Unit7 Protect the earth Storytime教案


名称 Unit7 Protect the earth Storytime教案
格式 zip
文件大小 94.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-12-30 19:11:00



《Unit 7 Protect the earth》第一课时Story time教案
教学内容:译林版小学英语6A 《Unit 7 Protect the earth》Story time
借助纳米盒、17作业,帮助学生听懂、会读、会说、会写新授单词:save, energy, waste, coal, oil, protect, reuse, Earth, oil, plastic,并准确流利地朗读全文,培养学生语言基本技能。(教学重点)
通过文本阅读, 网络绘本拓展,培养学生英语阅读素养,争做优秀地球公民。
教学环境:网络教学环境 一对一数字化教学
本节课的设计是基于信息技术优化英语课堂,转变学生学习方式改革的摸索与探寻,力求突围传统课堂,结束以教师为中心的“满堂灌”时代。在技术使用上遵循 “大道至简”的原则,选择身边触手可及的数字化平台,秉承简单易操作的理念,培养学生多元的学习方式和认知策略,使信息技术服务于学科教学。在学习方式上倡导自主学习,小组合作。采用“机教生” “师教生”“生教生” “机练生” “生强生”的方式进行。在学习过程中关注差异,重视评价。
星河电视台本期话题“保护地球”,现需招聘播音员与播报员,学生根据自己的学情及爱好选择朗读或解说,分组合作学习。朗读组根据任务单,组内合作,用纳米盒互相PK,选出优秀选手到全班竞选。播报组,组内学习文本,学习qq群提供的其它相关文章,整合观点,制作思维导图,到全班交流。招聘过程以直播形式推送到班级群,学生评价采用Ticking time的形式,评价后拍照上传到群,再以群投票方式选出最佳播音员与最佳播报员,班级群里的家长均可参与投票。这种教学打破了传统课堂壁垒,把保护地球的呼吁推向了互联网,践行从课堂走向生活的英语学科教学观。
Step 1 Sharing time(技术支持:QQ群)
T:A few days ago, we did a survey ,about air, water, plastic and so on.
Most of you sent photos to our QQ group. I made a video with them . First let’s share.
S: 欣赏视频
2. T: After seeing it, what would you like to say
3. T: Do you have other ways to show
T: What do you think of her sharing
4. T: Air is important , and so is water. But we did bad things on the earth. Dirty air, dirty water, too much plastic…the earth is our home to live, so we should protect the earth.
Step2: Reading time (技术支持:纳米盒 17作业)
1.T:Look, here’s Xing he TV station. We are going to talk about “How to protect the Earth ” Do you want to be the comperes
First try to read the passage correctly. You can use Na mi box. (Only 5 minutes)
T: Time’s limited. Checking , and finish oral testing.
3. T: …would you like to be the little teacher
S teach S to read new words and sentences.
T: We use water to clean things. We use water to …
T: They’re useful. That’s why we should save them. (Stick: save water, save energy, save trees, don’t use too much plastic)But how We should save it. We should reuse it. We shouldn’t waste it.
T:To talk about this topic, we can focus on “Why” and “How”
Step 3 Learning time(技术支持:QQ群 思维导图制作软件)
Just now , you all did a good job. To be comperes, now you have two choices , readers or reporters. Readers: read correctly and fluently. Reporters should talk about it by using your own words.
Readers, Sit here, please. Reporters , there.(8 minutes)
T: I’ll put some articles and books to qq group, if you are not clear, you can read it by yourselves.
Step 4 : Showing time(技术支持:映客直播 QQ群投票)
T: We’ll have a live broadcast.(映客直播图标)
Take out this paper, listen carefully and give them the correct stars.
One student
Take a picture about this paper and send it to qq group.
Now according to your stars, please vote the best readers and reporters.
Read a proposal
Step5: Homework
Read the text again with Na mi box.
Search for more ways to protect the earth.
Unit7 Protect the earth
Why How
useful Save water We should…
use…to… Save energy We shouldn’t…
Save trees
Don’t use too much plastic