人教版(2019)必修第一册 Welcome unit单元质量检测(原卷板+解析版)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册 Welcome unit单元质量检测(原卷板+解析版)
格式 zip
文件大小 896.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-12-29 11:09:09


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What happened to the man
A.He couldn't play the game.
B.He failed the exam.
C.He felt sad for the woman.
2.Where is the woman
A.In a restaurant.
B.In a bookstore.
C.In a post office.
3.What are the two speakers talking about
A.Weather.    B.Food.    C.Work.
4.What's the possible relationship between the two speakers
A.Teacher and student.
B.Manager and secretary.
C.Doctor and patient.
5.When will the speakers leave for the subway station
A.At 8. B.At 8:30. C. At 8:40.
6.Why does the man plan to go to Australia
A.Because he wants to study there.
B.Because he wants to do business.
C.Because he wants to have a holiday.
7.What should the man do
A.Answer some questions.
B.Fill in a form.
C.Have a test.
8.Where are the speakers
A.At a party.  B.At home.  C.At a restaurant.
9.What does the man suggest the woman wear
A.The purple shirt.
B.The long white dress.
C.The black evening dress.
10.What advice does the man give to the woman
A.Taking a handbag.
B.Taking nothing.
C.Taking a child.
11.What is the woman
A.A student. B.A teacher. C.A headmaster.
12.What are those students like
A.Active. B.Shy. C.Hard working.
13.Why does the woman have to go
A.Because of her friends.
B.Because of her health.
C.Because of her parents.
14.What does the man think of the dinner party
A.Bad. B.Very nice. C.Just so so.
15.What do we know about the boss
A.He's impolite.
B.He's funny.
C.He's kind hearted.
16.What does the woman mean by her last words
A.The man shouldn't have invited such a man to his dinner party.
B.The boss should say sorry to the couple.
C.The man should have let the boss leave earlier.
17.What does the speaker mainly talk about
A.A famous hotel.
B.The speaker's wedding party.
C.An unforgettable night.
18.Where did the speaker escape from
A.The window.
B.The entrance.
C.The back door.
19.What do we know about the guests
A.One of them was killed.
B.They kept calm all along.
C.Some of them were injured.
20.What caused the fire
A.Cigarettes. B.Lightning. C.Line failure.
答案:1~5 BCABB 6~10 ABBCA
11~15 BACBA 16~20 CCACB
(Text 1)
W:Why do you look so sad
M:I'm rather disappointed at not being able to pass the exam.
(Text 2)
W:I want an envelope, please.
M:Do you want the larger size or the smaller size
W:The larger size, please.
(Text 3)
W:It seems to be clearing up tomorrow.
M:It's such a nice change.
W:I really don't hope the rain will last.
(Text 4)
W:Bill has worked five years in the office.
M:He must be experienced in his work.
W:You said it. We can ask him to work in our company.
(Text 5)
M:Jenny, the train leaves at 9:40 a.m. We should set off at 8 o'clock.
W:How about half an hour later The subway will take us there in forty minutes.
M:OK then.
(Text 6)
M:Good morning! I'm coming to apply for an entry visa. Here's my passport, and these are the papers.
W:Sit down, please. What do you want to go to Australia for
M:I'm going there for further study. This is the letter of acceptance from the university. And this one is my letter of application.
W:But you still have to fill in an application form. Here you are! You can take it home to fill out, if you like.
M:Thank you. How long do I have to wait for the visa
W:We'll send you papers, but it usually takes months for you to get a reply.
(Text 7)
W:Dear, does this purple shirt match my handbag
M:Yeah, but I don't think purple suits you.
W:Well, you might be right. What do you think of this long white dress
M:But it is not for tonight's party.
W:Does this black evening dress look nice
M:Yeah. It will go with the party.
W:That's it. Need I take my handbag
M:That's always necessary for ladies.
(Text 8)
M:What do you think of the students in our class
W:I love those children. They are so lively.
M:They love you too. They said that you were the best teacher they had ever had.
W:When I first came into the classroom, all the students stood up and looked at me. They all had a smile on their faces.
M:It seems that they began loving you from the very beginning.
W:Right. They are also very active. No one is shy.
M:That's why you became friends with each other.
W:I really don't want to leave. But I have to because of my parents.
(Text 9)
W:How was your dinner party
M:I think it went pretty well. People really seemed to enjoy themselves.
W:That's good.
M:But we shouldn't have invited my wife's boss again. We can never get him to leave!
W:Really How late did he stay this time
M:Until two o'clock in the morning! And we both had to get up early.
W:Oh, he shouldn't have stayed so late. You should have asked him to leave earlier.
M:Well, it's pretty difficult to do that to my wife's boss.
(Text 10)
It was my 21st birthday and I wanted to have an unforgettable night. So I arranged to have a party at this famous hotel. It was a warm evening in the middle of August, but because it was raining heavily outside we had to stay in the hotel all night. There were a lot of guests at the party and the room was packed. I was dancing when I saw the smoke. People began to panic, but there were so many of us that we couldn't get out quickly. Soon the room was full of smoke. I managed to open a window and get out of the burning building. The fire fighters arrived shortly after, but it took a long time for them to put out the fire. Luckily, all the guests got out in time. Some of them had to go to hospital because of burns and breathing problems. Fortunately, the fire fighters had put out the fire before it spread to the rest of the hotel. However, the room where the party was held was completely destroyed. I was told later that it was because the building had been struck by lightning. Can you believe it
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Dear Principal (校长) Becker,
I'm Simone Anderson, a student from Grade 11.I'm sitting in the classroom to write you this letter because I really have something to say about the school lunchtime.
I understand that school is meant for learning.It is important to have good reading skills and to be able to solve math problems.But I think school is also important for another reason.It helps people learn to get along with others.
It may seem like lunchtime is not important.After all, I spend most lunchtime just talking with my friends.But this activity is more important than it looks.
I am learning how to get along with others.I am learning how to solve problems.I am finding out about new things from people, and realising my mistakes.I am learning how to stand up for myself.I am learning how to say sorry.These are all important skills to learn.My problem is that the time for lunch and our other breaks keep getting shorter.I know this is happening so we can spend more time in class learning.But please do not forget that we are also learning at lunchtime.We are learning people skills.It is important that we have enough time to spend with our friends.
I hope that you will consider making our lunchtime longer.A little more time spent with friends each day would benefit (有益于) everybody.
Best wishes!
Simone Anderson
21.Where did Anderson write this letter
A.At his home.    B.In the library.
C.In the classroom. D.At his friend's home.
解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第一段中的I'm sitting in the classroom to write you this letter可知,安德森是在教室写这封信的。
22.What can we infer from Paragraph 4
A.Students can learn many skills at lunchtime.
B.What important skills Anderson has learned.
C.Kids should make good use of their lunchtime.
D.How Anderson gets along with his friends.
解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第四段中的But please do not forget that we are also learning at lunchtime ...spend with our friends.可知,学生可以在午餐时间学习多项技能。
23.Why did Anderson write this letter
A.To say thank you to the principal.
B.To tell Becker about his lunch break.
C.To invite Becker to their class activities.
D.To ask the principal to lengthen their lunchtime.
解析:选D 写作意图题。根据最后一段中的I hope that you will consider making our lunchtime longer.可知,安德森写信的目的是希望校长能考虑延长学生的午餐时间。
GO. STOP.GO.STOP.The travel ideas in my head were fighting.“Are you sure you want to head to Greece this November with Kathleen The weather could be unpleasant,” my husband warned.“You must go! Sunsets are among the most beautiful in the world and the island is a paradise (天堂)!” My friend Laura raved about her trip in Santorini last year.With her encouraging words, I bought our tickets to Athens, Santorini and Crete.
A sunny Saturday afternoon welcomed us in Athens.During the first few days, Kathleen and I tried a lot of unknown to us foods.And then came Tuesday.The moment we landed in Santorini, a big storm broke.Santorini, normally a beautiful and popular tourist destination (目的地), was freezing, rainy and empty.With rain beating our faces, Kathleen and I headed for our hotel.
“This isn't how I want to spend my vacation, Mom,” Kathleen said sadly.“Maybe Crete isn't experiencing the same storm.Can we fly out later today?” My daughter thought up a clever idea.But we couldn't leave.We'd just arrived.Payments for the hotel would be lost and the last minute air tickets would be expensive.“Let's not decide right now,” I suggested.
During the next few days, we drove around though it rained hard.On the night at a restaurant named Poseidon, we waited and waited for dinner.“Your dinner will be out shortly.The cook is busy studying something beautiful,” a man who looked like a waiter said.When he saw our puzzled look, he explained, “He went out for a smoke, saw two beautiful ladies and began to chat ...”We suddenly started laughing.
I realised some change had been happening since our arrival.“You know, Mom, you can't live a positive life with a negative (消极的) mind,” my daughter said.We let go of our worries and enjoyed our trip in the following days.
24.What does the underlined word “raved” in Paragraph 1 mean
A.Reported something in detail.
B.Described something endlessly.
C.Talked about something excitedly.
D.Suggested something on purpose.
解析:选C 词义猜测题。根据画线单词前的You must go! Sunsets are among the most beautiful in the world and the island is a paradise (天堂)!可知,作者的朋友劳拉极力建议作者去希腊旅行,她说希腊的落日是世界上最美的景色之一,那里的岛屿就是天堂。由此可以推知,劳拉激动地谈及她的希腊之行。
25.What problem did the author and her daughter face in Santorini
A.They were out of money.
B.They couldn't find their hotel.
C.They were not used to the local foods.
D.Their trip was influenced by bad weather.
解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的The moment we landed in Santorini, a big storm broke.和With rain beating our faces, Kathleen and I headed for our hotel.可知,作者和女儿到达圣托里尼时暴风雨突然降临,打乱了她们游览圣托里尼的计划。
26.Why did the author choose not to fly to Crete
A.To save money.
B.To avoid the storm.
C.To end their journey early.
D.To stay at the comfortable hotel.
解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第三段中的We'd just arrived.Payments for the hotel would be lost and the last minute air tickets would be expensive.可知,作者她们刚到圣托里尼,如果改变计划去克利特岛,那么在圣托里尼已经支付的住宿费会浪费掉,最后时刻订飞往克利特岛的机票将是一大笔花销。因此作者拒绝了女儿的建议。
27.What do the author and her daughter think is the most important during a trip
A.A perfect plan. B.Good weather.
C.A positive attitude. D.A right destination.
解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“This isn't how I want to spend my vacation, Mom,” Kathleen said sadly.可知,圣托里尼的暴风雨打乱了作者和女儿的旅行计划,破坏了她们的心情。根据第四段中的We suddenly started laughing.可知,在Poseidon饭店的经历让二人心情有所好转。再结合最后一段内容可知,作者和女儿发现旅途中最重要的是保持积极的心态。
I put my beef in the fridge before the “Use By” date.If my milk's “Best If Used By” date — the last date by which food quality (质量) is the best — was yesterday, I'd never have it.The bread that expired (过期) last week Throw it away.But after studying the different types of “expiration” labels (标签).I learned that food lasts longer than I thought.
In fact, food expiration dates talk about food quality, not food safety.They are added as a helpful guide to sellers and buyers.Here are the three most common labels.
“Best If Used By” — This date suggests when a product will be at the highest quality.It will still be safe to eat after that date, but the quality will start to go down.
“Use By” — This date is usually found on items that go bad more easily, like meat.It's still OK to eat the product for a short period after the date, but don't wait too long.
“Sell By” — This date tells sellers when the product should be off the shelves.Sales are one way that stores try to get older products into people's bags, and it usually works quite well.
“Use by” dates are a great guide for people like you and me, but it comes at a price.A report says that Americans waste about 30% of food every year.Part of that is because we follow expiration dates too closely and end up throwing out perfectly good food.It's such a shame.Luckily, we can change.Decide for yourself whether or not food should be thrown away.Does the color look right Is the smell bad Knowing what food is supposed to look, smell and feel like is a life skill that we all should have.It will help you avoid eating food that's gone bad and stop you from throwing away food too early.
28.What does the first paragraph show
A.Expiration labels are useless.
B.Beef, milk and bread go bad easily.
C.The author takes expiration dates seriously.
D.The author is concerned about food safety.
解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第一段前四句可知,只要食物稍微超出保质期,作者便会把它们扔掉。由此可以推知,作者非常注重食物的保质期。
29.What do we know about the three most common labels?A.Most food is labeled “Best If Used By”.
B.They show when the food is unsafe to eat.
C.Food after “Sell By” dates goes bad easily.
D.Sellers use “Sell By” dates to increase sales.
解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第五段中的Sales are one way that stores try to get older products into people's bags, and it usually works quite well.可知,卖家经常利用食物的保质期搞促销活动,刺激顾客消费。
30.What does the author advise us to do
A.Ignore expiration dates.
B.Never throw away food.
C.Learn more life skills if possible.
D.Pay more attention to the food itself.
解析:选D 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的Does the color look right Is the smell bad?可知,作者建议我们不要过分依赖保质期,而应该多注意食物本身。
31.What's the best title for the text
A.How Are Expiration Dates Labeled
B.Expiration Dates Don't Matter Much
C.The Most Common Expiration Labels
D.What Can We Do About Expiration Dates
解析:选B 标题归纳题。本文通过作者自己的经历引入主题,然后通过对不同的保质期标签的解释告诉我们保质期其实没有那么重要。
On my first day of high school, I asked an eleventh grader where my class was.And he told me it was “on the fourth floor, next to the pool”. I found out five minutes later that we don't even have a fourth floor and there's no pool either! Besides that, I didn't have any trouble with the older kid.
I think the biggest difference between middle and high school is the homework load (工作量) and size of the school.I went from maybe fifteen minutes of homework a night to several hours, so I had to learn how to make full use of time! Our class size is around 550, but joining in clubs, sports, music, and other activities at school makes it easier to get to know people in every grade.
The best advice I can give about the years you spend in high school is to learn things for yourself, not just to get a good grade.There have been so many tests that I've prepared for the night before, gotten an A, and not remembered anything later.I've changed that this year, and I enjoy school so much more.Don't take easy classes just to have a simple year.If you have a choice between chemistry and sports, the first will prove to be a lot more useful!
While drinking and smoking might be present in some middle schools, they're also around in high school.I have a lot of friends who promised they'd never drink or smoke, but are now partying every weekend.If you have “fun” and spend your nights wasted instead of studying, you will regret it when you're applying for college.The“friends” who say you're a loser for not partying are really not your friends at all.It's hard to see your closest friends grow apart and go in different directions, but don't follow their footsteps.Create your own path in life and make your own decisions.
32.What does the author think of high school
A.It requires hard work.
B.There are very few activities.
C.It's hard to meet new people there.
D.There isn't enough time for homework.
解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第二段中描述的“进入高中,每晚要写几个小时的作业”可知,作者觉得高中学习生活很辛苦。
33.The author advises high school students to .
A.give up sports
B.choose useful classes
C.try their best to get good grades
D.get ready for tests the night before
解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段中的If you have a choice between ...a lot more useful!可知,作者建议高中生选择有用的课程。
34.The text is probably written by .
A.a high school student
B.a chemistry teacher
C.a college student
D.a sports player
解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第一段首句可知,作者还在高中上学。
35.The last paragraph mainly tells us .
A.about the trouble caused by drinking and smoking
B.about the importance of making friends
C.not to go to any party in high school
D.not to lose ourselves in high school
解析:选D 段落大意题。作者的一些朋友上了高中后开始抽烟喝酒、虚度时光,作者觉得要和这些所谓的朋友断绝往来,把握好自己的人生,不要重蹈他们的覆辙。由此可知,最后一段主要告诉我们在高中的学习生活中,不要迷失了自我。
We all have our favorite teachers — those who seem truly interested in us and teach us many things.But what about teachers we don't like much 36
Show an interest in the subject.Obviously, your teachers are really interested in their subjects or they wouldn't have decided to teach them! 37 Even if you're not a student who is good at math or fluent in French, showing an interest in their subjects sends a message that you are a hard working student.
38 Use this time to get extra help, ask questions, ask about a career in the subject, or talk about your progress in class.You may be surprised to learn that your teacher is a bit more relaxed than when lecturing in front of the whole class.
It is possible to try too hard, though.Here are some things to avoid when trying to build a relationship with your teacher.
39 Teachers can sense it when your only motivation (动机) is to get special treatment.
Giving expensive gifts. 40 But expensive things may send a wrong message, and a teacher is usually not allowed to accept anything expensive.
A.Avoid insincerity.
B.Show the teacher that you care.
C.It's OK to offer small gifts to teachers.
D.If you find a subject hard, talk to your parents.
E.Teachers are another group of adults in your life.
F.You can do lots of things to get along well with them.
G.You can plan a private meeting during a teacher's free time.
36.选F 根据空前的But what about teachers we don't like much?以及空后内容可知,此处表示碰到不喜欢的老师我们可以做以下事情和老师处好关系。
37.选B 根据段首句Show an interest in the subject.可知,此处表示我们要向老师表示自己很在乎这门课。
38.选G 根据空后的Use this time to get extra help, ask questions ...可知,此处表示你可以私下去见老师。
39.选A 根据空后内容可知,此处表示和老师相处的时候要避免不真诚。
40.选C 根据空后的But expensive things may send a wrong message ...可知,我们可以送老师一些小礼物。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I play the violin in the bathroom every day.I started this special 41 recently.There are two 42 doors and one room between me and my parents, but sometimes they are 43 hearing me practice the same tune (曲调) many times.Even so, I'm sure violin tunes are more 44 than snare drum etudes (小军鼓练习曲), sounds that were 45 in our house not long ago.
I started playing the drum in Grade 6.Being the only girl in my 46 , I was told many times to let the 47 play the most important part.
Although I liked performing in the band, other types of music were 48 me more.I wanted to play the violin. 49 , I didn't have time to do it.Should I 50 something I was good at to play the violin Considering carefully, I decided to 51 the marching band.
Now I'm taking 52 lessons from a famous musician.With her help, I also learn to play the piano.
I wanted to be true to myself, but I couldn't find a(n) 53 to do it within the rules of the marching band.I'm 54 that I'll find the encouragement to play any instruments.I've learned being true to oneself requires making 55 .
41.A.show B.service
C.program D.habit
解析:选D 根据空前的I play the violin in the bathroom every day.可知,作者在卫生间里拉小提琴的习惯很特别。
42.A.wide B.new
C.closed D.old
解析:选C 根据空后的one room between me and my parents可知,在卫生间和她父母的房间之间有两道关闭的门,而且还隔着一间房子。
43.A.tired of B.good at
C.afraid of D.worried about
解析:选A 根据空后的hearing me practice the same tune many times可知,作者在家里反复练习同一首曲子,所以父母有时候会感到厌烦。
44.A.popular B.pleasant
C.moving D.boring
解析:选B 根据下文作者的经历可知,与军鼓相比,作者认为小提琴的声音要悦耳得多。
45.A.common B.special
C.interesting D.serious
解析:选A 根据第二段首句I started playing the drum in Grade 6.可知,作者家里以前经常能听到敲军鼓声。
46.A.house B.team
C.band D.class
解析:选C 根据第三段中的Although I liked performing in the band可知,作者是军乐队的一员。
47.A.classmates B.boys
C.girls D.children
解析:选B 根据上文的Being the only girl in my 46 可知,作者是乐队唯一的女生,作者被告知应该让男生们来演奏最重要的部分。
48.A.touching B.comforting
C.attracting D.helping
解析:选C 根据下文I wanted to play the violin.以及作者学习拉小提琴可知,其他种类的音乐更吸引作者。
49.A.Finally B.Generally
C.Surprisingly D.Unluckily
解析:选D 根据空后的I didn't have time to do it可知,作者想拉小提琴,不幸的是,没有时间来做这件事。
50.A.show off B.break up
C.give up D.depend on
解析:选C 我应该放弃我擅长的东西去拉小提琴吗?
51.A.leave B.thank
C.create D.serve
解析:选A 根据第四段内容可知,此处是指作者最终决定离开军乐队。
52.A.piano B.violin
C.guitar D.drum
解析:选B 根据第一段中的I play the violin in the bathroom every day.以及上文作者为了拉小提琴而离开军乐队可知,此处应选violin。
53.A.rule B.excuse
C.way D.reason
解析:选C 根据上文作者放弃了敲军鼓,学习了她喜欢的小提琴可知,作者想忠于自己,但在学校军乐队规章里找不到忠于自己的方法。
54.A.doubted B.surprised
C.grateful D.hopeful
解析:选D 根据上文作者最终选择了更喜欢的小提琴可知,作者希望自己能演奏任何一件乐器。
55.A.suggestions B.troubles
C.preparations D.choices
解析:选D 根据上文作者选择了小提琴,放弃了敲军鼓可知,作者知道了忠于自己需要作出选择。
I am taught by many teachers in my school.Every subject has a 56 (differ) teacher, but I like my maths teacher 57 (well).Her name is Lakshmi but we usually call her Ma'am.She is our class teacher, too.
Ma'am 58 (join) us last term.She is very kind and her way of teaching is so 59 (interest) and simple that we all can understand everything 60 is being taught and how it can be done.Most 61 (important), Ma'am teaches maths with lots of patience.If we do not understand a problem, she will spend extra time guiding us until we understand it.And we can go to her at any time during school hours for help.
She also helps us 62 activities at school.When there is some kind of program, she will be there 63 (help) us to get ready for the show.Even when we go on picnics, she takes good care of 64 (we).
To me, Ma'am is not only 65 good teacher, but also our best friend.I love Ma'am and I wish her a happy life.
56.different 考查词性转换。所填词在句中作定语,修饰名词teacher,故填different。
57.best 考查副词最高级。根据句意可知,此处要用最高级。故填best。
58.joined 考查动词的时态。句中的时间状语是last term,表示过去的时间,所以要用一般过去时。故填joined。
59.interesting 考查词性转换。根据前面的连系动词is可知,此处用形容词作表语,表示“有趣的”,故填interesting。
60.that 考查定语从句。先行词是不定代词everything,所填词引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语,故填that。
61.importantly 考查词性转换。所填词作状语,修饰整个句子。故填importantly。
62.with 考查介词。help sb with sth 意为“帮助某人做某事”,为固定用法。故填with。
63.to help 考查非谓语动词。所填词作目的状语,故填to help。
64.us 考查代词。所填词作take good care of的宾语,故填us。
65.a 考查冠词。此处表示泛指,故填a。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
假定你是某校高一(六)班学生李萍,学校英语社团(the English club)现在要招募新成员,你有意参加该社团。请用英文给社长Johnson写一封信,简单介绍一下自己。
Dear Johnson,
I'm Li Ping from Class 6, Grade 1.I'm glad to hear that new members are wanted in the English club and I'm willing to join it.
I'm interested in English and have a good knowledge of it.Last year, I won the first prize in the English competition.Having learnt English for more than ten years, I can communicate with others in English fluently.What's more, I have some special skills, such as singing songs, telling stories and making speeches.I'm sure I can play an active part in the future activities of the society.Above all, I'm easy to get along with and enjoy working with others.
I'm looking forward to being accepted.
Li Ping
Nick from the Wildlife Rescue (救助) Centre got a call, and an injured (受伤的) elephant needed help.While the Wildlife Rescue Centre in Cambodia had been caring for injured animals for many years, an elephant rescue didn't happen very often.
Nick headed out to the forests.Luckily, he found the injured elephant quickly.It was a young male, only about five hundred pounds.One of his front feet was seriously injured.Although Nick couldn't be sure, the elephant had probably been caught in a snare (陷阱) that was left in the woods to catch small animals.The snare made it hard to move and it nearly cut his front foot as he tried to run away.
The little elephant was afraid and in pain.Nick used medicine to make the elephant go to sleep.That way the team could move him and take him back to the centre for treatment.Once Nick was able to properly examine the elephant, he feared for his life.His foot was so seriously injured that it had to be cut off.Even worse, he had been hungry for days so he was a little tired.
Nick named the elephant Chhouk, which means “lotus flower” in Cambodian.Over the next several weeks, Nick stayed with Chhouk nearly every night.He made sure that he had food and was comfortable, and he changed his bandages (绷带) several times a day to help speed up the recovery.As weeks progressed, Chhouk's wound got better and he began to put on weight.He was a friendly and playful elephant, and he tried to walk with his three feet.
Chhouk would not have a good life with only three feet.The more time he spent walking on his three feet, the more his body would change.Soon his body would start changing to make up for the inconvenience (不方便).Nick could already see changes in the elephant.
But what could the Wildlife Rescue Centre do
Nick had an idea.                                    
Finally, the day came for Chhouk to try out his new foot.                                    
Nick had an idea.He could make a man made foot for Chhouk.He searched to see if anything like this had been done before, but no such luck.Nick then found several organisations that helped humans do such things and called one right away.Soon after, the workers came to the centre to meet Chhouk.They examined Chhouk's injured foot and knew its size.After talking with Nick, they were confident that they could make a new foot for Chhouk.
Finally, the day came for Chhouk to try out his new foot.The workers helped him wear a special sock and fit the man made foot.Within minutes, Chhouk was walking around happily.Over the next few days, Nick noticed that Chhouk had started to walk more and more and that the man made foot didn't make him uncomfortable.Nick started taking Chhouk for long walks and watched as he played with other elephants.
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What happened to the man
A.He couldn't play the game.
B.He failed the exam.
C.He felt sad for the woman.
2.Where is the woman
A.In a restaurant.
B.In a bookstore.
C.In a post office.
3.What are the two speakers talking about
A.Weather.    B.Food.    C.Work.
4.What's the possible relationship between the two speakers
A.Teacher and student.
B.Manager and secretary.
C.Doctor and patient.
5.When will the speakers leave for the subway station
A.At 8. B.At 8:30. C. At 8:40.
6.Why does the man plan to go to Australia
A.Because he wants to study there.
B.Because he wants to do business.
C.Because he wants to have a holiday.
7.What should the man do
A.Answer some questions.
B.Fill in a form.
C.Have a test.
8.Where are the speakers
A.At a party.  B.At home.  C.At a restaurant.
9.What does the man suggest the woman wear
A.The purple shirt.
B.The long white dress.
C.The black evening dress.
10.What advice does the man give to the woman
A.Taking a handbag.
B.Taking nothing.
C.Taking a child.
11.What is the woman
A.A student. B.A teacher. C.A headmaster.
12.What are those students like
A.Active. B.Shy. C.Hard working.
13.Why does the woman have to go
A.Because of her friends.
B.Because of her health.
C.Because of her parents.
14.What does the man think of the dinner party
A.Bad. B.Very nice. C.Just so so.
15.What do we know about the boss
A.He's impolite.
B.He's funny.
C.He's kind hearted.
16.What does the woman mean by her last words
A.The man shouldn't have invited such a man to his dinner party.
B.The boss should say sorry to the couple.
C.The man should have let the boss leave earlier.
17.What does the speaker mainly talk about
A.A famous hotel.
B.The speaker's wedding party.
C.An unforgettable night.
18.Where did the speaker escape from
A.The window.
B.The entrance.
C.The back door.
19.What do we know about the guests
A.One of them was killed.
B.They kept calm all along.
C.Some of them were injured.
20.What caused the fire
A.Cigarettes. B.Lightning. C.Line failure.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Dear Principal (校长) Becker,
I'm Simone Anderson, a student from Grade 11.I'm sitting in the classroom to write you this letter because I really have something to say about the school lunchtime.
I understand that school is meant for learning.It is important to have good reading skills and to be able to solve math problems.But I think school is also important for another reason.It helps people learn to get along with others.
It may seem like lunchtime is not important.After all, I spend most lunchtime just talking with my friends.But this activity is more important than it looks.
I am learning how to get along with others.I am learning how to solve problems.I am finding out about new things from people, and realising my mistakes.I am learning how to stand up for myself.I am learning how to say sorry.These are all important skills to learn.My problem is that the time for lunch and our other breaks keep getting shorter.I know this is happening so we can spend more time in class learning.But please do not forget that we are also learning at lunchtime.We are learning people skills.It is important that we have enough time to spend with our friends.
I hope that you will consider making our lunchtime longer.A little more time spent with friends each day would benefit (有益于) everybody.
Best wishes!
Simone Anderson
21.Where did Anderson write this letter
A.At his home.    B.In the library.
C.In the classroom. D.At his friend's home.
22.What can we infer from Paragraph 4
A.Students can learn many skills at lunchtime.
B.What important skills Anderson has learned.
C.Kids should make good use of their lunchtime.
D.How Anderson gets along with his friends.
23.Why did Anderson write this letter
A.To say thank you to the principal.
B.To tell Becker about his lunch break.
C.To invite Becker to their class activities.
D.To ask the principal to lengthen their lunchtime.
GO. STOP.GO.STOP.The travel ideas in my head were fighting.“Are you sure you want to head to Greece this November with Kathleen The weather could be unpleasant,” my husband warned.“You must go! Sunsets are among the most beautiful in the world and the island is a paradise (天堂)!” My friend Laura raved about her trip in Santorini last year.With her encouraging words, I bought our tickets to Athens, Santorini and Crete.
A sunny Saturday afternoon welcomed us in Athens.During the first few days, Kathleen and I tried a lot of unknown to us foods.And then came Tuesday.The moment we landed in Santorini, a big storm broke.Santorini, normally a beautiful and popular tourist destination (目的地), was freezing, rainy and empty.With rain beating our faces, Kathleen and I headed for our hotel.
“This isn't how I want to spend my vacation, Mom,” Kathleen said sadly.“Maybe Crete isn't experiencing the same storm.Can we fly out later today?” My daughter thought up a clever idea.But we couldn't leave.We'd just arrived.Payments for the hotel would be lost and the last minute air tickets would be expensive.“Let's not decide right now,” I suggested.
During the next few days, we drove around though it rained hard.On the night at a restaurant named Poseidon, we waited and waited for dinner.“Your dinner will be out shortly.The cook is busy studying something beautiful,” a man who looked like a waiter said.When he saw our puzzled look, he explained, “He went out for a smoke, saw two beautiful ladies and began to chat ...”We suddenly started laughing.
I realised some change had been happening since our arrival.“You know, Mom, you can't live a positive life with a negative (消极的) mind,” my daughter said.We let go of our worries and enjoyed our trip in the following days.
24.What does the underlined word “raved” in Paragraph 1 mean
A.Reported something in detail.
B.Described something endlessly.
C.Talked about something excitedly.
D.Suggested something on purpose.
25.What problem did the author and her daughter face in Santorini
A.They were out of money.
B.They couldn't find their hotel.
C.They were not used to the local foods.
D.Their trip was influenced by bad weather.
26.Why did the author choose not to fly to Crete
A.To save money.
B.To avoid the storm.
C.To end their journey early.
D.To stay at the comfortable hotel.
27.What do the author and her daughter think is the most important during a trip
A.A perfect plan. B.Good weather.
C.A positive attitude. D.A right destination.
I put my beef in the fridge before the “Use By” date.If my milk's “Best If Used By” date — the last date by which food quality (质量) is the best — was yesterday, I'd never have it.The bread that expired (过期) last week Throw it away.But after studying the different types of “expiration” labels (标签).I learned that food lasts longer than I thought.
In fact, food expiration dates talk about food quality, not food safety.They are added as a helpful guide to sellers and buyers.Here are the three most common labels.
“Best If Used By” — This date suggests when a product will be at the highest quality.It will still be safe to eat after that date, but the quality will start to go down.
“Use By” — This date is usually found on items that go bad more easily, like meat.It's still OK to eat the product for a short period after the date, but don't wait too long.
“Sell By” — This date tells sellers when the product should be off the shelves.Sales are one way that stores try to get older products into people's bags, and it usually works quite well.
“Use by” dates are a great guide for people like you and me, but it comes at a price.A report says that Americans waste about 30% of food every year.Part of that is because we follow expiration dates too closely and end up throwing out perfectly good food.It's such a shame.Luckily, we can change.Decide for yourself whether or not food should be thrown away.Does the color look right Is the smell bad Knowing what food is supposed to look, smell and feel like is a life skill that we all should have.It will help you avoid eating food that's gone bad and stop you from throwing away food too early.
28.What does the first paragraph show
A.Expiration labels are useless.
B.Beef, milk and bread go bad easily.
C.The author takes expiration dates seriously.
D.The author is concerned about food safety.
29.What do we know about the three most common labels?A.Most food is labeled “Best If Used By”.
B.They show when the food is unsafe to eat.
C.Food after “Sell By” dates goes bad easily.
D.Sellers use “Sell By” dates to increase sales.
30.What does the author advise us to do
A.Ignore expiration dates.
B.Never throw away food.
C.Learn more life skills if possible.
D.Pay more attention to the food itself.
31.What's the best title for the text
A.How Are Expiration Dates Labeled
B.Expiration Dates Don't Matter Much
C.The Most Common Expiration Labels
D.What Can We Do About Expiration Dates
On my first day of high school, I asked an eleventh grader where my class was.And he told me it was “on the fourth floor, next to the pool”. I found out five minutes later that we don't even have a fourth floor and there's no pool either! Besides that, I didn't have any trouble with the older kid.
I think the biggest difference between middle and high school is the homework load (工作量) and size of the school.I went from maybe fifteen minutes of homework a night to several hours, so I had to learn how to make full use of time! Our class size is around 550, but joining in clubs, sports, music, and other activities at school makes it easier to get to know people in every grade.
The best advice I can give about the years you spend in high school is to learn things for yourself, not just to get a good grade.There have been so many tests that I've prepared for the night before, gotten an A, and not remembered anything later.I've changed that this year, and I enjoy school so much more.Don't take easy classes just to have a simple year.If you have a choice between chemistry and sports, the first will prove to be a lot more useful!
While drinking and smoking might be present in some middle schools, they're also around in high school.I have a lot of friends who promised they'd never drink or smoke, but are now partying every weekend.If you have “fun” and spend your nights wasted instead of studying, you will regret it when you're applying for college.The“friends” who say you're a loser for not partying are really not your friends at all.It's hard to see your closest friends grow apart and go in different directions, but don't follow their footsteps.Create your own path in life and make your own decisions.
32.What does the author think of high school
A.It requires hard work.
B.There are very few activities.
C.It's hard to meet new people there.
D.There isn't enough time for homework.
33.The author advises high school students to .
A.give up sports
B.choose useful classes
C.try their best to get good grades
D.get ready for tests the night before
34.The text is probably written by .
A.a high school student
B.a chemistry teacher
C.a college student
D.a sports player
35.The last paragraph mainly tells us .
A.about the trouble caused by drinking and smoking
B.about the importance of making friends
C.not to go to any party in high school
D.not to lose ourselves in high school
We all have our favorite teachers — those who seem truly interested in us and teach us many things.But what about teachers we don't like much 36
Show an interest in the subject.Obviously, your teachers are really interested in their subjects or they wouldn't have decided to teach them! 37 Even if you're not a student who is good at math or fluent in French, showing an interest in their subjects sends a message that you are a hard working student.
38 Use this time to get extra help, ask questions, ask about a career in the subject, or talk about your progress in class.You may be surprised to learn that your teacher is a bit more relaxed than when lecturing in front of the whole class.
It is possible to try too hard, though.Here are some things to avoid when trying to build a relationship with your teacher.
39 Teachers can sense it when your only motivation (动机) is to get special treatment.
Giving expensive gifts. 40 But expensive things may send a wrong message, and a teacher is usually not allowed to accept anything expensive.
A.Avoid insincerity.
B.Show the teacher that you care.
C.It's OK to offer small gifts to teachers.
D.If you find a subject hard, talk to your parents.
E.Teachers are another group of adults in your life.
F.You can do lots of things to get along well with them.
G.You can plan a private meeting during a teacher's free time.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I play the violin in the bathroom every day.I started this special 41 recently.There are two 42 doors and one room between me and my parents, but sometimes they are 43 hearing me practice the same tune (曲调) many times.Even so, I'm sure violin tunes are more 44 than snare drum etudes (小军鼓练习曲), sounds that were 45 in our house not long ago.
I started playing the drum in Grade 6.Being the only girl in my 46 , I was told many times to let the 47 play the most important part.
Although I liked performing in the band, other types of music were 48 me more.I wanted to play the violin. 49 , I didn't have time to do it.Should I 50 something I was good at to play the violin Considering carefully, I decided to 51 the marching band.
Now I'm taking 52 lessons from a famous musician.With her help, I also learn to play the piano.
I wanted to be true to myself, but I couldn't find a(n) 53 to do it within the rules of the marching band.I'm 54 that I'll find the encouragement to play any instruments.I've learned being true to oneself requires making 55 .
41.A.show B.service
C.program D.habit
42.A.wide B.new
C.closed D.old
43.A.tired of B.good at
C.afraid of D.worried about
44.A.popular B.pleasant
C.moving D.boring
45.A.common B.special
C.interesting D.serious
46.A.house B.team
C.band D.class
47.A.classmates B.boys
C.girls D.children
48.A.touching B.comforting
C.attracting D.helping
49.A.Finally B.Generally
C.Surprisingly D.Unluckily
50.A.show off B.break up
C.give up D.depend on
51.A.leave B.thank
C.create D.serve
52.A.piano B.violin
C.guitar D.drum
53.A.rule B.excuse
C.way D.reason
54.A.doubted B.surprised
C.grateful D.hopeful
55.A.suggestions B.troubles
C.preparations D.choices
I am taught by many teachers in my school.Every subject has a 56 (differ) teacher, but I like my maths teacher 57 (well).Her name is Lakshmi but we usually call her Ma'am.She is our class teacher, too.
Ma'am 58 (join) us last term.She is very kind and her way of teaching is so 59 (interest) and simple that we all can understand everything 60 is being taught and how it can be done.Most 61 (important), Ma'am teaches maths with lots of patience.If we do not understand a problem, she will spend extra time guiding us until we understand it.And we can go to her at any time during school hours for help.
She also helps us 62 activities at school.When there is some kind of program, she will be there 63 (help) us to get ready for the show.Even when we go on picnics, she takes good care of 64 (we).
To me, Ma'am is not only 65 good teacher, but also our best friend.I love Ma'am and I wish her a happy life.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
假定你是某校高一(六)班学生李萍,学校英语社团(the English club)现在要招募新成员,你有意参加该社团。请用英文给社长Johnson写一封信,简单介绍一下自己。
Nick from the Wildlife Rescue (救助) Centre got a call, and an injured (受伤的) elephant needed help.While the Wildlife Rescue Centre in Cambodia had been caring for injured animals for many years, an elephant rescue didn't happen very often.
Nick headed out to the forests.Luckily, he found the injured elephant quickly.It was a young male, only about five hundred pounds.One of his front feet was seriously injured.Although Nick couldn't be sure, the elephant had probably been caught in a snare (陷阱) that was left in the woods to catch small animals.The snare made it hard to move and it nearly cut his front foot as he tried to run away.
The little elephant was afraid and in pain.Nick used medicine to make the elephant go to sleep.That way the team could move him and take him back to the centre for treatment.Once Nick was able to properly examine the elephant, he feared for his life.His foot was so seriously injured that it had to be cut off.Even worse, he had been hungry for days so he was a little tired.
Nick named the elephant Chhouk, which means “lotus flower” in Cambodian.Over the next several weeks, Nick stayed with Chhouk nearly every night.He made sure that he had food and was comfortable, and he changed his bandages (绷带) several times a day to help speed up the recovery.As weeks progressed, Chhouk's wound got better and he began to put on weight.He was a friendly and playful elephant, and he tried to walk with his three feet.
Chhouk would not have a good life with only three feet.The more time he spent walking on his three feet, the more his body would change.Soon his body would start changing to make up for the inconvenience (不方便).Nick could already see changes in the elephant.
But what could the Wildlife Rescue Centre do
Nick had an idea.                                    
Finally, the day came for Chhouk to try out his new foot.