Unit4 Then and now Checkout time& Ticking time 教案(含设计意图)


名称 Unit4 Then and now Checkout time& Ticking time 教案(含设计意图)
格式 docx
文件大小 25.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-12-29 08:28:04



Unit4 Then and now
(Checkout time& Ticking time)教案
1、能正确完成书上Checkout time 中的练习;
am, is, are
3、正确使用过去与现在的句型写短文:I’ve grown up!
本课时是本单元的第四课时, 学生已熟知过去时态的用法。进入六年级的学生已经有一定的英语学习基础,要充分研究学生,激发学生学习的兴趣,激扬学生的思维。较准确地确定学习者的起点能力,可在一定程度上提高教学效率,收到良好的教学效果。
1、能正确完成书上Checkout time 中的练习;
3、正确使用过去与现在的句型写短文:I’ve grown up!
2、正确使用过去与现在的句型写短文:I’ve grown up!
Step1 Warming up
Watch and remember
T: Do you like reading stories Have you read the story ‘The ugly duckling’
Let’s watch and remember. Try to remember what happened to the duck as much as you can.
Watch and fill in
Long long ago, the duck ______ ugly(丑的).
His mother and brothers ______ like him.
He ______ fly. But he could swim very well.
He ______ sad. So he _____ (go) alone(独自).
Now it is spring. The duck _____ fly. He ____ a beautiful swan(天鹅) now!
Step2 Look and say
T: The ugly duckling has changed a lot. And so has Mike’s family. Let’s look and say : When they were young, what could they do What couldn’t they do
S:Tim was one year old. He could not walk.
Helen was three years old. She could not draw.
Mr Brown was 16 years old. He could read.
. Mrs Brown was 15 years old. She could cook . .
Mike was six years old. He could not ride.
T: But now, Mike can do many things. What can he do
S: He can...
T: And Tim and Helen can do many things, too. Right
S: Yes. And now Mr Brown can write emails. He has a mobile phone.
Now Mrs Brown has e-friends. She also does shopping.
T: Excellent! They’ve grown up! And I’ve grown up, too!
(设计意图:由丑小鸭的成长变化过渡到Mike一家的成长变化,不仅完成了书本上Checkout time 中的过去式could的练习,而且巧妙扩充了Story time中的一般现在时,让学生正确运用两种时态。)
Step3 Talk about our photos
Introduce yourself
T: Now, I’m a teacher.
I’m thirty-three years old.
I’m tall.
I can speak English.
I can read English books.
I often go climbing at weekends.
I like travelling (旅游).
T: Can you introduce yourself like me
S: Now, I’m a student.
I'm ______________. (年龄、身材)
I can ______________.
I ________________________ .
I often ________________.
I like _____________________.
2. Talk about my photo
T: Who is she Guess!
S:Miss Wu.
T:Yes, this was me twenty-five years ago. You can ask some questions about me.
S:How old were you
Were you tall/short/fat/thin
Could you ...
What could you do
What couldn't you do
Did you ... (你做了...吗?/你有...吗?)
T: 25 years ago, I was a child.
I was eight years old.
I was short and lovely.
I could sing and draw.
I couldn’t ride a bike.
I didn’t go to Shanghai.
I didn’t have a computer.
3.Talk about your photos
T: Now take out your photos. Ask your classmate questions and talk about your photos.
Work in pairs.
(设计意图:由Mike一家成长的例子,自然过渡到老师现在已经长大的照片,老师通过介绍自己,让学生模仿练说、介绍自己,熟练运用一般现在时。然后课件出示老师小时候的照片,让学生猜猜是谁,当学生了解是Miss Wu时,引导学生用过去式的句子提问老师,了解小时候的老师。然后由扶到放,让学生拿出自己小时候的照片,让学生之间用过去式问答、谈论照片,并投影展示,让学生熟练运用过去式。自主提问、谈论照片能培养学生的口语能力和思维能力。)
Step4 Main task:Write a passage ‘I’ve grown up!’
Think and say
T: Before we write this passage, let’s think:What aspects can we write
学生通过看老师的例句,自己说出job, age, appearance,abilities...
T: Good! What sentences can we write 让学生根据年龄、职业、外貌、能力等各说一句关于自己的话,先说过去,再说现在,老师在黑板上板书示范,学生一起读一读
Think and write
Write your passage, 给出评价标准
★ Write most sentences correctly, including one or two mistakes(写大部分句子正确,可以有一两处错误)
★ ★ Write all sentences correctly(写的全部句子正确)
★ ★ ★ Write more sentences correctly and beautifully(写更多的句子,并书写美观)
(设计意图:在学生熟练谈论照片的基础上,布置任务,写一篇主题为‘I’ve grown up!’的作文,让学生从说过渡到写。在写之前,老师要引导学生通过观察,自己得出可以写哪些内容,如年龄、职业、外貌、能力等方面,然后让学生根据这些方面用两种时态再说一说,在熟练练说的基础上“以说导写”,突破难点。在写之前,老师要明确给出评价标准,最后学生上台投影展示自己的作文和照片,老师及时批阅,并让学生说说能得到几颗星,为什么,以此进行及时的评价。)
Step5 Make Growing Album
老师将学生刚刚投影展示的作文彩纸叠放在一起,并用夹子固定,封面上写好Growing Album,介绍这是成长相册
T: Let’s make our Growing Album.
1. Work in four and make your Growing Album四人一组制作成长相册
2. Read to your partner and share it 读出来,和大家分享你的成长
3.Show us your Growing Album. 可通过投影展示大家制作的相册
4.Ticking time
5.T: After this lesson, let’s remember:
To be yourself is the most important.(做现在的你是最重要的。)
The best place, is the place where haven't been to; The best time, is the time that can't come back.最好的地方,是没去过的地方;最好的时光,是回不去的时光。
Step6 Homework
1.Review all the contents in Unit4;
2. Share your Growing Album group by group.