人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册:Unit4 Body language 词汇语法等 学案


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册:Unit4 Body language 词汇语法等 学案
格式 doc
文件大小 177.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-12-13 18:42:17



1.interaction [ nt r k n]: n. 交流; 相互影响
inter-: 构词法,表示 “相互的; 之间”
action [ k n]: n. 行动; 活动; 动作
2. vary [ ve ri]: vi. (根据情况)变化; 改变
various [ ve r s]: adj. 不同的; 各种各样的
variety [v ra t ]:n. 变化; 种类; 多样化
vary/change with...: 随...变化/改变
vary in...: 在...方面不同/有差异
vary from...to...: 从...到...变化; 从...到...不等
3. appropriate [ pr pri t]: adj. 合适的;
appropriately : adv. 适当地; 合适地
proper: adj. 合适的; 恰当的; 正确的
suitable: adj. 合适的; 恰当的
fit: adj. 合适的; 恰当的
Sth be appropriate for sth/sb: 什么适合什么/某人
Sth be suitable for sth/sb: 什么适合什么/某人
Sb be suitable for sth: 某人适合什么
Sb be fit for sth: 某人适合什么
Sth be fit for sth/sb: 什么适合什么/某人
Sth be proper for sth/sb: 什么适合什么/某人
4. by contrast: 相比之下; 相反
by contrast with...: 和...比
compared to/with…: 和…比
By contrast, China maintained steady economic
growth in 2020.
5. approve [ pru v]: vi./vt. 赞成; 同意; 批准; 通过
approve of…: 赞成; 同意; 批准
approval [ pru vl]: n. 赞成; 同意; 批准
prove [pru v]:v. 证明; 证实; 证明是; 表明是
6. demonstrate [ dem nstre t]:
vt. 表现; 表达; 说明; 证明
express: v. 表达
explain: v. 解释
prove: v. 证明
7. gesture [ d est (r)]: n. 手势; 姿势; 姿态
guest [ɡest]: n. 客人; 旅客; 房客; 嘉宾
guess [ɡes]:v. 猜测; 估计; 认为
8. employ [ m pl ]: vt. 使用; 应用; 雇用
employer: n. 雇主; 老板
employee: n. 雇员; 打工仔
employment: n. 就业; 雇用
unemployment: n. 失业; 失业人数
employ sb to do...: 雇用某人做什么
employ sb as...: 雇用某人当什么
be employed in doing sth: 从事于; 忙于做什么
hire: v. 雇用(短期、长期)
employ: v. 雇用(较正式用词,一般指正规机构、
rent: v. 租用(东西); 出租
fire: v. 解雇; 开除; 射击; 开火
dismiss: v. 解雇; 开除
9. identical [a dent kl]: adj. 相同的
be identical to/with...: 与...相同/一样
the same…as…: 和…相同的…
be similar to…:与…类似/相似
be different from/than/to…: 不同于
be distant/distinct from...: 与…不同
10. differ [ d f (r)]: vi. 相异; 不同于
different [ d fr nt]: adj. 不同的
difference [ d fr ns]:n. 不同; 差异
differ from…: 不同于
be different from/than/to…: 不同于
be distant/distinct from...: 与…不同
11. interpret [ n t pr t]: vt.
把…理解(解释)为; 口译
interpret...into...: 把…翻译成...
interpreter [ n t pr t ]:n. 口译人员
translate [tr ns le t] [tr nz le t]:v. 翻译; 变成
translate…into…: 把…翻译成/变成…
translation [tr ns le n] [tr nz le n]:
n. 翻译; 译文; 转变
translator [tr ns'leit ][tr nz'leit ] :
n. 翻译家; 译者
12. cheek [t i k]: n. 面颊; 脸颊
face [fe s]:v. 面对; 面向; 面临
n. 脸; 面孔; 表情
check [t ek]: v. 检查; 核实; 核对
13. by comparison (with...): (与…)相比较
= in comparison (with...)
by contrast (with...): 相比之下; 相反
compared to/with…: 和…比
Compared with/to western countries,China uses resources very carefully.
14. favour/favor [ fe v (r)]: vt. 较喜欢; 选择; 有利于
n. 帮助; 恩惠; 赞同
choose [t u z] (chose, chosen): v. 选择; 挑选
choice [t s]: n. 选择
elect [ lekt]: v. 选举; 选择; 决定
election: n. 选举; 推选; 当选
option [ p n] : n.选择; 选项
in favour of: 支持; 赞成
in one’s favour: 有利于某人; 有助于某人
do sb a favour: 帮助某人
do a favor for sb: 帮助某人
do sb the favor to do …: 帮助某人做什么
do the/a favor to do …: 帮助做什么
15. bow [ba ]: vi. 鞠躬; 点头
vt. 低(头)
[b ]: n. 弓; 蝴蝶结
nod [n d]:v./n. 点头; 点头致意; 打盹; 打瞌睡
bow (down) to…: 向…鞠躬
bow before…: 在…前鞠躬
16. waist [we st]: n. 腰; 腰部
west [west]: n./adj. 西部; 西方
17. make inferences: 推理; 推断
infer [ n f (r)]: v. 推断; 推论; 推理; 暗示
inference [ nf r ns]: n. 结论; 推断; 推理; 推论
make sense: 讲得通; 有意义
make no sense: 讲不通; 无意义
make a difference: 有作用/影响/作为
18. break down: 消除; 分解; 打破; 毁掉;
坏掉; 抛锚; 身体垮掉
break out: (战争/火灾/疾病等)爆发
break away from: 脱离;与…断绝来往
break with: 与…断绝关系
break into…: 闯入
break in: 闯入; 插话
break up: 分解(物理); 拆开; 驱散
1)My car broke down on the way to the airport yesterday.
2)Your health will break down if you work too hard.
19. barrier [ b ri (r)]: n. 隔阂; 障碍
break down the barrier: 消除障碍
20. fake [fe k]: adj. 假装的; 假的; 冒充的
fake ( https: / / fanyi. / " \l "en / zh / fake ): adj. 假的(指伪造的、冒充的)
artificial: adj. 人工的
real: adj. 真的(not artificial/false ( https: / / fanyi. / " \l "en / zh / false ) )
false ( https: / / fanyi. / " \l "en / zh / false ): 假的(指非天然的、非天生的)
man-made ( https: / / fanyi. / " \l "en / zh / man-made ): 人造的(非天然的)
true: adj. 真实的; 符合事实的
21. anger [ ɡ (r)]: n. 愤怒; 怒气
vt. 使生气; 激怒
angry [ ɡr ]:adj. 愤怒的; 发怒的; 生气的
angrily: adv. 愤怒地; 生气地
to one’s anger: 使某人气愤的是
annoy [ n ]: v. 使生气/烦恼/恼怒; 惹恼; 打扰
annoyed: adj. 生气的; 恼怒的; 烦闷的
annoying: adj. 使人烦恼的/心烦的/生气的
22. reliable [r la bl]: adj. 可靠的; 可信赖的
rely [r la ]: v. 依靠; 依赖; 信任
rely on/upon…: 依靠; 信赖
depend on/upon...: 信赖;依靠; 取决于
23. incident [ ns d nt]: n. 发生的事情;
严重事件; 冲突
accident [ ks d nt]: n. (意外)事故; 意外的事
event: n. 事情; 重要事情; 大事; 比赛项目
24. trial [ tra l]: n./v. 审讯; 审判; 试验; 试用
try [tra ]:v. 尝试; 努力; 审讯; 审判; 审理
trial and error: 不断摸索; 反复试验
by trial and error: 通过不断摸索/反复试验
for trial and error: 为了不断摸索/反复试验
25. twin [tw n]: adj. 双胞胎之一的; 孪生之一的
n. 孪生之一; 双胞胎之一
twin boys/girls : 孪生男孩/女孩
a twin brother/sister : 孪生兄弟/姐妹中的一个
26. slight [sla t]: adj. 轻微的; 略微的; 细小的
slightly [ sla tli]: adv. 略微; 稍微
rain slightly/lightly: 下小雨
light/heavy rain: 小雨/大雨
rain hard/heavily/cats and dogs: 下大雨
snow hard/heavily: 下大雪
snow slightly/lightly: 下小雪
light/heavy snow: 小雪/大雪
27. assessment [ sesm nt]: n. 评价; 评定
assess [ ses]: vt. 评估; 评价
evaluate [ v lj e t]: v. 评价; 评估; 估值
28. internal [ n t nl]: adj. 内部的; 里面的
inner: adj. 内部的; 靠近中心的; 内心的
inside adj. 内部的; 里面的
29. straighten up: 直起来; 整理; 收拾整齐
[ stre tn]: v. 变直; 变正; 挺直; 端正(身体)
straight [stre t]: adj. 直(接)的; 平直; 整齐的
adv. 笔直地; 直接地
put away: 收拾好; 保管好
stand on end: 竖起来; 直立起来
turn ... upside down: 把...倒过来/翻转过来
30. pose [p z]: n. 故作姿态;
v. 摆好姿势; 造成(威胁、问题等)
cause [k z]:n. 原因; 理由; 事业
v. 造成; 导致; 引起
lead to...: 造成; 导致; 引起
result in...: 导致; 引起
result from…: 由…导致
strike/adopt a pose : 摆姿势
pose a threat/challenge/danger/risk :
31. in other words: 换句话说; 也就是说
That is (to say). 也就是说; 即
have a word with:和…说句话
have words with: 和…吵架
in a/one word: 总之; 简言之
keep one’s word:遵守诺言
break one’s word:不守诺言
32. educator [ ed uke t (r)]: n. 教师;
教育工作者; 教育家
teacher [ ti t ]:n. 老师; 教师
educate [ edj ke t/ ed ke t]: v. 教育; 培养; 训练
education [ edj ke n] [ ed ke n]:n. 教育
get a (good) education: 获得(好的)教育
33. tick [t k]: vt. 给(试卷、问题等)打钩号
vi. (钟表)发出嘀嗒声
n. 钩号
cross: n. 叉号
make sb/sth tick: 使某人/某物这样做的原因
34. tendency [ tend nsi]: n. 趋势; 倾向
have a tendency to do...: 有做某事的倾向/趋势;
倾向于做..; 喜欢做...
35. barely [ be li]: adv. 几乎不; 勉强才能; 刚刚
hardly/scarcely/barely ...when/before...:
刚...就...; 一...就...
no sooner ... than ...: 一...就...
We had hardly/scarcely/barely sat down at
the table when the phone rang.
36. occupy [ kjupa ]: vt. 占据; 占用(时间/空间)
occupation [ kj pe n]:n. 职业;占领;占用
be occupied with/in…: 忙于; 从事; 专心
take: v. 占领
37. stare [ste (r)]: vi. 盯着看;凝视
n. 凝视
stare at...: 盯着看; 凝视 glare at...: 怒视; 瞪眼
glance at…: 看一眼 look at...: 看
38. anxiety [ za ti]: n. 焦虑; 担心; 害怕
anxious [ k s]: adj. 担忧的; 担心的; 渴望的
anxiously: adv. 焦急地; 忧虑地
be anxious about...: 担心...
39. perceive [p si v]: vt. 察觉; 看待; 理解
understand : v. 理解; 懂得; 领会
notice : v. 注意到; 意识到; 看到; 感觉到
comprehend: v. 理解; 领悟
appreciate: v. 理解; 明白; 欣赏; 感谢
regard/consider...as...= have/treat/take/perceive ...as...
= look on/upon...as... = think of ...as...:
He is so young that no one perceives him as a teacher.
40. distinguish [d st ɡw ]: vi./vt. 区分; 辨别
distinguished: adj. 著名的; 卓越的; 受人尊敬的
distinguish oneself: 使自己出名/闻名
41. chest [t est]: n. 胸部; 胸
breast: n. 乳房; 胸部
42. embarrassed [ m b r st]: adj. 难堪的; 尴尬的
embarrass [ m b r s]: v.
embarrassing: adj.
awkward [ kw d]: adj. 笨拙的; 棘手的; 尴尬的
be embarrassed at/about...: 因...而尴尬
43. ashamed [ e md]: adj. 羞愧; 惭愧
be ashamed of…: 对…感到惭愧/羞愧
shame: n. 羞耻; 羞愧; 惭愧; 羞耻心
v. 使羞愧/惭愧; 使丢脸
shameful: adj. 可耻的; 丢脸的
44. merely [ m li]: adv. 只是; 仅仅; 只不过
only [ nl ]:adv. 只有; 仅仅
just [d st]:adv. 仅仅; 只是
not merely/only/just...but also...: 不但...而且...
It is not merely a job, but a way of life.
45. call on: (短暂地)访问; 要求(某人讲话等);
call on/upon sb to do…:要求/邀请…做什么
call at:参观; 访问 call the police: 报警
call for:需要; 去接; 召来
call up:打电话; 使回忆起
call/ring back: 回电话 call off: 取消; 叫走开
call sb on one’s cellphone: 打某人手机
46. bother [ b (r)]: vi./vt. 费心; 麻烦; 因…操心
n. 麻烦; 不便
brother [ br ]:n. 兄弟
trouble [ tr bl]: n. 问题; 忧虑; 困难;
苦恼; 疾病
v. 使忧虑; 使烦恼; 使苦恼
be bothered about.... 关心; 担心
47. weep [wi p] (wept): vi./vt. 哭泣; 流泪
cry [kra ]: n./v. 哭; 哭泣; 大声哭; 大叫
sweep (swept) [swi p]: v. 打扫; 清除
48. at work: 有某种影响; 在工作; 在工作的地方
in work: 在岗 out of work:失业
go to work: 去上班 get/be off work: 下班
49. conflict [ k nfl kt]: n. 矛盾; 冲突
[k n fl kt]: vi. 冲突; 抵触
a conflict of interest: 利益冲突
come into conflict with…: 与…冲突/有矛盾
conflict with...: 与... 冲突/抵触
50. inquire/enquire [ n'kwa (r)]: vi./vt. 询问; 打听
require [r kwa ]: v. 需要; 要求; 命令
51. ultimately [ lt m tl ]: adv. 最终; 最后
eventually [ vent l ]:adv. 最后; 终于
finally: adv. 最后; 终于
in the end: 最后; 终于 at last: 最后; 终于
in closing: 最后; 在结束时
Ultimately, you'll have to make the decision yourself.
52. adjust [ d st]: vt. 调整; 调节; 适应; (使)习惯
adapt [ d pt]: v. 适应; 适合; 改编; 改写
adopt [ d pt]: v. 采纳; 收养; 挑选; 通过; 批准
adjust/adapt (oneself) to…: 适应
1)You'll quickly adjust (yourself) to collge life.
2)It took her a long time to adjust to living alone.
53. react [ri kt]: vi. (对…)起反应; 回应;
reaction: n. 反应; 回应; 生理反应
react to ...: 对...做出反应/回应
ponent [k m p n nt]: n. 组成部分; 零件
part [pɑ t]: n. 零件; 部件; 部分; 地区;角色; 作用
composition [ k mp z n]:n. 作文; 成分; 结构
55. way 式定语从句:
连接词在定语从句作状语:that/in which/不用
1)Words are important, but the way (that/in which)
people stand, hold their arms, and move their hands can also give us information about their feelings. (连词作状语)
2)I don’t like the way (in which)/that you treat your children. (连词作状语)
3)There are four ways, in which we have contact with the world. (连词作状语)
4)The crucial thing is using body language in a way that
is appropriate to the culture you are in.
5)Mr. Brown has a gift for explaining mathematical concepts in ways that make them seem clear and obvious. (连词作主语)
56. ...situation + where 定语从句:
1)Can you describe a situation where you might smile when you don’t mean it
2)It’s helpful to put children in a situation where they can see themselves differently.
57. rest on/upon...: 依靠; 依赖; 以...为基础; 凝视
rely on/upon...: 依靠; 依赖; 信任; 信赖
depend on/upon...: 依靠; 依赖; 取决于
58. from culture to culture: 从一种文化到另一种文化
=from one culture to another
from country to country: 从一个国家到另一个国家
= from one country to another
from place to place = from one place to another:
(vary) from person to person: 因人而异
59. identical: adj. 相同的
be identical to/with...: 与/和...相同
be the same...as...: 与/和...相同
the/this/that/these/those same...:
1)The prince has six identical cars.
2)This dictionary is identical to/with the one on the teacher’s desk.
3)Nearly all the houses in the town are the same.
= Nearly all the houses in the town are identical.
4)The twins are wearing identical/the same jackets.
5)This is the identical hotel we stayed in/at ten years ago.
6)This is the same hotel that we stayed in/at ten years ago.
60. stomach [ st m k] ---- stomachs: 胃; 肚子
bench [bent ] ---- benches: 长凳; 长椅
61. down: adj. 悲伤; 沮丧; 郁闷; 情绪低落
up: adj. 高兴; 快乐; 激动
1)If you feel down, you can cry in the open air.
2)The mood at the meeting-room is resolutely up.
62.(in) sign/body language: (用)手语/肢体语言
read sign/body language: 读懂手语/身体语言
63. end up as…: 最后/最终成为...
end up doing…: 最后/最终做...
end up done…: 最后/最终被...
end up in…: 最后/最终在…
64. Considering individual differences is also key to
reading people’s body language accurately.
65. as usual:像平常; 照例
than usual:比平常
66. succeed in…: 在…方面成功
succeed in doing…: 成功做…
be successful in sth/doing...: 成功做…
pare notes (with sb): (与...)交换意见/看法
68. read through/over...: 认真通读; 仔细核对
69. as an educator: 作为老师
as a student/doctor/teacher: 作为学生/医生/老师
while/when/as a boy (girl/child):
70. one-on-one = one-to-one : adj./adv. 一对一
1)The teacher teaches one-to-one.
2)This time I will speak to the students one-to-one.
3)I will discuss the incident with her one-to-one.
4)The teacher had many one-to-one conversations with
each student.
5)A one-to-one meeting with the US President is
6)We provide one-to-one training to the players.
71. It is/was + 形容词 to do...: 做什么是...的。
(it是形式主语, 不定式是真正主语)
【easy, hard, difficult, safe, dangerous, important, necessary, impossible, possible, unusual, wonderful。wrong, right, kind, nice, brave, careful, careless, greedy, honest, lazy, modest, selfish, impolite, polite, clever, foolish, silly, stupid, cruel, rude, generous...】
1)It is easy to recognize when students are interested in a lesson.
2)It’s important to learn how to use the computer.
3)It is unwise to turn down their proposal.
72. It is/was said that句子。
(it是形式主语, that句子是真正主语)
1)It is said that most of what we communicate with others is nonverbal.
2)It is reported that China launched nine man-made satellites this morning.
73. occupy sb/oneself/sth (in) doing...:
使忙于...; 使全神贯注于...
occupy sb/oneself/sth with sth:
使忙于...; 使全神贯注于...
74. with结构作伴随状语, 原因状语:
being done
with + 宾语 + to do
to be done
1)It is as if they are asleep with their eyes open.
2)With their chins on their hands, they occupied themselves by staring out of the window or up at the ceiling.
3)With a lot of work to complete, the workers are working around the clock.
4)With all the work completed, the president jumped with joy.
5)With the boy leading the way, we found he temple easily yesterday.
6)With the boy to lead the way, we will find the temple easily tomorrow.
75. While/Although/Though it is easy to perceive when students are interested, bored, or distracted, it is sometimes much harder to distinguish when students are troubled.
76. look away: 转移目光; 看别处
77. put one’s back into (doing) something: 全力以赴
78. wear a frown: 皱眉
wear a smile: 面带微笑
wear a relaxed/confused look:
have/wear/grow a beard/moustache/mustache:
79. waters: 水域; 海域; 领海
80. the whole night/day/year: 整个晚上/整天/整年
81. 本单元语法: doing作宾语和表语
A.admit,deny, forgive, advise, imagine, prohibit,
forbid, allow, permit, keep, practise, appreciate,
enjoy, quit, avoid,escape,mind, consider, excuse,
miss, fancy, oppose, risk, complete, finish, delay,
suggest 等动词后常接doing作宾语。
1)She enjoys learning about body language in different cultures.
2)The captain suggested putting off the meeting till next week.
B. 作表语: 句子的主语常是hobby, task, job, work,
hope, wish, aim, goal, duty 等。
1)Bill’s job is teaching sign language.
2)The crucial thing is using body language properly.
3)Your duty is teaching physics at the high school.
4)Our favorite sport is playing table tennis after school.
5)My wish is buying such a car as yours.
6)Her goal/aim is entering Harvard University.
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