人教版(2019) 必修 第一册 Unit 1 Teenage life课件+学案(10份打包)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第一册 Unit 1 Teenage life课件+学案(10份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-12-28 22:23:10




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A鱼Listening and Speaking
作为一名中国学生, 你是否曾经梦想过将来有一天能够走进英国学校的课堂,去体验那里不同的学校环境和教学模式呢?让我们随着作者的思绪,和他一起重温那一段异国学习的美好的日子吧!
School Life in the UK
Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.I was very happy with the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a.m.and ends about 3:30 p.m..This means I could get up an hour later than usual, as schools in China begin before 8 a.m..
On the first day, all of the new students attended an assembly in the school hall.During the assembly, the headmaster told us about the rules of the school.He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote ourselves to studying and achieving high grades.This sounded like my school in China.
In our class there were 28 students.This is about the average size for British schools.We had to move to different classrooms for different classes.We also had different students in some classes, so it was a struggle for me to remember all the faces and names.
I found that the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school.However, it was a challenge for me at first, because all the homework was in English.I felt lucky, as all my teachers gave me much encouragement and I enjoyed all my subjects.
I was very lucky to experience this different way of life.I look back on my time in the UK with satisfaction, and I really hope to go back and study in Manchester again.
1.Why was it hard for the writer to remember all her/his classmates
Because she/he had to move to different classrooms for different classes and she/he had different students in some classes.
2.What's the writer's purpose of writing the passage
To introduce her/his exciting and happy school life in Britain.
1.enjoyable adj.  有乐趣的;令人愉快的
2.experience n.& vt. 经历,体验
3.assembly n. 集会,会议
4.earn vt. 获得;赚,挣得
5.respect n.& vt. 尊敬,敬重
earn respect 赢得尊敬
6.struggle n. 难事;斗争;努力
vi. 奋斗,努力;挣扎
Section ⅠListening and Speaking
1.ballet n.       芭蕾舞
2.debate n. 辩论;争论
vt.& vi. 辩论;争论
3.content n. 内容;[pl.]目录;(书、讲话、节目等的)主题
4.greenhouse n. 温室;暖房
5.teenage adj.十几岁的(指13至19岁);青少年的→teenager n.(13至19岁之间的)青少年
6.volunteer n.志愿者→voluntary adj.志愿的;自愿的
7.prefer vt.较喜欢→preference n.喜爱;偏爱
8.movement n.动作;运动;活动→move vi.移动;搬家,迁移;离开vt.移动;感动
9. suitable adj.合适的;适用的→suit vt.适合;使适宜
10.actually adv.事实上;的确→actual adj.真实的;实际的
1.prefer ...to ... 喜欢……多于……
2.clean up 打扫(或清除)干净
3.suitable for 对……适合的
1.What is the woman's speech about
A.Methods of making an outline.
B.Ways to make a speech.
C.Shakespeare's works.
2.What does the man advise the woman to do thirdly
A.Writing out an outline.
B.Collecting materials.
C.Choosing a specific topic.
3.When is the deadline to turn in the speech topic
A.This Tuesday.
B.Next Tuesday.
C.Next Thursday.
4.What is Paul reading about
A.Report.   B.History.   C.Science.
5.When does the talk take place
A.On Wednesday.
B.On Friday.
C.On Saturday.
6.Where does the woman come from
A.America. B.Italy. C.Canada.
7.What are they talking about at first
A.An exam.
B.The man's English.
C.A football match.
8.What do we learn from the dialogue
A.The woman is very good at English.
B.The woman likes football better than the man.
C.The man didn't do well in the exam.
9.What do we know about the man
A.He isn't so good at football as at English.
B.He is interested in football.
C.He doesn't like to watch TV.
10.What did Lincoln's father do
A.Teacher. B.Worker. C.Farmer.
11.Why couldn't Lincoln go to school
A.Because his family was too poor.
B.Because he wanted to teach himself.
C.Because there was no school near his home.
12.How did little Lincoln feel most of the time on the farm
A.Happy. B.Unhappy. C.Angry.
答案:1~5 CACCB 6~10 CACBC
11~12 CB
(Text 1)
M:Don't worry if others are doing the same thing, as long as you do a good job.A good professor will grade all students fairly.
W:You really think so
M:Shakespeare has many works.You only have to choose a couple of them.
W:I guess you are right.Do you have any advice on how to prepare a speech
M:First you need to select your topic.Have you done this yet
W:Yes, I have lots of information on Shakespeare.
M:Good.Next, you should do research on a specific topic.Do you have a deadline for which to turn in your speech topic
W:The deadline is next Tuesday.Oh, no, next Thursday.
M:So you should have a detailed outline of what you will say by then.
W:OK, so you think I should write out an outline of my speech
M:Of course!
(Text 2)
W:What are you reading, Paul
M:Oh, it's a book about science.
W:Why are you reading on Friday evening
M:Because I've got to write a report this weekend.
W:What are you going to do when you graduate
M:I'd like to get a job abroad, I think.What about you
W:I'm going to spend a few weeks touring Britain, then I'm going back to Canada, I suppose.
(Text 3)
W:Hello, Mike.How was your English exam yesterday
M:Not too good.
W:Well, the term exam is always more difficult.Work harder and you will certainly do better next time.
M:I've worked hard enough, I think, but unluckily, I have never done well in the exam.
W:Well, it's no use worrying about the exam now.Let's talk about the football game tonight.It's much more interesting.
M:Is there a football game on TV tonight
W:Yes, it's between the Chinese team and the Japanese team.
M:Er ...I'd rather watch some other programmes.
W:Why You're so interested in football.
M:The Chinese team has always played badly in the important match, just as I have done in the important exam.
(Text 4)
M:When Lincoln was just a boy, he had to help his father look after their farm.It was hard work and there weren't any interesting things for him.Lincoln wanted to go to school, but there was no school there.He was sad most of the time.
Mrs Lincoln loved the boy very much.She tried her best to make Lincoln happy.One early morning she got up early and went to town.That was a long way and it took her a long time to get to town.She bought something there and started back.And it was late in the evening when she got home.
The next morning, Mrs Lincoln said to Lincoln,“Today is your birthday.We're going to have a party.” She put some food on the table and brought him a present.
“A book!” Lincoln cried.It was an old book, but he liked it.A smile came to his face.He looked up at Mrs Lincoln and said, “Thank you, Mum.”
Scene One
Tom:What do you usually do in your spare time, Lily Sing or dance
Lily: 1
Tom:That sounds good. 2
Lily:You are right.I want to take dancing lessons to improve my dancing skills so that I can join the school dancing team. 3
Tom:Never give up trying. 4
Lily:Thank you. 5
A.I hope I can make the team.
B.I prefer dancing and I often learn to dance by watching videos.
C.I believe interest can make it easy for you to face the challenge.
D.Dancing is good for health.
E.However, I'm afraid I can't get used to the busy schedule.
答案: 1~5 BDECA
Scene Two
Mary:Hi,Susan! I've decided to join the Ballet Club.
Susan:Sounds interesting!
Mary:1.How about you(你呢)?What club are you going to join
Susan:A Cartoon Club or a Ballet Club?2.I find it hard to make a decision (我发现很难做决定).
Mary:Which do you like better, dancing or cartoons
Susan:In fact, 3.I like dancing better (我更喜欢舞蹈),but I also like cartoon films.
Mary:I hope you will join the Ballet Club.Then 4.we will enjoy dancing together (我们就会一块享受跳舞了).
Susan:A good idea!
1.volunteer n.志愿者
(教材p.12)Volunteer Club志愿者社团
(1)volunteer vt.& vi.       自愿
volunteer as sth 自愿担任某职位
(2)voluntary adj. 志愿的;自愿的
[佳句] I'd like to join the Volunteer Club, because there are many volunteers who I can meet, which makes me volunteer to help others.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①Four people volunteered to help (help) workers decorate the gym for the dancers.
②We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity.
③In my opinion, you had better do some voluntary (volunteer) work at the weekends.
[写美] 补全句子
④The couple often volunteer to take part in activities that help the people in trouble.
2.debate n.辩论;争论vt.& vi.辩论;争论
(教材p.12)Debate Club辩论俱乐部
(1)debate with sb about/on ... 就……与某人辩论
(2)under debate 在讨论中; 在辩论中
a debate on/about/over sth 就……进行讨论
[佳句] We are having a heated debate on the effect of the computer on children.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①I debated with Mary about whether I could depend on my partner.
②They debated with each other on/about the environmental protection.
③As far as I know, the plan is under debate and hasn't been passed yet.
[写美] 补全句子
④There is a heated debate on/over/about whether women should spend more time in the home.
3.prefer vt.(preferred, preferred; preferring)较喜欢
(教材p.12)I prefer helping others.
(1)prefer to do/doing sth  更喜欢做某事
prefer sth to sth 喜欢某物而不喜欢某物
prefer doing sth to doing sth 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事
(2)preference n. 偏爱;优先权
have a preference for 对……偏爱
[佳句] After graduation, he prefers working/to work in a village school as a volunteer.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①I prefer exercising/to exercise (exercise) at home, and it seems that I am always going on a diet.
②Many people prefer living in the country to living in the city.
③A teacher should not have a preference (prefer) for any one of his pupils.
[写美] 补全句子
④I have a preference for running so I took part in the cross country running race.
[点津] (1)prefer不用于进行时。
(2)prefer相当于like better,所以prefer不与比较级连用。
International relations are another factor that will influence the decision of Chinese parents and students, as they would prefer to study in countries friendly to China.
4.content n.内容;[pl.]目录;(书、讲话、节目等的)主题
(教材p.12)Predict content预测内容
(1)with content       满意地
(2)content vt. 满足;满意
content oneself with 满足于
(3)content adj. 满足的;满意的
feel/be content with ... 对……满足/满意
be content to do sth 满足于做某事
[佳句] With so much related experience,I am sure you will be content with me.
[练透] 单句语法填空/同义替换
①That rich man is tired of city life, so he is content to live (live) in the country.
②She dropped her purse and the contents (content) fell out on the floor.
③From my point of view, you must not be pleased with (=be content with/be satisfied with) such a small success.
[写美] 句式升级
④Those will surely make no difference in life.They content themselves with their present situations.
→Those who are content with their present situations will surely make no difference in life.(定语从句;content adj.)
[点津] “对……满意”的常用短语小结:
①be content with   ②be pleased with
③be satisfied with ④be happy with
5.clean up打扫(或清除)干净
(教材p.12)clean up parks 打扫公园
go up     升高;上涨;增长
build up 逐渐增强;建立
pick up 偶然习得;捡起
[佳句] They often help clean up parks and give directions to visitors.
[练透] 选用上述短语填空
①It didn't take me long to pick up English.
②With the price of the house going up, many people can't afford it.
[写美] 补全句子
③I find it my duty to clean up my room every day.
6.suitable adj.合适的;适用的
(教材p.12)Which club do you think is suitable for Adam Why
(1)be suitable for sb/sth    适合于某人/某物
be suitable to do sth 适合做某事
(2)suit vt. 适合;使适宜
suit sb 满足/适合某人;合身
suit one's needs 满足某人的需求
[佳句] Firstly,because I'm good at spoken English, I think I am suitable for this job.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①It is difficult to find a place suitable (suit) for a picnic.
②We need to find someone suitable to replace (replace) Mary.
[写美] 一句多译
→It's difficult to find a time that suits everybody.(suit vt.)
→It's difficult to find a time that is suitable for everybody.(suitable adj.)
Tai chi is an exercise suitable for people of all ages.In addition, it can be practiced at home, which makes it great for people who must stay indoors during the COVID 19 pandemic.
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utureReading and Thinking
Hi! My name is Adam and I'm a freshman at senior high school.Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge.The first week was a little confusing②.
[1]First, I had to think very carefully about which courses I wanted to take.The school adviser helped me choose the suitable ones: maths, English, chemistry, world history, and Chinese.I know that Chinese is a very difficult language, but I hope to be fluent③ when I graduate④.[2]My adviser recommended⑤ that I should sign up for⑥ advanced⑦ literature⑧ because I like English and I'm good at it.
I had to choose extra curricular⑨ activities, too.I tried to join⑩ the school football team, but the coach told me that I didn't play well enough.Obviously , I was unhappy, but I won't quit .[3]I'll find a way to improve on my own so that I can make the team next year.I joined a volunteer club instead.Every Wednesday, we work at a soup kitchen and hand out food to homeless people in the community .
I know I'll have to study harder as a senior high school student and get used to being responsible for a lot more.I'm a bit worried about keeping up with the other students in my advanced course, and it'll be quite difficult to get used to all the homework.Still, I'm happy to be here.[4]Studying hard isn't always fun, but I'll be well prepared for university or whatever else comes in the future.
[3]本句为主从复合句。句中含有so that引导的从句作主句的目的状语。
[4]本句为并列复合句。由并列连词but连接前后两个分句,前一分句中的主语为动名词短语studying hard;后一分句中whatever引导的从句为宾语从句,作介词for的第二个宾语。
①challenge n.挑战;艰巨任务vt.怀疑;向……挑战
②confusing adj.难以理解的;不清楚的
③fluent adj.(尤指外语)流利的;熟练的
④graduate vi.& vt.毕业;获得学位n.毕业生
⑤recommend vt.建议;推荐;介绍
⑥sign up (for sth)报名(参加课程)
⑦advanced adj.高级的;高等的;先进的
⑧literature n.文学;文学作品
⑨extra curricular adj.课外的;课程以外的
try to join ...力争/尽量加入……
obviously adv.显然;明显地
quit vi.& vt.停止;戒掉;离开(工作职位、学校等)
improve vi.& vt.改进;改善
volunteer n.志愿者
hand out分发;发出
homeless adj.无家可归的
community n.社区
get used to doing习惯做
responsible adj.负责的;有责任的
be responsible for对……负责
keep up with跟上;保持同步
be prepared for ...为……做准备[参考译文]
Step One:Pre reading
What's your biggest challenge of the first week when entering senior high school?Discuss in pairs and place a tick in the proper box:
□Don't know which courses to choose.
□What club will be suitable for me
□Don't get used to the learning schedule of senior high school.
□Feeling lonely and missing my family.
□I find it hard to deal with my classmates and teachers.
Answers may vary.
Step Two:While reading
Ⅰ.Read for the main idea
1.The text mainly tells us .
A.the importance of taking courses
B.why Adam joined a volunteer club
C.how Adam dealt with the freshman challenge
D.Adam was worried about his advanced course
2.Match the main idea with each paragraph.
Para.1 A.With the help of the adviser, Adam chose his courses.
Para.2 B.Adam describes his present study and his
Para.3 C.Adam, a freshman, faces a really big challenge in the first week.
Para.4 D.Adam chose his extra curricular activities.
答案:Paras.1~4 CADB
Ⅱ.Read for details
(1)Read the sentences below and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F).
①Adam is a freshman at junior high school. F
②Adam felt confused during the first week. T
(2)What is the challenge for Adam
Going from junior high school to senior high school.
(1)Which one of the following courses did Adam NOT choose
A.English.       B.Chemistry.
C.World history. D.Physics.
(2)Why did Adam's adviser prefer him to sign up for advanced literature
A.Because Chinese is a very difficult language.
B.Because he likes English and does well in it.
C.Because he likes Chinese and is good at it.
D.Because advanced literature is an important course.
答案:(1)D (2)B
(1)Why did Adam fail in joining in the school football team
A.Because his coach thought that he didn't play well enough.
B.Because he had his leg injured and had to give up.
C.Because his classmates thought that he did badly in football.
D.Because he wanted to join other clubs.
(2)What did Adam do after he was refused by the football coach
A.He quitted school and became a cook in a soup kitchen.
B.He joined a basketball club instead.
C.He became an actor in a film industry.
D.He joined a volunteer club.
答案:(1)A (2)D
(3)When and where does Adam work in the club (no more than 6 words)
Every Wednesday at a soup kitchen.
(4)Please try to describe Adam's work in the club.(no more than 9 words)
Hand out food to homeless people in the community.
(1)Read the sentences below and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F).
①Adam will have to study harder as a senior high school student. T
②Adam is unhappy to be here. F
③Studying hard is always fun for Adam. F
(2)What problems are Adam faced with at present (more than one answer)
A.Keeping up with the other students in his advanced course.
B.Getting used to all the homework.
C.Getting used to being responsible.
D.Preparing for university.
Ⅲ.Read for the structure
Step Three:Post reading
(1)What does Adam think of his adviser
He likes his adviser.He thinks his recommendation is suitable for him.
(2)According to your own experience, list several confusions about a senior high school student.
Loneliness, not getting used to the teaching style of high school teachers, feeling of losing confidence and so on.
(3)What do you think a senior high school student should do when entering senior high school
First of all, he/she should be confident and positive to adapt himself/herself to the school life as soon as possible.Second, he/she should make some friends to make himself/herself not feel lonely.Third, he/she should develop some good learning habits.For example, listen to the teachers carefully, learn how to think, make good use of his/her time in class, study regularly and so on.Finally, he/she should take part in extra curricular activities.
(1)I know that Chinese is a very difficult language, but I hope to be fluent when I graduate.
[尝试翻译] 我知道中文是一门非常难学的语言,但我希望在毕业时能说一口流利的汉语。
(2)My adviser recommended that I should sign up for advanced literature because I like English and I'm good at it.
[尝试翻译] 我的指导老师建议我选修高级文学,因为我喜欢英语而且成绩不错。
(3)I tried to join the school football team, but the coach told me that I didn't play well enough.
[尝试翻译] 我想参加校橄榄球队,但是教练说我踢得不够好。
1.win the title of the world's champion
2.face a challenge 面对挑战
3.art movement 艺术运动
4.a hot topic 一个热点话题
5.some college freshmen 一些大学新生
6.Chinese literature 中国文学
7.take an active part in extra curricular activities
8.quit smoking 戒烟
9.ahead of schedule 提前
10.as an editor 作为一名主编
11.With the help of the advanced technology, we can complete the task in advance.(advance)
12.He was really confused by the confusing problem which also confused other people.(confuse)
13.He has realised that the ability to speak fluent English is of great importance.However, he is in need of much practice in order to speak more fluently.(fluent)
14.Since you are eighteen, you should be responsible for what you have done.In my opinion, doing voluntary work will help you build up a sense of responsibility.(responsible)
[掌握规律 巧记单词]
①challenge n.挑战;艰巨任务 vt.怀疑;向……挑战→challenging adj.具有挑战性的
②graduate n.毕业生vt.&vi.毕业;获得学位→graduation n.毕业
③advance vt.发展;促进n.& vi.前进;发展→advanced adj.高级的;先进的
④responsible adj.负责的;有责任的→responsibility
1.This term, I will sign up for (报名参加)my favourite sport—Chinese kung fu.
2.It is your duty to be responsible for (对……负责) the terrible mistake.
3.As far as I'm concerned, she is good at (擅长) playing the piano.
4.Driving on the left is strange at first but you'll soon get used to (习惯于) it.
5.Our incomes unfortunately have not kept up with (跟上) the rising prices.
6.One of my jobs was to hand out (分发) the prizes.
7.Good luck is when an opportunity comes along and you are prepared for (为……做好准备) it.
1.[教材原句] Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge.
[句式分析] 动词 ing作主语
[佳句仿写] Going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit.
2.[教材原句] I'll find a way to improve on my own so that I can make the team next year.
[句式分析] so that引导目的状语从句
[佳句仿写] We should make good use of free time to practise English so that we can have a good knowledge of it.
3.[教材原句] I'm a bit worried about keeping up with the other students in my advanced course, and it'll be quite difficult to get used to all the homework.
[句式分析] it is+形容词/名词+to do sth句型,it作形式主语,真正的主语为动词不定式。
[佳句仿写] I sincerely hope your dream will come true and it's my pleasure to show you around Beijing when that day comes.
1.challenge n.挑战;艰巨任务vt.怀疑;向……挑战
(教材p.14)Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge.
(1)face the challenge      面对挑战
accept/take up a challenge 接受挑战
(2)challenge sb to sth 向某人挑战某事
challenge sb to do sth 向某人挑战做某事
(3)challenging adj. 挑战性的
[佳句] It made me realise deeply that we are not the young children any more, but adults who have to shoulder responsibilities and face challenges bravely in the future life and study.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①The present world is full of challenges (challenge) as well as opportunities.
②I kept practising until I became confident enough to challenge (challenge) the good players.
③It was surprising that she should accept such a challenging (challenge) job.
[写美] 补全句子
④As for me, I'm quite interested in playing basketball since it has been giving me strength to face the challenges in my life.
[点津] 向某人挑战
2.confusing adj.难以理解的;不清楚的
(教材p.14)The first week was a little confusing.第一周有点让人迷茫。
(1)confuse vt.         使糊涂;使迷惑
confuse A with/and B 把A与B混淆
be/get confused by/about... 对……感到困惑
(2)confused adj. 糊涂的;迷惑的
confusion n. 混乱;困惑
[佳句] The confused look on her face suggested she was confused about the confusing instructions.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①His answer to the question is confusing (confuse).
②The old man always confuses the boy with his younger brother.
③I would often get confused (confuse) when I came across new words.
[写美] 补全句子
④For example, there are a large number of books which I am often confused to choose from.
3.graduate vi.& vt.毕业;获得学位n.毕业生
(教材p.14)I know that Chinese is a very difficult language, but I hope to be fluent when I graduate.
(1)graduate from        毕业于
graduate in 毕业于……专业
(2)graduation n. 毕业;获得学位
after graduation from ... 从……毕业之后
[佳句] Several days later, when the video was played on the graduation ceremony, it was well received.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①My son hopes to graduate in law so as to become a lawyer in the future.
②Since his graduation/graduating (graduate) from college, Mr Li has been teaching in our school.
[写美] 补全句子
③We haven't got a chance to have a face to face talk ever since we graduated from university.
4.recommend vt.建议;推荐;介绍
(教材p.14)My adviser recommended that I should sign up for advanced literature because I like English and I'm good at it.
(1)recommend doing sth     建议做某事
recommend sb to do sth 建议某人做某事
recommend that sb (should) do sth 建议某人做某事
(2)recommend sb sth 向某人推荐某物
recommend sth to sb 把某物推荐给某人
recommend sb as ... 推荐某人为……
[佳句] Elli and I feared the fence wouldn't last through 30 more minutes of the bear's punishment.The camp manager recommended I use pepper spray.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①He recommended reading (read) the book before seeing the movie.
②I recommend you to think (think) very carefully before you do something.
③I hope our teachers can recommend more interesting books to us and give us more free time to read them.
[写美] 一句多译
→The teacher recommended that everyone (should) take an active part in the English party.
→The teacher recommended everyone to take an active part in the English party.
[点津] recommend(建议)后的that从句用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用“(should+)do”。
5.advanced adj.高级的;高等的;先进的
(1)advance n.         前进;发展
vi. 前进;发展
vt. 发展;促进
advance on/towards 朝……前进
advance our knowledge of ... 增进我们对……的了解
(2)in advance 预先;提前(指事先)
in advance of 在……前面;超过
[佳句] I advise you to learn the history of the Tang Dynasty in advance, which can help you better understand the poems to be learned.
[练透] 单句语法填空/补全句子
①It's cheaper if you book the tickets in advance.
②Without excellent education, there would be no advanced (advance) science and technology.
③Learning English will advance our knowledge of Western culture.
[写美] 词汇升级
④I'd appreciate it if you let me know whether you are free ahead of time.
→I'd appreciate it if you let me know whether you are free in advance.
6.obviously adv.显然;明显地
(教材p.14)Obviously, I was unhappy, but I won't quit.
obvious adj.       显然的;明显的;易理解的
It is obvious that ... 很明显……
be obvious to ... 对……很好理解
[佳句] Obviously,diet and exercise are of great importance to us all.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①Obviously (obvious), she is waiting for you.Why are you late for class again
②It might be obvious to you, but it isn't to me.
[写美] 一句多译
→It is obvious that he is not content with your job.
→Obviously, he is not content with your job.
7.quit vi.& vt. (quit, quit)停止;戒掉;离开(工作职位、学校等)
quit school/one's job/office     退学/离职/辞职
quit a place 离开某地
quit doing sth 停止干某事
[佳句] I don't think it a good idea to quit school to support your family at present.
[练透] 单句语法填空/补全句子
①You must quit smoking (smoke).Most important of all, you should start taking exercise.
②I think Tom, as the head of a big department, should either study regularly or quit office.
[写美] 翻译句子
If I don't get a pay rise, I'll quit.
8.responsible adj.负责的;有责任的
(教材p.14)I know I'll have to study harder as a senior high school student and get used to being responsible for a lot more.
(1)be responsible for      对……负责
(2)responsibility n. 责任;义务
take responsibility for 对……负责
It is one's responsibility to do ... 做……是某人的责任
[练透] 单句语法填空
①As an adult,you should be responsible for your own decision.
②Our school is trying to teach young people to develop a sense of responsibility (responsible).
[写美] 翻译句子
It is our responsibility to protect the environment.
9.schedule n.工作计划;日程安排vt.安排;预定
(教材p.15)Finding time for both studies and extra curricular activities is a big challenge, so I need to make a workable schedule.
(1)ahead of schedule       提前
on schedule 按时间表
(2)be scheduled for 预定在
be scheduled to do sth 预计做某事
[佳句] The ceremony was scheduled to be held on 8 June, during which we reviewed the past events and watched some videos about the heroic deeds of our schoolmates in the battle against COVID 19.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①You'd better finish the project on schedule.
②His official visit to Beijing is scheduled for 24 to 27 June.
③The film star is scheduled to arrive (arrive) in Shanghai at ten o'clock.
[写美] 一句多译
→The task will be finished ahead of schedule if nothing prevents it.
→The task will be finished in advance if nothing prevents it.
1.[句型公式] 动词 ing形式作主语
(教材p.14)Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge.
(1)动词 ing形式在句中作主语, 谓语动词用单数。
(2)下列句型中it作形式主语, 动词 ing形式是真正的主语:
It's no use/no good doing sth 做某事没有用处/好处
It's useful/useless doing sth 做某事有用处/没有用处
It's a waste of time doing sth 做某事是浪费时间
[佳句] Reading English aloud in the morning will do you a lot of good.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①As the old saying goes, seeing (see) is believing.
②Finding (find) a good way to solve the problem is very difficult.
③It's no use crying (cry) over spilt milk.
④Listening to loud music at rock concerts has (have) caused hearing loss in some teenagers.
[写美] 补全句子
⑤Doing the same sports on the playground gives us the opportunity to promote our friendship.
2.[句型公式] so that引导目的状语从句,意为“以便;为了”。
(教材p.14)I'll find a way to improve on my own so that I can make the team next year.
(1)so that引导目的状语从句时,从句常和情态动词may/might, can/could, should, would等连用。
(2)so that还可以引导结果状语从句,意为“因此,所以”,主从句之间可用逗号隔开。
[佳句] I'll give you all the facts so that you can judge for yourself.
[练透] 补全句子
①We should read more books so that we may get more knowledge.
②He spoke clearly, so that everybody understood him.
[写美] 同义句转换
③They got up early so that they could catch the first bus.
→They got up early in order that they could catch the first bus.
→They got up early in order to catch the first bus.
[点津] in order that也可以引导目的状语从句,相当于so that,但是更正式,可以用“in order to+动词原形”替换。
3.[句型公式] it is+形容词/名词+to do sth
(教材p.14)I'm a bit worried about keeping up with the other students in my advanced course, and it'll be quite difficult to get used to all the homework.
(1)It+is/was+形容词/名词+to do sth,这一句型中不定式作真正的主语;
(2)It+is/was+形容词/名词+doing sth,这一句型中动名词作真正的主语;
[佳句] Each Tang Poem is attached to a story, so it's easier for you to understand them.
[练透] 补全句子
①It is not hard for one to do a bit of good, but it's a struggle to do good for a lifetime.
②It is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.
[写美] 翻译句子
In my opinion,it is easy to learn English if you study hard.
[点津] 不定式作真正的主语时,其前可以加for sb (句中的形容词描述不定式行为的性质或特点)或of sb (句中的形容词描述sb 的性格、品行)。
1.Recently we had a class meeting on the topic (话题) of My Chinese Dream.
2.He recommended (推荐) his friend as sales manager of the company.
3.One of the challenges (挑战) he has accepted is to swim across the river.
4.If you really want my advice, I don't think you should quit (离开) school.
5.I enjoy Chinese classic literature (文学) and has spent some time reading Tang Poetry.
6.Because of the bad weather, the project is several weeks behind schedule (工作计划).
7.Since his parents died early, he had to support himself when he was a teenager (青少年).
8.You had better allow extra (额外的) time for your journey.
9.The title of the chapter is ambiguous (模糊不清的) in the newspaper.
10.The solar power can serve as a better move toward the solution to the problem of energy shortage.
1.It is our responsibility to learn advanced (advance) science and technology to build our country.
2.I can't find suitable (suit) words to express my excitement.
3.I do some voluntary (volunteer) work at the local hospital.
4.Obviously (obvious), we don't want to spend too much money.
5.People are confused (confuse) about what they should eat to stay healthy.
6.In other words, every action and movement (move) in Beijing Opera is important.
7.Having stayed in China for many years, he can speak Chinese fluently (fluent).
8.College students hold a graduation (graduate) ceremony to encourage themselves before they set off on their life journey.
1.Working in these conditions is not a pleasure but a suffer.(动词 ing形式作主语)
2.Will you please pay a visit to Tianjin again so that we may meet again?(so that)
3.I need to improve my oral English, so it is necessary for me to find a native speaker to learn from.(it is+形容词+for sb to do ...)
4.Therefore, we should give a second thought to these consumption ratings whenever we go shopping.(whenever)
5.After graduation, he volunteered to teach in a school in the west of China.(volunteer)
6.I have signed up for the English Corner because I am fond of English.(sign)
因为喜欢英语, 我已报名参加英语角。




功能:作状语,修饰动词、形容词或副词Discovering Useful Structures
1.Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge.
2.The first week was a little confusing.
3.First, I had to think very carefully about which courses I wanted to take.
4.My adviser recommended that I should sign up for advanced literature because I like English and I'm good at it.
5.The main purpose of the course is to help improve each student's reading ability.
(1)句1中名词短语a really big challenge在句中作表语;
(2)句2中形容词短语a little confusing在句中作表语;
(3)句3中副词短语very carefully在句中作状语;
(4)句4中名词短语advanced literature在句中作宾语;
(5)句5中名词短语the main purpose of the course在句中作主语。
一、名词短语(Noun Phrase或NP)
These red roses are for you.
I have three close friends.
He is my best friend.
We consider him a good teacher.
[即时演练一] 写出下列句子中画线的名词短语在句中所作的句子成分,并注意其组成。
①These ideas may seem strange to you. 作主语
②We love our great motherland very much. 作宾语
③The man wearing a black coat is our teacher. 作表语
④Those beautiful flowers come from Yunnan. 作主语
⑤We made him capital of our team. 作宾语补足语
⑥He got three gold medals at the 23rd Olympic Games. 作宾语
⑦The tall building was built last year. 作主语
二、形容词短语(Adjective Phrase或AdjP)
Your room is large and beautiful.
It is very hot today.
I am sure of success.
He is sure to come.他一定会来。
[即时演练二] 写出下列句子中的形容词短语
①He is young but clever. young but clever
②The room was very dirty. very dirty
③The road is long enough. long enough
④The bottle is full of water. full of water
⑤She is a girl lively and lovely. lively and lovely
The bridge is long and wide.
I think your answer correct and proper.
We have a small but beautiful room.
He is a worker worthy of praise.
[即时演练三] 写出下列句子中画线的形容词短语在句中所作的句子成分,并注意其组成。
①The air today is nice and clean. 作表语
②He found the film very interesting. 作宾语补足语
③This is a subject worthy of careful study. 作定语
④Our English teacher is very nice and patient. 作表语
⑤I found it very hard to get along with foreigners. 作宾语补足语
三、副词短语(Adverb Phrase或AdvP)
I tried again and again.
(2)very, extremely等程度副词作修饰语,可以与其他副词构成副词短语。
He runs extremely fast.
He went on studying deep into the night yesterday.
[即时演练四] 写出下列句子中的副词短语
①She types quickly and correctly.quickly and correctly
②He can finish that much quicker.much quicker
③The teacher speaks clearly enough.clearly enough
I warned him again and again.
我一再警告他。(副词短语again and again修饰warned)
Don't talk so loudly.
别大声喧哗。(副词短语so loudly修饰talk)
[即时演练五] 写出下列句子中画线的副词短语在句中所作的句子成分及修饰成分,并注意其组成。
①He ran very quickly yesterday. 修饰动词;作状语
②I am much too pleased to see you. 修饰形容词;作状语
③She plays well enough as a beginner. 修饰动词;作状语
④He worked much more carefully on the new design. 修饰副词;作状语
survival n.生存;幸存;幸存事物
(教材p.17)We'll learn survival skills.
(1)survive vi.    生存;存活
vt. 幸存;艰难度过
survive sth. 幸免于;从……中挺过来/活下来
survive on 依靠……生存下来
A survive B (by ...) A比B活得长(……)
(2)survivor n. 幸存者;生还者
[佳句] Much to our joy, all of the 20 people were able to survive the fire, which brought great comfort to their families.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①How does the family survive on such a small monthly wage
②As far as I know, the old lady survived her husband by 5 years.
③If he couldn't find his way out of the forest, there would be little chance of survival (survive).
[写美] 句式升级
④After she had survived that night, she was confident that everything else would be all right.
→Having survived that night, she was confident that everything else would be all right.(分词作状语)
[点津] survive 表示“幸免于难”时,是及物动词,其后不需要加介词in或from。
1.We were passing by a boat house when we met her. 名词短语
2.Two of my brother's friends came to see him off. 名词短语
3.She will explain quite clearly what she intends to do in future. 副词短语
4.Quite properly, she was punished. 副词短语
5.He is inexperienced, but he is quite clever. 形容词短语
6.The fruit is good to eat. 形容词短语
7.The servant was afraid to wake up his master. 形容词短语
8.I didn't need to answer the questions,which saved me a lot of trouble. 名词短语
9.The cute boy wearing blue jeans is my brother. 名词短语
10.Always nervous,the man opened the letters. 形容词短语
1.We will try to make our country more beautiful.
2.I won the first prize in the Chinese speech contest.
3.I have no money to buy such an expensive gift for her.
4.It sounds like a good idea.
5.I think our city should develop healthily,so that we could have a better hometown in the future.
6.Guangzhou is a beautiful place for people to live in.
In Canada,volunteering is 1.extremely common among people of all ages.They believe that being helpful is 2.one of the most important qualities to have.There are many forms of 3.voluntary work and opportunities to help everywhere, including schools or people's gardens.
I'm volunteering for an organisation to assist 4.the teachers there.I'm in charge of a preschool class,where students are 5.very lovely.When I first started,I was 6.quite nervous as I'd never worked with little kids before.As time went on,I became more familiar with them.One teacher asked me to help 7.the youngest girl in the class draw a picture based on the word “grateful”.As I was drawing and talking with her,I gradually felt 8.warm and peaceful, and I realized it was not that difficult to work with children.When the class was over, I felt really excited and even 9.a bit proud of what I had done.
Volunteering gives us not only an opportunity to change someone's life but also the satisfaction of helping others.It is also a great way to develop social skills and gain valuable experience for our future.For example,I have learned to speak to others 10.more kindly and clearly.
答案:1.形容词短语;作表语 2.名词短语;作表语
3.名词短语;作宾语 4.名词短语;作宾语 5.形容词短语;作表语 6.形容词短语;作表语 7.名词短语;作宾语
8.形容词短语;作表语 9.形容词短语;作表语
A鱼Reading for Writing——写一封建议信
10 September 2018
Dear Worried Friend,
You wrote that you are very worried about your friend, Chen Lei.I understand quite well that you are anxious and feel terrible.You think that your friend plays computer games too often and spends too much time online.
I recommend that you talk to your friend about his behaviour.It is not unusual for teenagers of your generation to be attracted to computer games and the online world.But spending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to focus on other things in life.Some students even become addicted to the Internet and cannot concentrate on school and family life.I think you should encourage your friend to try new hobbies.Why not discuss the problem together?I am sure he will listen to you, since you are his good friend.
All the best,
Susan Luo
2.第一段连用三个句式: You wrote that ...; I understand quite well that ...; You think that ...可以看出作者在建议信的开头,语气比较委婉礼貌,三个宾语从句的使用突显了作者使用高级句式表达的功底。
3.第二段第三、四句中的focus on, become addicted to, concentrate on等短语鲜明地表达了花太多时间上网的危害。
4.第二段运用it作形式主语(It is not unusual ...to be attracted ...);动名词短语作主语(spending too much time online is ...);it作形式宾语(... makes it very difficult to focus on ...);宾语从句(I think you should encourage ...)以及why not+动词原形(Why not discuss ...)等高级句式突显出作者较强的语言功底。
第一段开头用“You wrote that ...”引出对方的问题,接着用“I understand quite well that ...”表达出自己对对方的理解,然后引出对方让作者解决的问题。
第二段作者在提出建议时,语气委婉,并运用but, and等连接词使句子之间层次清晰,逻辑鲜明,语意连贯。
1.I know you have trouble in making friends after reading your letter.I am writing to give you some suggestions/offer you some advice.
2.I'm very glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese.Here are a few suggestions.
3.I'm delighted to hear that you'll be a senior student.Now, I'd like to share my study tips with you.
1.The following are my suggestions./My suggestions are as follows.
2.In my opinion/Personally/As far as I'm concerned, it would be wise to take the following action.
1.I hope you will find these suggestions helpful./I hope my suggestions will be of benefit to you.
2.I believe that you will take my suggestions into serious account.Whatever you decide to do, good luck with your studies/work!
3.I sincerely hope my advice can be helpful to you and that you can enjoy your new school life.Best wishes!
Dear Jenny,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Step 1 一仿结构布局合理
Step 2 二仿语言规范美观
You feel bad after entering high school.(动名词短语)
Your classmates are facing the same problem.
You don't have to worry too much about it.
4.我认为你应该试着邀请你的同学一起参加一些活动。 (I think you should ...)
I think you should try to invite your classmates to take part in some activities together.
5.这将有助于你们更容易相互理解。(make it+形容词+to do ...)
This will make it easier for you to understand each other.
Your classmates will be willing to make friends with you if you can follow my advice.
Step 3 三仿句间过渡自然
Your classmates are facing the same problem, so you don't have to worry too much about it.
I think you should try to invite your classmates to take part in some activities together and this will make it easier for you to understand each other.
Step 4 誊写
Dear Jenny,
I am sorry to hear you feel bad after entering high school.As far as I know, your classmates are facing the same problem, so you don't have to worry too much about it.Here are some suggestions to help you.
First, I think you should try to invite your classmates to take part in some activities together and this will make it easier for you to understand each other.Besides, help students who are in trouble.
As time goes on, your classmates will be willing to make friends with you if you can follow my advice.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
1.behaviour n.行为;举止
(教材p.18)I recommend that you talk to your friend about his behaviour.
(1)good/bad behaviour  良好/不良行为
(2)behave vt.& vi. 举动;(举止或行为)表现
behave well/badly to/towards sb 对待某人好/不好
behave oneself 守规矩,表现得体
(3)well behaved adj. 表现好的
badly behaved adj. 表现差的
[佳句] The child behaved so well in class that the teacher praised his good behaviour in front of others.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①This is a family where bad behaviour (behave) will be punished.
②The shop assistants behave very well towards/to customers.
③Students should be encouraged to develop good habits and behave themselves (they).
[写美] 补全句子
④As far as I'm concerned, all of us should mind our behaviour in public places.
就我而言, 我们大家都应该注意在公共场所的举止。
2.attract vt.吸引;引起……的注意(或兴趣)
(教材p.18)It is not unusual for teenagers of your generation to be attracted to computer games and the online world.
(1)attract one's attention/eyes 吸引某人的注意力/目光
attract sb to sth 吸引某人关注某事
be attracted to 喜欢
be attracted by 被……吸引
(2)attraction n. 吸引,有吸引力的人或事物
a tourist attraction 旅游景点
(3)attractive adj. 有吸引力的
[佳句] Upon entering the farm, we were attracted by its cleanness and rich varieties of fruit.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①The little girl was attracted (attract) by the beauty of nature, so she decided to spend another two days.
②Ice cream is very attractive (attract) to children.
③As the longest river in Asia, the Yangtze River has so many tourist attractions (attract).
[写美] 补全句子
④What attracts tourists most is the spectacular view of sunrise on the top of the mountain.
3.focus vi.&vt.集中(精力、注意力等);(使)调节焦距 n.中心;重点;焦点
(教材p.18)But spending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to focus on other things in life.
(1)focus on        集中(注意力、精力等)于
focus/fix one's attention on sth 把注意力集中到……
(2)the focus of attention 关注的焦点
[佳句] As is known to us, health and environmental problems have become the focus of attention.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①Today, many Chinese people are learning Western styles and theories rather than focusing on Chinese traditions.
②With his attention focused (focus) on his homework, he forgot all about what I had told him.
[写美] 补全句子
③It shows a common phenomenon nowadays that children are the focus of families, shouldering the hope of their parents.
4.addicted adj.有瘾的;上瘾的;入迷的
(教材p.18)Some students even become addicted to the Internet and cannot concentrate on school and family life.
(1)be addicted to (doing) sth 沉溺于……;专心做……
(2)addict vt. 使沉溺;使上瘾
  n. 对……入迷的人;吸毒成瘾的人
addict oneself to sth 沉溺于……
(3)addictive adj. 使人上瘾的
(4)addiction n. 瘾;入迷;嗜好
[佳句] Li Ming is a game addict, and his father has been trying to prevent him from being addicted to computer games which are very addictive.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①Her son addicted himself to smoking, which had a bad effect on his health.
②Teenagers who are addicted (addict) to the Internet are more likely to suffer from depression.
③I discovered an addiction (addict) to housework which I had never felt before.
[写美] 补全句子
④Addicted to playing the violin, he didn't notice the teacher walk into the classroom.
[点津] addicted多用于形容人,不用于名词前,一般作表语或后置定语; addictive多用于修饰物。
1.[句型公式] make it+形容词/名词+for sb to do
(教材p.18)But spending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to focus on other things in life.
“动词+it+形容词/名词+for sb ...”结构需注意:
(1)常用动词:think, believe, make, find, consider, feel等;
[佳句] The bad weather made it impossible for us to finish the task on time.
[练透] 单句语法填空
①I must make it clear that I'll always support you.
②He makes it a rule to get (get) up at six o'clock every day.
③The professor considers it no good reading (read) without understanding.
[写美] 同义句转换
④They find it is hard to finish the work in such a short time.
→They find it hard to finish the work in such a short time.(it作形式宾语)
2.[句型公式] It is because ...这/那是因为……
(教材p.19)I guess it's because they're adults and can't understand me.
This/That/It is because ...  这/那是因为……
This/That is why ... 这/那就是……的原因
The reason why ...is that ... ……的原因是……
[佳句] I know that/it is because I don't spend much time memorizing new words and phrases after class.
[练透] 补全句子
①He missed the first bus and that was because he got up late this morning.
②I've got a cold; that is why I wouldn't like to have a meal.
[写美] 一句多译
→He was sent to the hospital.That's because he was ill.
→He was ill.That's why he was sent to the hospital.
→The reason why he was sent to the hospital was that he was ill.
1.He told the students about his adventures (奇遇) in the Arctic.
2.Famous experts (专家) are often invited to CCTV to make comments on the current situation.
3.I was a fairly good football player in my youth (青年时期).
4.On the table, there are some cakes and grapes on the plates (盘子).
5.The medicine is harmful to children but harmless to adults.
6.As is known to us, there is a generation gap between the young and the old.
1.I think all of us should mind our behaviour (behave) in public places.
2.It is a popular tourist attraction (attract) with many local delicious snacks.
3.A lot of small companies are fighting for survival (survive) at present.
4.It is necessary for us to practise speaking (speak) English every day.
5.We had great fun comparing (compare) our baby photographs.
6.People who are addicted(addict) to shopping should break this habit.
1.You need a break. Why not take a fortnight off from work?(why not)
2.You have made rapid progress;this is because he helps you a lot.(this is because)
3.He considered it hard to find the person who was responsible for the accident.(it作形式宾语)
4.Next time you come to see me,please bring me some books suitable for me.(next time)
5.While walking in the park, he saw the child attracted by a bird. (attract)
6.Focus your attention on/upon your work and you will make progress.(focus)
prefer ...to ...
clean up
suitable for
sign up (for sth)
be responsible for
be well prepared for
be attracted to
focus on
addicted to
have fun
join a club
be good at

① harmonious ady
② respectful ad
③ brotherhood n.
④ familiar adi
friendly adi

admirable a
⑦ enthusiastic ad
sincere adl
⑨ reliable adj
close a
Considerate adj
体贴的,考虑周到的Q2 trust ut
① conflict n.
② barrier n
④ abuse n.&t
⑤ condemn vt
⑥ scold

quarrel v&n
⑧8 hurt ad
Chinese Opera OO
