人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Vocabulary课件(34张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Vocabulary课件(34张ppt)
格式 pptx
文件大小 11.6MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-12-01 16:15:31



Bridging Cultures
Her kind smile made every guest feel at home.
feel at home
make yourself at home
[口语] 请随便,
make sb. feel at home
at home and abroad
feel down 感到沮丧
feel blue
1. home-cooked meal 家常菜
2. home bird 宅人
3. stay-at-home-husband 家庭主男
4. home page 网站主页
5. home away from home 犹如自家
6. home leave 探亲假
7. home run 全垒打
8. homesick 想家
9. home-made 自制的
10. homecoming 返校日、
11. take-home pay 税后险后净收入
12. home cooking 自己做饭
13. home school 父母不送孩子去学校,在家自己教
14. home truth 老生常谈
15. East, west, home is the best. 金窝银窝,不如自家草窝。
16. Go home to get beauty sleep 回家睡个好觉
17. chickens come home to roost 重复犯
18. the lights are on, but nobody’s home 心不在焉
President Xi Jinping in Beijing meets with US President Joe Biden via video link on Tuesday. President Xi attaches great importance to the China-US relationship and has been consistently pushing for its sound and steady development.
To engage in fair competition with China, US should make major changes
v. 参加; 参与(活动);
engage vi. 参加,参与[活动]
vt.雇用,聘请 vt.吸引住[注意力/兴趣]
engaged adj. 忙于,从事于,已订婚,被占用的,使用中的
engagement n. 订婚,约会,预约
engage in... =be engaged in... 从事,忙于,参加
be engaged to sb. 与某人订婚
engage for sth. 允诺;保证
engage to do sth. 答应做某事;保证做某事
engage one’s interest/attention
engage sb in... 使某人参与......
engage sb to do... 雇用;聘用
engage with ... 与……有联系
My family has been engaged in farming for generations.
I will engage for his behaviour if you decide to employ him.
When did he become engaged to her
The company had engaged to finish the building by May.
1.They have been _____ and are _____ in their wedding ceremony.( engage )
2. Optional courses ______________________ in what they are really interested in and what they are willing to devote to.
enable students to engage
A cultural festival is held in Guangxi. People sing folk songs and perform local dances in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region. The region is holding a series of activities involving unique folk songs and dances, costumes, local customs and cultural heritage.
involve v. 包含; 需要; 涉及; 影响; (使)参加
contain: v. 包含include : v. 包括; 包含including: prep. 包括; 包含
involve sb. / oneself in [doing] sth. 让某人参与到[做]某事中
involve sth/[sb.] doing sth. 需要[某人]做某事,
involved adj. 参与,有关联,耗费很多时间,关注
be/become/get involved with/in 参加,参与,专心于
be involved with sb. 与某人关系密切
involvement n. [Un] 参与;[U/C] 投入
the people involved 所涉及的人 an involved plot 复杂的情节
This country was successively involved in war. I don't want my son to be involved with criminals.
This is a task which involves much difficulty.
Finally he was involved in trouble.
The case involved many innocent people.
A project which involves years of work.
Taking the job involve _____.
A.living at abroad B.living abroad
C.to live abroad D.in living abroad
Students should involve themselves in community activities____ they can gain experience for growth.
Taking the job involves abroad for three years.
Raúl Castro Ruz is a brother of the leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro, and then President of the Cuban Council of State and the Council of Ministers. Raúl's love for the song speaks to his longstanding, profound affections for China. He was the messenger who contributed to the establishment of diplomatic ties between the PRC and Cuba, the first Latin American country to do so.
messenger n.送信人;报信人;信使;通信员
message n.
消息; 信息; 口信
editor 名词 编辑
edit v. 
edition 版本,书报等一份,(广播,电视节目)一期,一辑
a paperback/hardback edition平装/精装本
Benjamin Hammer is a US resident who has been living and working in Shandong province for 15 years. He experienced very little culture shock upon arriving in 1998 because I knew very little about China.He had no expectations. Just live and learn. He arrived in China as a college student at Nanjing University.
culture shock: 文化冲击
The Huanghua Comprehensive Bonded Zone is home to a checkpoint and customs clearance complex. 黄骅综合保税区是检查站和清关大楼的所在地。
zone n.(有别于周围的)地区;
地带; 区域
region n. 地区; 区域
district: n. 地区; 行政区
area [ e ri ]: n. 地区; 区域
Do you prefer being a movie star or joining the army if you graduate from a renowned film academy While many people may choose the former, Shang Lin chose the latter. Shang, a Beijing native, graduated from the Beijing Film Academy last year. The 22-year-old woman can handle a tough environment and high-intensity training with verve and courage. "Born in the best of times, females should not be defined. We need to boldly step out of our comfort zone," said Shang.
comfort zone
舒适区; 舒适范围
danger zone 危险区
free zone 免税区
"We must beat COVID-19 and win this decisive fight crucial to the future of humanity," President Xi Jinping said, voicing confidence that "we humanity will surely overcome it and prevail" despite the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic may appear overwhelming.
adj. 无法抗拒的;
巨大的; 压倒性的
1. He has exhibited symptoms of anxiety and overwhelming worry.
2. The sense of space is overwhelming.
3. Writing is a good tool for discharging overwhelming feelings.
4. We are exposed to an overwhelming number of toxic contaminants every day in our air, water, and food.
5. You feel an overwhelming ache for support from others.
Qume Mutuhuo, a 52-year-old member of the Yi ethnic group, received a kouxian, a type of traditional jaw harp, as her dowry and plays it whenever she feels homesick.
n. 思乡病; 乡愁
adj. 思乡的; 想家的
Radiologist Kevin Lau says there is a huge demand for medical and healthcare services in the Greater Bay Area. What motivated you to leave the public sector and set up a private medical brand
motivated adj. 积极的; 主动的
active adj. 活跃的; 积极的; 主动的
positive adj. 积极的;
良好的; 有益的; 肯定的;
 motivation n. 刺激;动机;积极性;干劲
①【高考典句】(2019·天津高考)With high motivation and enthusiasm,we can keep on learning.
②They lacked the motivation to study.
③So far,he hasn’t had the motivation to take part in the match.
④This will motivate you much more than small goals.
搭配 have the motivation to do sth. 意义 有做某事的积极性
词性 动词 含义 激发/给……动机
motivate sb to do...: 激励某人做什么
have the motivation to do sth.有做某事的积极性
motivate vt. 激发……的动机
How do you motivate the student to study carefully and efficiently
Having the motivation, we have confidence to change.
Our company have highly motivated employees.
Former provincial political advisor expelled from CPC, office
Xiao Yi, former vice chairman of the Jiangxi Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, has been expelled from the Communist Party of China (CPC) and removed from his post for grave violations of Party discipline and laws.
advisor/adviser n. 顾问
advise v. 建议; 劝告
(a piece of ) advice [ d va s]:
n. 建议; 劝告; 忠告
China's top economic regulator said on Friday it will take timely measures to bring excessively high prices of coal back down to a reasonable range, its latest move to regulate the red-hot market and stabilize coal prices.中国最高经济监管机构周五表示,将及时采取措施,将过高的煤炭价格回落到合理的区间,这是中国政府调控炽热市场、稳定煤炭价格的最新举措。
reasonable adj. 有道理的; 合情理的; 相当好的; 不错的;
It is reasonable (for...) to do...:
reason [ ri zn]: n. 原因; 理由; 借口
reasonably: adv. 合符逻辑地; 尚可地;
过得去地; 明智地; 通情达理地
for some reason由于某种原因,不知怎么回事
reason out推论,推断出,说出…的道理
with reason 有道理,合理
within reason 合情合理,是情理之中的事
I reasoned that changing my diet would lower my cholesterol level.
'Listen,' I reasoned, 'it doesn't take a genius to figure out what Adam's up to.'
He is a reasonable fellow.
Aren't those all reasonable demands 那些不都是合理的要求吗
Your answer is not reasonable.
A teacher teaches English at Beili elementary school in Xuwen county, South China's Guangdong province on Sept 1, 2020.
China is expected to raise the academic background threshold for teachers to improve the country's education quality, a draft amendment said on Monday.
expectation n. 期望; 预期; 期待
expect v. 希望; 期望;认为
in expectation of      
beyond one’s expectation
live up to one’s expectations
(1) He took an umbrella with him in expectation
of rain.
(2) The plan has succeeded beyond our expectation.
(3) I usually enjoy his movies, but the latest one
didn’t live up to my expectations.
expect vt.
expect to do sth 期望做某事
expect sb to do sth 期望/要求某人做某事
expect so / not 料想如此/不会
than expected 比预期的
1. The talks _______________ continue until tomorrow.
2. I do ______________ some time to myself in the evenings.
are expected to
expect to have
A great many _______ write application letters to ______ _______ the position.
apply for
applicant(n. )申请人
→apply(vi. )申请
→application(n. )申请书; 申请
(1) apply to sb for 申请
(2)apply A to B 把A应用到B上
(3)apply oneself to doing sth.专心做某事
[练习] 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的词或翻译。
1). Successful _________ (apply) will receive notification within the week.
2). This rule can’ t be applied ________ (介词) every case.
3). You should ________ ________(申请) the job immediately, in person or by letter.
4). The question in the second half of the form ________ (适用) married men only.
apply for
apply to
(1) 所有申请这份工作的申请者必须符合这些要求。
(2) 这些规则适合于学习数学。
(3) 你应该第一时间向总经理提出申请。
Any applicant who wants to apply for this job is
required to meet these requirements
These principles apply to learning maths.
You should apply to the general manager in
the first place.
Thanks for listening