高中必修一 Unit 5 Languages around the world Reading and Thinking(18张PPT+教学设计+ 课后反思)


名称 高中必修一 Unit 5 Languages around the world Reading and Thinking(18张PPT+教学设计+ 课后反思)
格式 zip
文件大小 11.9MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-12-10 14:00:51


Connecting the Past and the Present
The Chinese Writing System:

Warming up
Warming up
Warming up
Look at the title and picture below. Predict what the text will be about.
Para 1
Para 2
Para 3
Para 4
Para 5
Para 6
Main idea
The Chinese writing system is one of the reasons why Chinese civilisation has survived into modern times.
At the beginning, written Chinese was a picture-based language .
The writing system became well-developed, and later developed into different forms.
The writing system began to develop in one direction.
Written Chinese connects China's present with its past, and has become an art form.
The Chinese language is helping to spread China's culture and history to the world.
Warming up
Fast reading

The introduction
What’s the type of the text
A.Narration(叙述文) B.Argumentation(议论文) C.Exposition (说明文)
The history
The importance
Part1 Introduction
Fast reading
Careful reading
1. What’s the purpose of paragraph 1
To introduce the topic.
2. According to the writer, the Chinese writing system is one factor that has helped the Chinese language and culture survive.
powerful government
What do you think are some of other factors
Part2(Para.2-3) History
How does the Chinese writing system develop
Scan Para.2-3 to find the words and phrases that describe a time.
Careful reading
Careful reading
Developed into
Different forms
Began to develop in one direction
At the beginning
By the Shang Dynasty
In Qin Dynasty
Dates back several thousands
Became a well-
developed writing system
The use of longgu--animal bones and shells
Began as a picture-based language
Over the years
The past
The present
Chinese people in modern times can read and understand classic works from ancient times.
Part3(Para.4-6) Importance
1. How does written Chinese connect Chinese people today
with those of the past
Careful reading
Careful reading
Part3(Para.4-6) Importance
2.How many expressions of importance are mentioned
That writing system was of great importance in uniting the Chinese people and culture.(para.4)
Written Chinese has also become an important means by which China’s present is connected with China’s past.(para.5)
The high regard for the Chinese writing system …, which has become an important part of Chinese culture.(para.5)
Today…is still an important part of the Chinese culture. As China plays a great role in global affairs…(para.6)
3. What does each “importance ” refer to
Importance Connection
of great importance(para4)
an important means(para5)
important part of Chinese culture (para5)
play a greater role in(para6)
connect_______and ______
connect ______and______
the past
the present
connect_________and ____
connect______and ______
the world
Part3(Para.4-6) Importance
1. Does the author hold a positive or negative attitude towards the Chinese writing system
2. What’s the author’s writing purpose
The author intends to raise our awareness of the
importance of written Chinese and take pride in
Chinese language and culture.
different forms
in one direction
use of longgu
To introduce the topic: ___________________.
the Chinese writing system
connect people and culture
connect characters and art
connect China and the world
connect the past and the present
Some argue that there is no need to spend much time learning to write Chinese calligraphy.
What's your opinion
Nowadays, people are depending too much on the computer and phones. Many of them don’t write the Chinese characters by hand.
We think it’s necessary to …
Is it necessary to spend much time practising Chinese calligraphy
We don’t think it’s necessary to …
3 rounds ﹢ 4 speakers
R1: the 1st speaker state your opinions why you
think is/isn’t necessary .
R3: the 4th speaker conclude your ideas.
R2: the 2nd & 3rd speakers argue against the other
side’s opinions.
1.Finish activity 5 & activity 6 on page 63.
注意:写作词数应为80左右。必修第一册Unit5 Reading and Thinking
本单元第2课时 Reading and Thinking
主题语境:人与社会 语篇类型:说明文 文本是新教材第五单元Reading and Thinking部分的阅读文本,该板块以“探索汉字书写体系”(Exploring the Chinese Writing System)为活动主题,为本单元的第二板块。汉字作为世界语言的重要组成部分,是促进学生理解本单元的主题——“世界上的语言”(Language around the World)的关键。该文本共计321词,六个自然段。第一段为总起,说明汉字书写体系对于传承中华文明的重要性;第二、三段介绍了汉字的发展历史;第四、五、六段阐述了汉字的纽带作用。虽然该文本语言简单,结构清晰,易于学生理解,但本文的重点在于其深刻的文化内涵,本文的价值取向在于学生通过该文本的学习,了解汉字的重要价值,学习中华历史,传承中华文明,传播中国文化,提升文化自信,增强民族自豪感。所以该板块的学习有利于学生了解中国汉字的发展历史,理解汉字与中华文化传承的关系,主动思考未来汉字在全球范围内的发展与使用,培养学生的国际视野。【What】本课阅读文本的标题为“The Chinese Writing System: Connecting the Past and the Present”,是一篇介绍汉字发展的说明性文章,主要介绍了汉字书写体系的发展历史及其重要作用。【Why】本文的重点在于其深刻的文化内涵。本文的价值取向在于让学生认识汉字的重要价值,学习中国历史,传承中华文明,传播中华文化,增强文化自信心和民族自豪感。【How】第一段说明汉字书写体系对中华文明传承的重要性; 第二段和第三段介绍汉字的发展和历史; 第四段、第五段和第六段着重阐述汉字的重要连接作用。本文包含两条主要线索:第一条是按时间顺序梳理了汉字书写体系数千年的发展历史,这是文本叙述的明线。第二条是呼应标题中的题眼“连接”(connecting)的一条暗线,说明汉字书写体系对中华文明传承数千年所起到的四个重要作用:1.连接时间上的过去与现在;2. 连接空间上生活在不同地域的人们;3.连接语言与艺术;4.连接中国与世界。
单元教学目标 课时教学目标
读懂并理解与思考汉语及汉字的发展历史和未来命运 a知识目标:了解汉字书写体系的发展历史,归纳汉字书写体系的功能,提炼汉字书写体系对中国文化传承等方面的作用b能力目标:学会梳理文本信息,提升思维的辨析力和逻辑性。c情感目标:结合语言分析,明确汉字书写体系的重要性,探明作者写作意图,发展创造性思维和语言综合运用能力,培养文化自信。
教学目标 教学活动及互动方式(时间) 设计意图 效果评价 深度学习特征(非必写)
激活已知 Lead-in(3mins)Ss. look at some pictures and guess what those characters are.Ss. watch a video about the development of Chinese characters, and think about the question: Why Chinese characters are so important 创设主题语境,激活学生已知和兴趣,大致了解汉字的发展历史,引出本课主题。 学生能够积极参与猜字游戏,认真聆听视频内容,对汉字的发展有大致了解。 联想与结构:学生通过以往的知识、经验来来猜测图片中的象形文字,将旧知和新知建立起结构性的关联,激发阅读兴趣和动机,为他们积极主动参与课堂活动创造条件。
培养学生预测文本内容的能力 Pre-reading(1min)Activity 1: Ss look at the title and picture in the text and predict what the text will be about. 利用标题和图片等信息预测文章内容,激发学生对阅读课文的兴趣和期望,培养学生预测的阅读技能。 学生能够根据标题和图片,大致预测出文章的基本内容。 联想与结构:学生根据标题和图片进行联想,预测文本内容。
了解汉字书写体系的发展历史,归纳汉字书写体系的功能,提炼汉字书写体系对中国文化传承等方面的作用 While-Reading(17mins) Fast reading(5mins)Activity 2: Ss. read the text quickly to find the main idea of each paragraph,check the prediction at the beginning is correct or not, and analyze the type of the text and choose the right answer. 训练学生快速略读的阅读技巧,了解文章的段落大意和主旨,增强对文章总体框架与脉络的理解能力。 学生基本上能根据段落中心句和关键词推断出段落大意。 活动与体验:学生在好奇心的驱动下主动获取、梳理语篇结构和文本大意,形成对文本内容的初步感知。
Careful reading——part 1 (2mins)Activity 3: Ss. read paragraph 1, and answer the questions: 1. What’s the purpose of paragraph 1 2. According to the writer, the Chinese writing system is one factor that has helped the Chinese language and culture survive. What do you think are some of other factors 引导学生学习作者引入主题的写作技巧,培养学生的发散性思维。 学生能根据本段关键词“but”,迅速抓住文章重点,准确判断首段引入主题的作用,并进一步发散思维,思考其他促进汉字书写体系发展与传承的因素。 迁移与创造:学生通过文本内容“汉字书法体系是促进中国语言和文化流传至今的因素之一”,进行思维迁移,开展多元思维,思考其他可能因素。
Careful reading——part 2 (3mins)Activity 4: Ss. scan Paragraph 2-3 to find the words and phrases that describe a time. Then write down what happened at each of those important times. 促进学生了解汉字书写体系的发展历史,培养学生的扫读能力。 学生能快速找出本文的时间线索和关键信息,提升扫读能力,大致了解汉字书写体系数千年的发展历史,产生文化自豪感。 活动与体验:学生运用寻读的技巧,快速找到阅读文本中的相关信息,获取知识,发展阅读能力和学习能力。
Careful reading——part 3 (7mins)Activity 5: Ss. read paragraph 4-6, and answer the questions: 1.How does written Chinese connect Chinese people today with those of the past 2.How many expressions of importance are mentioned 3.What does each“impor-tance” refer to Please finish the table. 培养学生的细节理解能力,帮助学生认识到汉字的功能与重要作用,加强学生对中国文化的自豪感和认同感。 学生能准确找出细节信息,认识到汉字书写系统的重要性,发现文章呼应标题题眼 “连接(connecting)”这条“暗线”。 本质与变式:学生在教师的引导下,对文本进行深度加工和深入的思考,发现汉字书写体系除“connecting the past and the present”以外的重要连接作用。
探明作者写作意图,培养文化自信。 Post-reading(6mins)Activity 6: Ss.think more about the passage by answering the questions:1. Does the author hold a positive or negative attitude towards the Chinese writing system 2. What’s the author’s writing purpose Activity 7:Ss.listen to the tape and make a summary. 提升学生的思维能力和引导学生关注作者的写作目的,引起学生共鸣,增强学生对中国文化的自信心,总结全文。 学生能推断作者的写作意图,理解文章主旨,产生文化自豪感,增强文化自信。 本质与变式:学生能进一步挖掘文本背后的深层涵义,如:意识汉字书写体系的功能与重要性,形成,传扬中国文化的强烈意识,增强文化自信。
提升思维的辨析力和逻辑性,培养语言综合运用能力。 Debating(13mins)Activity 8:Ss.are divided into 6 groups to have a debate about whether it’s necessary to spend much time learning Chinese calligraphy Group1-3 is the positive side and they need to find evidence to support that we think it’s necessary to spend much time learning Chinese calligraphy. While group 4-6 is the negative side and they need to find evidence to support that we don’t think it’s necessary to spend much time learning Chinese calligraphy. 引发学生思考,提升学生思维的辨析力和逻辑性,增强学生对母语学习。 学生能认真思考练习书法的必要性,锻炼逻辑性和思辨性,并能用流利的英语准确表达自己的想法和意见。 价值与评判:学生深入理解、反思和批判评价是否有必要花大量时间练习书法,建构起对所学内容主题的态度和价值观。
1. Finish activity 5 and activity 6 on page 63.2. Write a composition: 在课堂上,我们班就“是否有必要花时间学习书法”这个话题展开了激烈的辩论。请你用英语写一篇短文表明你的观点。(注意:写作词数应为80左右。)
4必修第一册 Unit5 Reading and Thinking
孔子云:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。”其实,这句话用于教学同样合适。对于教师,为了更好地提升自己的教学能力和水平,教学之后的课后反思显得尤为重要。本节课教学内容选自人教版(2019)必修第一册unit 5,该课时为本单元的第2课时。该板块为Reading and Thinking,以“探索汉字书写体系”(Exploring the Chinese Writing System)为活动主题,有助于帮助学生了解汉字对我国文化传承和发展的积极意义。根据课程标准标要求,本节课通过“以教材为依托”、 “以学生中心”、“以活动为抓手”,基本实现了英语学科的育人目标。
本单元以“世界上的语言”(Language around the world)为主题,该课时为本单元的Reading and Thinking板块,该板块以“探索汉字书写体系”(Exploring the Chinese Writing System)为活动主题,本课阅读文本的标题为“The Chinese Writing System: Connecting the Past and the Present”,是一篇介绍汉字发展的说明性文章,主要介绍了汉字书写体系的发展历史及其重要作用。因此,课堂教学中,教师循序渐进引导学生一起分析文本,鼓励学生大胆表达自己的观点和看法,帮助学生了解中国汉字的发展历史,理解汉字与中华文化传承的关系,传承中华文明,传播中国文化,提升文化自信。
新课程的理念要求我们广大教育工作者转变观念,更新知识,注重角色转变,要让学生学会自主学习,让学生主动参与课堂教学,在教学中尊重学生,凸显学生的主体地位。在本节课堂教学环节中,教师没有直接教授学生既定的知识,而是以教师为主导,学生为主体,循序渐进,环环相扣、因势利导,引导学生由浅入深,积极思考和讨论,例如,教师在课堂中通过“Please look at the title and picture in the text and predict what the text will be about.”以及“According to the writer, the Chinese writing system is one factor that has helped the Chinese language and culture survive. What do you think are some of other factors ”引导学生积极思考;此外,本节课活动形式多样,创设了良好的课堂氛围,充分调动了教与学两方面的积极性,因此他们能够很快融入课堂,参与讨论或参与各种教学活动,成为课堂教学中的真正主体。
本节课主要由五大环节,八大活动构成。本节课首先以“a guessing game”引入,激发学生对汉字书写体系的探索兴趣,然后用视频资料帮助学生初步了解汉字书写体系的重要性。在文本阅读的过程中,不断利用各种形式多样的问题和活动,比如教师通过启发学生思考“Does the author hold a positive or negative attitude towards the Chinese writing system ”这一问题,然后进一步层层深入,引导学生探究“ What’s the author’s writing purpose ”,不断激发的学习热情和思维品质。尤其,在最后的辩论的环节中,学生都能积极参与,热烈讨论,勇于表达自己;同时参加辩论的同学能够清晰流利地展示出自己的观点,体现了较好的创新意识和批判性思维。
本节课最后设计了“debate”活动,旨在培养学生的思维品质和语言表达能力。因此,在教学设计过程中,我根据正式的辩论比赛活动规则,给学生指定了辩题,前三组同学为正方“positive side”,后三组同学为反方“negative side”。然而,有教师对此做法提出不同意见,认为在教学过程中应充分尊重学生的想法,不能禁锢学生的思维。对此,我们需要进一步研讨,不断摸索,选择恰当的教学方法,不断提升自身教学教育水平。