Unit 4 History and Traditions Period 1 Listening and Speaking 课件+学案


名称 Unit 4 History and Traditions Period 1 Listening and Speaking 课件+学案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-12-31 18:00:27


新人教版必修二Unit 4 Period 1
Listening and Speaking学案
学生姓名 班级 序号
课题内容 Unit 4 The History and Traditions Period 1 Listening and Speaking
教材分析 The topic of this unit is History and Tradition. From the first page of this module, we can find that this module will introduce the history and traditions of the world. Guide students to understand the importance and value of historical tradition.This teaching stage is mainly listening and speaking. Students need to learn about Qufu, the hometown of Confucius,Temple of Confucius,Kong Family Mansion,Cemetery of Confucius and other related knowledge, and master some pronunciation skills. Teachers should help students master some listening and speaking skills to improve their listening accuracy. The theme of the listening text is share views on historical and cultural heritage. The preview activity is to show students some photos of Qufu, so as to guide students and partners to talk about related cultural relics of Qufu. The first question in the listening text is that British tourist William and a Chinese student Kong Xiao went to Temple of Confucius in Qufu to meet with members of the research group, and exchanged views on Temple of Confucius, Confucius' descendants and Confucius' educational thoughts. The second question of listening is to ask students to listen to the tape again and choose the correct answer. The first question is, is Kong Xiao's name on Confucius' family tree The first question, why did Kong Xiao go to Temple of Confucius The third problem of listening is to let the students listen to the text and judge whether it is right or wrong. Write out the English idioms used in the dialogue. The subject of question 4 requires students to explain their meaning and think about some corresponding Chinese words. The content of speaking is to let students discuss problems in groups and exchange Confucius' educational ideas.Then, let students tell them about Confucius and his philosophy, and introduce the history and importance of a historical site they visited. Finally,ask students to introduce the history and importance of another historic site they visited. In the pronunciation part, students are required to read aloud the poems of Rudyard Kipling, an English poet, and read them according to the example.
学习目标与核心素养 1.Master the basic usage of the key words such as "Confucius,Temple of Confucius,Kong Family Mansion,Cemetery of Confucius and Confucius' educational thoughts" in this course. 2.Cultivate students' ability to guess the meaning of words from the context in the process of listening to English texts.3.Through classroom listening training, cultivate students' effective listening skills to acquire specific information. 4.Students understand the importance of Confucius and his philosophy.5.Students talk about historical sites and share their experiences.6.Students learn about the long history and cultural traditions of Qufu and Confucius related places of interest.7.Cultivate students to discuss Confucius and related historical and cultural sites with their partners, and share their experience with others. 8.Understand some English idioms and their related cultural knowledge and allusions.9.Cultivate students' awareness of paying attention to Chinese history and culture.
学习重点 1.Cultivate students' ability to guess the meaning of words from the context in the process of listening to English texts.2.Guide students to improve their listening skills and exercise their listening level through in class listening training.3.Cultivate students to discuss Confucius and related historical and cultural sites with their peers, and share their experience with others.
学习难点 Through classroom listening training, cultivate students' effective listening skills to acquire specific information.
1. Confucius n.孔子
2. mansion n.公馆;宅第
3. cemetery n.墓地;公墓
4. philosophy n.哲学
5. descendant n.后裔;后代;子孙
6. individual adj.单独的;个别的 n.个人
7. heel n.足跟;(脚,袜子、鞋等的)后跟
8. Achilles' heel (喻) (希腊神话) 阿喀琉斯的脚跟,致命的弱点
1. Why do you think William said his hometown was similar to Qufu
be similar to 和......相似
be similar in 在......方面相似
The two cars are very similar in size and design.
be the same as 与......相同
be different from 与......不同
be different in ......方面不同
①At our factory there are a few machines similar to those described in this magazine.
②The two men are similar in appearance.
2. Achilles' heel (喻) (希腊神话)阿喀琉斯的脚跟,致命的弱点
Achilles' heel (喻) (希腊神话)阿喀琉斯的脚跟,致命的弱点
例句:Adam's Achilles' heel is that he is not confident.
pull sb.'s leg同某人开玩笑 be child's play极容易做;轻而易举
fly off the handle大发雷霆 over the moon欣喜若狂
last straw救命稻草 laugh one's head (s) off 大笑不止,狂笑不已
be all ears全神贯注地听,洗耳恭听green fingers园艺技能
an early bird早起的人 a lucky dog幸运儿
a tough nut难对付的人 a wet blanket扫兴的人
fish out of water因环境不熟悉而感到不舒服或尴尬的人
——Jack still can't help being anxious about his job interview.
——Lack of self-confidence is his Achilles' heel, I am afraid.
Are you for real, or are you just pulling my leg?
Surrounded by a crowd of strangers,she felt like a fish out of water.
1.________(孔子) is a great thinker as well as an educator.
2.He studied _________(哲学) and psychology at Cambridge.
3.She won the_________ (个人)gold medal at the Winter Olympics.
4.She went to the________(墓地) to visit her grandmother.
5.I spent to nights in the ________(公馆).
6.He saluted with a click of his _________(脚后跟).
China is a big old country, 1. has a history of more than five thousand years. We are proud of 2. (it) culture and part of the culture even influences the world 3. (great), for example, the thought of Confucius(孔子). As Chinese economy develops very fast and plays 4. important role in the world, more and more 5.(foreign) learn Mandarin(普通话) in Confucius institutions.
The Chinese traditional culture can 6. (test) by the time. It unites the whole nation and no matter what kind of disaster comes, we will fight together for the country’s future. Today, many young people lose faith in traditional culture and they are crazy 7. the western culture. They follow the western fashion, 8. (think) we are old style. But some day, they 9. (realize) it is wrong 10. them to ignore traditional culture.
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
A Sweet Art— Sugar Painting
In all around China’s southwestern Sichuan province, one can often find folk artists producing sugar paintings with liquid sugar along the streets and in the parks.
According to some academic studies, sugar painting originated from the Ming Dynasty when sugar animals and figures 1. (make) in molds (模具) as part of a sacrifice in religious ceremony. In the Qing Dynasty, sugar painting gained more 2. (popular). The production techniques were upgraded and the patterns became more various, most of 3. stood for good luck such as fish, dragon and monkey. Afterward, the folk artists in Sichuan 4. (develop) this art by adding techniques of Chinese shadow puppet and Chinese paper cutting. As time passed by, the contemporary form of sugar painting has 5. (gradual) evolved.
Although 6. number of sugar painters has decreased, due to its unique charm, a certain number of artists are making efforts 7. (preserve) it by offering classes, holding relevant activities such as sugar painting contests and applying 8. the National Non-material Cultural Heritage.
Nowadays, this art is getting support again from the general public 9. it has already been listed as Provincial Non-Material Culture Heritage by the Sichuan Government. Moreover, the sugar painting artists have gained 10. (increase) recognition.
What do we mean by a perfect English pronunciation In one 1 there are as many different kinds of English as there are speakers of it. 2 two speakers speak in exactly the same 3 .We can always hear differences 4 them,and the pronunciation of English 5 a great deal in different geographical 6 .How do we decide what sort of English to use as a 7 This is not a question that can be 8 in the same way for all foreign learners of English. 9 you live in a part of the world 10 India or West Africa,where there is a long 11 of speaking English for general communication purposes,you should 12 to acquire a good variety of the pronunciation of this area. It would be a 13 in these circumstances to use as a model BBC English or 14 of the sort. On the other hand,if you live in a country 15 there is no traditional use of English,you must take 16 your model some form of 17 English pronunciation. It does not 18 very much which form you choose. The most 19 way is to take as your model the sort of English you can 20 most often.
1.A.sign B.distance C.sense D.gap
2.A.Not B.None C.No D.Nowhere
3.A.type B.major C.form D.way
4.A.between B.of C.among D.from
5.A.changes B.exists C.varies D.happens
6.A.areas B.countries C.parts D.spaces
7.A.direction B.symbol C.guide D.model
8.A.regarded B.recognized C.replied D.answered
9.A.Because B.If C.When D.Whether
10.A.as B.like C.unlike D.likely
11.A.custom B.tradition C.use D.habit
12.A.aim B.lead C.access D.tend
13.A.distinction B.nonsense C.custom D.dialect
14.A.everything B.anything C.nothing D.deeds
15.A.where B.which C.that D.wherever
16.A.to B.on C.with D.as
17.A.practical B.native C.abroad D.narrow
18.A.care B.trouble C.affect D.matter
19.A.effective B.likely C.entire D.official
20.A.listen B.sound C.hear D.listen to
16.be tested
19.will realize
4.考查冠词。句意:随着中国经济的快速发展和在世界上的重要地位,越来越多的外国人在孔子学院学习汉语。固定搭配play a role in,意为“起作用,扮演角色”,important是以元音音素开头,故填an。
6.考查被动语态。句意:中国传统文化可以用时间来检验。由句意可知,本句中主语与谓语动词构成被动关系,且情态动词can后跟动词原形,故填be tested。
7.考查介词。句意:现如今,许多年轻人对传统文化失去了信心,他们对西方文化着迷。短语be crazy about表示“对……着迷”为固定搭配,符合句意,故填about。
9.考查时态。句意:但总有一天,他们会意识到忽视传统文化是错误的。空处为句子的谓语,根据上文some day可知,表示未来某一天,时态用一般将来时。故填will realize。
10.考查介词。句意:但总有一天,他们会意识到忽视传统文化是错误的。It’s +adj+of sb to do sth.是固定句型,表示“某人做……是……”,故填of。
1.were made
7.to preserve
10. increasing
1.考查谓语。句意:根据一些专业研究表明,糖画起源于明朝,当时人们用模具把糖做成动物和人的样子,作为宗教活动祭品的一部分。根据句子结构和意思可知,这里考查一般过去式的谓语动词的被动形式。主语是“sugar animals and figures”,所以be动词要用复数形式were。故填were made。
5.考查副词。句意:随着时间的推移,现代糖画形式渐渐地形成了。根据句子结构和意思可知,这里考查副词修饰谓语动词“has evolved”。故填gradually。
6.考查冠词。句意:虽然糖画画家的数量减少了,然而,因为它独特的迷人之处,许多艺术家正在努力通过授课、举办比如糖画测试和申请国家非物质文化遗产等相关活动来保护它。根据句子结构和意思可知,这里考查固定短语“the number of”…的数量的意思里的定冠词。故填the。
7.考查非谓语。句意:见第6题。根据句子结构和意思可知,这里考查固定短语“make efforts to do”努力做某事。故填to preserve。
8.考查介词。句意:见第6题。根据句子结构和意思可知,这里考查固定短语“apply for”申请的意思里搭配的介词。故填for。
1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:从某种意义上说,有多少说英语的人就有多少种不同的英语。A. sign符号;B. distance距离;C. sense感觉;D. gap间隙。根据“there are as many different kinds of English as there are speakers of it”可知,此处表示“从某种意义上说”应用“in a/one sense”,是固定搭配。故选C项。
2.考查限定词辨析。句意:没有两个人说话的方式完全相同。A. Not表示否定,不;B. None一点也不;C. No没有;D. Nowhere无处。根据常识可知,此处表示“没有两个人”应用no作限定词。故选C项。
3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:没有两个人说话的方式完全相同。A. type类型;B. major主修科目;C. form形式;D. way方法。此处表示说英语的方式,应用“in exactly the same way”,没有两个人说话的方式完全相同故选D项。
4.考查介词辨析,句意:我们总是能听到他们之间的差异。A. between在……之间(两者);B. of……的;C. among 在……中间(三者或三者以上);D. from从……起。them指代前面提到的“two speakers”,此处表示“他们之间的差异”,是两者之间,应用“between”。故选A项。
5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:英语的发音在不同的地理区域也有很大的差异。A. changes改变;B. exists存在;C. varies改变;D. happens发生a great deal in different geographical  6 。此处表示“发音在不同的地域有差异”且根据下文的“a good variety of”可知,此处应为“varies”。故选C项。
6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:英语的发音在不同的地理区域也有很大的差异。A. areas区域;B. countries国家;C. parts部件;D. spaces空间。根据下文“the pronunciation of this area(这个区域的发音)”,可知,此处表示英语的发音在不同的地理区域也有很大的差异。故选A项。
7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们如何决定使用哪种英语作为模板?A. direction方向;B. symbol象征;C. guide指南;D. model榜样,范例。根据下文中的“take your model”可知,此处应为“范例”。故选D项。
8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:对于所有学习英语的外国学生来说,这不是一个可以用同样的方式来回答的问题。A. regarded注意;B. recognized意识到;C. replied回答;D. answered回答。根据前面的“question”,可知,此处应为回答问题。若选C项,replied后需加to。故选D项。
9.考查连词词义辨析。句意:如果你生活在世界上像印度或西非这样的地方,那里有着为一般交流而说英语的悠久传统,你应该能更易于够掌握这一地区各种各样的发音。A. Because因为;B. If如果;C. When在……时候;D. Whether不论。根据语境可知,此处表示条件关系,应用if。故选B项。
10.考查介词词义辨析。句意:如果你生活在世界上像印度或西非这样的地方,那里有着为一般交流而说英语的悠久传统,你应该能够更易于掌握这一地区各种各样的发音。A. as作为;B. like像,如同;C. unlike不像;D. likely很可能。分析句子可知,此空后面为“India or West Africa”,表示“像,如同”,应用“like”。故选B项。
11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你生活在世界上像印度或西非这样的地方,那里有着为一般交流而说英语的悠久传统,你应该能够更易于掌握这一地区各种各样的发音。A. custom习惯;B. tradition传统;C. use使用;D. habit习惯。根据常识可知,此处为这些地区有长期使用英语交流的传统,且根据后文“there is no traditional use of English(没有传统的英语用法)”,可以推断此处应为“tradition”。故选B项。
12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你生活在世界上像印度或西非这样的地方,那里有着为一般交流而说英语的悠久传统,你应该能够更易于掌握这一地区各种各样的发音。A. aim目的;B. lead领导;C. access通道;D. tend倾向。此处表示人们有长期使用英语交流的传统,生活在这样的地方,更易于掌握这一地区各种各样的发音,应用“tend to do sth.”,意为“易于做某事;倾向于做某事”。故选D项。
13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在这种情况下,用BBC英语或任何类似的东西来做榜样是毫无意义的。A. distinction区别;B. nonsense胡说;C. custom习惯;D. dialect方言。根据上文“生活在世界上像印度或西非这样的地方,那里有着为一般交流而说英语的悠久传统,你应该能够更易于掌握这一地区各种各样的发音”所以此处是说在有很多不同发音的地区使用标准的BBC英语是没有意义的,“nonsense”可表示“无意义的事”。故选B项。
14.考查不定代词辨析。句意:在这种情况下,用BBC英语或任何类似的东西来做榜样是毫无意义的。A. everything每件事物;B. anything任何事物;C. nothing没有什么;D. deeds行为。此处表达“用BBC英语或任何类似的东西”,应用“or anything of the sort”,意为“或者其他类似的东西”,是固定搭配。故选B项。
15.考查定语从句关系词。句意:另一方面,如果你生活在一个没有传统使用英语的国家,你必须以某种形式的母语英语发音为榜样。A. where哪里;B. which哪一个;C. that那;D. wherever无论在哪里。此句为定语从句,修饰先行词a country,在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where。故选A项。
16.考查介词辨析。句意:你必须以某种英语母语发音为范本。A. to朝;B. on在……之上;C. with和……在一起;D. as作为。根据后文“take as your model”,以及此处表达以某种发音作为学习范本,可知,此处应用“as”。故选D项。
17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你必须以某种英语母语发音为范本。A. practical实际的;B. native本国的,本土的;C. abroad往国外的;D. narrow狭窄的。此处用来修饰“English pronunciation(英语发音)”,且作为学习的范本,可以推断,此处应为“本土的英语发音”故选B项。
18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:你选择哪一种形式无关紧要。A. care关怀;B. trouble使麻烦;C. affect影响;D. matter事关紧要。根据下文“The most
 19 way is to take as your model the sort of English you can  20 most often.”可知,你选择哪一种形式无关紧要。故选D项。
19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:最有效的方法是把你经常听到的英语作为你的榜样。A. effective有效的;B. likely很可能的;C. entire全部的;D. official官方的。根据下文“ to take as your model the sort of English”可知,此处用于修饰学习英语的方法,应为“有效的”。故选A项。
20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:最有效的方法是把你经常听到的英语作为你的榜样。A. listen是不及物动词,强调听的动作,后面不能直接加宾语;B. sound后面一般加形容词或从句,表示“听起来怎样”;C. hear强调听的结果,听到;D. listen to听。此处表示将经常听到的英语作为学习的模板,强调听到的结果。故选C项。
完形填空的解题技巧之一就是要根据上下文来学会“推理”出最佳选项。同学们要遵循“上下求索”的原则来查找信息。例如,第16小题,根据后文“take as your model”,以及此处表达以某种发音作为学习范本,可知,此处应用“as”。故选D项。
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Unit 4 The History and Traditions
Period 1
Listening and Speaking
A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.
—— Marcus Garvey
[k n'fju s] n.
Confucian thought
[f l s fi]n.
[ nd v d u l]n.&adj.
同义词 personal/private
Key Words
Key Words
[ m n n]
Kong Family mansion
[ sem tri]
Cemetery of Confucius
[d s nd nts] n.
the descendants of Confucius
Key Words
[hi l] n.
at/on sb's heels
Achilles' heel
[ kili:z hi l]
Game time
Achilles' heel
Look and discuss
1 What do you know about the buildings in
the photo above
2 What traditions of that city/country do you
know about
3 Why is it important to protect historic know
buildings and cultural tradition
Lead in
The palace of Westminster
The Elizabeth tower
Westminster Bridge
Lead in
1 What do you know about the buildings in the photo above
Palace of Westminster, also known as the Houses of Parliament, is the seat of the British Parliament (including the house of Lords and the house of Commons).
Elizabeth Tower, commonly known as Big Ben, is the bell tower of Westminster Palace, the parliament building. It is a landmark building in London and even in Britain.
Westminster Bridge is an arch bridge, located in London, UK. It crosses the Thames river. Britain's Parliament, Big Ben and the London Eye are all at both ends of this bridge.
1 What do you know about the buildings in the photo above
Lead in
There is a famous tradition in London called "Changing
of the Guard", and the Changing of the Guard ceremony
at Buckingham Palace is known as one of the top ten
attractions in London. The guards of the Royal Guards,
dressed in red uniforms and wearing high bearskin hats,
are magnificent.
Lead in
2 What traditions of that city/country do you know about
Protecting historical and cultural heritage are the important cultural foundation for connecting national emotional ties, maintaining national unity and social stability. It is also a prerequisite(前提)for maintaining the diversity and creativity of the world culture and promoting the common development of mankind.
Why is it important to protect historic know buildings and cultural tradition
Lead in
Warming Up
Qufu Tourist Area Located in Qufu, Shandong Province,
the tourist area, which includes the Mansion, Temple and
Cemetery of Confucius, enjoys a worldwide fame as a
traditional Chinese cultural site.
Do you know anything about Qufu Tourist Area Are there any places of historical interest here
Confucius (September 28,551 b.C. - April 11,479 b.C.) named
Qiu and named Zhongni, was born in Qufu City, Shandong
Province today. He was a great thinker,politician, educator in
ancient China, the founder of the Confucian school, and "the
greatest achievement". The Analects 《论语》of Confucius is a
Confucian classics that records the words, deeds, quotations and
thoughts of Confucius and his disciples(弟子).
Do you know Confucius Do you know anything about him
Warming Up
Confucius philosophy with "benevolence(仁爱)" as the core.
Confucius put forward such principles as "Do not do unto others
what you would not want others to do unto you. " "A gentleman
is always ready to help others attain their aims, but not evil". He
advocated the theory that man is an integral part of nature, suggested
that people live harmony with nature.
Do you know Confucius Do you know anything about him
Warming Up
Warming Up
Qufu(曲阜) is a city in Shandong province.The hometown
of Confucius is the birthplace of the Yellow Emperor, the
hometown of Shennong, the hometown of Shang and Yin
dynasties. It is an important birthplace of oriental culture
(东方文化).It is known as "Oriental holy city(东方圣城)"
and "Oriental Jerusalem" Qufu is named the first batch of
excellent tourist cities in China. In 2007, Confucius Temple,
Confucius House and Kong Lin Scenic Spot, which are world
cultural heritage, were rated as national AAAAA scenic spots.
1 Before you listen, look at some photos of Qufu. What can you say about these places
Share views on historic sites
Temple of Confucius
Kong Family Mansion
Cemetery of Confucius
Pre -Listening
Warming Up
Look at the three pictures and answer the following questions.
1. Are you familiar with these three historical sites
2. Where are the three historical sites
3. Have you ever been there
4. Who are these historical sites related to
Yes, I'm familiar with them./No, I'm not familiar with them.
Qufu, Jinan, Shandong province.
Yes, I have been to Qufu/ No, I haven't.
These historic site are related to Confucius.
Confucius Temple is an ancestral hall building
built in memory of Confucius, a great Chinese thinker
and educator. It is a place of pilgrimage(朝圣) for
Confucian students in previous dynasties. Among them,
Nanjing Confucius Temple, Qufu Confucius Temple,
Beijing Confucius Temple and Jilin Confucius Temple
are known as China's four major Confucian temples.
Pre -Listening
1 Before you listen, look at some photos of Qufu. What can you say
about these places
Confucius Mansion is located in Qufu , on the east side of Confucius Temple. It is the residence of the hereditary descendants of the Duke of Confucius. Confucius Mansion, Confucius Temple in Qufu and Confucius Lin are collectively called "Three Confucius". In 1961, "Confucius House in Qufu Confucius Temple" was listed as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units, and in December 1994, it was listed as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO(联合国教科文组织).
Pre -Listening
1 Before you listen, look at some photos of Qufu. What can you say
about these places
1.as easy as ——Something that is very simple or easy.
例句:Victory was not as easy as the scoreline suggests.
例句:But the job is not as easy as people imagine.
2.copycat——used especially by children about and to a person who copies what sb else does because they have no ideas of their own.
例句:The Beatles have copycats all over the world.
例句:Janie is a copycat-she was looking at my answers while we were taking the test!
3. bookworm——If you describe someone as a bookworm, you mean they are very fond of reading.
例句:Jenny is a bookworm – she always has her nose in a book.
例句:His brain is filled with knowledge but he is not a bookworm.
Pre -Listening
Cemetery of Confucius and his family, covers an area of 2 square kilometers.It is the largest, longest-lasting and most well-preserved clan tomb and artificial garden in China. In 1961, Kong Lin was declared by the State Council as the first batch of key national cultural relics protection units People's Republic of China.In December 1994, Cemetery of Confucius was listed in the world cultural heritage list by the United Nations Educational, scientific and cultural organization.
Pre -Listening
1 Before you listen, look at some photos of Qufu. What can you say
about these places
2 Listen to a conversation between a British tourist and a Chinese
student in Qufu, and then write down what they say about Confucius.
Fact/Opinion about Confucius
William 1 Confucius is one of his favourite philosophers.
Xiao Kong 1 Confucius has 3 million descendants
A wise man.
Lived 2500 years age.
He was a great educator and had many idea about education.
He was alone of the greatest minds in history.
Mind map
Xiao Kong
A well-recorded
family tree
A great educator
3 million descendants
relationship between
learning and reflecting
One of his favourite
A wise man
Lived 2500
years age
Fact/Opinion about Confucius
1. Is Xiao Kong's name in Confucius' family tree
A. Yes.
B. No.
C. Not mentioned.
2. Why is Xiao Kong going to the temple of Confucius
A. He's there for fun.
B. He's there to pay respect to his ancestors.
C. He's there for a research project on Confucius philosophy.
Listen to the tape again and choose the correct answers to each of the following questions.

1 Confucius said that learning without understanding leads to confusion.
2 Xiao Kong is doing a research project on Confucius philosophy.
3 As one of Confucius' descendants, Xiao Kong's name is recorded
in the family tree.
4 Dacheng Hall is the tall lest building in Qufu.
3 Listen again and decide whether these statements are true (T),
false (F), or not mentioned (NM). Then answer the question.

A There are famous halls in his hometown.
B There are no tall buildings in his hometown.
C Both places have a famous person who was born there.
D His hometown doesn't allow other buildings to be more noticeable than the historic buildings.
Why do you think William said his hometown was similar
to Qutu

4 Write down the English idioms that are used in the conversation. Explain their meanings and think about some Chinese equivalents.
Understand idioms
An idiom is an expression which means something different from the meaning of the individual words Some idioms present an idea or paint a picture that gives a hint as to the meaning. Other idioms can only be understood from the context in which they appear.
4 Write down the English idioms that are used in the conversation. Explain their meanings and think about some Chinese equivalents.
English idiom Meaning
Chinese equivalent
Achilles' heel
pull one's leg
fish out of water
something that is someone’ weakness
to joke with someone
Someone who feels uncomfortable because they are in an unfamiliar
1 What do you know about Confucius' ideas on education Think of two or three examples.What else do you know about Confucius and his philosophy
5 Discuss the questions in groups.
2 Think about a historic site that you have visited, and give an introduction to its history and importance.
1 What do you know about Confucius' ideas on education Think of some examples.
Learning without thought means labour lost; thought without learning is perilous.
There must be one out of three who can be your teacher.
Bright as is, is fond of studying,not feel ashamed to ask and learn from one's subordinates.
(September 28,551 b.C.
- April 11,479 b.C.)
What else do you know about Confucius and his philosophy
(September 28,551 b.C.
- April 11,479 b.C.)
The Master said, "Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters Is he not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him "
1. 孔子以“仁”为核心的哲学思想。孔子的“仁政”思想是其哲学思想的核心,是治国理政的重要理论,主张“仁者爱人”。
Confucius’ philosophical thought with "benevolence" as the core. Confucius' idea of "benevolent governing" is the core of his philosophical thought and an important theory of administer a country theory. Advocate "The benevolent loves others".
What else do you know about Confucius and his philosophy
Political thought with "morality" as the core. Confucius put forward the "morality" thought of "rule by moral force" and "take a heavy burden and embark on a long road".
Carry out the ethical thought from the perspective of "benevolence"
and "gain".
Educational thought with " provide education for all people without discrimination" as the core,teach students in accordance with their aptitude.
What else do you know about Confucius and his philosophy
Martial Marquis Memorial Temple is dedicated to Zhuge Liang,the
Martial Marquis of Shu in the Three Kingdoms Period.The temple is
located in Wuhou District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province. The museum
covers an area of 37000 square meters and the building area is 9200
square meters. It was built in the late western Jin Dynasty.It is the only
temple in China where kings and officials sacrifice together.
Martial Marquis Memorial Temple belongs to the cultural heritage protection zone of Chengdu Wuhou Temple Museum. In March 1961, Wuhou Temple was announced as the first batch of key national heritage conservation units.
2 Think about a historic site that you have visited, and give an
introduction to its history and importance.
Let’s Learn
Let’s Learn
类型 发音规则
例如:I’m an English boy.
I called you half an hour ago.
如果前一个词是由元音/u: /u/ 或/ u / /au /结尾,
下一个词由元音开头,那么在/u: / /后面加上一
个辅音/w/如果前一个词是由元音/ i:/ / / 或/ e /
/ a / / / 结尾,下一个词由元音开头,那么,
在/ i:/ / /后面加上一个辅音/ j /。
例如:How(w) and why did you come here
She can’t carry (j) it.
如果前一个词是以-r 或者-re 结尾,后一个词是
以元音开头,这时的r 或re 不但要发/ r / ,而且
例如:They’re my father and mother.
I looked for it here and there.
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
1 Read this part of the poem“If ”written by British poet Rudyard Kipling.Notice the linking sounds. Then mark the linking sounds after the model.

02 Repeat the poem after the recording.
Language point
be similar to 和......相似
be similar in 在......方面相似
The two cars are very similar in size and design.
1. Why do you think William said his hometown was similar to Qufu
be the same as 与......相同
be different from 与......不同
be different in ......方面不同
①At our factory there are a few machines similar______those described in this magazine.
②The two men are similar____appearance.
Language point
Achilles' heel (喻) (希腊神话)阿喀琉斯的脚跟,致命的弱点
例句:Adam's Achilles' heel is that he is not confident.
2. Achilles' heel (喻) (希腊神话)阿喀琉斯的脚跟, 致命的的弱点
pull sb.'s leg同某人开玩笑 be child's play极容易做;轻而易举
fly off the handle大发雷建 over the moon欣喜若狂
last straw救命稻草 laugh one's head (s) off 大笑不止,狂笑不已
be all ears全神贯注地听,洗耳恭听 green fingers园艺技能
an early bird早起的人 a lucky dog幸运儿
a tough nut难对付的人 a wet blanket扫兴的人
fish out of water因环境不熟悉而感到不舒服或尴尬的人
Language point
——Jack still can't help being anxious about his job interview.
——Lack of self-confidence is his_____________, I am afraid.
Are you for real, or are you just______________
Surrounded by a crowd of strangers,she felt like a________________.
Achilles' heel
pulling my leg
fish out of water
1. Confucius n.孔子
2. mansion n.公馆;宅第
3. cemetery n.墓地;公墓
4. philosophy n.哲学
5. descendant n.后裔;后代;子孙
6. individual adj.单独的;个别的 n.个人
7. heel n.足跟;(脚,袜子、鞋等的)后跟
8. Achilles' heel (喻) (希腊神语) 阿喀琉斯的脚跟,致命的弱点
Confucius' ideas on education
The historic sites of Qufu
Temple of Confucius
Cemetery of Confucius
Kong Family Mansion
1. Read the listening material aloud.
2. Prepare an oral presentation about“An introduction of a
historic site”.
3.Think about a historic site that you have visited, and write
a passage to give an introduction to its history and importance.