Unit 1Festivals and Celebrations Listening and Speaking 教学设计


名称 Unit 1Festivals and Celebrations Listening and Speaking 教学设计
格式 doc
文件大小 1.3MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-26 18:58:53



第一课时 课型 Listening and Speaking
教学目标 使学生能通过阅读开篇页图片和信息,熟悉单元主题语境,预测单元内容,了解单元总目标。使学生能听懂有关介绍节日的语篇,能够根据说话人的表达方式和内容及态度判断对话双方的人物关系。提升学生的听力策略。使学生能通过听不同的节日经历,积累相关词汇,运用所学信息,结合已有背景知识,谈论自己最喜欢的节日及理由。使学生能学习、了解不同文化,提升跨文化沟通能力、学习能力交际能力。使学生能观察出英语中的基本音变规律,了解音的同化现象。
教学内容分析 开篇页主题图展现的是广东梅州丰顺县浦寨镇元宵节特有的舞火龙表演。舞火龙的场景,与图中《元夕》的词句相呼应,旨在引出本单元节日庆典的主题,同时也为本单元Listening and speaking有关元宵节的内容作铺垫。听说部分围绕“谈论节日活动”展开,共有三段对话,都属于跨文化交际语境,分别展示了街头采访、日常交际、导游讲解,这三种发生在三个国家的不同语境下的对话文本。对话1发生在日本“成人节”一位外国记者正在采访刚参加完“成人礼”仪式的日本年轻女性,询问她的感受以及随后的庆祝活动。对话2发生在两个好朋友之间,中国女孩第一次体验里约狂欢节她的外国朋友善意地为她提供了着装上的建议,以便她能够尽情地参与狂欢盛典。对话3发生在中国,一位中国导游带着一群外国游客来到张灯结彩的元宵灯会:向他们介绍中国人的元宵节习俗。三段对话都带有强烈的生活气息,真实自然,且巧妙地融人了各具特色的节日文化元素,另外,对话中也渗透了本单元的目标语言结构——v-ing形式作定语和表语的用法,目的是让学生在真实合理的语境中感知、体会语言,为后续集中学习该语言结构做好铺垫。学生通过听对话,了解对话中的人们正在参与或将要亲历的庆祝活动,并和同伴讨论自己最喜欢的节日。语音板块主要让学生了解英语中音的同化现象。语音同化的规律相对复杂,所以学生能模仿跟读,基本了解即可。
学情分析 这个单元主题是“节日和庆祝”,该主题比较生活化,刚好在春节过后开学的第一个单元,因此学生有了一定的生活积累,这对学生所学相关内容是一个很好的铺垫。此外,学生对“节日”这个话题既熟悉又比较感兴趣,因此可以激发学生的求知欲,从而更深层次的去理解本课内容。但由于学生基础薄弱,听力中又涉及到日本和西方节日文化,学生对狂欢节和成人节比较陌生,学习起来有一定难度。要引导学生在课前查阅课本附录的注释部分,认识了解这三个节日及更多的节日文化,了解中外文化差异、文化习俗等,增强文化意识好,坚定文化自信。。
教学重难点 教学重点:引导学生在听的过程中关注说话人的态度,辨别人物之间的关系。启发学生结合已有背最知识,运用话题词汇来描述日活动。教学难点:引导学生在听的过程中关注说话人的态度,辨别人物之间的关系。
教学策略 任务型教学法、合作探究学习法、情景教学法
课时作业 调查每个同学最喜欢的节日是哪一个,喜欢同一节日的同学组队去搜集更多关于这个节日的信息,讨论庆祝活动的时间、地点,活动,起源及庆祝原因等,即:when,where,what,why,how。该部分起到了承上启下的作用,承接上文的对话内容,同时对第二课时的导入起到了铺垫作用。达到了小组合作探究学习的目的,也让学生了解了更多传统文化知识。增强了文化意识。
教学环节 教与学活动(师生活动) 设计意图
Step 1. Warming-up Look at the opening page and discuss the flowing questions.What can you see in the photo What is the name of this festival and how do you celebrate it Think of as many festivals as possible. Guide the students to discuss the information presented on the opening page, lead to the topic of this unit, and ask them to tell what festivals they know, so as to pave the way for the different festivals to be learned in this lesson.
Step 2.Pre-listening Work on Activity 1. look at the three photos and let students match each photo with the correct festival names.Discuss in which country people celebrate each festival, and how do people celebrate the festivals?Choose some words or phrases from the box to describe each festival.Read the tip and discuss the following questions. Show pictures to let students know about different festivals in different countries and help students solve vocabulary and cultural barriers for later listening activities; It also paves the way for reading and writing in later classes.Through reading listening strategies, students are guided to pay attention to the speaker's attitude and identify the relationship between characters in the process of listening.
Step 3.While-listening Work on Activity 2. Listen and write the order of the conversations next to the names of the festivals. Then match each conversation with the relationship between the speakers below.Work on Activity 3. Listen again and complete the sentences with the correct words.Work on Activity 4. Listen again and make a list of each festival's activities. Through activity 2, let students master the main idea of the text and identify the relationship between characters through different identities and attitudes of speakers.Through activities 3 and 4, let students master the ability to obtain more details, so as to achieve the purpose of cultivating students' thinking quality.
Step 4 Post-listening Work on Activity 5.In pairs. Discuss which of these festivals attracts you the most and why .Task 2 Pronunciation (选)Listen and read aloud the words or phrases to your partner. Pay attention to the change in the pronunciation of the bold letters.Listen to the following sentences, paying attention to the consonants in the bold. How do their pronunciations change when they are read in the sentences Through activity 5, let students use what they have learned to express their favorite festivals. Therefore, I will apply my knowledge to the actual situation to practice and consolidate language and cultural knowledge. Achieve the purpose of language output.So that students can observe the basic law of sound change in English and understand the phenomenon of sound assimilation
Homework Do a survey in your class about which festival you like the most and why. In groups, discuss when they take place, what they celebrate and what people do at that time.
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