Unit 5 Languages Around the World Period 4 Reading for Writing 课件+学案


名称 Unit 5 Languages Around the World Period 4 Reading for Writing 课件+学案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-29 17:12:17


新人教版必修一Unit 5 Period 4
Reading for Writing 学案
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课题内容 Unit 5 Languages around the world Period 4 Reading for Writing
教材分析 The activity theme of this class is "How to make students write a blog about English learning", and the reading text is "What is the biggest difficulty in English learning" put forward by three netizens to Wang Le Online to answer this question. Liu Wen, Jia Xin and Li Rui put forward the difficulties in listening to native speakers speak English, using English properly and memorizing words. Each student not only raised his own questions, but also answered the difficulties encountered by the former citizen when learning English. The aim of teaching is to inspire students who are equally confused. The text requires students to pass the test after learning the difficulties encountered by the three protagonists in English learning and the suggestions put forward by others, reflect on and summarize their difficulties in English learning, find solutions according to the opinions of others, and then ask students to complete the writing task by blog.
学习目标与核心素养 1. Learn the blogs about learning English.2. Through learning the difficulties encountered by the three protagonists in the text, understand the common problems of students in English learning.3. Students can reflect on and summarize their difficulties in English according to the examples of the text and their own learning situation.4. Understand the meaning of English learning correctly, discuss and analyze the reasons of learning difficulties, and find effective solutions.5. Learn how to write a blog about learning English.6. Learn the structure and skills of writing, complete a clear and logical blog post on English learning, and make suggestions.
学习重点 1.Students can reflect on and summarize their difficulties in English according to the examples of the text and their own learning situation.2.Learn the structure and skills of writing, complete a clear and logical blog post on English learning, and make suggestions.
学习难点 Learn the structure and skills of writing, complete a clear and logical blog post on English learning, and make suggestions.
1.equal [ i:kw l] n.同等的人;相等物adj.相同的;同样的
2.demand n.要求;需求 vt.强烈要求;需要 vi.查问
3.gap[ɡ p] n.缺口;差距;间隔;分歧;隔阂
4.vocabulary [v k bj l ri] n.词汇量
5.description [d skr p n] n.描述;说明;描写;类型
6.relate vt. 联系;讲述 relate to与....相关; 涉及;谈到;理解
1....our relationship is close and we're equals, so I only need a few words to bridge the gap between us. 我们的关系很亲密,我们是同等的人,所以我只需要几个字就能消除我们之间的距离。
equal n.同等的人;相等物adj.相同的;同样的
①be equal to 等于/胜任.....
②be without equal=have no equal无与伦比,无敌
③A equals B (in sth. )(在某事上)A比得上B
④equally adv.平等地;同样地
① We are all equal (平等)in the sight of God.
②I couldn't find a person who can be equal to (胜任) this work.
③ Take the length unit to be equal to (等于)the radius.
2. But if I'm talking to someone who isn't very close to me, I must make my request longer—and I must make it a question,not a demand, e.g... 但是如果我和一个不是和我很亲近的人谈话,我必须使我的请求更长些一我必须把它变 成一个问题,而不是一个要求,比如....
demand n.要求;需求 vt.强烈要求;需要 vi.查问
① in demand需求大 ②meet/satisfy one's demands满足某人的需求
③a demand for 对......的需求 ④demand to do sth.要求做某事
(2019课标全国I,阅读理解B)I guess that there's probably some demanding (demand) work schedule, or social anxiety around stepping up to help for an unknown sport.
3.Does each sentence relate to the main idea 每句话都和中心思想有关吗
relate vt. if you relate two different things, you show how they are connected联系;讲述
relate to: to be connected to, or to be about someone or something .与....相关; 涉及;谈到;理解
①We should learn to relate the results relate to (联系起来)the causes.
②Happiness does not always relate to (与......相关) wealth.
③He is unable to relate to (理解)other people.
4.I used to get high marks in English, but now I'm having a lot of trouble with my listening. 我以前英语成绩很好,但是现在我的听力有很多问题。
have trouble with sth./in doing sth.做某事有困难
have trouble/difficulty with sth.做某事有困难
have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth.做某事有麻烦/困难
1. Whenever we have some trouble in(困难) our studies, our teachers help us patiently.
2. I am having some trouble with (麻烦)my classmates at the moment.
3. If you have some trouble in (麻烦)getting along with your friends,you can write to them.
1. (2019课标全国I,七选五)Your personal circumstances are____(equal) important.
2.They made reservations at restaurants where the cost of a bottle of wine____
(equal) a college year's monthly rent.
3. The two groups remembered the information______(equal) well.
4.In 1973,kidnappers took his 16-year-old grandson,and _____(demand) a large amount of money for his safe return.
5.This ______(describe)didn't seem to tally with what we saw.
Sometimes when we are learning a new language it can be really frightening to start speaking it with other people. 16.(_____), as it will help us gain confidence in ourselves. Here are some great tips that can help you overcome your fear of speaking English.
●Accept that you are going to make mistakes and learn from them.
People make mistakes all the time, especially when speaking a new language. Don't be sad or feel disappointed if you make mistakes; it's part of the process of improving your speaking.17.(_____). As Albert Einstein said,“Life is like riding
a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving”。
Once you have started speaking a new language, don't be afraid to ask people questions about how to say or pronounce something. Most of the time people will be more than happy to help you if you have any questions.
●Don't be shy!
One of non-native speakers' problems is being too shy to speak.19.(____). Be aware that most people speak more than one language and know how difficult it is to learn a new one.Also, most people really don't even notice if you say something
●Enjoy yourself!
You are learning another language surely for some reasons,so go ahead, have fun, make mistakes and even invent new words! 20.(____).
( )16._________
A.Ask for help
B.Try to be curious
C.It's all part of the process
D.This fear of speaking makes us nervous
E.This can be the biggest problem for a lot of people
F.Once you have made a mistake, correct it and carry on
G.Overcoming this fear of speaking a new language is extremely important
( )17._______
A.Ask for help
B.Try to be curious
C.It's all part of the process
D.This fear of speaking makes us nervous
E.This can be the biggest problem for a lot of people
F.Once you have made a mistake, correct it and carry on
G.Overcoming this fear of speaking a new language is extremely important
( )18._______
A.Ask for help
B.Try to be curious
C.It's all part of the process
D.This fear of speaking makes us nervous
E.This can be the biggest problem for a lot of people
F.Once you have made a mistake, correct it and carry on
G.Overcoming this fear of speaking a new language is extremely important
( )19.________
A.Ask for help
B.Try to be curious
C.It's all part of the process
D.This fear of speaking makes us nervous
E.This can be the biggest problem for a lot of people
F.Once you have made a mistake, correct it and carry on
G.Overcoming this fear of speaking a new language is extremely important
( )20.________
A.Ask for help
B.Try to be curious
C.It's all part of the process
D.This fear of speaking makes us nervous
E.This can be the biggest problem for a lot of people
F.Once you have made a mistake, correct it and carry on
G.Overcoming this fear of speaking a new language is extremely important
What do we mean by a perfect English pronunciation In one 1 there are as many different kinds of English as there are speakers of it. 2 two speakers speak in exactly the same 3 .We can always hear differences 4 them ,and the pronunciation of English 5 a great deal in different geographical 6 .How do we decide what sort of English to use as a 7 This is not a question that can be 8 in the same way for all foreign learners of English. 9 you live in a part of the world 10 India or West Africa,where there is a long 11 of speaking English for general communication purposes,you should 12 to acquire a good variety of the pronunciation of this area. It would be a 13 in these circumstances to use as a model BBC English or 14 of the sort. On the other hand,if you live in a country 15 there is no traditional use of English,you must take 16 your model some form of 17 English pronunciation. It does not 18 very much which form you choose. The most 19 way is to take as your model the sort of English you can 20 most often.
1.A.sign B.distance C.sense D.gap
2.A.Not B.None C.No D.Nowhere
3.A.type B.major C.form D.way
4.A.between B.of C.among D.from
5.A.changes B.exists C.varies D.happens
6.A.areas B.countries C.parts D.spaces
7.A.direction B.symbol C.guide D.model
8.A.regarded B.recognized C.replied D.answered
9.A.Because B.If C.When D.Whether
10.A.as B.like C.unlike D.likely
11.A.custom B.tradition C.use D.habit
12.A.aim B.lead C.access D.tend
13.A.distinction B.nonsense C.custom D.dialect
14.A.everything B.anything C.nothing D.deeds
15.A.where B.which C.that D.wherever
16.A.to B.on C.with D.as
17.A.practical B.native C.abroad D.narrow
18.A.care B.trouble C.affect D.matter
19.A.effective B.likely C.entire D.official
20.A.listen B.sound C.hear D.listen to
阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。续写的词数应为 150词左右。
One fall,my wife Ellie and I had a single goal:to photograph polar bears.We were staying at a research camp outside"the polar bear capital of the world"-the town of Churchill in Manitoba, Canada.
Taking pictures of polar bears is amazing but also dangerous.Polar bears-like all wild animals-should be photographed from a safe distance.When I'm face to face with a polar bear,I like it to be through a camera with a telephoto lens.But sometimes,that is easier said than done.This was one of those times.
As Ellie and I cooked dinner,a young male polar bear who was playing in a nearby lake sniffed, and smelled our garlic bread.
The hungry bear followed his nose to our camp,which was surrounded by a high wire fence.He pulled and bit the wire.He stood on his back legs and pushed at the wooden fence posts.
Terrified,Ellie and I tried all the bear defense actions we knew.We yelled at the bear,hit pots hard, and fired blank shotgun shells into the air Sometimes loud noises like these will scare bears off.Not this polar bear though-he just kept trying to tear down the fence with his massive paws(爪子).
I radioed the camp manager for help.He told me a helicopter was on its way,but it would be 30 minutes before it arrived.Making the best of this close encounter(相遇),I took some pictures or the bear.
Ellie and I feared the fence wouldn't last through 30 more minutes of the bear's punishment.The camp manager suggested I use pepper spray.The spray burns the bears' eyes,but doesn't hurt them. So I approached our uninvited guest slowly and.through the fence,sprayed him in the face.With an angry roar(吼叫),the bear ran to the lake to wash his eyes.
Para 1.
A few minutes later,the bear headed back to our camp.
Para 2.
At that very moment,the helicopter arrived.
2.[答案] equaled
[解析]考查动词时态。此处指要求支付一大笔钱。根据时间状语In 1973及took可知,此处应用一般过去时。故填demanded。
[解析]句意:这一描述似乎与我们目睹的情况不符。Description n.描述;说明;
describe vt.描述;形容;这里用名词形式,所以填description 。
16.[答案] G
16.根据下文“as it will help us gain confidence in ourselves”(因为16.根据下文“as it will help us gain confidence in ourselves” (因为它会帮助我们获得自信)可知,G项overcoming this fear of speaking a new language is extremely important (克服说一种新语言的恐惧极其重要)切题。故选G项。
[解析]上文提到“如果你犯了错误,不要难过或感到失望;这是提高你的口语的过程的一部分”。F项Once you have made a mistake,correct it and carry on
[解析]此空是小标题,故应该在A、B中选择。根据本段第一句“Once you have started speaking a new language, don't be afraid to ask people questions about how to say or pronounce something.”(一旦你开始说一种新语言,不要害怕问别人关于某些单词如何说或如何发音的问题)可知,要寻求帮助,故选A项。
[解析]上文提到“非母语者的问题之一就是太害羞而不敢开口”。E项This can be the biggest problem for a lot of people这对很多人来说可能是最大的问题)中的This指代上文中的being too shy to speak,此处关键词是problem。故选E选。
[解析]上文提到“你学习另一种语言肯定是有一些原因的,所以着手去学,学得开心,犯错,甚至创造新词吧!”C项It's all part of the process(这都是过程的一部分)切题。故选C项。
10. B
11. B
12. D
13. B
14. B
15. A
16. D
17. B
18. D
19. A
20. C
1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:从某种意义上说,有多少说英语的人就有多少种不同的英语。A. sign符号;B. distance距离;C. sense感觉;D. gap间隙。根据“there are as many different kinds of English as there are speakers of it”可知,此处表示“从某种意义上说”应用“in a/one sense”,是固定搭配。故选C项。
2.考查限定词辨析。句意:没有两个人说话的方式完全相同。A. Not表示否定,不;B. None一点也不;C. No没有;D. Nowhere无处。根据常识可知,此处表示“没有两个人”应用no作限定词。故选C项。
3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:没有两个人说话的方式完全相同。A. type类型;B. major主修科目;C. form形式;D. way方法。此处表示说英语的方式,应用“in exactly the same way”,没有两个人说话的方式完全相同故选D项。
4.考查介词辨析,句意:我们总是能听到他们之间的差异。A. between在……之间(两者);B. of……的;C. among 在……中间(三者或三者以上);D. from从……起。them指代前面提到的“two speakers”,此处表示“他们之间的差异”,是两者之间,应用“between”。故选A项。
5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:英语的发音在不同的地理区域也有很大的差异。A. changes改变;B. exists存在;C. varies改变;D. happens发生根据“a great deal in different geographical 6 。”可知,此处表示“发音在不同的地域有差异”且根据下文的“a good variety of”可知,此处应为“varies”。故选C项。
6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:英语的发音在不同的地理区域也有很大的差异。A. areas区域;B. countries国家;C. parts部件;D. spaces空间。根据下文“the pronunciation of this area(这个区域的发音)”,可知,此处表示英语的发音在不同的地理区域也有很大的差异。故选A项。
7. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们如何决定使用哪种英语作为模板?A. direction方向;B. symbol象征;C. guide指南;D. model榜样,范例。根据下文中的“take your model”可知,此处应为“范例”。故选D项。
8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:对于所有学习英语的外国学生来说,这不是一个可以用同样的方式来回答的问题。A. regarded注意;B. recognized意识到;C. replied回答;D. answered回答。根据前面的“question”,可知,此处应为回答问题。若选C项,replied后需加to。故选D项。
9.考查连词词义辨析。句意:如果你生活在世界上像印度或西非这样的地方,那里有着为一般交流而说英语的悠久传统,你应该能更易于够掌握这一地区各种各样的发音。A. Because因为;B. If如果;C. When在……时候;D. Whether不论。根据语境可知,此处表示条件关系,应用if。故选B项。
10.考查介词词义辨析。句意:如果你生活在世界上像印度或西非这样的地方,那里有着为一般交流而说英语的悠久传统,你应该能够更易于掌握这一地区各种各样的发音。A. as作为;B. like像,如同;C. unlike不像;D. likely很可能。分析句子可知,此空后面为“India or West Africa”,表示“像,如同”,应用“like”。故选B项。
11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你生活在世界上像印度或西非这样的地方,那里有着为一般交流而说英语的悠久传统,你应该能够更易于掌握这一地区各种各样的发音。A. custom习惯;B. tradition传统;C. use使用;D. habit习惯。根据常识可知,此处为这些地区有长期使用英语交流的传统,且根据后文“there is no traditional use of English(没有传统的英语用法)”,可以推断此处应为“tradition”。故选B项。
12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你生活在世界上像印度或西非这样的地方,那里有着为一般交流而说英语的悠久传统,你应该能够更易于掌握这一地区各种各样的发音。A. aim目的;B. lead领导;C. access通道;D. tend倾向。此处表示人们有长期使用英语交流的传统,生活在这样的地方,更易于掌握这一地区各种各样的发音,应用“tend to do sth.”,意为“易于做某事;倾向于做某事”。故选D项。
13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在这种情况下,用BBC英语或任何类似的东西来做榜样是毫无意义的。A. distinction区别;B. nonsense胡说;C. custom习惯;D. dialect方言。根据上文“生活在世界上像印度或西非这样的地方,那里有着为一般交流而说英语的悠久传统,你应该能够更易于掌握这一地区各种各样的发音”所以此处是说在有很多不同发音的地区使用标准的BBC英语是没有意义的,“nonsense”可表示“无意义的事”。故选B项。
14.考查不定代词辨析。句意:在这种情况下,用BBC英语或任何类似的东西来做榜样是毫无意义的。A. everything每件事物;B. anything任何事物;C. nothing没有什么;D. deeds行为。此处表达“用BBC英语或任何类似的东西”,应用“or anything of the sort”,意为“或者其他类似的东西”,是固定搭配。故选B项。
15.考查定语从句关系词。句意:另一方面,如果你生活在一个没有传统使用英语的国家,你必须以某种形式的母语英语发音为榜样。A. where哪里;B. which哪一个;C. that那;D. wherever无论在哪里。此句为定语从句,修饰先行词a country,在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where。故选A项。
16.考查介词辨析。句意:你必须以某种英语母语发音为范本。A. to朝;B. on在……之上;C. with和……在一起;D. as作为。根据后文“take as your model”,以及此处表达以某种发音作为学习范本,可知,此处应用“as”。故选D项。
17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你必须以某种英语母语发音为范本。A. practical实际的;B. native本国的,本土的;C. abroad往国外的;D. narrow狭窄的。此处用来修饰“English pronunciation(英语发音)”,且作为学习的范本,可以推断,此处应为“本土的英语发音”故选B项。
18. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:你选择哪一种形式无关紧要。A. care关怀;B. trouble使麻烦;C. affect影响;D. matter事关紧要。根据下文“The most 19  way is to take as your model the sort of English you can 20 most often.”可知,你选择哪一种形式无关紧要。故选D项。
19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:最有效的方法是把你经常听到的英语作为你的榜样。A. effective有效的;B. likely很可能的;C. entire全部的;D. official官方的。根据下文“ to take as your model the sort of English”可知,此处用于修饰学习英语的方法,应为“有效的”。故选A项。
20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:最有效的方法是把你经常听到的英语作为你的榜样。A. listen是不及物动词,强调听的动作,后面不能直接加宾语;B. sound后面一般加形容词或从句,表示“听起来怎样”;C. hear强调听的结果,听到;D. listen to听。此处表示将经常听到的英语作为学习的模板,强调听到的结果。故选C项。
完形填空的解题技巧之一就是要根据上下文来学会“推理”出最佳选项。同学们要遵循“上下求索”的原则来查找信息。例如,第16小题,根据后文“take as your model”,以及此处表达以某种发音作为学习范本,可知,此处应用“as”。故选D项。
阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。续写的词数应为 150词左右。
[答案] A few minutes later, the bear headed back to our camp. Roars and screams pierced the silence with needle-like shrillness. The noises turned Ellie and I pale with horror. I feared that the giant would destroy our whole fence. He roared repeatedly, shattering what was left of the silence. Ellie seized this opportunity to take some pictures of the bear. The animal’s noises echoed all around us. We betrayed our feelings by huddling together, shivering with fear. After thoroughly scrutinizing the area, he trotted forward a few steps.
At that very moment, the helicopter arrived. My heart leaped with joy as I knew we were likely to be saved. Ellie used pepper spray again to buy us enough time. But this time the bear became more alert. He regarded us with the merciless necessity of hunger, so we throw all the food we have. He then turned away and started devouring. As we were climbing the rope ladder, Ellie prayed like thousand times to show thankfulness of being safe and sound.
由第一段的段首提示句可知:几分钟后,熊又回到营地。接下来可通过场景渲染,描写当时令人颤栗惊恐的画面,例如“Roars and screams pierced the silence with needle-like shrillness.”这不仅合理地描写了熊的反应,也描绘出让人战栗的场景。要注意与第二段首句的衔接。
由第二段的段首提示句可知:此时,直升机到了。如果想要进行续写两段的合理衔接,第一段的结尾可描写成“After thoroughly scrutinizing the area, the bear trotted forward a few steps.”这样可以营造出危急的场景。“我们”看到直升机的到来,感到绝处逢生的喜悦,可以以人物心理描写作为第二段的开头,重点描写喜极而泣的状态,例如“My heart leaped with joy as I knew we were likely to be saved.”最后,结尾部分需要迅速收束,并说明成功逃脱的结局。
本文续写内容与原文高度契合,使用了高级词汇和句子,尤其突出的是,场景和心理描写传神到位,如:Roars and screams pierced the silence with needle -like shrillness.,又如He roared repeatedly, shattering what was left of the silence.这不仅合理地描写了熊的动作,也渲染出让人战栗的场景,让读者有极强的代入感;再如As we were climbing the rope ladder, Ellie prayed like thousand times to show thankfulness of being safe and sound.传神地描绘出了Ellie对于绝处逢生感到难以言表的喜悦和对救援的感激之情,等等。
[答案] Help! Can anybody help me improve my English November 11.
Hi, everybody. I’m very interested in English but my English is not very good. I have many problems with my English. My grammar is good but my vocabulary is not enough so I have difficulty in reading. My spoken English is not good as well, which makes me feel nervous when I talk with others in English. To tell the truth, I do not want to speak English any more. Learning English is so difficult to me. What shall I do Help me!
By Tom
词汇:word → vocabulary
也:too → as well
说真的:truly → to tell the truth,
再也不:not... again → not...any more
原句: Learning English is so difficult to me.
拓展句: It is so difficult for me to learn English well.
[高分句型1] My spoken English is not good as well, which makes me feel nervous when I talk with others in English. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] To tell the truth, I do not want to speak English any more. (运用了动词不定式作目的状语)
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Unit 5
Languages Around the World
人教版(2019) 必修一
Period 4
Reading for Writing
Lead in
Everyone will meet with problems when
learning English. Learning English depends
on persistence. You can seek advice from
people around you to solve problems and
find suitable methods.
Do you have any difficulties in learning English
What are your biggest problems with learning English
understand native speakers
talk in English
a novel
Who do you often ask for help when you meet these problems
ask for help
1. Many students think that learning English is useless, so they
also lack the motivation to learn English.
Why do most students have poor English scores What are the reason for their futility in English study
2. Students lack an English learning environment, more students are learning "dumb English".
3. deeply influenced by Chinese language.
4. Unable to read and understand, difficult to remember words and sentence patterns, and lost interest and confidence.
5. Lack of correct learning methods, can not form a system for the learned content.
[ i kw l] n.&adj.
equality n.
Our relationship is close and we're equals, so I only need a few words to bridge the gap between us.
New words
[ɡ p] n.
bridge a gap
gap between sth.
Our relationship is close and we're equals, so I only need a few words to bridge the gap between us.
New words
[d mɑ nd] n.
demand to do sth.
demand for sth/sb.
I must make my request longer——and I must make it a question, not a demand, e.g...“Could you open the window, please "
New words
[v k bj l ri] n.
learn vocabulary
vocabulary building
For me, vocabulary is my biggest problem——there are just so MANY new words!
New words
Does the writer give a clear description of the problem
[d skr p n] n.
describe v.
accurate description
New words
Does each sentence relate to the main idea
[r le t] vt.
relate to
New words
What is a blog
Blog is translated as "network log", which is a comprehensive platform that takes the network as the carrier, simply, quickly and conveniently publishes their own experience, communicate with
others timely, effectively and easily, and then integrate rich and colorful personalized display. Blog usually appear in the form of
Web pages.
Free talk
They first give advice on the problems the student above
mentions and talks about their ow a problems.
Read the posts from an online forum for Chinese students Who are learning English with the following two questions:
1. What is an online forum
(use attributive clause to give a definition)
An online forum is an Internet-based place where people exchange ideas and opinions about one problem.
2. What does each of the students write about
Let’s learn
Hi! I've been studying English since primary school. I used to get high marks in English, but now I'm having a lot of trouble with my listening. When I listen to native English speakers talking in a video, I can catch only a few words. I can never quite get the main idea. Any advice
Listening to English radio programmes helps me get used to how fast native speakers talk. I also repeat what I hear to help myself to experience the feeling of the language. Sometimes I even record my voice so I can listen to myself and compare my pronunciation with the radio host's. My biggest headache is how to be polite in English. It's so much easier to just say "Open the window!", but in English that can sound really terrible. I have to think about who I'm talking to and then decide whether to say, "Open the window, please!" or "Could you open the window, please " or even longer "Would you mind opening the window, please "
Let’s learn
Write a blog about English study
1 Read these posts from an online forum for Chinese students who are learning English and fill in the table on page 67. find out what their problems in learning English.
Read these posts and find out what their problems in learning English.
Yeah, that's really hard! I think it all depends on who you're talking to. If I'm talking to a close friend, I can use short requests, like "Open the window"—our relationship is close and we're equals, so I only need a few words to bridge the gap between us. But if I'm talking to someone who isn't very close to me, I must make my request longer-and I must make it a question, not a demand, e.g. "Could you open the window, please If 'm talking to someone senior to me, then I should say,"Would you mind opening the window,please " For me, vocabulary is my biggest problem—there are just SO MANY new words! I can't keep all the new vocabulary straight in my head, and I certainly can't remember how to use them all properly. HELP!
Let’s learn
( )1.Vocabulary is very easy for Li Rui.
( )2. How to be polite in English is Jia Xin’s biggest headache.
( )3.Liu Wen can get high marks in English, but listening is a big
headache for him.
( )4.Listening to English radio programmes is a useful way for Li Rui to
learn English.
( )5.The blog mainly talks about three studunts' problems with
learning English.
Read the text and judge whether the sentences are right or wrong.
Liu Wen has been studying English since primary school. He used ______ (get) high marks in English,but now,when he _______(listen)to native English speakers talking in a video,he can catch only a few words. He can’t quite get the main idea.
Jia Xin said that listening to English radio programmes could help get ______ (use) to how fast native speakers talk. She repeats ______she hears to help herself to experience the feeling of the language. Sometimes she even records her voice so she can listen to _______(she)and compare her pronunciation ______the radio host’s! Her biggest headache is how to be polite in English.
to get
Li Rui thinks it all depends on who you’re talking to. If you are talking to a close friend, you can use short requests, like “Open the window”—your relationship is close and you’re ______(equal), so you only need a few words _________(bridge) the gap between you. But if you are talking to someone who isn’t very close to you, you must make your request longer — and you must make it a question, not ____ demand. If you are talking to someone senior to you, then you should say,“Would you mind ________ (open) the window, please ” For Li Rui, vocabulary is the biggest problem—there are just SO MANY new words!
to bridge 
Name Problem Advice
Liu Wen Jia Xin's advice
●listen to English radio programs
Jia Xin Li Rui's advice
Li Rui Your advice
have trouble with listening to native English speaker
Read the posts again and summarize the problems and advice.
●repeat what you hear
●record your voice and compare it with the radio host's
be polite in English
●use short requests for close friends
●use longer requests for people who are not So close
●use more polite phrases for people senior to you
remember new vocabulary
●create your word bank
●remember word chunks
●sort out words based on topics
●learn word formation
Let’s learn
Copy words and phrases into your notebook, and grasp the correct
meaning. For words that you can't remember, you should help remember them through phrases and example sentences.
Memorize words according to spelling rules, memorize words and expand words according to word formation.
Try reading English extracurricular books to enlarge your vocabulary. Read as many English books, newspapers and magazines as you can find.
You can communicate with foreign friends or English speaking friends and colleagues in English.
When a student has problem in remember new vocabulary, what
can he/she do
Free talk
●I don't know how to ... ●...is a big difficulty for me. ●I cannot ... ●I have no idea how/what ...
●My biggest problem is ...
●I (also) have trouble with ...
●You might try ... ●It's very important to ... ●My advice is ....
●This worked for me.
2 Work in groups. List your problems in learning English and brainstorm some useful advice.
Let’s learn
Read the posts again and underline sentences used to introduce
problems and give advice.
Problem Advice
I'm having a lot of trouble with... My biggest headache is... ...is my biggest problem. ...helps
You might try...
My advice is...
This worked for me.
I don't know how to...
It's very important to...
I cannot...
I have no idea how/what...
Let’s learn
Let’s learn
常 用 句 式
1. I’m writing a letter to you to get some help.
2. I’m writing to you for some help.
3. I have met much difficulty in...
4. I don’t know what to do.
5. I wonder how to deal with the problem.
6. In the meanwhile/At the same time,I beg you to...so that...
7. Also,I would like you to...
8. I’m eager to get your help.
9. I’m sure with your help I can make great progress.
Let’s learn
Step 3: Write some ideas on how to solve the problem.
Example: ①use flashcards ②make sentences that are true to real life
Write a blog about your problem in learning English and some possible solutions.
Example: I have trouble with phrasal verbs.
Example: There are so many of them and it seems impossible to work out the meanings
just from the words. And some of the verbs have different meanings.For example, ...
Step 4:Connect the problem and advice together by using those sentence structures.
Step 1: Think of a problem you have in learning English.
Step 2: Describe the problem with more details.
Let’s learn
I have trouble with phrasal verbs. There are so many of them and it seems impossible to work out the meanings just from the words. And some of the verbs have different meanings. For example,“put off”can mean postpone, discourage (someone from doing something), and make someone dislike (something).I try to use phrasal verbs sometimes,but I usually use the wrong one!
I'm trying them now. I hope they will work for me.
My classmates had some suggestions for me. One is to use flash cards on which I
write down the phrasal verb and a sentence with it. In this way, I can study them
when I have time. Another suggestion is to use the phrasal verb in a sentence that
is true for me so that it's easier to remember.
Let’s learn
List your problems in learning English and ask your partner for advice.
I cannot understand the teacher's English in class.
Let’s learn
My biggest problem is grammar.
I have trouble with remembering new words.
Listening is a big difficulty for me.
I'm too shy to speak English in front of class.
You can ask your teacher for help.
Reading is always a good way to improve your English.
The more you listen/speak, the better your English will be.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes.
Listening to VOA or BBC will help you improve your listening.
1 Describe the problem dearly.
2 Write one or two ideas on how to solve the problem.
3 Exchange drafts. Assess each other's work according to the checklist.
3 Choose one of the problems from your group discussion and
write a blog about it.
4 Get your drat back and revise it.
General content √ Does the writer give a clear description of the problem
√ Is the advice clearly explained
√ Does each sentence relate to the main idea
Basic writing skills √ Does the writer use pronouns to reader to things or people correctly
√ Does the writer use correct Belling. punctuation, and capitalisation
√ Are there any grammar mistakes
4 Put up your writing the classroom or read it to the class.
equal n.同等的人;相等物adj.相同的;同样的
①be equal to 等于/胜任.....
②be without equal=have no equal无与伦比,无敌
③A equals B (in sth. )(在某事上)A比得上B
④equally adv.平等地;同样地
Language focus
1. We are all ______(平等)in the sight of God.
2. I couldn't find a person who can___________(胜任) this work.
3. Take the length unit to___________(等于)the radius.
be equal to
be equal to
...our relationship is close and we're equals, so I only need a few words to bridge the gap between us. 我们的关系很亲密,我们是同等的人,所以我只需要几个字就能消除我们之间的距离。
Language focus
demand n.要求;需求 vt.强烈要求;需要 vi.查问
①in demand需求大 ②meet/satisfy one's demands满足某人的需求
③a demand for 对......的需求 ④demand to do sth.要求做某事
But if I'm talking to someone who isn't very close to me, I must make my request longer
—and I must make it a question,not a demand, e.g... 但是如果我和一个不是和我很亲
近的人谈话,我必须使我的请求更长些一我必须把它变 成一个问题,而不是一个
(2019课标全国1,阅读理解B)I guess that there's probably some __________(demand)
work schedule, or social anxiety around stepping up to help for an unknown sport.
relate vt. if you relate two different things, you show how they are connected联系;讲述
relate to: to be connected to, or to be about someone or something .与....相关; 涉及;谈到;理解
Does each sentence relate to the main idea 每句话都和中心
1. We should learn to relate the results________(联系起来)the causes.
2. Happiness does not always_________(与....相关) wealth.
3. He is unable to________(理解)other people.
relate to
relate to
relate to
Language focus
1. Whenever we ___________________(困难)our studies, our teachers help us patiently.
2. I am_______________________(麻烦)my classmates at the moment.
3. If you____________________ (麻烦)getting along with your friends,you can write to them.
I used to get high marks in English, but now I'm having a lot of trouble with my listening. 我以前英语成绩很好,但是现在我的听力有很多问题。
have trouble with sth./in doing sth.做某事有困难
have trouble/difficulty with sth.做某事有困难
have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth.做某事有麻烦/困难
having some trouble with
have some trouble with
have some trouble in
Language focus
1.equal [ i kw l] n.同等的人;相等物adj.相同的;同样的
2.demand n.要求;需求 vt.强烈要求;需要 vi.查问
3.gap[ɡ p] n.缺口;差距;间隔;分歧;隔阂
4.vocabulary [v k bj l ri] n.词汇量
5.description [d skr p n] n.描述;说明;描写;类型
6.relate vt. 联系;讲述 relate to与....相关; 涉及;谈到;理解
The activity theme of this class is "How to make students write a blog about English learning", and the reading text is "What is the biggest difficulty in English learning" put forward by three netizens to Wang Le Online to answer this question. Liu Wen, Jia Xin and Li Rui put forward the difficulties in listening to native speakers speak English, using English properly and memorizing words. Each student not only raised his own questions, but also answered the difficulties encountered by the former citizen when learning English.
The aim of teaching is to inspire students who are equally confused. The text requires students to pass the test after learning the difficulties encountered by the three protagonists in English learning and the suggestions put forward by others, reflect on and summarize their difficulties in English learning, find solutions according to the opinions of others, and then ask students to complete the writing task by blog.
lesson summary
1. Finish and revise your writing.
2. Choose one more problem during learning
English and write a passage to give advice.