2022届高考英语二轮复习:必备词汇讲与练26 学案


名称 2022届高考英语二轮复习:必备词汇讲与练26 学案
格式 docx
文件大小 72.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-12-03 10:22:58



List 126
granddaughter / ɡr nd t (r)/ n. 孙女,外孙女
例句:She has the vigour and radiance of someone young enough to be her granddaughter.
husband / h zb nd/ n. 丈夫 vt. 节俭使用
常见搭配: husband and wife 夫妻
词 族: husbandly a. 丈夫的;节俭的;善于管理农活的
真题例句: It was built by Mrs. Stanford to remember her husband who devoted himself to the university.
frame /fre m/ n. 框架,结构;(电影)画面 a. 有木架的,有构架的
vt. 设计,建造;陷害;使……合适 vi. 有成功希望
常见搭配: frame in 进入;框以… photo frame 相框
rigid frame 刚性构架 concrete frame 混凝土构架
frame of mind 心情, 心态 window frame n. 窗框
习 语: be in/out of the frame: be taking part/not taking part in sth 参加;不参加
(We won our match, so we're still in the frame for the championship. 我们赢了比赛,所以仍可参加锦标赛。)
真题例句:The house’s wooden frame is reinforced with long steel rods to give it extra strength.
youngster / j st (r)/ n. 年青人,少年,小伙子,儿童,幼小动物
词 族: young a. 年轻的;初期的;没有经验的 youngish a. 还年轻的,颇年轻的
例 句: The summer camp is for youngsters aged 8 to 14.
decent / di snt/ a. 体面的,正派的, 得体的, 相当好的
常见搭配: a decent meal 相当不错的饭菜 a decent job 一份体面的工作
decent people 正派人
习 语: to do the decent thing: to do what people or society expect, especially in a difficult situation
词 族:decently ad. 合适地;高雅地;正派地;亲切地
decency n. 正派;体面;庄重;合乎礼仪;礼貌
真题例句: They help writers earn a decent living.
loaf /l f/ n. 条,块,面包 vi. 游手好闲,虚度光阴 (pl. loaves)
常见搭配: a loaf of bread 一条面包 meat loaf 肉糜卷;肉馅糕
词 族: loafer n. 游手好闲的人;拖鞋
真题例句:I forgot to pick up a fresh loaf of bread.
imperial / m p ri l/ a. 帝国的,帝王的, 至尊的,特大的
n. 皇帝,女皇,马车车顶,特大号,特级品
常见搭配;imperial palace n. 宫城;皇城 imperial examinations 科举考试
词 族:imperialist n. 帝国主义者 a. 帝国主义的
imperialism n. 帝国主义 imperially ad. 帝王般地;威严地;帝国地
真题例句:It helped make it possible to maintain an imperial military force of sufficient size.
stationery / ste nri/ n. 文具,信笺
常见搭配:stationery factory 文具厂 stationery cabinet 文具柜
词 族:stationer n. 文具店;文具商
例 句:The stationery order has arrived.
search /s t / v. 搜寻,探求,调查 n. 搜寻,探究
常见搭配: search for… 搜寻……,寻找…… search…for… 在……搜寻……
search sb. 搜某人的身 a search and rescue team 搜救队
in search of… 搜寻…… search … out 找出……,搜查到……
习 语:search me: You can use the idiom to emphasize that you do not know the answer to sb's question
(Why didn't she say anything ’ ‘Search me!’ “她怎么一声不吭?”“我怎么知道!”)
词 族:searching a. 搜索的;透彻的 searchingly ad. 探究地;彻底地
searcher n. 搜救者
真题例句:44% of people are actually looking for doctors or other providers when they search for health information online. 44%的人在网上搜寻健康信息时实际上是在寻找医生或其它提供者。
handwriting / h ndra t / n. 笔迹,书法
常见搭配: handwriting recognition 手写识别
习 语: handwriting on the wall 不祥之兆
词 族: handwritten a. 手写的 handwrite vt. 亲手写
真题例句: Students’ handwriting is making their teachers worried.
Someone's ____________ is the daughter of their son or daughter.
A woman's ____________ is the man she is married to.
The________ of a picture or mirror is the wood, metal, or plastic that is fitted around it, especially when it is displayed or hung on a wall.
Young people, especially children, are sometimes referred to as ____________.
____________ is used to describe something which is considered to be of an acceptable standard or quality.
A ____________ of bread is bread which has been shaped and baked in one piece. It is usually large enough for more than one person and can be cut into slices. The word can be used as a verb to show people spend time in a lazy way, doing nothing in particular, especially when they should be working.
____________ is used to refer to things or people that are or were connected with an empire.
____________is paper, envelopes, and other materials or equipment used for writing.
If you ____________ a place, you look carefully for something or someone there.
Your ____________ is your style of writing with a pen or pencil.
(keys 1 granddaughter 2 husband 3 frame 4 youngster 5 Decent 6 loaf 7 Imperial 8 stationery 9 search 10 handwriting)
List 127
jar /d ɑ (r)/ n. 不和谐,刺耳声,震动,震惊,广口瓶
vi. 发出刺耳声,不协调,震动 vt. 扰乱,使不稳定
常见搭配: glass jar 玻璃缸,玻璃罐 bell jar 钟形玻璃罩或容器
词 族: jarring a. 不和谐的;刺耳的;辗轧的 n. 辗轧声;冲突;震动
真题例句: The professor invited the students to count how many beans the jar contained.
initiate / n ie t/ n. 创始人 vt. 创始,开始,启蒙,介绍加入 a. 新加入的
常见搭配: initiate sb. into sth. 使某人初步了解……,传授……
be initiated into… (通过某特殊方式)使加入……
词 族: initiation n. 启蒙,传授;开始;入会
initiator n. 发起人,创始者;教导者
真题例句: In many societies, young people are formally initiated into their adult roles.
lean v. 倾斜,倚靠,倾向 a. 瘦的,无脂肪的,贫乏的 n. 瘦肉,倾斜
常见搭配: lean on/against… 依赖;靠在…上 lean meat 瘦肉
lean towards vt. 倾向(偏向) lean forward 探身过去, 前倾
lean over vt. 倾身(弯下身子) lean back 向后倾斜
on the lean 倾斜着 lean year 荒年
lean out 探出身去
词 族:leaner a. 精瘦的;贫乏的;简洁的 n. 清洗液
leanness n. 瘦;贫瘠;缺乏
真题例句:When you think you are lost, sit down on a log, or a rock, or lean against a tree, and recite something that you have memorized, to bring your mind to a point where it’s under control. 当你觉得迷茫时,坐在一根圆木上,或一块岩石上,或者倚靠着一棵树,背诵一些你已经记住的东西,把你的思想带到一个你可以控制的点上。
habit / h b t/ n. 习惯,习性,嗜好 vt. 使穿衣
常见搭配: make a habit of… 对……习以为常
break the habit of… 打破……习惯
be in the habit of… 有…的习惯,习惯…
out of habit 出于习惯
form/get into the habit of… 养成……习惯
kick the habit 戒掉……习惯
词 族:habitual a. 习惯的;惯常的;习以为常的
habitually ad. 习惯地;日常地
habituation n. 习惯,熟习
habituate vt. 使习惯于,使熟习于
真题例句:Would you mind answering some questions on shopping habits
词汇辨析: habit, custom
habit: 指不易戒除的个人习惯。而custom除表示个人习惯外还常表示某区域的人们接受并遵守的行为方式或者准则
区分训练:1)It is the _________ for family to get together around a table, having dinner and chatting with each other on New Year’s Eve in China.
2)I tried to break the ________ of staying up too late but in vain.
(keys 1 custom 2 habit)
plane /ple n/ a. 平的,与飞机有关的 n. 飞机,水平,水准,刨子
vt. 磨平,刨 vi. (鸟,飞机等)滑翔
常见搭配: by plane 乘飞机 on a plane 在飞机上
vertical plane 垂直面
inclined plane n. 斜面 ground plane 地平面;接地层
plane crash 空难 passenger plane 客机
词 族:planeness n. 平面度;平整度
真题例句:The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. He had never flown before.
politics / p l t ks/ n. 政治,政治学,政见,政治策略,政治活动
常见搭配: go into politics 步入政坛,开始从政 international politics 国际政治
play politics 弄权;搞阴谋诡计 office politics 办公室政治
词 族:political a. 政治的;党派的 politically ad. 政治上
politician n. 政治家,政客 politicize vt. 使具有政治性
真题例句:Accordingly, newspapers were read almost only by rich people in politics or the trades.
menu / menju / n. 菜单,
常见搭配:pull-down menu 下拉式菜单=drop-down menu
menu bar 菜单栏
On the menu 在菜单上
真题例句:Without even seeing the menu, I knew I’d be ordering every tomato on it.
few /fju / a. 很少的,少数的 pron. 少数 n. 少量
常见搭配: quite a few 相当多
only a few 很少;只有几个;几乎没有
every few… 每隔几… no fewer than 不少于;不低于;多达
with few exceptions 极少例外 at the fewest 至少
these last few days 最近几天
真题例句:There are a small number of people involved, possibly as few as twenty.
fountain / fa nt n/ n. 喷泉,源泉, 储水容器,泉水 v. 使像喷泉一样流
常见搭配:fountain pen n. 钢笔 Fountain of Youth 青春之泉;不老泉
Water fountain 饮水器 a fountain of wealth 财富的源泉
真题例句:Visitors were fascinated by the wonderful music fountain show and the beauty of nature in Hangzhou. 游客们被杭州美妙的音乐喷泉表演和自然美所吸引。
maid /me d/ n. 女仆, 侍女, 未婚女子
常见搭配:old maid 老处女;谨小慎微的人 maid of honor 女傧相;宫女
词 族:maiden a. 未婚的,处女的;初次的 n. 少女,处女
maidservant n. 女佣,女仆
例 句:There is a maid to do the housework.
If something_______ you, you find it unpleasant, disturbing, or shocking. The word can also be used to refer to a glass container with a lid that is used for storing food
If you _______ someone into something, you introduce them to a particular skill or type of knowledge and teach them about it.
If you _______ on or against someone or something, you rest against them so that they partly support your weight.
A _______ is something that you do often or regularly.
A _______ is a vehicle with wings and one or more engines that can fly through the air.
_______ are the actions or activities concerned with achieving and using power in a country or society.
In a restaurant or café or at a formal meal, the _______ is a list of the meals and drinks that are available.
You use a _______ to indicate that you are talking about a small number of people or things.
A_______ is an ornamental feature in a pool or lake which consists of a long narrow stream of water that is forced up into the air by a pump.
A _______ is a woman who works as a servant in a hotel or private house.
(keys 1 jars 2 initiate 3 lean 4 habit 5 plane 6 Politics 7 menu 8 few 9 fountain 10 maid)
List 128
sew /s / v. 缝,缝制,缝补,做针线活
常见搭配: sew…up 缝合,缝入;确保…的成功 sew on 缝上
词 族: sewer n. 下水道;阴沟;裁缝师 vt. 为…铺设污水管道
真题例句:Mother showed me how to sew and let me practice making doll clothes.
musical / mju z kl/ a. 音乐的 n. 音乐片
常见搭配:musical instrument 乐器 musical composition 乐曲
musical notation 乐谱;音乐符号 musical scale n. 音阶
词 族:music n. 音乐;乐曲
musically ad. 音乐上地;声音好听地
musician n. 音乐家 musicology n. 音乐学;音乐理论
musicologist n. 音乐学者,音乐理论家
真题例句:Legend tells of one general who flew musical kites over the enemy’s camp.
odd / d/ a. 奇数的,古怪的,剩余的 (odder, oddest)
常见搭配: odd number 奇数 odd couple 出人意料互不相配的一对
odd one out 剔除一个;格格不入 It is odd that… 古怪的是……
It seems odd that… ……似乎有点古怪
词 族: oddish a. 有点怪的 oddly ad. 古怪地;奇妙地;单数地
oddity n. 奇异;古怪;怪癖
真题例句: The odd numbers are on the left as you walk up the street.
electron / lektr n/ n. 电子
常见搭配: electron microscope 电子显微镜 electron beam 电子束
electron gun 电子枪
词 族: electronic a. 电子的 electronically ad. 电子地
electronics n. 电子学;电子工业
例 句: Most things are balanced - with equal numbers of electrons and protons.
foundation /fa n de n/ n. 根基,基础,根据,创建, 基金会
常见搭配: theoretical foundation 理论基础
deep foundation 深基础;深层地基
lay a foundation of/for… 奠定…的基础;奠基;打下基础
a solid foundation 牢固的基础 without foundation 没有根基
习 语: shake/rock the foundation of…=shake/rock sth. to its foundation
(This issue has shaken the foundations of French politics.
词 族:founder n. 创始人;建立者 foundress n. 女创立者;女奠基者
found vt. 创立,建立;创办
名言谚语:No good building without a good foundation.
真题例句:Peace is the foundation of happiness, for where there is anxiety, tension and confusion, joy cannot exist. 和平宁静是幸福的基础,因为有焦虑、紧张和困惑的地方就没有快乐。
fox /f ks/ n. 狐狸,狡猾的人 vt. 欺骗,使变酸 vi. 假装;耍狡猾手段
常见搭配: old fox 老狐狸;老油条 flying fox 果蝠,狐蝠
fox trot 狐步舞曲;狐步舞 fox spirit 狐狸精
词 族: foxy a. 狡猾的;赤褐色的;如狐的 foxiness n. 狡猾;有褐斑;似狐性
真题例句: Why is the number of the arctic foxes becoming smaller and smaller
illegal / li ɡl/ a. 不合法的, 非法的 n. 非法移民
常见搭配: illegal activities 违法行为;不法活动 illegal income 非法所得
illegal immigration 非法移民 illegal parking 违法停车
词 族: legal a. 合法的 illegally ad. 非法地
真题例句: False fire alarms are illegal and may lead to imprisonment.
plain n. 平原,草原 a. 清楚的,坦白的,简单的,不参杂的
常见搭配: plain text 纯文本
in plain sight 显而易见;一览无遗
plain sailing n. 一帆风顺
flood plain [地]泛滥平原,冲积平原=alluvial plain
delta plain 三角洲平原
in plain English 用浅显的英语;说得明白点;坦白地说
It is plain that… ……是显而易见的。
词 族: plainly ad. 明白地;坦率地;平坦地;朴素地
plainness n. 明白;平坦;正直;平坦度
真题例句: The boy told himself that if these white plain socks were so popular with kids, then some cool custom designs would surely be an even greater hit. 小男孩告诉自己:如果这些白色的素色袜子那么受孩子们欢迎,那么一些很酷的定制设计肯定会更受欢迎。
permit /p m t/ n. 许可证,执照 v. 允许, 许可
常见搭配: permit sb. to do… 允许某人做…… permit doing… 允许做
apply for a permit 申请许可证
词 族: permission n. 允许,许可
permissible a. 可允许的;获得准许的
permissive a. 许可的;自由的;宽容的;(两性关系)放纵的
permissively ad. 许可地;自由地;娇宠地
名言谚语: Liberty consists in the power of doing that which is permitted by law.
真题例句: The change to the road traffic law will permit fully automatic driving.
词汇辨析: permit,allow
allow: 侧重于默许或不加阻拦,正式场合中可以表示客气的请求。
mix /m ks/ n. 混合物, 融合 v. 混合, 掺入,合成,交往,联系
常见搭配: mix A with B 将A与B混合在一起 mix … up 混淆;拌和;调和
mix … up with… 误以为…是;弄错;搞错
mix sth. into… 将……调入
词 族: mixture n. 混合;混合物;混合剂 mixer n. 混合器;搅拌器
mixologist n. 酒吧调酒员 mixology n. 调酒术
mixable a. 可溶混的
真题例句: Scientists would then be able to see if it’s similar to any human language, or a mix of the language. 科学家们将能够发现它是否与任何人类语言相似,或者是这种语言的混合。
When you ________ something such as clothes, you make them or repair them by joining pieces of cloth together by passing thread through them with a needle.
You use ________ to indicate that something is connected with playing or studying music.
If you describe someone or something as ________, you think that they are strange or unusual.
An ________ is a tiny particle of matter that is smaller than an atom and has a negative electrical charge.
The __________ of something such as a belief or way of life is the things on which it is based.
A ________ is a wild animal which looks like a dog and has reddish-brown fur, a pointed face and ears, and a thick tail. They live on smaller animals. The word can also refer to a person who is clever and able to get what they want by influencing or tricking other people.
If something is ________, the law says that it is not allowed.
A ________ object, surface, or fabric is entirely in one color and has no pattern, design, or writing on it.
A ________ is an official document which says that you may do something.
If you ________ one substance with another, you stir or shake them together, or combine them in some other way, so that they become a single substance.
(keys 1 sew 2 musical 3 odd 4 electron 5 foundation 6 fox 7 illegal 8 plain 9 permit 10 mix)
list 129
rich /r t / a. 富有的,富饶的,丰富的
常见搭配: be filthy/stinking rich 富得流油 be rich in… 富含……=be abundant in…
rich experience 丰富的经验 get rich 发家致富
rich wine 浓酒 the newly rich 爆发户(阶层)
词 族: richly ad. 丰富地;富裕地;完全地
richness n. 丰富;富裕;肥沃;华美
真题例句: One day, a rich man asked him to paint a portrait for him and promised to pay him 10,000 dollars. 一天,一个富人请他画一幅肖像画,并承诺给他一万美元。
tremble / trembl/ n. 战悚, 颤抖 v. 战悚,忧虑,微动
常见搭配: tremble with/at… 因……而颤抖 tremble to think… 一想到……就颤抖
词 族: tremulous a. 胆小的;战栗的;震颤的
trembling a. 发抖的;战栗的;哆嗦的
tremulously ad. 发抖地;震颤地;歪斜地;过分敏感地
真题例句: The cold water made him tremble all over.
entire / n ta (r)/ a. 全部的,完整的,同性质的,纯正的,全面的
常见搭配:an entire day 一整天=the whole day the entire staff 全体员工
one’s entire life 某人整个一生
词 族:entirely ad. 完全地,彻底地 entirety a. 全部;完全
entireness n. 全体;完全;整个
真题例句:Not having read the entire annual report, I couldn’t give comments at the meeting.
词汇辨析:entire, whole, all
entire:指的是由多个部分组成的集合体,比whole更正式;whole强调每个组成部分都需包含在内,无一遗漏或被舍去;all 主要放在冠词,指示代词或物主代词之前,用于复数名词或不可数名词之前,也可用于时间名词之前。但在century和hour之前常用whole。
区分训练:1) I was quite frank with my wife about the _________ thing that I was playing a game online at that time and I insisted that I couldn’t be made to work ________ day.
2)The local government has the support of the ________ population.
(keys 1 whole, all 2 entire)
dialect / da lekt/ n. 方言
常见搭配:local dialect 当地方言
词 族:dialectal a. 方言的;乡音的 dialectology n. [语] 方言学;方言研究
真题例句:The most basic reason why dialects should be preserved is that language helps to retain a culture.
tell /tel/ vt. 告诉,讲述,吩咐,辨别 vi. 讲述,告诉,告发,产生效果
常见搭配: tell sb. a lie 向某人撒谎 to tell you the truth 说实话
tell against sb. 对某人不利 tell all 全盘托出
tell of sth. 公布,说明 tell on sb. 告发,打某人的小报告
习 语:You are telling me: I completely agree with you 我完全同意;的确如此
You can never tell: you can never be sure, for example because things are not always what they appear to be 谁也拿不准;谁也说不清;很难说
There is no telling: it is impossible to know what happened or will happen
(There's no telling how they'll react. 说不准他们会有什么反应。)
tell sb. where to get off: to make it clear to sb that you will no longer accept their bad behaviour
tell sb. where to put /stick sth. to make it clear to sb that you are angry and are rejecting what they are offering you 别来这一套;让某人收起…的一套
tell tales about sth./on sb. : to tell sb about sth that another person has done wrong
词 族:teller n. (美)出纳员;讲述者 telling
a. 有效的;生动的;显著的 n. 命令;叙述
真题例句: He once told me that he was very nervous at first. He was not only trying to learn this hard new job but also a new language. 他曾经告诉我他一开始很紧张,他不仅在努力学习这一艰难的新工作而且在学习一门新语言
conscience / k n ns/ n. 良心,责任心,顾忌
常见搭配: a clear conscience 问心无愧
have no conscience 没有良心;不辨是非
social conscience 社会道德
in all/good conscience 凭良心;当然;公平地说
individual conscience 个人良知
bother sb’s conscience 使某人良心不安
词 族: conscientious a. 认真的;尽责的;本着良心的;小心谨慎的
conscienceless a. 不知廉耻的;没良心的
conscientiously ad. 良心上
名言谚语: A clear conscience is a sure card.
真题例句: It is said that a clean conscience is a soft pillow, with which we can have sweat dreams.
hero / h r / n. 英雄, 男主角,男主人公
常见搭配: a national hero 民族英雄 hero worship 英雄崇拜
词 族: heroic a. 英雄的;英勇的
heroically ad. 英雄地;超人地;冒险地
heroism n. 英勇,英雄气概
真题例句: He built a fantastic wuxia world and created different types of heroes.
float /fl t/ v. 漂浮,浮现,飘动,提出 n. 浮标,漂浮物,漂浮
常见搭配:float around/about (思想,观念等)传播,流传 float off 浮起;漂浮
float along/down/past 飘过 float in/on…在……上漂浮
词 族:floaty a. 吃水浅的;能浮起的
floater n. 浮子;漂浮者
floating a. 不固定的,流动的
真题例句:If steel is heavier than water, why are ships able to float on the sea
smooth /smu / a. 平稳的,流畅的,安详的,圆滑的,搅拌均匀的,可口的
v. 使光滑,磨光,安慰,理顺(羽毛)
常见搭配:smooth operation 正常运转;平稳运转
smooth surface 光滑表面;光滑面
smooth transition 顺利过渡
smooth out 消除;使平滑
smooth away 消除;解决;克服
smooth and steady 安稳的,平稳的
词 族:smoothly ad. 平稳地,平滑地;流畅地,流利地
smoothy n. 举止优雅的人;善于讨好女人的男子
smoothen vt. 使平滑,使平和;使平息
真题例句:He had a pair of smooth and perfect hands.
primary / pra m ri/ a. 主要的,初期的,根本的, 初等教育的
n. 最主要者,初选,原色,初级线图
常见搭配:primary school 小学
primary purpose 主要目的;根本目的
primary education 初等教育
词 族:prime a. 主要的;最好的;基本的
primarily ad. 首先;主要地,根本上
primer n. 初级读本;识字课本
真题例句:Jane talked with a primary school student about Chinese culture.
A ________ person has a lot of money or valuable possessions.
If you ___________, you shake slightly because you are frightened or cold.
You use ________ when you want to emphasize that you are referring to the whole of something, for example, the whole of a place, time, or population.
A ________ is a form of a language that is spoken in a particular area.
If you________ something such as a joke, a story, or your personal experiences, you communicate it to other people using speech.
Your ___________ is the part of your mind that tells you whether what you are doing is right or wrong.
A ________is someone, especially a man, who has done something brave, new, or good, and who is therefore greatly admired by a lot of people.
Something that ________ lies on or just below the surface of a liquid when it is put in it and does not sink.
A ________ surface has no roughness, lumps, or holes.
________ education is the first few years of formal education for children.
(keys 1 rich 2 tremble 3 entire 4 dialect 5 tell 6 conscience 7 hero 8 floats 9 smooth 10 Primary)
List 130
until prep. 直到……为止 conj. 直到……时才…… (till)
常见搭配: not…until… 直到……才
例 句: The traffic laws don't take effect until the end of the year.
concert / k ns t/ n. 音乐会, 一致,和谐
vt. 制定计划,通过协商达成一致 vi. 合作
常见搭配:in concert with sb. 与某人合作,与某人一致
go to the concert 去听音乐会,去参加音乐会
solo concert 个人演唱会
act in concert with 和……配合
词 族:concertize vi. 举行职业演奏会;演出
concerted a. 协调的;协定的;商议定的
真题例句:In the concert, someone begins to clap and suddenly the whole room joins in.
play /ple / v. 玩, 表现,演奏,扮演,播放 n. 游戏,戏剧,比赛
常见搭配: play an important role/part in… 在……中起重要作用
play with… 玩耍…;玩弄…
play…out 消耗……的精力,使……精疲力竭
play sth. up 夸大…的重要性
play sb. up 给某人添麻烦
play A off (against) B 挑拨离间
play away from home 在客场比赛;有外遇
play along with sb. 假意顺从某人
词 族: playful a. 开玩笑的;幽默的;爱嬉戏的
playable a. 可演奏的;可游戏的
playfully ad. 开玩笑地;好游玩地
player n. 运动员,比赛者
真题例句: Playing sports makes you tired but completely relaxed.
mostly / m stli/ ad. 主要地,通常,大多数
词 族: most a. 大部分的,多数的;最多的
ad. 最;非常,极其 n. 大部分,大多数
真题例句: The area is mostly office buildings and warehouses.
loyalty / l lti/ n. 忠诚, 忠心
常见搭配: brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度 customer loyalty 客户忠诚度;客户信赖
Strong loyalty 忠心耿耿 swear one’s loyalty to… 宣誓对……效忠
词 族: loyal a. 忠诚的,忠心的;忠贞的 loyally ad. 忠诚地;诚实地
loyalist n. 忠诚的人;反对独立者
真题例句: Loyalty was her most admirable quality.
taxi / t ksi/ n. 出租车 v. 用出租车运
常见搭配: by taxi 坐出租车 = take a taxi taxi stand n. 出租车招呼站
taxi fare 的士收费;出租汽车费 taxi meter 车用计费器
call a taxi 打的;叫出租车
词 族: taxiway n. 滑行道;[航] 飞机滑行道
真题例句: People wouldn’t get into his taxi because they thought he already had a passenger.
round a. 圆的,球形的,丰满的,弧形的 n. 旋转;巡视;一连串;绕圈
ad. 环绕,附近,各处;向四周 prep。 环绕,在……周围,始终
v. 绕过,拐过,使成圆形
常见搭配: in the round adv. 全面地 adj. 圆雕的 all round 周围,到处
round about adv. 周围;向相反方向;大约;迂回地
round and round adv. 处处;旋转不息地 in a round 围成一圈
get round v. 说服;(消息)传开来;走动;旅行;避免
round up 围捕;赶拢;使……集拢;去以成整数
a round of applause 掌声雷动 round out 完成
make a round 兜个圈子;闲逛;漫步
a round of visits (医生)巡回出诊;一系列的访问 round into v. 成长为
词 族: rounded a. 圆形的;全面的;丰满的
roundly ad. 全面地;严厉地;直率地;圆圆地
rounder n. 酒鬼;惯犯;看夜人;搓圆机;巡回者
roundness n. 圆;球形
all-round a. 全能的,多才多艺的
真题例句: We had seen all the cucumbers, onions, lettuce, grapes, long potatoes, round potatoes and everything else. 我们看到了所有的黄瓜、洋葱、莴苣、葡萄、长土豆、圆土豆和其它所有东西
postage / p st d / n. 邮费,邮资已付邮戳
常见搭配: postage stamp n. 邮票
词 族: postal a. 邮政的;邮局的
post n. 岗位;邮件;标杆 vt. 张贴;公布;邮递;布置
真题例句: That is if you put a postage stamp on upside down, you will go to prison.
behalf /b hɑ f/ n. 利益,代表,方面
常见搭配: on behalf of sb. 代表;为了=on sb’s behalf
习 语: in behalf of sb. : in order to help sb. 为了帮助某人(used by Americans)
例 句: We collected money in behalf of the homeless. 我们为帮助无家可归者而募捐
shampoo / m pu / n. 洗发剂,洗涤剂,洗头 vt. 洗(头发,地毯等)
例 句: This shampoo smells fruity and leaves the hair beautifully silky.
If something happens _________ a particular time, it happens during the period before that time and stops at that time.
If a musician or group of musicians appears in _________, they are giving a live performance.
When children, animals, or adults_________, they spend time doing enjoyable things, such as using toys and taking part in games.
You use _________ to indicate that a statement is generally true, for example true about the majority of a group of things or people, true most of the time, or true in most respects.
_________ is the quality of staying firm in your friendship or support for someone or something.
A _________ is a car driven by a person whose job is to take people where they want to go in return for money.
A _________ of events is a series of related events, especially one which comes after or before a similar series of events.
_________ is the money that you pay for sending letters and packages by mail.
If you do something on someone's _________, you do it for that person as their representative.
_________ is a soapy liquid that you use for washing your hair.
(keys 1 until 2 concert 3 play 4 mostly 5 Loyalty 6 taxi 7 round 8 Postage 9 behalf 10 Shampoo)
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