Oxford English 1A M4 U3 (1)
Content 1. Vocabulary: red, green, blue, yellow P47 2. Grammar and expressions: It is …(colour). P46 Colour thing colour. 3. 拓展内容:A rhyme P49
Aims 1. To pronounce the words: red, green, etc. 2. To use adjectives to identify colors: It is red. 3. To try to say the rhyme for the more able students. 4. To understand the question (What colour is it ) and answer e.g.: It is…
Key and Difficulty 1. To use adjectives to identify colors: It is red. 2. To try to say the rhyme for the more able students.
Teaching aids Students’ book 1A P47, 49, 46 Multimedia, word cards and pictures,
Students preparation Prepare Page 49,47
Step Teacher’s activity Students’ activities Purpose
Pre-task preparation Greetings. 2. Play the rhyme P49. 1.Greetings a. T-S1 b. S1-S2 2. Listen and try to say the colour S1 热身运动,活跃气氛。 在儿歌中引出今天的新内容,认识颜色,j培养学生良好的听力习惯,激发学生主动探究知识的能力。
While-task procedure 1. red T: Show an apple and say ‘It’s red.’ 2. yellow T show a banana 3. A guessing game What colour is it Blue Read a rhyme Red, red It’s red. Yellow…, Blue… 1. a. Learn: red b. learn the rhyme Red, red. It’s red. a. Point and say yellow b.Make a rhyme S1: It’s… 4.a.Learn the new word blue b. Read the rhyme. 由学生的回答来引出新授,给学生以成功的感觉。 用猜谜的方式来激励学生参与学习并操练新句型,同时引出新单词blue。 把刚学过的儿歌加以串联,巩固今天的新知识。
5. Show some pictures and ask. What’s this What colour is it 6. Listen and draw Colour the book red. ….. Colour the pencil green. Look and answer It’s a/an.. It’s … Listen and colour Then learn the word green 让学生会区别两个不同的问句,会听问句并会快速反应。 通过听听画画让学生熟悉各种不同的颜色,同时引出新授。
7. Enjoy a song. Enjoy the song. 根据一年级小学生的特点,以歌曲加以调节学生的学习热情。
Post-task activity 1. Show the letters 2.Have the students do Part B. 3.Finish the tables 4. Say a rhyme 1. Pick out the same colour letters,make red, blue, yellow, green 2.Try to do the self- assessment. E.g: What colour is No.1 ---It’s red. What colour is it --- It’s green. 3.S My feeling 4.Listen and say 在游戏中,学习单词的字形。单词与颜色的内在联系帮助学生记忆新词。 引导学生学会在课堂中对自己作出评价,激励学生的学习兴趣和热情。 让学生在愉悦的心情中结束美好的英语课,并期待下次英语课的到来。
Assignment Listen and read the words P47. Prepare P46
板 书 设 计 Unit3 In the park red yellow blue green It’s an apple. It’s red. 教 学 反 思
Oxford English 1A M4 U3 (2)
Content 1. Grammar and expressions: What colour is it It is …(colour). P46 2. Extension:orange, brown
Aims 1. To ask wh-question to find the colors of the objects What colour is it 2. To use adjectives to identify colors and answer: It is red. 3. To use the six colour words fluently: (add orange, brown) e.g.: It is…
Key and Difficulty To use the six colour words fluently: (add orange, brown) e.g.: It is…
Teaching aids Students’ book 1A P46, 48, 49 Multimedia, some colorful animal pictures, etc
Students preparation Prepare Page 46
Step Teacher’s activity Students’ activities Purpose
Pre-task preparation Greetings. What’s this What’s that What colour is it (Show some colourful pictures) 2. Show the word cards 1.Greetings a. T-S1 b. S1-S2 It’s colour. Read the words Red, yellow, blue, green, Orange, brown 热身运动,活跃气氛, 同时复习前面所学的动物为下文作铺垫。 在greeting中引出今天的拓展内容,并复习巩固所学的颜色单词。
While-task procedure 1. Play a guessing game What is it 2. Show the animals they have guessed T: What’s this What colour is it Listen and guess e.g. It’s yellow. It’s small. It goes ‘peep…peep..’ What is it 2. Look and answer the questions 通过听描述小动物的特征和颜色来猜动物,完成P48页内容,让学生学会灵活运用颜色,并为下一个环节为铺垫。
3. What colour is it 3. Learn the sentence Make a chant: What colour, what colour , What colour is it Ss:Clap hands and say 把机械性操练转化为朗朗上口的chant,学生易学、乐学。
4. Point one object and ask: What colour, what colour , What colour is it 4.a. Ss: Follow the teacher S1answer: It’s … b. Work in groups of four 让学生在师生互动、生生互动中学会今天的主要句型,量大面广有效果。
5. Make up a rainbow Do you like the rainbow a. T-S1 What colour is it It’s … It’s a rainbow. b. S1-S2 c. Introduce the rainbow This is a rainbow. It is red, yellow, blue… (It is beautiful. I like the rainbow.) 让学生通过七条不同颜色的纸条,在七次回答后组成彩虹,在学生在动动、说说中把所学句型灵活运用于实际生活。 让学生在描述彩虹过程中感受颜色给生活带来了美丽。
Post-task activity Go to the park Play the cassette Play it again Listen and follow Listen and repeat Work in pairs Share in class 在公园中边欣赏美景边进行问答,利用创设的情境让学生进行语言的活用。
In the park, fly some kites a. Learn kites---kites in the sky b. Listen and follow c. S1 read it in class d. Vote for the best one 以公园为背景,在优美的儿歌中结束,让学生有美的感受。
Assignment Read P46. Listen to the cassette P46-49
板 书 设 计 Unit3 In the park What colour is it It’s yellow orange brown 教 学 反 思