Unit 2 Travelling Around Discovering Useful Structures 课时教学设计


名称 Unit 2 Travelling Around Discovering Useful Structures 课时教学设计
格式 doc
文件大小 42.5KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-26 18:43:03



Unit 2 Travelling Around课时教学设计
第三课时 课型 Discovering Useful Structures
教学目标 1.掌握现在进行时态表示将来的语法结构并会熟练运用于旅行主题当中;2.培养学生合作和独立思考的能力;3.真实语境中能运用恰当的表达与同伴讨论未来计划。
教学内容分析 该板块的主题活动为讨论未来计划,学生通过观察、分析与归纳,掌握现在进行时表示将来计划的语言结构,并能将这一语言结构正确地运用在真实语境中。
学情分析 学生基于初中阶段对于一般将来时以及有了一定的理解,本课时在此基础上对一般将来时的知识点进行加深巩固,因此教师在教学过程中应注意把握教学难度,激发学生学习兴趣。
教学重难点 重点:让学生掌握现在进行时表示将来时的结构和具体用法以及将来时的其他结构及用法。难点:学生能将现在进行时表将来时的结构恰当地运用到真实语境中。
教学策略 探究学习、合作学习策略
课时作业 做练习册语法部分的练习
教学环节 教与学活动(师生活动) 设计意图
Step 1.Lead in Before this lesson, the teacher check students homework and share their works with classmates. And guide students to talk about their future plans.Talk your future planWhich university do you want to go to What will you do on the weekend Through talking, let them know their future arrangements and guide the concept of the future tense. 让学生讨论他们的将来计划,例如,要考什么大学,周末要做什么等来引入将来时的概念
Step 2.Guide the concept and analyse (一)Checking preview1.Students look at the three sentences in Activity 1 and figure out what the tense in the sentences expresses.2.Focus on the tense 3.Provide the correct answers for students.(二) Enhancing understanding Ask students to read the conversation in Activity 2 on page 28 and underline verbs in the present continuous tense. Group students to check their answers with each other and try to figure out the functions of expressing the future using the present continuous tense. 1 are going to 2. ’re meeting 3.Are you eating 4.am bring 5.are eating (三)Here students already have some recognition about the present continuous tense, teacher now analyze the details to them.现在进行时表示将来时 1.现在进行时表示将来,主要表示按计划或安排要发生的事。结构为be+动词ing 结构,be动词随着人称主语的变化而变化,现在时为am,is,are。一般将来时其他结构主语+will / shall do单纯表达将来主语+be going to do有迹象表明将要发生主语+be to do预定、计划将要发生的事主语+be about to do马上要发生的事注:be doing表示将来与be going to do和will do1.be doing、be going to do都可以表示即将要做的事情。前者更强调事先计划好的安排、确定要做的事情;后者表示说话者的打算和意图,还可以表示根据当前情况作出的预言.2. be doing与will do表示即将发生的事情时,will更强调个人意愿和瞬间的决定。A: Oh, it’s 8:20. I’m going to be late for my class. I’m giving my students a very important test this morning.(四)Exercises1. The foreign guests ________(arrive)in Beijing tonight.2. Mary____________(leave)for Shenyang by plane at3:00this afternoon.3. Jordan____________ (graduate )from high school next week.4. A: Hey, your room is really a mess.B: I know I_______(go) clean it.A: Oh, it’s 8:20. I’m going to be late for my class.B: Honey, don’t worry. I_______(drive) you to your school right away.6.下周五我们将乘飞机去上海参加一个重要会议。(fly) We ___________________________to attend an important meeting.Teacher give answers:are arriving;is leavingis graduatingam going will drive are flying to Shanghai next Friday(五) Doing semi-controlled practicePair students to finish Activity 3 on page 28 and try to figure out why some sentences can not be rewritten in the present continuous tense. Invite some pairs to present their idea.→The first, third and fifth sentences are using the present continuous tense to describe the future.→ The second and fourth sentences are future tense(六)Doing productive practiceAsk students to work in pairs to make conversations with the help of the weather report given in Activity 4 on page 28 and create a short dialogue using the present continuous tense. The teacher may offer words and expressions if necessary.Invite 2-3 pairs to present their conversations to the class.Example:A: What are you doing Saturday morning B: Well, it’s going to be sunny in the morning and not very wind,so I’m having a picnic with my friends. 分析三个句子并找出表示将来意义的结构,让学生了解 本课时语法特征。通过阅读短篇对话找出表示将来时的结构,让学生知道现在进行时除了表示动作正在发生以外还能表示将来的意义。时态讲解,让学生对于现在进行时表示将来的语言结构有更深层次的理解,加上练习一起巩固。该部分目的在于让学生能区别现在进行时表将来和一般将来时其他结构的用法,并用现在进行时表将来的结构重写该句子达到期望效果。让学生2人一组根据课文给的天气预报,运用现在进行时表将来的的语言结构并仿照例句组一个小对话,巩固时态结构的应用,展示作业的同时达到训练口语的目的。
Step 3.Summary 现在进行时表示一般将来时,表示表示按计划或安排要发生的事。结构为be+doing 结构,be动词随着人称主语的变化而变化,现在时为am,is,are。其他将来时结构:will / shall do单纯表达将来be going to do有迹象表明将要发生be to do计划将要发生的事be about to do马上要发生的事 总结这节课所学内容,对于所学现在进行时表将来时的知识结构加以巩固,会对未来计划安排做正确表述。
Homework 1.Review the structure of the present continuous tense and finish the tense exercise on exercise book.2.Collect information of Peru, such as pictures or videos and preview the new context on Page 26-27.