1. He did a double take.
do a double take: to look at someone or something again because you are very surprised by what you saw or heard 惊讶地又看了一眼
e.g. I did a double take — I couldn’t believe it was her.
He stopped and did a double take.
1) 看到我站在那儿,她惊讶地又看了我一眼。
2) 当我说我要结婚时, 他吃惊地又看了看我。
She did a double take when she saw me standing there.
He did a double take when I said I was getting married.
2. … I wonder if you could throw in that old saucer.
throw in: If a person who is selling something throws in something extra, they give you the extra thing and only ask you to pay for the first thing.
e.g. Pay 4.80 for larger prints and they throw in a free photo album.
throw in 无意中说;随口说
e.g. Occasionally Tom threw in a question.
1) 如果你买两个,我们将免费再赠送一个。
2) 会议间她不时提出一两个建议。
If you buy two, we’ll throw in a third (for free)!
She threw in a suggestion or two during the meeting.
3. After a good dinner and a bottle of wine, they retired for the night, and went to sleep.
retire v. to go away to a quiet place
e.g. After dinner he likes to retire to his study.
retire v. 退休; 睡觉;就寝
e.g. Most people retire at 60.
I retired late that evening.
She retired early from teaching because of ill health.
2) Some time after midnight, he retired to bed.
3) I retired to my room to think.
4. … I forecast that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow.
forecast v. to make a statement saying what is likely to happen in the future, based on the information you have now
预测;预报 (forecast, forecast或forecasted, forecasted)
e.g. Rain was forecast for the weekend.
fore- (prefix) 前缀,表示“先于;预先”或者“在……的前部”。
e.g. foresee v. 预见;预料
foretell v. 预言;预知
forewarn v. 预先警告;事先告诫
forehead n. 前额
foreman n. 领班;工头
foresight n. 深谋远虑;先见之明
1. foresee
2. forecast
3. forearm
4. forehead
5. foreland
6. foresight
7. foreword
8. forerunner
a. 前臂
b. 前额
c. 预测;预报
d. 预见;预知
e. 前言;序言
f. 先驱;先行者
g. 前陆;前沿地
h. 深谋远虑;先见之明
5. The doctor started to examine him.
examine vt. if a doctor examines you, they look at your body to check that you are healthy 检查(身体)
eg The doctor examined her patient carefully.
examine vt. to look at something carefully and thoroughly because you want to find out more about it
to ask someone questions to test their knowledge of a subject
考核,测验 (某人)
eg He examined her passport and stamped it.
You will be examined on American history.
examinee n. 参加考试者
examiner n. 考官
examination n. 考试
6. … she announced afterwards.
announce v. to officially tell people about sth
announcement n. 宣布;宣告
e.g. The government announced a cut in taxes.
A voice on the loudspeaker announced that the store was closing in 10 minutes.
The announcement came as no great surprise.
Announce is used more often for giving facts;
Declare is used more often for giving judgements.
e.g. We expect to announce details of the plan later this week.
The U.N. has declared it to be a safe zone.
announce & declare
1) 双方政府都未作正式通告。
There has been no formal _______________by either government.
2) 政府宣布了创造一万个就业机会的方案。
The government has _____________ plans to create 10,000 new jobs.
3. 政府宣布南部地区为得胜者。
The government _____________ the southern areas to be the winner.
7. I really don’t think I deserve a zero.
deserve v. to have earned something by good or bad actions or behavior 应得;应受到
e.g. What has he done to deserve this punishment
Deserve is not used in the continuous tenses.
deserve 不用于进行时态。
He deserves all he gets for being so dishonest.
2) We didn’t deserve to win.
3) Peter deserves a place in the team.
innocently faithful bleed scream potentially
Match the word with the correct explanation.
1. to make a loud high noise with your voice because you are hurt, frightened, excited etc.
2. to lose blood, especially because of an injury
3. If you say that sb does or says sth innocently, you mean that they are pretending not to know sth about a situation.
4. possibly true in the future, but not true now
5. staying with or supporting a particular person