Unit 4 Natural Disasters(整体单元+reading)设计说课课件+教学设计(37张PPT)


名称 Unit 4 Natural Disasters(整体单元+reading)设计说课课件+教学设计(37张PPT)
格式 zip
文件大小 71.0MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-26 18:40:53


(The Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep)
PEP Compulsory 1
Unit 4 Natural Disasters
Analysis of the teaching material
This unit takes natural disasters as the topic, to understand some major natural disasters at home and abroad from the perspective of historical events, and to establish the awareness of disaster prevention and self-protection.
Report natural disasters
Simulation report
Describe a natural disasters
Language features
Describe pictures of disasters
Attributive clauses
Prepare for a disaster
Prevention and response knowledge
Write a summary
Unit4 Natural Disasters
Analysis of teaching material
Analysis of students
Analysis of teaching aims
Teaching procedures
Blackboard design
Feedback and Reflection
Analysis of key and difficult points
Teaching and learning strategies
A new report
Tangshan earthquake in Hebei
A detailed description of an earthquake
Humanity’s worst natural disasters
Analysis of teaching material
Curious and eager to learn new things
Analysis of the students
Striving for a larger
vocabulary and language accuracy
Used to thinking independently
and working in groups
Ability aim:
Knowledge aims:
Analysis of teaching aims
Emotional aim:
Analysis of key and difficult points
Key points:
Difficult points:
Task-based Language
Teaching Method
Teaching and learning strategies
Cooperative Learning Method
Communicative Approach
Teaching Procedures
Lead-in 2’
Enjoy a video
Prediction 2’
Look at the title and picture to guess what the text is about .
The text is about a terrible earthquake happening/that happened in Tangshan.
Fast reading 5’
2. Match the main idea with each paragraph of the article.
The structure of the text
Part1. Before the earthquake : (Para. 1 )
Part2. During the earthquake: (Para. 2-3 )
Part3. After the earthquake: (Para. 4-5 )
Careful reading 20’
1. Before the earthquake. (Para. 1)
2. During the earthquake
3. After the earthquake. (Para. 4-5)
Listening to the text
设计意图: 将课文的听力放在阅读练习之后,使学生在听的过程中扫除生词、短语和长难句的读音障碍。
1. The huge earthquake left nearly the whole city .
2. Everyone was , thinking the world must be coming to an end.
3. Millions of people were left without water, food or .
4. Soldiers and volunteers worked as hard as they could to pull away and rocks and rescue those who were under the ruins.
Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the new words from the text.
Consolidation 4’
The link of college entrance examination 2’
设计意图: 将高考渗入到日常教学中,利于学生在学习过程中对考点的把握。
How can we protect ourselves
(自我保护) in an earthquake
Group Work 6’
Hide under the hard furniture .
Put out the fire
and turn off the gas.
Never try to use the lift.
Use something
hard to protect your head.
设计意图: 当我们面对灾难的时候,生命是高于一切的。此环节旨在让学生懂得珍爱生命从自我保护开始。
earthquake, shake, burst, ruin,injure,destroy,shock,disaster, right away,at an end…
Summary & Homework 2 ’
Blackboard design
Unit4 Reading and Thinking
Part1. Before the earthquake : (Para. 1 )
Part2. During the earthquake: (Para. 2-3 )
Part3. After the earthquake: (Para. 4-5 )
Rescue & revival
Feedback and Reflection 2’
Feedback and Reflection
Feedback and Reflection
Feedback and Reflection
Shining points:
● The activities were gradually
● I took full advantage of
multimodal texts.
● I encouraged students to
express their opinions boldly.
(student-centered life class)
weak points:
I didn’t control the time very well. Also, some students raised their hands but I didn’t give them chance to speak.
Thank you for your listening!Unit 4 Natural Disaster
Part1 The analysis of the whole unit 教学设计
The analysis of contents
This unit is selected from compulsory 1 of PEP. This unit takes natural disasters as the topic, and understands some major natural disasters at home and abroad from the perspective of historical events, so as to establish the awareness of disaster prevention and self-protection. Can understand and master the safety knowledge and prevention measures related to natural disasters, and can rise to the perspective of human destiny community in front of disasters, have the consciousness of help and rescue, establish the confidence in facing natural disasters, studying natural disasters, coping with disasters.
The analysis of unit aims
Key Competencies Teaching objectives and requirements
Language competences Topic: Natural disasters
phonetic: Review the pronunciation rules of voiceless and voiced consonants, and make use of these rules to distinguish sound accurately and remember words effectively.
Vocabulary: Can use the following words and phrases correctly. Disaster, drought, flood, damage, destroy… Volcanic eruption, rise and fall, as usual…
Grammar: Revise the attributive that, which, who(whom) leads; Learn and master the attributive clauses introduced by whose. You can use relative clauses to describe specific information about things.
Text: 1. Read documentary reports describing major disasters, master the language features and narrative points of this kind of language, and be able to analyze the text structure of reading texts. 2. Understand the basic elements and language features that news broadcasting should contain.
Expression: 1. Can briefly imitate news reports and report sudden natural disasters. 2. Be able to use commanding language to introduce the preparations and measures for dealing with various natural disasters. 3. Be able to write summaries for special reports on major news events.
Learning competences 1. Can predict the listening content according to the listening problems and extract key information, such as: numbers, time, date, subject, etc. 2. Master the strategy of guessing the meaning of words according to the context in reading; Consolidate the knowledge of compound words; Use word formation knowledge to infer meaning. 3. Able to categorize and expand the inscription.
Cultural awareness 1. Understand some major natural disasters at home and abroad from the perspective of historical events, and establish the awareness of disaster prevention and self-protection; Be able to understand and master safety knowledge and preventive measures related to natural disasters. 2. Have the awareness and attitude to deal with disasters positively, and be able to think positively from multiple perspectives, learn and understand the corresponding measures, and reduce the material loss and psychological trauma caused by disasters.
Thinking quality Can mobilize the existing knowledge and experience, induce, summarize, and integrate the obtained information; Ability to organize information in logical order; I can use what I have learned in practice to deal with disaster-related difficulties and enhance my awareness and ability to solve problems.
III. The analysis of key points and difficult points
key points:
1. Understand and use restrictive attributive clauses properly in the text
2. Able to understand the language of articles and learn to write summaries of articles
Difficult points:
1. There are various types, complex forms and different preventive measures of natural disasters, so it is difficult to explore the thematic significance.
2. The understanding and use of restrictive attributive clauses is a difficulty in language learning.
IV. Teaching arrangement
Listening Listening and speaking, 1 period
Speaking listening and talking 1 period
Reading reading and thinking, discovering useful structure 4 period
writing reading for writing. 1 period
Part2 The analysis of reading part
I. The analysis of material
This article is the main reading of this unit. It is a news report. The article describes the great earthquake that happened in Tangshan city of Hebei province in the early morning of July 28, 1976. Through the concrete description of earthquake omen, earthquake and rescue after the earthquake, the Tangshan earthquake reappears to us the most disastrous natural disaster suffered by mankind in the 20th century.
II. The analysis of students
1. Curious and eager to learn new things.
2. Used to thinking independently and working in groups
3. Striving for a larger vocabulary and language accuracy
III. The analysis of teaching aims
Knowledge aims:
Learn the basic about earthquakes.
b) Learn the vocabulary and phrases required by the exam outline.
Ability aims:
Training students to capture the main information of the article by reading by skimming, perusing and other reading skills
Summarize the general idea of the paragraphs of the article, and understand the details of the article.
Emotional aims:
Learn how to save oneself and save others in an earthquake or sudden disaster.
Establish a sense of safety and cherish life.
IV. The analysis of teaching key and difficult points
Key points:
Train students' reading skills, develop students' grasp of the overall structure of the article, and quickly capture the key details of the article and summarize.
Difficult points:
How to make students learn to extract, filter and reorganize the information in the article, and apply it flexibly to language practice.
V. The analysis of teaching and learning stratigies
Task-based Language Teaching Method、Communicative Approach、Cooperative Learning Method
Design idea: Focus on the development of students' subjectivity; emphasize student-centered cooperation and communication with teachers and students, so as to cultivate students' comprehensive language ability.
VI. The analysis of teaching procedures
Teaching procedures Step1 Greeting (1mins) Step2 Lead-in (2mins) Enjoy a video about Tangshan earthquake Design idea: Create an atmosphere to encourage students to take an active part in the classroom teaching activities Step3 Pre-reading Prediction(2mins) Look at the picture and title, and then guess what the text is about Design idea: Create a scene and an atmosphere, stimulate students' interest in reading, arouse the desire to read, guide students to master reading prediction skills, so as to predict the content of the article. Step4 while-reading Fast reading 5mins Teacher asks students to read the passage as quickly as they can, and then match the main idea with each paragraph of the article. Design idea: Students quickly read through the full text, master the basic context of the article, and summarize the theme of each part. Master skimming reading skills. Careful reading 20mins Lead students to divide the whole passage into 3 parts as follow, Part1 Before earthquake: para1 Part2 During earthquake: para2-3 Part3 After earthquake: para4-5 And then finish some relevant excises. Part1 Before earthquake: para1 Asks students to find out the signs before earthquake. 1.In the sky___________ 2._________in the well walls_______from it 3.Chicken & pigs ___________ 4.Mice ran out_______________ Part2 During earthquake True or false questions 1. 2/3 of the people living in Tangshan were injured including the dead. 2. The parents of many children died. 3. There was only one quake shook Tangshan. 4. The railway stopped working. 5. Brick and red autumn leaves covered the ground Part3 After earthquake What kind of help do you think people who have suffered an earthquake need According to the last paragraph, in which aspect has Tangshan improved itself Design idea: Let the students read the full text carefully, master the specific content of the article, get the information of 5W and 1H , so as to develop accurate reading skills. Step5 listen to the text Design idea: Let the students listen to the text again, eliminate reading barriers, increase reading confidence. Step6 Post-reading Consolidation(4mins) Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the new words from the text. 1. The huge earthquake left nearly the whole city . 2. Everyone was , thinking the world must be coming to an end. 3. Millions of people were left without water, food or . 4. Soldiers and volunteers worked as hard as they could to pull away and rocks and rescue those who were under the ruins. The college entrance examination link(2mins) Design idea: It is beneficial for students to grasp the test points in the learning process to infiltrate the college entrance examination into daily teaching. Discussion (group work 6mins) How can we protect ourselves in an earthquake Design idea: When we face disaster, life is above all else. This part aims to teach students to cherish life from self-protection.(Complete emotional attitude and value goals)
Homework Write a short passage according to the prompts, such as: Earthquake, shake, burst, ruin, injure, shock, disaster, right away, at an end...
Blackboard design Unit4 Natural Disasters THE NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN'T SLEEP Before earthquake Signs(para.1) During earthquake Damage(para.2-3) After earthquake Rescue & revival(para.4)