人教版(2019) 必修 第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage课件+学案(10份打包)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第二册 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage课件+学案(10份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-12-15 23:21:46


Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking
②两个辅音之间不能加元音[ ]或其他任何元音;
②词尾音为/t//d/,加-s后就分别读成/ts/和/dz/;若加-ed,则分别读成/t d/和/d d/
③词尾音为/s//z// // /t //d /等,加-es后读/- z/。
③tr→/tr/,thr→/θr/,sr→/sr/,shr→/ r/
⑥-s→/s/z/,-x→/ks/,-sh→/ /,-ch→/t /,-ge→/d /
辅音群 例子 辅音群 例子 辅音群 例子
/sp/ spy /sf/ sphere /sl/ slim
/st/ stay /sm/ small /sw/ sweater
/sk/ sky /sn/ snow /sj/ super
辅音群 例子 辅音群 例子 辅音群 例子
/pl/ play /kl/ climb /fl/ fly
/bl/ blue /ɡl/ glass /sl/ slow
辅音群 例子 辅音群 例子 辅音群 例子
/pr/ pray /tr/ try /br/ bread
/dr/ drive /kr/ cream /ɡr/ green
/fr/ free / r/ shrink /θr/ three
辅音群 例子 辅音群 例子 辅音群 例子
/p+j/ pupil /b+j/ beauty /k+j/ cure
/m+j/ music /f+j/ few /h+j/ huge
/v+j/ view
1.glue(  ),clue(  )
2.temple(  ),tremble(  )
3.preserve(  ),reserve(  )
4.few(  ),view(  )
5.send(  ),sent(  )

1.An enemy plane is flying in the ________ to ________ on us.
2.A ________ man who dragged a big ________ got on the train in the heavy rain.
3.In ________, I feel like playing my every ________ to comfort your crying.
4.Strangely, the drivers of the ________ in this city all wear red ________.
5.Look, some plastic ________ are lying on the top of the moving ________.
(1)辅元连读:在一个句子或短语中,前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以元音开头时,需要将辅音和元音拼在一起连续。如if I, for a walk, on a winter's day。
(2)元元连读:第一种,在一个句子或短语中,前一个单词的发音以/i/或/a /结尾,后一个单词以元音开头时,中间加一个半元音/j/,如“I am...”;第二种,在一个句子或短语中,前一个单词的发音以/ /或/u /结尾,后一个单词以元音开头时,加一个半元音/w/,如you are, who are。
1.What will the man probably do
A.Ask Linda for advice.
B.Tell his sister the truth.
C.Lend some money to his sister.
2.What does the man suggest the woman do tomorrow night
A.Stay at the party for a while.
B.Study at school.
C.Do her work.
3.What band did the woman see
A.The one with a dancer.
B.The one with a pianist.
C.The one with three guitarists.
4.Why does the man prefer magazines
A.They are cheaper.
B.They are more interesting.
C.They can be finished more quickly.
5.Where does this conversation probably take place
A.At the woman's home. B.At a hotel. C.At a hospital.
1.creative adj.创造性的;有创造力的;有创意的 create vt.创造;发明 creatively adv.创造性地;有创造力地 creation n.[C]制造物;制作 [U]制造;创建 creativity n.创造性,创造力
(教材P2)Students from different countries are working creatively to protect a temple in China.来自不同国家的学生们正在创造性地保护中国的一座寺庙。
(教材P3)International Youth Camp Members Create Mount Tai App.
a creative writer 一位有创造力的作家
a course on creative writing 创意写作课程
the creative and performing arts 创作与表演艺术
the creative process 创作的过程
creative thinking 创造性思维
creative imagination 创造性想象
a creative solution to the problem 这一问题的创造性解决方法
in a creative way 以一种创造性的方式
Birds are creatures that can fly.
she is a lovely creature.
create a new school创建一所新学校
create many new jobs创造许多就业机会
create a relaxing atmosphere营造一个轻松的氛围
create a poem创作了一首诗
create a painting创作了一幅画
create a lot of creations创作很多作品
create many problems导致许多问题
即学即练 单句语法填空
①Artists make a living through their ________ (create) work.
②She is very ________ (create) —she writes poetry and paints.
③When my mother saw my creations, she told me how ________ (creatively) my designs were.
④A good teacher can encourage artistic ________ (creative).
⑤She ______________ (creation) many works as a writer.
⑥The shortage of water ________ (create) a lot of problems and it needs solving at once.
created/has created
has created
2.former adj.以前的;(两者中)前者的 n.前者 latter adj.以后的;(两者中)后者的;n.后者
(教材P2)By studying old photos of the former palace...通过研究以前宫殿的老照片……
former capital 故都
former president 前总统
a former boss 以前的老板
a former colleague 以前的同事
Studies and play are both necessary to us. The former give us knowledge, and the latter gives us rest.学业和娱乐对我们都是很必要的。前者赋予我们知识,后者让我们获得休息。
Maurice Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach...
the former(两者中的)前者
the latter(两者中的)后者
Of the two opinions, I prefer the former.
=I prefer the former of the two opinions.
the former... the latter...
即学即练 完成句子
That is why fish prefer shallow water to deep water because ________ is warmer.
Work and play are both necessary to health. __________ gives us energy, and _______ gives us rest.
③Of these two things, ________ (前者) must give way to the latter.
④Tears and sweat are similar, but ________ (前者) are only in exchange for sympathy, while ________ (后者) can win success for you.
the former
The former
the latter
the former
the former
the latter
3.preserve vt.保存;保护;维持 n.保护区 preservation n.维护;保护;保持;保养
(经典例句)...it's a great example of how people preserve their cultural heritage.
preserve... from/against (doing) sth. 保护……免受……
preserve sth. for... 为……而保存某事物
be well preserved 保存完好
preserve these traditional customs保留这些传统习俗
preserve endangered species from extinction保护濒危物种免遭灭绝
in the preserve在保护区内
a nature preserve自然保护区
The society was set up to preserve endangered species from dying out.
His music deserved to be preserved in the family.他的音乐应该在家里保存下来。
The paintings were in an excellent state of preservation.这些绘画保存得非常好。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The society was set up to preserve endangered species ________ extinction.
②Well before the arrival of freezers, there was a demand for ice for food __________ (preserve) and catering.
③It is highly important to preserve the environment from ____________ (pollute).
④The soldiers were working day and night to preserve the people in flood-hit areas ________ being hurt.
⑤He said that he had heard the calls _________ (preserve) the boxes and had seen how some of them were listed as historic buildings.
⑥The church is in a poor state of __________ (preserve).
⑦The ancient temple and other cultural relics ______________ (保存完好).
being polluted
to preserve
are well preserved
4.promote vt.促进;提升;推销;晋级 promoter n.促进者,发起人 promotion n.提升;提拔;促销活动
(经典例句)We want to promote Mount Tai...我们想要提升大家对泰山的认识……
promote peace 促进和平
promote economic growth 促进经济增长
promote better communication and understanding 促进更好的沟通与理解
a meeting to promote trade between China and the UK 中英两国贸易促进会议
fail to get promoted 未能得到晋升
promote sb. to sth.提升某人为……
be promoted to...被提升为……
get promoted升职
policies to promote economic growth促进经济增长的政策
a campaign to promote awareness of environmental issues提高环境问题意识的运动
Fortunately, Helen was promoted to general manager.幸运的是,海伦被提升为总经理。
The band has gone on tour to promote its new album.这个乐队已开始巡回宣传新专辑。
...this will help foreigners better join the society and promote understanding across cultures.
While waiting for the opportunity to get promoted, Henry did his best to perform his duty.
即学即练 单句语法填空
①They were promoted ________ the first division last season.
②A campaign was launched__________(promote) awareness of environmental issues.
③Steve Burrows was recently promoted ________ senior group manager.
④His ________ (promote) to the sales manager took everyone by surprise.

to promote
5.application n.申请(表);用途;运用;应用(程序) app n.应用程序;应用软件 (application的缩略形式) apply v.申请;应用 applied adj.应用的 applicant n.申请者
(教材P3)International Youth Camp Members Create Mount Tai App.
(1)a job application 求职申请
a letter of application 申请信
fill in an application form 填写申请表
a written application 书面申请
(2)apply for 申请
apply to sb. for sth. 向某人申请……
apply sth. to sth. 把……应用到……
college applications大学(入学)申请
make an application to向……提出申请
apply oneself to致力于;专心于……
apply theory to practice把理论运用到实践中

apply to sb. for sth.
=make an application to sb. for sth.
I have already finished my job application form and personal resume.
I'm writing to make an application for the job.我写信是为了申请这份工作。
Now lots of new technologies can be applied to solving problems in industry.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Now lots of new methods can be applied to ________ (solve) problems in my studies.
②He has applied ________ the company ________ a job.
③He has been applying himself to ________ (achieve) his personal goal.
④Due to the ________ (apply) of this medical technology, more diseases can be discovered and treated at an early stage.
⑤To my delight, I was chosen from hundreds of ________ (apply) to attend the opening ceremony.
⑥I am writing to apply ________ the position as a volunteer in the activity.
⑦We should _________________ (把理论运用到实践中); otherwise, it is no use.
apply theory to practice
1.take part in 参与(某事);参加(某活动)
(教材P3)A group of high school students who are taking part in an international youth camp at Mount Tai are creating...一群参加泰山国际青年营的高中生正在创建……
take part 参加(无宾语时,不用in)
take an active part in 积极参加
take part in the protest 参加抗议活动
take part in the sports meet 参加运动会
take part in the summer camp 参加夏令营
take part in sports and outdoor activities 参加体育和户外活动
take part in the Olympic Games 参加奥运会
join the army/the club/the League 参军/加入俱乐部/入团
attend the meeting参会
attend the wedding party参加婚宴
attend school/class上学/上课
attend a lecture听讲座
play a part in在……中扮演角色;对……起作用
It is Peter that is to take part in the city sports meeting.
I'm sorry that my daughter Kelly was sick and unable to attend school.
Join us to taste a variety of fresh local food and drinks.
take part in, join in, join与attend
易混词(组) 辨析 举例
take part in 参加群众性活动,并发挥一定的作用 take part in sports meeting
join in 参加正在进行的活动,常可与take part in换用 join in the conversation/discussion
join 加入某团体或组织,成为其中的一员,也可指加入某人的行列 join the army/the Party
join us in the game
attend 参加会议、婚礼、葬礼或上课、上学等 attend a meeting/ceremony/lecture
attend class/college
即学即练 完成句子/辨析填空:take part in/join in/join/attend
①The English language _________________ (起着重要作用) in the international communications.
②My teacher gave me a chance to _________ (参加) designing the class poster.
③There will be a debate tomorrow. All those who want to ________ (参加), please raise your hands.
④Nowadays women are __________________ (积极参与) social activities.
plays an important part
take part in
take part
taking an active part in
⑤My sister _______ the League last month and she has decided to _______ the activities to help the aged in town as a volunteer.
⑥I shall ______ an important conference next week.
⑦All my family ______ me ________ wishing you a quick recovery.
⑧Last Sunday, our school held a cross-country running race. All students in Senior 3 ________________ it.
join in
took part in/joined in
2.in order to为了
(教材P3)The volunteers also visit middle schools in the area in order to talk to local teenagers.志愿者们还访问了这个地区的中学,以便和当地的青少年们谈话。
[句式分析] 句中in order to talk to...是目的状语,也可以放在句首。
如:In order to catch the first bus he got up early every morning.
in order that/so that可引导目的状语从句,从句中常有can,may,could,might等情态动词。
He put on his glasses in order to see it clearly.
=In order to see it clearly, he put on his glasses.
=He put on his glasses so as to see it clearly.
=He put on his glasses in order that/so that he could see it clearly.
同样,so that引导目的状语从句不能放在句首。
in order to和so as to表目的
in order to可以放在句首或句中,否定形式是in order not to。
so as to一般不放在句首,否定形式是so as not to。
It is no use/no good doing sth.
It is a waste of time doing sth.
It is no fun doing sth.
即学即练 完成句子
He drew the curtains ___________________ be discovered.
__________________, she pointed her finger upwards to signal that someone was moving about upstairs.
__________ protect the environment, people are encouraged to travel by public transport.
in order not to/so as not to
In order not to be heard
In order to
_________ make sure all of us are in good health, she makes specific plans for us.
⑤He works very hard at his lessons _____________________________ (以便通过考试).
⑥We keep balanced diet _____________________________ (为的是不得病).
In order to
in order to/so as to pass the examinations
in order not to get ill/so as not to get ill
(教材P2)Doing a project on cultural heritage protection in China is interesting and exciting.
rewarding adj. (活动等)值得做的;有益的
a rewarding experience/job 有益的经历/工作
即学即练 单句语法填空
①________ (teach) dance is wonderful.
②It's no good _________ (complain)—they never listen.
③Traveling along the old Silk Road ________ (be) an interesting and rewarding experience.

(教材P2)By studying old photos of the former palace, they have made the new one look exactly like the old one.
[句式分析] 该结构主要有以下几种形式:
⑤make+it+名词/形容词+to do/that从句
The teacher made him stay after school.老师让他放学后留下来。
He can make himself understood in English.他能用英语表达自己的意思。
He made it clear that he objected.他明确表示反对。
He was made to stay after school.
即学即练 单句语法填空
①The cyclists should all have to be made ________ (use) the cycle lanes and wear helmets, fluorescent jackets and lights at night and in the morning.
②In his introduction, he made it clear ________ our credits would be hard-earned.
③My older students say it makes them ________ (feel) young.
④We are determined to follow the examples of our excellent schoolmates and make ourselves ________ (use) to the whole society.
⑤We all make him ________ (monitor) of our class.
⑥The movie made her a ________ (star).
⑦The mistake made him ________ (punish) by the teacher.
to use
1.Students from different countries are working creatively to protect cultural ________ (遗产).
2.The mount was a nature ________ (保护区), with no hunting allowed.
3.Of these two things, the ________ (前者) must give way to the latter.
4.When you investigate a problem, you must think ________ (创造性地).
5.A ________ (提示) is likely to help us to find the answer to the problem.
6.The villagers are asked to ________ (保护) the ancient temple and other cultural relics.
7.If you want to take part in the activity, you may send your ________ (申请).
8.We ________ (促进) economy, but don't forget to keep balance between development and protection.
9.He often downloads some _________ (应用程序) and documents from websites.
10.There is a temple on the mount, which shows the ________ (创造性的) design of ancient people.
1.When my mother saw my creations, she told me how ________ (create) my designs were.
2.However, technology is also the ________ (apply) of scientific knowledge to solve a problem, touching lives in countless ways.
3.Some of us were confident and eager to take part ________ the class activity; others were nervous and anxious.
4.All our projects aim ________ (promote) the development of poor and remote communities.
5.Learning your keen interest in Chinese culture, I suggest you apply ________ Peking University, one of the best universities in China.
to promote
6.That is why fish prefer shallow water to deep water because ________ former is warmer.
7.His music deserved ___________________ (preserve) in the family.
8.While waiting for the opportunity to get ________ (promote), Henry did his best to perform his duty.
9.The teacher made it clear ________ he would work hard at teaching and serve the pupils heart and soul.
10.In order ___________ (not hear), they two talked in a whisper.
preserving/to be preserved
not to be heard
take part in; apply to sb. for sth.; apply...to...; promote sb. to sth.; preserve...from...; make it clear; in order to/so as to
1.He started early in the morning ______________ catch the train for Shanghai at 5:30.
2.The students want to ________ the company ________ jobs.
3.A group of high school students are _________ an international youth camp on Mount Tai.
in order to/so as to
apply to
taking part in
4.The middle-aged woman teacher has been _________ head of the Department of English.
5.Our government has taken measures to ________ endangered species ________ dying out.
6.Only by ________ theory ______ practice, can we prove whether our theory is practical or not.
7.I have __________ that only by working hard at lessons can students succeed in the future examinations.
promoted to
made it clear
A pyramid is a building 1.________ outer walls are triangular (三角形的). It 2.________ (usual) has four or five faces. A pyramid's design, with most of the weight closer 3.________ the ground, means that less material higher up on the pyramid will be pushing down from above. It 4.________ (allow) people that lived in ancient times to create strong and huge structures.
1.答案与解析:whose building为先行词,与outer walls为所属关系,所以用关系代词whose。
2.答案与解析:usually 副词修饰句子。
3.答案与解析:to (be) close to接近。
4.答案与解析:allowed 从句为一般过去时,根据句意可知此处表示“那时候允许”,故主句用一般过去时。
Pyramids have been built in many 5.________ (part) of the world. The most famous pyramids are the Egyptian pyramids 6.________ (build) of brick and stone. However, Sudan has the 7.________ (many) pyramids in the world, with Egypt coming in at a close second.
5.答案与解析:parts many后加可数名词复数形式。
6.答案与解析:built 此处为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰pyramids。
7.答案与解析:most 根据in the world和句意可知此处为形容词最高级。
The Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest in Egypt and one of the largest in the world. Until Lincoln Cathedral 8.________ (set) up, it was the tallest in the world. The base is over 52,600 square metres in area. It was one of the Seven Wonders of the World, and 9.________ only one of the seven to survive into modern times.
The largest pyramid is the Great Pyramid of Cholula, in the Mexican state of Puebla. This pyramid is considered 10.________ (be) the largest one in the world. The third largest pyramid in the world, the Pyramid of the Sun, is also in Mexico.
8.答案与解析:was set until为连词,从句中缺谓语此处应表示“被建立”。
9.答案与解析:the the only...唯一的……
10.答案与解析:to be consider... to be...认为……是……,此处是其被动语态形式。Unit 1 Cultural Heritage
先 知
核 心 单 词 重 点 短 语 单 元 语 法 单 元 写 作
heritage; creative; temple; clue; preserve; promote; application; balance; proposal; protest; likely; committee; establish; limit; prevent; loss; contribution; contribute; department; fund; within; issue; conduct; document; donate; disappear; attempt; worthwhile; download; republic; professional; entrance; process; overseas; exit; mirror; roof; dragon; forgive; digital; image; cave; throughout; quality; tradition; further; historic; opinion; quote; comparison; contrast; identify; forever take part in; give way to; keep balance; lead to; make a proposal; turn to; prevent... from...; donate... to...; make sure; all over the world 限制性定语从句(Ⅲ) 如何写关于文化遗产保护的新闻报道
Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking
②两个辅音之间不能加元音[ ]或其他任何元音;
②词尾音为/t//d/,加-s后就分别读成/ts/和/dz/;若加-ed,则分别读成/t d/和/d d/
③词尾音为/s//z// // /t //d /等,加-es后读/- z/。
③tr→/tr/,thr→/θr/,sr→/sr/,shr→/ r/
⑥-s→/s/z/,-x→/ks/,-sh→/ /,-ch→/t /,-ge→/d /
辅音群 例子 辅音群 例子 辅音群 例子
/sp/ spy /sf/ sphere /sl/ slim
/st/ stay /sm/ small /sw/ sweater
/sk/ sky /sn/ snow /sj/ super
辅音群 例子 辅音群 例子 辅音群 例子
/pl/ play /kl/ climb /fl/ fly
/bl/ blue /ɡl/ glass /sl/ slow
辅音群 例子 辅音群 例子 辅音群 例子
/pr/ pray /tr/ try /br/ bread
/dr/ drive /kr/ cream /ɡr/ green
/fr/ free / r/ shrink /θr/ three
辅音群 例子 辅音群 例子 辅音群 例子
/p+j/ pupil /b+j/ beauty /k+j/ cure
/m+j/ music /f+j/ few /h+j/ huge
/v+j/ view
1.glue(  ),clue(  )
2.temple(  ),tremble(  )
3.preserve(  ),reserve(  )
4.few(  ),view(  )
5.send(  ),sent(  )
1.An enemy plane is flying in the ________ to ________ on us.
2.A ________ man who dragged a big ________ got on the train in the heavy rain.
3.In ________, I feel like playing my every ________ to comfort your crying.
4.Strangely, the drivers of the ________ in this city all wear red ________.
5.Look, some plastic ________ are lying on the top of the moving ________.
(1)辅元连读:在一个句子或短语中,前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以元音开头时,需要将辅音和元音拼在一起连续。如if I, for a walk, on a winter's day。
(2)元元连读:第一种,在一个句子或短语中,前一个单词的发音以/i/或/a /结尾,后一个单词以元音开头时,中间加一个半元音/j/,如“I am...”;第二种,在一个句子或短语中,前一个单词的发音以/ /或/u /结尾,后一个单词以元音开头时,加一个半元音/w/,如you are, who are。
1.What will the man probably do
A.Ask Linda for advice.
B.Tell his sister the truth.
C.Lend some money to his sister.
2.What does the man suggest the woman do tomorrow night
A.Stay at the party for a while.
B.Study at school.
C.Do her work.
3.What band did the woman see
A.The one with a dancer.
B.The one with a pianist.
C.The one with three guitarists.
4.Why does the man prefer magazines
A.They are cheaper.
B.They are more interesting.
C.They can be finished more quickly.
5.Where does this conversation probably take place
A.At the woman's home. B.At a hotel. C.At a hospital.
1.creative adj.创造性的;有创造力的;有创意的 create vt.创造;发明 creatively adv.创造性地;有创造力地 creation n.[C]制造物;制作 [U]制造;创建 creativity n.创造性,创造力
(教材P2)Students from different countries are working creatively to protect a temple in China.来自不同国家的学生们正在创造性地保护中国的一座寺庙。
(教材P3)International Youth Camp Members Create Mount Tai App.
a creative writer 一位有创造力的作家
a course on creative writing 创意写作课程
the creative and performing arts 创作与表演艺术
the creative process 创作的过程
creative thinking 创造性思维
creative imagination 创造性想象
a creative solution to the problem 这一问题的创造性解决方法
in a creative way 以一种创造性的方式
Birds are creatures that can fly.
she is a lovely creature.
create a new school创建一所新学校
create many new jobs创造许多就业机会
create a relaxing atmosphere营造一个轻松的氛围
create a poem创作了一首诗
create a painting创作了一幅画
create a lot of creations创作很多作品
create many problems导致许多问题
即学即练 单句语法填空
①Artists make a living through their ________ (create) work.
②She is very ________ (create) —she writes poetry and paints.
③When my mother saw my creations, she told me how ________ (creatively) my designs were.
④A good teacher can encourage artistic ________ (creative).
⑤She ________ (creation) many works as a writer.
⑥The shortage of water ________ (create) a lot of problems and it needs solving at once.
2.former adj.以前的;(两者中)前者的 n.前者 latter adj.以后的;(两者中)后者的;n.后者
(教材P2)By studying old photos of the former palace...通过研究以前宫殿的老照片……
former capital 故都
former president 前总统
a former boss 以前的老板
a former colleague 以前的同事
Studies and play are both necessary to us. The former give us knowledge, and the latter gives us rest.学业和娱乐对我们都是很必要的。前者赋予我们知识,后者让我们获得休息。
Maurice Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach...
the former(两者中的)前者
the latter(两者中的)后者
Of the two opinions, I prefer the former.
=I prefer the former of the two opinions.
the former... the latter...
即学即练 完成句子
That is why fish prefer shallow water to deep water because ________ is warmer.
Work and play are both necessary to health. ________________ gives us energy, and ________________ gives us rest.
③Of these two things, ________________ (前者) must give way to the latter.
④Tears and sweat are similar, but ________________ (前者) are only in exchange for sympathy, while ________ (后者) can win success for you.
3.preserve vt.保存;保护;维持 n.保护区 preservation n.维护;保护;保持;保养
(经典例句)...it's a great example of how people preserve their cultural heritage.
preserve... from/against (doing) sth. 保护……免受……
preserve sth. for... 为……而保存某事物
be well preserved 保存完好
preserve these traditional customs保留这些传统习俗
preserve endangered species from extinction保护濒危物种免遭灭绝
in the preserve在保护区内
a nature preserve自然保护区
The society was set up to preserve endangered species from dying out.
His music deserved to be preserved in the family.他的音乐应该在家里保存下来。
The paintings were in an excellent state of preservation.这些绘画保存得非常好。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The society was set up to preserve endangered species ________ extinction.
②Well before the arrival of freezers, there was a demand for ice for food ________ (preserve) and catering.
③It is highly important to preserve the environment from ________ (pollute).
④The soldiers were working day and night to preserve the people in flood-hit areas ________ being hurt.
⑤He said that he had heard the calls ________ (preserve) the boxes and had seen how some of them were listed as historic buildings.
⑥The church is in a poor state of ________ (preserve).
⑦The ancient temple and other cultural relics ________________________ (保存完好).
4.promote vt.促进;提升;推销;晋级 promoter n.促进者,发起人 promotion n.提升;提拔;促销活动
(经典例句)We want to promote Mount Tai...我们想要提升大家对泰山的认识……
promote peace 促进和平
promote economic growth 促进经济增长
promote better communication and understanding 促进更好的沟通与理解
a meeting to promote trade between China and the UK 中英两国贸易促进会议
fail to get promoted 未能得到晋升
promote sb. to sth.提升某人为……
be promoted to...被提升为……
get promoted升职
policies to promote economic growth促进经济增长的政策
a campaign to promote awareness of environmental issues提高环境问题意识的运动
Fortunately, Helen was promoted to general manager.幸运的是,海伦被提升为总经理。
The band has gone on tour to promote its new album.这个乐队已开始巡回宣传新专辑。
...this will help foreigners better join the society and promote understanding across cultures.
While waiting for the opportunity to get promoted, Henry did his best to perform his duty.
即学即练 单句语法填空
①They were promoted ________ the first division last season.
②A campaign was launched ________ (promote) awareness of environmental issues.
③Steve Burrows was recently promoted ________ senior group manager.
④His ________ (promote) to the sales manager took everyone by surprise.
5.application n.申请(表);用途;运用;应用(程序) app n.应用程序;应用软件 (application的缩略形式) apply v.申请;应用 applied adj.应用的 applicant n.申请者
(教材P3)International Youth Camp Members Create Mount Tai App.
(1)a job application 求职申请
a letter of application 申请信
fill in an application form 填写申请表
a written application 书面申请
(2)apply for 申请
apply to sb. for sth. 向某人申请……
apply sth. to sth. 把……应用到……
college applications大学(入学)申请
make an application to向……提出申请
apply oneself to致力于;专心于……
apply theory to practice把理论运用到实践中
apply to sb. for sth.
=make an application to sb. for sth.
I have already finished my job application form and personal resume.
I'm writing to make an application for the job.我写信是为了申请这份工作。
Now lots of new technologies can be applied to solving problems in industry.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Now lots of new methods can be applied to ________ (solve) problems in my studies.
②He has applied ________ the company ________ a job.
③He has been applying himself to ________ (achieve) his personal goal.
④Due to the ________ (apply) of this medical technology, more diseases can be discovered and treated at an early stage.
⑤To my delight, I was chosen from hundreds of ________ (apply) to attend the opening ceremony.
⑥I am writing to apply ________ the position as a volunteer in the activity.
⑦We should ________________________________ (把理论运用到实践中); otherwise, it is no use.
1.take part in 参与(某事);参加(某活动)
(教材P3)A group of high school students who are taking part in an international youth camp at Mount Tai are creating...一群参加泰山国际青年营的高中生正在创建……
take part 参加(无宾语时,不用in)
take an active part in 积极参加
take part in the protest 参加抗议活动
take part in the sports meet 参加运动会
take part in the summer camp 参加夏令营
take part in sports and outdoor activities 参加体育和户外活动
take part in the Olympic Games 参加奥运会
join the army/the club/the League 参军/加入俱乐部/入团
attend the meeting参会
attend the wedding party参加婚宴
attend school/class上学/上课
attend a lecture听讲座
play a part in在……中扮演角色;对……起作用
It is Peter that is to take part in the city sports meeting.
I'm sorry that my daughter Kelly was sick and unable to attend school.
Join us to taste a variety of fresh local food and drinks.
take part in, join in, join与attend
易混词(组) 辨析 举例
take part in 参加群众性活动,并发挥一定的作用 take part in sports meeting 参加运动会
join in 参加正在进行的活动,常可与take part in换用 join in the conversation/discussion 参与交谈/讨论
join 加入某团体或组织,成为其中的一员,也可指加入某人的行列 join the army/the Party 参军/入党 join us in the game 和我们一起做游戏
attend 参加会议、婚礼、葬礼或上课、上学等 attend a meeting/ceremony/lecture 参加会议/参加典礼/听讲座 attend class/college 上课/上大学
即学即练 完成句子/辨析填空:take part in/join in/join/attend
①The English language ________________ (起着重要作用) in the international communications.
②My teacher gave me a chance to ________________ (参加) designing the class poster.
③There will be a debate tomorrow. All those who want to ________________ (参加), please raise your hands.
④Nowadays women are ________________________ (积极参与) social activities.
⑤My sister ________________ the League last month and she has decided to ________________ the activities to help the aged in town as a volunteer.
⑥I shall ________________ an important conference next week.
⑦All my family ________ me ________ wishing you a quick recovery.
⑧Last Sunday, our school held a cross-country running race. All students in Senior 3 ________ it.
2.in order to为了
(教材P3)The volunteers also visit middle schools in the area in order to talk to local teenagers.志愿者们还访问了这个地区的中学,以便和当地的青少年们谈话。
[句式分析] 句中in order to talk to...是目的状语,也可以放在句首。
如:In order to catch the first bus he got up early every morning.
in order that/so that可引导目的状语从句,从句中常有can,may,could,might等情态动词。
He put on his glasses in order to see it clearly.
=In order to see it clearly, he put on his glasses.
=He put on his glasses so as to see it clearly.
=He put on his glasses in order that/so that he could see it clearly.
同样,so that引导目的状语从句不能放在句首。
in order to和so as to表目的
in order to可以放在句首或句中,否定形式是in order not to。
so as to一般不放在句首,否定形式是so as not to。
It is no use/no good doing sth.
It is a waste of time doing sth.
It is no fun doing sth.
即学即练 完成句子
He drew the curtains ________ be discovered.
________________________, she pointed her finger upwards to signal that someone was moving about upstairs.
________________________ protect the environment, people are encouraged to travel by public transport.
________________________ make sure all of us are in good health, she makes specific plans for us.
⑤He works very hard at his lessons ________________ (以便通过考试).
⑥We keep balanced diet ________________________ (为的是不得病).
(教材P2)Doing a project on cultural heritage protection in China is interesting and exciting.
rewarding adj. (活动等)值得做的;有益的
a rewarding experience/job 有益的经历/工作
即学即练 单句语法填空
①________ (teach) dance is wonderful.
②It's no good ________ (complain)—they never listen.
③Traveling along the old Silk Road ________ (be) an interesting and rewarding experience.
(教材P2)By studying old photos of the former palace, they have made the new one look exactly like the old one.
[句式分析] 该结构主要有以下几种形式:
⑤make+it+名词/形容词+to do/that从句
The teacher made him stay after school.老师让他放学后留下来。
He can make himself understood in English.他能用英语表达自己的意思。
He made it clear that he objected.他明确表示反对。
He was made to stay after school.
即学即练 单句语法填空
①The cyclists should all have to be made ________ (use) the cycle lanes and wear helmets, fluorescent jackets and lights at night and in the morning.
②In his introduction, he made it clear ________ our credits would be hard-earned.
③My older students say it makes them ________ (feel) young.
④We are determined to follow the examples of our excellent schoolmates and make ourselves ________ (use) to the whole society.
⑤We all make him ________ (monitor) of our class.
⑥The movie made her a ________ (star).
⑦The mistake made him ________ (punish) by the teacher.
1.Students from different countries are working creatively to protect cultural ________ (遗产).
2.The mount was a nature ________ (保护区), with no hunting allowed.
3.Of these two things, the ________ (前者) must give way to the latter.
4.When you investigate a problem, you must think ________ (创造性地).
5.A ________ (提示) is likely to help us to find the answer to the problem.
6.The villagers are asked to ________ (保护) the ancient temple and other cultural relics.
7.If you want to take part in the activity, you may send your ________ (申请).
8.We ________ (促进) economy, but don't forget to keep balance between development and protection.
9.He often downloads some ________ (应用程序) and documents from websites.
10.There is a temple on the mount, which shows the ________ (创造性的) design of ancient people.
1.When my mother saw my creations, she told me how ________ (create) my designs were.
2.However, technology is also the ________ (apply) of scientific knowledge to solve a problem, touching lives in countless ways.
3.Some of us were confident and eager to take part ________ the class activity; others were nervous and anxious.
4.All our projects aim ________ (promote) the development of poor and remote communities.
5.Learning your keen interest in Chinese culture, I suggest you apply ________ Peking University, one of the best universities in China.
6.That is why fish prefer shallow water to deep water because ________ former is warmer.
7.His music deserved ________ (preserve) in the family.
8.While waiting for the opportunity to get ________ (promote), Henry did his best to perform his duty.
9.The teacher made it clear ________ he would work hard at teaching and serve the pupils heart and soul.
10.In order ________ (not hear), they two talked in a whisper.
take part in; apply to sb. for sth.; apply...to...; promote sb. to sth.; preserve...from...; make it clear; in order to/so as to
1.He started early in the morning ________ catch the train for Shanghai at 5:30.
2.The students want to ________ the company ________ jobs.
3.A group of high school students are ________ an international youth camp on Mount Tai.
4.The middle-aged woman teacher has been ________ head of the Department of English.
5.Our government has taken measures to ________ endangered species ________ dying out.
6.Only by ________ theory ________ practice, can we prove whether our theory is practical or not.
7.I have ________ that only by working hard at lessons can students succeed in the future examinations.
A pyramid is a building 1.________ outer walls are triangular (三角形的). It 2.________ (usual) has four or five faces. A pyramid's design, with most of the weight closer 3.________ the ground, means that less material higher up on the pyramid will be pushing down from above. It 4.________ (allow) people that lived in ancient times to create strong and huge structures.
Pyramids have been built in many 5.________ (part) of the world. The most famous pyramids are the Egyptian pyramids 6.________ (build) of brick and stone. However, Sudan has the 7.________ (many) pyramids in the world, with Egypt coming in at a close second.
The Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest in Egypt and one of the largest in the world. Until Lincoln Cathedral 8.________ (set) up, it was the tallest in the world. The base is over 52,600 square metres in area. It was one of the Seven Wonders of the World, and 9.________ only one of the seven to survive into modern times.
The largest pyramid is the Great Pyramid of Cholula, in the Mexican state of Puebla. This pyramid is considered 10.________ (be) the largest one in the world. The third largest pyramid in the world, the Pyramid of the Sun, is also in Mexico.
Unit 1 Cultural Heritage
Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking
1.clue 2.temple 3.preserve 4.view 5.send
1.clue 2.temple 3.preserve 4.view 5.send
1.sky spy 2.drunk trunk 3.spring string 4.cabs caps
5.trays trains
1.An enemy plane is flying in the sky to spy on us.
2.A drunk man who dragged a big trunk got on the train in the heavy rain.
3.In spring, I feel like playing my every string to comfort your crying.
4.Strangely, the drivers of the cabs in this city all wear red caps.
5.Look, some plastic trays are lying on the top of the moving trains.
1.C 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B
Text 1
M: My sister wanted me to lend her some money. But I'm short of money myself. I don't know what I should do.
W: Just tell her the truth.
M: I'm afraid I can't. Maybe I'll ask Linda to give me some money.
Text 2
W: I'm afraid I can't come to the party tomorrow night. I have to work on a report for school.
M: Well, why don't you at least try to stop by for a little while
W: OK,then.
Text 3
W: I saw a good band at last Saturday's rock festival. The singer was great!
M: The band with the piano player
W: I didn't see anything with a piano. The singer was called Queen Cat. She could really dance, too.
M: Oh, I know what you mean — the band had three guitarists.
Text 4
W: Which do you prefer, magazines or books
M: Um, I prefer reading magazines. Because I like a quick reading.
W: Yeah, you can pick them up and put them down just after a short reading. And they're cheaper than books. And sometimes they have interesting ads.
Text 5
M: Can we have a double room, please
W: Certainly. With a bath or a shower
M: We prefer the room which has a shower.
1.①creative ②creative ③creative ④creativity ⑤created/has created ⑥has created
2.①the former ②The former the latter ③the former ④the former the latter
3.①from ②preservation ③being polluted ④from ⑤to preserve ⑥preservation ⑦are well preserved
4.①to ②to promote ③to ④promotion
5.①solving ②to for ③achieving ④application ⑤applicants ⑥for ⑦apply theory to practice
1.①plays an important part ②take part in ③take part ④taking an active part in ⑤joined join in ⑥attend ⑦join in ⑧took part in/joined in
2.①in order not to/so as not to ②In order not to be heard ③In order to ④In order to ⑤in order to/so as to pass the examinations ⑥in order not to get ill/so as not to get ill
1.①Teaching ②complaining ③is
2.①to use ②that ③feel ④useful ⑤monitor ⑥star ⑦punished
1.heritage 2.preserve 3.former 4.creatively 5.clue 6.preserve 7.application 8.promote 9.applications 10.creative
1.creative 2.application 3.in 4.to promote 5.for 6.the 7.preserving/to be preserved 8.promoted 9.that 10.not to be heard
1.in order to/so as to 2.apply to for 3.taking part in
4.promoted to 5.preserve from 6.applying to 7.made it clear
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了金字塔的构造和世界各地的金字塔情况。
1.答案与解析:whose building为先行词,与outer walls为所属关系,所以用关系代词whose。
2.答案与解析:usually 副词修饰句子。
3.答案与解析:to (be) close to接近。
4.答案与解析:allowed 从句为一般过去时,根据句意可知此处表示“那时候允许”,故主句用一般过去时。
5.答案与解析:parts many后加可数名词复数形式。
6.答案与解析:built 此处为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰pyramids。
7.答案与解析:most 根据in the world和句意可知此处为形容词最高级。
8.答案与解析:was set until为连词,从句中缺谓语此处应表示“被建立”。
9.答案与解析:the the only...唯一的……
10.答案与解析:to be consider... to be...认为……是……,此处是其被动语态形式。
Section Ⅱ Reading and Thinking
Economic development is necessary if we want to improve society. There comes a time when the old[1] must give way to[2] the new, and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future 【2】. Finding and keeping the right balance[3] between progress[4] and the protection of cultural sites 【3】 can be a big challenge.
【1】[标题赏析]“FROM PROBLEMS TO SOLUTIONS”用介词短语“from...to...”把课文的两个关键信息词连接起来。以此作为课文标题的好处:一是反映文章的主要内容——提出问题和解决问题;二是体现文章的行文结构,使脉络清晰;三是设置悬念,引起读者的阅读兴趣。
【2】本句是由and连接的并列句。第一个分句是全部倒装句,主语是a time,谓语是comes,when...the new是由关系副词when引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a time。
第二个分句中含有“it is+adj.+to do sth.”结构,it是形式主语,不定式短语to preserve...our past是真正的主语。as we move towards the future是由as引导的时间状语从句。
Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead to[5] great solutions. In the 1950s[6], the Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam[7] across the Nile in order to control floods[8], produce electricity[9], and supply water[10] to more farmers in the area. But the proposal[11] led to protests[12].
Water from the dam would likely[13] damage[14] a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypt’s cultural heritage. After listening to the scientists who had studied the problem, and citizens who lived near the dam, the government turned to[15] the United Nations for help in 1959 【4】.
【4】本句中After...near the dam是介词短语作时间状语,两个关系代词who分别引导定语从句修饰先行词the scientists和citizens,who在这两个定语从句中均作主语;had studied是过去完成时,表示该动作发生在turned to所表示的动作之前。
A committee[16] was established[17] to limit[18] damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent[19] the loss[20] of cultural relics. The group asked for contributions[21] from different departments[22] and raised funds[23] within[24] the international community[25].
Experts investigated[26] the issue[27], conducted[28] several tests, and then made a proposal for how the buildings could be saved. Finally, a document[29] was signed[30], and the work began in 1960.
The project brought together[31] governments and environmentalists[32] from around the world[33]. Temples and other cultural sites were taken down[34] piece by piece[35], and then moved and put back[36] together again in a place where they were safe from the water 【5】. In 1961, German engineers moved the first temple. Over[37] the next 20 years, thousands of[38] engineers and workers rescued 22 temples and countless[39] cultural relics. Fifty countries donated[40] nearly $80 million to the project.
【5】本句是主从复合句,主句中的第二个和第三个and连接了三个并列的谓语动词,moved和put back前省略了were;where they were safe from the water是关系副词where引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a place。
When the project ended in 1980, it was considered a great success[41]. Not only had the countries found a path to the future[42] that did not run over[43] the relics of the past, but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow 【6】.
【6】本句是由not only...but also...所连接的并列复合句。第一个分句中Not only位于句首,助动词had被提到了主语the countries之前,构成了部分倒装,其正常语序是:The countries had not only found a path...of the past。
that did not...the past是关系代词that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a path,that在从句中作主语;第二个分句中的that it was...a better tomorrow是宾语从句。
The spirit of the Aswan Dam project is still alive today. Perhaps the best example is shown by UNESCO, which runs a programme [44] that prevents world cultural heritage sites around the world from disappearing[45] 【7】. If a problem seems too difficult for a single nation, the global community can sometimes provide a solution.
【7】此处是由which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词UNESCO,which在从句中作主语;在该定语从句中,又包含一个that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a programme,that在从句中作主语。
[1]the old属于“the+adj.”结构,表示一类人或物。
the old(老人)/the young(年轻人)
the rich(富人)/the poor(穷人)
the old(旧的东西)/the new(新的东西)
[2] give way to被……替代;让步/屈服于……
[3] balance/'b l ns/n.平衡,均匀 vt.使平衡
keep a balance between...and...保持……和……的平衡
[4] progress n.[U]进步,进展
make progress取得进步
[5] lead to导致
[6] in the 1950s在20世纪50年代
[语用]表示年代时,要在年份前面加the,年份后面加-s或-'s。如:in the 1990's在20世纪90年代。
[7] dam/d m/n.水坝;拦河坝
[8] control floods防洪
[9] produce electricity发电
[10] supply water供水
supply sth. to sb.为某人提供某物
[11] proposal/pr 'p zl/n.提议;建议
make a proposal提出建议
[12] protest/'pr test/n.抗议
/pr 'test/vi.&vt.(公开)反对;抗议
[13] likely/'laIkli/adv.可能地 adj.可能的
[14] [辨析]damage/destroy
[15] turn to向……求助(to是介词)
turn to...for help向……求助
[16] committee/k 'mIti/n.委员会
[17] establish/I'st blI /vt.建立;创立
establish a committee设立一个委员会
established adj.确定的;已确立的
establishment n.[U]建立,创立
[18] limit/'lImIt/vt.限制;限定 n.限度;限制
[19] prevent/prI'vent/vt.阻止;阻碍
[20] loss/l s/n.丧失;损失
job loss失业
weight loss体重减少
at a loss不知所措,困惑
lost adj.迷路的,迷失的
be lost in全神贯注,沉浸于
[21] contribution/ k ntrI'bju n/n.[C]捐款;[C]贡献;[U]捐赠,捐助
ask for contributions寻求捐款
[22] department/dI'pɑ tm nt/n.部;司;科
the Department of the Environment环境部
the personnel department人事部
the English department英语系
[23] fund/f nd/n.[C]基金,专款;[pl.]资金;[single]基金会
raise funds筹集资金
government funds政府资金
[24] within/wI' In/prep.&adv.在(某段时间、距离或范围)之内
[25] the international community国际社会
[26] investigate/In'vestIgeIt/vi.&vt.调查;研究
[同义]look into调查
investigation n.调查;研究
[27] issue/'I u ;'Isju /n.重要议题;争论的问题 vt.宣布;公布
issue a statement发表声明
[28] conduct/k n'd kt/vt.组织,安排;实施;带领
/'k nd kt/n.行为;举止;管理方法
conduct tests进行测试
[29] document/'d kjum nt/n.文件;公文;(计算机)文档 vt.记录;记载(详情)
[30] sign vt.签(名),签字;打手势 n.标记;招牌;迹象;手势
sign a document签署一份文件
sign in签到
sign out签退
sign up for...=sign up to do...报名参加……
[31] bring together把……召集起来
[32] environmentalist/In'vaIr n'ment lIst/n.环境保护主义者
[33] from around the world来自全世界
[34] take down拆卸
[35] piece by piece一点一点地;逐渐地
bit by bit/little by little逐渐地
step by step逐步地
[36] put back把……放回原处;使……恢复原状
[37] over prep.在……期间,相当于during。
[38] thousands of数以千计的,其后跟可数名词的复数形式。
注意:hundred,thousand等前面有具体数字时,这些名词不用复数,后面也不用of,如:five hundred,ten thousand。
[39] countless adj.无数的,数不尽的
[40] donate/d 'neIt/vt.(尤指向慈善机构)捐赠;赠送;献(血)
[41] a great success一个巨大的成功
[42] a path to the future通向未来之路
[43] run over本意为“(开车)撞倒并碾过”,这里是拟人的手法。
[44] run a programme启动一个方案
[45] disappear/ dIs 'pI (r)/vi.消失;灭绝,消亡
disappearance n.消失
该项目召集了来自世界各地的政府和环境保护主义者。寺庙和其他文化遗址被一块一块地拆卸下来,然后移走,并在远离水源的安全地带将它们再次拼放在一起。1961年,德国工程师迁移了第一座寺庙。在接下来的20年里,成千上万的工程师和工作人员拯救了22座寺庙和无数的文化遗产。50个国家向该项目捐赠了近8 000万美元。
1.尼罗河(Nile):又称Nile River,是世界上最长的河流,自南向北穿过撒哈拉沙漠,流贯非洲东北部,注入地中海。在尼罗河上修建的阿斯旺大坝,有灌溉、防洪、发电、运输等作用。
2.联合国(United Nations):第二次世界大战之后为维护世界和平与安全成立的国际组织,成立于1945年10月24日,总部设在纽约。当前共有193个成员国。联合国安全理事会的五大常任理事国有:美利坚合众国、俄罗斯联邦、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、法兰西共和国和中华人民共和国。
3.联合国教科文组织(UNESCO):英文全称是United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization,成立于1945年,总部设在巴黎。中国是该组织的创始国之一。其宗旨是推动各国在教育、科学和文化方面的交流与合作,促进各国人民之间的相互了解和维护世界的和平与稳定。
1.What's the main idea of the text
A.How the Egyptian government successfully solved the problem of building Aswan Dam project.
B.A big challenge during building Aswan Dam project.
C.How to protect the cultural relics.
D.The Egyptian government turned to the UN for help when in trouble.
2.Why did the Egyptian government attempt to build the building of the Aswan Dam
A.Produce electricity.
B.Control floods.
C.Supply water to more farmers in the area.
D.All of the above.
3.How long did it take to build the Aswan Dam project in all
A.22 years. B.27 years.
C.20 years. D.30 years.
4.The author organised the text by ________.
A.place B.time
C.relationship D.plot
It is a big challenge 1.________ (find) and keep the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites. However, big challenges can sometimes lead 2.________ great solutions. When the Egyptian government made a proposal 3.________ (build) the Aswan Dam, they were faced with various problems, including destroying an important part of Egypt's 4.________ (culture) heritage. As a result, the government turned 5.________ the United Nations for help in 1959. A committee 6._____________ (establish) to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the 7.________ (lose) of cultural relics. Finally, a document was signed and the work began in 1960. Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece, and then moved and put back together in a safe place.
to find
to build
was established
When the project was completed, it was considered a great 8.________ (succeed).
Not only had the countries found a path to the future 9.________ did not run over the relics of the past, but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow. Therefore, if a problem seems too difficult for a single nation, the 10.________ (globe) community can sometimes provide a solution.
1.balance n.平衡;均衡;均匀;天平 vt.使平衡;使均衡 balanced adj.平衡的 imbalance n.不平衡
(教材P4)Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.
a good sense of balance 良好的平衡感
balance A against B 权衡A和B
balance A and/with B 使A和B平衡;同等重视
balance (sth.) on sth. (使……)在……上保持平衡
keep a balanced diet 保持均衡的饮食
the balance of nature 自然界的平衡
keep one's balance保持平衡
lose one's balance失去平衡
keep a balance between A and B保持A与B之间的平衡
out of balance失去平衡
in the balance悬而未决
on balance总的来说
I struggled to keep my balance on my new skates.我穿着新溜冰鞋,努力保持平衡。
Try to keep a balance between work and relaxation.尽量保持工作与休闲平衡。
She tries to balance home life and career.她力图兼顾家庭生活和事业。
According to my research, neither your restaurant nor mine offers a balanced diet.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①While promoting economy we should keep ________ balance between development and protection.
②It can be hard to find the right balance between advising your children ________ controlling them.
③It is pretty important for teenagers to have a ________ (balance) diet.
④Each person, no matter who they are, has psychological ____________ (balance).
⑤When he was running after his brother, the boy _______________ (失去平衡) and had a bad fall.
⑥His umbrella is likely to help you _________________ (保持平衡).
⑦Many approaches have been tried to _______________________ (保持自然界的平衡).
lost his balance
keep your balance
keep the balance of nature
2.proposal n.提议;建议
(教材P4)But the proposal led to protests.但是该提案引发了抗议。
make a proposal 提建议
put forward a proposal 提出建议
come up with a proposal 想到一个提议
draw up a proposal 起草提案
approve of/accept a proposal 同意/接受提议
support/back a proposal 支持提议
reject a proposal 否决提议
consider/discuss a proposal 考虑/讨论提议
vote on a proposal 对提议进行投票
(1)the proposal that sb. (should) do sth.proposal后接同位语从句,同位语从句用虚拟语气(should do, should可以省略)
(2)sb. proposes that sb. (should) do sth.

He proposed that the Chinese calligraphy should be widely promoted throughout primary school.他提议中国书法应当在小学期间广泛提倡。
The government made a proposal to build a new dam.政府提议建一座新大坝。
They put forward a proposal for a joint research project.他们提议进行一个合作研究项目。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Do you approve ________ my proposal
②The sales staff came up ________ an innovative proposal.
③The ________ (propose) he put forward is to be discussed at the meeting.
④________ (proposal) for a new public library are under discussion.
⑤In his speech he proposed that the UN _________ (set) up an emergency centre for the environment.
⑥The proposal that we ____________ (send) another satellite into space is to be discussed at the meeting.
⑦Experts investigated the issue, conducted several tests, and then _____________ (提出建议) to the committee.
⑧He ___________ (提出) a proposal to see our English teacher in hospital with our classmates.
(should) set
(should) send
made a proposal
put forward
3.protest n.抗议 vi.&vt.(公开)反对;抗议
(教材P4)But the proposal led to protests.但是该提案引发了抗议。
(a) protest (n.) against sth. 对某事的抗议
protest (v.) against sth. 抗议某事
(a) protest from 来自……的抗议
without protest 一声不吭地
She ignored his protests and walked away.她不顾他的反对,走开了。
I turned off the TV, despite loud protests from the kids.
The announcement raised a storm of protest.这个声明引起了一场抗议风潮。
under protest无奈地;不服气地;不甘心地
hold a protest举行抗议
lead to protests导致/引发抗议
a violent/an angry protest强烈抗议
a mass protest大规模抗议
ignore one's protests不顾某人的反对
a storm of protest抗议风潮
即学即练 完成句子
①People held ____________________ (对……的抗议游行) the war.
②He accepted his punishment ______________ (一声不吭地).
She wrote a letter of apology but only ____________.

a protest march against
without protest
under protest
4.likely adj.可能的 adv.可能地 unlikely adj.不大可能发生的
(教材P4)Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples...大坝泄流可能会损坏许多寺庙……
(2)adv. 可能地
A new committee is likely to be established to raise funds.
=It's likely that a new committee will be established to raise funds.
He said that he would likely run for President.他说他很可能竞选总统。
People are likely to feel more relaxed in familiar surroundings.
=It is likely that people feel more relaxed in familiar surroundings.
It is likely/possible/probable that...(√)
It is possible (for sb.) to do sth.(√)
Sb./Sth. is likely to do sth.(√)
Sb./Sth. is possible/probable to do sth.(×)

即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子/辨析填空:likely/possible/probable
①If you find something you love doing outside of the office, you'll be less likely ________ (bring) your work home.
②It is likely ________ virtual reality will become a part of modern life in the near future.
People with a positive attitude towards life _____________________.
to bring
are more likely to succeed
It's ___________ that she will be offered the position.
The project is _________ succeed.
⑥It is highly ___________________ that he will take over his father's business.
⑦He is _______to make rapid progress in English because he is studying hard.
more likely
unlikely to
5.committee n.委员会
(教材P4)A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and ...
a committee meeting 委员会会议
be on a committee 是委员会的成员
join a committee 加入委员会
The committee meets once a week.这个委员会每周开一次会。
The committee have/has listened to all the arguments for and against the proposal.
The audience was/were mostly students.听众大部分是学生。
The staff has done a great job this year.今年全体员工工作非常出色。
即学即练 单句语法填空
①All the audience _____ women and _____ discussing the content of the play.
②The staff _____ sitting at the desks and _____ reading the documents papers.
③The committee all went down stairs and _____ doing a big cleaning in the yard.
④40% of the committee _____ women.
6.establish vt.建立;创立
(教材P4)A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and ...
establish a company 建立公司
establish a new research centre 建立一个新的研究中心
establish relationships/links/contact with sb. 与某人建立关系或联系
establish和set up都表示“建立,设立(公司、机构)”,但set up不如establish正式,set up是日常英语中的常用短语:
The company was established in 1899.这家公司成立于1899年。
A dog's eating habit requires regular training before it is properly established.
They set up a flagpole at the center of the schoolyard.
We are going to set up an office in Shanghai.
The People's Republic of China was founded in 1949.
He opened a shop yesterday.他们开了个商店。
即学即练 完成句子
I wondered why he should bother to try and _________________ me.
In conclusion, I believe that technology actually brings us closer together and ___________________ among teens.
His theory _____________ experiments.
④Marx and Engels both __________ (建立) a clear standard for art and literature.
⑤His reputation as a progressive writer is ______________ (被稳固地树立起来).
establish contact with
establishes relationships
was founded on
set up
well established
7.limit n.限度;限制 vt.限制;限定 limited adj. 有限的 limitless adj.无限的 limitation n.限制
(教材P4)A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics.
limit...to...(=be limited to) 把……限制在……内
limit sb. to(doing)sth. 限制某人(做)某事
beyond the limit 超过限度
without limits 无限制地
within limits 在一定范围内;适度地
to the limit达到极限
time/speed limit时间/速度限制
set a limit to/on设定……的限度
a limit on/to...对……的限制
There is a/no limit to...
It does point out that many parents still limit electronic reading, mainly due to concerns about increased screen time.
The EU has set strict limits on levels of pollution.欧盟对污染程度作了严格的限定。
There is no limit to what you can do if you are hard-working.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①You should limit your child to ________ (play) computer games.
②The car goes ________ the limit.
③I'm willing to help, ___________ (适度的).
④We are doing our best with the ________ (limit) resources available.
⑤There is a limit ________ what one person can tolerate.
⑥Time is ________ (limit) and let's come straight to the point.
within limits
⑦I've been asked ________ (limit) my speech to ten minutes maximum.
⑧________________ (……是有限的) my patience.
⑨The damage ____________ (限于) the roof.
⑩We must ________ the composition ________ (把……限制在) 1,000 words.
We should ___________ (设定……的限度) what our children can do.
to limit
There is a limit to
was limited to
set a limit to/on
8.prevent vt.阻止;阻碍;阻挠
(教材P4)A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics.委员会成立了,旨在减少对埃及建筑物的破坏,并防止文物损失。
stop sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事
prevent sb.(from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事
keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事
protect sb. from/against sth. 保护某人免遭某物(伤害)
defend sb. from sth. 保护某人不受某物伤害
Immediate steps should be taken to prevent forest fires from spreading.
from后面可接doing或being done作宾语,在主动语态中from可以省略
prevention n.预防;阻止
accident/crime prevention防止事故/犯罪
the prevention of disease疾病的预防
keep...from doing sth.与stop/prevent...(from) doing sth.均表示“阻止……做某事”,但以下两点需要注意:
(1)keep...from doing sth.无论用于主动语态还是被动语态均不可省略from。
(2)stop/prevent...from doing sth.用于主动语态时,可省略from,用于被动语态时,from不可省略。
Her parents prevented/stopped her (from) going on a diet to lose weight.
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
①We must do our best to _______ these historic sites _______________ (阻止……消失).
②The destruction of such species could prevent researchers from ________ (find) cures for certain diseases.
③The processes take place to stop our brains ________ (become) loaded with memories.
④This disease's control and _________ (prevent) is a challenge to China as well as the whole world.
from disappearing
9.loss n.丧失;损失 lose vt.失去;丢失
(教材P4)A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics.
suffer great loss 蒙受巨大的损失
at a loss 不知所措
a sense of loss 失落感
make up for the loss 弥补损失
a total loss 总损失
loss of interest/confidence
the loss of data 数据丢失
loss of memory 失忆
weight loss 体重减少
hearing loss 听力丧失
gain and loss 得与失
lose vt.失去
lost adj.丢失的,走失的
lose sth.失去某物
get lost走失
be lost in 陷入;全神贯注于,沉浸在
be lost in thought陷入沉思
The museum reported the loss of a cultural relic.博物馆报告丢失了一件文物。
I'm at a loss what to do next.我对下一步做什么心里没谱。
When his best friend left him, he felt a sense of loss.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①His carelessness led to the ________ (lose) of the documents.
②________ (lose) in thought, he was nearly knocked down by a running car.
③They got ________ (lose) in the forest. What's worse, it began raining heavily.
④I am at ________ loss what I will take up in the university.
For a moment, Tom was ________ how to respond to her question.
He admitted the mistake and promised to _________________.
at a loss
at a loss
make up for the loss
10.contribution n.捐款;贡献;捐赠 contribute vi.& vt.捐献;捐助
(教材P4)The group asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds within the international community.该委员会请求各个部门予以支持,并在国际范围内筹集资金。
make a contribution/contributions to/towards... 为……做出贡献;向……捐款
contribute...to... 为……贡献/捐献……/向……投稿
contribute to 为……做出贡献;向……捐款;促成,造成;导致
contribute money to the flood-stricken area向洪灾区捐款
contribute time to the activity把时间花在活动上
contribute articles to the magazine向杂志社投稿
The organisation has made great contributions to wildlife protection.
Many people contributed money to the poor boy, which contributed to his return to school. A writer wrote a story about this and contributed it to a press.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①This programme could not have been successful without Ken's valuable ___________ (contribute).
②I think everyone should make a contribution to ________ (protect) the environment.
③It was a real team effort—everyone contributed something ______ the success of the project.
④The school sees its job as preparing students to _____________________ (为社会作贡献).
⑤Eating too much fat can ____________ (导致) heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
make a contribution to society
contribute to
11.within prep.&adv.在(某段时间、距离或范围)之内 without prep. 缺乏;没有 beyond prep.超出……之外;非……所能及
(教材P4)The group asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds within the international community.该委员会请求各个部门予以支持,并在国际范围内筹集资金。
within one's reach 在某人力所能及的范围内
within one's rights 在某人的权限内
within one's grasp 在某人掌控的范围内
within one's power 在某人能力范围内
within (easy) reach (of...) 很接近,靠近
within sight (of) 可以看见;在视线内
within the limit of... 在……范围内
within walking distance 在步行距离之内
I will replace the dictionary in an hour.
in an hour一小时后
You will be contacted within an hour.
within an hour一小时内

beyond/out of one's reach超出某人力所能及的范围
beyond/out of one's rights 超出某人的权限
beyond/out of one's power超出某人的能力范围
out of sight超出视力范围;看不见
beyond the limit of...超出……范围
beyond/out of one's control超出某人的控制范围
You should receive a reply within seven days.你会在七天之内收到答复。
Is it within walking distance?那里步行走得到吗?
Every time I get into trouble and turn to James, he'll do everything within his power to help me out.每次我遇到麻烦去找詹姆斯,他都会尽其所能帮助我。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①I truly believe that beauty comes from ________ (内心).
②The beach is ________ walking distance of my house and we can hear the sound of the sea.
③I don't think it is ________ your power to carry on the research.
④The noise seems to be coming from _______________ (在建筑物里面).
The handle was _________________.
The situation is _________________.
within the building
beyond my reach
beyond our control
12.issue n.重要议题;争论的问题 vt.宣布;公布
(教材P4)Experts investigated the issue, conducted several tests...专家们经过调查研究,多次试验……
settle an issue 解决一个问题
discuss/debate an issue 讨论问题
raise an issue/bring up an issue 提出问题
deal with an issue 处理问题
face/avoid an issue面对/回避问题
a political/a social/an economic issue政治/社会/经济问题
a key/major/big issue关键/重要/大问题
a range of issues一系列问题
issue a statement发表声明
They met to discuss the issue of working conditions at the factory.
The committee met several times to discuss this important issue.
A range of issues were debated at the meeting.
即学即练 单句语法填空
①Some important ________ (issue) were raised at the meeting.
②They discussed a number of political ________ (issue).
③The Chinese government ________ (issue) an official statement ________ China resolutely opposes hegemonism and power politics and compats the policies of war, agression and expansion.
13.conduct n.行为;举止;管理方法 vt.组织;安排;带领;举止;表示;指挥 conductor n.指挥;售票员;列车长
(教材P4)Experts investigated the issue, conducted several tests...
conduct an orchestra/a choir 指挥管弦乐队/合唱团
conduct a survey/an experiment/an interview 进行调查/实验/采访
conduct sb. into/around... 领某人进入/参观……
conduct oneself well/badly 举止(表现)好/差
improper/violent conduct
opera/orchestra/symphony conductor
a bus conductor
The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city.
The way he conducts himself reflects on the family.
He was fired from the company due to his improper conduct.
即学即练 单句语法填空
①Experiments of this kind ________________ (conduct) in both the U.S. and Europe well before the Second World War.
②To return to the problem of water pollution, I'd like you to look at a study _________ (conduct) in Australia in 2012.
③He conducted ________ (him) far better than expected.
④Dennis had recently begun a successful career __________ (conduct) opera.
had been conducted
14.donate vt.(尤指向慈善机构)捐赠;赠送;献(血) donate...to...向……捐赠…… donation n.捐赠物;捐赠;赠送
(教材P4)Fifty countries donated nearly $80 million to the project.
donate sth. to sb./sth. 向某人/某机构捐赠某物
donate money to a worthy cause 为崇高的事业捐款
donate some money to help the people in need 捐一些钱来帮助困境中的人
donate blood 献血
organ donation 器官捐献
a generous donation 慷慨捐赠
make a donation/donations to 向……捐赠
What we could do is donate some money to the earthquake-stricken area.
He made a donation of $5,000 to the Children's Hospital last year.
即学即练 单句语法填空
①At the news, many people all over the world donated their money ________ those tsunami-hit (被海啸袭击的) areas.
②He made a generous ________ (donate) to the charity.
③If possible, we can donate money ________ the committee.
④The centre was bought with money ________ (donate) by former Beatle, George Harrison.
15.disappear vi.消失;灭绝;消亡 disappearance n.消失
(教材P4)Perhaps the best example is shown by UNESCO, which runs a programme that prevents world cultural heritage sites around the world from disappearing.
disappear from view/sight 从视线中消失
disappear behind/into... 消失在……后/中
like v.→dislike v.不喜欢
agree v→disagree v.不同意
honest adj.→dishonest adj.不诚实的
即学即练 单句语法填空
①By the 1920s, wolves had practically disappeared ________ the Yellowstone area.
②The ______________ (disappear) of the wolves had many unexpected results.
③I don't believe what he said because he is ________ (honesty).
④The car ran out of the village, and disappeared ________ the dark of night.
16.attempt n.&vt.企图;试图;尝试 attempted adj.未遂的,企图的(置于名词前作定语)
(教材P5)Why did the Egyptian government want to attempt the building of the dam
attempt to do sth.
=try to do sth.
=make an attempt to do sth./at doing sth. 企图/试图做某事
at one's first attempt 在某人第一次尝试时
in an attempt to do sth. 试图做某事
They made an attempt to recover the lost cultural relics.他们尝试找回丢失的文物。
I passed my driving test at the first attempt.我考驾照一次就通过了。
He attempted to overcome his drinking problem.他努力克服自身酗酒的问题。
attempted murder谋杀未遂
attempted crime犯罪未遂
a hopeless attempt没有成功希望的努力
attempt a rescue设法实施营救
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①He tried hard to practise and attempted ________ (pass) the driving test.
②Some time after 10,000 BC, people made the first real attempt ________ (control) the world they lived in, through agriculture.
③I ______________________ (试图说服她), but I failed.
④I would be the last _________________ (尝试回答) the question.
⑤Mike has been preparing carefully for his Chinese examination so that he could be sure of passing it ________________ (在第一次尝试时).
to pass
to control
attempted to persuade her
to attempt to answer
at the first attempt
17.worthwhile adj. 值得做的;值得花时间的
(教材P5)A lot of money was spent to protect the temples. Do you think it was worthwhile?(人们)花了很多钱来保护寺庙。你觉得值得吗?
be worth+n./pron./doing            做某事是值得的
be worthy to be done/of being done/of sth. 做某事是值得的
be (well) worth reading/seeing/visiting (非常)值得读/看/参观
be worthy to be visited/be worthy of being visited 值得参观
It is worthwhile to do sth./doing sth.做某事是值得的。
It is worthwhile spending/to spend money on setting up shelters for homeless animals.
a worthwhile job一项有意义的工作
a worthy cause一项崇高的事业
worth, worthy, worthwhile
①It is worthwhile to do sth./doing sth.
②(sth.) be worth+n./pron./doing
③(sth.) be worth doing某事值得被做,用主动形式表示被动意义
④(sth.) be worthy to be done/of being done/of sth.
如:His courage is worthy of praise.
(3)(sth.) be (well) worth reading/seeing/visiting
(sth.) be worth a visit/worthy to be visited/worthy of being visited(某物)值得参观

即学即练 完成句子/辨析填空:worth/worthwhile/worthy
①When you stand on the top of the mountain and overlook the surrounding scenery, you'll find ___________________________ (爬……是值得的) it up with effort.
Teaching is a _________ cause and ________ our effort.
③Thankfully, I managed to get through the game and the pain was ________ it in the end.
④Chimps' behaviour is ________ of being studied.
⑤As we all know, it is _________ to preserve cultural relics and historic sites.
it (is) worthwhile climbing/to climb
worthy of
1.give way to让步;屈服
(教材P4)There comes a time when the old must give way to the new...
give way to sb. 给某人让路;对某人让步(屈服)
give way to sth. 为某事让路
give in 让步,屈服,投降;呈上,交上
give in to... 向……屈服
If you identify your way, the world is going to give way to you.
The storm gave way to bright sunshine.暴风雨过后阳光灿烂。
give up doing sth.放弃做某事
give away泄露;赠送,分发
give back归还;使恢复
give out用完,耗尽;分发,散发
give off发出,放出(光、热、气味等)

即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Would you please give way ________ other passengers
②The children were required to give ________ their examination papers straight away.
③If a person has not had enough sleep, his actions will give him ________ during the day.
④He should ____________ (让位于) a younger, more decisive leader.
He pretended to be calm. But his voice _______ him ________.
After a month their food supplies __________.
give way to
gave out
2.lead to导致,造成(后果);通向,通往
(教材P4)Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead to great solutions.
lead to the traffic accident 导致这场交通事故
lead to the top of the hill 通往山顶
lead to health problems 导致健康问题
lead to the traffic accident 导致这场交通事故
the road leading to the parking lot 通向停车场的路
lead sb. to (sth.) 使某人得出(观点);引导某人……
What led you to this conclusion?你是如何得出这个结论的?
Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.食用过多的糖会引起健康问题。
All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。
lead to中的to为介词,后加名词或动名词作宾语。“导致,引起”的多种表达:result in;bring about;contribute to。
Does drinking polluted water contribute to the disease
即学即练 写出lead to在句中的含义/完成句子
①Some people fear that air pollution may lead to changes in the climate around the world.________
②Which door leads to the yard?________
③War never settles anything. It only _______________ (导致暴力).
④It doesn't matter whether you turn right or left at the crossing—both roads ______________ (通向公园).
leads to violence
lead to the park
3.a number of许多,大量
(教材P4)Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples ...来自大坝的水可能会毁坏许多寺庙……
“a number of+可数名词复数”意为“许多……”,作主语时,谓语动词用复数;
“the number of+可数名词复数”意为“……的数量”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数。
如:A number of students are from the countryside.
The number of students from the city is small.

a large amount of+不可数名词+单数谓语
large amounts of+不可数名词+复数谓语
(large) quantities of+可数名词复数/不可数名词+复数谓语

[归纳拓展] “许多,大量”的表达还有:
The new management intends to institute a number of changes.
+可数名词复数 +不可数名词
many, a great/good many, a (great/large) number of, quite a few much, a great/good deal of, a large amount of, large amounts of
a lot of, lots of, a (large) quantity of, (large) quantities of, plenty of
即学即练 单句语法填空
①A number of people ________ been coming to my bookstore for Mo Yan's books over and over again since he won the Nobel Prize.
②Over the years, there ________ (be) a number of different techniques to help designers approach this important point.
③The number of medical schools reached 18 in the early 1990s and ___________ (remain) around that level since.
④A large amount of money ________ been invested to promote the traffic conditions of this city.
⑤When condors eat dead bodies of other animals containing lead, they absorb large _________ (quantity) of lead.

have been
has remained
4.turn to向……求助;致力于;翻到;转向(to是介词)
(教材P4)...the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959.
turn to sb. for help 向某人求助
turn on 打开(水、煤气、电灯等)
turn off 关掉(水、煤气、电灯等)
turn up 调高(音量等);出现
She has nobody she can turn to.她求助无门。
Open your book and turn to Page 236.打开书,翻到236页。
Let's now turn to our primary problem.让我们现在转到我们的主要问题上。
Go straight, turn to the left and you'll find the post office.直走,向左转,你就会找到邮局。
turn down调低;拒绝
turn in上交;交还
turn into变成
turn out结果是,证明是
turn over翻转;移交
“I'm thirsty,”she said, turning on the tap.
If you turn over you might find it easier to get to sleep.

即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①With no one to turn ________ in such a frightening situation, the girl felt helpless.
②The road conditions there turned ________ to be very good, which was more than we could expect.
③Tom had to turn ________ the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too busy.
④You must turn ________ your pass when you leave the building.
⑤About this issue, the citizens __________ (向……寻求帮助) the government.
⑥This organisation is now __________________________ (致力于提高空气质量).
turned to
turning to improving air quality
5.make sure确保;设法保证;查明,弄清楚
(教材P5)We must protect the temples and make sure that no damage is done.
be sure to do sth. (说话者对主语的判断或需求)一定会做某事;务必要做某事
We have to set down rules to make sure that the children are taken good care of.
He is sure of success.他自信能成功。
He is sure to succeed.他一定能成功。
make sure的主语是人,而be sure的主语可以是人也可以是事物。
It is sure that...(×)
It is certain that...(√)
Sb./Sth. is sure that...(√)
Sb./Sth. is certain that...(√)
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
①The department is established to _______________ (确保) everything goes well.
②You'd better make sure ________ the exact time of the arriving train.
③She is not sure ________ his getting his diploma.

make sure (that)
1.There comes a time when...……的时代已经到来。
(教材P4)There comes a time when the old must give way to the new...
[句式分析] There comes...是there be句型的变体;There comes a time...表示“……的时代到来了”。
(2)常见的有:There follow(s)/live(s)/stand(s)/exist(s)/remain(s)...随后……/住着……/有……/存在……/还有……
(3)there be句型为完全倒装句式,在使用时注意根据句子的主语确定谓语动词的形式。
In the distance there stands the world-famous building.远处矗立着那座世界闻名的建筑。
There exist different opinions on the question.关于这个问题存在着不同的意见。
There appear to be some mistakes in your composition.看来你的作文中有几处错误。

(1)a time when...意为“一段……的时间”。其中when引导定语从句,修饰a time,when是关系副词,在定语从句中作时间状语。
(2)This/That/It is/was a time when...这/那/它是一个……的时期。
when引导定语从句,修饰a time
(3)There was a time when...曾经有一段时间……
There was a time when I was getting along badly with my classmates.

即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
________________ an old man in the forest long ago.
________________ a temple on the top of the mountain.
________________ different opinions on the problem.
________________ when the Internet plays an important part in our life.
⑤There was a time ________ I was crazy about outdoor activities.
⑥That was a time ________ the blind couldn't get much education.
There lived
There stands
There existed
There comes a time
2.not only...but (also)...不仅……而且……
(教材P4)Not only had the countries found a path to...but they had also learnt that...
(1)not only...but (also)...连接两个分句且not only位于句首时,not only后的分句要用部分倒装语序,但but (also)后的分句不倒装,即“前倒后不倒”。
(2)“Not only A but (also)B+谓语动词+其他.”中谓语动词的单复数由B决定,即遵循“就近原则”。
Not only can Mary speak French, but she also knows how to type.
Not only you but also Jim is to blame for this.
类似not only... but (also)...连接并列主语,谓语动词的单复数遵循“就近原则”的结构还有:neither...nor..., either... or..., not...but等。
即学即练 单句语法填空/句型转换
①Not only students but also the teacher ___________ (compete) in the sports event at the moment.
②Either you or one of your students ________ (be) to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.
③Not only my sister but also my parents ________ (like) this TV play.
④The nurses want a pay increase, and they want reduced hours. (改为倒装句)
→_________________________________, but they want reduced hours.
is competing
Not only do the nurses want a pay increase
3.It is possible to do...做……是有可能的。
(教材P4)...but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.……而且明白了多个国家合作创造美好未来的可能性。
[句式分析] It is possible for sb. to do sth.
She is likely to pass the exam.
=It is possible for her to pass the exam.
=It is likely/possible/probable that she will pass the exam.
Sb./Sth. be possible to do sth.(×)
Sb./Sth. be probable to do sth.(×)
Sb./Sth. be likely to do sth.(√)
It is possible (for sb.) to do sth.(√)
It is likely/possible/probable that...(√)
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①With the help of the computer, ________ is possible for people to work at home.
②A great decline in young work force is likely ________ (occur) in China, for instance.
If you work out bright and early in the morning, you will be __________ to stick to healthy food choices throughout the day.
While ____________ he understood very little of the books, they were his introduction to classical paintings.
to occur
more likely
it is likely that
4.suggest that...建议……
(教材P5)Before she ended her speech, the scientist suggested that we need to establish a committee of experts...
[句式分析] suggest表“建议”后接that从句时,从句中谓语用虚拟语气,即谓语用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。
I suggest that you begin from Beijing, and I'll show you around.
Learning your keen interest in Chinese culture, I suggest you apply for Peking University, one of the best universities in China.
Her pale face suggested that she was seriously uncomfortable, so her parents suggested that she (should) go to see the doctor.
命令:order, command
建议:advise, propose, recommend
要求:request, require, demand, urge等。
The workers demanded that their wages (should) be raised。
即学即练 单句语法填空
①His face suggested that he ________ (be) angry and I suggest that you ____________ (make) apology to him.
②My parents advise that I ______________ (not watch) too much TV.
③The boy insisted that he ____________ (not break) the window and (insisted) that the teacher ______________ (apologise) to him.
(should) make
(should) not watch
had not broken
(should) apologise
1.The driver ________ (试图) to limit the speed, but failed.
2.We must do our best to prevent these historic sites from ___________ (消失).
3.If possible, we can ________ (捐赠) money to the committee.
4.As we all know, it is _____________ (值得做的) to preserve cultural relics and historic sites.
5.Water from the dam would ________ (可能) damage a number of temples.
6.This umbrella is likely to help you keep your ________ (平衡).
7.The chairman made a ________ (建议) to the committee.
8.Most people made a ________ (抗议) against the conducts of the organisation.
9.His careless conduct led to the ________ (丢失) of the documents.
10.This department is established to __________ (调查) the matter.
1.We need to establish a committee to investigate the cultural heritage and prevent it from ____________ (harm).
2.________ was worthwhile to spend much money protecting the temples.
3.But the proposal would likely lead to a lot of ________ (protest).
4.About this issue, the citizens turned to the government ________ help.
5.When the project ended in 1980, it was considered ________ great success.
being harmed
6.They asked for ___________ (contribute) from different departments and raised funds within the international community.
7.________ (keep) the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural heritage sites can be a big challenge.
8.Water from the dam were likely ________ (damage) these temples.
9.A committee was _________ (establish) to limit damage and prevent the loss of cultural relics.
10.Finally, a document __________ (sign), and the work began in 1960.
to damage
was signed
give way to, keep balance, make a proposal, turn to, prevent... from..., donate... to..., make sure, make a contribution to, lead to, be connected to
1.The citizens made a protest, and the government ________ the United Nations for help.
2.As a result, fifty countries ________ nearly $80 million ________ the project.
3.Experts investigated the issue, conducted several tests, and then _____________ to the committee.
turned to
made a proposal
4.This programme aims to __________ world cultural heritage sites around the world _________ disappearing.
5.Cultural relics protection should __________________ economic development.
6.The department is established to ________ that everything goes well.
7.Their conducts have ________ the loss of some cultural relics.
8.While promoting economy, we should _____________ between development and protection.
9.There comes a time when the old must _________ the new.
10.Everyone should ___________________ the protection of cultural relics.
be connected to
make sure
led to
keep balance
give way to
make a contribution to
In order to 1.________ (促进) tourism in this area and 2.__________ (保持平衡) between development and protection, the Cultural 3.________ (遗产) Protection 4.________ (委员会) has 5._________ (设立) a special 6.__________ (部门). The department aims to 7._________ (调查) the condition of local cultural 8.________ (遗迹), 9.____________ (提出建议) to the committee, and 10.________ (开展) protection activities, 11.__________ (确保) that all the cultural relics are well 12.________ (保护). They 13.________ (试图) to raise 14.________ (资金), call for 15.___________ (贡献) to the protection of cultural heritage. With major 16.________ (问题), they are 17.________ (可能) to 18.________ (寻求帮助) local governments for help.
keep balance
make proposals
making sure
turn to
To 19.________ (防止) the 20.________ (流失) of cultural relics, every one of us should 21.__________ (参加) the preservation activity. For example, there is a 22.________ (寺庙) on the 23.________ (山), which shows the 24.________ (创造性的) design of ancient people. We must 25.________ (防止) it from 26.__________ (消失). If possible, we can 27.________ (捐款) money to the 28.________ (委员会). Where there are cultural relics, construction must be 29.________ (限制) and 30.________ (让路) them. We make a 31.________ (抗议) against any 32.________ (行为) of destroying cultural relics and can't 33.________ (原谅) it. It is 34._________ (值得的) for us to do so. It is believed that great changes will take place 35.________ (在……内) a few years.
take part in
give way to
withinSection Ⅱ Reading and Thinking
Economic development is necessary if we want to improve society. There comes a time when the old① must give way to② the new, and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future 【2】. Finding and keeping the right balance③ between progress④ and the protection of cultural sites 【3】 can be a big challenge.
【1】[标题赏析]“FROM PROBLEMS TO SOLUTIONS”用介词短语“from...to...”把课文的两个关键信息词连接起来。以此作为课文标题的好处:一是反映文章的主要内容——提出问题和解决问题;二是体现文章的行文结构,使脉络清晰;三是设置悬念,引起读者的阅读兴趣。
【2】本句是由and连接的并列句。第一个分句是全部倒装句,主语是a time,谓语是comes,when...the new是由关系副词when引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a time。
第二个分句中含有“it is+adj.+to do sth.”结构,it是形式主语,不定式短语to preserve...our past是真正的主语。as we move towards the future是由as引导的时间状语从句。
Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead to⑤ great solutions. In the 1950s⑥, the Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam⑦ across the Nile in order to control floods⑧, produce electricity⑨, and supply water⑩ to more farmers in the area. But the proposal led to protests . Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypt’s cultural heritage. After listening to the scientists who had studied the problem, and citizens who lived near the dam, the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959 【4】.
【4】本句中After...near the dam是介词短语作时间状语,两个关系代词who分别引导定语从句修饰先行词the scientists和citizens,who在这两个定语从句中均作主语;had studied是过去完成时,表示该动作发生在turned to所表示的动作之前。
A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics. The group asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds within the international community. Experts investigated the issue, conducted several tests, and then made a proposal for how the buildings could be saved. Finally, a document was signed, and the work began in 1960.
The project brought together governments and environmentalists from around the world. Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece, and then moved and put back together again in a place where they were safe from the water 【5】. In 1961, German engineers moved the first temple. Over the next 20 years, thousands of engineers and workers rescued 22 temples and countless cultural relics. Fifty countries donated nearly $80 million to the project.
【5】本句是主从复合句,主句中的第二个和第三个and连接了三个并列的谓语动词,moved和put back前省略了were;where they were safe from the water是关系副词where引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a place。
When the project ended in 1980, it was considered a great success. Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past, but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow 【6】.
【6】本句是由not only...but also...所连接的并列复合句。第一个分句中Not only位于句首,助动词had被提到了主语the countries之前,构成了部分倒装,其正常语序是:The countries had not only found a path...of the past。
that did not...the past是关系代词that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a path,that在从句中作主语;第二个分句中的that it was...a better tomorrow是宾语从句。
①the old属于“the+adj.”结构,表示一类人或物。
the old(老人)/the young(年轻人)
the rich(富人)/the poor(穷人)
the old(旧的东西)/the new(新的东西)
②give way to被……替代;让步/屈服于……
③balance/'b l ns/n.平衡,均匀 vt.使平衡
keep a balance between...and...保持……和……的平衡
④progress n.[U]进步,进展
make progress取得进步
⑤lead to导致
⑥in the 1950s在20世纪50年代
[语用]表示年代时,要在年份前面加the,年份后面加-s或-'s。如:in the 1990's在20世纪90年代。
⑦dam/d m/n.水坝;拦河坝
⑧control floods防洪
⑨produce electricity发电
⑩supply water供水
supply sth. to sb.为某人提供某物
proposal/pr 'p zl/n.提议;建议
make a proposal提出建议
protest/'pr test/n.抗议
/pr 'test/vi.&vt.(公开)反对;抗议
likely/'laIkli/adv.可能地 adj.可能的
turn to向……求助(to是介词)
turn to...for help向……求助
committee/k 'mIti/n.委员会
establish/I'st blI /vt.建立;创立
establish a committee设立一个委员会
established adj.确定的;已确立的
establishment n.[U]建立,创立
limit/'lImIt/vt.限制;限定 n.限度;限制
loss/l s/n.丧失;损失
job loss失业
weight loss体重减少
at a loss不知所措,困惑
lost adj.迷路的,迷失的
be lost in全神贯注,沉浸于
contribution/ k ntrI'bju n/n.[C]捐款;[C]贡献;[U]捐赠,捐助
ask for contributions寻求捐款
department/dI'pɑ tm nt/n.部;司;科
the Department of the Environment环境部
the personnel department人事部
the English department英语系
fund/f nd/n.[C]基金,专款;[pl.]资金;[single]基金会
raise funds筹集资金
government funds政府资金
within/wI' In/prep.&adv.在(某段时间、距离或范围)之内
the international community国际社会
[同义]look into调查
investigation n.调查;研究
issue/'I u ;'Isju /n.重要议题;争论的问题 vt.宣布;公布
issue a statement发表声明
conduct/k n'd kt/vt.组织,安排;实施;带领
/'k nd kt/n.行为;举止;管理方法
conduct tests进行测试
document/'d kjum nt/n.文件;公文;(计算机)文档 vt.记录;记载(详情)
sign vt.签(名),签字;打手势 n.标记;招牌;迹象;手势
sign a document签署一份文件
sign in签到
sign out签退
sign up for...=sign up to do...报名参加……
bring together把……召集起来
environmentalist/In'vaIr n'ment lIst/n.环境保护主义者
from around the world来自全世界
take down拆卸
piece by piece一点一点地;逐渐地
bit by bit/little by little逐渐地
step by step逐步地
put back把……放回原处;使……恢复原状
over prep.在……期间,相当于during。
thousands of数以千计的,其后跟可数名词的复数形式。
注意:hundred,thousand等前面有具体数字时,这些名词不用复数,后面也不用of,如:five hundred,ten thousand。
countless adj.无数的,数不尽的
donate/d 'neIt/vt.(尤指向慈善机构)捐赠;赠送;献(血)
a great success一个巨大的成功
a path to the future通向未来之路
run over本意为“(开车)撞倒并碾过”,这里是拟人的手法。
run a programme启动一个方案
disappear/ dIs 'pI (r)/vi.消失;灭绝,消亡
disappearance n.消失
该项目召集了来自世界各地的政府和环境保护主义者。寺庙和其他文化遗址被一块一块地拆卸下来,然后移走,并在远离水源的安全地带将它们再次拼放在一起。1961年,德国工程师迁移了第一座寺庙。在接下来的20年里,成千上万的工程师和工作人员拯救了22座寺庙和无数的文化遗产。50个国家向该项目捐赠了近8 000万美元。
The spirit of the Aswan Dam project is still alive today. Perhaps the best example is shown by UNESCO, which runs a programme that prevents world cultural heritage sites around the world from disappearing 【7】. If a problem seems too difficult for a single nation, the global community can sometimes provide a solution.
【7】此处是由which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词UNESCO,which在从句中作主语;在该定语从句中,又包含一个that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a programme,that在从句中作主语。
1.尼罗河(Nile):又称Nile River,是世界上最长的河流,自南向北穿过撒哈拉沙漠,流贯非洲东北部,注入地中海。在尼罗河上修建的阿斯旺大坝,有灌溉、防洪、发电、运输等作用。
2.联合国(United Nations):第二次世界大战之后为维护世界和平与安全成立的国际组织,成立于1945年10月24日,总部设在纽约。当前共有193个成员国。联合国安全理事会的五大常任理事国有:美利坚合众国、俄罗斯联邦、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、法兰西共和国和中华人民共和国。
3.联合国教科文组织(UNESCO):英文全称是United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization,成立于1945年,总部设在巴黎。中国是该组织的创始国之一。其宗旨是推动各国在教育、科学和文化方面的交流与合作,促进各国人民之间的相互了解和维护世界的和平与稳定。
1.What's the main idea of the text
A.How the Egyptian government successfully solved the problem of building Aswan Dam project.
B.A big challenge during building Aswan Dam project.
C.How to protect the cultural relics.
D.The Egyptian government turned to the UN for help when in trouble.
2.Why did the Egyptian government attempt to build the building of the Aswan Dam
A.Produce electricity.
B.Control floods.
C.Supply water to more farmers in the area.
D.All of the above.
3.How long did it take to build the Aswan Dam project in all
A.22 years. B.27 years.
C.20 years. D.30 years.
4.The author organised the text by ________.
A.place B.time
C.relationship D.plot
It is a big challenge 1.________ (find) and keep the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites. However, big challenges can sometimes lead 2.________ great solutions. When the Egyptian government made a proposal 3.________ (build) the Aswan Dam, they were faced with various problems, including destroying an important part of Egypt's 4.________ (culture) heritage. As a result, the government turned 5.________ the United Nations for help in 1959. A committee 6.________ (establish) to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the 7.________ (lose) of cultural relics. Finally, a document was signed and the work began in 1960. Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece, and then moved and put back together in a safe place. When the project was completed, it was considered a great 8.________ (succeed).
Not only had the countries found a path to the future 9.________ did not run over the relics of the past, but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow. Therefore, if a problem seems too difficult for a single nation, the 10.________ (globe) community can sometimes provide a solution.
1.balance n.平衡;均衡;均匀;天平 vt.使平衡;使均衡 balanced adj.平衡的 imbalance n.不平衡
(教材P4)Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.
a good sense of balance 良好的平衡感
balance A against B 权衡A和B
balance A and/with B 使A和B平衡;同等重视
balance (sth.) on sth. (使……)在……上保持平衡
keep a balanced diet 保持均衡的饮食
the balance of nature 自然界的平衡
I struggled to keep my balance on my new skates.我穿着新溜冰鞋,努力保持平衡。
Try to keep a balance between work and relaxation.尽量保持工作与休闲平衡。
She tries to balance home life and career.她力图兼顾家庭生活和事业。
According to my research, neither your restaurant nor mine offers a balanced diet.
keep one's balance保持平衡
lose one's balance失去平衡
keep a balance between A and B保持A与B之间的平衡
out of balance失去平衡
in the balance悬而未决
on balance总的来说
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①While promoting economy we should keep ________ balance between development and protection.
②It can be hard to find the right balance between advising your children ________ controlling them.
③It is pretty important for teenagers to have a ________ (balance) diet.
④Each person, no matter who they are, has psychological ________ (balance).
⑤When he was running after his brother, the boy ________________________ (失去平衡) and had a bad fall.
⑥His umbrella is likely to help you ________________________ (保持平衡).
⑦Many approaches have been tried to __________________________ (保持自然界的平衡).
2.proposal n.提议;建议
(教材P4)But the proposal led to protests.但是该提案引发了抗议。
make a proposal 提建议
put forward a proposal 提出建议
come up with a proposal 想到一个提议
draw up a proposal 起草提案
approve of/accept a proposal 同意/接受提议
support/back a proposal 支持提议
reject a proposal 否决提议
consider/discuss a proposal 考虑/讨论提议
vote on a proposal 对提议进行投票
(1)the proposal that sb. (should) do sth.proposal后接同位语从句,同位语从句用虚拟语气(should do, should可以省略)
(2)sb. proposes that sb. (should) do sth.
He proposed that the Chinese calligraphy should be widely promoted throughout primary school.他提议中国书法应当在小学期间广泛提倡。
The government made a proposal to build a new dam.政府提议建一座新大坝。
They put forward a proposal for a joint research project.他们提议进行一个合作研究项目。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Do you approve ________ my proposal
②The sales staff came up ________ an innovative proposal.
③The ________ (propose) he put forward is to be discussed at the meeting.
④________ (proposal) for a new public library are under discussion.
⑤In his speech he proposed that the UN ________ (set) up an emergency centre for the environment.
⑥The proposal that we ________ (send) another satellite into space is to be discussed at the meeting.
⑦Experts investigated the issue, conducted several tests, and then ________ (提出建议) to the committee.
⑧He ________________ (提出) a proposal to see our English teacher in hospital with our classmates.
3.protest n.抗议 vi.&vt.(公开)反对;抗议
(教材P4)But the proposal led to protests.但是该提案引发了抗议。
(a) protest (n.) against sth. 对某事的抗议
protest (v.) against sth. 抗议某事
(a) protest from 来自……的抗议
without protest 一声不吭地
She ignored his protests and walked away.她不顾他的反对,走开了。
I turned off the TV, despite loud protests from the kids.
The announcement raised a storm of protest.这个声明引起了一场抗议风潮。
under protest无奈地;不服气地;不甘心地
hold a protest举行抗议
lead to protests导致/引发抗议
a violent/an angry protest强烈抗议
a mass protest大规模抗议
ignore one's protests不顾某人的反对
a storm of protest抗议风潮
即学即练 完成句子
①People held ________________________ (对……的抗议游行) the war.
②He accepted his punishment ________________________ (一声不吭地).
She wrote a letter of apology but only ________________.
4.likely adj.可能的 adv.可能地 unlikely adj.不大可能发生的
(教材P4)Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples...大坝泄流可能会损坏许多寺庙……
(2)adv. 可能地
A new committee is likely to be established to raise funds.
=It's likely that a new committee will be established to raise funds.
He said that he would likely run for President.他说他很可能竞选总统。
People are likely to feel more relaxed in familiar surroundings.
=It is likely that people feel more relaxed in familiar surroundings.
It is likely/possible/probable that...(√)
It is possible (for sb.) to do sth.(√)
Sb./Sth. is likely to do sth.(√)
Sb./Sth. is possible/probable to do sth.(×)
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子/辨析填空:likely/possible/probable
①If you find something you love doing outside of the office, you'll be less likely ________ (bring) your work home.
②It is likely ________ virtual reality will become a part of modern life in the near future.
People with a positive attitude towards life ________________________________________.
It's ________________ that she will be offered the position.
The project is ________ succeed.
⑥It is highly ________ that he will take over his father's business.
⑦He is ________ to make rapid progress in English because he is studying hard.
5.committee n.委员会
(教材P4)A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and ...
a committee meeting 委员会会议
be on a committee 是委员会的成员
join a committee 加入委员会
The committee meets once a week.这个委员会每周开一次会。
The committee have/has listened to all the arguments for and against the proposal.
The audience was/were mostly students.听众大部分是学生。
The staff has done a great job this year.今年全体员工工作非常出色。
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①All the audience ________ women and ________ discussing the content of the play.
②The staff ________ sitting at the desks and ________ reading the documents papers.
③The committee all went down stairs and ________ doing a big cleaning in the yard.
④40% of the committee ________ women.
6.establish vt.建立;创立
(教材P4)A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and ...
establish a company 建立公司
establish a new research centre 建立一个新的研究中心
establish relationships/links/contact with sb. 与某人建立关系或联系
establish和set up都表示“建立,设立(公司、机构)”,但set up不如establish正式,set up是日常英语中的常用短语:
The company was established in 1899.这家公司成立于1899年。
A dog's eating habit requires regular training before it is properly established.
They set up a flagpole at the center of the schoolyard.
We are going to set up an office in Shanghai.
The People's Republic of China was founded in 1949.
He opened a shop yesterday.他们开了个商店。
即学即练 完成句子
I wondered why he should bother to try and ________ me.
In conclusion, I believe that technology actually brings us closer together and ______________ among teens.
His theory ________________________ experiments.
④Marx and Engels both ________________ (建立) a clear standard for art and literature.
⑤His reputation as a progressive writer is ________________________ (被稳固地树立起来).
7.limit n.限度;限制 vt.限制;限定 limited adj. 有限的 limitless adj.无限的 limitation n.限制
(教材P4)A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics.
limit...to...(=be limited to) 把……限制在……内
limit sb. to(doing)sth. 限制某人(做)某事
beyond the limit 超过限度
without limits 无限制地
within limits 在一定范围内;适度地
to the limit达到极限
time/speed limit时间/速度限制
set a limit to/on设定……的限度
a limit on/to...对……的限制
There is a/no limit to...
It does point out that many parents still limit electronic reading, mainly due to concerns about increased screen time.
The EU has set strict limits on levels of pollution.欧盟对污染程度作了严格的限定。
There is no limit to what you can do if you are hard-working.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①You should limit your child to ________ (play) computer games.
②The car goes ________ the limit.
③I'm willing to help, ________________ (适度的).
④We are doing our best with the ________ (limit) resources available.
⑤There is a limit ________ what one person can tolerate.
⑥Time is ________ (limit) and let's come straight to the point.
⑦I've been asked ________ (limit) my speech to ten minutes maximum.
⑧________________________________ (……是有限的) my patience.
⑨The damage ________________________ (限于) the roof.
⑩We must ________ the composition ________ (把……限制在) 1,000 words.
We should ________________________ (设定……的限度) what our children can do.
8.prevent vt.阻止;阻碍;阻挠
(教材P4)A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics.委员会成立了,旨在减少对埃及建筑物的破坏,并防止文物损失。
stop sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事
prevent sb.(from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事
keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事
protect sb. from/against sth. 保护某人免遭某物(伤害)
defend sb. from sth. 保护某人不受某物伤害
Immediate steps should be taken to prevent forest fires from spreading.
from后面可接doing或being done作宾语,在主动语态中from可以省略
keep...from doing sth.与stop/prevent...(from) doing sth.均表示“阻止……做某事”,但以下两点需要注意:
(1)keep...from doing sth.无论用于主动语态还是被动语态均不可省略from。
(2)stop/prevent...from doing sth.用于主动语态时,可省略from,用于被动语态时,from不可省略。
Her parents prevented/stopped her (from) going on a diet to lose weight.
prevention n.预防;阻止
accident/crime prevention防止事故/犯罪
the prevention of disease疾病的预防
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
①We must do our best to ________ these historic sites ________________ (阻止……消失).
②The destruction of such species could prevent researchers from ________ (find) cures for certain diseases.
③The processes take place to stop our brains ________ (become) loaded with memories.
④This disease's control and ________ (prevent) is a challenge to China as well as the whole world.
9.loss n.丧失;损失 lose vt.失去;丢失
(教材P4)A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics.
suffer great loss 蒙受巨大的损失
at a loss 不知所措
a sense of loss 失落感
make up for the loss 弥补损失
a total loss 总损失
loss of interest/confidence 失去兴趣/信心
the loss of data 数据丢失
loss of memory 失忆
weight loss 体重减少
hearing loss 听力丧失
gain and loss 得与失
lose vt.失去
lost adj.丢失的,走失的
lose sth.失去某物
get lost走失
be lost in 陷入;全神贯注于,沉浸在
be lost in thought陷入沉思
The museum reported the loss of a cultural relic.博物馆报告丢失了一件文物。
I'm at a loss what to do next.我对下一步做什么心里没谱。
When his best friend left him, he felt a sense of loss.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①His carelessness led to the ________ (lose) of the documents.
②________ (lose) in thought, he was nearly knocked down by a running car.
③They got ________ (lose) in the forest. What's worse, it began raining heavily.
④I am at ________ loss what I will take up in the university.
For a moment, Tom was ________________________ how to respond to her question.
He admitted the mistake and promised to ________________________________.
10.contribution n.捐款;贡献;捐赠 contribute vi.& vt.捐献;捐助
(教材P4)The group asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds within the international community.该委员会请求各个部门予以支持,并在国际范围内筹集资金。
make a contribution/contributions to/towards... 为……做出贡献;向……捐款
contribute...to... 为……贡献/捐献……/向……投稿
contribute to 为……做出贡献;向……捐款;促成,造成;导致
contribute money to the flood-stricken area向洪灾区捐款
contribute time to the activity把时间花在活动上
contribute articles to the magazine向杂志社投稿
The organisation has made great contributions to wildlife protection.
Many people contributed money to the poor boy, which contributed to his return to school. A writer wrote a story about this and contributed it to a press.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①This programme could not have been successful without Ken's valuable ________ (contribute).
②I think everyone should make a contribution to ________ (protect) the environment.
③It was a real team effort—everyone contributed something ________ the success of the project.
④The school sees its job as preparing students to ____________________________________ (为社会作贡献).
⑤Eating too much fat can ________________________ (导致) heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
11.within prep.&adv.在(某段时间、距离或范围)之内 without prep. 缺乏;没有 beyond prep.超出……之外;非……所能及
(教材P4)The group asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds within the international community.该委员会请求各个部门予以支持,并在国际范围内筹集资金。
within one's reach 在某人力所能及的范围内
within one's rights 在某人的权限内
within one's grasp 在某人掌控的范围内
within one's power 在某人能力范围内
within (easy) reach (of...) 很接近,靠近
within sight (of) 可以看见;在视线内
within the limit of... 在……范围内
within walking distance 在步行距离之内
I will replace the dictionary in an hour.
in an hour一小时后
You will be contacted within an hour.
within an hour一小时内
beyond/out of one's reach超出某人力所能及的范围
beyond/out of one's rights 超出某人的权限
beyond/out of one's power超出某人的能力范围
out of sight超出视力范围;看不见
beyond the limit of...超出……范围
beyond/out of one's control超出某人的控制范围
You should receive a reply within seven days.你会在七天之内收到答复。
Is it within walking distance?那里步行走得到吗?
Every time I get into trouble and turn to James, he'll do everything within his power to help me out.每次我遇到麻烦去找詹姆斯,他都会尽其所能帮助我。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①I truly believe that beauty comes from ________ (内心).
②The beach is ________ walking distance of my house and we can hear the sound of the sea.
③I don't think it is ________ your power to carry on the research.
④The noise seems to be coming from ________________________________ (在建筑物里面).
The handle was ________________________________.
The situation is ________________________________.
12.issue n.重要议题;争论的问题 vt.宣布;公布
(教材P4)Experts investigated the issue, conducted several tests...专家们经过调查研究,多次试验……
settle an issue 解决一个问题
discuss/debate an issue 讨论问题
raise an issue/bring up an issue 提出问题
deal with an issue 处理问题
face/avoid an issue面对/回避问题
a political/a social/an economic issue政治/社会/经济问题
a key/major/big issue关键/重要/大问题
a range of issues一系列问题
issue a statement发表声明
They met to discuss the issue of working conditions at the factory.
The committee met several times to discuss this important issue.
A range of issues were debated at the meeting.
即学即练 单句语法填空
①Some important ________ (issue) were raised at the meeting.
②They discussed a number of political ________ (issue).
③The Chinese government ________ (issue) an official statement ________ China resolutely opposes hegemonism and power politics and compats the policies of war, agression and expansion.
13.conduct n.行为;举止;管理方法 vt.组织;安排;带领;举止;表示;指挥 conductor n.指挥;售票员;列车长
(教材P4)Experts investigated the issue, conducted several tests...
conduct an orchestra/a choir 指挥管弦乐队/合唱团
conduct a survey/an experiment/an interview 进行调查/实验/采访
conduct sb. into/around... 领某人进入/参观……
conduct oneself well/badly 举止(表现)好/差
improper/violent conduct
opera/orchestra/symphony conductor
a bus conductor
The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city.
The way he conducts himself reflects on the family.
He was fired from the company due to his improper conduct.
即学即练 单句语法填空
①Experiments of this kind ________________ (conduct) in both the U.S. and Europe well before the Second World War.
②To return to the problem of water pollution, I'd like you to look at a study ________ (conduct) in Australia in 2012.
③He conducted ________ (him) far better than expected.
④Dennis had recently begun a successful career ________ (conduct) opera.
14.donate vt.(尤指向慈善机构)捐赠;赠送;献(血) donate...to...向……捐赠…… donation n.捐赠物;捐赠;赠送
(教材P4)Fifty countries donated nearly $80 million to the project.
donate sth. to sb./sth. 向某人/某机构捐赠某物
donate money to a worthy cause 为崇高的事业捐款
donate some money to help the people in need 捐一些钱来帮助困境中的人
donate blood 献血
organ donation
a generous donation
make a donation/donations to
What we could do is donate some money to the earthquake-stricken area.
He made a donation of $5,000 to the Children's Hospital last year.
即学即练 单句语法填空
①At the news, many people all over the world donated their money ________ those tsunami-hit (被海啸袭击的) areas.
②He made a generous ________ (donate) to the charity.
③If possible, we can donate money ________ the committee.
④The centre was bought with money ________ (donate) by former Beatle, George Harrison.
15.disappear vi.消失;灭绝;消亡 disappearance n.消失
(教材P4)Perhaps the best example is shown by UNESCO, which runs a programme that prevents world cultural heritage sites around the world from disappearing.
disappear from view/sight 从视线中消失
disappear behind/into... 消失在……后/中
like v.→dislike v.不喜欢
agree v→disagree v.不同意
honest adj.→dishonest adj.不诚实的
即学即练 单句语法填空
①By the 1920s, wolves had practically disappeared ________ the Yellowstone area.
②The ________ (disappear) of the wolves had many unexpected results.
③I don't believe what he said because he is ________ (honesty).
④The car ran out of the village, and disappeared ________ the dark of night.
16.attempt n.&vt.企图;试图;尝试 attempted adj.未遂的,企图的(置于名词前作定语)
(教材P5)Why did the Egyptian government want to attempt the building of the dam
attempt to do sth.
=try to do sth.
=make an attempt to do sth./at doing sth. 企图/试图做某事
at one's first attempt 在某人第一次尝试时
in an attempt to do sth. 试图做某事
attempted murder谋杀未遂
attempted crime犯罪未遂
a hopeless attempt没有成功希望的努力
attempt a rescue设法实施营救
They made an attempt to recover the lost cultural relics.他们尝试找回丢失的文物。
I passed my driving test at the first attempt.我考驾照一次就通过了。
He attempted to overcome his drinking problem.他努力克服自身酗酒的问题。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①He tried hard to practise and attempted ________ (pass) the driving test.
②Some time after 10,000 BC, people made the first real attempt ________ (control) the world they lived in, through agriculture.
③I ________________________________________ (试图说服她), but I failed.
④I would be the last ________________________________________ (尝试回答) the question.
⑤Mike has been preparing carefully for his Chinese examination so that he could be sure of passing it ________________________ (在第一次尝试时).
17.worthwhile adj. 值得做的;值得花时间的
(教材P5)A lot of money was spent to protect the temples. Do you think it was worthwhile?(人们)花了很多钱来保护寺庙。你觉得值得吗?
be worth+n./pron./doing            做某事是值得的
be worthy to be done/of being done/of sth. 做某事是值得的
be (well) worth reading/seeing/visiting (非常)值得读/看/参观
be worthy to be visited/be worthy of being visited 值得参观
It is worthwhile to do sth./doing sth.做某事是值得的。
It is worthwhile spending/to spend money on setting up shelters for homeless animals.
a worthwhile job一项有意义的工作
a worthy cause一项崇高的事业
worth, worthy, worthwhile
①It is worthwhile to do sth./doing sth.
②(sth.) be worth+n./pron./doing
③(sth.) be worth doing某事值得被做,用主动形式表示被动意义
④(sth.) be worthy to be done/of being done/of sth.
如:His courage is worthy of praise.
(3)(sth.) be (well) worth reading/seeing/visiting
(sth.) be worth a visit/worthy to be visited/worthy of being visited(某物)值得参观
即学即练 完成句子/辨析填空:worth/worthwhile/worthy
①When you stand on the top of the mountain and overlook the surrounding scenery, you'll find ________________________ (爬……是值得的) it up with effort.
Teaching is a ________ cause and ________ our effort.
③Thankfully, I managed to get through the game and the pain was ________ it in the end.
④Chimps' behaviour is ________ of being studied.
⑤As we all know, it is ________ to preserve cultural relics and historic sites.
1.give way to让步;屈服
(教材P4)There comes a time when the old must give way to the new...
give way to sb. 给某人让路;对某人让步(屈服)
give way to sth. 为某事让路
give in 让步,屈服,投降;呈上,交上
give in to... 向……屈服
If you identify your way, the world is going to give way to you.
The storm gave way to bright sunshine.暴风雨过后阳光灿烂。
give up doing sth.放弃做某事
give away泄露;赠送,分发
give back归还;使恢复
give out用完,耗尽;分发,散发
give off发出,放出(光、热、气味等)
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Would you please give way ________ other passengers
②The children were required to give ________ their examination papers straight away.
③If a person has not had enough sleep, his actions will give him ________ during the day.
④He should ________________________ (让位于) a younger, more decisive leader.
He pretended to be calm. But his voice ________________ him ________.
After a month their food supplies ________________.
2.lead to导致,造成(后果);通向,通往
(教材P4)Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead to great solutions.
lead to the traffic accident 导致这场交通事故
lead to the top of the hill 通往山顶
lead to health problems 导致健康问题
lead to the traffic accident 导致这场交通事故
the road leading to the parking lot 通向停车场的路
lead sb. to (sth.) 使某人得出(观点);引导某人……
lead to中的to为介词,后加名词或动名词作宾语。“导致,引起”的多种表达:result in;bring about;contribute to。
Does drinking polluted water contribute to the disease
What led you to this conclusion?你是如何得出这个结论的?
Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.食用过多的糖会引起健康问题。
All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。
即学即练 写出lead to在句中的含义/完成句子
①Some people fear that air pollution may lead to changes in the climate around the world.________
②Which door leads to the yard?________
③War never settles anything. It only ________________________________ (导致暴力).
④It doesn't matter whether you turn right or left at the crossing—both roads ________________________________ (通向公园).
3.a number of许多,大量
(教材P4)Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples ...来自大坝的水可能会毁坏许多寺庙……
“a number of+可数名词复数”意为“许多……”,作主语时,谓语动词用复数;
“the number of+可数名词复数”意为“……的数量”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数。
如:A number of students are from the countryside.
The number of students from the city is small.
a large amount of+不可数名词+单数谓语
large amounts of+不可数名词+复数谓语
(large) quantities of+可数名词复数/不可数名词+复数谓语

[归纳拓展] “许多,大量”的表达还有:
+可数名词复数 +不可数名词
many, a great/good many, a (great/large) number of, quite a few much, a great/good deal of, a large amount of, large amounts of
a lot of, lots of, a (large) quantity of, (large) quantities of, plenty of
The new management intends to institute a number of changes.
即学即练 单句语法填空
①A number of people ________ been coming to my bookstore for Mo Yan's books over and over again since he won the Nobel Prize.
②Over the years, there ________ (be) a number of different techniques to help designers approach this important point.
③The number of medical schools reached 18 in the early 1990s and ________ (remain) around that level since.
④A large amount of money ________ been invested to promote the traffic conditions of this city.
⑤When condors eat dead bodies of other animals containing lead, they absorb large ________ (quantity) of lead.
4.turn to向……求助;致力于;翻到;转向(to是介词)
(教材P4)...the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959.
turn to sb. for help 向某人求助
turn on 打开(水、煤气、电灯等)
turn off 关掉(水、煤气、电灯等)
turn up 调高(音量等);出现
turn down调低;拒绝
turn in上交;交还
turn into变成
turn out结果是,证明是
turn over翻转;移交
She has nobody she can turn to.她求助无门。
Open your book and turn to Page 236.打开书,翻到236页。
Let's now turn to our primary problem.让我们现在转到我们的主要问题上。
Go straight, turn to the left and you'll find the post office.直走,向左转,你就会找到邮局。
“I'm thirsty,”she said, turning on the tap.
If you turn over you might find it easier to get to sleep.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①With no one to turn ________ in such a frightening situation, the girl felt helpless.
②The road conditions there turned ________ to be very good, which was more than we could expect.
③Tom had to turn ________ the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too busy.
④You must turn ________ your pass when you leave the building.
⑤About this issue, the citizens ________________________ (向……寻求帮助) the government.
⑥This organisation is now ________________________________ (致力于提高空气质量).
5.make sure确保;设法保证;查明,弄清楚
(教材P5)We must protect the temples and make sure that no damage is done.
be sure to do sth. (说话者对主语的判断或需求)一定会做某事;务必要做某事
make sure的主语是人,而be sure的主语可以是人也可以是事物。
It is sure that...(×)
It is certain that...(√)
Sb./Sth. is sure that...(√)
Sb./Sth. is certain that...(√)
We have to set down rules to make sure that the children are taken good care of.
He is sure of success.他自信能成功。
He is sure to succeed.他一定能成功。
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
①The department is established to ________ (确保) everything goes well.
②You'd better make sure ________ the exact time of the arriving train.
③She is not sure ________ his getting his diploma.
1.There comes a time when...……的时代已经到来。
(教材P4)There comes a time when the old must give way to the new...
[句式分析] There comes...是there be句型的变体;There comes a time...表示“……的时代到来了”。
(2)常见的有:There follow(s)/live(s)/stand(s)/exist(s)/remain(s)...随后……/住着……/有……/存在……/还有……
(3)there be句型为完全倒装句式,在使用时注意根据句子的主语确定谓语动词的形式。
In the distance there stands the world-famous building.远处矗立着那座世界闻名的建筑。
There exist different opinions on the question.关于这个问题存在着不同的意见。
There appear to be some mistakes in your composition.看来你的作文中有几处错误。
(1)a time when...意为“一段……的时间”。其中when引导定语从句,修饰a time,when是关系副词,在定语从句中作时间状语。
(2)This/That/It is/was a time when...这/那/它是一个……的时期。
when引导定语从句,修饰a time
(3)There was a time when...曾经有一段时间……
There was a time when I was getting along badly with my classmates.
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
________________ an old man in the forest long ago.
________________ a temple on the top of the mountain.
________________ different opinions on the problem.
________________ when the Internet plays an important part in our life.
⑤There was a time ________ I was crazy about outdoor activities.
⑥That was a time ________ the blind couldn't get much education.
2.not only...but (also)...不仅……而且……
(教材P4)Not only had the countries found a path to...but they had also learnt that...
(1)not only...but (also)...连接两个分句且not only位于句首时,not only后的分句要用部分倒装语序,但but (also)后的分句不倒装,即“前倒后不倒”。
(2)“Not only A but (also)B+谓语动词+其他.”中谓语动词的单复数由B决定,即遵循“就近原则”。
Not only can Mary speak French, but she also knows how to type.
Not only you but also Jim is to blame for this.
类似not only... but (also)...连接并列主语,谓语动词的单复数遵循“就近原则”的结构还有:neither...nor..., either... or..., not...but等。
即学即练 单句语法填空/句型转换
①Not only students but also the teacher ________ (compete) in the sports event at the moment.
②Either you or one of your students ________ (be) to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.
③Not only my sister but also my parents ________ (like) this TV play.
④The nurses want a pay increase, and they want reduced hours. (改为倒装句)
→________________________________________________________________________, but they want reduced hours.
3.It is possible to do...做……是有可能的。
(教材P4)...but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.……而且明白了多个国家合作创造美好未来的可能性。
[句式分析] It is possible for sb. to do sth.
She is likely to pass the exam.
=It is possible for her to pass the exam.
=It is likely/possible/probable that she will pass the exam.
Sb./Sth. be possible to do sth.(×)
Sb./Sth. be probable to do sth.(×)
Sb./Sth. be likely to do sth.(√)
It is possible (for sb.) to do sth.(√)
It is likely/possible/probable that...(√)
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①With the help of the computer, ________ is possible for people to work at home.
②A great decline in young work force is likely ________ (occur) in China, for instance.
If you work out bright and early in the morning, you will be ________________________ to stick to healthy food choices throughout the day.
While ________________________ he understood very little of the books, they were his introduction to classical paintings.
4.suggest that...建议……
(教材P5)Before she ended her speech, the scientist suggested that we need to establish a committee of experts...
[句式分析] suggest表“建议”后接that从句时,从句中谓语用虚拟语气,即谓语用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。
I suggest that you begin from Beijing, and I'll show you around.
Learning your keen interest in Chinese culture, I suggest you apply for Peking University, one of the best universities in China.
Her pale face suggested that she was seriously uncomfortable, so her parents suggested that she (should) go to see the doctor.
命令:order, command
建议:advise, propose, recommend
要求:request, require, demand, urge等。
The workers demanded that their wages (should) be raised。
即学即练 单句语法填空
①His face suggested that he ________ (be) angry and I suggest that you ________ (make) apology to him.
②My parents advise that I ________ (not watch) too much TV.
③The boy insisted that he ________ (not break) the window and (insisted) that the teacher ________ (apologise) to him.
1.The driver ________ (试图) to limit the speed, but failed.
2.We must do our best to prevent these historic sites from ________ (消失).
3.If possible, we can ________ (捐赠) money to the committee.
4.As we all know, it is ________ (值得做的) to preserve cultural relics and historic sites.
5.Water from the dam would ________ (可能) damage a number of temples.
6.This umbrella is likely to help you keep your ________ (平衡).
7.The chairman made a ________ (建议) to the committee.
8.Most people made a ________ (抗议) against the conducts of the organisation.
9.His careless conduct led to the ________ (丢失) of the documents.
10.This department is established to ________ (调查) the matter.
1.We need to establish a committee to investigate the cultural heritage and prevent it from ________ (harm).
2.________ was worthwhile to spend much money protecting the temples.
3.But the proposal would likely lead to a lot of ________ (protest).
4.About this issue, the citizens turned to the government ________ help.
5.When the project ended in 1980, it was considered ________ great success.
6.They asked for ________ (contribute) from different departments and raised funds within the international community.
7.________ (keep) the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural heritage sites can be a big challenge.
8.Water from the dam were likely ________ (damage) these temples.
9.A committee was ________ (establish) to limit damage and prevent the loss of cultural relics.
10.Finally, a document ________ (sign), and the work began in 1960.
give way to, keep balance, make a proposal, turn to, prevent... from..., donate... to..., make sure, make a contribution to, lead to, be connected to
1.The citizens made a protest, and the government ________ the United Nations for help.
2.As a result, fifty countries ________ nearly $80 million ________ the project.
3.Experts investigated the issue, conducted several tests, and then ________________________ to the committee.
4.This programme aims to ________ world cultural heritage sites around the world ________ disappearing.
5.Cultural relics protection should ________ economic development.
6.The department is established to ________ that everything goes well.
7.Their conducts have ________ the loss of some cultural relics.
8.While promoting economy, we should ________ between development and protection.
9.There comes a time when the old must ________ the new.
10.Everyone should ________ the protection of cultural relics.
In order to 1.________ (促进) tourism in this area and 2.________ (保持平衡) between development and protection, the Cultural 3.________ (遗产) Protection 4.________ (委员会) has 5.________ (设立) a special 6.________ (部门). The department aims to 7.________ (调查) the condition of local cultural 8.________ (遗迹), 9.________ (提出建议) to the committee, and 10.________ (开展) protection activities, 11.________ (确保) that all the cultural relics are well 12.________ (保护). They 13.________ (试图) to raise 14.________ (资金), call for 15.________ (贡献) to the protection of cultural heritage. With major 16.________ (问题), they are 17.________ (可能) to 18.________ (寻求帮助) local governments for help. To 19.________ (防止) the 20.________ (流失) of cultural relics, every one of us should 21.________ (参加) the preservation activity. For example, there is a 22.________ (寺庙) on the 23.________ (山), which shows the 24.________ (创造性的) design of ancient people. We must 25.________ (防止) it from 26.________ (消失). If possible, we can 27.________ (捐款) money to the 28.________ (委员会). Where there are cultural relics, construction must be 29.________ (限制) and 30.________ (让路) them. We make a 31.________ (抗议) against any 32.________ (行为) of destroying cultural relics and can't 33.________ (原谅) it. It is 34.________ (值得的) for us to do so. It is believed that great changes will take place 35.________ (在……内) a few years.
Section Ⅱ Reading and Thinking
Ⅱ.答案:1.A 2.D 3.C 4.D
Ⅲ.答案:1.to find 2.to 3.to build 4.cultural 5.to 6.was established 7.loss 8.success 9.that 10.global
1.①a ②and ③balanced ④imbalances ⑤lost his balance
⑥keep your balance ⑦keep the balance of nature
2.①of ②with ③proposal ④Proposals ⑤(should) set 
⑥(should) send ⑦made a proposal ⑧put forward
3.①a protest march against ②without protest ③under protest
4.①to bring ②that ③are more likely to succeed ④more likely ⑤unlikely to ⑥likely/possible/probable ⑦likely
5.①are are ②are are ③were ④are
6.①establish contact with ②establishes relationships ③was founded on ④set up ⑤well established
7.①playing ②beyond ③within limits ④limited ⑤to 
⑥limited ⑦to limit ⑧There is a limit to ⑨was limited to 
⑩limit to  set a limit to/on
8.①prevent from disappearing ②finding ③becoming ④prevention
9.①loss ②Lost ③lost ④a ⑤at a loss ⑥make up for the loss
10.①contribution ②protecting ③to ④make a contribution to society ⑤contribute to
11.①within ②within ③within ④within the building ⑤beyond my reach ⑥beyond our control
12.①issues ②issues ③issued that
13.①had been conducted ②conducted ③himself ④conducting
14.①to ②donation ③to ④donated
15.①from ②disappearance ③dishonest ④into
16.①to pass ②to control ③attempted to persuade her ④to attempt to answer ⑤at the first attempt
17.①it (is) worthwhile climbing/to climb ②worthwhile worthy of ③worth ④worthy ⑤worthwhile
1.①to ②in ③away ④give way to ⑤gave away ⑥gave out
2.①导致 ②通向 ③leads to violence ④lead to the park
3.①have ②have been ③has remained ④has ⑤quantities
4.①to ②out ③down ④in ⑤turned to ⑥turning to improving air quality
5.①make sure (that) ②of ③of
1.①There lived ②There stands ③There existed ④There comes a time ⑤when ⑥when
2.①is competing ②is ③like ④Not only do the nurses want a pay increase
3.①it ②to occur ③more likely ④it is likely that
4.①was (should) make ②(should) not watch ③had not broken (should) apologise
1.attempted 2.disappearing 3.donate 4.worthwhile 5.likely 6.balance 7.proposal 8.protest 9.loss 10.investigate
1.being harmed 2.It 3.protests 4.for 5.a 6.contributions 7.Keeping 8.to damage 9.established 10.was signed
1.turned to 2.donated to 3.made a proposal 4.prevent from 5.be connected to 6.make sure 7.led to 8.keep balance 9.give way to 10.make a contribution to
1.promote 2.keep balance 3.Heritage 4.Committee 5.established 6.department 7.investigate 8.relics 9.make proposals 
10.conduct 11.making sure 12.preserved 13.attempt 14.funds
15.contributions 16.issues 17.likely 18.turn to 19.prevent 20.loss 21.take part in 22.temple 23.mount 24.creative 
25.prevent 26.disappearing 27.donate mittee 
29.limited 30.give way to 31.protest 32.conduct 33.forgive 
34.worthwhile 35.within
Section Ⅲ Discovering Useful Structures
1.summarize vt.概述;摘要
(教材P6)Then make a short summary in a table or mind map.然后在表格或思维导图中做一个简短的总结。
make a summary 做总结
in summary 总的来说,归纳起来
to summarize=to sum up 总结起来/总而言之
a summary report一个总结性报告
issue a summary statement concerning sth就某事发布一则简要的声明
give a summary of sth对某事进行简要陈述
即学即练 完成句子
The host will________________about this activity.
________________, this was a disappointing performance.
Captions usually________ (summary) the author's main point as well.
make a summary
In summary
2.download vt.下载 n.下载;已下载的数据资料
(教材P6)I have downloaded that free app, but it doesn't work well.
download a game 下载游戏
download a software 下载软件
download an app 下载一个应用程序
download a document 下载文件
upload vt.上传(up+load)
upload...to a computer system
即学即练 单句语法填空
①What's Steven's attitude towards people___________ (download) his music
②I'm happy that my 80-year-old grandma has learned how to download _______ the Internet.
③The information is________(upload) to a central computer system ________ my computer.
3.entrance n.入口;进入
(教材P6)We met a professional archaeologist at the entrance to the Great Pyramid.我们在大金字塔的入口处遇见了一位专业的考古学家。
entrance to... ……的入口/门口(to表示“对象”“方向”)
the entrance to the school 学校入口处
the front/back/side entrance of the house 房子的前门/后门/侧门
gain entrance to 获得进入……的许可
an entrance fee 入场费
entrance examinations 入学考试
Entrance to the museum is free.进入博物馆参观是免费的。
The police were unable to gain entrance to the house.警方未能得到进入这栋房子的许可。
(1)enter v.进入;参加
enter for报名参加
enter the room进入房间
(2)[反]exit n.出口,通道;退场
the exit of……的出口
表示“……的入口”时,entrance后跟介词to,与此结构相同的短语还有许多。如:the answer to the question (问题的答案),the key to the door (门的钥匙),the solution to the problem (问题的解决办法)。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Guests have free entrance________the swimming pool and the health club.
②His sudden________ (enter) took everyone by surprise.
③After he found the entrance ________the building, he ________ (enter) the hall without making a sound.
④I'll be waiting for you at the exit________Guangzhou Station.
⑤Don't worry. There is no doubt that we will find a solution ________ the problem.
⑥_____________ (……的入口) the meeting room has already been closed.
⑦________________ (成功的关键)is hard work.
⑧There's ________________ (……没有简单的解决办法)this problem.
The entrance to
The key to success
no simple solution to
4.exit n.出口;通道 vi. & vt.出去;离去
(教材P6)What is an exit?什么是出口?
exit from/through 从……离开/出去
emergency/fire exit 紧急出口/消防门
make a quick exit 迅速离开
We made for the nearest exit.我们走向最近的出口。
Exit immediately from the nearest emergency exit; do not use a lift.
make an early exit from the meeting提前离开会场
entrance n.大门(口);入口(处)
the entrance to...……的入口
即学即练 单句语法填空
①He left the theatre ________ the near exit.
②He made an quick exit ________ the house on fire.
③He exited the room ________ the back door.
5.process n.过程;进程;步骤 vt.处理;加工
(教材P6)He explained to us the process of building such a difficult structure.
in the process 同时;在……过程中
in the process of (doing) sth. 在(做)某事的过程中
be in process (某事)正在进行
It's a normal part of the learning process.这是学习过程中的正常现象。
We are in the process of selling our house.我们正在出售自家的住宅。
Changes are in process.变化正在发生。
processed adj.经加工的,加工过的
Most of the food we buy is processed in some way.我们买的大部分食品都用某种方法加工过。

即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Increasing the number of women in top management jobs will be ________ slow process.
②Some people don't like ________ (process) vegetables.
③Her novel ______________ (正在) being turned into a television series.
④He was playing basketball and got his leg hurt __________ (同时).
⑤Studies have shown that the right and left ear ____________________ (处理声音不同).
is in the process of
in the process
process sound differently
[即学即练1] 单句语法填空
1.They were well trained by their masters ________ had great experience with caring for these animals.
2.On the edge of the jacket, there is a piece of cloth ________ gives off light in the dark.
3.Their child is at the stage ________ she can say individual words but not full sentences.
4.The students benefitting most from college are those ________ are totally engaged (参与) in academic life...
5.We have entered into an age ________ dreams have the best chance of coming true.
6.Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 _________ showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all causes.
7.The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture finds that between 2005—when the government started a soil-testing program ________ gives specific fertilizer recommendations to farmers—and 2011, fertilizer use dropped by 7.7 million tons.
8.Many westerners ________ come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize how cheap it can be to eat out.
9.Self-driving is an area ________ China and the rest of the world are on the same starting line.
10.The little problems ________ we meet in our daily lives may be inspirations for great inventions.
11.I live next door to a couple ________ children often make a lot of noise.
12.Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon ________ school education depends.
13.Creating an atmosphere in ________ employees feel part of a team is a big challenge.
14.The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere ________ his employees enjoy their work.
15.As the smallest child of his family, Alex is always longing for the time ________ he should be able to be independent.
[即学即练2] 完成句子
Her sister, ___________________, will go abroad next year.
Here is Mr. White, _______________________ a long time.
She has found the necklace ________________________.
He wrote many children's books, nearly __________________________ in the 1990s.
who teaches us English
whom you've been waiting for
whom you've been waiting for
(that)/which she lost two weeks ago
限制性定语从句是先行词在意义上不可缺少的定语,用于修饰和限定先行词。如果去掉,主句的意思就不完整。这种从句和主句的关系十分密切,两者之间不用逗号分开;关系代词在从句中作宾语时可以省略。引导限制性定语从句的关系代词有who, whom, whose, that, which, as;关系副词有where, when, why。
This is the computer (that/which) he bought for his son yesterday.
The woman who/that survived the earthquake is Amy's English teacher.
I live next door to a couple whose children often make a lot of noise.
我住在一对夫妇的隔壁, 他们的孩子经常吵闹。
He is English, which I know from his accent.
I heard a terrible noise, which brought my heart into my mouth.
Here is the man who has been punished by the boss.
The project, which lasted three years, cost no less than $1 billion.
This is the best novel that I have ever read.
The novel, which I read last night, is very interesting.
The novel is very interesting, which makes me very excited.
那部小说很有意思,这让我很兴奋。(非限制性定语从句, which指代前面整句话的内容)
(1)that, why不可用于引导非限制性定语从句,指物时要用which代替that, for which代替why。
Most people didn't vote for him, which disappointed him.
I have told them the reason, for which I changed my mind.
This is the man (whom/who/that) we are talking about.
The old man have three sons, whom he is proud of.
She has a younger brother, who is an English teacher.
This is a good film (which/that) I saw a few days ago.
The summer holiday, which we're looking forward to, is drawing near.
Seven people were caught in the big fire that broke out on Friday, four of whom (=of whom four) were badly injured.
I have bought two pens, both of which write well.我买了两只钢笔,都好用。
1.Mr. Green said that Suzhou was the first city ________ he had visited in China.
2.We will put off the picnic in the park until next week, ________ the weather may be better.
3.________ is known to us all, the rare vase dates back to the Ming Dynasty.
4.Tom is a warm-hearted person, ________ is willing to help others.
5.He bought me a valuable bike, ________ is worth more than 1,000 yuan.
6.The old man has two daughters, both of ________ work as doctors.
7.I still remember the summer holiday ________ we made a journey to Beijing.
8.The famous singer, ________ is from Britain, has a number of devoted fans in China.
9.We have got to the stage ________ the Internet plays an important part in our daily life.
10.The way ______________ he worked out the problem is worth considering.
11.The weather turned out to be very cold, ________ was more than we could expect.
12.I can remember the days ________ we spent in the countryside together.
that/in which
13.He broke the valuable vase, ________ made his mother upset.
14.There are a lot of islands in China, the largest of ________ is Taiwan.
15.This was the reason ________ he took apart the machine.
16.This is the room ________ my grandma used to live.
17.This is the room _________ my grandma used to live in.
18.Today is Stephen Hawking's 70th birthday, ________ is one of the most famous scientists in the world.
19.________ we had expected, the football team won the game again.

________________, China is a great country with a long history.
We need to get along well with classmates, ________________________ whatever we have in common.
Between the lectures is a 20 minutes' break,________________________.
I don't know the reason _____________________________.
The school shop, _____________________________, is closed for the holidays.

As is known to us
with whom we can share
when the students can get relaxed
why he didn't come to school as usual
whose customers are mainly students
Dujiangyan is the oldest man-made water system in the world, and a wonder in the development of Chinese science. 1.________ (build) over 2,200 years ago in what is now Sichuan Province in Southwest China, this amazing engineering 2.___________ (achieve) is still used today.
In ancient times, the region in which Dujiangyan now stands 3.________ (suffer) from regular floods caused by overflow from the Minjiang River. 4.________ (help) the victims (受害者) of the flooding, Li Bing, the region governor, together with his son, decided to find a solution. Li designed a series of channels (水渠) built at different levels along mountains that would take away the floodwater while leaving the river flowing naturally.
To help
5.________ (good) still, the extra water could be directed to the dry Chengdu Plain, making 6.________ suitable for farming.
Once the system was finished, no more floods occurred and the people were able to live 7.________ (peaceful). Today, Dujiangyan is admired by scientists around the world because unlike modern dams 8.________ the water is blocked with a huge wall, Dujiangyan still lets water flow through the Minjiang River naturally, 9.________ (enable) ecosystem (生态系统) and fish populations to exist 10.________ harmony.
inSection Ⅲ Discovering Useful Structures
1.summarize vt.概述;摘要
(教材P6)Then make a short summary in a table or mind map.然后在表格或思维导图中做一个简短的总结。
make a summary 做总结
in summary 总的来说,归纳起来
to summarize=to sum up 总结起来/总而言之
a summary report一个总结性报告
issue a summary statement concerning sth就某事发布一则简要的声明
give a summary of sth对某事进行简要陈述
即学即练 完成句子
The host will________________about this activity.
________________, this was a disappointing performance.
Captions usually________ (summary) the author's main point as well.
2.download vt.下载 n.下载;已下载的数据资料
(教材P6)I have downloaded that free app, but it doesn't work well.
download a game 下载游戏
download a software 下载软件
download an app 下载一个应用程序
download a document 下载文件
upload vt.上传(up+load)
upload...to a computer system
即学即练 单句语法填空
①What's Steven's attitude towards people________ (download) his music
②I'm happy that my 80-year-old grandma has learned how to download ________________ the Internet.
③The information is________(upload) to a central computer system ________ my computer.
3.entrance n.入口;进入
(教材P6)We met a professional archaeologist at the entrance to the Great Pyramid.我们在大金字塔的入口处遇见了一位专业的考古学家。
entrance to... ……的入口/门口(to表示“对象”“方向”)
the entrance to the school 学校入口处
the front/back/side entrance of the house 房子的前门/后门/侧门
gain entrance to 获得进入……的许可
an entrance fee 入场费
entrance examinations 入学考试
Entrance to the museum is free.进入博物馆参观是免费的。
The police were unable to gain entrance to the house.警方未能得到进入这栋房子的许可。
(1)enter v.进入;参加
enter for报名参加
enter the room进入房间
(2)[反]exit n.出口,通道;退场
the exit of……的出口
表示“……的入口”时,entrance后跟介词to,与此结构相同的短语还有许多。如:the answer to the question (问题的答案),the key to the door (门的钥匙),the solution to the problem (问题的解决办法)。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Guests have free entrance________the swimming pool and the health club.
②His sudden________ (enter) took everyone by surprise.
③After he found the entrance ________the building, he ________ (enter) the hall without making a sound.
④I'll be waiting for you at the exit________Guangzhou Station.
⑤Don't worry. There is no doubt that we will find a solution ________ the problem.
⑥________________ (……的入口) the meeting room has already been closed.
⑦________________ (成功的关键)is hard work.
⑧There's ________________ (……没有简单的解决办法)this problem.
4.exit n.出口;通道 vi. & vt.出去;离去
(教材P6)What is an exit?什么是出口?
exit from/through 从……离开/出去
emergency/fire exit 紧急出口/消防门
make a quick exit 迅速离开
make an early exit from the meeting提前离开会场
entrance n.大门(口);入口(处)
the entrance to...……的入口
We made for the nearest exit.我们走向最近的出口。
Exit immediately from the nearest emergency exit; do not use a lift.
即学即练 单句语法填空
①He left the theatre ________ the near exit.
②He made an quick exit ________ the house on fire.
③He exited the room ________ the back door.
5.process n.过程;进程;步骤 vt.处理;加工
(教材P6)He explained to us the process of building such a difficult structure.
in the process 同时;在……过程中
in the process of (doing) sth. 在(做)某事的过程中
be in process (某事)正在进行
processed adj.经加工的,加工过的
It's a normal part of the learning process.这是学习过程中的正常现象。
We are in the process of selling our house.我们正在出售自家的住宅。
Changes are in process.变化正在发生。
Most of the food we buy is processed in some way.我们买的大部分食品都用某种方法加工过。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Increasing the number of women in top management jobs will be ________ slow process.
②Some people don't like ________ (process) vegetables.
③Her novel ________________ (正在) being turned into a television series.
④He was playing basketball and got his leg hurt ________________ (同时).
⑤Studies have shown that the right and left ear ________________ (处理声音不同).
[即学即练1] 单句语法填空
1.They were well trained by their masters ________ had great experience with caring for these animals.
2.On the edge of the jacket, there is a piece of cloth ________ gives off light in the dark.
3.Their child is at the stage ________ she can say individual words but not full sentences.
4.The students benefitting most from college are those ________ are totally engaged (参与) in academic life...
5.We have entered into an age ________ dreams have the best chance of coming true.
6.Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 ________ showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all causes.
7.The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture finds that between 2005—when the government started a soil-testing program ________ gives specific fertilizer recommendations to farmers—and 2011, fertilizer use dropped by 7.7 million tons.
8.Many westerners ________ come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize how cheap it can be to eat out.
9.Self-driving is an area ________ China and the rest of the world are on the same starting line.
10.The little problems ________ we meet in our daily lives may be inspirations for great inventions.
11.I live next door to a couple ________ children often make a lot of noise.
12.Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon ________ school education depends.
13.Creating an atmosphere in ________ employees feel part of a team is a big challenge.
14.The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere ________ his employees enjoy their work.
15.As the smallest child of his family, Alex is always longing for the time ________ he should be able to be independent.
[即学即练2] 完成句子
Her sister, ________________, will go abroad next year.
Here is Mr. White, ______________ a long time.
She has found the necklace ________________________.
He wrote many children's books, nearly ________________ in the 1990s.
限制性定语从句是先行词在意义上不可缺少的定语,用于修饰和限定先行词。如果去掉,主句的意思就不完整。这种从句和主句的关系十分密切,两者之间不用逗号分开;关系代词在从句中作宾语时可以省略。引导限制性定语从句的关系代词有who, whom, whose, that, which, as;关系副词有where, when, why。
This is the computer (that/which) he bought for his son yesterday.
The woman who/that survived the earthquake is Amy's English teacher.
I live next door to a couple whose children often make a lot of noise.
我住在一对夫妇的隔壁, 他们的孩子经常吵闹。
He is English, which I know from his accent.
I heard a terrible noise, which brought my heart into my mouth.
Here is the man who has been punished by the boss.
The project, which lasted three years, cost no less than $1 billion.
This is the best novel that I have ever read.
The novel, which I read last night, is very interesting.
The novel is very interesting, which makes me very excited.
那部小说很有意思,这让我很兴奋。(非限制性定语从句, which指代前面整句话的内容)
(1)that, why不可用于引导非限制性定语从句,指物时要用which代替that, for which代替why。
Most people didn't vote for him, which disappointed him.
I have told them the reason, for which I changed my mind.
This is the man (whom/who/that) we are talking about.
The old man have three sons, whom he is proud of.
She has a younger brother, who is an English teacher.
This is a good film (which/that) I saw a few days ago.
The summer holiday, which we're looking forward to, is drawing near.
Seven people were caught in the big fire that broke out on Friday, four of whom (=of whom four) were badly injured.
I have bought two pens, both of which write well.我买了两只钢笔,都好用。
1.Mr. Green said that Suzhou was the first city ________ he had visited in China.
2.We will put off the picnic in the park until next week, ________ the weather may be better.
3.________ is known to us all, the rare vase dates back to the Ming Dynasty.
4.Tom is a warm-hearted person, ________ is willing to help others.
5.He bought me a valuable bike, ________ is worth more than 1,000 yuan.
6.The old man has two daughters, both of ________ work as doctors.
7.I still remember the summer holiday ________ we made a journey to Beijing.
8.The famous singer, ________ is from Britain, has a number of devoted fans in China.
9.We have got to the stage ________ the Internet plays an important part in our daily life.
10.The way ________ he worked out the problem is worth considering.
11.The weather turned out to be very cold, ________ was more than we could expect.
12.I can remember the days ________ we spent in the countryside together.
13.He broke the valuable vase, ________ made his mother upset.
14.There are a lot of islands in China, the largest of ________ is Taiwan.
15.This was the reason ________ he took apart the machine.
16.This is the room ________ my grandma used to live.
17.This is the room ________ my grandma used to live in.
18.Today is Stephen Hawking's 70th birthday, ________ is one of the most famous scientists in the world.
19.________ we had expected, the football team won the game again.
________________, China is a great country with a long history.
We need to get along well with classmates, ________________________ whatever we have in common.
Between the lectures is a 20 minutes' break, ______________________.
I don't know the reason ________________.
The school shop, ________________, is closed for the holidays.
Dujiangyan is the oldest man-made water system in the world, and a wonder in the development of Chinese science. 1.________ (build) over 2,200 years ago in what is now Sichuan Province in Southwest China, this amazing engineering 2.________ (achieve) is still used today.
In ancient times, the region in which Dujiangyan now stands 3.________ (suffer) from regular floods caused by overflow from the Minjiang River. 4.________ (help) the victims (受害者) of the flooding, Li Bing, the region governor, together with his son, decided to find a solution. Li designed a series of channels (水渠) built at different levels along mountains that would take away the floodwater while leaving the river flowing naturally. 5.________ (good) still, the extra water could be directed to the dry Chengdu Plain, making 6.________ suitable for farming.
Once the system was finished, no more floods occurred and the people were able to live 7.________ (peaceful). Today, Dujiangyan is admired by scientists around the world because unlike modern dams 8.________ the water is blocked with a huge wall, Dujiangyan still lets water flow through the Minjiang River naturally, 9.________ (enable) ecosystem (生态系统) and fish populations to exist 10.________ harmony.
Section Ⅲ Discovering Useful Structures
1.①make a summary ②In summary ③summarize
2.①downloading ②from ③uploaded from
3.①to ②entrance ③to entered ④of ⑤to ⑥The entrance to
⑦The key to success ⑧no simple solution to
4.①through ②from ③through
5.①a ②processed ③is in the process of ④in the process 
⑤process sound differently
1.who/that 2.that/which 3.where 4.who 5.when 6.that/which 7.that/which 8.who/that 9.where 10.that/which
11.whose 12.which 13.which 14.where 15.when
1.who teaches us English
2.whom you've been waiting for
3.(that)/which she lost two weeks ago
4.half of which were published
1.that 2.when 3.As 4.who 5.which 6.whom 7.when 
8.who 9.where 10.that/in which 11.which 12.that/which 13.which 14.which 15.why 16.where 17.that/which 18.who
1.As is known to us
2.with whom we can share
3.when the students can get relaxed
4.why he didn't come to school as usual
5.whose customers are mainly students
1.Built 2.achievement 3.suffering 4.To help 5.Better 6.it 7.peacefully 8.where 9.enabling 10.in
Section Ⅴ Writing——如何写关于
1.具体。新闻要用事实说话,五个W和一个H(When, Where, Who, What, Why和How)是构成一则完整消息不可缺少的要素,即记叙一则新闻具体的时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、经过和结果等。
1.In order to raise the awareness of..., we held...
2.Cultural heritage is a symbol of great ancient civilization.
3.Cultural heritage is of great value and protecting it can make us feel proud of our nation.
4.The more they know about the importance of cultural protection, the stronger the support we can get from the public.
5.It is important/significant/one's duty to protect cultural heritage.
6.The protection of national and folk culture is of great significance.
7.We should take more effective steps to better protect cultural heritage.
8.We are calling for people to take action to save the cultural relics.
Young Protectors
There are varieties of clubs in my school, of which the most popular is “Young Protectors”, a club which aims to preserve the excellent traditional Chinese culture 【1】.
Set up in 2016 【2】, the club has attracted 820 members until now, including me. Not only do we get together once a week to learn about the cultural heritage, but we pay visits to the local cultural relics regularly 【3】. In order to raise people's awareness of preserving Chinese cultural relics, my club often gives lectures to let more people know that preservation of cultural heritage is of great significance 【4】.
As the organizer put it, “It's our duty to serve as protectors to keep up and carry forward the outstanding cultural heritage of our nation.”
【1】of which the most popular is “Young Protectors”是“介词+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰clubs; a club...culture是“Young Protectors”的同位语,其中又包含一个which引导的定语从句。
【3】此处是“not only...but (also)”句型,not only所在的分句是部分倒装语序。
【4】此处是“be of+名词”结构。
假定你是光明中学高一学生李华,你校正在举办传统文化摄影展,以提高学生们传承中国优秀传统文化的意识。请你以“Protecting the Traditional Culture Is Our Duty”为题就此活动写一篇英文报道向校英语报投稿。
Protecting the Traditional Culture Is Our Duty
One possible version:
Protecting the Traditional Culture Is Our Duty
Our school is holding a photography exhibition with the theme of “Inheriting and Carrying forward our nation's outstanding traditional culture”, aiming to raise students' awareness of the importance and value of our brilliant civilization.
So far, 426 copies have been collected from the students and are on exhibition in the school's library. Seeing the photos of different cultural heritage, the students can't help admiring the extraordinary wisdom of our ancestors, but some photos show that some of the cultural heritage is being damaged and some intangible cultural heritage is in danger of disappearing.
Those photos have aroused our determination to preserve and carry forward our fine cultural heritage.
The photography exhibition is a great success. We should remember that it's everyone's duty to protect the traditional culture.Section Ⅴ Writing——如何写关于文化遗产保护的新闻报道
1.具体。新闻要用事实说话,五个W和一个H(When, Where, Who, What, Why和How)是构成一则完整消息不可缺少的要素,即记叙一则新闻具体的时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、经过和结果等。
1.In order to raise the awareness of..., we held...
2.Cultural heritage is a symbol of great ancient civilization.
3.Cultural heritage is of great value and protecting it can make us feel proud of our nation.
4.The more they know about the importance of cultural protection, the stronger the support we can get from the public.
5.It is important/significant/one's duty to protect cultural heritage.
6.The protection of national and folk culture is of great significance.
7.We should take more effective steps to better protect cultural heritage.
8.We are calling for people to take action to save the cultural relics.
Young Protectors
There are varieties of clubs in my school, of which the most popular is “Young Protectors”, a club which aims to preserve the excellent traditional Chinese culture 【1】.
Set up in 2016 【2】, the club has attracted 820 members until now, including me. Not only do we get together once a week to learn about the cultural heritage, but we pay visits to the local cultural relics regularly 【3】. In order to raise people's awareness of preserving Chinese cultural relics, my club often gives lectures to let more people know that preservation of cultural heritage is of great significance 【4】.
As the organizer put it, “It's our duty to serve as protectors to keep up and carry forward the outstanding cultural heritage of our nation.”
【1】of which the most popular is “Young Protectors”是“介词+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰clubs; a club...culture是“Young Protectors”的同位语,其中又包含一个which引导的定语从句。
【3】此处是“not only...but (also)”句型,not only所在的分句是部分倒装语序。
【4】此处是“be of+名词”结构。
假定你是光明中学高一学生李华,你校正在举办传统文化摄影展,以提高学生们传承中国优秀传统文化的意识。请你以“Protecting the Traditional Culture Is Our Duty”为题就此活动写一篇英文报道向校英语报投稿。
Protecting the Traditional Culture Is Our Duty
Section Ⅴ Writing
One possible version:
Protecting the Traditional Culture Is Our Duty
Our school is holding a photography exhibition with the theme of “Inheriting and Carrying forward our nation's outstanding traditional culture”, aiming to raise students' awareness of the importance and value of our brilliant civilization.
So far, 426 copies have been collected from the students and are on exhibition in the school's library. Seeing the photos of different cultural heritage, the students can't help admiring the extraordinary wisdom of our ancestors, but some photos show that some of the cultural heritage is being damaged and some intangible cultural heritage is in danger of disappearing. Those photos have aroused our determination to preserve and carry forward our fine cultural heritage.
The photography exhibition is a great success. We should remember that it's everyone's duty to protect the traditional culture.
4Section Ⅳ Listening and Talking, Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress
Lanzhou, 9 August 2017. A group of researchers and scientists from China and other countries are working together to help increase knowledge and appreciation② of China's ancient cultural heritage. They are recording and collecting digital images of cultural relics from the Mogao Caves③, which were a key stop④ along the Silk Road throughout⑤ China's ancient history 【1】. Nearly 500,000 high-quality⑥ digital photographs have been produced since the international project started in 1994 【2】.
【1】此处是which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰the Mogao Caves。 which在从句中作主语。
The Mogao Caves have long been a meeting point⑦ for different cultures and are part of the history of many countries. Today, the caves are just as international as they were at the time when people travelled the Silk Road 【3】. Tourists from all over the world⑧ visit Dunhuang to see the caves, and the Getty Museum in Los Angeles has even reproduced⑨ a copy of the caves and paintings for people to admire in America.
By sharing so many digital photos over the Internet, the group hopes to promote even⑩ wider interest around the world in China's ancient history, culture, and traditions . They also hope to further educate people about the importance of safeguarding historic and cultural relics for future generations to understand and appreciate. As one researcher who is working on the project explains 【4】, “Appreciating one's own cultural heritage is very important for understanding oneself. Appreciating the cultural heritage of other countries is very important for international communication and understanding.”
【4】“As one researcher who is working on the project explains”是由关系代词As引导的非限制性定语从句,As作explains的宾语,表示“正如”;“who is working on the project”是由关系代词who引导的定语从句,修饰先行词one researcher。who在定语从句中作主语。
①digital/'d d tl/adj.数码的;数字显示的
image/' m d /n.影像,图像;形象;印象
digital image数码影像
digital camera数码相机
②appreciation n.欣赏,赏识;感激
appreciate v.欣赏;感激
appreciate (sb./sb.'s) doing sth.感激(某人)做某事
I would appreciate it if...如果……,我将不胜感激。
③cave/ke v/n.山洞;洞穴
the Mogao Caves莫高窟
④stop n. [熟词生义]中途停留(处)
⑤throughout/θru 'a t/prep.各处;遍及;自始至终
⑥quality/'kw l ti/n.质量;品质;素质;特征
high-quality adj.高质量的
⑦a meeting point一个汇合点
⑧all over the world在世界各地
⑨reproduce vt.复制
[构词法]re-是常见的动词前缀,表示“再,又”,由它构成的词还有:rearrange (重新安排), reapply (重新申请)。
⑩even在此修饰比较级。常用于修饰比较级的还有:a bit, a little, a lot, much, far。
promote wide interest in...激发对……的广泛兴趣
tradition/tr 'd n/n.[C, U]传统;传统的信仰或风俗
traditional adj.传统的
traditionally adv.传统上
further adv.进一步(表示程度);更远(far的比较级)
historic/h 'st r k/adj.历史上著名(或重要)的;有史时期的
a historic building有历史意义的建筑
a historic decision/day/victory历史性的决定/日子/胜利
[比较]historical adj.(有关)历史的;有关历史研究的,历史学的
historical documents/research史学文献/研究
work on从事于……
莫高窟,又称“千佛洞”,中国佛教石窟,坐落在河西走廊西端的敦煌。它有洞窟735个,壁画4.5万平方米,泥质彩塑2 415尊,是世界上现存规模最大、内容最丰富的佛教艺术地。1987年,莫高窟被列为世界文化遗产。莫高窟与山西大同云冈石窟、河南洛阳龙门石窟、甘肃天水麦积山石窟并称为中国四大石窟。
1.What are the researchers and scientists doing
A.Holding an exhibition about cultural relics of the Mogao Caves.
B.Repairing the cultural relics of the Mogao Caves.
C.Introducing some knowledge about cultural relics.
D.Recording and collecting digital images of cultural relics.
2.Why do so many people come to visit Mogao Caves
A.Because it contains different cultures and history.
B.Because the Silk Road is still famous at present.
C.Because the copies and paintings were reproduced.
D.Because Mogao Caves has a mysterious history.
3.Why did the Getty Museum reproduce a copy of the caves and paintings
A.To make a fortune.
B.To attract more tourists to Dunhuang.
C.To make people admire them.
D.To exchange the different cultures.
4.What's the purpose of sharing digital photos over the Internet
A.To make more money by selling them.
B.To promote the website about the Mogao Caves.
C.To teach people more knowledge about culture.
D.To promote people's interest and call on people to protect cultural relics.
1.roof n.顶部;屋顶 v.给……盖上房顶;遮蔽
(教材P7)I see that you're looking at that carving on the roof.我看到你在看屋顶上的雕刻。
a roof over one's head 栖身之处
under the same roof 在同一屋檐下
under one roof 在同一座建筑中
under one's roof 在某人家里
raise the roof (在屋内)大声喧闹,闹翻天
the roof of the world 世界屋脊
The roof of the car was not damaged in the accident.
We're going to roof over the yard to make a garage.
top n.顶部
ceiling n.天花板
go through the roof=hit the roof暴跳如雷;火冒三丈/(价格等)飞涨;激增
roof sth. over给(空地)加顶
be roofed with sth.给(建筑物)盖屋顶
即学即练 单句语法填空
①I don't think I can live ________ the same roof as you any longer.
②Put it back before Dad sees you and ________ (hit) the roof!
③He doesn't look like a good person. I don't want him ________ my roof again.
④There are various stores and restaurants all ________ one roof.
2.forgive vt. & vi.(forgave, forgiven)原谅;宽恕
(教材P7)Forgive me for asking, but...请原谅我的冒昧,但是……
forgive sb. sth. 宽恕某人某事
forgive sb. for (doing) sth. 原谅某人(做了)某事
forgive and forget 不念旧恶,不计前嫌
forgiveness n.原谅;宽恕;宽宏大量
excuse sb. for (doing) sth.原谅某人(做)某事
thank sb. for (doing) sth.因为(做)某事而感谢某人
praise sb. for (doing) sth.因为(做)某事而表扬某人
punish sb. for (doing) sth.因为(做)某事而惩罚某人
scold sb. for (doing) sth.因为(做)某事而责备某人
Forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt you.请原谅我,我并非有意伤害你。
I'll never forgive you for what you said last night.我不会原谅你昨天晚上说的话。
In addition, it's best for you to forgive and forget.此外,你最好不计前嫌。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①We can't forgive anyone ________ destroying any cultural relics.
②Please forgive me for not ________ (inform) you of the change.
③He begged his wife to ________________ (原谅他的过错).
④He apologized to her and hoped she could ________________ (原谅他的鲁莽).
________________ is a virtue, but no one has ever said it is easy.
3.digital adj.数码的;数字显示的
(教材P8)They are recording and collecting digital images of cultural relics from the Mogao Caves,...他们正在录制和收集来自莫高窟文物的数字图像,……
digital media experts 数字媒体专家
digital devices 数码设备
digital cameras 数码相机
in the digital age 在数字时代
digit n. 数字
即学即练 单句语法填空
①Digital cameras arrived ________ the scene in 1997.
②Freedom may come to an end ________ the digital age.
4.image n. 形象;印象;画像;图像;影像;映像
(教材P8)They are recording and collecting digital images of cultural relics from the Mogao Caves,...他们正在录制和收集来自莫高窟文物的数字图像,……
create a new image 创造新形象
a negative image 负面的形象
a positive image 正面的形象
harm one's image/reputation
=do harm to one's image/reputation 损害某人的形象/名声
image n.(C)图像,印象,形像
→imagine v.想象,认为
→imagination n.想象力
→imagery n.形象化的描述意象→imagable adj.可想像;想像得到的→imagiry adj.想像中的,假想的,虚构的
His public image is very different from the real person.
Images of deer and hunters decorate the cave walls.
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
①Don't do anything that might ________ (损害) the image of our country.
②The good deeds he has done do ________ (creation) a new image for him.
③We should do something that can set up a positive image for us ________ a negative image.
5.throughout prep.各处;遍及;自始至终
(教材P8)...Which were a key stop along the Silk Road throughout China's ancient history.
throughout the country=all over the country 全国
throughout the trip=all over the trip 整个旅途
throughout the world=all over the world 全世界
throughout the day/night=all through the day/night 整天/夜
throughout the year=all through the year 整年
throughout既可以指时间,也可以指空间,指时间时相当于all through, 指空间时相当于all over。
即学即练 单句语法填空
①The news soon found its way ________ the country.
②They export their products to markets ________ the world.
③It's said that a large number of paper-cut works by experts________China will be on show, and some of them are made by famous artists.
④I stayed in Shanghai working ________ the summer.
6.quality n.质量;品质;素质;特征 adj.优质的;高质量的
(教材P8)Nearly 500,000 high-quality digital photographs have been produced since...
air/water quality 空气质量/水质量
the quality of life/education 生活质量/教育质量
be of high/good/low/poor quality 质量好(上乘)/次(差)
goods of a high quality 优质商品
personal qualities个人素质
the physical and chemical qualities of the rock岩石的物理特性和化学特性
quality furniture高档家具
quality service at a competitive price质优价廉的服务
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
The government encourages farmers to grow corn instead of rice to improve ____________________________.
E-books are __________________________________.
Firstly, the higher rating means ______________________________of the product, or better service.
④We bought some ____________ furniture to furnish our house.
7.tradition n.传统;传统的信仰或风俗 traditional adj.传统的 traditionally adv.传统地
(教材P8)...promote even wider interest around the world in China's ancient history, culture, and traditions.……提升世界各地对中国古代历史、文化和传统的更广泛的兴趣。
by tradition 根据传统
follow a tradition 遵循传统
break with tradition 打破传统
It's a tradition... ……是一个传统
carry on/continue a tradition 保持传统
a local tradition 当地传统
traditional Chinese medicine传统中药
traditional festivals传统节日
traditional methods传统方法
traditional views传统观念
It is traditional (for sb.) to do sth.
a long tradition悠久的传统
an old/ancient tradition古老的传统
a family tradition家庭传统
cultural/religious traditions文化/宗教传统
By tradition, children are dressed up in Spring Festival.根据传统,孩子们在春节会盛装打扮。
It's a tradition for the Chinese people to get together and have a big dinner on New Year's Eve.在除夕的时候,家人团聚吃丰盛的晚餐,是中国人的传统。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①There's ________ tradition in our office that when it's somebody's birthday, they bring a cake for us all to share.
②In some countries it is traditional for a bride________ (wear) white.
③Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still observe the________ (tradition) customs.
④________ (traditional), college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they set off on their life journey.
⑤________ tradition, the college senior class gives a ball each spring.
It is ________ (tradition) to bring a gift to a housewarming party.
When meetings are one-to-one, if your host offers you coffee, you should refuse. It might seem odd, but it is ________________.
8.further adv.(far的比较级)更远;进一步 adj.更多的;更进一步的
(教材P8)They also hope to further educate people...他们还希望进一步教育人们……
further education 进修,继续教育
further instructions 进一步的指示
further/more information 更多信息
We had walked further than I had realized.在我不知不觉中我们已走得很远。
For further information on healthy eating, visit our website.
If you have further questions, please feel free to let me know.如果你还有问题,请随时告诉我。
即学即练 单句语法填空
①After graduation from college, she went abroad for ________ (far) study.
②Step ________ (far) and I will shoot immediately.
③I am only give you so much information; you can do some search on the net for ________ (far) information.
④My school is ________ (far) than yours from our village.
9.historic adj.历史上著名(或重要)的;有史时期的
(教材P8)...educate people about the importance of safeguarding historic and cultural relics...
a historic event 有历史意义的事件
a historic meeting of world leaders 具有历史意义的世界领导人会议
a historical event历史上的事件
places of historical interest历史名胜
historical evidence/research史学证据/研究
a historical figure历史人物
a historical novel历史小说
即学即练 单句语法填空
①Visit the palace and its various ________ (history) gardens, which include the famous maze (迷宫) where it is easy to get lost!
②Not all ________ (history) buildings are attractive.
10.opinion n.意见;想法;看法
(教材P8)What do you think of the researcher's opinion in the last paragraph
one's opinion about/on/of... 某人对……的看法
in one's opinion(=in one's view) 在某人看来
have a good/bad/high/low opinion of 对……评价好/不好/高/低
ask for one's opinion 询问某人的观点
give/express one's opinion on... 就……发表某人的意见
give voice to one's opinion on sth. 对某事说出自己的意见
public opinion民意;公众舆论
the personal opinion个人见解,个人意见
in the author's opinion在作者看来
We have different opinions on the details of the meeting.我们对会议的细节有不同的意见。
—What's your opinion of Lily?你认为莉莉怎么样?
—She is active and generous.她积极又大方。
In my opinion, you should change your mind right away. After all, his advice sounds reasonable.在我看来,你应该立刻改变主意。毕竟,他的建议听起来合情合理。
The boss has a very high opinion of her.老板对她评价很高。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①There is no doubt, ________ my opinion, ________ what matters is not the speed, but the quality of the product.
②Mary was silent during the early part of the discussion but finally she gave voice________ her opinion ________ the subject.
③________________ (在许多人看来), that company, though relatively (相对地) small, is pleasant to deal with.
④—Mary ________________ (对……评价不好)George.
—________________(在我看来), she is right.
11.comparison n.比较;相比
(教材P8)Words to show comparison and/or contrast表示比较和/或对比的词
comparison with 与……的比较
by/in comparison (with sb./sth.) (与某人/某物)相比较
make a comparison 进行对比
by comparison (尤用于句首)相比之下;比较起来
By comparison, money spent on education increased this year.
We carefully compared the first report with the second one.
Compared with Boston, Los Angeles is larger.和波士顿比起来,洛杉矶要大一些。
compare vt.比较
compare A with B把A和B相比较
compare A to B把A比作B
compared with/to与……相比
注意:现代英语中,compare A to B也有“把A和B相比较”之义,但这是不规范的用法。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①It is difficult to make a ________(compare) with her previous book—they are completely different.
②________ (compare) with your translation work, your partner's work is better.
③People often compare a teacher ________ a gardener who takes great care of various plants.
④____________________________ (与旧房子相比),the new one is like a huge palace.
12.contrast n.对比;对照 vt.对比;对照
(教材P8)Words to show comparison and/or contrast表示比较和/或对比的词
in contrast=on the contrary 与此相反;比较起来
by contrast 相比之下;与之相比
in/by contrast with/to 与……形成对比;与……相比
contrast with 与……形成对比
contrast A and/with B
When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned by contrast.
The situation when we arrived was in marked contrast to the news reports.
The poem contrasts youth and age.这首诗对比了青春与老年。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Most people work because it's unavoidable. ________ contrast, there are some people who actually enjoy work.
②It is interesting to contrast the British legal system ________ the American one.
③There is________obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West.
The snow was icy and white, ________________ the brilliant blue sky.
13.identify vt.确认;认出;找到 identity n.特征;身份
(教材P8)Underline the relative clauses that the writer uses to identify the following.在作者用来表示下列内容的关系从句下面划线。
identify sb. with... 把某人视为……
identify sth. with sth. 认为某事物等同于某事物
identify sb./sth. as 认出,识别,表明……的身份
refuse to identify oneself 拒不透露身份
identify the problem areas 找出问题所在
identify a link between diet and cancer 发现饮食与癌症之间的关联
identity card/identification card身份证(缩写为ID card)
one's real/true identity某人的真实身份
Would you please show your identity card/idenification card/ID card to me?请出示你的身份证件好吗?
即学即练 完成句子
Don't identify wealth ________ happiness.
Their inability to enjoy music sets them apart from others. It can be difficult for other people to identify ________ their condition.
If you feel stressed by responsibilities at work, you should take a step back and ________ those of greater and less importance.
1.tell right from wrong分辨是非
(教材P7)It is said that it's a mirror that can tell right from wrong!
tell A from B 把A和B区别开
tell the differences between A and B 分辨A和B的不同
tell black from white 分辨黑白
Child as he is, he can tell right from wrong.
Speaking of teachers, I can't forget my parents, who taught me the importance of work ethic and how to tell right from wrong.
(1)tell/know A and B apart分辨A和B/看出A和B之间的区别
(2)take sth. apart拆开某物
(3)take sb./sth. apart严厉批评某人或某事
(4)keep oneself apart from sb.与某人保持距离/不与某人混在一起
即学即练 单句语法填空
①Can you tell the difference ________ the two pictures
②He is no longer a child. He can tell right ________ wrong.
③________ (tell) right ________ wrong is not a simple matter for such a little child.
2.take turns轮流
(教材P7)Take turns to play the different roles.轮流表演不同的角色。
take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事
by turns 交流
It's one's turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事
Let's take turns at it.让咱们轮流来干吧。
They took turns to watch at his bedside.他们轮流守护在他的床边。
It's your turn to sweep the floor.轮到你扫地了。
take turns to do sth.
=take turns at sth.=
do sth. by turns
in turn=one after another
make a right turn at the second light
=turn right at the second light
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①We took turns ________ (drive) the car.=We drove the car by ________ (turn).
②Today it is ____________ (you) turn to be on duty.
③He spoke to each of guests ____________ (依次).
④They raised the prices, and ____________ (相应地), their profits increased.
1.It is said that...据说……(it是形式主语,that从句是真正主语)
(教材P7)It is said that it's a mirror that can tell right from wrong!
It is reported that... 据报道……
It is pointed out that... 有人指出……
It is thought that... 有人认为……
It is believed that... 人们相信……
It is claimed that... 据称……
It is announced that... 据宣布……
It is well-known that... 众所周知……
It is generally accepted that... 人们普遍认为……
It is reported that the mayor will visit our school next week.
→The mayor is reported to visit our school next week.据报道,市长下周要来参观我们学校。
It is said that a car accident happened last night.
→A car accident is said to have happened last night.据说昨晚发生了一起车祸。
It is said/reported that...=Sb./Sth. is said./reported to do/have done...(动词不定式有时态、语态的变化)如:
(1)It is said that he is writing a new novel now.
=He is said to be writing a new novel now.
(2)It is said that he had written a new novel.→He is said to have written a new novel.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子/句型转换
①________ is often said that the joy of travelling is not in arriving at your destination but in the journey itself.
②It is reported________a space station will be built on the moon in years to come.
③It ________ (announce) that the sports meet will be held next Tuesday.
________________ a good education is beneficial to young people.
⑤It is said that the Chinese people started to use paper money earlier than Westerners.
→The Chinese people ________________ to use paper money earlier than Westerners.
(教材P8)Nearly 500,000 high-quality digital photographs have been produced since the international project started in 1994.自1994年这项国际项目开始以来,将近50万张高质量的数码照片被制成。
He has worked hard since he was promoted.自从他升职以来,他一直努力工作。
It has been ten years since they last climbed Mount Tai.
ever since自……以来
It is/has been+一段时间+since+从句(一般过去时)
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The expert ________ (struggle) to find a solution to the case since then.
②It is almost five years since we ________ (see) each other last time.
③His wife died three years ago and he ____________________ (自那以后就一个人生活).
④He ____________________ (一直过着有压力的生活)since he took up this job.
1.The archaeologist ________ (确认)that these caves could date back to the Tang Dynasty.
2.We can't ________ (原谅) anyone for destroying cultural relics.
3.These caves are of good ________ (质量) and remain there forever throughout human history.
4.In his ________ (看法),cultural relics must be well preserved.
5.On a sheet of paper, he drew the ________ (图像)of a dragon.
6.He often ________ (下载)some applications and documents from websites.
7.My former history teacher is a ________ (专业的) archaeologist.
8.Using ________ (数码的) technology, he closely observed the entrance, exit and roof of the Great Pyramid.
9.Throughout the ________ (过程),she stared at the mirror.
10.He was sent overseas to further study the local ________ (传统) and customs there.
1.Temples and other cultural sites were moved to a place where they were safe________ the water.
2.The free app ________ I have downloaded doesn't work well.
3.Scientists attempted to rescue the temple because they wanted to preserve it________ the next generation.
4.He often quotes this famous ________ (say) that history is like a mirror.
5.Scientists attempt to promote culture by ________ (use) digital images.
6.I met an old friend of mine at the entrance ________ the railway station.
7.If we don't protect those traditions, there may come a time ________ they disappear.
8.Did you find________ easy or difficult to talk about tradition
9.The archaeologist went overseas to ________ (far) study the local traditions and customs.
10.According to various ________ (clue) and after making comparisons, he identified the fact.
in my opinion, in comparison with, by contrast, all over the world, forgive...for..., at the entrance to, not only...but also..., be considered as, be familiar with, come up with
1.Cultural heritage includes____________temples, palaces and other cultural relics, ____________ traditions, customs and knowledge.
2.I ________________digital technology and I'll share my knowledge with you.
3.I did not ____________him ____________ his damage to the cultural relics.
4.I encourage my students by asking them to ________________ their own ideas and make proposals.
5.Red Square in Moscow ________________a place for parades, concerts, and even a world cultural heritage site.
6.We met a professional archaeologist ________________ the Great Pyramid.
7.The tallest buildings in London are small ________________ those of New York.
8.She almost failed the exam, but her sister, ________________, did very well.
9.________________ , digital technology is very important for our work.
10.The archaeologist visited a number of famous historic sites________________.
Mary likes Chinese cultural relics very much. She spends most of her spare time 1.________ (go) everywhere in search of rare things designed or made by famous artists, such as 2.________ (value) wooden furniture, fancy hats and vases of all styles, 3.________ have survived for a long time. One day she visited her friend, John, in whose house she was 4.________ (amaze) to find some amazing evidence that reflected the period when China was at war with Japan. There were some paintings 5.________ (draw) by a well-known painter, in one of which the local Chinese people were fighting hard with the invaders, some bombs exploded and many Chinese people 6.________ (kill). John told her that the paintings belonged 7.________ his grandfather and his parents 8.________ (use) to decorate the house with them. Mary selected a few of them and in return gave John some china. In order to show respect for the Chinese culture, both Mary and John made up their minds 9.________(offer) the paintings to China. But their parents didn't agree with them. They debated for two hours, and at last their parents gave in. There is no doubt 10.________ their kindness will be highly thought of by the Chinese people.
Section Ⅳ Listening and Talking, Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress
1.D 2.A 3.C 4.D
1.①under ②hits ③under ④under
2.①for ②informing ③forgive him his faults ④forgive him for being rude ⑤To forgive
3.①on ②in
4.①do harm to ②create ③instead
5.①throughout ②throughout ③throughout ④throughout
6.①water quality ②of poor quality ③the higher quality ④high quality
7.①a ②to wear ③traditional ④Traditionally ⑤By ⑥traditional
⑦a cultural tradition
8.①further ②further ③further ④farther
9.①historic ②historical
10.①in that ②to on ③In many people's opinion/view ④has a bad opinion of In my opinion/view
11.①comparison ②Compared ③to ④Compared with/to the old house
12.①By ②and/with ③an ④contrasting with
13.①with ②with ③identify
1.①between ②from ③Telling from
2.①to drive turns ②your ③in turn ④in turn
1.①It ②that ③is announced ④It is generally accepted that
⑤are said to have started
2.①has struggled ②saw ③has lived alone since then ④has been living a stressful life
1.identified 2.forgive 3.quality 4.opinion 5.image 6.downloads 7.professional 8.digital 9.process 10.traditions
1.from 2.which/that 3.for 4.saying 5.using 6.to
7.when 8.it 9.further 10.clues
1.not only but also 2.am familiar with 3.forgive for 4.come up with 5.is considered as 6.at the entrance to 7.in comparison with 8.by contrast 9.In my opinion 10.all over the world
1.going 2.valuable 3.which 4.amazed 5.drawn 6.were killed
7.to 8.used 9.to offer 10.that
Section Ⅳ Listening and Talking, Reading for
Writing & Assessing Your Progress
Lanzhou, 9 August 2017. A group of researchers and scientists from China and other countries are working together to help increase knowledge and appreciation② of China's ancient cultural heritage. They are recording and collecting digital images of cultural relics from the Mogao Caves③, which were a key stop④ along the Silk Road throughout⑤ China's ancient history 【1】. Nearly 500,000 high-quality⑥ digital photographs have been produced since the international project started in 1994 【2】.
【1】此处是which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰the Mogao Caves。 which在从句中作主语。
The Mogao Caves have long been a meeting point⑦ for different cultures and are part of the history of many countries. Today, the caves are just as international as they were at the time when people travelled the Silk Road 【3】. Tourists from all over the world⑧ visit Dunhuang to see the caves, and the Getty Museum in Los Angeles has even reproduced⑨ a copy of the caves and paintings for people to admire in America.
By sharing so many digital photos over the Internet, the group hopes to promote even⑩ wider interest around the world in China's ancient history, culture, and traditions . They also hope to further educate people about the importance of safeguarding historic and cultural relics for future generations to understand and appreciate. As one researcher who is working on the project explains 【4】, “Appreciating one's own cultural heritage is very important for understanding oneself. Appreciating the cultural heritage of other countries is very important for international communication and understanding.”
【4】“As one researcher who is working on the project explains”是由关系代词As引导的非限制性定语从句,As作explains的宾语,表示“正如”;“who is working on the project”是由关系代词who引导的定语从句,修饰先行词one researcher。who在定语从句中作主语。
①digital/'d d tl/adj.数码的;数字显示的
image/' m d /n.影像,图像;形象;印象
digital image数码影像
digital camera数码相机
②appreciation n.欣赏,赏识;感激
appreciate v.欣赏;感激
appreciate (sb./sb.'s) doing sth.感激(某人)做某事
I would appreciate it if...如果……,我将不胜感激。
③cave/ke v/n.山洞;洞穴
the Mogao Caves莫高窟
④stop n. [熟词生义]中途停留(处)
⑤throughout/θru 'a t/prep.各处;遍及;自始至终
⑥quality/'kw l ti/n.质量;品质;素质;特征
high-quality adj.高质量的
⑦a meeting point一个汇合点
⑧all over the world在世界各地
⑨reproduce vt.复制
[构词法]re-是常见的动词前缀,表示“再,又”,由它构成的词还有:rearrange (重新安排), reapply (重新申请)。
⑩even在此修饰比较级。常用于修饰比较级的还有:a bit, a little, a lot, much, far。
promote wide interest in...激发对……的广泛兴趣
tradition/tr 'd n/n.[C, U]传统;传统的信仰或风俗
traditional adj.传统的
traditionally adv.传统上
further adv.进一步(表示程度);更远(far的比较级)
historic/h 'st r k/adj.历史上著名(或重要)的;有史时期的
a historic building有历史意义的建筑
a historic decision/day/victory历史性的决定/日子/胜利
[比较]historical adj.(有关)历史的;有关历史研究的,历史学的
historical documents/research史学文献/研究
work on从事于……
莫高窟,又称“千佛洞”,中国佛教石窟,坐落在河西走廊西端的敦煌。它有洞窟735个,壁画4.5万平方米,泥质彩塑2 415尊,是世界上现存规模最大、内容最丰富的佛教艺术地。1987年,莫高窟被列为世界文化遗产。莫高窟与山西大同云冈石窟、河南洛阳龙门石窟、甘肃天水麦积山石窟并称为中国四大石窟。
1.What are the researchers and scientists doing
A.Holding an exhibition about cultural relics of the Mogao Caves.
B.Repairing the cultural relics of the Mogao Caves.
C.Introducing some knowledge about cultural relics.
D.Recording and collecting digital images of cultural relics.
2.Why do so many people come to visit Mogao Caves
A.Because it contains different cultures and history.
B.Because the Silk Road is still famous at present.
C.Because the copies and paintings were reproduced.
D.Because Mogao Caves has a mysterious history.
3.Why did the Getty Museum reproduce a copy of the caves and paintings
A.To make a fortune.
B.To attract more tourists to Dunhuang.
C.To make people admire them.
D.To exchange the different cultures.
4.What's the purpose of sharing digital photos over the Internet
A.To make more money by selling them.
B.To promote the website about the Mogao Caves.
C.To teach people more knowledge about culture.
D.To promote people's interest and call on people to protect cultural relics.
1.roof n.顶部;屋顶 v.给……盖上房顶;遮蔽
(教材P7)I see that you're looking at that carving on the roof.我看到你在看屋顶上的雕刻。
a roof over one's head 栖身之处
under the same roof 在同一屋檐下
under one roof 在同一座建筑中
under one's roof 在某人家里
raise the roof (在屋内)大声喧闹,闹翻天
the roof of the world 世界屋脊
top n.顶部
ceiling n.天花板
go through the roof=hit the roof暴跳如雷;火冒三丈/(价格等)飞涨;激增
roof sth. over给(空地)加顶
be roofed with sth.给(建筑物)盖屋顶
The roof of the car was not damaged in the accident.
We're going to roof over the yard to make a garage.
即学即练 单句语法填空
①I don't think I can live ________ the same roof as you any longer.
②Put it back before Dad sees you and ________ (hit) the roof!
③He doesn't look like a good person. I don't want him ________ my roof again.
④There are various stores and restaurants all ________ one roof.
2.forgive vt. & vi.(forgave, forgiven)原谅;宽恕
(教材P7)Forgive me for asking, but...请原谅我的冒昧,但是……
forgive sb. sth. 宽恕某人某事
forgive sb. for (doing) sth. 原谅某人(做了)某事
forgive and forget 不念旧恶,不计前嫌

Forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt you.请原谅我,我并非有意伤害你。
I'll never forgive you for what you said last night.我不会原谅你昨天晚上说的话。
In addition, it's best for you to forgive and forget.此外,你最好不计前嫌。
forgiveness n.原谅;宽恕;宽宏大量

excuse sb. for (doing) sth.原谅某人(做)某事
thank sb. for (doing) sth.因为(做)某事而感谢某人
praise sb. for (doing) sth.因为(做)某事而表扬某人
punish sb. for (doing) sth.因为(做)某事而惩罚某人
scold sb. for (doing) sth.因为(做)某事而责备某人
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①We can't forgive anyone ________ destroying any cultural relics.
②Please forgive me for not ________ (inform) you of the change.
③He begged his wife to _________________ (原谅他的过错).
④He apologized to her and hoped she could ___________________ (原谅他的鲁莽).
________________ is a virtue, but no one has ever said it is easy.
forgive him his faults
forgive him for being rude
To forgive
3.digital adj.数码的;数字显示的
(教材P8)They are recording and collecting digital images of cultural relics from the Mogao Caves,...他们正在录制和收集来自莫高窟文物的数字图像,……
digital media experts 数字媒体专家
digital devices 数码设备
digital cameras 数码相机
in the digital age 在数字时代
digit n. 数字
即学即练 单句语法填空
①Digital cameras arrived ________ the scene in 1997.
②Freedom may come to an end ________ the digital age.
4.image n. 形象;印象;画像;图像;影像;映像
(教材P8)They are recording and collecting digital images of cultural relics from the Mogao Caves,...他们正在录制和收集来自莫高窟文物的数字图像,……
create a new image 创造新形象
a negative image 负面的形象
a positive image 正面的形象
harm one's image/reputation
=do harm to one's image/reputation 损害某人的形象/名声
His public image is very different from the real person.
Images of deer and hunters decorate the cave walls.
image n.(C)图像,印象,形像
→imagine v.想象,认为
→imagination n.想象力
→imagery n.形象化的描述意象→imagable adj.可想像;想像得到的→imagiry adj.想像中的,假想的,虚构的
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
①Don't do anything that might __________ (损害) the image of our country.
②The good deeds he has done do ________ (creation) a new image for him.
③We should do something that can set up a positive image for us ________ a negative image.
do harm to
5.throughout prep.各处;遍及;自始至终
(教材P8)...Which were a key stop along the Silk Road throughout China's ancient history.
throughout the country=all over the country 全国
throughout the trip=all over the trip 整个旅途
throughout the world=all over the world 全世界
throughout the day/night=all through the day/night 整天/夜
throughout the year=all through the year 整年
throughout既可以指时间,也可以指空间,指时间时相当于all through, 指空间时相当于all over。
即学即练 单句语法填空
①The news soon found its way __________ the country.
②They export their products to markets __________ the world.
③It's said that a large number of paper-cut works by experts___________China will be on show, and some of them are made by famous artists.
④I stayed in Shanghai working __________ the summer.
6.quality n.质量;品质;素质;特征 adj.优质的;高质量的
(教材P8)Nearly 500,000 high-quality digital photographs have been produced since...
air/water quality 空气质量/水质量
the quality of life/education 生活质量/教育质量
be of high/good/low/poor quality 质量好(上乘)/次(差)
goods of a high quality 优质商品
personal qualities个人素质
the physical and chemical qualities of the rock岩石的物理特性和化学特性
quality furniture高档家具
quality service at a competitive price质优价廉的服务
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
The government encourages farmers to grow corn instead of rice to improve _____________.
E-books are _____________.
Firstly, the higher rating means ______________of the product, or better service.
④We bought some ____________ furniture to furnish our house.
water quality
of poor quality
the higher quality
high quality
7.tradition n.传统;传统的信仰或风俗 traditional adj.传统的 traditionally adv.传统地
(教材P8)...promote even wider interest around the world in China's ancient history, culture, and traditions.……提升世界各地对中国古代历史、文化和传统的更广泛的兴趣。
by tradition 根据传统
follow a tradition 遵循传统
break with tradition 打破传统
It's a tradition... ……是一个传统
carry on/continue a tradition 保持传统
a local tradition 当地传统
By tradition, children are dressed up in Spring Festival.根据传统,孩子们在春节会盛装打扮。
It's a tradition for the Chinese people to get together and have a big dinner on New Year's Eve.在除夕的时候,家人团聚吃丰盛的晚餐,是中国人的传统。

traditional Chinese medicine传统中药
traditional festivals传统节日
traditional methods传统方法
traditional views传统观念
It is traditional (for sb.) to do sth.
a long tradition悠久的传统
an old/ancient tradition古老的传统
a family tradition家庭传统
cultural/religious traditions文化/宗教传统
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①There's ________ tradition in our office that when it's somebody's birthday, they bring a cake for us all to share.
②In some countries it is traditional for a bride________ (wear) white.
③Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still observe the__________ (tradition) customs.
④__________ (traditional), college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they set off on their life journey.
⑤________ tradition, the college senior class gives a ball each spring.
to wear
It is _________ (tradition) to bring a gift to a housewarming party.
When meetings are one-to-one, if your host offers you coffee, you should refuse. It might seem odd, but it is ________________.

a cultural tradition
8.further adv.(far的比较级)更远;进一步 adj.更多的;更进一步的
(教材P8)They also hope to further educate people...他们还希望进一步教育人们……
further education 进修,继续教育
further instructions 进一步的指示
further/more information 更多信息
We had walked further than I had realized.在我不知不觉中我们已走得很远。
For further information on healthy eating, visit our website.
If you have further questions, please feel free to let me know.如果你还有问题,请随时告诉我。
即学即练 单句语法填空
①After graduation from college, she went abroad for ________ (far) study.
②Step ________ (far) and I will shoot immediately.
③I am only give you so much information; you can do some search on the net for ________ (far) information.
④My school is ________ (far) than yours from our village.
9.historic adj.历史上著名(或重要)的;有史时期的
(教材P8)...educate people about the importance of safeguarding historic and cultural relics...
a historic event 有历史意义的事件
a historic meeting of world leaders 具有历史意义的世界领导人会议
即学即练 单句语法填空
①Visit the palace and its various ________ (history) gardens, which include the famous maze (迷宫) where it is easy to get lost!
②Not all ________ (history) buildings are attractive.
a historical event历史上的事件
places of historical interest历史名胜
historical evidence/research史学证据/研究
a historical figure历史人物
a historical novel历史小说
10.opinion n.意见;想法;看法
(教材P8)What do you think of the researcher's opinion in the last paragraph
one's opinion about/on/of... 某人对……的看法
in one's opinion(=in one's view) 在某人看来
have a good/bad/high/low opinion of 对……评价好/不好/高/低
ask for one's opinion 询问某人的观点
give/express one's opinion on... 就……发表某人的意见
give voice to one's opinion on sth. 对某事说出自己的意见
public opinion民意;公众舆论
the personal opinion个人见解,个人意见
in the author's opinion在作者看来
We have different opinions on the details of the meeting.我们对会议的细节有不同的意见。
—What's your opinion of Lily?你认为莉莉怎么样?
—She is active and generous.她积极又大方。
In my opinion, you should change your mind right away. After all, his advice sounds reasonable.在我看来,你应该立刻改变主意。毕竟,他的建议听起来合情合理。
The boss has a very high opinion of her.老板对她评价很高。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①There is no doubt, ________ my opinion, ________ what matters is not the speed, but the quality of the product.
②Mary was silent during the early part of the discussion but finally she gave voice________ her opinion ________ the subject.
③________________________ (在许多人看来), that company, though relatively (相对地) small, is pleasant to deal with.
④—Mary ________________ (对……评价不好)George.
—________________(在我看来), she is right.

In many people's opinion/view
has a bad opinion of
In my opinion/view
11.comparison n.比较;相比
(教材P8)Words to show comparison and/or contrast表示比较和/或对比的词
comparison with 与……的比较
by/in comparison (with sb./sth.) (与某人/某物)相比较
make a comparison 进行对比
by comparison (尤用于句首)相比之下;比较起来
By comparison, money spent on education increased this year.
We carefully compared the first report with the second one.
Compared with Boston, Los Angeles is larger.和波士顿比起来,洛杉矶要大一些。
compare vt.比较
compare A with B把A和B相比较
compare A to B把A比作B
compared with/to与……相比

注意:现代英语中,compare A to B也有“把A和B相比较”之义,但这是不规范的用法。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①It is difficult to make a _________(compare) with her previous book—they are completely different.
②________ (compare) with your translation work, your partner's work is better.
③People often compare a teacher ________ a gardener who takes great care of various plants.
④_________________________ (与旧房子相比),the new one is like a huge palace.
Compared with/to the old house
12.contrast n.对比;对照 vt.对比;对照
(教材P8)Words to show comparison and/or contrast表示比较和/或对比的词
in contrast=on the contrary 与此相反;比较起来
by contrast 相比之下;与之相比
in/by contrast with/to 与……形成对比;与……相比
contrast with 与……形成对比
contrast A and/with B
When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned by contrast.
The situation when we arrived was in marked contrast to the news reports.
The poem contrasts youth and age.这首诗对比了青春与老年。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Most people work because it's unavoidable. ______ contrast, there are some people who actually enjoy work.
②It is interesting to contrast the British legal system ________ the American one.
③There is________obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West.
The snow was icy and white, ______________ the brilliant blue sky.
contrasting with
13.identify vt.确认;认出;找到 identity n.特征;身份
(教材P8)Underline the relative clauses that the writer uses to identify the following.在作者用来表示下列内容的关系从句下面划线。
identify sb. with... 把某人视为……
identify sth. with sth. 认为某事物等同于某事物
identify sb./sth. as 认出,识别,表明……的身份
refuse to identify oneself 拒不透露身份
identify the problem areas 找出问题所在
identify a link between diet and cancer 发现饮食与癌症之间的关联
identity card/identification card身份证(缩写为ID card)
one's real/true identity某人的真实身份

Would you please show your identity card/idenification card/ID card to me?请出示你的身份证件好吗?

即学即练 完成句子
Don't identify wealth ________ happiness.
Their inability to enjoy music sets them apart from others. It can be difficult for other people to identify ________ their condition.
If you feel stressed by responsibilities at work, you should take a step back and ________ those of greater and less importance.
1.tell right from wrong分辨是非
(教材P7)It is said that it's a mirror that can tell right from wrong!
tell A from B 把A和B区别开
tell the differences between A and B 分辨A和B的不同
tell black from white 分辨黑白
Child as he is, he can tell right from wrong.
Speaking of teachers, I can't forget my parents, who taught me the importance of work ethic and how to tell right from wrong.
(1)tell/know A and B apart分辨A和B/看出A和B之间的区别
(2)take sth. apart拆开某物
(3)take sb./sth. apart严厉批评某人或某事
(4)keep oneself apart from sb.与某人保持距离/不与某人混在一起
即学即练 单句语法填空
①Can you tell the difference ________ the two pictures
②He is no longer a child. He can tell right ________ wrong.
③________ (tell) right ________ wrong is not a simple matter for such a little child.
2.take turns轮流
(教材P7)Take turns to play the different roles.轮流表演不同的角色。
take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事
by turns 交流
It's one's turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事
Let's take turns at it.让咱们轮流来干吧。
They took turns to watch at his bedside.他们轮流守护在他的床边。
It's your turn to sweep the floor.轮到你扫地了。
take turns to do sth.
=take turns at sth.=
do sth. by turns
in turn=one after another
make a right turn at the second light
=turn right at the second light
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①We took turns ________ (drive) the car.=We drove the car by ________ (turn).
②Today it is ____________ (you) turn to be on duty.
③He spoke to each of guests ____________ (依次).
④They raised the prices, and ____________ (相应地), their profits increased.
to drive
in turn
in turn
1.It is said that...据说……(it是形式主语,that从句是真正主语)
(教材P7)It is said that it's a mirror that can tell right from wrong!
It is reported that... 据报道……
It is pointed out that... 有人指出……
It is thought that... 有人认为……
It is believed that... 人们相信……
It is claimed that... 据称……
It is announced that... 据宣布……
It is well-known that... 众所周知……
It is generally accepted that... 人们普遍认为……
It is reported that the mayor will visit our school next week.
→The mayor is reported to visit our school next week.据报道,市长下周要来参观我们学校。
It is said that a car accident happened last night.
→A car accident is said to have happened last night.据说昨晚发生了一起车祸。
It is said/reported that...=Sb./Sth. is said./reported to do/have done...(动词不定式有时态、语态的变化)如:
(1)It is said that he is writing a new novel now.
=He is said to be writing a new novel now.
(2)It is said that he had written a new novel.→He is said to have written a new novel.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子/句型转换
①________ is often said that the joy of travelling is not in arriving at your destination but in the journey itself.
②It is reported________a space station will be built on the moon in years to come.
③It________________(announce) that the sports meet will be held next Tuesday.
_____________________ a good education is beneficial to young people.
⑤It is said that the Chinese people started to use paper money earlier than Westerners.
→The Chinese people _________________ to use paper money earlier than Westerners.
is announced
It is generally accepted that
are said to have started
(教材P8)Nearly 500,000 high-quality digital photographs have been produced since the international project started in 1994.自1994年这项国际项目开始以来,将近50万张高质量的数码照片被制成。
He has worked hard since he was promoted.自从他升职以来,他一直努力工作。
It has been ten years since they last climbed Mount Tai.
ever since自……以来
It is/has been+一段时间+since+从句(一般过去时)

即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The expert ___________ (struggle) to find a solution to the case since then.
②It is almost five years since we ________ (see) each other last time.
③His wife died three years ago and he ____________________ (自那以后就一个人生活).
④He _______________________ (一直过着有压力的生活)since he took up this job.

has struggled
has lived alone since then
has been living a stressful life
1.The archaeologist ________ (确认)that these caves could date back to the Tang Dynasty.
2.We can't ________ (原谅) anyone for destroying cultural relics.
3.These caves are of good ________ (质量) and remain there forever throughout human history.
4.In his ________ (看法),cultural relics must be well preserved.
5.On a sheet of paper, he drew the ________ (图像)of a dragon.
6.He often ________ (下载)some applications and documents from websites.
7.My former history teacher is a __________ (专业的) archaeologist.
8.Using ________ (数码的) technology, he closely observed the entrance, exit and roof of the Great Pyramid.
9.Throughout the ________ (过程),she stared at the mirror.
10.He was sent overseas to further study the local ________ (传统) and customs there.
1.Temples and other cultural sites were moved to a place where they were safe________ the water.
2.The free app _________ I have downloaded doesn't work well.
3.Scientists attempted to rescue the temple because they wanted to preserve it________ the next generation.
4.He often quotes this famous _______(say) that history is like a mirror.
5.Scientists attempt to promote culture by________(use) digital images.
6.I met an old friend of mine at the entrance ________ the railway station.
7.If we don't protect those traditions, there may come a time ________ they disappear.
8.Did you find________ easy or difficult to talk about tradition
9.The archaeologist went overseas to ________ (far) study the local traditions and customs.
10.According to various ________ (clue) and after making comparisons, he identified the fact.
in my opinion, in comparison with, by contrast, all over the world, forgive...for..., at the entrance to, not only...but also..., be considered as, be familiar with, come up with
1.Cultural heritage includes____________temples, palaces and other cultural relics, ____________ traditions, customs and knowledge.
2.I ________________digital technology and I'll share my knowledge with you.
3.I did not _________him _________ his damage to the cultural relics.
4.I encourage my students by asking them to ________________ their own ideas and make proposals.
not only
but also
am familiar with
come up with
5.Red Square in Moscow ________________a place for parades, concerts, and even a world cultural heritage site.
6.We met a professional archaeologist ________________ the Great Pyramid.
7.The tallest buildings in London are small ________________ those of New York.
8.She almost failed the exam, but her sister, _____________, did very well.
9.________________ , digital technology is very important for our work.
10.The archaeologist visited a number of famous historic sites______________.
is considered as
at the entrance to
in comparison with
by contrast
In my opinion
all over the world
Mary likes Chinese cultural relics very much. She spends most of her spare time 1.________ (go) everywhere in search of rare things designed or made by famous artists, such as 2.________ (value) wooden furniture, fancy hats and vases of all styles, 3.________ have survived for a long time. One day she visited her friend, John, in whose house she was 4.________ (amaze) to find some amazing evidence that reflected the period when China was at war with Japan. There were some paintings 5.________ (draw) by a well-known painter, in one of which the local Chinese people were fighting hard with the invaders, some bombs exploded and many Chinese people 6._________ (kill).
were killed
John told her that the paintings belonged 7.________ his grandfather and his parents 8.________ (use) to decorate the house with them. Mary selected a few of them and in return gave John some china. In order to show respect for the Chinese culture, both Mary and John made up their minds 9.________(offer) the paintings to China. But their parents didn't agree with them. They debated for two hours, and at last their parents gave in. There is no doubt 10.________ their kindness will be highly thought of by the Chinese people.
to offer