Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Period 1 Listening and Speaking 课件30张PPT+学案


名称 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Period 1 Listening and Speaking 课件30张PPT+学案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-12-07 09:28:10


Unit 1
Cultural Heritage
Period 1
Listening and speaking
新人教版版 高一年级上
n. 寺庙,寺院
vt. 保存;维护; 保护 n. 保护区
n. 申请表;运用;用途; 应用(程序)
n. 委员会
adj. 以前的; (两者中)前一个
vt. 创建,创立
n. 抗议 v. 公开反对,抗议
n. 资料,文件,计算机文档 v. 记录;记载
v. 促进,提升,推销
n. 部门,司,科
creatively /kri'eitivli/
adv. 创造性地; 有创造力地
v. 创造;创作;产生
n. 创作;创造;产物
n. 动物,生物,人
n. 创作;创造;产物
2. mount /ma nt/ n. 山峰 v.t. 爬上,骑上; v.i. 爬;登上
She finally mounted the steps.
He mounted his horse and ran away.
mountain n. 山峰
mountainous n. 多山的
I lost my compass and finally I got lost in the ________________.
Life in the ___________ village was hard but happy.
3. former /'f m / adj. 以前的,(两者中的)前一个
Of the two characters, I prefer _________ to _________.
the former
the latter
I will introduce three characters, the ________ is Micky, the ________ is the tiger, and the ______________is the rabbit.
4. preserve /pr 'z v/
vt. 保存,保护,维持 n. 保护区
preserve…from… /protect…from… 保护…免受…
preservation n. [U] 维护,保护,保存
These 18th –century oil paintings are preserved so
well that the visitors are greatly amazed.
We need to preserve the forest from being damage.
5. app n. 应用程序,应用软件
application / pl 'ke ( )n/
n. [C] 申请(表),运用,用途,应用程序
I wonder when I will be informed about my application for the job.
application form/ letter 申请表/申请信
apply v. 申请,应用; 涂;敷
apply for…
6. clue /klu / n. 线索
This give him a valuable clue about the cause of the disease.
7. cypress /'sa pr s/
n. 柏树
Lead in
Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today and what we pass on to future generations.
—— World heritage Centre
What is heritage
Something existing from the past or has been past down for previous generations.
It continues to be important.
Lead in
What heritage do you know
the Great Wall
the Forbidden City
Lead in
What heritage do you know
Mogao Caves of Dunhuang
Potala Palace
Lead in
What heritage do you know
The Great Pyramid
The Taj Mahal
Lead in
Why do we need to protect cultural heritage
What can we do to protect cultural heritage
Look at the pictures and guess the topic of the listening material.
what does it mean
Listen for the gist (P2)
Listen to the conversation and choose the main idea.
Students from different countries are working creatively to protect a temple in China.
Youths from seven countries are working together to protect cultural relics on Mount Tai.
Doing a project on cultural heritage protection in China is interesting and exciting.
Listen for detailed information (P2)
Listen again and help the reporter to complete the interview notes.
International youth project, ________ high school students from 7 countries.
Mount Tai, one of the most __________ mountains in China.
It has been __________ for more than 3000 years.
22 temples, around 1,800 ________ with writing on them.
Dai Temple on ________; over 6,000 ____________
n. pl.
n. pl.
Mount Tai
Listening tips (P2)
Thinking: How do you guess the meaning of the new words when you are listening
Use context to guess words
To guess meaning of new words, look at the other words and use what you know about the topic.
Listening tips (P3)
Listen to the conversation again and use the context to guess the meaning of the words.
Tick the reason why you were able to guess the words.
Reason Preserve Promote Cypress
The word is an example of a group/type I know.
The word is explained by the speaker.
The word means the opposite of a word I know.
The word means the same as a word I know.
I know the general meaning of the word.
The speaker gives an example of the word.
Liu Bin: Well, as you know, Mount Tai is one of the most famous mountain in China. The mountain and the temples have been protected for over 3,000 years, so it’s a great example of how people preserve their cultural heritage.
Liu Bin: We want to promote Mount Tai, that is, we want to tell teenagers in their countries about the mountain and Chinese culture.
Stephanie: Yes, for example, this game is about the six cypresses that were planted on Mount Tai during the Han Dynasty. You learn about the trees and also the life in China over 2,000 years ago.
Summarize the interview in your own words.
Youth project
what (create an app)
take photos of
Write texts
Help the reporter to complete the news report based on what you hear and the interview notes. (P3)
International Youth Camp Members Create Mount Tai App
Tai’an, 18 June 2019. A group of high school students who are taking part in an international youth camp at Mount Tai are creating a(n) ________ about China’s most famous mountain. The purpose of the camp is to _______ Mount Tai by introducing it to young people in a fun and easy way. The students are making an app about Mount Tai and taking photos of the ________ and stones. The volunteers also visit middle schools in the area in order to talk to local teenagers. Liu Bin, a member of the camp, says that he is _______ to help Mount Tai as people have done for more than 3,000 years.
Pair work
Would you like to take part in a project like this Why or why not
Pair work
Suppose you are a news reporter; you need to deliver a report to a group of students in order to introduce the experience of the Youth Camp.
Prepare a 2-minute report.
news report
news lead: when, where,
who, what
Details: why, how, what
Listen and tick the word that you hear. (P3)
present pleasant
crew grew
scream cream
exist exists
twelve twelfth
confident confused
Read the sentence and pay attention to the underlined words. (P3)
Just across the street. Just cross the street.
Bruce referred to the guidebook. Bruce preferred to the guidebook.
The dragon followed its tail. The dragon follow his trail.
It is a different context. It is a different contest.
The trays were dark green. The trains were dark green.
In this lesson, we have learnt:
The Youth Project aims at protecting Mount Tai
Some useful expressions to start a conversation:
I beg your pardon…
Forgive me for asking, but…
Excuse me, but what is…

新人教版必修二Unit 1 Period 1
listening and speaking 学案
学生姓名 班级 序号
课题内容 Unit 1 Cultural Relics Period 1 listening and speaking
教材分析 The topic of this period is “take part in a youth project”, which aims at arising Ss’ awareness of protecting cultural relics and know about the significance of protecting cultural relics. The listening material is an interview about an international youth project, it includes three parts: 1) a brief introduction to the youth project; 2) why do they choose Mount Tai; 3) What do they do to protect Mount Tai.
学习目标与核心素养 Knowledge objectives: Ss can understand the meaning and usage of some key words: heritage, take part in, former, clue, promote, etc.Skill objectives: Ss can understand the main idea of the listening material as well as catching some detailed information by using listening strategies like predicting and taking notes; Ss can predict the meanings of new words according to the context.Emotional objectives: Ss get to know the importance of protecting cultural relics.Thinking quality objectives: Ss could be able to think about some problems and solutions of protecting cultural relics based on the listening materials and their own experience.
学习重点 Ss can predict the meanings of new words according to the context.
学习难点 Ss can express their own opinions on protecting cultural relics.
Words and expressions
heritage n. _______________3. mount n. __________ 5. mount v. ___________ relic n.__________4. mountain n. _______ 6. mountainous adj. ____
7. creative adj. ____________ 9. create v. ___________11. creature n. ____________ 8. creatively adv. ________ 10. creation n. _________12. former adj. _________
13. form n._________ 14. form v. ________
15. app n. ________ 16. application n.___________
17. apply v. ________19. preserve v._____________21. promote v. ______________23. take part in _____________ 18. applicant n. ___________10. preservation n. _______________22. promotion n. ______________
Language focus
preserve vt. 保存,保护, 维持; n. 保护区 (P3)
preserve/protect…from… 保护…免受…(伤害)
preserve 保持原有状态不变质
protect 保护并使其不受外界伤害
We should preserve our eyes from bright sunlight in summer.
In this nature preserve, all the rare plants are well preserved.
promote vt. 促进,提升,推销,晋级 (P3)
promoter n. 促进者,发起人
promotion n. 促进,提升,推销
take part in 参与,参加(活动)
[辨析] join/join in /take part in / attend
join 加入某个组织火证党派,后可接某人表示“和某人一起”
join in 参加某项活动,与take part in 相同
attend 参加正式的场合,如会议,婚礼等仪式活动
Key sentences
By studying old photos of the former palace, they have made the new one look exactly like the old one.
by+ v.-ing 通过某种方式,形式进行
make sb./sth. do 使…做…
one 在句子中作代词,指代前文出现的单数名词
The teachers ask us to think __________ when coming across with problems.
creation B. creative C. creatively D. create
Having settled down in the beautiful _________ village, the artist devoted himself in painting.
mountain B. mountainous C. mountains D. mount
Tom and Sam are twin brothers. The ________ is shorter; the _________ is stronger.
former; latter B. former; later C. form;latter D. form; later
Since 1980s, many new __________ have been __________ to teaching.
applicants; apply B. applications; applied
applicants; applied D. applications; apply
At the beginning of every semester, students have to choose a project to _____________. (参加)
The job has attracted more than 100 _________ to _________ for. (apply)
It is an exciting news that the _______ world champion will give a speech next week. (form)
All men are _________ equal. (create)
There is no valuable ______ (clue) left at the crime scene.
From a worker to a manager, he got a great ___________. (promote)
We should _________ (preserve) the ocean from ____________. (pollute)
三、阅读理解 (T/F)
The first batch of 20 national parks include 9 Suzhou classical gardens: Zhuozheng Garden, Liu Garden, Wangshi Garden, Huanxiu Villa, Lion Grove, Yipu Garden, Ou Garden, Tuisi Garden and Changlang Palivion.
National parks prefer to the famous city parks and gardens. Suzhou classical gardens are parts of China’s precious cultural heritage (all the nine gardens are on the list of World Cultural Heritage) as well as a necessary part of the life of Suzhou citizens, not to mention they are also world-famous tourism resorts. In fact, their unique historical and cultural background serves to contribute to their ranking among national parks.
The earliest classical garden in Suzhou can date back to the Song Dynasty. However, the gardens impress their visitors not only with their old history but also with their delicate scenes, particularly Changlang Palivion, Lion Grove and Liu Garden, the most famous four that represent different styles of dynasties of Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing.
In 1978, an imitation of a Suzhou classical garden was set up by Chen Congzhou (the author of the book Suzhou Classical Garden) in the City Museum of Art in New York, US, which was the first time ever to directly introduce Chinese ancient architecture to Westerners.
There are 20 parks elected as the national parks in total, and half of them are in Suzhou.
Citizens of Suzhou often spend their leisure time in the classical gardens.
The first classical garden in Suzhou was built in the Song Dynasty.
The classical gardens in Suzhou shows different architectural styles of different dynasties in ancient China.
The classical gardens in Suzhou have never been able to their ways to the international tourism market.
Words and expressions
1. 遗址,遗产; 2. 遗物,遗迹,遗产; 3. n. 山峰 4.山峰,山峦 5. v.爬上,登上;6. 多山的 7. 有创造力的,创新的 8. 创造性地 9. 创造,制造 10. 创造物,产物,创造 11. 生物,人 12. 之前的,前者 13. 形式;表格 14. 形成,组成 15. 应用程序 16. 申请,应用,应用程序 17. 应用,申请 18. 申请者 19. 保护,防止 20. 保护 21. 提升,提拔 22. 提升,提高,升职 23. 参加
Language focus
1. 我们应该保护我们的眼睛防止受到阳光的伤害。
2. 所有的珍稀植物都在这个自然保护区中得到了很好的保护。
二、take part in; applicants; apply; former; created; clue; promotion; preserve; pollution
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