U1 Art 【词汇&短语句型】课件+学案


名称 U1 Art 【词汇&短语句型】课件+学案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-12-01 10:05:38


U1 Art
重点词汇 & 句型 & 写作
衍 生 词 积 累
1.precise adj.精确的-----adv.精确地precisely;
2.realistic adj.现实的;逼真的-----n.现实主义realism-----n.现实主义者realist;
3.influential adj.有影响力的-----v.n.影响influence;
4.dimension n.维,规模,范围-----adj.维度的dimensional;
5.humanistic adj. 人文主义的 → humanity n. 人性,人道,人类
6. breakthrough n. 重大进展,突破 →break through 突破
7. influential adj. 有很大影响力的,有支配力的 → influence vt. 影响 n. 影响(力);有影响的人(或物)
8. rank n.地位,级别,行列 v. 把…分等级;使…排成行 → ranking n. 排行,排名
衍 生 词 积 累
9.photography n. 照相术,摄影 → photograph n. 相片 v.拍照
10. emerge v. 出现,浮现,暴露→emergence n. 出现→emergent adj.浮现的,紧急的,突然出现的,自然发生的,新兴的→emergency n. 紧急情况,突然事件,非常时刻
11. sunrise n. 日出→sunset n.日落
12. convey v. 表达,传递(思想、感情等);传送→conveyor n. 传送者,传输装置
13. subjective adj.主观的 →subjectively adv.主观地
→objective adj. 客观的 →objectively adv. 客观地
14. outer adj.外表的,外边的,外围的→inner adj. 内部的,内心的
衍 生 词 积 累
15.visual adj. 视觉的,视力的→vision n. 视力,视野
16. arch v. 呈弧形横跨,呈弓形 n.拱,拱形结构,拱门→arched adj.拱形的,弓形的
17. investment n. 投资额;投资;(时间、精力的)投入→invest vt.投资→investor n. 投资者
18.permanent adj. 永久的,永恒的,长久的 →反义:temporary adj.临时的,暂时的
19.memorial n.纪念碑,纪念物,纪念品 adj.纪念的,悼念的→memory n.记忆,记忆力→memorise /memorize v.记忆,记住
20. humble adj. 谦逊的,虚心的,卑微的→ humbly adv. 谦逊地,恭顺地
21.criticize v. 批评,指责,评价→criticism n. 批评,指责,评论 →critic n. 评论家→critical adj.批评的,爱挑剔的
衍 生 词 积 累
22.representative adj.典型的,有代表性的 n. 代表→represent vt. 代表,象征,为…代言/辩护,象征,描绘,描述,描写→representation n. 代表;代理;描绘;表现;投诉;陈述
23. exhibition n. 展览;(技能、感情或行为的)表演→exhibit vt.展览;显示;提出
24. artistic adj. 艺术的;艺术家的→art n. 艺术→artist n. 艺术家
25.entry n. 加入,进入,参加 →enter v. 进入,进来 → entrance n. 入口
26.civil adj.国民的,民用的,民事的,文明 →civilize vt. 教化,教导→civilization n. 文明,社会文明,文明世界→civilized adj. 文明的,开化的,有礼貌的
衍 生 词 积 累
22.representative adj.典型的,有代表性的 n. 代表→represent vt. 代表,象征,为…代言/辩护,象征,描绘,描述,描写→representation n. 代表;代理;描绘;表现;投诉;陈述
23. exhibition n. 展览;(技能、感情或行为的)表演→exhibit vt.展览;显示;提出
24. artistic adj. 艺术的;艺术家的→art n. 艺术→artist n. 艺术家
25.entry n. 加入,进入,参加 →enter v. 进入,进来 → entrance n. 入口
26.civil adj.国民的,民用的,民事的,文明 →civilize vt. 教化,教导→civilization n. 文明,社会文明,文明世界→civilized adj. 文明的,开化的,有礼貌的
衍 生 词 积 累
22.representative adj.典型的,有代表性的 n. 代表→represent vt. 代表,象征,为…代言/辩护,象征,描绘,描述,描写→representation n. 代表;代理;描绘;表现;投诉;陈述
23. exhibition n. 展览;(技能、感情或行为的)表演→exhibit vt.展览;显示;提出
24. artistic adj. 艺术的;艺术家的→art n. 艺术→artist n. 艺术家
25.entry n. 加入,进入,参加 →enter v. 进入,进来 → entrance n. 入口
26.civil adj.国民的,民用的,民事的,文明 →civilize vt. 教化,教导→civilization n. 文明,社会文明,文明世界→civilized adj. 文明的,开化的,有礼貌的
1.precise adj. 准确的,精确的
【be precise in 在…方面精确/准确; to be precise 确切地说】
2.realistic adj. 现实的
【be realistic about … 对…实事求是 realistic goals 可实现的目标】
3.concentrate on 全神贯注于
<全神贯注于>focus on; be buried/lost/absorbed in; pay attention to; put one’s heart into; devote oneself to/be devoted to
4.influential adj. 有很大影响力的,有支配力的
【be influential to 对…有影响】
5.reputation n. 名誉,名声
have a good/bad reputation 有好/坏名声
have a reputation for… 因…而享有声誉
earn/win a reputation 赢得声誉 build/develop a reputation 树立名声
destroy/ruin one’s reputation 败坏/毁掉某人的声誉
harm one’s reputation 损害某人的名声
6.purchase vt. 购买,采购 n. 购买,购买的东西
【 live on one’s purchase 自谋生计】
7.emerge v. 出现,浮现,暴露
emerge out of 从…里出来
emerge from (从困境或苦难经历中)幸存下来,从…中出现
8.convey v. 表达,传递,传送 = deliver
9. not just…but… 不仅…而且… = not only… but also…
10.subsequent adj. 随后的,后来的,之后的
(be) subsequent to… 在…之后
10.visual adj. 视觉的,视力的 a visual feast 一场视觉盛宴
12.investment n. 投资额,投资,(时间、精力的)投入
make an investment in 对…投资
13.permanent adj. 永久的,永恒的,长久的
do permanent damage 造成永久性损伤
14.criticize v.批评,指责,评论
criticize sb. for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事批评某人
criticize sb./sth. as sth. 批评某人/某物为…
【注意:sb. /sth. be criticized as … …被批评是…】
14.representative adj. 典型的,n. 代表
【be representative of 代表…representatives of… …的代表】
15.decline n.减少,下降,衰落 v.减少,谢绝
on the decline 在减少
decline to do sth. 拒绝做某事
16.exhibition n.展览,表演
on exhibition =on show = on display 在展览中,在展出【常做后置定语】
hold an exhibition 举办展览会
visit an exhibition 参观展览会
17.civil adj. 国民的,民用 的,民事的,文明的
be civil to 对…文明
18.recognition n.承认,认出,赞誉
gain/achieve universal recognition 取得普遍认可
recognize …as/to be … 承认/认出…是…
be recognized as/to be… 被认为是…
19.be intended to do sth, 专门为某事而设计的,旨在做某事
intend to do sth. 打算做某事= intend to doing sth.
be intended for … 专供…使用,专为…而设计
21.contemporary adj. 当代的,现代的,属同时期的 n.同代人,同辈人
【be contemporary with 与…属于同一时代】
22.worthy adj.值得…的,有价值的
【be worthy of doing = be worthy to do】
worth adj.值得的 【be worth doing sth. *主动表被动 】
worthwhile adj. 值得做的,值得花时间的
【it is worthwhile to do sth. = it is worthwhile doing sth.】
1.turn __________ life 逼真 to
2.__________pictures(photos) 拍照;take
3.works __________ art 艺术品;of
4.abstract __________抽象艺术;arts
5.works __________作品欣赏;appreciation
6.make comments __________对...作评论; on
7.Beijing __________京剧; Opera
8.be designed __________为...而设计; for
9.be faced __________面对; with
10.be open __________向...开放;to
11.be shaped __________形象像...;like
12.__________exhibition/display/show 在展出;on
13.enjoy great __________广受欢迎;popularity
14.queue __________/stand __________line 排队; up/ in
15.range from...__________...范围从...到...;
16.sense __________beauty 美感; of
17.show __________出现; up
18.go __________ many difficulties 经历许多困难 through
19.__________one’s horizons 开阔某人的眼界。 widen
20.set apart __________使与众不同;使突出;使优于……from
21. __________ particular尤其;特别 in
22.__________ time迟早;及时;最后; in
1.We have to be ________(realism) about our chances of winning.
2.He decided to delete the songs________(rank) low from the desktop.
3.I enjoyed the play very much, ________(particular) the second half.
4.________(subsequent), the new mayor gave a short speech to the citizens.
5.I hear that the goods________(convey) by the old train were of high quality.
6.His ________(emerge) that day really made the people present surprised.
7.His wife is fond of________ (purchase) goods on the Internet these days.
8.In that situation,I had to look for an________(influence) figure to help me out.
9.When you concentrate ________ one task,you will find that you have energy that you don’t even know.
10.He told us that it was a ________(humanity) approach to caring for people.
11.The company has given up plans for further ________(expand).
12.They were charged with illegal________ (enter) into that country.
13.You’ll be able to earn an average rate of return of 8% on your ________(invest).
14.He never thought that the accident would change his life ________(permanent).
15.The ________(criticize) that the English do not truly care about their children was often voiced.
I am very glad to ________to make a speech here. have the chance
How do you ________the movie we saw last night find/think of
________,I think we should take a calm,objective view of the network language. All in all/In summary
4.Vibrant(充满活力的) colors ________________ (赋予……生命) the 12 distinctive animals that represent each individual’s personality and destiny. Bring to life
5.Yuan Longping have made great contributions to our country and his achievements ________________ (值得) the highest praise. are worthy
6.On my way home,every object which I touched seemed to be ________________ (充满生命). filled with life
7.There are so many beautiful cards ________________(在展览) that I can’t pick out the ones I like best. On exhibition
8.Can you give me a ________(保证) that the work will be finished on time guarantee
9.She writes a lot of ____________(当代的) music for people like Whitney Houston. contemporary
The Richfield Museum of Fine Art is going to present a new exhibition. Its goal is 1. __________(display) the Chinese artistic genius from ancient times.
2.__________is the highlight of the exhibition is the painting of Tang Yin, born in Ming Dynasty. He sought and failed to gain entry into the civil service, so he turned to painting and gained 3.__________(recognize) as one of the greatest Chinese artists. His painting Clearing After Snow on a Mountain Pass, 4. __________(show) high mountains, trees and houses covered in snow, was made with extraordinary skill.
In addition, there is a collection of nearly 100 bronze objects from the Shang Dynasty. Some of the items 5. __________(think) to have come from the collection of Emperor Qianlong, 6. __________admirer of Shang Dynasty bronze.
Finally, it has many fine examples of Tang Dynasty sculptures. In the seventh century, Buddhism began to show expansion in China and trade along the Skill Road also 7. __________(boom). Therefore, Chinese sculpture found 8. __________(it) influenced by Buddhist art, 9.__________contributed to the emergence of artworks intended to spread Buddhism.
Since all the artworks are 10.__________exceptional beauty and quality, it is really an art feast you can’t miss!Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art.
Book 3 Unit1 Art
Word bank
precise adj.精确的-----adv.精确地precisely;
realistic adj.现实的;逼真的-----n.现实主义realism-----n.现实主义者realist;
influential adj.有影响力的-----v.n.影响influence;
dimension n.维,规模,范围-----adj.维度的dimensional;
humanistic adj. 人文主义的 → humanity n. 人性,人道,人类
6. breakthrough n. 重大进展,突破 →break through 突破
7. influential adj. 有很大影响力的,有支配力的 → influence vt. 影响 n. 影响(力);有影响的人(或物)
8. rank n.地位,级别,行列 v. 把…分等级;使…排成行 → ranking n. 排行,排名
9.photography n. 照相术,摄影 → photograph n. 相片 v.拍照
10. emerge v. 出现,浮现,暴露→emergence n. 出现→emergent adj.浮现的,紧急的,突然出现的,自然发生的,新兴的→emergency n. 紧急情况,突然事件,非常时刻
11. sunrise n. 日出→sunset n.日落
12. convey v. 表达,传递(思想、感情等);传送→conveyor n. 传送者,传输装置
13. subjective adj.主观的 →subjectively adv.主观地
→objective adj. 客观的 →objectively adv. 客观地
14. outer adj.外表的,外边的,外围的→inner adj. 内部的,内心的
15.visual adj. 视觉的,视力的→vision n. 视力,视野
16. arch v. 呈弧形横跨,呈弓形 n.拱,拱形结构,拱门→arched adj.拱形的,弓形的
17. investment n. 投资额;投资;(时间、精力的)投入→invest vt.投资→investor n. 投资者
18.permanent adj. 永久的,永恒的,长久的 →反义:temporary adj.临时的,暂时的
19.memorial n.纪念碑,纪念物,纪念品 adj.纪念的,悼念的→memory n.记忆,记忆力→memorise /memorize v.记忆,记住
20. humble adj. 谦逊的,虚心的,卑微的→ humbly adv. 谦逊地,恭顺地
21.criticize v. 批评,指责,评价→criticism n. 批评,指责,评论 →critic n. 评论家→critical adj.批评的,爱挑剔的
22.representative adj.典型的,有代表性的 n. 代表→represent vt. 代表,象征,为…代言/辩护,象征,描绘,描述,描写→representation n. 代表;代理;描绘;表现;投诉;陈述
23. exhibition n. 展览;(技能、感情或行为的)表演→exhibit vt.展览;显示;提出
24. artistic adj. 艺术的;艺术家的→art n. 艺术→artist n. 艺术家
25.entry n. 加入,进入,参加 →enter v. 进入,进来 → entrance n. 入口
26.civil adj.国民的,民用的,民事的,文明 →civilize vt. 教化,教导→civilization n. 文明,社会文明,文明世界→civilized adj. 文明的,开化的,有礼貌的
27. recognition n. 承认;认出;赞誉→recognize vt. 承认;辨认出;公认
28. expansion n. 扩张,扩展,扩大 →expand v. 增加,扩展
29. worthy adj. 值得…的,有价值的→worth n. 价值,作用;adj. 值…钱,有…价值→worthwhile adj. 值得做的,值得花时间的
precise adj. 准确的,精确的 【be precise in 在…方面精确/准确; to be precise 确切地说】
realistic adj. 现实的【be realistic about … 对…实事求是 realistic goals 可实现的目标】
concentrate on 全神贯注于
<全神贯注于>focus on; be buried/lost/absorbed in; pay attention to; put one’s heart into; devote oneself to/be devoted to
influential adj. 有很大影响力的,有支配力的【be influential to 对…有影响】
reputation n. 名誉,名声
have a good/bad reputation 有好/坏名声 have a reputation for… 因…而享有声誉
earn/win a reputation 赢得声誉 build/develop a reputation 树立名声
destroy/ruin one’s reputation 败坏/毁掉某人的声誉 harm one’s reputation 损害某人的名声
purchase vt. 购买,采购 n. 购买,购买的东西【 live on one’s purchase 自谋生计】
emerge v. 出现,浮现,暴露
emerge out of 从…里出来 emerge from (从困境或苦难经历中)幸存下来,从…中出现
convey v. 表达,传递,传送 = deliver
not just…but… 不仅…而且… = not only… but also…
subsequent adj. 随后的,后来的,之后的 (be) subsequent to… 在…之后
visual adj. 视觉的,视力的 a visual feast 一场视觉盛宴
investment n. 投资额,投资,(时间、精力的)投入make an investment in 对…投资
permanent adj. 永久的,永恒的,长久的 do permanent damage 造成永久性损伤
criticize v.批评,指责,评论
criticize sb. for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事批评某人
criticize sb./sth. as sth. 批评某人/某物为… 【注意:sb. /sth. be criticized as … …被批评是…】
representative adj. 典型的,n. 代表【be representative of 代表…representatives of… …的代表】
decline n.减少,下降,衰落 v.减少,谢绝 on the decline 在减少decline to do sth. 拒绝做某事
exhibition n.展览,表演
on exhibition =on show = on display 在展览中,在展出【常做后置定语】
hold an exhibition 举办展览会 visit an exhibition 参观展览会
civil adj. 国民的,民用 的,民事的,文明的 be civil to 对…文明
recognition n.承认,认出,赞誉gain/achieve universal recognition 取得普遍认可
recognize …as/to be … 承认/认出…是… be recognized as/to be… 被认为是…
be intended to do sth, 专门为某事而设计的,旨在做某事
intend to do sth. 打算做某事= intend to doing sth.
be intended for … 专供…使用,专为…而设计
guarantee v.保证,确保,肯定…必然发生 n.保证,保修单,担保物
contemporary adj. 当代的,现代的,属同时期的 n.同代人,同辈人
【be contemporary with 与…属于同一时代】
worthy adj.值得…的,有价值的 【be worthy of doing = be worthy to do】
worth adj.值得的 【be worth doing sth. *主动表被动 】
worthwhile adj. 值得做的,值得花时间的 【it is worthwhile to do sth. = it is worthwhile doing sth.】
turn __________ life 逼真 to
__________pictures(photos) 拍照;take
works __________ art 艺术品;of
abstract __________抽象艺术;arts
works __________作品欣赏;appreciation
make comments __________对...作评论; on
Beijing __________京剧; Opera
be designed __________为...而设计; for
be faced __________面对; with
be open __________向...开放;to
be shaped __________形象像...;like
__________exhibition/display/show 在展出;on
enjoy great __________广受欢迎;popularity
queue __________/stand __________line 排队; up/ in
range from...__________...范围从...到...;
sense __________beauty 美感; of
show __________出现; up
go __________ many difficulties 经历许多困难 through
__________one’s horizons 开阔某人的眼界。 widen
set apart __________使与众不同;使突出;使优于……from
__________ particular尤其;特别 in
__________ time迟早;及时;最后; in
We have to be ________(realism) about our chances of winning.
He decided to delete the songs________(rank) low from the desktop.
I enjoyed the play very much, ________(particular) the second half.
________(subsequent), the new mayor gave a short speech to the citizens.
I hear that the goods________(convey) by the old train were of high quality.
His ________(emerge) that day really made the people present surprised.
His wife is fond of________ (purchase) goods on the Internet these days.
In that situation,I had to look for an________(influence) figure to help me out.
When you concentrate ________ one task,you will find that you have energy that you don’t even know.
He told us that it was a ________(humanity) approach to caring for people.
The company has given up plans for further ________(expand).
They were charged with illegal________ (enter) into that country.
You’ll be able to earn an average rate of return of 8% on your ________(invest).
He never thought that the accident would change his life ________(permanent).
The ________(criticize) that the English do not truly care about their children was often voiced.
考查形容词。句意:我们必须现实地看待我们的胜算。短语be realistic about,意为“对……实事求是”,所以此处应用形容词realistic作表语。故填realistic。
考查非谓语动词。句意:他决定删除桌面上排名靠后的歌曲。分析句子成分可知,空格处应填分词作后置定语来修饰 the songs,rank与逻辑主语 the songs之间的关系为主动,所以应用现在分词ranking。故填ranking。
考查非谓语动词。句意:我听说那辆旧火车运送的货物质量很好。分析可知, ①    (convey) by the old train在句中作后置定语,修饰名词the goods。convey和goods为动宾关系,所以此处要用过去分词。故填conveyed。
考查介词。当你全神贯注于一项任务时,你会发现你有你自己都不知道的能量。concentrate on表示“全神贯注于……”,所以空格处应填介词on。故填on。
考查名词。句意:公司已经放弃了进一步扩张的计划。根据空格前“for further”可知,空格处应填名词作介词for的宾语,expand的名词形式为expansion。故填expansion。
考查名词复数。句意:你的投资能获得8% 的平均回报率。设空前your为形容词,所以空白处要用名词。动词invest,意为“投资”,名词investment,意为“投资额,投资物”,为可数名词。结合句意,此处指你能获得你的投资额的8%的回报。所以填investments。故填investments。
I am very glad to ________to make a speech here. have the chance
How do you ________the movie we saw last night find/think of
________,I think we should take a calm,objective view of the network language. All in all/In summary
Vibrant(充满活力的) colors ________________ (赋予……生命) the 12 distinctive animals that represent each individual’s personality and destiny. Bring to life
Yuan Longping have made great contributions to our country and his achievements ________________ (值得) the highest praise. are worthy
On my way home,every object which I touched seemed to be ________________ (充满生命). filled with life
There are so many beautiful cards ________________(在展览) that I can’t pick out the ones I like best. On exhibition
Can you give me a ________(保证) that the work will be finished on time guarantee
She writes a lot of ____________(当代的) music for people like Whitney Houston. contemporary
The Richfield Museum of Fine Art is going to present a new exhibition. Its goal is 1. __________(display) the Chinese artistic genius from ancient times.
__________is the highlight of the exhibition is the painting of Tang Yin, born in Ming Dynasty. He sought and failed to gain entry into the civil service, so he turned to painting and gained 3.__________(recognize) as one of the greatest Chinese artists. His painting Clearing After Snow on a Mountain Pass, 4. __________(show) high mountains, trees and houses covered in snow, was made with extraordinary skill.
In addition, there is a collection of nearly 100 bronze objects from the Shang Dynasty. Some of the items 5. __________(think) to have come from the collection of Emperor Qianlong, 6. __________admirer of Shang Dynasty bronze.
Finally, it has many fine examples of Tang Dynasty sculptures. In the seventh century, Buddhism began to show expansion in China and trade along the Skill Road also 7. __________(boom). Therefore, Chinese sculpture found 8. __________(it) influenced by Buddhist art, 9.__________contributed to the emergence of artworks intended to spread Buddhism.
Since all the artworks are 10.__________exceptional beauty and quality, it is really an art feast you can’t miss!
to display 2. What 3. recognition 4. showing 5. are thought
an 7. boomed 8. itself 9. which 10. of