人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册:Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Vocabulary 课件(54张)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册:Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Vocabulary 课件(54张)
格式 pptx
文件大小 20.5MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-12-09 06:35:18



Bridging Cultures
Workers are busy packaging goods at an e-commerce industrial zone in Lianyungang, Jiangsu province, as China's Singles Day shopping festival starts.
Also notable was the effect of the strengthened supervision on the e-commerce industry and the enforcement of the Personal Information Protection Law on Nov 1, which prompted companies to behave themselves in the sales gala and attach more importance to attracting consumers with better services rather than unveracious low prices based on discount tricks.
v. 表现; 表现得体;有礼貌
(1)behave well/badly  举止得体/糟糕
_________________ 对某人态度好/恶劣
_________________ (某人)守规矩;表现得有礼貌
Do behave! 规矩点!
(2) n. 举止;行为
behave well/badly towards sb.
behave oneself
The shop assistants behave very well towards customers.
Do behave yourself at your aunt's home, my child.
Howling is a behaviour commonly observed among a wolf pack.(2011年高考湖北卷·阅读B)
The boy at the banquet, and everyone praised his decent .
behaved well
I was told to at the party.
They the foreigners.
behave myself
behaved badly towards
Several snows since the start of the winter have turned China's Snow Town in Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang province, into a frosty wonderland. The place is very beautiful if we live in the surroundings .
surroundings n.[pl.] 环境,周围的事物
vt 包围;围绕
adj 附近的
She works in pleasant surroundings.
It’s difficult to imagine you are living in such poor conditions.很难想像你在这样差的条件下生活。
An unhappy home environment can affect a child’s behaviour.不幸的家庭环境可能对孩子的行为造成影响。
(1). The trees________(环绕)the house.
(2). The soldiers________(包围)the enemy yesterday.
(3). He lives in the________(附近的) area.
(4). The__________(环境)a child grows up in may have an effect on his development.
5)There are a lot of trees,__________our school.
6)Our school is very beautiful,_________by trees.
surround … with… 用…包围…
be surrounded with/by… 被…环绕/包围,周围都是…
surround oneself with… 和…在一起,与…为伍
Shanxi's matured vinegar and apples from Jixian county were included on the recently released list of China's 100 geographical indications under protection in the European Union.
adj. 成熟的【(人/动物性) 成熟; (树) 成熟; (艺术家等的技艺/能力等)成熟的】
ripe: adj. (水果/谷物/蔬菜等)成熟的; (时机)成熟
maturity n. 成熟; 成熟;
成年; 完全长成; 到期(应付款);
1)Jane is very mature for her age.
2)I’ll let you have an answer after
mature consideration.
3)Our relationship was as close as ever,
but she was changing, growing
into a mature young woman
with her own opinions and
Depressive disorders in China were more prevalent in women than men, unemployed people than employed and people who were divorced, separated or widowed than those who were married or cohabiting, according to a paper recently released by Chinese researchers.
depressed adj. 沮丧的; 意志消沉的
depress: v. 使抑郁/沮丧/消沉; 使失去信心
depressing: adj. 令人抑郁的; 令人沮丧的; depression: n. 抑郁症; 忧郁; 抑郁; 沮丧; depressive adj 患抑郁症的;抑郁的
n [C] 抑郁症患者
1)Rainy weather always depresses me.
2)The news depressed the composer.
3)The composer felt depressed about
the news.
4)The news was depressing.
5).The depressing news depressed him,
and he was so depressed that I couldn’t
help him out of depression.
1. The thought of taking the exam again depressed him. ______________
2. A war will depress the global economy. ______________
3. High interest rates may depress share prices. ______________
1. She felt very __________ (depress) about the future.
2. Looking for a job these days can be very __________ (depress).
3. The patient is suffering from __________ (depress).
Tourists enjoy the snow at China's northernmost skiing destination, the Arctic Ski Resort in Mohe, Heilongjiang province, in late October.
Surprise hit drives tourism boom in nation's northernmost city
boom v./n. 迅速发展; 繁荣
economic boom 经济繁荣
boom year/time 繁荣时期
enjoy a boom 欣欣向荣
[a] boom in sth. …的激增
(1) 石油市场欣欣向荣。
(2) 我们很高兴告诉大家,今年我们的业务发
The oil market is enjoying a boom.
We are happy to report that business is
booming this year.
Liu Xiaoming(left), special representative of the Chinese government on Korean Peninsula affairs and former Chinese Ambassador to the UK, is invited to deliver a keynote speech titled “Tell China’s story, Enhance mutual trust between China and the UK” at the sixth DRC Chair on Nov 3. Focusing on telling China’s stories well, Liu talked how to strengthen international communication and public diplomacy, reviewed and envisioned China-UK relations, and shared his opinion on enhancing cooperation between think tanks in China and the UK.
strengthen v.加强; 增强; 巩固
adj. 强壮的; 强大的; 影响大的
strength: n. 力量; 体力; 优势; 优点
build up one’s strength 增加体力
have the strength to do sth. 有力气做某事
with all one’s strength 用尽某人全身的力气
strengths and weaknesses 优点和缺点,长处和短处
1. I didn’t have the strength to get out of bed.
2. Ron’s main strength is his ability to encourage his players.
3. The team has been strengthened by the arrival of two new
4. Our friendship has strengthened over the years.
strength, force, energy & power
strength 人的体力,力气,强度等。承受重物的力量
force 武力;暴力;力量:人或事物撞击所用的力,forces:兵力,军队
energy 人的精力,活力
power 人的某种能力;机器的动力;人、国家或某个机构的权力。
eg. The force of the wind closed the door.
The manager listened carefully to Jack’s plan and admired him for his energy and enthusiasm.
After the serious disease he lost the power of speech.
A car needs a lot of power to go fast.
The powers of a president are defined in the constitution.
Tournament host Tiger Woods and winner Viktor Hovland pose with the trophy at the Hero World Challenge on Sunday.
Hovland the unlikely Hero to deny Morikawa top spot
deny v. 否认; 否定; 拒绝
refuse: v. 拒绝; 回绝 (普通用词)
reject : v. 拒绝; 抛弃; 不接受;不录用
deny [doing] sth. 否认[做]某事
deny + that 从句 否认…
deny sb. sth.
= deny sth. to sb. 拒绝给某人某物
there is no denying that…
it can’t be denied that… 不可否认…
He denied the signature.
He denied knowing anything about their plans.
= He denied having known anything about their plans.
He denied the money to his son.
= He denied his sone the money.
He has denied his party and his principles.
John Holden takes part in the torch relay for the 2008 Beijing Olympics as a torchbearer. On the future relationship between the United States and China, Holden said he is "realistic" rather than being "optimistic or pessimistic."
optimistic adj. 乐观的
pessimistic adj. 悲观的
She is not optimistic about the future.
The experts are optimistic that we will succeed.
She felt light-hearted and optimistic.
be optimistic about ----
be optimistic that-clause
A volunteer who will serve at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics helps people experience floor curling in Beijing on Sunday at an event organized by Peking University to celebrate the 36th International Volunteer Day and pass on the spirits of volunteerism. She can gain a lot from different volunteering experiences.
gain v. 获得; 赢得;取得;增加
n. 好处; 增加
acquire: v. 获得; 取得
attain: v. 得到; 获得 (正式用词)
get: v. 得到; 获得 (普通用词)
1) He gained experience form the failures.
2) The boy gradually gains confidence in his
3) Within two weeks, she gained five pounds
in weight.
4) Don’t hurry; my watch gains ten minutes.
5) No pains, no gains.
gain entrance/entry/access to sth.
gain one’s respect/trust 赢得某人的尊敬/信任
gain [sth.] from/by… 从…中受[…]益
gain confidence/strength/experience
gain in sth. 某物增长/增加
gain weight
gain ten minutes
即讲既练 完成句子:
---It took me ten years to build up my
business, and it almost killed me.
---Well, you know what they say, “_______
________, ______ ________”
2) Tom ________ a lot of experience and the friendship of the local people, working there for 3 years.
3) There is nothing to be ___________ by losing your temper.
pains no gains
(1)I have __________________________ since I arrived.
(2)He had ________________ and looked much better.
gained a lot of friends
gained weight
Fishballs, a dish commonly seen on the dining tables of families from Fujian and Taiwan, have become a career for Wu Yun-chen. From Wu's perspective, the key to the success of her parents' generation lay in their pursuit of fine craftsmanship. But her approach to the business is different. To reduce costs and enhance efficiency, Wu focuses on improving the production line, from the purchase of raw material to production and packaging.
perspective n. (思考问题的)角度; 观点
from one’s perspective
= from the perspective of sb: 从某人的角度看
1. Perspective was invented during the Italian Renaissance.
2. The school has been attempting to bring a multicultural perspective to its curriculum.
3. I would like to offer a historical perspective.
4. The discipline of social policy itself takes on a more internationalist perspective.
5. It was impossible for me to identify with his religious perspective.
When the Houston Rockets were considering drafting Yao Ming for the 2002-03 NBA season for his competence, they contacted experienced immigration lawyer Charles Foster to make sure that Yao could legally play in the United States-expeditiously.
competence n. 能力; 胜任; 本领
ability n. 能力 (普通用词)
talent n. 能力; 天才; 天赋
competent adj. 有能力的; 称职的
capable adj. 有能力; 有才能
able: adj. 能够的; 有才能的; 称职的
acquire/gain competence 获得能力
have competence of management
professional/technical competence
beyond/within competence
competence in doing sth.
1. The party's flat-footed performance leaves doubts about its electoral competence.
2. We've always regarded him as a man of integrity and high professional competence.
3 Always technically competent, the paintings are, however, curiously superficial.
4. They are very professional and competent.
Maria-Francesca Spatolisano, officer-in-charge of the UN Office of Secretary-General's Envoy on Technology, emphasized the world could and must work together to create inclusive, responsive and effective global cooperation structures that can meet the challenges posed by AI.
envoy n. 使者;使节; (谈判等的)代表
ambassador n.大使,代表;使者;
messenger n. 送信人; 信使
envyn./v. 羡慕; 忌妒
China's efforts to build closer cooperation with ASEAN will benefit all countries in the region, contribute to greater integration in East Asia and bolster development needed for post-pandemic economic recovery, experts said.
v. 合作;协作;配合
n. 合作
cooperate in sth. 在某事上给予合作
cooperate with [sb.] 与[某人]协作/合作
in cooperation with 与…合作
I am so happy to cooperate with you.
I advise you not to cooperate with that deceitful businessman.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Our success was attributed not so much to your help as to our cooperation.
Charging along the sideline at full speed, before the ball went out of the goal line, he blasted an angled shot just wide of the goal.
The player, He Yiyi, stands out for more than just his prowess on the pitch, as he has only one leg.
angle n. 角; 角度; 立场
from... angle: 从...的角度
anger n. 气愤; 怒火; 怒气
angel n. 天使
eager adj. 渴望的; 热切 的
eagle n. 雕
1. The body was twisted, its legs at an awkward angle.
2. The sun sets slowly at a glancing angle.
3. The Times takes a different angle on the story.
4. Plasma TVs offer a wider angle for viewing.
5. One way to create this obtuse angle is to lean back further.
Slumping orders dim German outlook
A photo taken on Oct 9, 2021 shows the production of the Tesla Model Y during the opening of the new 'Gigafactory' of US carmaker Tesla in Gruenheide, east of the German capital Berlin.
outlook n. 前景;可能性; 观点
1. Officials say the outlook for next year is gloomy.
2. The illness had a profound effect on his outlook.
A new international survey on the impact of the Belt and Road Initiative, released in Beijing on Monday.
belt n. 腰带; 地带
belted adj.系着带子的
the Belt and Road ( B & R):
the corn/wheat/forest/green belt:
Fasten your seat belt. 系上安全带。
do up/fasten/tighten a belt:
1、Philippe was in uniform, wearing a pistol holster on his belt.
2、Do you think it's a bit below the belt what they're doing
3、They feel scared and powerless in conveyor-belt hospital wards.
Dai Ying, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform, delivers remarks at a themed activity during the ongoing Beijing-Hong Kong Economic Cooperation Symposium on Dec 6, 2021. In the future, the capital city will deepen exchanges and cooperation with countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative to better equip Beijing as an international exchange center.
n. 倡议; 新方案,主动性
1. She's got initiative.
2. He's got no initiative.
3. The initiative is of immeasurable importance.
4. The government now hopes to seize the initiative on education.
5. an initiative to help promote tolerance between different ethnic groups
Screen image captured at Beijing Aerospace Control Center in Beijing, capital of China, Oct 16, 2021 shows three Chinese astronauts, Zhai Zhigang (C), Wang Yaping (R) and Ye Guangfu, waving after entering the space station core module Tianhe. The astronauts "sincerely invite young viewers to conduct similar experiments along with them to observe the physical disparities between space and land environments to experience the fun of exploration", the agency said.
adv. 真诚地;诚实地
adj. 真诚的; 诚挚的; 诚恳的
Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa on Thursday announced decisions to dissolve the parliament and hold new general elections on Jan 30, 2022.
The president made the statement in his nationally televised speech, in a bid to solve the political crisis after the 2022 State Budget of the current Socialist Party (PS)'s government was rejected by the parliament late last month.
budget n. 预算
over budget: 超出预算
under budget: 低于预算
within budget: 在预算内
go over budget: 超出预算
the education budget 教育预算
the defence budget 国防预算
budget cuts 预算削减
on a budget 节省费用,控制预算
1. There has been an underspend in the department's budget.
2. budget cuts
3. The budget deficit has risen steadily.
4. The country faces a ballooning budget deficit.
5. I'm learning how to budget.
1)Students who want to study abroad
must consider their parents’ budget.
2)The project was finished on time
and within budget.
3)Next year’s budget has been agreed.
4)There are few surprises in this
year’s budget.
5)We will have a very tight budget
next year.
side with ...: 站在…一边 (动词短语)
be on the side of...: 支持; 站在…一边
take the side of...: 支持; 站在…一边
at sb’s side 在某人身旁
side by side 肩并肩地,一起,并排
by sb’s side 在某人身旁
by the side of… 在…的旁边[附近]
1)We should side with Russia/the people.
2)It is safer to side with a stronger country.
3)I’d side with him no matter what happens.
The national civil service exam for recruitment next year was held on Sunday, with 1.42 million people sitting for it, about 40 percent more than last year. Only 31,200 will be recruited, making the odds of getting a position about 1 in 46.
During the test, candidates spent two hours in the morning answering questions pertaining to mathematics, logic, analysis, comprehension and common knowledge, and another three hours in the afternoon writing essays.
logical adj. 符合逻辑的; 合乎情理的
logically: adv. 逻辑上; 合乎逻辑地
logic n. 逻辑; 逻辑学;
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