Unit3 Our animal friends(第3课时)教学设计
案例名称 Unit3 Our animal friends(第3课时) 教师姓名
案例类型 新授 学段 小学五年级
教学/活动目标 及重难点 1. 能进一步掌握“It has... ”“Does it have... ”等句型,并能熟练运用这些句型描述、谈论动物。(重点) 2. 能理解cartoon部分的含义,能够有感情地朗读、并以不同的方式表演。. 3. 能了解中国、美国、加拿大和澳大利亚代表性的动物。 4. 在学生谈论、描述动物的过程中,了解动物,学会爱护动物,并与动物们和谐相处。(难点)
学习者分析 学生自三年级开始就一直在与“动物”和“朋友”的话题接触,在课文中经常出现的Bobby和Sam,一鼠一猫,还有Bobby的家人、亲戚,以及他们共同的朋友pig、dog、monkey、parrot……他们的故事在告诉学生,猫和老鼠都能成为朋友,这是个多么有趣感人的世界,多么吸引人的英语天地,与动物的和谐相处一直扎根在学生的心灵深处。根据五年级学生的生理、心理特点,利用图片、动画等营造较为真切的情景来引导学生理解和运用所学的知识,并通过形式多样的对话帮助学生进一步提高听说读写等综合语言运用能力。
教学/活动过程 Step1 Greetings Step2 Warming up Free talk T:This is my animal friend.It has four legs.It has two green eyes.It can run.It likes eating fish.Can you guess Ss:It is a cat. T:Yes.Great! 设计意图: 以教师介绍自己的动物朋友导入本节课。 Ask students to describe their animal friends, and others guess. 设计意图: 复习It has...的用法。 3.Pair work S1:Do you have an animal friend S2:Yes. S1:Does it have…… S2:No,it doesn’t./ Yes,it does. S1: Does it have…… S2:Yes,it does./No,it doesn’t. S1:Is it a/an …… S2:Yes,it is. 设计意图: 复习Does it have... 的用法 Step3 New lesson Culture time Activity 1 Let’s see (1) (PPT) Read these words: panda, kangaroo, polar bear, bald eagle. (2) Try to describe these animals. They are ___. They have___. They can _____. It is__ _. It has__ __. It can__ __. 设计意图: 在学生描述这四种动物的体貌特征的过程中,反复操练重点句型。 Activity 2 Read and match T: Where can we see these animals Try to match these animals with its countries. Activity 3 Look and complete (PPT) You can see_______ in _______. 设计意图: 检测学生对Culture time的掌握情况。 Cartoon time Activity 1 Try to talk (1) Look, who are they (2) They have a new friend. Who is their new friend Does it have…… 设计意图: 复习Does it have... 的用法; 激发对cartoon time的兴趣。 Activity 2 Watch and answer (1) Let’s watch the cartoon and then tell me who is their new friend (2) After watching, who is their new friend It’s a crab. 设计意图: 通过观看动画,整体感知卡通部分的大意。 Activity 3 Read and underline (1) Read cartoon time silently and underline the sentences which show the description of the crab. (2) Let’s underline together. 设计意图: 感知细节内容。 Activity 4 Read and act (1) Read after the tape and the teacher. (2) Read by themselves. (3) Read in pairs and act. 设计意图: 以不同的方式朗读、表演,使学生印象深刻。 Step4 Let’s enjoy T: Let’s enjoy some pictures of different animals. 设计意图: 拓宽视野。 T: Now we know “They and us, from one world, we are family.Love them is to love ourselves. Let’s get along in harmony.” 设计意图: 渗透主题,画龙点睛。 Step5 Homework 1. Review the words about animals. 2. Use “They have/ It has...”to describe the animals. 设计意图: 反复操练本课重点单词及句型。 板书设计: Unit3 Our animal friends It has ten legs. No.It has eight legs. Those two are not legs. They're arms. It has big arms! It has a big body too. Its body is hard.
教学/活动反思 本着体现学科德育,将社会主义核心价值观融入课堂教学理念这一原则,开展了本节课的教学。在本节课的教学中,对话练习是本课的一个重点和亮点,本人在对话教学中紧紧围绕对话中的语言点,以大量图画、视频为载体,尽可能创设真实的交际情景,增强语言实践的真实感,充分体现“以学生为中心”的教学理念。教学中采用“先听说,后表演;先整体,后局部”的方法,引导学生进行发散思维,最大限度的发挥学生的主体性。在训练学生听说技能的同时,注重培养学生灵活掌握知识、自然真实地进行交际的能力。整个教学过程既有教师灵活的教,也有学生主动地学,让学生亲自扮演动物并用英语表演,增强了学习趣味性,引发学生思考、记忆。但是知识的拓展性不足,学生的发散思维程度不够,今后教学中会注意把控。