Unit4 Hobbies (Grammar time & Fun time)教学设计
课题:译林出版社义务教育教科书《英语》五年级上册 Unit4 Hobbies (Grammar time & Fun time)
教学目标: By the end of this lesson, the students can be able to 1. understand and use “like doing” to talk about hobbies.. 2. use “What do/does …like doing …like/ likes doing….”. to ask others’ hobbies. 通过本节课的学习,学生将会(1)了解like doing的用法,并且用来讨论兴趣爱好;(2)用目标语言“What do/does …like doing …like/ likes doing….”.询问他人兴趣爱好。
教学重点: Ss can use ipad to learn by themselves before and in class. Ss know how to add -ing after the verbs. Ss can use the sentences “What do you like doing ””I like ...” and ”What does he/she like doing ””He/She likes...” to talk about hobbies. (1)学生能够根据自身水平,使用平板进行差异化自主学习;(2)学生能够知道动词后如何加ing;(3)学生能够使用“What do you like doing ””I like ...” and ”What does he/she like doing ””He/She likes...” 询问兴趣爱好。
教学难点: 1. Ss can use ipad to learn by themselves before and in class correctly and fluently. 2. Ss can use the sentences “What do you like doing ””I like ...” and ”What does he/she like doing ””He/She likes...” to talk about hobbies correctly. (1)学生能够根据自身水平,正确流利地使用平板进行差异化自主学习;(2)学生能够正确使用“What do you like doing ””I like ...” and ”What does he/she like doing ””He/She likes...” 询问兴趣爱好。
数字化应用: ipad、微课、口语100在线网络学习空间、焦点智慧学习引擎平台、微信绘本书
应用亮点: 网络学习空间的复习检测:用ipad进行单词两分钟练习;即时智能反馈学生课文复习和朗读情况; 微视频翻转课堂学习:小组内观看一个4分钟的微视频介绍语法知识,自主总结like后面的动词怎样加ing; 随机点名调动学习气氛:在调查学生的兴趣爱好时,借助平台的随机点名功能,点到的同学回答后再次用平台点名选取下一个回答的同学; 屏幕圈画功能做好示范作用:在学生进行组内兴趣爱好调查前,老师进行示范,直接在ipad上进行圈画并英文介绍; 即时投影反馈学生调查情况:在学生进行组内兴趣爱好调查时,及时地将学生的调查结果拍照上传到大屏幕,进行班级汇报; 即时投影捕捉学生表演情况:在学生表演自己的兴趣爱好时随机拍照,选取几张班级内展示并用目标语言询问,更具有趣味性; 在线学习平台动态电子评价:运用平台的分组和评价功能,长时间记录学生的课堂表现及学习过程,便于教师即时和长时分析反馈和指导学生的学习; 微信绘本内阅读突破学习时空界限:通过微信扫描二维码获取与课文相关的绘本内容,方便快捷,不受时间和空间限制。
教学环节 教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 技术应用
Step1 Knowing what to do 学生了解学习目标 Step1 1.Greeting. 2.Learning aims T:We are in a new classroom now. What will we learn today Let’s see. After this lesson, I hope you can use “like doing…”; you can use “What does he/she like doing He/She likes ….” to ask others‘ hobbies. You can talk about hobbies. Step1 1. Greeting 2. Listen
Step2 Getting ready to learn 自学让探:自主完成网络学习空间词表检测 Step2 1. I can review We have learned Story time yesterday. What did you learn from the story Let’s review it. First, let’s review the words. Please finish the word-task on your pad. T:Now, let’s check. You did a good job. And I know some of you reviewed Story time last night. Let’s check. And all of your groups can get one star. 2. I can review Now let’s review the story. Do you remember Mike and his friends’ hobbies Work in four. Each one choose a student and try to retell. Step2 1.Ss do the word task on ipad.(学生在ipad上完成单词检测,限时2分钟) Ss analyze the wrong places with the teacher. 2.Ss小组活动,选择课文中一个人物,介绍其兴趣爱好 Step2 iPad上口语100网络学习空间的词表功能,课文跟读功能 运用焦点智慧平台的评价功能,对学生的自主学习进行评价,电子加星。
Step3 Meeting with the new language 共学让议:了解动词加ing的方法 Step3 I can find You know their hobbies. Now read the sentences with your partner. What do the sentences have in common “like” is the singular form We add ing after the verbs I can find Look at these words. They all have “ing” at the end. How to add ing to the verbs Discuss in your groups. S1: ... S2: ... Yes or No. Let’s watch a video on your pad. Work in groups and write down the rules on your paper. ... Now I think you know the rules. Talk with your partner and think more words about that. I can ask You know so many words. Look at this word, draw/play/sing I like drawing. That’s my hobby. What about you (随机点名,点到的同学回答) Now, ask and answer with your partner. Step3 1.I can find Ss:同桌读句子,找出句子的共同点 2. I can find Ss先组内讨论动词加ing方法,再通过观看微视频总结动词加ing方法并在研习单上写出来 Ss组内根据语法规则写出更多的类似单词。 3.I can ask S1 在T的平板上随机点名,点到的同学S2回答问题,并且S2再次使用随机点名功能,点S3回答 Step3 微视频的运用,弥补了老师课堂用英语解释不清语法的不足,学生可以通过多次观看视频,拖拽等功能,总结动词加ing的规则 借助焦点智慧平台的随机点名功能,能够随机选择回答的同学,而不仅局限于举手回答的同学
Step4 Making use of the new language 展学让辩:组内完成关于兴趣爱好的调查,并且展示小组调查结果 评学让悟: 学生在展示过程中,其他同学给予评价 Step4 1. I can do a survey You know your partner’s hobbies. Now let’s do a survey in our groups. T: First, I’ll show you an example. 2. After the survey, choose one student to do the report. The others please listen carefully, I will have some questions. Group1 do the report. T: What does S1 like doing ( 可以让学生问问题) Ss: What does S2 like doing 3. I can find Now, look at these sentences. Read with your partners and try to find the rule. When the subject is singular forms, we should use “What does he/she like doing ” Step4 1. I can do a survey T先找两个同学做示范,并在平板上运用标注功能打√ Ss:在T示范过后组内完成书中40页关于兴趣爱好的调查 2. T运用平台的投影功能,即时地将汇报小组的调查结果拍照投影到大屏幕。Ss小组成员汇报,其他同学听,并且提出问题。 3. I can find Ss同桌朗读问答句,找出主语不同时,助动词do和does的不同用法 运用平台的标注功能,随时勾画,简单清晰 运用平台的投影功能,即时反馈学生的调查结果
Step5 Making the new language theirs 练学让选: 学生运用目标语言猜测人物的兴趣爱好和完成相应任务,可以选择一个或多个 Step5 1. I can play You know the rule. Let’s play a game. Here are some pictures. We can’t see them clearly. Please guess with your partners. 2.I can choose and say T: You know the grammar well. Now let’s do some tasks. You can choose different tasks, and you can get different numbers of stars according to the task. Task 1: ask about teacher’s hobbies. Task 2: guess about other students’ hobbies. Task 3: read a new story about Alice and her friends. Try to find their hobbies. You can watch the video on your ipad, or you can read the story on your We chat. Step5 1.I can play Ss: 看图,用目标句型问答,巩固语法 2.Ss根据自己掌握的情况自主选择想要完成的任务:可以自主完成,同桌问答,小组探究。任务三中 可以登录口语100观看视频从中找出答案;或者课后微信扫二维码阅读绘本。 Step5 Ss猜对兴趣爱好,在Ipad上给予小组电子加星评价。 运用微视频和微信扫描二维码功能了解拓展绘本内容。
Homework 家庭作业 1. Watch the video on the ipad, or read the story on We chat to find Alice and her friends’ hobbies. 2. Do a survey about your families’ or friends’ hobbies. 2. Preview Cartoon in Kou yu 1.课内延伸:课后微信扫二维码阅读绘本,找出人物的兴趣爱好 用所学目标语言调查家人或朋友的兴趣爱好; 3.在网络学习平台上预习跟读Cartoon time 微信的使用突破了学习的时间和空间限制,绘本阅读使课内学习内容延伸到课外 网络学习平台进行在线网络智能学习
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