人教版(2019)必修第一册:Unit 5 Languages Around the World Assessing Your Progress 教案


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册:Unit 5 Languages Around the World Assessing Your Progress 教案
格式 doc
文件大小 42.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-12-08 07:36:25



Unit 5 Languages Around the World
PeriodⅥ Video Time& Assessing Your progress
文本分析:本节课分两部分,第一部分为 Video Time,其内容为介绍汉字的历史、汉字演变的不同形体。本节课的第二部分为 Assessing Your progress,主要以练习为主,分别叙述了两位作者学习法语和德语的经历。最后对本单元进行总的反思和评价
Video Time
活动一:学习与理解( blanks filling)
1. Go through the words in the box, and make sure students can understand their meanings, If necessary, ask student to look up the words in the dictionary
2. Go through the six sentences with students and help them to understand the meanings.
3. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below.
carved classics era origins radicals
(1)Ancient Chinese people carved symbols onto turtle shells or bones of animal.
(2)Many of today's characters have their origins in the observations of ancient Chinese people.
(3)About 80 percent of Chinese characters are made up of smaller parts, called radicals.
(4)If you can read Chinese characters, you can read Chinese classics from thousands of years ago.
(5) Chinese characters have been adapted into digital form in the modern era.
1. Before watching the video, go through the five questions with students and make sure they understand the questions and choices
2. Play the video and ask students to choose the correct answers to the following questions
(1) How many tales or legends about the origin of Chinese characters are mentioned in the video
A. Three
B Four
C. Five
(2)Today, written Chinese is the _______ writing in the world.
A. most complicated
B. oldest continuously used
C. hardest
(3) The character jia probably originated from the idea that ________.
A. animals should live in family homes
B. a good family home has plenty of food
C. ancient homes always kept pigs
(4) Chinas unified writing system forms a strong bridge linking ________.
A China with the rest of the world
B. Asia, Africa, and Europe
C the present and the past
(5)Written Chinese spreads ___________wherever it goes.
A Chinese culture
B Chinese classics
C tales and legends
3. Ask students to share the answers first in pairs and then with whole class.
活动三: Discussion
First go through the questions and then ask students to work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1. Why do you think written Chinese has survived for so long
2. Why do you think an increasing number of international students become interested in learning the Chinese language
Assessing Your Progress
活动四:词汇复习: Complete the first part(SB,P6,Part 1)
1. Go through the words in the box and make sure students understand their meanings.
2. Ask students to read the part and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.
3. Share the answers first in pairs or groups and then with the whole class
Suggested answers:
Part I: The first foreign language I ever learnt was French, but it didn't go very well. My mother asked our neighbour to teach me when I was seven. French wasn’t his native language, but he used to live in France, so he could her speak a little. However, despite his help, I learnt very little French. I just didn't feel that it related to my daily life in any way, so I didn't try. When I entered senior high school, my attitude towards language learning changed. I had to learn Latin, which I've always been interested in because I want to study law. For this reason, learning Latin wasn't a struggle for me like learning French. Soon I began to read classic books in Latin. It certainly wasn't easy, but I got to read lots of interesting stories about ancient civilization. Reading those books opened a window for an other world and gave me a new point of view on my own world.
活动五:语法再现: Read and combine(SB,P68,Part2)
1.Ask students to read the passage and understand its meaning. If necessary, help students to understand any difficult sentences they may think.
2. Ask students to read and try to complete the nouns and the restrictive relative clause.
3. Share the answers first in pairs or groups and then with the whole class
Suggested answers
Part I: I became interested in learning more languages aside from English. Then I saw an advertisement that offered a wonderful summer course in German, and that was the day when I decided to take on a new language. The building where we met for classes was quite small, but there was a whole world of language to explore, Our teacher was Mrs Haus: a tall, thin, quiet, grey-haired lady. I'll never forget the first class in which she introduced herself to us. She never once raised her voice but as soon as she began to speak, the room fell silent. What was the ren
son Because Mrs Haus LOVED German language and culture and everybody who was in her classes couldn't help but love the language, too. We all loved the way that she talked about German food and traditions. And I realized what makes a good teacher. A good teacher is someone
who is in love with what she or he is teaching.
活动六:单元反思: Reflecting
1. Go through the tasks with students and make sure they know what to do
2. Let students do it by themselves
3. Ask students to work in groups and share what they write. The answers may vary from one student to another.
Unit 5 Languages Around the WorldPeriod Ⅵ Video Time Assessing Your ProgressVideo TimeStep I学习理解活动一:学习与理解( blanks filling活动二:获取与梳理StepⅡ迁移创新活动三:DiscussionAssessing Your Progress活动四:词汇复习: Complete the first part活动五:语法再现: Read and combine动六:单元反思: Reflecting