Unit 2 Travelling Around Listening &Speaking 课时教学设计


名称 Unit 2 Travelling Around Listening &Speaking 课时教学设计
格式 doc
文件大小 34.0KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-26 18:41:49



Unit 2 Travelling Around课时教学设计
第一课时 课型 Listening &Speaking
教学目标 1.帮助学生掌握相关发音规则以及相关词汇;2.指导学生通过听力了解主要事实,并激励他们谈论如何做好旅行前准备的话题;3.培养学生制定计划时全面考虑、系统安排的意识与能力;4.培养学生不同的听力技能,解决不同的听力综合问题;5.增强学生的爱国情怀、开阔学生的国际视野。
教学内容分析 该模块的活动主题是“准备好去旅行”。学生通过听两段对话了解旅行前要做哪些准备,最终能够与同伴分享自己的旅行计划。对话中特意使用了现在进行时来表达将来的计划。学生通过听的输入活动熟悉表达将来计划的语言结构,为本单元的语法学习做铺垫。整个听说板块都有机渗透了中外文化平衡呈现的意识,既培养了学生的中国情怀,又拓展了他们的国际视野。
学情分析 在我校高一阶段,英语学习是不少学生的薄弱点;缺乏英语学习兴趣;词汇量不够,对于英语的听说都有困难,因此教师在教学过程中因注意把握教学难度,激发学生学习兴趣。训练学生听力技能,鼓励学生自信地用英文表达自己的想法。
教学重难点 重点:1.帮助学生掌握通过听关键词获取关键信息的技能;2.了解现在进行时表示将来计划的语言结构;难点:指导学生将表达恰当地运用于生活场景的交流中。
教学策略 合作探究、任务型教学
课时作业 制定旅行前计划
教学环节 教与学活动(师生活动) 设计意图
Step1.Lead-in 1.Free talk1). Where have you travelled 2). If you have the chance to travel abroad, what do you need to do to prepare for the travel Such as :Get a passportBook tickets.........2.BrainstormLead students to speak out the words relating the travel as many as possible.旅行 journey, trip旅游 tour旅游者 tourist...... 通过讨论,来引导学生的发散思维,并使学生认识到本课主题—旅游和旅游准备。通过头脑风暴为单元学习做好词汇的准备。
Step2. Pre-listening PronunciationReview the pronunciation of consonant combinations and single consonants. 1).Listen and repeat the words of activity 1 Then add more words to each group. (Page25)2). Listen to the sentences of activity 2 . Notice the pronunciation of the underlined letters.(Page 25)2. Learn some new words1) If I have the chance to travel anywhere in the world, I will go to Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany, which is the model of Disneyland in America.2) I will apply for a visa.3) Book a ticket and pack some clothes.3. Do some exercises1). Snow White lives in the ____________.2). Why do you ____________this position 3) . Kimia is trying to get a _________to go to Germany and continue her studies.4). I haven’t ___________my suitcase yet.Answers: 1.castle 2.apply for 3.visa 4. Packed 掌握单词发音以及相关单词的含义并能熟练运用。做好听前准备。
Step3. While-listening 1. Play Conversation 1 which is about Paul and Meilin’s conversation about the coming holiday and after finishing listening for the first time, the students need to solve the following task and give students a listening tip:Focus on key words:Do not try to catch every word in a conversation. Instead, listen for key words and phrases. You should focus on getting the main idea, not on single words or grammar.1). Circle the two places Meilin is going to for holiday.A. Germany. B. England. C. Iceland. D. France.2). How is she going to get there A. By sea. B. By air. C .By train.3). How is she planning to get around after she arrives A .By car. B. By train. C. On foot.Answers: 1.A;D 2. B 3. A2. Listen to the second part of the conversation and answer the questions.1). Where is Paul’s family going over the holiday Lijiang, China.2). Why are they going there His father’s friend invited them there.3. Listen to the whole conversation again and fill in the table below and pay attention to the use of the progressive tense.MeilinGet her passport_______for her visa_______air tickets onlineRent a____________Paul_________a few light sweaters and a coat_________a guidebookAnswers: Apply Book car Take Buy 引导学生理解听力材料,掌握听力技巧,以及注意进行时表将来在对话中的应用,最后找出正确答案。
Step4. Post-listening Pair work1). Work in pairs. Choose a travel destination on the page 25 and think about what you would do to prepare to travel there. Then make a dialogue with the example on page 25 and encourage students to use the present continuous tense.2). Ask some group to show their dialogue. 通过口语练习,增加学生的口语听说能力。
Step6.summary Ask some students to help teacher do a summary as follows.1. Some knowledge about pronunciation and new words and useful expressions.2. How to prepare for the travelling. 回顾课堂所学内容,再次强调重点。
Step7. Homework Set a situation: if you are going to travel around the Wenshan next winter holiday, how to do prepare for your travel. Work in pairs to make a dialogue and share the work next class.