弊的深刻思考。通过不同的板块和不同的话题,在提升学生语言技能的同时,也让学生热爱旅游、热爱生活,养成积极的生活态度和人生观。 1.听说部分通过听与说积累词汇使学生能打电话预定、安排旅行中的吃、住、行等事宜; 2.读思部分通过快速阅读课本文本能辨别介绍性文本和旅游宣传册的文本特征和语言特点并掌握相应的阅读策略。了解中国和秘鲁等国家的著名景点和文化特色,培养爱国情怀,拓展国际视野,树立环境保护和文明旅游的意识,培养批判性思维能力和创新性思维能力; 3.语法部分通过发现—归纳—练习—运用的思路,让学生掌握现在进行时表将来的用法;4.读写部分通过整合本单元所学知识让学生能写一封陈述自己旅行计划的电子邮件。