人教版(2019)必修第一册:Unit4 Natural Disasters Listening and Speaking 教案


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册:Unit4 Natural Disasters Listening and Speaking 教案
格式 doc
文件大小 294.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-01-06 11:11:55



学 科 英语 年级 高一 班级
课 题 Period 1:B1U4 Listening and Speaking----Natural Disasters 课型 听说课 时间 2021.11
教学目标 Watch a video and listen to the four news reports to grasp the detailed information about the natural disasters; Present a news report by using the sentence structures in the listening text;Give a performance about what we can do to protect us from the earthquake;
教学重难点 帮助学生抓住听力材料中的主要细节信息,并运用听力材料中的已有词汇和句型写出自己的新闻报道。
研备思路 1.教材分析该板块活动主题是“自然灾害”。要求学生在听完四则关于自然灾害的新闻报道后,参考听力材料中的短语和句型示范,选择播报一则关于灾难类的新闻。听力文本是四则关于地震、龙卷风、滑坡、洪灾的专题新闻。文本从时间、地点、灾难所产生的破坏、急救措施四个方面对厄瓜多尔的地震、中国的洪灾、孟菲斯的龙卷风、韩国首尔的滑坡进行了及时的报道。文本语言表达准确、简明扼要,只讲述具体事实,不带感彩。教材第49页的练习部分,已经给了学生进行播报的关键信息,要求学生运用听力材料中词汇和句型对中国的汶川地震、加拿大艾伯塔的森林大火、斯里兰卡的洪灾进行报道。报道中要求说明受灾地区的损失、伤亡情况和救援措施等。新闻报道的语言需要高度精确、凝炼且表达有力。语篇中与灾害有关的一系列数据的使用也凸显了这一特点。听力任务由简到难。第一个任务先让学生选择是哪类自然灾害。第二个任务让学生听出具体日期、数字、地点等具体信息。第三个任务要求学生勾出文本中表示灾难所造成的影响和救援情况的句型。第四个任务要求学生运用听力文本中的短语和句型播报一则新闻。第五个任务要求学生通过查阅资料表演震前、震中和震后应该如何保护自己。教材任务的设置层层递进,从单词到短语再到句子最后到文章的输出,一环套一环。2.学情分析本节课面向高一年级学生,他们英语学习热情较高,有较强的表现欲望。英语基础水平虽然一般,但是英语学习兴趣较强。而且学生对于地震应该有哪些应急准备,有一定的基础认识。并且对汶川地震、唐山地震有一定的了解,学习兴趣比较浓。但是学生对于新闻报道,在如何表示地震所造成的灾害和地震之后的救援工作表达起来较困难,所以要给学生铺设足够的语言材料使其能够在听完听力语言材料之后从中摘抄出自己用于新闻报道的句型,从而完成学习任务。
主要教学方法 问答法、小组合作法、小组竞争、展示法
教学资源 教材,配套音频,视频,畅言智慧课堂白板
教师活动(引导问题及线索呈现) 学生活动(学习活动的设计) 备注
教 学 过程(Activities)
Step 1 :Lead in China suffered many disasters in 2021.What do you think these places are Strong snow storm hit Harbin.Heavy rain lasted for several weeks in Shanxi.Heavy rain caused server flooding in Henan. Harbin, Heilongjiang; Pingyao,Shanxi; zhengzhou, Henan.
Step2:Listening Task 1. Play a video about different disastersTask 2. Play four pieces of news report.Task 3. Play the four pieces of news report again and ask the students to grasp the detailed information of the listening text. Task 1. Watch the video and write down the names of different disasters.Task 2. Listen to the news report and tick the disasters that they hear.Task 3. Fill in the blanks of details, such as numbers, dates, addresses, reasons, damage, rescue work, etc.
Step 3:Activity 1 1. Ask students to underline the sentence structures in the listening text about the damage and the rescue work. 2. Ask students to prepare a short news report by using the sentence structures and preset their news report to all students. 1. Underline the sentence structures in the listening text about the damage and the rescue work2. Write a short news report and present it to all students.
Activity 2:1.Give a performance about what you should do before/during/after an earthquake. (1) Before an earthquake:There are 12 seconds of golden self-rescue time before an earthquake. What can we do before an earthquake (2) During an earthquake: Suppose Wenchuan earthquake is happening, What should you do to protect yourself from an earthquake (3) After an earthquake:How to rescue the survivors from an earthquake requirementsa. You have 10 minutes to prepare.b. Remember to use full sentences in English.c. Act it out with four students a group Activity 2:1.students should work together to assign roles, write down their lines and perform it. (1) before an earthquakeAnswer questions about what to do before an earthquake.(2) During an earthquakegive a performance.(3) After an earthquakeThink about some creative ways to rescue the survivors from an earthquake.
Step 4 Activity 2
Step 5:Homework Now, we have learnt how to give a news report about natural disasters. please write it down on your composition book.Homework:1. Write down the news report or poster about how to protect yourself during an earthquake on your text book.2. Preview the article on page50.(Read it for 3 times and translate it into English.) Ac 1. Write down the news report or a p poster about how to protect yourself during an earthquake on your text book.2. Preview the article on page50.(Read it for 3 times and translate it into English.
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