人教版(2019) 必修 第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife protection 课件+学案(10份打包)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife protection 课件+学案(10份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-12-16 08:06:04


Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking
3.次重读符号 ,标注在重读音节前左下方;

who[hu ] ten[ten]
many['meni] teacher['ti t (r)]
reset[ ri 'set] apply[ 'pla ]
elephant['el f nt] certificate[s 't f ke t]
station['ste n] attention[ 'ten n]

1.illegal/ li ɡl/
2.species/spi i z/
3.aware/ we (r)/
4.concern/k ns n/
5.extinction/ ksti k n/
6.overseas/ v si z/
7.contribution/k ntr bju n/
8.responsibility/r sp ns b l t /
/ 'li ɡl/
/'spi i z/
/ 'we (r)/
/k n's n/
/ k'sti k n/
/ v 'si z/
/ k ntr 'bju n/
/r sp ns 'b l ti/
(“○”stands for primary stress, and“○” for secondary stress, and“○” for unstressed syllable.)
Example: habitat/'h b t t/:
1.poster/'p st (r)/________
2.concern/k n's n/________
3.downstairs/ da n'ste z/________
4.average/' v r d /________
5.alarming/ 'lɑ m /________
6.overseas/ v 'si z/________
7.literary/l t r ri/________
8.investigate/ n'vest ge t/________
9.contribution/ k ntr 'bju n/________
10.archaeologist/ ɑ k ' l d st/________
11.refrigerator/r 'fr d re t (r)/________
12.responsibility/r sp ns 'b l ti/________
例1:Repeating after tapes is very important for beginners.
意群:Repeating after tapes | is very important | for beginners.
例2:Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, happy, and wise.
意群:Early to bed | and early to rise | makes a man | healthy, happy, and wise.
1.How does the man plan to find a used car
A.Through a car dealer.
B.On the Internet.
C.From the newspaper.

2.Where is the man going
A.To a supermarket.
B.To the woman's.
C.To a park.
3.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.A book.
B.A writer.
C.A bookstore.
4.What season is it now
5.What present has the man bought
A.A book.
B.Some flowers.
C.A pair of gloves.
1.illegal adj. 不合法的;非法的 illegally adv.不合法地;非法地 legal adj.法律的;合法的 legally adv.合法地;法律地
(教材P14)Stop illegal hunting immediately立即停止非法狩猎
illegal drugs 违禁药品
illegal activities 非法活动
an illegal act 违法行为
illegal parking 违章停车
legal profession/system 法律行业/法律体系
illegal adj.不合法的;非法的
illogical adj.不合逻辑的
legal adj.法律的;合法的
It is illegal to do sth.做某事是违法的。
Killing sharks is illegal in that country.=It is illegal to kill sharks in that country.
It all sounds highly illegal.这听起来完全不合法。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①It is illegal ________ (hunt) endangered species.
②It is ________ (legal) to employ children, according to the child protection law.
③They were involved in ______________ (非法活动).
④______________ (卖……是违法的) cigarettes to someone under 16.
to hunt
illegal activities
It is illegal to sell
2.hunt vt.&vi.打猎;搜寻;追捕 hunter n.猎人
(教材P14)Stop illegal hunting immediately立即停止非法狩猎
go hunting 去打猎
hunt the animals 猎取动物
hunt for 搜寻,寻找
hunt for the animal 寻找这种动物
hunt for a job 找工作
hunt for the missing child 搜索失踪儿童
Local people used to go hunting in the woods.当地人过去常常去树林里打猎。
She is still hunting for a new job.她还在找新工作。
I've hunted everywhere but I can't find it.我到处都搜遍了,但就是找不到它。
They are hunting for the missing child.他们正在搜索那个失踪儿童。

(1) 寻找
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①They are still hunting _______ the missing child, who disappeared last Sunday after attending her friend's birthday party.
②The hunt ________ the injured climber continued throughout the night.
③They have decided to go ________ (hunt) this weekend.
④Jessica ____________ (正在寻找) her lost keys on the playground.
⑤___________ (……的搜寻) the missing workers will continue.
is hunting for
The hunt for
3.immediately adv.立刻 conj.一……就…… immediate adj.立即的,立刻的
(教材P14)Stop illegal hunting immediately立即停止非法狩猎
act immediately 立即行动
leave immediately 马上离开
immediately after 在……之后立即
immediately obvious 能轻易看见的;很容易理解的
immediate adj. 立即的,当前的
immediate action 立即行动
immediate interests 眼前利益
Please give us a description of your tour of England immediately.
Tom was bored with his job, and he wanted to change it immediately.
immediately除用作副词外,还可用作连词,相当于as soon as,表示“一……就……”。有类似用法的还有directly。
Immediately she'd gone, I remembered her name.
I'll be with you directly I've finished this letter.
the solution to a problem问题的解决办法
key to the exercise练习的答案
way to the place通往某地的路
entrance to the cinema电影院入口
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①All hunters must stop hunting wild animals__________ (immediate).
②I came __________ (immediate) I heard the news.
③I will contact you______________________ (我一到那里).
④The boss ordered them to take _______________ (立即行动).
The solution to this problem is not _________________.
immediately I arrive there
immediate action
Come here as soon as you finish the work./Come here immediately you finish the work.
immediately obvious
4.alarming adj.惊人的;使人惊恐的
(教材P14)Our planet's wildlife is dying out at an alarming rate.
alarm vt. 使惊恐;使害怕;使担心
n. 恐慌;警报;警报器;闹钟
alarm sb. 使某人害怕
in alarm 惊恐地
The power of ideas is very alarming!意念的力量是很惊人的!
Rainforests are decreasing at an alarming rate.雨林正在以惊人的速度减少。
an alarm system警报系统
air alarm空袭警报
fire alarm systems火灾报警系统
set the alarm for 6:00把闹钟设在6点
即学即练 单句语法填空
①The disease has spread at an ________ (alarm) rate.
②“What have you done?” Ellie cried ________ alarm.
③He set the alarm ________ 5 o'clock.
④He could see the alarm ________ her face.
5.rate n.速度;(比)率 vt.划分等级 rating n.等级;级别
(教材P14)Our planet's wildlife is dying out at an alarming rate.
the birth/death rate 出生率/死亡率
at a rate of... 以……的速度,以……的比率
at an alarming rate 以惊人的速度
at a...rate=at the rate of... 以……的速度
a high success/failure rate 很高的成功/失败率
a high/low rate of sth. 某物的高/低比率
at a/the speed of以……的速度
at an altitude of在……的高度
first-rate adj.第一流的
rating n.等级;级别
at a steady rate以平稳的速度
at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour以平均每小时5千米的速度
a high/low/rising rate of unemployment高/低/不断增长的失业率
the annual crime/divorce rate年犯罪/离婚率
a high success/failure rate很高的成功/失败率
The schools were rated according to their exam results.这些学校是按考试成绩排名次的。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①We drove ________ a steady rate.
②My house ________ (rate) rather high.
③Most people walk _________________ (平均速度为) 5 kilometres an hour.
④Local businesses are closing __________ (以……的速度) three a year.
⑤So far the spacecraft has been traveling _____________ (以稳定的速度).
is rated
at an average rate of
at a/the rate of
at a steady rate
6.extinct adj.已灭绝的 extinction n.灭绝
(教材P14)Between 150 and 200 species are becoming extinct every day.每天都有150到200个物种灭绝。
become extinct 绝种
face extinction 面临灭绝
an extinct volcano 死火山
preserve endangered species from extinction保护濒危物种不致灭绝
lead to the extinction of many animals导致许多动物的灭绝
an extinct species
species in danger of extinction
be close to extinction
即学即练 完成句子
①The plant is now ____________________ (有灭绝的危险).
②The species ________________ (濒临灭绝).
③Conservationists are trying to ___________________________ (保护鲸类以防止其灭绝).
in danger of extinction
is close to extinction
preserve the whale from extinction
7.mass adj.大量的;广泛的 n.大量;堆;群
(教材P14)This mass extinction is caused by hunting, habitat loss, and pollution.
mass production 批量生产
the mass market 大众市场
the mass media 大众传媒
the problem of mass unemployment 大批人失业的问题
weapons of mass destruction 大规模杀伤性武器
a mass of/masses of 大量,许多
the mass of... ……中的大多数
the masses 群众
Their latest product is aimed at the mass market.他们的最新产品瞄准了大众市场。
The sky was full of dark masses of clouds.天空中乌云密布。
I've got masses of work to do.我有一大堆的工作要做。
The attempt is supported by the mass of the population.这一尝试得到了大多数人民的支持。
“a mass of/masses of+名词”作主语时,谓语动词取决于of后面的名词。
A mass of books were sent to Project Hope.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①A mass of fund ______ (be) wasted on this useless project.
②Some people may think that a garden is no more than plants, flowers, patterns and masses ________ color.
③Our policy must be made known to the broad ________ (mass).
④___________________ (大多数教师) are against the demand.
⑤Now that you have ______________ (一大堆的工作) to do, you don't have to help me with the housework.
⑥He was popular with the rich but failed to win the support of ________ (民众).
The mass of teachers
masses of work
the masses
8.aware adj.知道;发觉;有……意识的 awareness n.认识;意识;兴趣
(教材P14)We must make people aware of the problem and help protect the endangered wildlife...我们必须让人们意识到这个问题,帮助保护濒危野生动物……
an awareness of the importance of eating a healthy diet 对健康饮食重要性的认识
develop an awareness of... 培养……意识
raise/increase public awareness of sth. 提高/增强公众对某事物的意识
a greater/a growing/an increasing awareness of sth. 对某事物更大的/日益增长的/愈来愈大的兴趣
environmental awareness 环境意识
Energy Awareness Week (节约)能源意识周
aware adj.知道;发觉;有……意识的(不用于名词前)
be/become aware of...知道/意识到……
be/become aware that...知道/意识到……
make sb. aware of/that...使某人意识到……
as far as I'm aware据我所知
be/become unaware of/that不知道/没意识到……
(1)awareness n.知道;意识
raise awareness of提高……意识
(2)unaware adj.不知道的;未意识到的
be/become unaware of/that不知道/没意识到

be aware of→侧重状态
become aware of→侧重动作
Tom turned around and saw me, but he pretended not to be aware of my presence.
The government should make the public aware that abandoning animals is illegal.
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
①They suddenly _______________ (意识到) people looking at them.
②The customers ___________________________ (没有意识到) eating more than usual.
③People should_________________(提高……意识) environmental protection.
④Now that we are aware ________ the effects that diet products have on us, it is time to seriously think about buying them.
⑤—Has Claude paid the phone bill
—Not as far ________ I'm aware.
⑥Campers would get a clear ________ (aware) of the program theme — “Observe-Think-Act”.
became aware of
weren't aware of/were unaware of
raise awareness of
9.endanger vt.使遭受危险;危害 endangered adj.濒危的 dangerous adj.危险的
(教材P14)We must make people aware of the problem and help protect the endangered wildlife...我们必须让人们意识到这个问题,帮助保护濒危野生动物……
endangered animals 濒危动物
an endangered species 濒危物种
in danger 处于危险中
in danger of (doing) sth. 处于(做)某事的危险中
out of danger 脱离危险
You will endanger your health if you smoke.你如果吸烟,就会危及健康。
The drift of the icebergs in the sea endangers the ships.海上冰山的漂流危及船只的安全。
put sb./one's life in danger
be a danger to...
in the dangerous situation
It is a danger/dangerous to do sth.
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
①Nature reserves have protected _____________________ (许多濒危动物) from decreasing in number.
②You are ____________ (有……危险) catching a cold if you don't take any medicine.
③The operation is a success and now the patient is ____________ (脱离危险).
④Poison gas blows off and _________ (endanger) the lives of hundreds of people.
⑤What per cent of primate species are highly__________(endanger)
⑥Levels of waste from the factory may be a danger ________ public health.
many endangered animals
in danger of
out of danger
10.average n.平均数;平均水平 adj.平均的;正常的;普通的
(教材P14)How many elephants are killed on average every day?平均每天有多少头大象被杀?
on average 平均来看
above/below average 高于/低于平均水平
an average of 平均……
an average rate/cost/price 平均比率/成本/价格
average temperature 平均气温
the average of...……的平均数
up to (the) average达到平均水平
an average student一名普通的学生
the average age of...……的平均年龄
a child of average intelligence智力平常的孩子
He looks like any average teenager, but is a little awkward and even embarrassed when speaking.
It's said that incomes here are nowhere near the national average.
On average, women live between five and seven years longer than men.
They spend an average of $220 a year on toys for their children.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The province's rainfall this year is ________ average. Many plants are short of water and have been dead.
②Last year was the warmest year on record, with global temperature 0.68 ℃ ________ the average.
③He was a good student and scored ___________ (在平均水平以上) in most subjects.
④__________ (平均) just 18.75 cm of rain fell last year, making it the driest year since California became a state in 1850.
⑤You can be a top student through your effort even if you may seem to be _______________ (一个普通的学生).
above average
On average
an average student
11.adapt vi.适应 vt.使适应;使适合 adaptable adj.有适应能力的;能适应的
adaptation n.适应
(教材P15)Elephants need large living spaces, so it's difficult for them to adapt to the changes.大象需要大的生存空间,因此对它们来说适应变化是困难的。
(1)vi.适应 vt.使适应;使适合
adapt to 适应/适合……
adapt oneself to 使某人自己适应/适合……(to是介词)
adapt A for B 把A改编成B
adapt A from B 由B改编成A
be adapted from 改编自……
(3)adaptation n. 适应;改编;改编本
the adaptation of desert species to the hot conditions 沙漠物种对炎热环境的适应
The animals have to adapt to the new environment in the reserve.
This author adapted himself to the living conditions easily.
I've decided to adapt the novel for a TV series.
The TV series adapted from a novel attracts us very much.
adopt a method采取一种方法
adopt a new policy采取一项新政策
adopt a healthy lifestyle采用一种健康的生活方式
adopt an orphan收养一个孤儿
即学即练 写出句中adapt的含义/单句语法填空/完成句子
①The professor adapted his lecture to his audience.________
②This novel has been adapted for radio from the Russian original.________
③She must learn to adapt ________ (she) to the English life.
④People in Ethiopian highlands have adapted ________ living at high altitudes.
⑤The television ________ (adapt) of the stage play was very successful.
⑥The movie The Lost Tomb is adapted ________ a novel of the same name.
⑦If you're outgoing, it is very easy for you to _____________________ (适应新环境) while studying abroad.
⑧Novels _________________ (经常被改编成) the stage, television and radio.
⑨We ________________ (收养了一条狗) from the animal shelter.
⑩Our school __________ (采用了) a new teaching method.
adapt to the new environment
are often adapted for
adopted a little dog
has adopted
12.measure n.措施;方法 vt.测量;度量;估量
(教材P15)What measures are being taken to help them?正在采取什么措施来帮助它们?
(1)n. 措施;方法;计量单位;尺寸
take measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事
safety measures 安全措施
a temporary/an emergency measure 临时/紧急措施
make... to (sb.'s) measure 按照某人尺寸做……(量身定制)
made to measure 量身定做的
beyond measure 非常,极其
measure sb. for sth. 给某人量(衣服)尺寸
measure sth. by sth. 用……衡量……
sth. measures 150 meters by 100 meters 某物估约150米×100米
(3)linking verb (尺寸、长短、数量等)量度为
I'll need to get a suit made to measure.我得定做一套西装。
Measures are being taken to prevent the river from being polluted.
He's gone to be measured for a new suit.他去量尺寸做新西装了。
Education shouldn't be measured only by examination results.
The main bedroom measures 12 feet by 15 feet.主卧室宽12英尺,长15英尺。

例如:I met with a big young man measuring about 2 meters in height.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The little child would like to have his height ________ (measure).
②The bed ________ (measure) 1.8 metres long and it's too short for the young man.
③This place is so heavily polluted. It is time for us to take __________ (measure) to protect the environment.
④The government should _____________ (采取措施) protect the earth.
⑤Oh, sir, you'll need to get a suit _____________________ (按你自己的尺寸做的).
⑥It's hard to _______________ (估量他的能力) when we haven't seen his work.
take measures to
made to your own measure
measure his ability
13.pressure n.压力;要求 press v.按,压;催促,敦促
(教材P15)The authorities are under pressure to build elephant parks...
the pressure of work 工作压力
put sb. under pressure 置某人于压力之下
be/come under pressure to do sth. 面临做某事的压力
air/water/blood pressure 气压/水压/血压
put pressure on sb.给某人施加压力
reduce pressure减轻压力
give in to pressure屈服于压力
under pressure在压力下;承受压力(pressure前无任何冠词)
under the pressure of...在……的压力下

press v.按,压
Under pressure, they had to make their own living.在压力下,他们不得不自己谋生。
I think hiking is a good way to reduce pressure.我认为徒步旅行是减压的好方法。
Don't put too much pressure on yourself.不要给你自己施加太大压力。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Hearing that many animals are dying out at an alarming rate, the scientists are ________ pressure.
②My father suffers from high blood ________ (press).
③He had to give up the work he loved __________________ (在……的压力下) his parents.
④I don't want to _______________ (给你施加压力) to make a decision, but we haven't much time left.
under the pressure of
put pressure on you
1.die out灭绝;逐渐消失
(教材P14)Our planet's wildlife is dying out at an alarming rate.
Dinosaurs died out millions of years ago.数百万年前恐龙灭绝了。
The wind died away at dusk.黄昏时风逐渐减弱了。
Many trees are dying off for lack of water.由于缺水,许多树相继枯死。
The noise has died down.喧闹声逐渐消失了。
die out, die away, die off与die down
die out(家族、物种等)灭绝;(风俗、习惯等)逐渐消失
die away(声音、光线、风等)逐渐减弱,逐渐消失
die off相继死去,先后死去(直到死光)
die down(火、兴奋程度等)减弱,平息;(=die away)(声音、光线等)变弱,消失
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
①As is reported on TV, many kinds of animals and plants _________ (灭绝) in the world every year.
②The sound of the music _________ (逐渐消失).
③The excitement _________ (逐渐平静) as time went by.
④The wild population of koalas is in danger of dying ________, so we should take steps to protect them.
⑤Some old customs are slowly dying ________ in China.
⑥The fire died ________, so we put more coal on it.
⑦The sound of the car died ________ in the distance.
⑧The original founders died ________ or retired.

die out
died away
died down
2.on earth(放在疑问词之后表示强调)究竟;到底;在地球上
(教材P14)What on earth are we doing to our planet?究竟我们在对我们的星球做什么?
What on earth did you do that for?你那么做究竟为了什么?
the origins of life on earth

即学即练 完成句子
It seems obvious that these have made humankind the most powerful animal ________.
What _______ are you doing
How ________ can she afford that
on earth
on earth
on earth
3.make progress取得进步
(教材P14)China has made a lot of progress.中国已经取得了很大的进步。
make progress in... 在……方面取得进步
make some/great progress 取得一些/巨大进步
make slow/steady/rapid/good progress 取得缓慢的/平稳的/迅速的/良好的进展
He continues to make progress in his studies.他在学习上不断取得进步。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The student is showing rapid progress ________ his studies.
②I noticed with great satisfaction that you ________ (make) great progress.
③I'm glad that you've ________________ (取得一些进步) in English.
④The ship _________________ (缓慢行进) through the rough sea.
made some progress
made slow progress
4.be concerned about对……关切的;为……担忧的
(教材P15)I'm concerned about the African elephants.我很担心非洲象。
concern vt.&n.
concern oneself with/in/about sth. 忙于/关心某事/挂念某事
as far as sb. is concerned 就某人而言,据某人所知;在某人看来
be concerned in sth. 与某事有牵连
be concerned to do sth.
(=have it as one's business to do sth.) 把做某事视为自己的事
be concerned with sth. 与某事有关
be concerned about/for... 担心/挂念
be concerned that... 担心
show/express concern about/for... 对……表示担心/关心
with concern 关切地
There is no cause for concern 不必发愁
It's no concern of mine 这事与我无关
What concern is it of yours 那与你有什么关系?
There is now considerable concern for her safety. 现在对她的安全相当担心。
This matter concerns the interests of people.这件事关系到人民的利益。
The story concerns a friend of mine.故事讲的是我的一个朋友。
Her illness concerns her parents.她的病使她的父母很担心。
She is concerned about her son's future.
=She concerns herself about her son's future.她关心她儿子的将来。
As far as I am concerned, educators should be concerned about the problems that are concerned with the healthy growth of the children and concern themselves with/in the work of education.
They showed great concern about her safety.他们对她的安全非常关心。
What are your main concerns as a writer?作为一名作家,你最关注的是哪些问题?
concerning prep.关于,涉及=about
He answered questions concerning (=about) the product.他回答了关于产品的问题。

concerned parents忧心忡忡的家长
the people concerned有关的人
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
①The_______________(忧心忡忡的家长) were all _____________ (担心) the children's safety.
②___________________ (就我而言), reading English newspapers is of great help to our English study.
③Please come here on time. The matter ______________ (与……有关) all of you.
④As far as I'm ________ (concern), we should take action immediately to stop illegal hunting.
concerned parents
concerned about
As far as I am concerned
is concerned with
⑤In fact, John has never been concerned ________ what others think of him.
⑥Several parents showed their great concern ________ their children's safety at school.
⑦This chapter is concerned ________ the mental health of older people.
⑧What ________ (concern) me is our lack of preparation for the change.
⑨What do you know __________ (concern) this
⑩As the world's population continues to grow, the supply of food becomes more and more of ________ concern.

It is+adj.+to do sth.做某事是……的。
(教材P15)Elephants need large living spaces, so it's difficult for them to adapt to the changes.
①It is+adj.+to do sth./that...
②It is+adj.+for sb./of sb. to do sth.
③It is+n.+to do sth./that...
④It is+adj./n.+doing sth.
no use, no good, no fun, a waste of time
⑤It is+过去分词+that...
⑥It seems/appears/happens that...
即学即练 单句语法填空
①It is reported ________ a space station will be built on the moon in years to come.
②Even though we live in a high-tech age, it's still impossible ________ (predict) the weather accurately.
③It's not really a good idea ________ (use) too many small color pieces.
to predict
to use
1.This problem has ________ (使……担忧) people very much, and stirred up emotions of alarm.
2.Many people are ________ (关心的) about the endangered wildlife.
3.Under ________ (压力), they had to make their own living.
4.All hunters must stop hunting wild animals __________ (立即).
5.There is a ________ (海报) posted in the nature reserve, which says, “No Hunting!”
6.The authorities ban ________ (非法的) hunting to protect endangered species.
7.Some wild animals are endangered and their ________ (栖息地) have been threatened, too.
8.Some hunters have illegally hunted wild animals, leading to mass ________ (绝迹) of them.
9.Some countries have taken effective ________ (措施) to protect these creatures.
10.According to WWF, an ________ (平均数) of 175 species become extinct every day in the world.
1.The _________ (authority) have taken strict measures to protect wild animals.
2.How many antelopes are killed ________ average every day
3.China has made a lot of ________ (progress) in protecting the habitats of the wildlife.
4.We are all ________ (alarm) at the news that the threats to the Tibetan antelopes have not yet disappeared.
5.An average of 175 species become extinct every day, which is an ________ (alarm) number.
6.Let's listen to and discuss facts and opinions about __________ (endanger) wildlife.
7.We are going to design a poster about these endangered ________ (species).
8.Do you think that elephants are ________ endangered species
9.What other rare species are ________ danger
10.Our planet's species are dying ________ at an alarming rate.
on earth, die out, be aware of, on average, make progress, be concerned about, adapt to, make a living, under pressure, an average of
1.It's said that ____________ 175 species go extinct every day in the world.
2.At present some countries __________________ such creatures as whales and sharks.
3.Do the hunters shoot wild animals just to ________________?
4.________________, one or two hundred species become extinct every day.
an average of
are concerned about
make a living
On average
5.To our delight, we have ____________ in wildlife protection due to our efforts.
6.They have to search for new habitats and try to ____________ new environments.
7.The authorities are ____________ to build elephant parks and tell people not to buy elephant products.
8.Some wild animals are ____________ at an alarming rate.
9.Why ____________ do the hunters shoot these animals
10.Many people ________________ this issue and begin to search for the solution.
made progress
adapt to
under pressure
dying out
on earth
are aware of
The polar bear is found in the Arctic Circle and some big land masses as far south as Newfoundland. While they are rare north of 88°, there is evidence 1.________ they range all the way across the Arctic, and as far south as James Bay in Canada. It is difficult to figure out a global population of polar bears as much of the range has been 2.________ (poor) studied; however, biologists calculate that there are about 20,000-25,000 polar bears worldwide.

1.答案与解析:that 分析句子结构可知,所填词引导同位语从句,解释说明evidence的具体内容,从句中不缺少成分且意义完整,故用that引导。
2.答案与解析:poorly 修饰动词studied应用形容词poor的副词形式poorly。
Modern methods 3.________ tracking polar bear populations have been employed only since the mid-1980s, and are expensive 4.________ (perform) consistently over a large area. In recent years some Inuit people in Nunavut 5.________ (report) increases in bear sightings around human settlements, leading to a 6.________ (believe) that populations are increasing.
3.答案与解析:of/for a method of/for doing sth.做某事的方法。
4.答案与解析:to perform 此处是“主语+be+adj.+不定式”结构,不定式用主动形式表示被动含义。
5.答案与解析:have reported 根据句中的时间状语“in recent years”可判断用现在完成时。
6.答案与解析:belief 根据空格前的不定冠词a可知,此处应填believe的名词形式belief(看法,信念)。
Scientists have responded by 7.________ (note) that hungry bears may be congregating (聚集) around human settlements, leading to the illusion (错觉) that populations are 8.________ (high) than they actually are. Of 9.________ nineteen recognized polar bear subpopulations, three are declining, six 10.________ (be) stable, one is increasing, and nine lack enough data.
7.答案与解析:noting 介词后接动词时,应用其动名词形式。respond by doing sth.通过做某事回应。
8.答案与解析:higher 根据空格后的than可知,此处应用high的比较级形式higher。
9.答案与解析:the 此处特指确认的19个亚种群,故用定冠词the。
10.答案与解析:are 此处陈述客观事实,应用一般现在时;six指代six polar bear subpopulations,谓语动词用are。Unit 2 Wildlife Protection
先 知
核 心 单 词 重 点 短 语 单 元 语 法 单 元 写 作
poster; illegal; hunt; immediately; species; shark; alarming; alarm; rate; extinction; mass; habitat; aware; endanger; average; concern; living; adapt; measure; authority; pressure; reserve; plain; observe; beauty; remind; sacred; shoot; profit; attack; effective; recover; remove; intend; threat; threaten; exist; harmony; goods; creature; deer; reduce; due; net; neighbourhood; dolphin; emotion; skin; unusual on earth; die out; aware of; on average; make progress; concerned about; adapt to; under pressure; make out; remind sb. of sb./sth.; watch over; day and night; due to; search for; stir up 现在进行时的被动语态 写一张有关动物保护的海报
Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking
3.次重读符号 ,标注在重读音节前左下方;
who[hu ] ten[ten]
many['meni] teacher['ti t (r)]
reset[ ri 'set] apply[ 'pla ]
elephant['el f nt] certificate[s 't f ke t]
station['ste n] attention[ 'ten n]
1.illegal/ li ɡl/
2.species/spi i z/
3.aware/ we (r)/
4.concern/k ns n/
5.extinction/ ksti k n/
6.overseas/ v si z/
7.contribution/k ntr bju n/
8.responsibility/r sp ns b l t /
(“○”stands for primary stress, and“” for secondary stress, and“” for unstressed syllable.)
Example: habitat/'h b t t/:
1.poster/'p st (r)/________
2.concern/k n's n/________
3.downstairs/ da n'ste z/________
4.average/' v r d /________
5.alarming/ 'lɑ m /________
6.overseas/ v 'si z/________
7.literary/l t r ri/________
8.investigate/ n'vest ge t/________
9.contribution/ k ntr 'bju n/________
10.archaeologist/ ɑ k ' l d st/________
11.refrigerator/r 'fr d re t (r)/________
12.responsibility/r sp ns 'b l ti/________
例1:Repeating after tapes is very important for beginners.
意群:Repeating after tapes | is very important | for beginners.
例2:Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, happy, and wise.
意群:Early to bed | and early to rise | makes a man | healthy, happy, and wise.
1.How does the man plan to find a used car
A.Through a car dealer.
B.On the Internet.
C.From the newspaper.
2.Where is the man going
A.To a supermarket.
B.To the woman's.
C.To a park.
3.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.A book.
B.A writer.
C.A bookstore.
4.What season is it now
5.What present has the man bought
A.A book.
B.Some flowers.
C.A pair of gloves.
1.illegal adj. 不合法的;非法的 illegally adv.不合法地;非法地 legal adj.法律的;合法的 legally adv.合法地;法律地
(教材P14)Stop illegal hunting immediately立即停止非法狩猎
illegal drugs 违禁药品
illegal activities 非法活动
an illegal act 违法行为
illegal parking 违章停车
legal profession/system 法律行业/法律体系
illegal adj.不合法的;非法的
illogical adj.不合逻辑的
legal adj.法律的;合法的
It is illegal to do sth.做某事是违法的。
Killing sharks is illegal in that country.=It is illegal to kill sharks in that country.
It all sounds highly illegal.这听起来完全不合法。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①It is illegal ________ (hunt) endangered species.
②It is ________ (legal) to employ children, according to the child protection law.
③They were involved in ________________________ (非法活动).
④________________________________ (卖……是违法的) cigarettes to someone under 16.
2.hunt vt.&vi.打猎;搜寻;追捕 hunter n.猎人
(教材P14)Stop illegal hunting immediately立即停止非法狩猎
go hunting 去打猎
hunt the animals 猎取动物
hunt for 搜寻,寻找
hunt for the animal 寻找这种动物
hunt for a job 找工作
hunt for the missing child 搜索失踪儿童
Local people used to go hunting in the woods.当地人过去常常去树林里打猎。
She is still hunting for a new job.她还在找新工作。
I've hunted everywhere but I can't find it.我到处都搜遍了,但就是找不到它。
They are hunting for the missing child.他们正在搜索那个失踪儿童。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①They are still hunting ____________ the missing child, who disappeared last Sunday after attending her friend's birthday party.
②The hunt ________ the injured climber continued throughout the night.
③They have decided to go ________ (hunt) this weekend.
④Jessica ________________________________ (正在寻找) her lost keys on the playground.
⑤________________________________ (……的搜寻) the missing workers will continue.
3.immediately adv.立刻 conj.一……就…… immediate adj.立即的,立刻的
(教材P14)Stop illegal hunting immediately立即停止非法狩猎
act immediately 立即行动
leave immediately 马上离开
immediately after 在……之后立即
immediately obvious 能轻易看见的;很容易理解的
immediate adj. 立即的,当前的
immediate action 立即行动
immediate interests 眼前利益
Please give us a description of your tour of England immediately.
Tom was bored with his job, and he wanted to change it immediately.
immediately除用作副词外,还可用作连词,相当于as soon as,表示“一……就……”。有类似用法的还有directly。
Immediately she'd gone, I remembered her name.
I'll be with you directly I've finished this letter.
the solution to a problem问题的解决办法
key to the exercise练习的答案
way to the place通往某地的路
entrance to the cinema电影院入口
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①All hunters must stop hunting wild animals ________ (immediate).
②I came ________ (immediate) I heard the news.
③I will contact you________________________________________ (我一到那里).
④The boss ordered them to take ________________________ (立即行动).
The solution to this problem is not ________________________.
4.alarming adj.惊人的;使人惊恐的
(教材P14)Our planet's wildlife is dying out at an alarming rate.
alarm vt. 使惊恐;使害怕;使担心
n. 恐慌;警报;警报器;闹钟
alarm sb. 使某人害怕
in alarm 惊恐地
an alarm system警报系统
air alarm空袭警报
fire alarm systems火灾报警系统
set the alarm for 6:00把闹钟设在6点
The power of ideas is very alarming!意念的力量是很惊人的!
Rainforests are decreasing at an alarming rate.雨林正在以惊人的速度减少。
即学即练 单句语法填空
①The disease has spread at an ________ (alarm) rate.
②“What have you done?” Ellie cried ________ alarm.
③He set the alarm ________ 5 o'clock.
④He could see the alarm ________ her face.
5.rate n.速度;(比)率 vt.划分等级 rating n.等级;级别
(教材P14)Our planet's wildlife is dying out at an alarming rate.
the birth/death rate 出生率/死亡率
at a rate of... 以……的速度,以……的比率
at an alarming rate 以惊人的速度
at a...rate=at the rate of... 以……的速度
a high success/failure rate 很高的成功/失败率
a high/low rate of sth. 某物的高/低比率
at a/the speed of以……的速度
at an altitude of在……的高度
first-rate adj.第一流的
rating n.等级;级别
at a steady rate以平稳的速度
at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour以平均每小时5千米的速度
a high/low/rising rate of unemployment高/低/不断增长的失业率
the annual crime/divorce rate年犯罪/离婚率
a high success/failure rate很高的成功/失败率
The schools were rated according to their exam results.这些学校是按考试成绩排名次的。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①We drove ________ a steady rate.
②My house ________ (rate) rather high.
③Most people walk ________________________ (平均速度为) 5 kilometres an hour.
④Local businesses are closing ________________________ (以……的速度) three a year.
⑤So far the spacecraft has been traveling ________________________ (以稳定的速度).
6.extinct adj.已灭绝的 extinction n.灭绝
(教材P14)Between 150 and 200 species are becoming extinct every day.每天都有150到200个物种灭绝。
become extinct 绝种
face extinction 面临灭绝
an extinct volcano 死火山
an extinct species
species in danger of extinction
be close to extinction
preserve endangered species from extinction保护濒危物种不致灭绝
lead to the extinction of many animals导致许多动物的灭绝
即学即练 完成句子
①The plant is now ________________________________ (有灭绝的危险).
②The species ________________________________ (濒临灭绝).
③Conservationists are trying to ________________________ (保护鲸类以防止其灭绝).
7.mass adj.大量的;广泛的 n.大量;堆;群
(教材P14)This mass extinction is caused by hunting, habitat loss, and pollution.
mass production 批量生产
the mass market 大众市场
the mass media 大众传媒
the problem of mass unemployment 大批人失业的问题
weapons of mass destruction 大规模杀伤性武器
a mass of/masses of 大量,许多
the mass of... ……中的大多数
the masses 群众
Their latest product is aimed at the mass market.他们的最新产品瞄准了大众市场。
The sky was full of dark masses of clouds.天空中乌云密布。
I've got masses of work to do.我有一大堆的工作要做。
The attempt is supported by the mass of the population.这一尝试得到了大多数人民的支持。
“a mass of/masses of+名词”作主语时,谓语动词取决于of后面的名词。
A mass of books were sent to Project Hope.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①A mass of fund ________ (be) wasted on this useless project.
②Some people may think that a garden is no more than plants, flowers, patterns and masses ________ color.
③Our policy must be made known to the broad ________ (mass).
④________________________________ (大多数教师) are against the demand.
⑤Now that you have ________________________________ (一大堆的工作) to do, you don't have to help me with the housework.
⑥He was popular with the rich but failed to win the support of ________ (民众).
8.aware adj.知道;发觉;有……意识的 awareness n.认识;意识;兴趣
(教材P14)We must make people aware of the problem and help protect the endangered wildlife...我们必须让人们意识到这个问题,帮助保护濒危野生动物……
an awareness of the importance of eating a healthy diet 对健康饮食重要性的认识
develop an awareness of... 培养……意识
raise/increase public awareness of sth. 提高/增强公众对某事物的意识
a greater/a growing/an increasing awareness of sth. 对某事物更大的/日益增长的/愈来愈大的兴趣
environmental awareness 环境意识
Energy Awareness Week (节约)能源意识周
aware adj.知道;发觉;有……意识的(不用于名词前)
be/become aware of...知道/意识到……
be/become aware that...知道/意识到……
make sb. aware of/that...使某人意识到……
as far as I'm aware据我所知
be/become unaware of/that不知道/没意识到……
(1)awareness n.知道;意识
raise awareness of提高……意识
(2)unaware adj.不知道的;未意识到的
be/become unaware of/that不知道/没意识到
be aware of→侧重状态
become aware of→侧重动作
Tom turned around and saw me, but he pretended not to be aware of my presence.
The government should make the public aware that abandoning animals is illegal.
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
①They suddenly ________________________________ (意识到) people looking at them.
②The customers ____________________________ (没有意识到) eating more than usual.
③People should ____________________________ (提高……意识) environmental protection.
④Now that we are aware ________ the effects that diet products have on us, it is time to seriously think about buying them.
⑤—Has Claude paid the phone bill
—Not as far ________ I'm aware.
⑥Campers would get a clear ________ (aware) of the program theme — “Observe-Think-Act”.
9.endanger vt.使遭受危险;危害 endangered adj.濒危的 dangerous adj.危险的
(教材P14)We must make people aware of the problem and help protect the endangered wildlife...我们必须让人们意识到这个问题,帮助保护濒危野生动物……
endangered animals 濒危动物
an endangered species 濒危物种
in danger 处于危险中
in danger of (doing) sth. 处于(做)某事的危险中
out of danger 脱离危险
put sb./one's life in danger
be a danger to...
in the dangerous situation
It is a danger/dangerous to do sth.
You will endanger your health if you smoke.你如果吸烟,就会危及健康。
The drift of the icebergs in the sea endangers the ships.海上冰山的漂流危及船只的安全。
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
①Nature reserves have protected ________________________________ (许多濒危动物) from decreasing in number.
②You are ________________________________ (有……危险) catching a cold if you don't take any medicine.
③The operation is a success and now the patient is ________________________________ (脱离危险).
④Poison gas blows off and ________ (endanger) the lives of hundreds of people.
⑤What per cent of primate species are highly ________ (endanger)
⑥Levels of waste from the factory may be a danger ________ public health.
10.average n.平均数;平均水平 adj.平均的;正常的;普通的
(教材P14)How many elephants are killed on average every day?平均每天有多少头大象被杀?
on average 平均来看
above/below average 高于/低于平均水平
an average of 平均……
an average rate/cost/price 平均比率/成本/价格
average temperature 平均气温
the average of...……的平均数
up to (the) average达到平均水平
an average student一名普通的学生
the average age of...……的平均年龄
a child of average intelligence智力平常的孩子
He looks like any average teenager, but is a little awkward and even embarrassed when speaking.
It's said that incomes here are nowhere near the national average.
On average, women live between five and seven years longer than men.
They spend an average of $220 a year on toys for their children.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The province's rainfall this year is ________ average. Many plants are short of water and have been dead.
②Last year was the warmest year on record, with global temperature 0.68 ℃ ________ the average.
③He was a good student and scored __________________ (在平均水平以上) in most subjects.
④__________________ (平均) just 18.75 cm of rain fell last year, making it the driest year since California became a state in 1850.
⑤You can be a top student through your effort even if you may seem to be ________________________________ (一个普通的学生).
11.adapt vi.适应 vt.使适应;使适合 adaptable adj.有适应能力的;能适应的
adaptation n.适应
(教材P15)Elephants need large living spaces, so it's difficult for them to adapt to the changes.大象需要大的生存空间,因此对它们来说适应变化是困难的。
(1)vi.适应 vt.使适应;使适合
adapt to 适应/适合……
adapt oneself to 使某人自己适应/适合……(to是介词)
adapt A for B 把A改编成B
adapt A from B 由B改编成A
be adapted from 改编自……
(3)adaptation n. 适应;改编;改编本
the adaptation of desert species to the hot conditions 沙漠物种对炎热环境的适应
The animals have to adapt to the new environment in the reserve.
This author adapted himself to the living conditions easily.
I've decided to adapt the novel for a TV series.
The TV series adapted from a novel attracts us very much.
adopt a method采取一种方法
adopt a new policy采取一项新政策
adopt a healthy lifestyle采用一种健康的生活方式
adopt an orphan收养一个孤儿
即学即练 写出句中adapt的含义/单句语法填空/完成句子
①The professor adapted his lecture to his audience.________
②This novel has been adapted for radio from the Russian original.________
③She must learn to adapt ________ (she) to the English life.
④People in Ethiopian highlands have adapted ________ living at high altitudes.
⑤The television ________ (adapt) of the stage play was very successful.
⑥The movie The Lost Tomb is adapted ________ a novel of the same name.
⑦If you're outgoing, it is very easy for you to ________________________________ (适应新环境) while studying abroad.
⑧Novels ____________________________ (经常被改编成) the stage, television and radio.
⑨We ________________________ (收养了一条狗) from the animal shelter.
⑩Our school ________ (采用了) a new teaching method.
12.measure n.措施;方法 vt.测量;度量;估量
(教材P15)What measures are being taken to help them?正在采取什么措施来帮助它们?
(1)n. 措施;方法;计量单位;尺寸
take measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事
safety measures 安全措施
a temporary/an emergency measure 临时/紧急措施
make... to (sb.'s) measure 按照某人尺寸做……(量身定制)
made to measure 量身定做的
beyond measure 非常,极其
measure sb. for sth. 给某人量(衣服)尺寸
measure sth. by sth. 用……衡量……
sth. measures 150 meters by 100 meters 某物估约150米×100米
(3)linking verb (尺寸、长短、数量等)量度为
I'll need to get a suit made to measure.我得定做一套西装。
Measures are being taken to prevent the river from being polluted.
He's gone to be measured for a new suit.他去量尺寸做新西装了。
Education shouldn't be measured only by examination results.
The main bedroom measures 12 feet by 15 feet.主卧室宽12英尺,长15英尺。
例如:I met with a big young man measuring about 2 meters in height.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The little child would like to have his height ________ (measure).
②The bed ________ (measure) 1.8 metres long and it's too short for the young man.
③This place is so heavily polluted. It is time for us to take ________ (measure) to protect the environment.
④The government should __________________________ (采取措施) protect the earth.
⑤Oh, sir, you'll need to get a suit ________________________ (按你自己的尺寸做的).
⑥It's hard to ________________________ (估量他的能力) when we haven't seen his work.
13.pressure n.压力;要求 press v.按,压;催促,敦促
(教材P15)The authorities are under pressure to build elephant parks...
the pressure of work 工作压力
put sb. under pressure 置某人于压力之下
be/come under pressure to do sth. 面临做某事的压力
air/water/blood pressure 气压/水压/血压
put pressure on sb.给某人施加压力
reduce pressure减轻压力
give in to pressure屈服于压力
under pressure在压力下;承受压力(pressure前无任何冠词)
under the pressure of...在……的压力下
press v.按,压
Under pressure, they had to make their own living.在压力下,他们不得不自己谋生。
I think hiking is a good way to reduce pressure.我认为徒步旅行是减压的好方法。
Don't put too much pressure on yourself.不要给你自己施加太大压力。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Hearing that many animals are dying out at an alarming rate, the scientists are ________ pressure.
②My father suffers from high blood ________ (press).
③He had to give up the work he loved ________________________ (在……的压力下) his parents.
④I don't want to ________________________________ (给你施加压力) to make a decision, but we haven't much time left.
1.die out灭绝;逐渐消失
(教材P14)Our planet's wildlife is dying out at an alarming rate.
Dinosaurs died out millions of years ago.数百万年前恐龙灭绝了。
The wind died away at dusk.黄昏时风逐渐减弱了。
Many trees are dying off for lack of water.由于缺水,许多树相继枯死。
The noise has died down.喧闹声逐渐消失了。
die out, die away, die off与die down
die out(家族、物种等)灭绝;(风俗、习惯等)逐渐消失
die away(声音、光线、风等)逐渐减弱,逐渐消失
die off相继死去,先后死去(直到死光)
die down(火、兴奋程度等)减弱,平息;(=die away)(声音、光线等)变弱,消失
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
①As is reported on TV, many kinds of animals and plants ________________________ (灭绝) in the world every year.
②The sound of the music ________________________________ (逐渐消失).
③The excitement ________________________ (逐渐平静) as time went by.
④The wild population of koalas is in danger of dying ________, so we should take steps to protect them.
⑤Some old customs are slowly dying ________ in China.
⑥The fire died ________, so we put more coal on it.
⑦The sound of the car died ________ in the distance.
⑧The original founders died ________ or retired.
2.on earth(放在疑问词之后表示强调)究竟;到底;在地球上
(教材P14)What on earth are we doing to our planet?究竟我们在对我们的星球做什么?
What on earth did you do that for?你那么做究竟为了什么?
the origins of life on earth
即学即练 完成句子
It seems obvious that these have made humankind the most powerful animal ____________________________.
What __________________________ are you doing
How ____________________________ can she afford that
3.make progress取得进步
(教材P14)China has made a lot of progress.中国已经取得了很大的进步。
make progress in... 在……方面取得进步
make some/great progress 取得一些/巨大进步
make slow/steady/rapid/good progress 取得缓慢的/平稳的/迅速的/良好的进展
He continues to make progress in his studies.他在学习上不断取得进步。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The student is showing rapid progress ________ his studies.
②I noticed with great satisfaction that you ________ (make) great progress.
③I'm glad that you've ________________ (取得一些进步) in English.
④The ship ________________________________________ (缓慢行进) through the rough sea.
4.be concerned about对……关切的;为……担忧的
(教材P15)I'm concerned about the African elephants.我很担心非洲象。
concern vt.&n.
concern oneself with/in/about sth. 忙于/关心某事/挂念某事
as far as sb. is concerned 就某人而言,据某人所知;在某人看来
be concerned in sth. 与某事有牵连
be concerned to do sth.
(=have it as one's business to do sth.) 把做某事视为自己的事
be concerned with sth. 与某事有关
be concerned about/for... 担心/挂念
be concerned that... 担心
show/express concern about/for... 对……表示担心/关心
with concern 关切地
There is no cause for concern 不必发愁
It's no concern of mine 这事与我无关
What concern is it of yours 那与你有什么关系?
There is now considerable concern for her safety. 现在对她的安全相当担心。
This matter concerns the interests of people.这件事关系到人民的利益。
The story concerns a friend of mine.故事讲的是我的一个朋友。
Her illness concerns her parents.她的病使她的父母很担心。
She is concerned about her son's future.
=She concerns herself about her son's future.她关心她儿子的将来。
As far as I am concerned, educators should be concerned about the problems that are concerned with the healthy growth of the children and concern themselves with/in the work of education.
They showed great concern about her safety.他们对她的安全非常关心。
What are your main concerns as a writer?作为一名作家,你最关注的是哪些问题?
concerning prep.关于,涉及=about
He answered questions concerning (=about) the product.他回答了关于产品的问题。
concerned parents忧心忡忡的家长
the people concerned有关的人
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
①The ________________ (忧心忡忡的家长) were all ________________ (担心) the children's safety.
②____________________________ (就我而言), reading English newspapers is of great help to our English study.
③Please come here on time. The matter ________________________ (与……有关) all of you.
④As far as I'm ________ (concern), we should take action immediately to stop illegal hunting.
⑤In fact, John has never been concerned ________ what others think of him.
⑥Several parents showed their great concern ________ their children's safety at school.
⑦This chapter is concerned ________ the mental health of older people.
⑧What ________ (concern) me is our lack of preparation for the change.
⑨What do you know ________ (concern) this
⑩As the world's population continues to grow, the supply of food becomes more and more of ________ concern.
It is+adj.+to do sth.做某事是……的。
(教材P15)Elephants need large living spaces, so it's difficult for them to adapt to the changes.
①It is+adj.+to do sth./that...
②It is+adj.+for sb./of sb. to do sth.
③It is+n.+to do sth./that...
④It is+adj./n.+doing sth.
no use, no good, no fun, a waste of time
⑤It is+过去分词+that...
⑥It seems/appears/happens that...
即学即练 单句语法填空
①It is reported ________ a space station will be built on the moon in years to come.
②Even though we live in a high-tech age, it's still impossible ________ (predict) the weather accurately.
③It's not really a good idea ________ (use) too many small color pieces.
1.This problem has ________ (使……担忧) people very much, and stirred up emotions of alarm.
2.Many people are ________ (关心的) about the endangered wildlife.
3.Under ________ (压力), they had to make their own living.
4.All hunters must stop hunting wild animals ________ (立即).
5.There is a ________ (海报) posted in the nature reserve, which says, “No Hunting!”
6.The authorities ban ________ (非法的) hunting to protect endangered species.
7.Some wild animals are endangered and their ________ (栖息地) have been threatened, too.
8.Some hunters have illegally hunted wild animals, leading to mass ________ (绝迹) of them.
9.Some countries have taken effective ________ (措施) to protect these creatures.
10.According to WWF, an ________ (平均数) of 175 species become extinct every day in the world.
1.The ________ (authority) have taken strict measures to protect wild animals.
2.How many antelopes are killed ________ average every day
3.China has made a lot of ________ (progress) in protecting the habitats of the wildlife.
4.We are all ________ (alarm) at the news that the threats to the Tibetan antelopes have not yet disappeared.
5.An average of 175 species become extinct every day, which is an ________ (alarm) number.
6.Let's listen to and discuss facts and opinions about ________ (endanger) wildlife.
7.We are going to design a poster about these endangered ________ (species).
8.Do you think that elephants are ________ endangered species
9.What other rare species are ________ danger
10.Our planet's species are dying ________ at an alarming rate.
on earth, die out, be aware of, on average, make progress, be concerned about, adapt to, make a living, under pressure, an average of
1.It's said that ____________ 175 species go extinct every day in the world.
2.At present some countries ____________ such creatures as whales and sharks.
3.Do the hunters shoot wild animals just to ________________?
4.________________, one or two hundred species become extinct every day.
5.To our delight, we have ____________ in wildlife protection due to our efforts.
6.They have to search for new habitats and try to ____________ new environments.
7.The authorities are ____________ to build elephant parks and tell people not to buy elephant products.
8.Some wild animals are ____________ at an alarming rate.
9.Why ____________ do the hunters shoot these animals
10.Many people ________________ this issue and begin to search for the solution.
The polar bear is found in the Arctic Circle and some big land masses as far south as Newfoundland. While they are rare north of 88°, there is evidence 1.________ they range all the way across the Arctic, and as far south as James Bay in Canada. It is difficult to figure out a global population of polar bears as much of the range has been 2.________ (poor) studied; however, biologists calculate that there are about 20,000-25,000 polar bears worldwide.
Modern methods 3.________ tracking polar bear populations have been employed only since the mid-1980s, and are expensive 4.________ (perform) consistently over a large area. In recent years some Inuit people in Nunavut 5.________ (report) increases in bear sightings around human settlements, leading to a 6.________ (believe) that populations are increasing. Scientists have responded by 7.________ (note) that hungry bears may be congregating (聚集) around human settlements, leading to the illusion (错觉) that populations are 8.________ (high) than they actually are. Of 9.________ nineteen recognized polar bear subpopulations, three are declining, six 10.________ (be) stable, one is increasing, and nine lack enough data.
Unit 2 Wildlife Protection
Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking
1./ 'li ɡl/ 2./'spi i z/ 3./ 'we (r)/ 4./k n's n/
5./ k'sti k n/ 6./ v 'si z/ 7./ k ntr 'bju n/
8./r sp ns 'b l ti/
1.illegal 2.species 3.aware 4.concern 5.extinction 6.overseas
7.contribution 8.responsibility
Example: habitat 1.poster 2.concern 3.downstairs 4.average
5.alarming 6.overseas 7.literary 8.investigate 9.contribution
10.archaeologist 11.refrigerator 12.responsibility
1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A
Text 1
W:Why don't you go to a dealer to check out the used cars
M:No, thanks. I'm sure I'll find an ad in the newspaper that suits me.
Text 2
M:Hi, Jane, Could you give me a ride I want to buy some food for the picnic.
W:OK. I'm going home but I can drop you at the supermarket.
Text 3
M:Have you heard that Nick Hornby's going to be at the City Nights Bookstore
W:Nick Hornby I love his books. What's he doing there
M:Giving a talk about his new novel How to Be Good.
Text 4
W:Nice weather we're having.
M:Yes. Isn't it a nice surprise At this time it's usually much cooler and raining already.
W:Well, this weather will probably end soon; all the leaves on the trees are brown, and it's been pretty cold at night.
Text 5
W:Is the book in this bag for Mum I didn't think she was interested in flowers.
M:I thought she'd like it — to give her some good ideas for the garden.
W:I thought you were going to get those gloves I showed you in that shop last Saturday.
1.①to hunt ②illegal ③illegal activities ④It is illegal to sell
2.①for ②for ③hunting ④is hunting for ⑤The hunt for
3.①immediately ②immediately ③immediately I arrive there 
④immediate action ⑤Come here as soon as you finish the work./Come here immediately you finish the work. ⑥immediately obvious
4.①alarming ②in ③for ④in
5.①at ②is rated ③at an average rate of ④at a/the rate of ⑤at a steady rate
6.①in danger of extinction ②is close to extinction ③preserve the whale from extinction
7.①is ②of ③masses ④The mass of teachers ⑤masses of work
⑥the masses
8.①became aware of ②weren't aware of/were unaware of ③raise awareness of ④of ⑤as ⑥awareness
9.①many endangered animals ②in danger of ③out of danger 
④endangers ⑤endangered ⑥to
10.①below ②above ③above average ④On average ⑤an average student
11.①使适合 ②改编 ③herself ④to ⑤adaptation ⑥from ⑦adapt to the new environment ⑧are often adapted for ⑨adopted a little dog ⑩has adopted
12.①measured ②measures ③measures ④take measures to ⑤made to your own measure ⑥measure his ability
13.①under ②pressure ③under the pressure of ④put pressure on you
1.①die out ②died away ③died down ④out ⑤out ⑥down ⑦down ⑧off
2.①on earth ②on earth ③on earth
3.①in ②made ③made some progress ④made slow progress
4.①concerned parents concerned about ②As far as I am concerned
③is concerned with ④concerned ⑤about ⑥about/for 
⑦with ⑧concerns ⑨concerning ⑩a
①that ②to predict ③to use
1.concerned 2.concerned 3.pressure 4.immediately 5.poster 6.illegal 7.habitats 8.extinction 9.measures 10.average
1.authorities 2.on 3.progress 4.alarmed 5.alarming 6.endangered
7.species 8.an 9.in 10.out
1.an average of 2.are concerned about 3.make a living 4.On average 5.made progress 6.adapt to 7.under pressure 8.dying out 9.on earth 10.are aware of
【语篇解读】 主题:人与自然(自然生态);话题:北极熊现状。本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了北极熊种群数量越来越少、需要保护的现状。
1.答案与解析:that 分析句子结构可知,所填词引导同位语从句,解释说明evidence的具体内容,从句中不缺少成分且意义完整,故用that引导。
2.答案与解析:poorly 修饰动词studied应用形容词poor的副词形式poorly。
3.答案与解析:of/for a method of/for doing sth.做某事的方法。
4.答案与解析:to perform 此处是“主语+be+adj.+不定式”结构,不定式用主动形式表示被动含义。
5.答案与解析:have reported 根据句中的时间状语“in recent years”可判断用现在完成时。
6.答案与解析:belief 根据空格前的不定冠词a可知,此处应填believe的名词形式belief(看法,信念)。
7.答案与解析:noting 介词后接动词时,应用其动名词形式。respond by doing sth.通过做某事回应。
8.答案与解析:higher 根据空格后的than可知,此处应用high的比较级形式higher。
9.答案与解析:the 此处特指确认的19个亚种群,故用定冠词the。
10.答案与解析:are 此处陈述客观事实,应用一般现在时;six指代six polar bear subpopulations,谓语动词用are。
Section Ⅱ Reading and Thinking
The air is thin and we have to rest several times on the short hike① from camp. To our left, snow-covered② mountains disappear into clouds that seem almost close enough to touch 【1】. On the plain③ in front of us, we can just make out④ a herd⑤ of graceful⑥ animals. This is why we're here—to observe⑦ Tibetan antelopes. 【2】
【2】该句是“This is why...”句型,why引导表语从句。“to observe Tibetan antelopes”是动词不定式,说明“到这儿来”的目的。
Tibetan antelopes live on the plains of Tibet, Xinjiang, and Qinghai. Watching them move slowly across the green grass 【3】, I'm struck by⑧ their beauty. I'm also reminded⑨ of the danger they are in. They are being hunted, illegally, for their valuable fur. 【4】
【3】此处是现在分词短语作时间状语。watch与主语I是逻辑主谓关系,与谓语动词表示的动作同时进行。Watching them move是“watch+宾语+宾补”结构,此处表示目睹了藏羚羊穿过草原的全过程,故用不带to的不定式move作宾补。
My guide is Zhaxi, a villager from Changtang. He works at the Changtang National Nature Reserve. The reserve is a shelter⑩ for the animals and plants for northwestern Tibet. To Zhaxi, the land is sacred and protecting the wildlife 【5】 is a way of life. “We're not trying to save the animals,” he says. “Actually, we're trying to save ourselves.”
【5】“protecting the wildlife”是v.-ing短语作主语,谓语动词应用单数形式。
The 1980s and 1990s were bad times for the Tibetan antelope. The population dropped by more than 50 percent. Hunters were shooting antelopes to make profits 【6】. Their habitats were becoming smaller as new roads and railways were built 【7】.
【6】不定式to make profits作目的状语。
In order to save this species from extinction, the Chinese government placed it under national protection . Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over the antelopes day and night to keep them safe from attacks 【8】. Bridges and gates were added to let the antelopes move easily and keep them safe from cars and trains.
【8】此处是不定式短语作目的状语。“keep them safe from attacks”是“keep+宾语+宾补”结构,形容词safe作宾补。
The measures were effective . The antelope population has recovered and in June 2015, the Tibetan antelope was removed from the endangered species list. The government, however, does not intend to stop the protection programmes, since the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared 【9】.
In the evening, I drink a cup of tea and watch the stars. I think about the antelopes and what Zhaxi told me. Much is being done to protect wildlife, but if we really want to save the planet, we must change our way of life. Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet. 【10】
①hike n.&v.(去……)远足,(做)徒步旅行
on the short hike在短途徒步旅行中
②snow-covered adj.被雪覆盖的
a man-made lake一个人工湖
a sunburnt face一张晒伤的脸
③plain/ple n/n.平原 adj.简单明了的;直率的;平凡的
plateau/'pl t /n.高原
④make out看清;听清;分清
⑤herd/h d/n.牧群;兽群
a herd of一群……
herds of成群的……
⑥graceful adj.优雅的,优美的
grace n.优雅,优美
⑦observe/ b'z v/vt.观察(到);注视;遵守
observation n.观察,注意;遵守
⑧be struck by被……打动;被……击中
⑨remind/r 'ma nd/vt.使想起;提醒
remind sb. of...使某人想起……
⑩shelter n.栖息之地;避难处;庇护 vt.为……提供庇护所,收容 vi.躲避(风雨或危险)
a shelter for...……的避难所
an animal shelter动物收容所
take shelter from...躲避……
sacred/'se kr d/adj.神圣的;受尊敬的
drop by降低了……
drop to降低到……
profit/'pr f t/n.利润;利益
make profits=make a profit赚取利润
place/put...under protection将……置于保护下
watch over保护;照管;监督
day and night日日夜夜
attack/ 't k/n., vi. & vt.攻击;抨击
effective/ 'fekt v/adj.有效的;生效的
effect n.影响;效果
have an effect on对……有影响
recover/r 'k v (r)/vi.恢复;康复 vt.找回;寻回
recover from...从……中恢复过来
remove/r 'mu v/vt.去除;移开;脱去
remove sth. from...把某物从……中/上除去
the endangered species list濒危物种名录
intend/ n'tend/vi. & vt.打算;计划;想要
intend to do sth.打算做某事
a threat to...对……的威胁threaten/'θretn/vt.威胁;危及
in harmony with与……和谐
stop doing sth.停止做某事
stop to do sth.停下(正在做的事)去做某事
1.Why did the author come to Tibet
A.To enjoy the beautiful scenery.
B.To save the endangered antelopes.
C.To observe Tibetan antelopes.
D.To do a scientific research.
2.Why did the population of antelopes drop so badly in the 1980s and 1990s
A.Because of the extreme climate.
B.Because of a serious disease.
C.Because of being hit by cars and trains.
D.Because of being hunted and the loss of their habitats.
3.What was done to protect the Tibetan antelopes
A.Moving them to a national zoo.
B.Watching over them and adding some bridges and gates.
C.Establishing a research centre to study them.
D.Limiting the number of tourists to the plain.
4.Why will the protection programmes of the antelope continue
A.Because its population is still decreasing.
B.Because they are still endangered animals.
C.The threat to them has still existed.
D.Because the former measures didn't work well.
5.How can we do to save the planet according to the author
A.To develop economy.
B.To improve education.
C.To study the planet.
D.To live in harmony with nature.
We are here in Tibet to observe Tibetan antelopes. They live on the plains of Tibet 1.________ the air is thin. Watching them move slowly across the green grass, I 2._________ (strike) by their beauty. But 3.________ 1980s and 1990s were bad times for the Tibetan antelopes when they were 4.________ (illegal) hunted for their valuable fur. Their habitats were becoming much 5.________ (small) because new roads and railways were built. As a result, the population of the Tibetan antelopes 6.________ (drop) by more than 50 percent. In order to save this species from 7.________ (extinct), the Chinese government took 8.________ (effect) measures to place it under national protection. Luckily, the antelope population has recovered. However, the government does not intend 9.________ (stop) the protection programmes, since the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared. Only when we learn to exist in harmony 10.________ nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.

am struck
to stop
1.reserve n.(动植物)保护区;储藏(量),保留,留出 vt.预订;预留;保留 reservation n.预订;保留
(教材P16)What do you know about the Tibetan antelope and the Changtang National Nature Reserve?你对藏羚羊和羌塘国家级自然保护区了解多少?
in reserve 储备,备用
a wildlife reserve 野生生物保护区
a nature reserve 自然保护区
keep some money in reserve 存一些钱备用
(2)vt. 预订;预留;保留
reserve sth. for sb./sth. 为某人/某物预订/保留某物
reserve one's judgement (on sth.) 保留某人(对某事)的看法
We always keep some money in reserve, just in case.我们总是备着一些钱以防万一。
I'd like to reserve a table for two.我想预订一张两人的餐桌。
These seats are reserved for special guests.这些座位是留给贵宾的。
I'd prefer to reserve my judgement until I know all the facts.
reserve a table for three
reserve a room for guests
reserve one's opinion on some points

reservation n.预订;保留
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①In the past people liked to keep cabbages ________ reserve for winter.
②“It's such a nice place,” Mother said as she sat at the table ________ (reserve) for customers.
③I'll call the restaurant and make a _________ (reserve).
④Keep a few pounds ________ (备用) to cover unexpected costs.
⑤I'd prefer to __________________ (保留我的看法) until I find all the clues.
in reserve
reserve my judgement
2.observe vt.观察(到);注视;遵守;庆祝 observation n.观察 observer n.观察者
(教材P16)This is why we're here—to observe Tibetan antelopes. 这就是我们来到此地的原因——观察藏羚羊。
observe vt.
observe carefully/closely 仔细地/密切地观察
observe sb. doing sth. 观察到某人正在做某事
observe sb. do sth. 观察到某人做某事
observe the law 遵守法律
observe the Spring Festival 庆祝春节
Children learn by observing adults.儿童通过观察成年人来学习。
I observed my father chatting with a stranger.
The police observed the author enter the bank.警察注意到那个作家进了银行。
We must observe the law.我们必须遵守法律。
observe Chinese new year.庆祝中国新年
observe sb. do sth.→sb. is observed to do sth.(主动不带to,被动要带to)
有类似用法的词:一“感”(feel);二“听”(hear,listen to);三“让”(make,let,have);四“看”(see,watch,observe,notice);半“帮助”(help)。
The woman was observed to follow him closely.

observation n.观察;监视
即学即练 写出句中observe的含义/单句语法填空
①Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still observe the traditional customs.________
②It is a tradition for the people here to observe the Spring Festival.________
③The scientist devoted most of his lifetime to observing the behaviour of the chimps.________
④The thief was observed to open the window and run away.________
⑤The policeman observed a car ________ (run) on the left of the road and stopped it.
⑥They were the result of years of careful __________ (observe), thought and study.
⑦The task of scientists is ________ (observe) and describe the world, not to try to control it.
to observe
3.beauty n.美;美人;美好的东西 beautiful adj.美丽的
(教材P16)...I'm struck by their beauty.……我被其美丽所震撼。
the beauty of the sunset/of poetry/of his singing落日/诗歌/他的歌声之美
an area of outstanding natural beauty

She was a beauty in her day.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①She had been ________ beauty in her day.
②—The great success the young scientist has made is admirable.
—I think he is ________ great success as a scientist.
③I don't think the experiment is ________ failure, because it has provided us with ________ valuable experience for future tests.
The show was _________________.
an immediate success
4.remind vt.提醒;使想起 reminder n.提醒的人或物;提醒;提示
(教材P16)I'm also reminded of the danger they are in.我也想到了它们所处的险境。
remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事
remind sb. of sb./sth. 使某人想起某人/某事
remind sb. that... 提醒某人……
These musicians are often reminded to form a band of their own.
Dancing reminds me I'm alive.
The phone boxes are making a comeback to remind people of a historical period.

与remind sb. of sth.结构相同的短语还有:
warn sb. of sth.提醒/警告某人某事
inform sb. of sth.通知某人某事
convince sb. of sth.使某人相信某事
cure sb. of sth. 治愈某人的疾病
rob sb. of sth.抢劫某人某物
rid sb. of sth.使某人摆脱某事
accuse sb. of sth.指控某人犯有……罪
suspect sb. of sth. 怀疑某人有……罪
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Mary, I reminded John ________ his promise to help you.
②My father reminded me ________ (set) off early in case I was stuck in traffic.
③Michael put up a picture of the man beside the bed to keep himself ________ (remind) of his own dreams.
④Those who smoke heavily should ______________________ (提醒自己注意健康), the bad smell and the feelings of other people.
⑤_______________ (提醒我买) some food tonight.
to set
remind themselves of health
Remind me to buy
5.attack n.,vi.&vt.攻击;抨击;进攻;(疾病)发作 attacker n.攻击者
(教材P16)Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over the antelopes day and night to keep them safe from attacks.
If you are under attack, will you make an attack on those who attack you
His speech was a powerful attack on the enemy.
have/suffer a heart attack心脏病发作
The judge said that it was not legal to attack other people with violence.
Our troops began to attack the enemy under the cover of darkness.
a disease that attacks the brain侵袭大脑的疾病
attack sb. with a knife持刀袭击某人
get attacked受到攻击
an article attacking the football team
现在分词短语作定语,修饰an article
make an attack on/against攻击;抨击
under attack受到攻击
have/suffer a heart attack心脏病发作
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The book is widely seen as an attack ________ the education system.
②The chance of ___________ (attack) by a shark is very little compared to other dangers.
③It is reported that the air force in that country is ________ attack.
④The planes ________________ (对……进行攻击) the city at midnight.
being attacked
made an attack on
6.shoot vt.&vi.(shot,shot)射杀;射伤;发射 shot n.射击;枪声
(教材P16)Hunters were shooting antelopes to make profits.猎人们为了谋利而射杀它们。
shoot at 向……射击(表示动作,不一定射中)
shoot sb. dead 开枪打死某人
shoot... in the head/back/leg 射中……的头部/背部/腿部
take a shot at(=shoot at) 朝……开枪
He shot at the bird with his gun but he didn't shoot it.他用枪打鸟但是没有打中。
He had been shot in the back while trying to escape.他在企图逃跑时被击中背部。
A woman was shot dead in a robbery.一名女子在一桩抢劫案中中枪身亡。
注意“shoot sb. in+the+身体部位”中,身体部位名词前用the。

shoot的过去分词shot也可作名词,其对应的短语take a shot可表示“开枪”“射门”或“拍照”。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①He ordered her to shoot ________ the apple with one of her arrows.
②The hunter said that he had shot the bear in ________ leg.
③I took ________ shot of the beautiful scenery in the desert.
④The criminal attempted to escape but ________ (shoot) in the leg and was caught by the police soon.
⑤An officer ________________ (头部中枪) during a robbery yesterday.
⑥Sometimes you should just jump in, and ____________ (射门).
was shot
was shot in the head
take a shot
7.profit n.利润;利益 profitable adj.有利润的;赢利的
(教材P16)Hunters were shooting antelopes to make profits.猎人们为了谋利而射杀它们。
make/earn a profit 赚取利润
at a profit 获利
be driven by profit
a big/huge profit
a quick profit 暴利
a good profit 可观的利润
a healthy/handsome/tidy profit
a small/modest profit 微薄的利润
make/turn/earn a profit 赚取利润
profit from/by...
If they can get the project, they will make higher profits.
The old man sold a precious vase at a profit.这个老人卖了一个稀世花瓶并获了利。
I have profited from the composer's advice.那位作曲家的建议对我很有好处。
We want to profit by renting our house to others.我们想把房子租给别人来赚钱。
non-profit adj.不以营利为目的的;非营利的
a non-profit organization非营利组织

profit from/by...短语中介词from或by后面通常跟动名词短语doing...来表示“受益”或“获利”的手段和方式。
这种用法的短语还有:make a living by doing...和get benefit from或benefit from doing...
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Once he earned ________ profit by selling electric appliances.
②We tried to profit ________ our mistakes.
③—Is the architect still living in the house he designed
—No. He sold it _________ (获利).
④We cannot make sure that your firm will surely ____________ (赚取利润) by developing software.
at a profit
make profits
8.effective adj.有效的;生效的 effectively adv.有效地
(教材P16)The measures were effective.这些措施效果明显。
be effective against 有抗……效力的
be effective from 从……起生效
an effective cure 有效的治疗方法
drugs that are effective against cancer 抗癌的有效药物
The medicine is effective against cancer.这种药物对治疗癌症有效。
Aspirin is a simple but highly effective treatment.使用阿司匹林是一种简单但高效的治疗方法。
I admire the effective use of colour in her paintings.我很欣赏她画作中的色彩运用效果。
(1)effect n.影响,结果
with effect有效地
in effect事实上;在实施中,有效
take effect生效,起作用
of no effect无效
have an effect on...对……有影响
put/bring sth. into effect实施计划;落实想法
come into effect(法律等)生效
have no/some/little/much effect on...对……没有/有些/几乎没有/有很大影响
(2)effectively adv.有效地
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
①Good books _________________ (对……有影响) me since my childhood.
②The new traffic rules __________________ (开始实施). Now, it is beginning to _________ (起作用).
③One of the most ________ (effect) ways to reduce stress is to talk about feelings with someone you trust.
④The medicine works more ________ (effective) if you drink some hot water after taking it.
⑤The new system will soon be put ________ effect.
have had an effect on
came into effect 
take effect
9.recover vi.恢复;康复(+from) vt.找回;寻回 recovery n.康复,恢复
(教材P16)The antelope population has recovered and in June, 2015, the Tibetan antelope was removed from the endangered species list.藏羚羊的数量已经恢复。2015年6月,藏羚羊被从濒危物种名单中删除。
(1)vi.康复,痊愈 vt.恢复(能力、知觉等)
recover from 从……中恢复过来
recover from a heart attack 从心脏病中康复
recover from the operation 手术后恢复
(3)recovery n. 恢复,痊愈;复得,找回
make a full recovery 完全康复
(4)uncover vt. 揭露;揭开
(5)discover vt. 发现
It will be at least three months before he can recover and return to work.
The boy is gradually recovering from his heart operation.心脏手术后,这个男孩渐渐地痊愈了。
He seemed upset but quickly recovered himself.他看起来心烦意乱,但很快静下心来。
He lost his credit card, but he recovered it at the railway station.
recover health恢复健康
recover one's sight恢复某人的视力
recover oneself恢复健康;镇静下来
recover consciousness恢复知觉make a quick/slow recovery恢复很快/缓慢
an economic recovery经济复苏

即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
①Jenny tried her best to ______________ (使自己镇定下来).
②He's in hospital, ______________ (正由……康复) a heart attack.
③With good treatment and care, Professor Smith unbelievably ____________________________________ (在一周内从心脏病中恢复过来).
④She recovered ________ her surprise, and answered calmly.
⑤To his parents' relief, the boy made a quick ________ (recover) after the operation.
⑥—Coach, can I continue with the training
—Sorry, you can't as you _______________ (not recover) from the knee injury.
recover herself
recovering from
recovered from a heart attack within a week
haven't recovered
10.remove vt.去除;移开;脱去 removal n.免职;移动;排除;搬迁 remover n.去除剂;搬运工;搬家公司
(教材P16)The antelope population has recovered and in June 2015, the Tibetan antelope was removed from the endangered species list.藏羚羊的数量已经恢复。2015年6月,藏羚羊从濒危物种名单中删除。
remove...from... 从……搬走……
remove...to... 把……搬到……
remove the dishes from the table 拿走桌子上的餐具
remove the painting to another wall 把画移到另一面墙上
(2)去除,清除,使消失(=get rid of)
remove...from... 从……去除,排除(污渍、不愉快的事物等);免除……的职务,开除
remove problems/obstacles/objections 解决问题/排除障碍/消除异议
remove one's doubt 消除某人的疑虑
The workers removed the chairs from the stage.工人们把椅子从舞台上搬走了。
The designer removed the painting to another wall.设计师把画移到了另一面墙上。
She has had the tumour removed.她已经将肿瘤切除了。
You'd better perform well to remove his doubt.你最好好好表现来消除他的疑虑。
(1)脱去(衣服等);摘下(帽子/眼镜等)=take off
Only after he removed his dark glasses did I recognize him.他摘掉墨镜后我才认出他来。
remove sb. from sth. 免除某人的……职务
He was removed from the post because he broke the rules and regulations of the company by design.
即学即练 写出句中remove的含义/单句语法填空
①Remove your clothes. It's too hot.________
②The news removed their doubts about the company's future.________
③Just before the flood came, some furniture and blankets in his house were removed to a higher place.__________
④I am sorry to tell you that she has been removed by our company.________
⑤You look so worried. You must remove yourself ________ pressure.
⑥He removed the table ________ another room.
⑦You'd better have the old statue ________ (remove).
11.intend vi.&vt.打算;计划;想要
(教材P16)The government, however, does not intend to stop the protection programmes, since the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared.然而,政府并没有打算停止这些保护项目,因为对藏羚羊的威胁依然存在。
intend sth. 想要某物
intend to do sth./doing sth.=be intended to do sth. 打算做某事
intend sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事
be intended for... 专供……使用;专为……而设计
intend+(that)从句 打算……
had intended to do 本打算做……
intend to study/studying abroad 打算出国留学
intend him to manage the company 打算让他经营该公司
They intend to launch a campaign to raise money.他们打算发起一场募捐活动。
The headmaster intended Jim to deliver a speech in front of the whole school.
The book is intended for teenagers.这本书是写给青少年的。
had intended to do sth.意为“本打算做某事”,表示过去未曾实现的愿望。有这种用法的词还有plan,hope,think,expect,mean等。
Peter had intended to take a job in business, but he gave up that plan later.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The designer intended ___________ (sell) the goods to make a profit.
②I realized that the book was intended ________ women in the countryside.
③I __________ (intend) to come, but was prevented by the bad weather.
④I didn't _______________ (打算让她知道) the design until it was finished.
⑤The book as well as the flowers ______________ (专为……准备) my mother, but my father thought they were for him and took them.
to sell/selling
had intended
intend her to know
was intended for
12.threat n.威胁
(教材P16)The government, however, does not intend to stop the protection programmes, since the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared.然而,政府并没有打算停止这些保护项目,因为对藏羚羊的威胁依然存在。
a threat to... 对……的威胁
make threats against sb. 对某人进行威胁
under threat from... 受到……的威胁;处于……的威胁之下
threats of violence 暴力威胁
be under threat of closure/attack 面临停业/攻击的威胁
represent/present/pose a threat(to sb./sth.) 对……构成威胁
The fighting is a major threat to safety in the region.
The endangered species are under threat due to overhunting.
I was threatened with dismissal if I didn't obey.我不服从就有被解雇的威胁。
The constructor threatened to stop the roadworks if the money wasn't paid off.
(1)threaten vt.威胁;危及
threatening adj.威胁的,恐吓的
threatened adj.受到威胁的
threaten sb. with...用……威胁某人
be threatened with受到……威胁
threaten to do sth.威胁做某事
threaten one's life危及某人的生命
(2)threatening adj.恐吓的,威胁的

a threatening letter恐吓信
feel threatened感觉受到威胁
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①He is unlikely to be a threat ________ the Spanish player in the final.
②The area remains ________ threat from commercial developers.
③David threatened ________ (report) his neighbour to the police if the damages were not paid.
④The old house seemed more __________ (threaten) in the cold light of the night.
⑤These ancient woodlands __________________ (受到……的威胁) new road developments.
⑥The boss ________________ (威胁要解雇地).
to report
are under threat from
threatened to fire her
13.exist vi.存在;生存
(教材P16)Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.
exist v.
exist in 存在于……(没有进行时形式)
exist on(=live on) 靠……生存
There exist(s)... 有……(there be句型的变式)
existence n. 存在;生存
existing adj. 现存的,现行的
come into existence/being 开始存在,出现(表示动作)
be in existence 存在(表示状态)
the existing laws 现行法律
The problem only exists in your head, Jane.这个问题不过是你的想象,简。
They can't exist on the money he's earning.他们靠他挣的那点钱无法维持生活。
There existed different opinions on the problem among architects.
There exist(s)...是there be句型的变体,有类似用法的动词还有lie,live,stand等。

existing adj.现存的,现行的
existence n.存在;(尤指不幸的)生活
come into existence开始存在,出现(=come into being)
be in existence存在
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
①It was impossible for them to __________ (靠……生存) such a small income.
②Scientists have many theories about how the universe first _____________________ (出现).
③__________________ (存在一个问题) nowadays that many young people don't intend to live with their parents.
④Tigers and lions exist ________ meat.
⑤Strange ideas existed ________ his mind.
⑥It is said that there ________ (exist) a mysterious creature in the depth of the lake.
⑦The huge iceberg came into ________ (exist) tens of thousands of years ago.
exist on
came into existence/being
There exists a problem
14.harmony n.和谐,一致;融洽
(教材P16)Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.
live/work in harmony 融洽地生活/工作
in harmony with... 与……协调/一致
out of harmony with... 与……不协调
the harmony of sea and sky 水天一色
an age of peace and harmony 和平共处的时代
The couple lives in perfect harmony.这对夫妇和睦相处。
They gradually realised the need to be in harmony with the environment.
①The violin was out of harmony with the rest of the instruments after I tried it out.
②Only in this way can we live in harmony with nature.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①His ideas were no longer in harmony ________ ours.
②His suggestions are _______________ (与……协调) the aim of this project.
③Human life is regarded as part of nature and, as such, the only way for us to survive is to _________________ (与……和谐相处) nature.
in harmony with
live in harmony with
1.make out看清;听清;分清
(教材P16)On the plain in front of us, we can just make out a herd of graceful animals.
make up 组成,构成
make up for 弥补,补偿
make it 及时到达;取得成功
make up one's mind 下定决心
make room for 为……腾地方
make use of 利用
give out用完;分发;放出(光、热等)
carry out执行,履行
pick out精心挑选;辨别出
point out指出
break out(战争、火灾、疾病等)爆发
work out解决;思考;锻炼身体
find out找到;弄清;查明
I couldn't make out why she always gave way to him every time they quarreled.
They were talking in a low voice, so I couldn't make out what they were saying.
The feast is not as superb as people make out.宴会并不像人们说的那样好。
James took the books off the little table to make room for the television.
I want to make it as a writer.我想在写作上获得成功。
We will make good use of our time.我们将好好利用我们的时间。
即学即练 写出句中make out的含义/单句语法填空/完成句子
①It was difficult to make out the manager's handwriting.________
②The couple made out that they had been living in Paris all year.________
③His writing is so confusing that it's difficult to make ________ what he is trying to express.
④In some language, 100 words make ________ half of all words used in daily communication.
⑤Caroline doesn't have a talent for music, but she makes up ________ it with effort.
⑥She was a strange sort of person; I couldn't ____________ (理解她).
I _________ regularly to keep fit.
Why did Bridges _________ the project
make her out
work out
carry out
2.watch over保护;照管;监督
(教材P16)Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over the antelopes day and night to keep them safe from attacks.扎西和其他志愿者日夜看护着藏羚羊,保护它们免受攻击。
watch over the houses 照看房子
watch over the children 照看孩子
watch over the city 守护城市
be watched over by policemen 由警察看守
watch out(=look out) 小心,当心
watch out for 密切注意,留意;小心;当心
keep a close watch on 严密监视
Soldiers arrived to watch over the city.士兵们赶来守护这座城市。
They volunteer to watch over the old in their spare time.
They were watched over by three policemen.他们由三名警察看守着。
take care of/look after/see to/care for/attend to
watch out/look out小心,当心
watch out for密切注意,留意;小心;当心
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①In some countries poisonous snakes can be used to watch ________ the jewels in the shops at night.
②Watch ________! This is a very busy road.
③It's fantastic to swim in the sea, but you have to watch out ________ sharks.
④I will be on business for a week. Will you _______________________ (照看) my dog for me while I am away
⑤My partner reminded me to ___________ (提防) thieves on the bus.
watch over/take care of/look after
watch out for
3.day and night日日夜夜;夜以继日
(教材P16)Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over the antelopes day and night to keep them safe from attacks.扎西和其他志愿者日夜看护着藏羚羊,保护它们免受攻击。
up and down 上上下下;来来往往;到处
now and then 时而;不时
back and forth 来来回回
in and out 进进出出
here and there 到处;在各地;零散地
Joe struggled day and night, but it did not work—until one stormy afternoon.
My grandfather still plays tennis now and then, even though he's in his nineties.
(1)watch over照看;照顾
Could you watch over my things until I come back?
keep sb. warm给某人保暖
keep sb. in/out别让某人出去/进来
keep sb. in the room让某人待在屋里
keep sb. doing sth.让某人持续做……
keep sth. done使某事被做
I kept the room cleaned by the cleaners always.我总是让清洁人员随时清理这个房间。
即学即练 用back and forth, now and then, here and there, in and out, up and down完成句子。
①The butterfly was flying ___________ among the roses.
②The teacher walked _____________ in his office thinking about how to solve the problem.
③Trains are thundering __________ all the time at a subway station.
④Papers were scattered ____________ on the floor.
⑤He could only understand a word ____________.
⑥I worked out in the morning ____________ to keep my body fit.
⑦I could see the branches of the trees moving ____________.
up and down
back and forth
in and out
here and there
here and there
now and then
back and forth
4.used to do过去常常;过去曾经(而现在不再)
(教材P17)Herds of elephants used to live on the plains of Africa...成群的大象过去生活在非洲平原……
be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事(to是介词)
be used to do sth. 被用来做某事(被动语态)
He used to overlook the small detail like that.他过去常忽略那样的小细节。
He usedn't/didn't use to play badminton.他过去不常打羽毛球。
You used to win medals in marathon, usedn't/didn't you
used to通常不与表示具体次数或一段时间的词语(如twice, three times, for three months, for five years等)连用,但是可以与always, often等表示经常性意义的副词连用。
I used to go to Paris three times.(×)
I used to live in the country for three years.(×)
I always used to be afraid of dogs.(√)

used to构成否定式和疑问式时通常有两种方式,即借助于助动词did或直接将used用作助动词。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①I used ________ (visit) the gallery where the art works by famous painters were displayed.
②Wood is often used ________ (make) desks and chairs.
③She is used to ________ (live) in the countryside now.
④He ___________ (曾经住在) in a town near the desert.
⑤He ___________ (过去不) live in harmony with his brother.
⑥The endangered species ______________ (习惯于住在) in their new habitat.
⑦Some people believe that sharks' skins can ______________ (被用来制作) handbags, which I think is rather cruel.
to visit
to make
used to live
didn't use to
are used to living
be used to make
1.This/That is why...这/那就是为什么……(why引导表语从句)
(教材P16)This is why we're here—to observe Tibetan antelopes.
He was ill. That was why he was sent to the hospital.
Tom was late for work this morning. That was because he was stuck in traffic.
The reason why Tom was late for work this morning was that he was stuck in traffic.
(1)That/This/It is why+结果 那/这就是为什么……(why引导表语从句)
(2)That/This/It is because+原因
(3)The reason (why...) is that...(……的)原因是……(why引导定语从句,that引导表语从句)
即学即练 单句语法填空
①That's ________ I help brighten people's days. If you don't, who's to say that another person will
②The frogs in this area often go hungry. That's ________ the insects they exist on are on the decrease.
③Jack didn't take part in the sports meeting. That was ________ he fell ill suddenly.
=Jack fell ill suddenly. That was ________ he didn't take part in the sports meeting.
=Jack didn't take part in the sports meeting. The reason was ________ he fell ill suddenly.
(教材P16)Watching them move slowly across the green grass, I'm struck by their beauty.
Watching them move slowly across the green grass是现在分词短语,作时间状语。
Having persuaded him to change his mind, I went on a journey with him.
Being ill, the athlete couldn't take part in the marathon.
Turning right, you will find the stadium where we train.
Knowing all this, they made me pay for the damage.
The mother died, leaving a lot of money for her children.
He sat at the table, reading China Daily.他坐在桌子旁看《中国日报》。
Not recovering from the operation, I couldn't keep up with you.

He hurried to the station, only to find the train had left.他匆忙赶到车站,结果却发现火车已经开走了。
即学即练 单句语法填空
①The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment, ________ (allow) more patients to be treated.
②Newly-built wooden cottages line the street, ________ (turn) the old town into a dreamland.
③The cooling wind swept through our bedroom windows, ________ (make) air conditioning unnecessary.
④Like ancient sailors, birds can find their way ________ (use) the sun and the stars.
⑤Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only ________ (find) it didn't fit.
⑥They'll come rushing in, ________ (say) their handbag's been stolen.
⑦A city is the product of the human hand and mind, ________ (reflect) man's intelligence and creativity.
⑧The national park has a large collection of wildlife, ________ (range) from butterflies to elephants.
to find
(教材P16)Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.只有学会和自然和谐相处,我们才不会成为野生生物和地球的威胁。
[句式分析] 该句中only后接when引导的时间状语从句,此时主句应使用部分倒装。
Only then did I recognize him.直到那时我才认出他。
Only in this way can we calm the little girl down.
Only when he told me about it, did I know details of his trip.
Only when he is seriously ill does he ever stay in hospital.
The boy was rescued only when his father arrived in a hurry.
Only I am the right person you can turn to.只有我才是你可以求助的人。
即学即练 完成句子/句式提升
①Only then __________(他才知道) how much damage had been caused.
②Only by talking face to face ___________________ (我们才能有机会) to persuade him to change his mind.
③Only when Lily walked into the office ____________ (她才意识到) that she had left the contract at home.
④Only when you can find peace in your heart ____________ (你才能维持) good relationships with others.
⑥His company began to make profits only when his father came to help him.(改为倒装句)
did he know
can we have the chance
did she realize
will you keep
Only I am the person you can turn to.
Only when his father came to help him did his company begin to make profits.
4.as long as只要(引导条件状语从句)
(教材P17)However, the attack on them will continue as long as interest in buying elephant products exists.然而,只要购买大象产品的利益存在,这种对大象的攻击就会继续。
[句式分析] 句中as long as引导条件状语从句。as long as也可以用作so long as。如:As/So long as you promise to come, I'll wait for you until you come.只要你答应,我就等到你来。(as/so long as=only if)
Providing/Supposing/Given/Provided (that) you promise not to tell anyone else, I'll explain the secret to you.只要你保证不告诉任何人,我就把这个秘密告诉你。
In case it rains, do not expect me.如若下雨,就不要等我了。
引导条件状语从句的引导词有if, unless, as/long as, once, in case, on condition that, supposing (that), providing (that), provided (that), given (that)等。
即学即练 完成句子
Jim says we can stay in his house________________________ we leave it clean and tidy.
We will go ________________________ the weather is good.
Daddy didn't mind what we were doing, ________________________ we were together, having fun.
___________ I know the money is safe, I shall not worry about it.
as/so long as或on condition that
as/so long as或on condition that
as/so long as或on condition that
As/So long as
1.Why on earth do the hunters ________ (射杀) these animals
2.The volunteers ________ (拆除) traps to protect animals from being attacked.
3.Some wild animals are endangered and their habitats have been ________ (威胁).
4.Tibetan antelopes have faced a threat and it's difficult for them to ________ (生存).
5.They are aware of the importance of ________ (和谐) between man and nature.
6.There is a poster in the nature ________ (保护区) that reads: Stop hunting immediately.
7.In the habitats they ________ (观察) the daily activities of wild animals day and night.
8.On the ________ (平原) in front of us, we can just make out a herd of sheep.
9.________ (鲸) are very large mammals that live in the sea.
10.________ (美丽) is the state or quality of being beautiful.
make out, remind... of ..., watch over, day and night, make a profit, save... from..., in harmony with, remove...from..., (be) made from, in peace
1.They observe the daily activities of wild animals _____________.
2.We must change our way of life and learn to exist ______________ nature.
3.We should not buy goods __________ endangered animals.
4.You look so worried. You must ________ yourself ______ pressure.
5.The government makes sure that wild animals can live ________.
day and night
in harmony with
made from
in peace
6.They intend to recover the lost animals and _______ people ______ its importance.
7.Hunters were shooting antelopes to ____________.
8.On the plain in the distance, we can just ________ a herd of graceful animals.
9.To ______ this species _______ extinction, the Chinese government placed it under national protection.
10.The volunteers ____________ the antelopes to keep them safe from attacks.
make a profit
make out
watched over
1.Watch out ________ injuries while exercising. Always stop as soon as you begin to feel any pain.
2.Scientists have found that all kinds of plants give out VOCs when being ________ (attack).
1.答案与解析:for watch out for注意,当心。句意:运动时要小心受伤。一旦你开始感到疼痛,就立即停止。
2.答案与解析:attacked “when+doing”是一种省略结构,主语all kinds of plants与attack之间是被动关系,故用attacked。句意:科学家发现,各种植物在受到攻击时都会释放出挥发性有机化合物。
3.Favorable policies are ________ effect to encourage employees' professional development.
4.In these places patients can go to be near nature during their ________ (recover).
5.When fat and salt ________ (remove) from food, the food tastes as if it is missing something.
3.答案与解析:in in effect在实施中,有效。句意:优惠政策有效地鼓励了员工的职业发展。
4.答案与解析:recovery 形容词性物主代词their后用名词形式。句意:在这些地方,病人在康复期间可以接近大自然。
5.答案与解析:are removed 主语fat and salt与remove之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。主句用了现在时,从句也要相应地用现在时。句意:当除去食物中的脂肪和盐时,食物会尝起来好像少了些什么。
1.We were told that our rooms hadn't ________ (reserve) for that week, but for the week after.
2.Kate heard a man's voice in the background, but she couldn't make ________ what he was saying.
3.Most of us ________ (observe) much more as children than we do as adults.
1.答案与解析:been reserved 主语our rooms与动词reserve之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。句意:我们被告知我们的房间不是预订的那一周,而是再下一周。
2.答案与解析:out make out听清,看清,分清。句意:凯特听到背景中有一个男人的声音,但她听不清他在说什么。
3.答案与解析:observed 空格处指的是小时候的事,要用一般过去时。句意:我们大多数人在孩童时期的观察要比成年时多得多。
4.The phone boxes are making a comeback to remind people ________ a historical period.
5.It can be concluded that restaurant keepers need not “be overly concerned about ‘bad’ tables,” given that they're ________ (profit).
4.答案与解析:of remind sb. of sth.提醒某人想起某事。句意:电话亭正在卷土重来,以提醒人们一个历史时期。
5.答案与解析:profitable 形容词作表语。句意:可以得出结论,餐厅老板不需要“过分担心差餐位”,因为它们是能带来利润的。
1.But when Dennis Williams received a text that clearly wasn't intended ________ him, he did something special.
2.The loss of glaciers (冰川) there due to global warming represents an enormous threat ________ agriculture.
3.A lot of business is still done over the phone, and much of it is based on trust and ________ (exist) relationships.
1.答案与解析:for be intended for供……使用,专为……而设计。句意:但是当丹尼斯·威廉姆斯收到一封明显不是给他的短信时,他做了一些特别的事情。
2.答案与解析:to a threat to...对……的威胁。句意:由全球变暖导致的冰川消失对农业构成了巨大的威胁。
3.答案与解析:existing 形容词existing(现有的)修饰名词relationships。句意:许多业务仍然是通过电话完成的,其中大部分是基于信任和现有的关系。
4.Best of all, humor raises your energy, and that can have an effect ________ everything you do at school, at work, or in your personal life.
5.Wildlife ________ greatly ________ (threaten) in the modern age. There are species(物种) that are disappearing every day.
4.答案与解析:on have an effect on...对……有影响。句意:最重要的是,幽默能提升你的精力,这会对你在学校、工作或个人生活中的每件事产生影响。
5.答案与解析:has been, threatened 主语wildlife与threaten之间是被动关系,要用被动语态。另外,句子也强调谓语动作对现在的影响,要用完成时,故填完成时的被动语态。句意:野生动物在现代受到了极大的威胁。有些物种每天都在消失。
1.________ (understand) her good intentions(打算),I eat all the food that is provided by Mom with appreciation.
2.This is ________ there is a saying that if you want something done, ask a busy person to do it.
3.His teacher, Thomas Whaley, is next to him, ________ (whisper) support.
1.答案与解析:Understanding 主语I与understand之间是主动关系,故用现在分词作状语。句意:出于对妈妈好意的理解,我满怀感激地吃着她提供的所有食物。
2.答案与解析:why This is why...这就是……的原因,why引导表语从句。句意:这就是为什么有这么一种说法,如果你想让某事被做完,让一个忙碌的人去做。
3.答案与解析:whispering 现在分词短语作状语。句意:他的老师托马斯·威利就在他旁边,低语帮助。
4.In order to save this species ________ extinction, we must take effective measures.
5.The nature reserve is intended ________ giant pandas; it will be their habitat.
4.答案与解析:from save... from... “救……免受……”。
5.答案与解析:for be intended for... “为……准备的”。
The jaguar(美洲豹) is the largest cat in the Americas. A hundred years ago,jaguars 1.________ (find) everywhere from the southwestern United States to Argentina, in South America. Today, jaguars are an endangered species throughout their 2.________ (nature) habitat and have been lost from 50 percent of their territory (领土). Today they live 3.________ (most) in the Amazon rainforest.
1.答案与解析:were found jaguars与find之间是被动关系,应用被动语态。由时间状语“a hundred years ago”可知应用一般过去时。故本题应使用一般过去时的被动语态。
2.答案与解析:natural 形容词natural作定语修饰名词habitat。
3.答案与解析:mostly 副词mostly修饰谓语动词live,表示“主要地”。
And jaguars aren't the only animals losing their homes—according 4.________ the International Union for Conservation of Nature, habitat loss 5.________ (be) the main threat to about 85 percent of all endangered plant and animal species.
Tropical (热带的) rainforests cover only about 7 percent of Earth's land, but they're home to about half of all known plant and animal species. Most 6.________ (scientist) agree that about 80, 000 acres
4.答案与解析:to according to按照,根据……所说,固定搭配。
5.答案与解析:is 设空处所在句描述现在的情况,应用一般现在时,因为主语是habitat loss,故填is。
6.答案与解析:scientists 设空处作主语,表示“科学家”,因为scientist是可数名词,由Most及谓语动词agree可知,此处应填scientists。
(an acre is equal to 4, 047 square metres) disappear every day when trees are cut down and land is cleared for farms.Trees also play 7.________ important role in climate change. Fewer forests mean that more greenhouse gases remain 8.________ (trap) in the atmosphere, the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth.
7.答案与解析:an play an important role in...意为“在……方面起重要作用”,固定短语。
8.答案与解析:trapped greenhouse gases与trap之间是被动关系,故填过去分词trapped作表语。
Grasslands, underwater habitats, and wetlands are also at risk. For example, the World Wildlife Fund reports that about half of the world's wetlands 9.________ (disappear) since a hundred years ago as a result of being drained (排水) for either farmland 10.________ other industries. That means less space for animals to feed and raise their young.
9.答案与解析:have disappeared 时间状语“since a hundred years ago”表明句子应使用现在完成时。主语half of the world's wetlands是复数形式,故助动词用have。
10.答案与解析:or  either...or...意为“或者……或者……”,固定搭配。Section Ⅱ Reading and Thinking
The air is thin and we have to rest several times on the short hike① from camp. To our left, snow-covered② mountains disappear into clouds that seem almost close enough to touch 【1】. On the plain③ in front of us, we can just make out④ a herd⑤ of graceful⑥ animals. This is why we're here—to observe⑦ Tibetan antelopes. 【2】
【2】该句是“This is why...”句型,why引导表语从句。“to observe Tibetan antelopes”是动词不定式,说明“到这儿来”的目的。
Tibetan antelopes live on the plains of Tibet, Xinjiang, and Qinghai. Watching them move slowly across the green grass 【3】, I'm struck by⑧ their beauty. I'm also reminded⑨ of the danger they are in. They are being hunted, illegally, for their valuable fur. 【4】
【3】此处是现在分词短语作时间状语。watch与主语I是逻辑主谓关系,与谓语动词表示的动作同时进行。Watching them move是“watch+宾语+宾补”结构,此处表示目睹了藏羚羊穿过草原的全过程,故用不带to的不定式move作宾补。
My guide is Zhaxi, a villager from Changtang. He works at the Changtang National Nature Reserve. The reserve is a shelter⑩ for the animals and plants for northwestern Tibet. To Zhaxi, the land is sacred and protecting the wildlife 【5】 is a way of life. “We're not trying to save the animals,” he says. “Actually, we're trying to save ourselves.”
【5】“protecting the wildlife”是v.-ing短语作主语,谓语动词应用单数形式。
The 1980s and 1990s were bad times for the Tibetan antelope. The population dropped by more than 50 percent. Hunters were shooting antelopes to make profits 【6】. Their habitats were becoming smaller as new roads and railways were built 【7】.
【6】不定式to make profits作目的状语。
In order to save this species from extinction, the Chinese government placed it under national protection . Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over the antelopes day and night to keep them safe from attacks 【8】. Bridges and gates were added to let the antelopes move easily and keep them safe from cars and trains.
【8】此处是不定式短语作目的状语。“keep them safe from attacks”是“keep+宾语+宾补”结构,形容词safe作宾补。
The measures were effective . The antelope population has recovered and in June 2015, the Tibetan antelope was removed from the endangered species list. The government, however, does not intend to stop the protection programmes, since the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared 【9】.
In the evening, I drink a cup of tea and watch the stars. I think about the antelopes and what Zhaxi told me. Much is being done to protect wildlife, but if we really want to save the planet, we must change our way of life. Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet. 【10】
①hike n.&v.(去……)远足,(做)徒步旅行
on the short hike在短途徒步旅行中
②snow-covered adj.被雪覆盖的
a man-made lake一个人工湖
a sunburnt face一张晒伤的脸
③plain/ple n/n.平原 adj.简单明了的;直率的;平凡的
plateau/'pl t /n.高原
④make out看清;听清;分清
⑤herd/h d/n.牧群;兽群
a herd of一群……
herds of成群的……
⑥graceful adj.优雅的,优美的
grace n.优雅,优美
⑦observe/ b'z v/vt.观察(到);注视;遵守
observation n.观察,注意;遵守
⑧be struck by被……打动;被……击中
⑨remind/r 'ma nd/vt.使想起;提醒
remind sb. of...使某人想起……
⑩shelter n.栖息之地;避难处;庇护 vt.为……提供庇护所,收容 vi.躲避(风雨或危险)
a shelter for...……的避难所
an animal shelter动物收容所
take shelter from...躲避……
sacred/'se kr d/adj.神圣的;受尊敬的
drop by降低了……
drop to降低到……
profit/'pr f t/n.利润;利益
make profits=make a profit赚取利润
place/put...under protection将……置于保护下
watch over保护;照管;监督
day and night日日夜夜
attack/ 't k/n., vi. & vt.攻击;抨击
effective/ 'fekt v/adj.有效的;生效的
effect n.影响;效果
have an effect on对……有影响
recover/r 'k v (r)/vi.恢复;康复 vt.找回;寻回
recover from...从……中恢复过来
remove/r 'mu v/vt.去除;移开;脱去
remove sth. from...把某物从……中/上除去
the endangered species list濒危物种名录
intend/ n'tend/vi. & vt.打算;计划;想要
intend to do sth.打算做某事
a threat to...对……的威胁threaten/'θretn/vt.威胁;危及
in harmony with与……和谐
stop doing sth.停止做某事
stop to do sth.停下(正在做的事)去做某事
1.Why did the author come to Tibet
A.To enjoy the beautiful scenery.
B.To save the endangered antelopes.
C.To observe Tibetan antelopes.
D.To do a scientific research.
2.Why did the population of antelopes drop so badly in the 1980s and 1990s
A.Because of the extreme climate.
B.Because of a serious disease.
C.Because of being hit by cars and trains.
D.Because of being hunted and the loss of their habitats.
3.What was done to protect the Tibetan antelopes
A.Moving them to a national zoo.
B.Watching over them and adding some bridges and gates.
C.Establishing a research centre to study them.
D.Limiting the number of tourists to the plain.
4.Why will the protection programmes of the antelope continue
A.Because its population is still decreasing.
B.Because they are still endangered animals.
C.The threat to them has still existed.
D.Because the former measures didn't work well.
5.How can we do to save the planet according to the author
A.To develop economy.
B.To improve education.
C.To study the planet.
D.To live in harmony with nature.
We are here in Tibet to observe Tibetan antelopes. They live on the plains of Tibet 1.________ the air is thin. Watching them move slowly across the green grass, I 2.________ (strike) by their beauty. But 3.________ 1980s and 1990s were bad times for the Tibetan antelopes when they were 4.________ (illegal) hunted for their valuable fur. Their habitats were becoming much 5.________ (small) because new roads and railways were built. As a result, the population of the Tibetan antelopes 6.________ (drop) by more than 50 percent. In order to save this species from 7.________ (extinct), the Chinese government took 8.________ (effect) measures to place it under national protection. Luckily, the antelope population has recovered. However, the government does not intend 9.________ (stop) the protection programmes, since the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared. Only when we learn to exist in harmony 10.________ nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.
1.reserve n.(动植物)保护区;储藏(量),保留,留出 vt.预订;预留;保留 reservation n.预订;保留
(教材P16)What do you know about the Tibetan antelope and the Changtang National Nature Reserve?你对藏羚羊和羌塘国家级自然保护区了解多少?
in reserve 储备,备用
a wildlife reserve 野生生物保护区
a nature reserve 自然保护区
keep some money in reserve 存一些钱备用
(2)vt. 预订;预留;保留
reserve sth. for sb./sth. 为某人/某物预订/保留某物
reserve one's judgement (on sth.) 保留某人(对某事)的看法
reserve a table for three
reserve a room for guests
reserve one's opinion on some points
reservation n.预订;保留
We always keep some money in reserve, just in case.我们总是备着一些钱以防万一。
I'd like to reserve a table for two.我想预订一张两人的餐桌。
These seats are reserved for special guests.这些座位是留给贵宾的。
I'd prefer to reserve my judgement until I know all the facts.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①In the past people liked to keep cabbages ________ reserve for winter.
②“It's such a nice place,” Mother said as she sat at the table ________ (reserve) for customers.
③I'll call the restaurant and make a ________ (reserve).
④Keep a few pounds ________ (备用) to cover unexpected costs.
⑤I'd prefer to __________________________ (保留我的看法) until I find all the clues.
2.observe vt.观察(到);注视;遵守;庆祝 observation n.观察 observer n.观察者
(教材P16)This is why we're here—to observe Tibetan antelopes. 这就是我们来到此地的原因——观察藏羚羊。
observe vt.
observe carefully/closely 仔细地/密切地观察
observe sb. doing sth. 观察到某人正在做某事
observe sb. do sth. 观察到某人做某事
observe the law 遵守法律
observe the Spring Festival 庆祝春节
Children learn by observing adults.儿童通过观察成年人来学习。
I observed my father chatting with a stranger.
The police observed the author enter the bank.警察注意到那个作家进了银行。
We must observe the law.我们必须遵守法律。
observe Chinese new year.庆祝中国新年
observe sb. do sth.→sb. is observed to do sth.(主动不带to,被动要带to)
有类似用法的词:一“感”(feel);二“听”(hear,listen to);三“让”(make,let,have);四“看”(see,watch,observe,notice);半“帮助”(help)。
The woman was observed to follow him closely.
observation n.观察;监视
即学即练 写出句中observe的含义/单句语法填空
①Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still observe the traditional customs.________
②It is a tradition for the people here to observe the Spring Festival.________
③The scientist devoted most of his lifetime to observing the behaviour of the chimps.________
④The thief was observed to open the window and run away.________
⑤The policeman observed a car ________ (run) on the left of the road and stopped it.
⑥They were the result of years of careful ________ (observe), thought and study.
⑦The task of scientists is ________ (observe) and describe the world, not to try to control it.
3.beauty n.美;美人;美好的东西 beautiful adj.美丽的
(教材P16)...I'm struck by their beauty.……我被其美丽所震撼。
the beauty of the sunset/of poetry/of his singing落日/诗歌/他的歌声之美
an area of outstanding natural beauty
She was a beauty in her day.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①She had been ________ beauty in her day.
②—The great success the young scientist has made is admirable.
—I think he is ________ great success as a scientist.
③I don't think the experiment is ________ failure, because it has provided us with ________ valuable experience for future tests.
The show was ________________________.
4.remind vt.提醒;使想起 reminder n.提醒的人或物;提醒;提示
(教材P16)I'm also reminded of the danger they are in.我也想到了它们所处的险境。
remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事
remind sb. of sb./sth. 使某人想起某人/某事
remind sb. that... 提醒某人……
与remind sb. of sth.结构相同的短语还有:
warn sb. of sth.提醒/警告某人某事
inform sb. of sth.通知某人某事
convince sb. of sth.使某人相信某事
cure sb. of sth. 治愈某人的疾病
rob sb. of sth.抢劫某人某物
rid sb. of sth.使某人摆脱某事
accuse sb. of sth.指控某人犯有……罪
suspect sb. of sth. 怀疑某人有……罪
These musicians are often reminded to form a band of their own.
Dancing reminds me I'm alive.
The phone boxes are making a comeback to remind people of a historical period.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Mary, I reminded John ________ his promise to help you.
②My father reminded me ________ (set) off early in case I was stuck in traffic.
③Michael put up a picture of the man beside the bed to keep himself ________ (remind) of his own dreams.
④Those who smoke heavily should ________________________________ (提醒自己注意健康), the bad smell and the feelings of other people.
⑤________________________ (提醒我买) some food tonight.
5.attack n.,vi.&vt.攻击;抨击;进攻;(疾病)发作 attacker n.攻击者
(教材P16)Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over the antelopes day and night to keep them safe from attacks.
If you are under attack, will you make an attack on those who attack you
His speech was a powerful attack on the enemy.
have/suffer a heart attack心脏病发作
The judge said that it was not legal to attack other people with violence.
Our troops began to attack the enemy under the cover of darkness.
a disease that attacks the brain侵袭大脑的疾病
attack sb. with a knife持刀袭击某人
get attacked受到攻击
an article attacking the football team
现在分词短语作定语,修饰an article
make an attack on/against攻击;抨击
under attack受到攻击
have/suffer a heart attack心脏病发作
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The book is widely seen as an attack ________ the education system.
②The chance of ________ (attack) by a shark is very little compared to other dangers.
③It is reported that the air force in that country is ________ attack.
④The planes ________________________________ (对……进行攻击) the city at midnight.
6.shoot vt.&vi.(shot,shot)射杀;射伤;发射 shot n.射击;枪声
(教材P16)Hunters were shooting antelopes to make profits.猎人们为了谋利而射杀它们。
shoot at 向……射击(表示动作,不一定射中)
shoot sb. dead 开枪打死某人
shoot... in the head/back/leg 射中……的头部/背部/腿部
take a shot at(=shoot at) 朝……开枪
He shot at the bird with his gun but he didn't shoot it.他用枪打鸟但是没有打中。
He had been shot in the back while trying to escape.他在企图逃跑时被击中背部。
A woman was shot dead in a robbery.一名女子在一桩抢劫案中中枪身亡。
注意“shoot sb. in+the+身体部位”中,身体部位名词前用the。
shoot的过去分词shot也可作名词,其对应的短语take a shot可表示“开枪”“射门”或“拍照”。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①He ordered her to shoot ________ the apple with one of her arrows.
②The hunter said that he had shot the bear in ________ leg.
③I took ________ shot of the beautiful scenery in the desert.
④The criminal attempted to escape but ________ (shoot) in the leg and was caught by the police soon.
⑤An officer ________________________________________ (头部中枪) during a robbery yesterday.
⑥Sometimes you should just jump in, and ____________________________ (射门).
7.profit n.利润;利益 profitable adj.有利润的;赢利的
(教材P16)Hunters were shooting antelopes to make profits.猎人们为了谋利而射杀它们。
make/earn a profit 赚取利润
at a profit 获利
be driven by profit 受到利益驱使
a big/huge profit 巨额利润
a quick profit 暴利
a good profit 可观的利润
a healthy/handsome/tidy profit 一大笔利润
a small/modest profit 微薄的利润
make/turn/earn a profit 赚取利润
profit from/by... 从……中受益;靠……获利
non-profit adj.不以营利为目的的;非营利的
a non-profit organization非营利组织
profit from/by...短语中介词from或by后面通常跟动名词短语doing...来表示“受益”或“获利”的手段和方式。
这种用法的短语还有:make a living by doing...和get benefit from或benefit from doing...
If they can get the project, they will make higher profits.
The old man sold a precious vase at a profit.这个老人卖了一个稀世花瓶并获了利。
I have profited from the composer's advice.那位作曲家的建议对我很有好处。
We want to profit by renting our house to others.我们想把房子租给别人来赚钱。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Once he earned ________ profit by selling electric appliances.
②We tried to profit ________ our mistakes.
③—Is the architect still living in the house he designed
—No. He sold it ________________________ (获利).
④We cannot make sure that your firm will surely ________________________ (赚取利润) by developing software.
8.effective adj.有效的;生效的 effectively adv.有效地
(教材P16)The measures were effective.这些措施效果明显。
be effective against 有抗……效力的
be effective from 从……起生效
an effective cure 有效的治疗方法
drugs that are effective against cancer 抗癌的有效药物
The medicine is effective against cancer.这种药物对治疗癌症有效。
Aspirin is a simple but highly effective treatment.使用阿司匹林是一种简单但高效的治疗方法。
I admire the effective use of colour in her paintings.我很欣赏她画作中的色彩运用效果。
(1)effect n.影响,结果
with effect有效地
in effect事实上;在实施中,有效
take effect生效,起作用
of no effect无效
have an effect on...对……有影响
put/bring sth. into effect实施计划;落实想法
come into effect(法律等)生效
have no/some/little/much effect on...对……没有/有些/几乎没有/有很大影响
(2)effectively adv.有效地
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
①Good books ________________________ (对……有影响) me since my childhood.
②The new traffic rules ________________________________ (开始实施). Now, it is beginning to ________________________ (起作用).
③One of the most ________ (effect) ways to reduce stress is to talk about feelings with someone you trust.
④The medicine works more ________________ (effective) if you drink some hot water after taking it.
⑤The new system will soon be put ________ effect.
9.recover vi.恢复;康复(+from) vt.找回;寻回 recovery n.康复,恢复
(教材P16)The antelope population has recovered and in June, 2015, the Tibetan antelope was removed from the endangered species list.藏羚羊的数量已经恢复。2015年6月,藏羚羊被从濒危物种名单中删除。
(1)vi.康复,痊愈 vt.恢复(能力、知觉等)
recover from 从……中恢复过来
recover from a heart attack 从心脏病中康复
recover from the operation 手术后恢复
(3)recovery n. 恢复,痊愈;复得,找回
make a full recovery 完全康复
(4)uncover vt. 揭露;揭开
(5)discover vt. 发现
recover health恢复健康
recover one's sight恢复某人的视力
recover oneself恢复健康;镇静下来
recover consciousness恢复知觉make a quick/slow recovery恢复很快/缓慢
an economic recovery经济复苏
It will be at least three months before he can recover and return to work.
The boy is gradually recovering from his heart operation.心脏手术后,这个男孩渐渐地痊愈了。
He seemed upset but quickly recovered himself.他看起来心烦意乱,但很快静下心来。
He lost his credit card, but he recovered it at the railway station.
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
①Jenny tried her best to ________________________ (使自己镇定下来).
②He's in hospital, ________________ (正由……康复) a heart attack.
③With good treatment and care, Professor Smith unbelievably ________________________ (在一周内从心脏病中恢复过来).
④She recovered ________ her surprise, and answered calmly.
⑤To his parents' relief, the boy made a quick ________ (recover) after the operation.
⑥—Coach, can I continue with the training
—Sorry, you can't as you ________ (not recover) from the knee injury.
10.remove vt.去除;移开;脱去 removal n.免职;移动;排除;搬迁 remover n.去除剂;搬运工;搬家公司
(教材P16)The antelope population has recovered and in June 2015, the Tibetan antelope was removed from the endangered species list.藏羚羊的数量已经恢复。2015年6月,藏羚羊从濒危物种名单中删除。
remove...from... 从……搬走……
remove...to... 把……搬到……
remove the dishes from the table 拿走桌子上的餐具
remove the painting to another wall 把画移到另一面墙上
(2)去除,清除,使消失(=get rid of)
remove...from... 从……去除,排除(污渍、不愉快的事物等);免除……的职务,开除
remove problems/obstacles/objections 解决问题/排除障碍/消除异议
remove one's doubt 消除某人的疑虑
The workers removed the chairs from the stage.工人们把椅子从舞台上搬走了。
The designer removed the painting to another wall.设计师把画移到了另一面墙上。
She has had the tumour removed.她已经将肿瘤切除了。
You'd better perform well to remove his doubt.你最好好好表现来消除他的疑虑。
(1)脱去(衣服等);摘下(帽子/眼镜等)=take off
Only after he removed his dark glasses did I recognize him.他摘掉墨镜后我才认出他来。
remove sb. from sth. 免除某人的……职务
He was removed from the post because he broke the rules and regulations of the company by design.
即学即练 写出句中remove的含义/单句语法填空
①Remove your clothes. It's too hot.________
②The news removed their doubts about the company's future.________
③Just before the flood came, some furniture and blankets in his house were removed to a higher place.________
④I am sorry to tell you that she has been removed by our company.________
⑤You look so worried. You must remove yourself ________ pressure.
⑥He removed the table ________ another room.
⑦You'd better have the old statue ________ (remove).
11.intend vi.&vt.打算;计划;想要
(教材P16)The government, however, does not intend to stop the protection programmes, since the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared.然而,政府并没有打算停止这些保护项目,因为对藏羚羊的威胁依然存在。
intend sth. 想要某物
intend to do sth./doing sth.=be intended to do sth. 打算做某事
intend sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事
be intended for... 专供……使用;专为……而设计
intend+(that)从句 打算……
had intended to do 本打算做……
intend to study/studying abroad 打算出国留学
intend him to manage the company 打算让他经营该公司
They intend to launch a campaign to raise money.他们打算发起一场募捐活动。
The headmaster intended Jim to deliver a speech in front of the whole school.
The book is intended for teenagers.这本书是写给青少年的。
had intended to do sth.意为“本打算做某事”,表示过去未曾实现的愿望。有这种用法的词还有plan,hope,think,expect,mean等。
Peter had intended to take a job in business, but he gave up that plan later.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The designer intended ________ (sell) the goods to make a profit.
②I realized that the book was intended ________ women in the countryside.
③I ________ (intend) to come, but was prevented by the bad weather.
④I didn't ________________________________ (打算让她知道) the design until it was finished.
⑤The book as well as the flowers ________________ (专为……准备) my mother, but my father thought they were for him and took them.
12.threat n.威胁
(教材P16)The government, however, does not intend to stop the protection programmes, since the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared.然而,政府并没有打算停止这些保护项目,因为对藏羚羊的威胁依然存在。
a threat to... 对……的威胁
make threats against sb. 对某人进行威胁
under threat from... 受到……的威胁;处于……的威胁之下
threats of violence 暴力威胁
be under threat of closure/attack 面临停业/攻击的威胁
represent/present/pose a threat(to sb./sth.) 对……构成威胁
The fighting is a major threat to safety in the region.
The endangered species are under threat due to overhunting.
I was threatened with dismissal if I didn't obey.我不服从就有被解雇的威胁。
The constructor threatened to stop the roadworks if the money wasn't paid off.
(1)threaten vt.威胁;危及
threatening adj.威胁的,恐吓的
threatened adj.受到威胁的
threaten sb. with...用……威胁某人
be threatened with受到……威胁
threaten to do sth.威胁做某事
threaten one's life危及某人的生命
(2)threatening adj.恐吓的,威胁的
a threatening letter恐吓信
feel threatened感觉受到威胁
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①He is unlikely to be a threat ________ the Spanish player in the final.
②The area remains ________ threat from commercial developers.
③David threatened ________ (report) his neighbour to the police if the damages were not paid.
④The old house seemed more ________ (threaten) in the cold light of the night.
⑤These ancient woodlands ________________________________ (受到……的威胁) new road developments.
⑥The boss ________________________________________ (威胁要解雇地).
13.exist vi.存在;生存
(教材P16)Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.
exist v.
exist in 存在于……(没有进行时形式)
exist on(=live on) 靠……生存
There exist(s)... 有……(there be句型的变式)
existence n. 存在;生存
existing adj. 现存的,现行的
come into existence/being 开始存在,出现(表示动作)
be in existence 存在(表示状态)
the existing laws 现行法律
The problem only exists in your head, Jane.这个问题不过是你的想象,简。
They can't exist on the money he's earning.他们靠他挣的那点钱无法维持生活。
There existed different opinions on the problem among architects.
There exist(s)...是there be句型的变体,有类似用法的动词还有lie,live,stand等。
existing adj.现存的,现行的
existence n.存在;(尤指不幸的)生活
come into existence开始存在,出现(=come into being)
be in existence存在
即学即练 完成句子/单句语法填空
①It was impossible for them to ________________ (靠……生存) such a small income.
②Scientists have many theories about how the universe first ________________________ (出现).
③________________________________ (存在一个问题) nowadays that many young people don't intend to live with their parents.
④Tigers and lions exist ________ meat.
⑤Strange ideas existed ________ his mind.
⑥It is said that there ________ (exist) a mysterious creature in the depth of the lake.
⑦The huge iceberg came into ________ (exist) tens of thousands of years ago.
14.harmony n.和谐,一致;融洽
(教材P16)Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.
live/work in harmony 融洽地生活/工作
in harmony with... 与……协调/一致
out of harmony with... 与……不协调
the harmony of sea and sky 水天一色
an age of peace and harmony 和平共处的时代
The couple lives in perfect harmony.这对夫妇和睦相处。
They gradually realised the need to be in harmony with the environment.
①The violin was out of harmony with the rest of the instruments after I tried it out.
②Only in this way can we live in harmony with nature.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①His ideas were no longer in harmony ________ ours.
②His suggestions are ________________________________ (与……协调) the aim of this project.
③Human life is regarded as part of nature and, as such, the only way for us to survive is to ________________________________ (与……和谐相处) nature.
1.make out看清;听清;分清
(教材P16)On the plain in front of us, we can just make out a herd of graceful animals.
make up 组成,构成
make up for 弥补,补偿
make it 及时到达;取得成功
make up one's mind 下定决心
make room for 为……腾地方
make use of 利用
give out用完;分发;放出(光、热等)
carry out执行,履行
pick out精心挑选;辨别出
point out指出
break out(战争、火灾、疾病等)爆发
work out解决;思考;锻炼身体
find out找到;弄清;查明
I couldn't make out why she always gave way to him every time they quarreled.
They were talking in a low voice, so I couldn't make out what they were saying.
The feast is not as superb as people make out.宴会并不像人们说的那样好。
James took the books off the little table to make room for the television.
I want to make it as a writer.我想在写作上获得成功。
We will make good use of our time.我们将好好利用我们的时间。
即学即练 写出句中make out的含义/单句语法填空/完成句子
①It was difficult to make out the manager's handwriting.________
②The couple made out that they had been living in Paris all year.________
③His writing is so confusing that it's difficult to make ________ what he is trying to express.
④In some language, 100 words make ________ half of all words used in daily communication.
⑤Caroline doesn't have a talent for music, but she makes up ________ it with effort.
⑥She was a strange sort of person; I couldn't ________________________ (理解她).
I ________________________ regularly to keep fit.
Why did Bridges ________________________ the project
2.watch over保护;照管;监督
(教材P16)Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over the antelopes day and night to keep them safe from attacks.扎西和其他志愿者日夜看护着藏羚羊,保护它们免受攻击。
watch over the houses 照看房子
watch over the children 照看孩子
watch over the city 守护城市
be watched over by policemen 由警察看守
watch out(=look out) 小心,当心
watch out for 密切注意,留意;小心;当心
keep a close watch on 严密监视
Soldiers arrived to watch over the city.士兵们赶来守护这座城市。
They volunteer to watch over the old in their spare time.
They were watched over by three policemen.他们由三名警察看守着。
take care of/look after/see to/care for/attend to
watch out/look out小心,当心
watch out for密切注意,留意;小心;当心
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①In some countries poisonous snakes can be used to watch ________ the jewels in the shops at night.
②Watch ________! This is a very busy road.
③It's fantastic to swim in the sea, but you have to watch out ________ sharks.
④I will be on business for a week. Will you ________ (照看) my dog for me while I am away
⑤My partner reminded me to ________________________ (提防) thieves on the bus.
3.day and night日日夜夜;夜以继日
(教材P16)Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over the antelopes day and night to keep them safe from attacks.扎西和其他志愿者日夜看护着藏羚羊,保护它们免受攻击。
up and down 上上下下;来来往往;到处
now and then 时而;不时
back and forth 来来回回
in and out 进进出出
here and there 到处;在各地;零散地
Joe struggled day and night, but it did not work—until one stormy afternoon.
My grandfather still plays tennis now and then, even though he's in his nineties.
(1)watch over照看;照顾
Could you watch over my things until I come back?我回来之前你能帮我照看我的东西吗?
keep sb. warm给某人保暖
keep sb. in/out别让某人出去/进来
keep sb. in the room让某人待在屋里
keep sb. doing sth.让某人持续做……
keep sth. done使某事被做
I kept the room cleaned by the cleaners always.我总是让清洁人员随时清理这个房间。
即学即练 用back and forth, now and then, here and there, in and out, up and down完成句子。
①The butterfly was flying ________________________ among the roses.
②The teacher walked ________________________ in his office thinking about how to solve the problem.
③Trains are thundering ________________________ all the time at a subway station.
④Papers were scattered ________________________ on the floor.
⑤He could only understand a word ________________________.
⑥I worked out in the morning ________________________ to keep my body fit.
⑦I could see the branches of the trees moving ________________________.
4.used to do过去常常;过去曾经(而现在不再)
(教材P17)Herds of elephants used to live on the plains of Africa...成群的大象过去生活在非洲平原……
be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事(to是介词)
be used to do sth. 被用来做某事(被动语态)
He used to overlook the small detail like that.他过去常忽略那样的小细节。
He usedn't/didn't use to play badminton.他过去不常打羽毛球。
You used to win medals in marathon, usedn't/didn't you
used to通常不与表示具体次数或一段时间的词语(如twice, three times, for three months, for five years等)连用,但是可以与always, often等表示经常性意义的副词连用。
I used to go to Paris three times.(×)
I used to live in the country for three years.(×)
I always used to be afraid of dogs.(√)
used to构成否定式和疑问式时通常有两种方式,即借助于助动词did或直接将used用作助动词。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①I used ________ (visit) the gallery where the art works by famous painters were displayed.
②Wood is often used ________ (make) desks and chairs.
③She is used to ________ (live) in the countryside now.
④He ______________________________ (曾经住在) in a town near the desert.
⑤He ______________________________ (过去不) live in harmony with his brother.
⑥The endangered species __________________________ (习惯于住在) in their new habitat.
⑦Some people believe that sharks' skins can ________________ (被用来制作) handbags, which I think is rather cruel.
1.This/That is why...这/那就是为什么……(why引导表语从句)
(教材P16)This is why we're here—to observe Tibetan antelopes.
He was ill. That was why he was sent to the hospital.
Tom was late for work this morning. That was because he was stuck in traffic.
The reason why Tom was late for work this morning was that he was stuck in traffic.
(1)That/This/It is why+结果 那/这就是为什么……(why引导表语从句)
(2)That/This/It is because+原因
(3)The reason (why...) is that...(……的)原因是……(why引导定语从句,that引导表语从句)
即学即练 单句语法填空
①That's ________ I help brighten people's days. If you don't, who's to say that another person will
②The frogs in this area often go hungry. That's ________ the insects they exist on are on the decrease.
③Jack didn't take part in the sports meeting. That was ________ he fell ill suddenly.
=Jack fell ill suddenly. That was ________ he didn't take part in the sports meeting.
=Jack didn't take part in the sports meeting. The reason was ________ he fell ill suddenly.
(教材P16)Watching them move slowly across the green grass, I'm struck by their beauty.
Watching them move slowly across the green grass是现在分词短语,作时间状语。
Having persuaded him to change his mind, I went on a journey with him.
Being ill, the athlete couldn't take part in the marathon.
Turning right, you will find the stadium where we train.
Knowing all this, they made me pay for the damage.
The mother died, leaving a lot of money for her children.
He sat at the table, reading China Daily.他坐在桌子旁看《中国日报》。
Not recovering from the operation, I couldn't keep up with you.
He hurried to the station, only to find the train had left.他匆忙赶到车站,结果却发现火车已经开走了。
即学即练 单句语法填空
①The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment, ________ (allow) more patients to be treated.
②Newly-built wooden cottages line the street, ________ (turn) the old town into a dreamland.
③The cooling wind swept through our bedroom windows, ________ (make) air conditioning unnecessary.
④Like ancient sailors, birds can find their way ________ (use) the sun and the stars.
⑤Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only ________ (find) it didn't fit.
⑥They'll come rushing in, ________ (say) their handbag's been stolen.
⑦A city is the product of the human hand and mind, ________ (reflect) man's intelligence and creativity.
⑧The national park has a large collection of wildlife, ________ (range) from butterflies to elephants.
(教材P16)Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.只有学会和自然和谐相处,我们才不会成为野生生物和地球的威胁。
[句式分析] 该句中only后接when引导的时间状语从句,此时主句应使用部分倒装。
Only then did I recognize him.直到那时我才认出他。
Only in this way can we calm the little girl down.
Only when he told me about it, did I know details of his trip.
Only when he is seriously ill does he ever stay in hospital.
The boy was rescued only when his father arrived in a hurry.
Only I am the right person you can turn to.只有我才是你可以求助的人。
即学即练 完成句子/句式提升
①Only then ________________________ (他才知道) how much damage had been caused.
②Only by talking face to face ________________________ (我们才能有机会) to persuade him to change his mind.
③Only when Lily walked into the office ________________________ (她才意识到) that she had left the contract at home.
④Only when you can find peace in your heart ________________________ (你才能维持) good relationships with others.
⑥His company began to make profits only when his father came to help him.(改为倒装句)
4.as long as只要(引导条件状语从句)
(教材P17)However, the attack on them will continue as long as interest in buying elephant products exists.然而,只要购买大象产品的利益存在,这种对大象的攻击就会继续。
[句式分析] 句中as long as引导条件状语从句。as long as也可以用作so long as。如:As/So long as you promise to come, I'll wait for you until you come.只要你答应,我就等到你来。(as/so long as=only if)
Providing/Supposing/Given/Provided (that) you promise not to tell anyone else, I'll explain the secret to you.只要你保证不告诉任何人,我就把这个秘密告诉你。
In case it rains, do not expect me.如若下雨,就不要等我了。
引导条件状语从句的引导词有if, unless, as/long as, once, in case, on condition that, supposing (that), providing (that), provided (that), given (that)等。
即学即练 完成句子
Jim says we can stay in his house________________________ we leave it clean and tidy.
We will go ________________________ the weather is good.
Daddy didn't mind what we were doing, ________________________ we were together, having fun.
________________________ I know the money is safe, I shall not worry about it.
1.Why on earth do the hunters ________ (射杀) these animals
2.The volunteers ________ (拆除) traps to protect animals from being attacked.
3.Some wild animals are endangered and their habitats have been ________ (威胁).
4.Tibetan antelopes have faced a threat and it's difficult for them to ________ (生存).
5.They are aware of the importance of ________ (和谐) between man and nature.
6.There is a poster in the nature ________ (保护区) that reads: Stop hunting immediately.
7.In the habitats they ________ (观察) the daily activities of wild animals day and night.
8.On the ________ (平原) in front of us, we can just make out a herd of sheep.
9.________ (鲸) are very large mammals that live in the sea.
10.________ (美丽) is the state or quality of being beautiful.
make out, remind... of ..., watch over, day and night, make a profit, save... from..., in harmony with, remove...from..., be made from, in peace
1.They observe the daily activities of wild animals _______________________________.
2.We must change our way of life and learn to exist ________________ nature.
3.We should not buy goods ________________ endangered animals.
4.You look so worried. You must ________________ yourself ________________ pressure.
5.The government makes sure that wild animals can live ________________.
6.They intend to recover the lost animals and ______________ people ________________ its importance.
7.Hunters were shooting antelopes to ________________.
8.On the plain in the distance, we can just ________________ a herd of graceful animals.
9.To ________________ this species ________________ extinction, the Chinese government placed it under national protection.
10.The volunteers ________________ the antelopes to keep them safe from attacks.
1.Watch out ________ injuries while exercising. Always stop as soon as you begin to feel any pain.
2.Scientists have found that all kinds of plants give out VOCs when being ________ (attack).
3.Favorable policies are ________ effect to encourage employees' professional development.
4.In these places patients can go to be near nature during their ________ (recover).
5.When fat and salt ________ (remove) from food, the food tastes as if it is missing something.
1.We were told that our rooms hadn't ________ (reserve) for that week, but for the week after.
2.Kate heard a man's voice in the background, but she couldn't make ________ what he was saying.
3.Most of us ________ (observe) much more as children than we do as adults.
4.The phone boxes are making a comeback to remind people ________ a historical period.
5.It can be concluded that restaurant keepers need not “be overly concerned about ‘bad’ tables,” given that they're ________ (profit).
1.But when Dennis Williams received a text that clearly wasn't intended ________ him, he did something special.
2.The loss of glaciers (冰川) there due to global warming represents an enormous threat ________ agriculture.
3.A lot of business is still done over the phone, and much of it is based on trust and ________ (exist) relationships.
4.Best of all, humor raises your energy, and that can have an effect ________ everything you do at school, at work, or in your personal life.
5.Wildlife ________ greatly ________ (threaten) in the modern age. There are species(物种) that are disappearing every day.
1.________ (understand) her good intentions(打算),I eat all the food that is provided by Mom with appreciation.
2.This is ________ there is a saying that if you want something done, ask a busy person to do it.
3.His teacher, Thomas Whaley, is next to him, ________ (whisper) support.
4.In order to save this species ________ extinction, we must take effective measures.
5.The nature reserve is intended ________ giant pandas; it will be their habitat.
The jaguar(美洲豹) is the largest cat in the Americas. A hundred years ago,jaguars 1.________ (find) everywhere from the southwestern United States to Argentina, in South America. Today, jaguars are an endangered species throughout their 2.________ (nature) habitat and have been lost from 50 percent of their territory (领土). Today they live 3.________ (most) in the Amazon rainforest. And jaguars aren't the only animals losing their homes—according 4.________ the International Union for Conservation of Nature, habitat loss 5.________ (be) the main threat to about 85 percent of all endangered plant and animal species.
Tropical (热带的) rainforests cover only about 7 percent of Earth's land, but they're home to about half of all known plant and animal species. Most 6.________ (scientist) agree that about 80, 000 acres (an acre is equal to 4, 047 square metres) disappear every day when trees are cut down and land is cleared for farms. Trees also play 7.________ important role in climate change. Fewer forests mean that more greenhouse gases remain 8.________ (trap) in the atmosphere, the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth.
Grasslands, underwater habitats, and wetlands are also at risk. For example, the World Wildlife Fund reports that about half of the world's wetlands 9.________ (disappear) since a hundred years ago as a result of being drained (排水) for either farmland 10.________ other industries. That means less space for animals to feed and raise their young.
Section Ⅱ Reading and Thinking
1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.D
1.where 2.am struck 3.the 4.illegally 5.smaller 6.dropped 7.extinction 8.effective 9.to stop 10.with
1.①in ②reserved ③reservation ④in reserve ⑤reserve my judgement
2.①遵守 ②庆祝 ③观察 ④注意到 ⑤running ⑥observation ⑦to observe
3.①a ②a ③a a ④an immediate success
4.①of ②to set ③reminded ④remind themselves of health 
⑤Remind me to buy
5.①on ②being attacked ③under ④made an attack on
6.①at ②the ③a ④was shot ⑤was shot in the head ⑥take a shot
7.①a ②from/by ③at a profit ④make profits
8.①have had an effect on ②came into effect take effect 
③effective ④effectively ⑤into
9.①recover herself ②recovering from ③recovered from a heart attack within a week ④from ⑤recovery ⑥haven't recovered
10.①脱掉 ②消除 ③搬开,移动 ④开除 ⑤from ⑥to ⑦removed
11.①to sell/selling ②for ③had intended ④intend her to know ⑤was intended for
12.①to ②under ③to report ④threatening ⑤are under threat from ⑥threatened to fire her
13.①exist on ②came into existence/being ③There exists a problem ④on ⑤in ⑥exists ⑦existence
14.①with ②in harmony with ③live in harmony with
1.①看清 ②声称 ③out ④up ⑤for ⑥make her out ⑦work out ⑧carry out
2.①over ②out ③for ④watch over/take care of/look after 
⑤watch out for
3.①up and down ②back and forth ③in and out ④here and there
⑤here and there ⑥now and then ⑦back and forth
4.①to visit ②to make ③living ④used to live ⑤didn't use to ⑥are used to living ⑦be used to make
1.①why ②because ③because why that
2.①allowing ②turning ③making ④using ⑤to find ⑥saying
⑦reflecting ⑧ranging
3.①did he know ②can we have the chance ③did she realize 
④will you keep ⑤Only I am the person you can turn to. ⑥Only when his father came to help him did his company begin to make profits.
4.①as/so long as或on condition that ②as/so long as或on condition that ③as/so long as或on condition that ④As/So long as
1.shoot 2.remove 3.threatened 4.exist 5.harmony 6.reserve
7.observe 8.plain 9.Whales 10.Beauty
1.day and night 2.in harmony with 3.made from 4.remove from 5.in peace 6.remind of 7.make a profit 8.make out 
9.save from 10.watched over
1.答案与解析:for watch out for注意,当心。句意:运动时要小心受伤。一旦你开始感到疼痛,就立即停止。
2.答案与解析:attacked “when+doing”是一种省略结构,主语all kinds of plants与attack之间是被动关系,故用attacked。句意:科学家发现,各种植物在受到攻击时都会释放出挥发性有机化合物。
3.答案与解析:in in effect在实施中,有效。句意:优惠政策有效地鼓励了员工的职业发展。
4.答案与解析:recovery 形容词性物主代词their后用名词形式。句意:在这些地方,病人在康复期间可以接近大自然。
5.答案与解析:are removed 主语fat and salt与remove之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。主句用了现在时,从句也要相应地用现在时。句意:当除去食物中的脂肪和盐时,食物会尝起来好像少了些什么。
1.答案与解析:been reserved 主语our rooms与动词reserve之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。句意:我们被告知我们的房间不是预订的那一周,而是再下一周。
2.答案与解析:out make out听清,看清,分清。句意:凯特听到背景中有一个男人的声音,但她听不清他在说什么。
3.答案与解析:observed 空格处指的是小时候的事,要用一般过去时。句意:我们大多数人在孩童时期的观察要比成年时多得多。
4.答案与解析:of remind sb. of sth.提醒某人想起某事。句意:电话亭正在卷土重来,以提醒人们一个历史时期。
5.答案与解析:profitable 形容词作表语。句意:可以得出结论,餐厅老板不需要“过分担心差餐位”,因为它们是能带来利润的。
1.答案与解析:for be intended for供……使用,专为……而设计。句意:但是当丹尼斯·威廉姆斯收到一封明显不是给他的短信时,他做了一些特别的事情。
2.答案与解析:to a threat to...对……的威胁。句意:由全球变暖导致的冰川消失对农业构成了巨大的威胁。
3.答案与解析:existing 形容词existing(现有的)修饰名词relationships。句意:许多业务仍然是通过电话完成的,其中大部分是基于信任和现有的关系。
4.答案与解析:on have an effect on...对……有影响。句意:最重要的是,幽默能提升你的精力,这会对你在学校、工作或个人生活中的每件事产生影响。
5.答案与解析:has been, threatened 主语wildlife与threaten之间是被动关系,要用被动语态。另外,句子也强调谓语动作对现在的影响,要用完成时,故填完成时的被动语态。句意:野生动物在现代受到了极大的威胁。有些物种每天都在消失。
1.答案与解析:Understanding 主语I与understand之间是主动关系,故用现在分词作状语。句意:出于对妈妈好意的理解,我满怀感激地吃着她提供的所有食物。
2.答案与解析:why This is why...这就是……的原因,why引导表语从句。句意:这就是为什么有这么一种说法,如果你想让某事被做完,让一个忙碌的人去做。
3.答案与解析:whispering 现在分词短语作状语。句意:他的老师托马斯·威利就在他旁边,低语帮助。
4.答案与解析:from save... from... “救……免受……”。
5.答案与解析:for be intended for... “为……准备的”。
【语篇解读】 主题:人与自然(环境保护);话题:动物及环境。本文是一篇说明文。文章分析了美洲豹数量减少的原因,动物栖息地的失去引发的一系列问题及环境所面临的问题。
1.答案与解析:were found jaguars与find之间是被动关系,应用被动语态。由时间状语“a hundred years ago”可知应用一般过去时。故本题应使用一般过去时的被动语态。
2.答案与解析:natural 形容词natural作定语修饰名词habitat。
3.答案与解析:mostly 副词mostly修饰谓语动词live,表示“主要地”。
4.答案与解析:to according to按照,根据……所说,固定搭配。
5.答案与解析:is 设空处所在句描述现在的情况,应用一般现在时,因为主语是habitat loss,故填is。
6.答案与解析:scientists 设空处作主语,表示“科学家”,因为scientist是可数名词,由Most及谓语动词agree可知,此处应填scientists。
7.答案与解析:an play an important role in...意为“在……方面起重要作用”,固定短语。
8.答案与解析:trapped greenhouse gases与trap之间是被动关系,故填过去分词trapped作表语。
9.答案与解析:have disappeared 时间状语“since a hundred years ago”表明句子应使用现在完成时。主语half of the world's wetlands是复数形式,故助动词用have。
10.答案与解析:or either...or...意为“或者……或者……”,固定搭配。
Section Ⅲ Discovering Useful Structures
1.reduce vt.减少,缩小,降低 反义词:increase增长
(教材P18)It is reported that living spaces for wildlife are (reduced/being reduced) due to the cutting of trees.据报道,由于砍伐树木,野生动物的生存空间正在减少。
reduce... to 把……减少到……(to表示结果)
reduce... by 把……减少了……(by表示幅度)
This drug can reduce the death rate of heart attacks.
All the shirts were reduced to $10.所有衬衫都减价至10美元。
Output has been reduced by around 30 percent due to the bad weather.
reduce the trees to three把树减少到三棵
reduce the trees by 50%把树减少一半
be reduced to沦为;转化为
reduce sb. to tears/silence使某人流泪/沉默
reduce sth. to ashes/ruins把某物(尤指建筑物)化为灰烬/夷为废墟

The number of the species has increased by 10% thanks to the measures taken by the government.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The camera was reduced ________ half of the original price.
②If their marketing plans succeed, they will increase their sales ________ 20 percent.
③The ________ (reduce) of unemployment should be the most important thing.
④The number of the bikes they produce ____________ (已经减少到) 100, 000 this year.
has reduced to
reduction n.减少
[同]decrease v.减少
[反]increase v.增加;增长⑤What they earn _________________ (已减少了) 30% in the last three months.
⑥The number of the workers in this company _______________ (已经减少到) 120.
has been reduced by
has been reduced to
2.due to由于,因为
(教材P18)It is reported that living spaces for wildlife are (reduced/being reduced) due to the cutting of trees.据报道,由于砍伐树木,野生动物的生存空间正在减少。
Many crops were damaged due to the flood.洪水毁坏了许多庄稼。
Your headache is due to stress.你的头痛是由压力造成的。
Because of/Owing to the snow, the flight has been cancelled.
His death was owing to an accident.他的死是事故造成的。(作表语)
It is mainly because of my fault.这主要是由于我的过错。(作表语)
Thanks to your help, we were successful.
[词语辨析] due to, owing to, because of与thanks to
状语 表语 定语 说明
due to √ √ √ 一般不位于句首
owing to √ √ ×
because of √ × × 主语指一个事实时也可作表语
thanks to √ × × “多亏”,常指好的方面
be due to do sth.预计要做某事
be due for应得到……
The boat is due to arrive at 12 o'clock.
She's due for promotion soon.她很快该晋升了。

due to较正式用语,常用于官方公开声明中;
thanks to常接某人(某事),通常用于好的方面,译为“多亏,幸亏”;
because of后常接人或事物,强调某事发生的原因;
on account of后面常接名词;
owing to其后多接某事物,常可以与due to互换;
as a result of常用在有上下文(表原因)的情况下。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The boat is due ________ (arrive) at 12.
②He is due ________ praise because of his heroic deeds.
③His mistake was ____________ (因为) lack of experience.
④David said that it was _________________________ (由于) his strong interest in computers that he chose the course.
⑤The next meeting _____________ (预计召开) in three months.
⑥Owing to lack of funds, the project will not continue next year.=The project will not continue next year ____________________ lack of funds.
⑦The train ________ (预计) leave for Shanghai at 8.
⑧____________ (房租到期) tomorrow.
to arrive
due to/owing to
due to/because of/owing to
is due to be held
due to/because of/owing to
is due to
The rent is due
*The plan is being discussed at the meeting now.
A new law is being made to prevent endangered animals from extinction.
*Workers are cutting down some trees in the park.
→Some trees are being cut down by workers in the park. (被动语态)
→Where are some trees being cut down by workers?(特殊疑问句)
肯定结构 be (am/is/are) being done
否定结构 be (am/is/are) +not+being done
一般疑问结构 be (am/is/are) +主语+being done
特殊疑问结构 特殊疑问词+be (am/is/are) +主语+being done
[巧学助记] 主动语态变被动语态的原则
*Look! The baby is being taken care of by her aunt.
*Many speeches about Chinese traditional culture are being held these days.
*A Christmas party is being held tonight.
4.表示经常的被动行为,常和always, often, constantly等词连用(表示某种感彩)。
*Tom is always being praised by the teacher.
1.在现在进行时的被动语态中be (am/is/are)为第一助动词,being为第二助动词,缺一不可,且位置不可互换。
*But now that information is being spread and monitored in different ways, researchers are discovering new rules.
2.像take care of, look after, talk about, think of等动词与介词构成的短语用于现在进行时的被动语态时,其中的介词不可省略。
*The ways to stop illegally hunting are being talked about.
3.“be (am/is/are) +under/in+n.”有时相当于现在进行时的被动语态。
*Many questions are under discussion.
=Many questions are being discussed.
*The runaway of the traffic accident is wanted by the police.
[即学即练1] 单句语法填空
1.My washing machine _____________ (repair) this week, so I have to wash my clothes by hand.
2.Now similar concerns ____________ (raise) by the giants (巨头)...
3.They are living with their parents for the moment because their own house ____________ (rebuild).
4.As we know, the new buildings that ____________ (build) at present will be a new key university of our country, Xiong An University.

is being repaired
are being raised
is being rebuilt
are being built
[即学即练2] 完成句子
Elsewhere in Asia even more astonishing actions ________________.
It is reported in the newspaper that several new subway lines ____________ in Wuhan.
are being taken
are being built
[即学即练3] 句型转换
1.Many village communities feel their countryside is being ruined by the power-producing machines of wind farms... (改为主动语态)
→Many village communities feel _______________________________
2.The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers are repairing one of the main pipes. (改为被动语态)
→The water supply has been cut off temporarily because ____________
3.The old temple whose roof was damaged in a storm is now under repair.
→The old temple whose roof was damaged in a storm _______________.
the power producing machines of wind farms are ruining their countryside
one of the main pipes is being repaired by the workers
is now being repaired
[即学即练4] 根据要求进行句式变化
The education programme ______________.
→The education programme ______________.
③对句①中的The education programme进行提问
is under discussion
is being discussed
Is the education programme being discussed
What is being discussed
1.Jim ________________ (interview) by the reporters at the very moment.
2.It is reported that many a new house ___________ (build) at present in the disaster area.
3.He is ill. He is _____________ (examine) by the doctor.
4.These animals _______________ (hunt) at such a speed that they will disappear soon.
5.He is now ____________ (treat) in Beijing because of his serious illness.
is being interviewed
is being built
being examined
are being hunted
being treated
6.A modern school ____________ (build) in his hometown. And it will be completed in six months.
7.Are the babies __________ (take) care of by this nurse now
8.The little boy has made rapid progress recently and is always ___________ (praise) by his teachers.
9.The plan is not _____________ (discuss) at the meeting now.
10.Is the house you bought last month ______________ (decorate) now
is being built
being taken
being praised
being discussed
being decorated
1.Scientists are studying the disease at present.
→The disease _____________________ by scientists.
2.They are playing some rock music.
→Some rock music ____________ by them.
3.A snake is swallowing a frog over there.
→A frog ________________ by a snake over there.
4.Many chemical factories are polluting the drinking water.
→The drinking water ______________ by many chemical factories.
5.The researchers are studying the life of the panda at present.
→The life of the panda ______________ by researchers at present.
is being studied at present
is being played
is being swallowed
is being polluted
is being studied
6.The teacher is always praising Tom in public.
→Tom __________________ in public by the teacher.
7.The police are questioning the criminal now.
→The criminal ________________ by the police now.
8.The water in the lake is under pollution.
→The water in the lake ________________.
9.They aren't collecting money for the project these days.
→Money for the project ________________ by them these days.
10.People are not protecting some animals well enough.
→Some animals __________________ by people well enough.
is always being praised
is being questioned
is being polluted
isn't being collected
are not being protected
A chemical factory 1.__________ (build) near my village now. The trees 2.______________ (cut) down and the ground has been flattened (使变平). Now many materials 3.____________________ (transport) here, including wood, sand, cement, and so on. Some houses have already been built and some 4.____________ (build) right now.
Some people say more chances 5._____________ (provide) for young villagers in the future. However, I am worried about the environment. Since trees are gone, many birds 6._____________ (force) to leave their habitat in the past months.
is being built
have been cut
are being transported
are being built
will be provided
have been forced
The river behind our village 7._____________ (pollute) and fish are being killed by the polluted water. Even worse, the polluted water 8.________ (do) damage to agriculture as well.
Our peaceful environment 9._______________ (destroy). Measures must be taken 10.________ (protect) the environment.
is being polluted
is doing
is being destroyed
to protectSection Ⅲ Discovering Useful Structures
1.reduce vt.减少,缩小,降低 反义词:increase增长
(教材P18)It is reported that living spaces for wildlife are (reduced/being reduced) due to the cutting of trees.据报道,由于砍伐树木,野生动物的生存空间正在减少。
reduce... to 把……减少到……(to表示结果)
reduce... by 把……减少了……(by表示幅度)
This drug can reduce the death rate of heart attacks.
All the shirts were reduced to $10.所有衬衫都减价至10美元。
Output has been reduced by around 30 percent due to the bad weather.
reduce the trees to three把树减少到三棵
reduce the trees by 50%把树减少一半
be reduced to沦为;转化为
reduce sb. to tears/silence使某人流泪/沉默
reduce sth. to ashes/ruins把某物(尤指建筑物)化为灰烬/夷为废墟
The number of the species has increased by 10% thanks to the measures taken by the government.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The camera was reduced ________ half of the original price.
②If their marketing plans succeed, they will increase their sales ________ 20 percent.
③The ________ (reduce) of unemployment should be the most important thing.
④The number of the bikes they produce ________________ (已经减少到) 100, 000 this year.
reduction n.减少
[同]decrease v.减少
[反]increase v.增加;增长⑤What they earn ______________________________________ (已减少了) 30% in the last three months.
⑥The number of the workers in this company ______________________________ (已经减少到) 120.
2.due to由于,因为
(教材P18)It is reported that living spaces for wildlife are (reduced/being reduced) due to the cutting of trees.据报道,由于砍伐树木,野生动物的生存空间正在减少。
Many crops were damaged due to the flood.洪水毁坏了许多庄稼。
Your headache is due to stress.你的头痛是由压力造成的。
[词语辨析] due to, owing to, because of与thanks to
状语 表语 定语 说明
due to √ √ √ 一般不位于句首
owing to √ √ ×
because of √ × × 主语指一个事实时也可作表语
thanks to √ × × “多亏”,常指好的方面
Because of/Owing to the snow, the flight has been cancelled.
His death was owing to an accident.他的死是事故造成的。(作表语)
It is mainly because of my fault.这主要是由于我的过错。(作表语)
Thanks to your help, we were successful.
be due to do sth.预计要做某事
be due for应得到……
The boat is due to arrive at 12 o'clock.
She's due for promotion soon.她很快该晋升了。
due to较正式用语,常用于官方公开声明中;
thanks to常接某人(某事),通常用于好的方面,译为“多亏,幸亏”;
because of后常接人或事物,强调某事发生的原因;
on account of后面常接名词;
owing to其后多接某事物,常可以与due to互换;
as a result of常用在有上下文(表原因)的情况下。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The boat is due ________ (arrive) at 12.
②He is due ________ praise because of his heroic deeds.
③His mistake was ________ (因为) lack of experience.
④David said that it was ________ (由于) his strong interest in computers that he chose the course.
⑤The next meeting ________ (预计召开) in three months.
⑥Owing to lack of funds, the project will not continue next year.=The project will not continue next year ________ lack of funds.
⑦The train ________ (预计) leave for Shanghai at 8.
⑧________ (房租到期) tomorrow.
肯定结构 be (am/is/are) being done
否定结构 be (am/is/are) +not+being done
一般疑问结构 be (am/is/are) +主语+being done
特殊疑问结构 特殊疑问词+be (am/is/are) +主语+being done
*The plan is being discussed at the meeting now.
A new law is being made to prevent endangered animals from extinction.
*Workers are cutting down some trees in the park.
→Some trees are being cut down by workers in the park. (被动语态)
→Where are some trees being cut down by workers?(特殊疑问句)
[巧学助记] 主动语态变被动语态的原则
*Look! The baby is being taken care of by her aunt.
*Many speeches about Chinese traditional culture are being held these days.
*A Christmas party is being held tonight.
4.表示经常的被动行为,常和always, often, constantly等词连用(表示某种感彩)。
*Tom is always being praised by the teacher.
1.在现在进行时的被动语态中be (am/is/are)为第一助动词,being为第二助动词,缺一不可,且位置不可互换。
*But now that information is being spread and monitored in different ways, researchers are discovering new rules.
2.像take care of, look after, talk about, think of等动词与介词构成的短语用于现在进行时的被动语态时,其中的介词不可省略。
*The ways to stop illegally hunting are being talked about.
3.“be (am/is/are) +under/in+n.”有时相当于现在进行时的被动语态。
*Many questions are under discussion.
=Many questions are being discussed.
*The runaway of the traffic accident is wanted by the police.
[即学即练1] 单句语法填空
1.My washing machine ____________ (repair) this week, so I have to wash my clothes by hand.
2.Now similar concerns ____________ (raise) by the giants (巨头)...
3.They are living with their parents for the moment because their own house ________________ (rebuild).
4.As we know, the new buildings that ________________ (build) at present will be a new key university of our country, Xiong An University.
[即学即练2] 完成句子
Elsewhere in Asia even more astonishing actions ________________.
It is reported in the newspaper that several new subway lines ________________ in Wuhan.
[即学即练3] 句型转换
1.Many village communities feel their countryside is being ruined by the power-producing machines of wind farms... (改为主动语态)
→Many village communities feel ________________...
2.The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers are repairing one of the main pipes. (改为被动语态)
→The water supply has been cut off temporarily because ________________.
3.The old temple whose roof was damaged in a storm is now under repair.
→The old temple whose roof was damaged in a storm ____________________________.
[即学即练4] 根据要求进行句式变化
The education programme ______________.
→The education programme ______________.
③对句①中的The education programme进行提问
1.Jim ________________ (interview) by the reporters at the very moment.
2.It is reported that many a new house ________________ (build) at present in the disaster area.
3.He is ill. He is ________________ (examine) by the doctor.
4.These animals ________________ (hunt) at such a speed that they will disappear soon.
5.He is now ________________ (treat) in Beijing because of his serious illness.
6.A modern school ________________ (build) in his hometown. And it will be completed in six months.
7.Are the babies ________________ (take) care of by this nurse now
8.The little boy has made rapid progress recently and is always ________________ (praise) by his teachers.
9.The plan is not ________________ (discuss) at the meeting now.
10.Is the house you bought last month ________________ (decorate) now
1.Scientists are studying the disease at present.
→The disease ________________ by scientists.
2.They are playing some rock music.
→Some rock music ________________ by them.
3.A snake is swallowing a frog over there.
→A frog ________________ by a snake over there.
4.Many chemical factories are polluting the drinking water.
→The drinking water ________________ by many chemical factories.
5.The researchers are studying the life of the panda at present.
→The life of the panda ________________ by researchers at present.
6.The teacher is always praising Tom in public.
→Tom ________________ in public by the teacher.
7.The police are questioning the criminal now.
→The criminal ________________ by the police now.
8.The water in the lake is under pollution.
→The water in the lake ________________.
9.They aren't collecting money for the project these days.
→Money for the project ________________ by them these days.
10.People are not protecting some animals well enough.
→Some animals ________________ by people well enough.
A chemical factory 1.________ (build) near my village now. The trees 2.________ (cut) down and the ground has been flattened (使变平). Now many materials 3.________ (transport) here, including wood, sand, cement, and so on. Some houses have already been built and some 4.________ (build) right now.
Some people say more chances 5.________ (provide) for young villagers in the future. However, I am worried about the environment. Since trees are gone, many birds 6.________ (force) to leave their habitat in the past months. The river behind our village 7.________ (pollute) and fish are being killed by the polluted water. Even worse, the polluted water 8.________ (do) damage to agriculture as well.
Our peaceful environment 9.________ (destroy). Measures must be taken 10.________ (protect) the environment.
Section Ⅲ Discovering Useful Structures
1.①to ②by ③reduction ④has reduced to ⑤has been reduced by ⑥has been reduced to
2.①to arrive ②for ③due to/owing to ④due to/because of/owing to ⑤is due to be held ⑥due to/because of/owing to ⑦is due to
⑧The rent is due
1.is being repaired 2.are being raised 3.is being rebuilt
4.are being built
1.are being taken 2.are being built
1.the power producing machines of wind farms are ruining their countryside
2.one of the main pipes is being repaired by the workers
3.is now being repaired
is under discussion
①is being discussed
②Is the education programme being discussed
③What is being discussed
1.is being interviewed 2.is being built 3.being examined
4.are being hunted 5.being treated 6.is being built 7.being taken
8.being praised 9.being discussed 10.being decorated
1.is being studied at present 2.is being played
3.is being swallowed 4.is being polluted
5.is being studied 6.is always being praised
7.is being questioned 8.is being polluted
9.isn't being collected 10.are not being protected
1.is being built 2.have been cut 3.are being transported 4.are being built 5.will be provided 6.have been forced 7.is being polluted 8.is doing 9.is being destroyed 10.to protect
Section Ⅴ Writing——如何写
海报的标题要简洁明了,新颖醒目,能够引起读者的兴趣,吸引其注意力。标题一般有两种形式:一种直接使用“Poster”一词;另一种则是根据海报内容编写标题,如Football Match, Good News, English Evening等。
1.They are being..., resulting in...
2.The reason why the number of...is decreasing is that...
3.More measures should be taken to protect...from being hurt.
4.Only in this way can we...
5.So, it's time for us to do.../So it's high time that we...
调查显示,白鳍豚因受人类活动影响而濒临灭绝,目前总数不足2 000只。假设你是李华,请写一篇英文海报,并投稿给China Daily,希望引起全社会的关注。内容应包括:
Where Are “the Giant Panda Under Water”?
The Yangtze River dolphin is a species of small whale, which lives in the Yangtze River 【1】, well-known as “the giant panda under water”.
Much to our sadness, on account of pollution and habitat loss, the population of the Yangtze River dolphin is on the sharp decrease, with only 2,000 left up to now 【2】. The species is in danger of dying out, which has become our great concern.
Though some measures have been taken 【3】, that's far from enough. We should make even greater efforts to protect them. That is to say, we should establish more safe and clean habitats for them and protect the river from being polluted. Let's take action now! Please remember: protecting animals means protecting ourselves!
Dear Sir or Madam,
I'm writing to appeal to the visitors in the zoo to behave themselves there.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua

One possible version:
Dear Sir or Madam,
I'm writing to appeal to the visitors in the zoo to behave themselves there.
Recently, there are often reports in the newspaper that visitors got hurt by the animals in the zoo. As we all know, most animals won't attack people unless they feel threatened. In most cases, visitors are hurt by animals when visitors are having some improper behaviour. It's obviously wrong that visitors irritate these animals, get too close to them or feed them without permission. Therefore, visitors sometimes should be responsible for these incidents because they don't know how to get on with animals.
I do hope visitors can keep in mind that they should obey the rules while in the zoo.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Section Ⅴ Writing——如何写有关动物保护的海报
海报的标题要简洁明了,新颖醒目,能够引起读者的兴趣,吸引其注意力。标题一般有两种形式:一种直接使用“Poster”一词;另一种则是根据海报内容编写标题,如Football Match, Good News, English Evening等。
1.They are being..., resulting in...
2.The reason why the number of...is decreasing is that...
3.More measures should be taken to protect...from being hurt.
4.Only in this way can we...
5.So, it's time for us to do.../So it's high time that we...
调查显示,白鳍豚因受人类活动影响而濒临灭绝,目前总数不足2 000只。假设你是李华,请写一篇英文海报,并投稿给China Daily,希望引起全社会的关注。内容应包括:
Where Are “the Giant Panda Under Water”?
The Yangtze River dolphin is a species of small whale, which lives in the Yangtze River 【1】, well-known as “the giant panda under water”.
Much to our sadness, on account of pollution and habitat loss, the population of the Yangtze River dolphin is on the sharp decrease, with only 2,000 left up to now 【2】. The species is in danger of dying out, which has become our great concern.
Though some measures have been taken 【3】, that's far from enough. We should make even greater efforts to protect them. That is to say, we should establish more safe and clean habitats for them and protect the river from being polluted. Let's take action now! Please remember: protecting animals means protecting ourselves!
Dear Sir or Madam,
I'm writing to appeal to the visitors in the zoo to behave themselves there.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Section Ⅴ Writing
One possible version:
Dear Sir or Madam,
I'm writing to appeal to the visitors in the zoo to behave themselves there.
Recently, there are often reports in the newspaper that visitors got hurt by the animals in the zoo. As we all know, most animals won't attack people unless they feel threatened. In most cases, visitors are hurt by animals when visitors are having some improper behaviour. It's obviously wrong that visitors irritate these animals, get too close to them or feed them without permission. Therefore, visitors sometimes should be responsible for these incidents because they don't know how to get on with animals.
I do hope visitors can keep in mind that they should obey the rules while in the zoo.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
4Section Ⅳ Listening and Talking, Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress
Give Ugly① a Chance!
When it comes to wildlife protection 【1】, all species—the good, the bad, and the ugly—should be treated equally②. Pandas, dolphins, and other cute wildlife are important, but we must pay attention to③ less cute animals, too. The world needs all kinds—without variety④, our planet cannot survive⑤. So if you want the future to be beautiful, you have to give ugly a chance.
【1】When it comes to...是常用句型,意为“当谈到……时”,When在此引导时间状语从句。
Don't Make Paper with My Home!
Billions of trees are being cut down⑥ 【2】 every year to make paper for humans. Every tree that is cut down is a part of the habitat of animals such as these koalas. In this way a lot of animal homes are being destroyed!
Is it right to make animals homeless so that humans can have more paper?,[词语积累]
②be treated equally被公平对待
③pay attention to注意
④variety n.多样化
⑤survive vi.继续存在,存活,生存 vt.幸存,幸免于难
survive on...靠……存活
survive an earthquake/air crash/accident从地震/空难/事故中幸存
⑥cut down砍倒;减少
1.Who started the rescue centre called the Small Friends Pet Shelter
A.A research centre. B.A university.
C.Students and parents. D.Scientists.
2.What did the young people do in the shelter
A.Buy and sell some animals.
B.Study animals.
C.Train pets.
D.Take care of animals.
3.How do the young people think of their work
A.Bored. B. Worthwhile.
C.Unnecessary. D.Creative.
4.What help does the centre need
A.Volunteers' time and love.
C.Veterinarian (兽医).
When it comes to wildlife protection, all species should be treated 1.________ (equal). Cute animals are important, 2.________ we must pay attention to 3.________ (cute) animals, too. The world needs all kinds—without 4.________ (various), our planet cannot survive. So if you want the future 5.________ (be) beautiful, you have to give ugly 6.________ chance.
Billions of trees 7.________ (cut) down every year to make paper. Every tree that is cut down 8.________ (be) a part of the habitat of animals. 9.________ this way, a lot of animal homes are being destroyed. Is it right to make animals 10.________ (home) so that humans can have more paper
1.emotion n.感情;情感;情绪 emotional adj.情绪的 emotionally adv.情绪上
(教材P20)What does each poster use to stir up emotions?每张海报用什么来煽动情绪?
(1)be overcome with emotion 激动得不能自持
convey certain emotions 传达某些情感
a wave of emotion 情绪的高涨
a mixture of emotions 百感交集
full of emotion 充满激情
mixed emotions 复杂的感情
(2)emotional harm 情感伤害
emotional shock 情感上的打击
the physical and emotional needs of teenagers 青少年的身心需求
emotionally damaged children 感情上受伤害的孩子
(1)emotional adj.情绪(上)的,情感(上)的
the physical and emotional needs of young adults青少年的身心需求
emotional harm情感伤害
(2)emotionally adv.感情上,情绪上
They expressed mixed emotions at the news.他们对这个消息表现出复杂的感情。
He lost control of his emotions.他对自己的情绪失去了控制。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Compared with his sister,Jerry is even more sensitive to ________ (emotion) and relationship problems.
②It was an ________ (emotional) stressful time for him.
③Mary ________________________________________ (激动得不能自持) yesterday.
④Her voice ____________________________________________ (充满了激情).
2.unusual adj.特别的;不寻常的 usual adj.通常的;寻常的;惯常的
(教材P21)Write a title that is simple,interesting,and unusual...
an unusual method 不寻常的方法
an unusual feature 不寻常的特点
unusual circumstances 异常状况
an unusual ability 不寻常的能力
as usual 照例,像往常一样
earlier/later/longer/higher than usual 比平时早/晚/长/高
[句式分析] It is unusual for sb.to do sth.对某人来说做某事是不寻常的。
It's not unusual to feel very angry in a situation like this.
Something unusual was about to happen.某种不寻常的事正要发生。
The boy's unusual behaviour puzzled the doctor.这个男孩的异常行为使医生困惑不解。
as usual像往常一样
than usual比往常……
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Zhang Ming has an ________ (usual) view of Chinese traditions because he was brought up in America.
②When he came across his close friend,he ________ (fold) his arms and hugged him.
③She was unable, or ________ (willing), to give me any further details.
④________________________________________ (……是不寻常的) for Jim to put forward several pieces of advice at the meeting.
⑤I hope you will back me up ________________ (像往常一样).
1.search for搜索;查找
(教材P19)They got up early so as to search for wild birds.他们起得很早以便寻找野鸟。
search...for... 搜查……以寻找……
search sp.for sb./sth. 搜查某地寻找某人/某物
search sb.for sth. 搜某人的身寻找某物
search out 找出,查出
in search of 寻找,寻求
in the/one's search for 寻找,搜寻
search+搜寻的范围 搜寻……,搜查……
search for+搜寻的目标 寻找……
search+某人/某地+for... 搜查某人/某地以寻找……
I searched all the drawers for my purse.我翻遍了抽屉找我的钱包。
Tom hurried into the room as if in search of something important. He searched the drawer for John's telephone number. And then he began to search for his address again.汤姆匆匆进入房间,好像在寻找重要的东西。他搜寻抽屉找约翰的电话号码,然后他又开始寻找他的地址。
They are searching for a gas station. Their car is running out of petrol.
We have searched out all the facts we need.我们已经弄清了我们所需要的全部事实真相。
We started at once in search of the wounded soldier.我们立刻出发寻找受伤的士兵。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①After the fire broke out, the rescue team was sent to search ________ the survivors.
②The young man drove around the town ________ search of a good hotel.
③They carried out several air searches ________ the injured in the crash.
④The villagers were searching the forest ________ the monkey.
⑤They removed the stones and bricks ________________________ (寻找) some survivors in the earthquake.
⑥The police ________________ the house ________ (正在搜查……以寻找) more evidence.
⑦I have ________________________ (到处找) the valuable vase, but I can't find it.
⑧It took me several weeks to ________________ (找出) the book that I wanted.
2.stir up激起;挑起,煽动(争执或事端) stir vt.激发;搅动
(教材P20)What does each poster use to stir up emotions?每张海报用什么来煽动情绪?
stir up 激起;挑起
stir up hatred 激起仇恨
stir up a debate 挑起争论
stir up trouble 挑起事端
stir sth. with sth.用某物搅拌某物
stir sth. in/into sth.把……拌入……
stir sb. to do sth激励某人做某事
They saw first a cloud of dust and then the car that was stirring it up.
As usual, Harriet is trying to stir up trouble.与往常一样,哈里特正试图挑起事端。
即学即练 完成句子
①John was always ________________________ (惹是生非) in class.
②We've got enough problems without you trying to __________________________ (挑拨是非).
3.carry out进行;实行,执行
carry out短语中out是副词,宾语若是代词,要放在carry与out中间;宾语若是名词,可置于其后或中间
[经典例句] The experiment was carried out by a team of scientists from Peking University.这个实验是由北京大学的一个科学家小组做的。
carry out an experiment/a survey 进行实验/展开调查
carry out a promise/a plan/an order 把承诺/计划/命令付诸行动
carry out one's duty 履行某人的职责
carry out tests on the patient 对患者进行检查
carry out the crime 实施犯罪
carry back 将……送回;使回想起
carry away 拿走,冲走;使狂喜
carry through 完成;渡过
carry through the project完成这个项目
carry off成功地对付;获得(奖项)
carry on继续;进行
carry him through帮助他渡过难关
However, a plan can bear no fruit without being actually carried out .
carry on a conversation with her和她进行一次交谈
carry on his business继续他的生意然而,要是一个计划没有真正地被执行,就不会有成果。[bear fruit(尤指计划、决定等经过长时间之后)有成果、成功。]
即学即练 完成句子
I was sent to the village last month to see how the development plan ________ (carry) out in the past two years.
The brave soldier gave himself a new name to hide his identity when he went to __________________________ the secret task.
She is determined to ____________________________ with her education.
4.clean up打扫(或清除)干净;净化;把(身体)洗干净
[经典例句] Please clean up your bedroom before you go outside.
clear away 收拾,整理
clear off 清理
tidy up 整理,收拾
tidy up your desk 收拾你的书桌
clear up 收拾,清理;(天)放晴
clean off 除去
clear out 清空
clean up the classroom before we leave在我们离开之前把教室打扫干净
clean up the kitchen after cooking做完饭收拾干净厨房
即学即练 完成句子
①我不但可以避免乱扔垃圾和随地吐痰,而且会尽可能地协助清理路边的垃圾。(whenever possible是whenever it is possible的省略形式)
Not only will I keep from littering and spitting anywhere, I will also help ________________ the roadside litter whenever possible.
②I hope it ________________ this afternoon.我希望今天下午天气放晴。
③The government is ________________ (净化) the river.
④He ________________ (收拾) the kitchen after dinner.
⑤He ________________ (清空) the bookcase.
判断句子是否为强调句型的方法:去掉it is/was与that/who,剩余部分若结构完整、句意明确,则为强调句型,否则就不是。如:(It is) my father (that/who) will have a face-to-face talk with me.我的父亲要和我进行一次面对面的交谈。1.强调句式
(教材P22)It is for this reason that the WWF constantly puts up information to stir up public interest in the welfare of the planet.正是这个原因,世界自然基金会不断发布信息,以激发公众对地球福祉的兴趣。
[句式分析] 强调句型的基本结构是:It is/was+被强调部分+that+其他.该句型可强调主语、宾语、状语等,但不能强调谓语。
My grandpa walked the dog in the street yesterday.昨天我的爷爷在街上遛狗了。
→It was my grandpa that/who walked the dog in the street yesterday.(强调主语)
→It was yesterday that my grandpa walked the dog in the street.(强调时间状语)
→It was in the street that my grandpa walked the dog yesterday.(强调地点状语)
即学即练 句型转换
①I didn't realize all my mistakes until you told me yesterday.
②It was at three o'clock that we finished the work.
2.When it comes to + n./pron./v.-ing...一谈到……;就……而论(to是介词)
(教材P20)When it comes to wildlife protection, all species... should be treated equally.
When it comes to architecture, he has much to say.说到建筑学,他有很多话要说。
Carol is no match for her mother when it comes to cooking.卡萝尔在烹饪方面不是她妈妈的对手。
(sth.) come to sb. (某事)被某人想到
A good idea came to me suddenly.我突然想到一个好主意。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①In fact, when it comes ________ the art of war, ants have no equal.
②Is this your necklace, Mary I came ________ it when I was cleaning the bathroom this morning.
③Several of the students have come up ________ suggestions of their own.
④Would you like to come ________ with us to the film tonight
⑤Can you tell me how the accident came ________
⑥__________________________ (当谈及运动时),he is familiar with Lang Ping.
3.so that引导目的状语从句
(教材P20)Is it right to make animals homeless so that humans can have more paper
They trained hard every day so that they could win glory for their homeland.
The team are working hard to analyze the problem so that they can find the best solution.
He sat at the corner so that he survived the accident.他坐在角落里,所以在事故中逃过一劫。
(1)so that “为了,以便,目的是”,引导目的状语从句,此时so that相当于in order that (为了)。如果主句主语与从句主语一致,也可以改成so as to do/in order to do作目的状语。
(2)so that+结果状语从句,此时so that意为“结果,因此”。
即学即练 完成句子/同义句转换/一句多译
①Let's not pick these peaches until this weekend ________________ (以便) they get sweet enough to be eaten.
②Cathy had quit her job when her son was born so as to stay home and raise her family.
→Cathy had quit her job when her son was born ________________ she could stay home and raise her family.
③He got up early ____________________ he could get to school on time.
④He got up early ____________________ get to school on time.
4.It seems that...似乎……
(教材P22)It may seem that protecting wildlife is something far from the life of a high school student...保护野生动物似乎与高中生的生活相去甚远……
[句式分析] seem后可直接接动词不定式,不定式有时态,语态的变化;也可接that从句,接as if/though引导的表语从句时,可出现虚拟语气。
He seemed to have been told about it before.他好像之前已经被告知此事了。
It seems as if we had seen each other before.好像我们以前见过彼此。
It seems that sb. is doing sth.=sb. seems to be doing sth.
It seems that sb. has done sth.=sb. seems to have done sth.
It seems that sb. does/is sth=sb. seems to do/be sth.
My father seems to have known what happened yesterday=It seems that my father has known what happened yesterday.我父亲似乎已经知道了昨天发生的事。
seem to do sth.似乎做某事
seem to be doing sth.好像在做某事
seem to have done sth.好像已经做过某事
It seems as if/though...看起来好像……
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①None of these seems ________ (have) much chance of survival.
②It seemed ________ everything the woman owned was in them.
They annoy us because they seem ________________________ (ignore) us and missing the important things.
It seems ________________ he has done it on purpose.
1.As a result, this species of butterfly has to ________ (搜寻) for new habitats.
2.The ________ (昆虫) is a small animal that has six legs.
3.What are the differences in spelling and pronunciation between ________ (鹿) and beer
4.Can you find out the differences in spelling and pronunciation between habit and ________ (栖息地)
5.You can refer to any living thing that is not a plant as a ________ (生物).
6.This ________ (网) is dangerous to animals. Please remove it immediately.
7.Now their numbers are ________ (减少) due to too much hunting.
8.There is a wildlife habitat in the ________ (附近), and we sometimes visit those animals.
9.An ________ (情感) is a feeling such as happiness, love, fear, surprise, or anger, which can be stirred up by some situations.
10.This kind of dolphins is ________ (不寻常的), because their skin is different from that of other ones.
1.If a creature is ________ (usual), you do not see it or hear it very often.
2.I've brought a bird field guide in ________ we can look up the birds we see.
3.My father bought me the binoculars ________ which we can see the birds better.
4.When ________ comes to wildlife protection, all species—the good, the bad, and the ugly—should be treated equally.
5.As he asked for two days' leave last month, his pay was reduced ________ 5% ________ 2, 000 dollars.
6.You can't see kangaroos in any country ________ in Australia.
7.African elephants are being hunted.What measures are being ________ (take) to help them
8.Volunteers are in search ________ the forest to recover the lost antelope.
9.I visited Australia last year and saw three ________ (deer) and two ________ (kangaroo) on the plain.
10.This contributes to harmony of the family and friendly relations of the ________ (neighbour).
due to, in the neighbourhood, search for, stir up, be reduced by, be reduced to, it is reported that, be similar to, take care of, it is for this reason that
1.The number of endangered insects has ________________ 30 per cent, that is to say, the number has been reduced by 70%.
2.________________ a dozen monkeys stole the keys, opened the gate and escaped from a zoo in Japan.
3.These whales and dolphins are badly injured and we must ________________ them.
4.________________ we should remind all the people of the importance of harmony between man and nature.
5.Living spaces for wildlife are reducing ________________ the cutting of trees.
6.These endangered animals have to ________________ new habitats and try to adapt to new environments.
7.Can you hear some insects singing ________________?
8.________ an unusual thing ________ or different from a common thing
9.This problem has concerned people very much, and ________________ an emotion of alarm.
10.The number of endangered insects has ________________ 30%,and there are still 70% left.
A small town in New Zealand has announced a(n) 1.________ (usual) plan to ban domestic cats in order to protect native wildlife.
Those who own cats now will not be forced to give them 2.________ according to the plan. However, after their cats pass away, they will not be allowed 3.________ (get) another one. The cats will need to have microchips (芯片) put just below the surface of 4.________ skins so that they can 5.________ (find) at any time.
Village 6.________ (official) say the plan is needed because domestic cats are attacking wild animals in the area. Because of this, the area's wildlife is disappearing 7.________ (rapid).
So far New Zealand 8.________ (list) 150 animal species as being seriously 9.________ (endanger) and in need of protection. These animals include a kind of ant 10.________ only lives under one kind of rock, and a kind of lizard (蜥蜴) that only lives in a certain area.
Section Ⅳ Listening and Talking, Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress
1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A
1.equally 2.but 3.less cute 4.variety 5.to be 6.a 7.are being cut 8.is 9.In 10.homeless
1.①emotional ②emotionally ③was overcome with emotion 
④was full of emotion
2.①unusual ②unfolded ③unwilling ④It is unusual ⑤as usual
1.①for ②in ③for ④for ⑤in search of/to search for ⑥are searching for ⑦searched everywhere for ⑧search out
2.①stirring up trouble ②stir things up
3.①had been carried ②carry out ③carry on
4.①clean up ②clear up ③cleaning up ④cleared up 
⑤cleared out
1.①It was I that/who didn't realize all my mistakes until you told me yesterday.
It was all my mistakes that I didn't realize until you told me yesterday.
It was not until you told me yesterday that I realized all my mistakes.
②Was it at three o'clock that we finished the work
When was it that we finished the work
We finished the work at three o'clock.
2.①to ②across ③with ④along ⑤about ⑥When it comes to sports
3.①so that/in order that ②so that/in order that ③so that/in order that ④in order to/so as to
4.①to have ②that ③to be ignoring ④as if
1.search 2.insect 3.deer 4.habitat 5.creature 6.net
7.reducing 8.neighbourhood 9.emotion 10.unusual
1.unusual 2.which 3.through 4.it 5.by to 6.except
7.taken 8.of 9.deer kangaroos 10.neighbourhood
1.been reduced to 2.It is reported that 3.take care of 4.It is for this reason that 5.due to 6.search for 7.in the neighbourhood 8.Is, similar to 9.stirred up 10.been reduced by
【语篇解读】 主题:人与自然(环境保护);话题:控制猫的数量以保护野生动物。本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了新西兰的一个小镇为了保护本地的野生动物而对家猫数量进行控制的事。
1.答案与解析:unusual 由后文的“禁止养猫,以保护本地野生动物”可知,这是一个“不寻常的”计划。
2.答案与解析:up/away 由语境可知,有猫的人不需要放弃他们的猫。此处也可理解为,人们不需要送走他们的猫。give up放弃,give away赠送,均符合该处语境。
3.答案与解析:to get be allowed to do sth.结构中不定式作主语补足语。
4.答案与解析:their/the 形容词性物主代词their修饰名词skins。也可理解为用the修饰skins表示特指。
5.答案与解析:be found 主语they与谓语动词find之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。
6.答案与解析:officials 由谓语动词say可知句子主语应是复数形式。
7.答案与解析:rapidly 副词rapidly修饰动词disappear。
8.答案与解析:has listed 时间状语so far表明该句应使用现在完成时。句子主语New Zealand是单数形式,故用has。
9.答案与解析:endangered 副词seriously修饰endangered。
10.答案与解析:which “________ only lives under one kind of rock”是定语从句,修饰先行词ant。先行词是物,在定语从句中作主语。
Section Ⅳ Listening and Talking, Reading for
Writing & Assessing Your Progress
Give Ugly① a Chance!
When it comes to wildlife protection 【1】, all species—the good, the bad, and the ugly—should be treated equally②. Pandas, dolphins, and other cute wildlife are important, but we must pay attention to③ less cute animals, too. The world needs all kinds—without variety④, our planet cannot survive⑤. So if you want the future to be beautiful, you have to give ugly a chance.
【1】When it comes to...是常用句型,意为“当谈到……时”,When在此引导时间状语从句。
Don't Make Paper with My Home!
Billions of trees are being cut down⑥ 【2】 every year to make paper for humans. Every tree that is cut down is a part of the habitat of animals such as these koalas. In this way a lot of animal homes are being destroyed!
Is it right to make animals homeless so that humans can have more paper?
②be treated equally被公平对待
③pay attention to注意
④variety n.多样化
⑤survive vi.继续存在,存活,生存 vt.幸存,幸免于难
survive on...靠……存活
survive an earthquake/air crash/accident从地震/空难/事故中幸存
⑥cut down砍倒;减少
1.Who started the rescue centre called the Small Friends Pet Shelter
A.A research centre. B.A university.
C.Students and parents. D.Scientists.
2.What did the young people do in the shelter
A.Buy and sell some animals.
B.Study animals.
C.Train pets.
D.Take care of animals.
3.How do the young people think of their work
A.Bored. B. Worthwhile.
C.Unnecessary. D.Creative.
4.What help does the centre need
A.Volunteers' time and love.
C.Veterinarian (兽医).
When it comes to wildlife protection, all species should be treated 1.________ (equal). Cute animals are important, 2.________ we must pay attention to 3.________ (cute) animals, too. The world needs all kinds—without 4.________ (various), our planet cannot survive. So if you want the future 5.________ (be) beautiful, you have to give ugly 6.________ chance.
Billions of trees 7.____________ (cut) down every year to make paper. Every tree that is cut down 8.________ (be) a part of the habitat of animals. 9.________ this way, a lot of animal homes are being destroyed. Is it right to make animals 10.________ (home) so that humans can have more paper
less cute
to be
are being cut
1.emotion n.感情;情感;情绪 emotional adj.情绪的 emotionally adv.情绪上
(教材P20)What does each poster use to stir up emotions?每张海报用什么来煽动情绪?
(1)be overcome with emotion 激动得不能自持
convey certain emotions 传达某些情感
a wave of emotion 情绪的高涨
a mixture of emotions 百感交集
full of emotion 充满激情
mixed emotions 复杂的感情
(2)emotional harm 情感伤害
emotional shock 情感上的打击
the physical and emotional needs of teenagers 青少年的身心需求
emotionally damaged children 感情上受伤害的孩子
They expressed mixed emotions at the news.他们对这个消息表现出复杂的感情。
He lost control of his emotions.他对自己的情绪失去了控制。
(1)emotional adj.情绪(上)的,情感(上)的
the physical and emotional needs of young adults青少年的身心需求
emotional harm情感伤害
(2)emotionally adv.感情上,情绪上
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Compared with his sister,Jerry is even more sensitive to ________ (emotion) and relationship problems.
②It was an __________ (emotional) stressful time for him.
③Mary _____________________ (激动得不能自持) yesterday.
④Her voice _________________ (充满了激情).
was overcome with emotion
was full of emotion
2.unusual adj.特别的;不寻常的 usual adj.通常的;寻常的;惯常的
(教材P21)Write a title that is simple,interesting,and unusual...
an unusual method 不寻常的方法
an unusual feature 不寻常的特点
unusual circumstances 异常状况
an unusual ability 不寻常的能力
as usual 照例,像往常一样
earlier/later/longer/higher than usual 比平时早/晚/长/高
[句式分析] It is unusual for sb.to do sth.对某人来说做某事是不寻常的。
It's not unusual to feel very angry in a situation like this.
Something unusual was about to happen.某种不寻常的事正要发生。
The boy's unusual behaviour puzzled the doctor.这个男孩的异常行为使医生困惑不解。
as usual像往常一样
than usual比往常……
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Zhang Ming has an ________ (usual) view of Chinese traditions because he was brought up in America.
②When he came across his close friend,he ________ (fold) his arms and hugged him.
③She was unable, or ________ (willing), to give me any further details.
④___________ (……是不寻常的) for Jim to put forward several pieces of advice at the meeting.
⑤I hope you will back me up _______ (像往常一样).
It is unusual
as usual
1.search for搜索;查找
(教材P19)They got up early so as to search for wild birds.他们起得很早以便寻找野鸟。
search...for... 搜查……以寻找……
search sp.for sb./sth. 搜查某地寻找某人/某物
search sb.for sth. 搜某人的身寻找某物
search out 找出,查出
in search of 寻找,寻求
in the/one's search for 寻找,搜寻
search+搜寻的范围 搜寻……,搜查……
search for+搜寻的目标 寻找……
search+某人/某地+for... 搜查某人/某地以寻找……
I searched all the drawers for my purse.我翻遍了抽屉找我的钱包。

Tom hurried into the room as if in search of something important. He searched the drawer for John's telephone number. And then he began to search for his address again.汤姆匆匆进入房间,好像在寻找重要的东西。他搜寻抽屉找约翰的电话号码,然后他又开始寻找他的地址。
They are searching for a gas station. Their car is running out of petrol.
We have searched out all the facts we need.我们已经弄清了我们所需要的全部事实真相。
We started at once in search of the wounded soldier.我们立刻出发寻找受伤的士兵。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①After the fire broke out, the rescue team was sent to search ________ the survivors.
②The young man drove around the town ________ search of a good hotel.
③They carried out several air searches ________ the injured in the crash.
④The villagers were searching the forest ________ the monkey.
⑤They removed the stones and bricks _____________________ (寻找) some survivors in the earthquake.
⑥The police ______________ the house ________ (正在搜查……以寻找) more evidence.
⑦I have ________________________ (到处找) the valuable vase, but I can't find it.
⑧It took me several weeks to ___________ (找出) the book that I wanted.
in search of/to search for
are searching
searched everywhere for
search out
2.stir up激起;挑起,煽动(争执或事端) stir vt.激发;搅动
(教材P20)What does each poster use to stir up emotions?每张海报用什么来煽动情绪?
stir up 激起;挑起
stir up hatred 激起仇恨
stir up a debate 挑起争论
stir up trouble 挑起事端
stir sth. with sth.用某物搅拌某物
stir sth. in/into sth.把……拌入……
stir sb. to do sth激励某人做某事
They saw first a cloud of dust and then the car that was stirring it up.
As usual, Harriet is trying to stir up trouble.与往常一样,哈里特正试图挑起事端。
即学即练 完成句子
①John was always ________________ (惹是生非) in class.
②We've got enough problems without you trying to ___________ (挑拨是非).
stirring up trouble
stir things up
3.carry out进行;实行,执行
carry out短语中out是副词,宾语若是代词,要放在carry与out中间;宾语若是名词,可置于其后或中间
[经典例句] The experiment was carried out by a team of scientists from Peking University.这个实验是由北京大学的一个科学家小组做的。
carry out an experiment/a survey 进行实验/展开调查
carry out a promise/a plan/an order 把承诺/计划/命令付诸行动
carry out one's duty 履行某人的职责
carry out tests on the patient 对患者进行检查
carry out the crime 实施犯罪
carry back 将……送回;使回想起
carry away 拿走,冲走;使狂喜
carry through 完成;渡过
carry through the project完成这个项目
carry off成功地对付;获得(奖项)
carry on继续;进行
carry him through帮助他渡过难关
However, a plan can bear no fruit without being actually carried out .
carry on a conversation with her和她进行一次交谈
carry on his business继续他的生意然而,要是一个计划没有真正地被执行,就不会有成果。[bear fruit(尤指计划、决定等经过长时间之后)有成果、成功。]

即学即练 完成句子
I was sent to the village last month to see how the development plan ______________ (carry) out in the past two years.
The brave soldier gave himself a new name to hide his identity when he went to ________ the secret task.
She is determined to _________ with her education.
had been carried
carry out
carry on
4.clean up打扫(或清除)干净;净化;把(身体)洗干净
[经典例句] Please clean up your bedroom before you go outside.
clear away 收拾,整理
clear off 清理
tidy up 整理,收拾
tidy up your desk 收拾你的书桌
clear up 收拾,清理;(天)放晴
clean off 除去
clear out 清空
clean up the classroom before we leave在我们离开之前把教室打扫干净
clean up the kitchen after cooking做完饭收拾干净厨房
即学即练 完成句子
①我不但可以避免乱扔垃圾和随地吐痰,而且会尽可能地协助清理路边的垃圾。(whenever possible是whenever it is possible的省略形式)
Not only will I keep from littering and spitting anywhere, I will also help _________ the roadside litter whenever possible.
②I hope it _________ this afternoon.我希望今天下午天气放晴。
③The government is ___________ (净化) the river.
④He __________ (收拾) the kitchen after dinner.
⑤He __________ (清空) the bookcase.
clean up
clear up
cleaning up
cleared up
cleared out
判断句子是否为强调句型的方法:去掉it is/was与that/who,剩余部分若结构完整、句意明确,则为强调句型,否则就不是。如:(It is) my father (that/who) will have a face-to-face talk with me.我的父亲要和我进行一次面对面的交谈。
(教材P22)It is for this reason that the WWF constantly puts up information to stir up public interest in the welfare of the planet.正是这个原因,世界自然基金会不断发布信息,以激发公众对地球福祉的兴趣。
[句式分析] 强调句型的基本结构是:It is/was+被强调部分+that+其他.该句型可强调主语、宾语、状语等,但不能强调谓语。
My grandpa walked the dog in the street yesterday.
→It was my grandpa that/who walked the dog in the street yesterday.
→It was yesterday that my grandpa walked the dog in the street.
→It was in the street that my grandpa walked the dog yesterday.
即学即练 句型转换
①I didn't realize all my mistakes until you told me yesterday.
②It was at three o'clock that we finished the work.
It was I that/who didn't realize all my mistakes until you told me yesterday.
It was all my mistakes that I didn't realize until you told me yesterday.
It was not until you told me yesterday that I realized all my mistakes.
Was it at three o'clock that we finished the work
When was it that we finished the work
We finished the work at three o'clock.
2.When it comes to + n./pron./v.-ing...一谈到……;就……而论(to是介词)
(教材P20)When it comes to wildlife protection, all species... should be treated equally.
When it comes to architecture, he has much to say.说到建筑学,他有很多话要说。
Carol is no match for her mother when it comes to cooking.卡萝尔在烹饪方面不是她妈妈的对手。
(sth.) come to sb. (某事)被某人想到
A good idea came to me suddenly.我突然想到一个好主意。
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①In fact, when it comes ________ the art of war, ants have no equal.
②Is this your necklace, Mary I came ________ it when I was cleaning the bathroom this morning.
③Several of the students have come up ________ suggestions of their own.
④Would you like to come ________ with us to the film tonight
⑤Can you tell me how the accident came ________
⑥_________________ (当谈及运动时),he is familiar with Lang Ping.
When it comes to sports
3.so that引导目的状语从句
(教材P20)Is it right to make animals homeless so that humans can have more paper
They trained hard every day so that they could win glory for their homeland.
The team are working hard to analyze the problem so that they can find the best solution.
He sat at the corner so that he survived the accident.他坐在角落里,所以在事故中逃过一劫。
(1)so that “为了,以便,目的是”,引导目的状语从句,此时so that相当于in order that (为了)。如果主句主语与从句主语一致,也可以改成so as to do/in order to do作目的状语。
(2)so that+结果状语从句,此时so that意为“结果,因此”。
即学即练 完成句子/同义句转换/一句多译
①Let's not pick these peaches until this weekend ________________ (以便) they get sweet enough to be eaten.
②Cathy had quit her job when her son was born so as to stay home and raise her family.
→Cathy had quit her job when her son was born ________________ she could stay home and raise her family.
③He got up early _________________ he could get to school on time.
④He got up early _________________ get to school on time.
so that/in order that
so that/in order that
so that/in order that
in order to/so as to
4.It seems that...似乎……
(教材P22)It may seem that protecting wildlife is something far from the life of a high school student...保护野生动物似乎与高中生的生活相去甚远……
[句式分析] seem后可直接接动词不定式,不定式有时态,语态的变化;也可接that从句,接as if/though引导的表语从句时,可出现虚拟语气。
He seemed to have been told about it before.他好像之前已经被告知此事了。
It seems as if we had seen each other before.好像我们以前见过彼此。
It seems that sb. is doing sth.=sb. seems to be doing sth.
It seems that sb. has done sth.=sb. seems to have done sth.
It seems that sb. does/is sth=sb. seems to do/be sth.
My father seems to have known what happened yesterday=It seems that my father has known what happened yesterday.我父亲似乎已经知道了昨天发生的事。
seem to do sth.似乎做某事
seem to be doing sth.好像在做某事
seem to have done sth.好像已经做过某事
It seems as if/though...看起来好像……
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
①None of these seems ________ (have) much chance of survival.
②It seemed _______ everything the woman owned was in them.
They annoy us because they seem ____________ (ignore) us and missing the important things.
It seems ______ he has done it on purpose.

to have
to be ignoring
as if
1.As a result, this species of butterfly has to ________ (搜寻) for new habitats.
2.The ________ (昆虫) is a small animal that has six legs.
3.What are the differences in spelling and pronunciation between ________ (鹿) and beer
4.Can you find out the differences in spelling and pronunciation between habit and ________ (栖息地)
5.You can refer to any living thing that is not a plant as a ________ (生物).
6.This ________ (网) is dangerous to animals. Please remove it immediately.
7.Now their numbers are ________ (减少) due to too much hunting.
8.There is a wildlife habitat in the _______________ (附近), and we sometimes visit those animals.
9.An ________ (情感) is a feeling such as happiness, love, fear, surprise, or anger, which can be stirred up by some situations.
10.This kind of dolphins is ________ (不寻常的), because their skin is different from that of other ones.
1.If a creature is ________ (usual), you do not see it or hear it very often.
2.I've brought a bird field guide in ________ we can look up the birds we see.
3.My father bought me the binoculars ________ which we can see the birds better.
4.When ________ comes to wildlife protection, all species—the good, the bad, and the ugly—should be treated equally.
5.As he asked for two days' leave last month, his pay was reduced ________ 5% ________ 2, 000 dollars.
6.You can't see kangaroos in any country ________ in Australia.
7.African elephants are being hunted.What measures are being ________ (take) to help them
8.Volunteers are in search ________ the forest to recover the lost antelope.
9.I visited Australia last year and saw three ________ (deer) and two ________ (kangaroo) on the plain.
10.This contributes to harmony of the family and friendly relations of the ____________ (neighbour).
due to, in the neighbourhood, search for, stir up, be reduced by, be reduced to, it is reported that, be similar to, take care of, it is for this reason that
1.The number of endangered insects has ______________ 30 per cent, that is to say, the number has been reduced by 70%.
2.________________ a dozen monkeys stole the keys, opened the gate and escaped from a zoo in Japan.
3.These whales and dolphins are badly injured and we must _________ them.
4.__________________ we should remind all the people of the importance of harmony between man and nature.
been reduced to
It is reported that
take care of
It is for this reason that
5.Living spaces for wildlife are reducing _______ the cutting of trees.
6.These endangered animals have to __________ new habitats and try to adapt to new environments.
7.Can you hear some insects singing ________________?
8.______ an unusual thing ________ or different from a common thing
9.This problem has concerned people very much, and __________ an emotion of alarm.
10.The number of endangered insects has ________________ 30%,and there are still 70% left.
due to
search for
in the neighbourhood
similar to
stirred up
been reduced by
A small town in New Zealand has announced a(n) 1.________ (usual) plan to ban domestic cats in order to protect native wildlife.
Those who own cats now will not be forced to give them 2.________ according to the plan. However, after their cats pass away, they will not be allowed 3.________ (get) another one.
1.答案与解析:unusual 由后文的“禁止养猫,以保护本地野生动物”可知,这是一个“不寻常的”计划。
2.答案与解析:up/away 由语境可知,有猫的人不需要放弃他们的猫。此处也可理解为,人们不需要送走他们的猫。give up放弃,give away赠送,均符合该处语境。
3.答案与解析:to get be allowed to do sth.结构中不定式作主语补足语。
The cats will need to have microchips (芯片) put just below the surface of 4.________ skins so that they can 5.________ (find) at any time.
Village 6.________ (official) say the plan is needed because domestic cats are attacking wild animals in the area. Because of this, the area's wildlife is disappearing 7.________ (rapid).
4.答案与解析:their/the 形容词性物主代词their修饰名词skins。也可理解为用the修饰skins表示特指。
5.答案与解析:be found 主语they与谓语动词find之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。
6.答案与解析:officials 由谓语动词say可知句子主语应是复数形式。
7.答案与解析:rapidly 副词rapidly修饰动词disappear。
So far New Zealand 8.________ (list) 150 animal species as being seriously 9.________ (endanger) and in need of protection. These animals include a kind of ant 10.________ only lives under one kind of rock, and a kind of lizard (蜥蜴) that only lives in a certain area.
8.答案与解析:has listed 时间状语so far表明该句应使用现在完成时。句子主语New Zealand是单数形式,故用has。
9.答案与解析:endangered 副词seriously修饰endangered。
10.答案与解析:which “________ only lives under one kind of rock”是定语从句,修饰先行词ant。先行词是物,在定语从句中作主语。