人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册:Unit1 People of achievement words & phrases讲义


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册:Unit1 People of achievement words & phrases讲义
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-11-30 15:31:10



选择性必修一 Unit1 People of Achievement
Key Words & Phrases
1.crucial adj.至关重要的/关键性的
be crucial/ vital to sth.
be of crucial/ vital importance
play a crucial/ a vital role/ part in…
2.vital adj.必不可少的/极其重要的;
充满生机的= full of energy; dynamic
e.g. He had always been so vital, so full of life and energy.
The Chinese I knew were trusting, open, and vital.
3. commit v./ commitment n./ committed adj.
△commit vt.做/犯…;承诺/保证;
·commit crimes/ suicide/ murder
·承诺做… commit oneself/ sb. to do…
commit oneself/ sb. to sth./ doing…;
be committed to sth./ doing…;
e.g. He has clearly committed his government to _________(continue) down the path of economic reform.
The President is committed to ________(reform) health care.
commit oneself to sth. = be committed to sth.
△commitment n.承诺;投入/奉献
make a commitment (to sb.)
thanks for one’s commitment of time and energy
△committed adj.坚定/坚信/尽心尽力的
a committed socialist
4.academy n.(艺术/文学/科学等的)研究院;学会;专科院校;
academic adj.学业/学术的 academic achievements
5.objective n.目标/目的= goal;
adj.客观的←→ subjective adj.主观的
one’s main/ primary objective
an objective analysis/ assessment
I find it difficult to be objective where he is concerned.
△object n.物体/物品;目标;宾语;
object to sth./ doing…/ sb’s doing…
e.g. object to building a new airport
object to being charged for parking
△objection n.反对/异议
raise/make (no) objection to sth.
6. botany n.植物学; botanical adj.植物学的;
botanist n.植物学家
7. evaluate vt./evaluation n.评估/评价
= assess vt./ assessment n.
evaluate the effectiveness of sth.
an evaluation of the health care system
8.property n. 财产
性质/特征= quality/ characteristic;
lost property失物/ lost property office
physical/ chemical properties
real property房地产;property market/ prices
9. distinct adj.清晰的/清楚的/明显的/明确的;
distinction n.差别/差别/区分;优秀/卓越;
☆His voice is low but every word is distinct.
have an distinct advantage over sb.
be distinct from…
☆make/ draw a distinction between A and B
All the citizens enjoy the right without distinction.
a writer of distinction
graduate with distinction
10.extract n.提取物= essence;摘录;
vt. 提取;提炼;摘录;(用力)拔出
The following extract is taken from her new novel.
natural herb extracts
extract essential oils from plants
This article is extracted from his new book.
The dentist may decide that the wisdom teeth need to be extracted.
11.boil vt.&vi.(使)沸腾/煮开/烧开; n.沸腾/沸点
boiling water/ boiled water
make one’s blood boil
be boiling hot←→be freezing cold
bring sth. to the boil/ to a boil
12.liquid n.液体;adj. 液体的;液态的
liquid/ solid/ gas
liquid/ gas/ water escape
13.obtain vt.(尤指经努力)获得/贏得
obtain advice/ information/ permission
These conditions no longer obtain.
△obtainable (adj.)= available (adj.)可获得/可得到的
Full details are obtainable from any post office.
14. acknowledge vt.①承认(属实、权威等)
acknowledge one's fault
acknowledge cheating in the exam
acknowledge that sb. cheated in the exam
acknowledge sb. as/ to be the cheater
It is generally/ universally acknowledged that… acknowledge receipt of a letter/ parcel
acknowledge one's timely help
△acknowledgement n.承认/感谢/收件复函
in acknowledgement of...
15.defeat n.失败/挫败;vt.击败/战胜
face/ suffer/ admit defeat
a narrow defeat/ victory
narrowly defeat sb.→sb. be narrowly defeated
the defeated enemy
16. analyse/ analyze vt.分析;analysis n.分析;analytical adj.分析的;analyst n.分析者/化验员
analyse the data
analysis (n.)→ analyses (pl.)
17.apparently adv.显而易见/看来/显然
He paused, apparently lost in thought.
18.substance n.①物质/物品;②事实根据
①chemical/dangerous/ banned/illegal substances
②It was a rumor, completely without substance.
The commission's report gives substance to these allegations.
There is some substance in what he says.
19.insist vi.&vt.坚持/坚决要求;坚持说/固执己见
He insists that she (should) come.
He insisted that he was innocent.
insist on a refund/ being informed of every detail
insist on him/ his wearing a suit
insist on one’s innocence
20.scientific adj. 科学(上)的;关于科学的
science n.--- scientific adj. --- scientist n.
scientific achievements
21.mostly adv.主要地/一般地
We're mostly out on Sundays.
22.wear and tear (正常使用造成的)磨损;损耗
e.g. The carpet is designed to stand up to a lot of wear and tear.
☆doom and gloom 悲观失望/前景黯淡
fair and square光明正大地;诚实地
high and dry陷入困境
name and shame点名羞辱
slice and dice 分割/切割
thrills and spills惊险刺激
wheel and deal (在商业或政治上)玩弄手段,投机钻营,周旋
wine and dine大吃大喝; 盛宴款待
23.conclusion n. 结论;推论
come to/ lead to/ reach the conclusion that...
leap/ jump to the conclusion that...
draw conclusions from...
in conclusion
a firm conclusion
conclude v. ①断定/推断出/得出结论
~ sth. (from sth.) | ~ (from sth.) that…
sth. conclude with sth.
conclude sth. with sth.
to conclude
24. flee- fled- fled vi./ vt.逃跑/逃离/逃避
☆flee (from) sb./ sth.
flee (from) the burning hotel
flee (from) responsibility
☆flee to/ into s.p.
☆flee in panic
25. circumstances (pl.) 条件;环境;状况
in/ under the circumstances
family/ domestic/ personal circumstances
in/ under no circumstances
= not… in/ under any circumstances
26.novelist n.小说家
novel n.小说/长篇故事; adj.新奇的/异常的
novelty n.新奇/新颖/新鲜
a detective novel
a novel idea/ opinion
lack novelty/ The novelty soon wore off.
27.flow n. ①流/流动;②流畅/连贯;③不断供应;
vi. 流;流动
regulate the flow of water调节水流
go with the flow
go against the flow
I didn’t want to interrupt her flow, so I said nothing.
the flow of goods and services to remote areas
cash flow/ data flow
…flow down a mountainside
28. chart n.图表;vt.记录;制订计划
flow chart
chart the history of.../ chart changes in...
chart one’s route/ course
29. found vt.创建/建立/把…建立在; foundation n.建立/创办/基础; founder n.创建/办者
found…on… →be founded on…
lay the foundation for…
△find- found- found v.找到/发现
△fund n.资金/基金;v.为…提供资金/资助
sth. be jointly/ privately funded by...
30.infer vt.推断/推定 (inferred; inferring)
infer sth. from sth.;infer that...
△inference n. 推论/推断的结果;推理/推断
draw/ make inferences (from/ about sth.)
by inference
31.politician n.从政者/政治家/政客
politics n.政治(学); political adj.政治/政府/政权的;
polity n.政体/政治制度
32.numerous adj.众多的/许多的= many
33.theory n.理论/学说
the theory of relativity
in theory
☆theoretical adj.理论上的←→practical adj.实际的/切实可行的
☆theoretically adv.理论上/理论地←→practically adv.几乎;实际上/事实上
34.relativity n.相对论/相对性
the theory of relativity
△relative n.亲戚/亲属
a close/ distant relative
△relative adj.相比较而言的/相对的;关于…的
relative safety/ peace
be relative to sth. = be related to sth.
relatively speaking
e.g. evidence relative to the murder case
= evidence related to the murder case
△relate v.联系/把…联系起来
relate sth. to sth.把…和…联系起来
relate to...①谈到/涉及/与…相关;
e.g. All these questions relate to philosophy.
He is unable to relate to others people.
35.genius n.(pl. geniuses)天才;天资;天赋
have a gift/ talent/ genius for…
be gifted/ talented in…
36.gentle adj.温柔的;文静的
a gentle voice/ smile
a gentle breeze/ heat
gentle persuasion/ exercise
a gentle slope
☆gentle adj./ gently adv.
terrible adj./ terribly adv.
possible adj./ possibly adv.
37.patent n.专利/专利证书/获得专利;adj.有专利的/受专利保护的
apply for/ obtain a patent
be protected by patent
patent laws (adj.)
38.passion n. 酷爱;激情
one’s passion/ enthusiasm for…
speak with passion
fly into a passion
△passionate adj. 热爱的/酷爱的
be passionate about...
39.doctorate n.博士学位= doctor’s degree
40.extraordinary adj.不一般的/非凡的/意想不到的
extra- 超出/在...之外 extra-curricular
格外/非常/十分 extra-thin/ extra-special
42.come to power (开始)掌权;上台
= seize power/ take power
be in power lose power
43.institution n.社会公共机构;习俗/制度
institute n.(教育、专业等)机构;机构建筑
the institution of marriage
44.consequence n.结果/后果;重要性
①as a consequence (of…)= as a result (of...)
in consequence (of…)
suffer/ face/ take the consequences of…
②be of no consequence/ importance/ significance
←→be of critical importance
△consequently adv.因此/所以
= as a result/ consequence
= in consequence
e.g. He ate too much, and consequently he was sick.
45.take up a position 担任/任职
take up a challenge
take up the chorus
take up golf
take up too much time/ room
I’d like to take up the point you raised earlier.
46. peculiarity n. 个性;特点;怪异的性
peculiar adj.怪异的/奇怪的/不同寻常的
a peculiar smell/ taste
for some peculiar reason
47.encounter vt.偶然碰到/遇到;n.邂适;遭遇
encounter problems/ difficulties
encounter opposition/ resistance
a chance encounter
48.mourn vt.&vi . 哀悼;忧伤
mourn (for) sth. = grieve (for) sth.
e.g. mourn/ grieve (for) one’s death
49.remarkable adv. 非凡的;显著的
make remarkable progress
a remarkable accomplishment
50.device n.方法/技巧;装置/仪器
a useful device for studying/ a memory device
a water-saving device
51.sum vi.总结;概括;
sum up e.g. Tom will open the debate and I will sum up.
sum sth. up = summarize sth.
sum n.n. 金额/款项;总数/总和;算术题
① a large sum of money/ a six-figure sum
② the sum of sth.
③ do a sum/ be good at sums
④ in sum = to sum up = in summary
52.draft n.草稿/草案;vt.起草/草拟
make a rough draft of...
the final draft
a draft constitution
draft a constitution/ contract/ bill