Unit 5There is a big bed C Story time 课件+教案+素材(共31张PPT)


名称 Unit 5There is a big bed C Story time 课件+教案+素材(共31张PPT)
格式 zip
文件大小 71.9MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-12-02 09:23:04


Unit 5 There is a big bed Part C Story Time教学设计
语言知识: 1. 能够阅读、理解故事内容。 2. 能够复习巩固方位介词beside,over,between以及There be句型。 3. 能够借助语境理解busy, naughty, poor, catch, kick等单词的意思。
语言技能: 1. 能有感情地朗读故事并借助板书复述故事。 2. 能针对故事人物进行评价,发展综合语言运用能力。
情感态度: 培养学生的环保意识和养成乐于助人的良好习惯。
三、教学重难点: 重点:能够理解故事内容,复习巩固方位介词beside,over,between以及There be句型。 难点: 1. 能够借助板书复述故事内容。 2. 能针对故事中的人物发表自己的看法。
Step1 Warm-up
Greetings and evaluation. T: Today I will divide you into two groups. Let’s have a match between each other.
Enjoy a song. Where is Mr Monkey
Brain storming. T: Can you think of any words begin with the letter “u”, (under) “b”, (beside, between, behind) “i”, (in, in front of) “a” ( above), “o” (on, over).
(设计意图:利用头脑风暴,复习已学介词,为故事中用There be句型描述“易拉罐”的位置做准备。)
Find and say. T: Look at the picture, there is a can hiding in it. Let’s find where is it (设计意图:利用生动的图片,在情景中复习方位介词,用There be句型描述物品的位置。) It’s behind the tree. It’s in front of the box. It’s between the dog and cat. It’s flying over the box.
Step2 Presentation
Lead-in. T: Where is the can now There is a can beside the river. How does he feel He is sad. (设计意图:引出故事背景。)
Watch the story and answer. (1)T: Why is the can sad What happens to him Now let’s watch the story. (设计意图:整体感知故事内容,寻找关键信息。) (2)T: He can’t find his home. He is poor. So he is crying for help. Can you help me I want to go home. (设计意图:引出can请求帮助的句子,通过阅读提示,让学生模仿can的语气寻求帮助。)
Read the story and find the main characters. T: Do you want to know more about can’s story Read the story by yourselves and find the main characters. (设计意图:借助图片自己阅读故事并寻找关键信息。) T: Who are the main characters Ss: The poor can, bird, the naughty bear, rabbit, monkey, two fish, and Zoom. Whom helps the can Whom doesn’t help the can
Learn the story picture by picture. (解析文本) T: Why don’t they help the can Let’s go in to the story. (1) T: Why doesn’t the bird help the can How does it say Ss: Sorry, I’m busy.(运用白板的动画消失功能提示孩子bird很忙,听音模仿bird的语音语调。) Reading tips: Can we read happily or sadly (通过观察白板的动画功能引导学生回答问题) (2) T: Look, here comes a naughty bear. What does he do Ss: The naughty bear kicks the can. He laughs loudly “Ha ha”. The poor can says “oh, no”. (通过动画演示帮助学生理解kicks的意思。) (3) T: The can flies over rabbit and monkey. He says “help”. How do the monkey and rabbit say Monkey: Look at that poor can. Rabbit: Come on! We are late for school. (4) T: Look, where is the can now The can falls between two fish. Do the fish help the can How does Mr fish say What about Ms fish Mr fish: Here comes a can. Ms fish: Let’s give it to Zoom. He can help. (借助图片帮助学生理解falls的意思。) (5) T: What does zoom do Zoom catches the can. (借助图片帮助学生理解catches的意思。) (6) T: He puts the can into the trash bin. How does the can feel now Ss: He is happy. He says: home, sweet home. (设计意图:通过朗读提示,让学生模仿can回到家中的愉悦心情,帮助学生形成良好的语音语调。) Reading tips:You should read happily and quietly.
Choose a title to the story. A. The poor can. B. The sad can. C. Can’s way home.
Listen and read the story. (设计意图:跟读故事,模仿正确的语音语调。)
Step3 Practice
Read and match. (设计意图:通过图片和句子配对练习,检查学生对故事的理解。)
Let’s dub.(设计意图:小组合作给故事配音,引导学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。)
3. Retell the story. (设计意图:根据板书内容复述故事,培养学生的口头表达能力。)
Step4 Production
1. Discussion: What does the story tell us How do you think of the bird, the rabbit and monkey, the two fish (设计意图:学生针对故事中的人物展开讨论,大胆想象,积极思维,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。)
Step5 Summary:1. Helping others to enjoy yourself. 2. Don’t throw the trash on the ground.
垃圾分类。 T: We should put the trash into the trash bin. The sign means recyclable. This sign means nun-recyclable. Cans are recyclable. Look, the peel, waste paper, glass bottle, waste rubber, water bottle. Which things are recyclable Which things are nun-recyclable Let’s put the trash into the right trash bin. (设计意图:学会垃圾分类,利用白板的拖拽功能将不同类型的垃圾放进正确的垃圾桶里。)
3. Watch a video. Reusing things T: Recycle is one way to protect our environment. What can we do Now let’s watch a video together. (设计意图:观看一个关于旧物利用的小短片,引出环保主题,激发学生的环保意识。) T: In our life, we also can reuse something. They are really cool and useful. So let’ s try our best to make a more beautiful world.
Homework 1. Tell the story to your parents or friends. 2. Make a poster about the environmental protection.
Blackboard design: (设计意图:用简笔画创设情境,激发学生的兴趣,吸引学生注意力。通过五个易拉罐的表情变化呈现本课的主线索;动物图片呈现本课主要内容;可回收标志的出示点明主题,进行环保教育。
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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" 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)(共31张PPT)
Unit5 There is a big bed
C story time
人教版 五年级上
Let’s sing
Prepositions of place (方位介词)
in front of
Brain storm
in front of
There is a can beside the river. He is sad.
Let's watch the story
Why is the can sad
He can't find his home. He is poor.
Can you help me
I want to go home.
A.Read happily
B.Read sadly
Read and find main characters.(主要人物)
Can you help me
I want to go home.
Sorry. I'm busy.
A naughty bear kicks the can.
The can flies over Rabbit and Monkey.
Look at that poor can.
Come on! We are late for school.
The can falls between two fish.
Here comes a can.
Let's give it to zoom. He can help.
Zoom catches the can.
Let me help you.
Thank you. Home sweet home.
You should read quietly and happily.

Way Home
Can you give a title to the story
A. The poor can.
B. The sad can.
C. Can's way home.
There is a can beside the river. He is sad.
Can: Can you help me
I want to go home. Bird: Sorry, I’m busy.
The naughty bear kicks the can.
Bear: Haha!
Can: Oh,no!
The can flies over Rabbit and Monkey.
Can: Help!
Monkey: Look at that poor can.
Rabbit: Come on! We’re late for school.
The can falls between two fish.
Mr: Here comes a can!
Ms: Let’s give it to zoom.
Zoom catches the can.
Zoom:Let me help you.
Can:Thank you.
Home,sweet home.
Can you read and match
1. There is a can beside the river. He is sad.
2. A naughty bear kicks the can.
3.The can flies over Rabbit and Monkey.
4.The can falls between two fish.
5. Zoom catches the can.
Let's dub.
Please work in groups and read the story.
Can you retell the story
How do you think of the animals in the story
What does the story tell us

Helping others to enjoy yourse.
Don't throw the trash on the ground.
We just have one earth. Let's protect her.
1. Tell the story to your parents or your friends.
2. Make a poster about the environmental protection.