人教版(2019)必修第二册:Unit 4 History and Traditions 语法填空单句练习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册:Unit 4 History and Traditions 语法填空单句练习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 2.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-01-06 16:57:50



高中英语必修 第二册 同步
Unit 04
Word & Phrase:
单元 单词 释义(含词性)
4 Confucius n.孔子
4 mansion n.公馆;宅第
4 cemetery n.墓地;公墓
4 philosophy n.哲学
4 descendant n.后裔;后代;子孙
4 individual adj.单独的;个别的。n.个人
4 heel n.足跟;(脚、袜子、鞋等的)后跟
4 Achilles' heel (喻)(希腊神话)阿喀琉斯的脚跟,致命的弱点
4 kingdom n.王国;领域
4 chief adj.最重要的;最高级别的。n.(公司或机构的)首领;遒长
4 puzzle n.谜;智力游戏;疑问。vt.迷惑;使困惑
4 nearby adj.附近的;邻近的。adv.在附近
4 loin…to…. 把……和……连接或联结起来
4 break away(from sb/sth) 脱离;背叛;逃脱
4 belong vi.应在(某处);适应
4 belong to 属于
4 as well as 同(一样也);和;还
4 currency n.通货;货币
4 military adj.军事的;军用的
4 defence n.防御;保卫
4 legal adj.法律的;合法的
4 surround vt.围绕;包围
4 evidence n.证据;证明
4 achievement n.成就;成绩;达到
4 location n.地方;地点;位置
4 conquer vt.占领;征服;控制
4 battle n.战役;搏斗。vi.&vt.博斗;奋斗
4 port n.港口(域市)
4 fascinating adj.极有吸引力的;迷人的
4 keep your eyes open (for) 留心;留意
4 charge n.收费;指控;主管。vt.收费;控告;充电
4 announce vt.宣布;通知;声称
4 amount n.金额;数量
4 gallery n.(艺术作品的)展览馆;画廊
4 approach n.方法;途径;接近。vt.接近;接;着手处理。vi.靠近
4 ensure n.保证;确保;担保
4 landscape n.(陆上,尤指乡树的)风景
4 generous adj.慷慨的;大方的;丰富的
4 butter n.黄油;奶油。vt.涂黄油于
4 honey n.蜂蜜
4 ancestor n.祖宗;祖先
4 position n.位置;姿态;职位
4 courtyard n.庭院;院子
4 snack n.点心;小吃
4 eager adj.热切的;渴望的
4 poet n.诗人
4 county n.(英国、爱尔兰的)郡;(美国的)具
4 feast n.盛宴;宴会;节日
4 roll vi.&vt.(使)翻滚;(使)滚动。n.卷(轴);翻滚
4 dot n.点;小(圆)点。vt.加点;遍布
4 cattle n.牛
4 roar vi.&n.吼叫;咆哮
4 ocean n.大海;海洋
4 scent n.气味;气息
4 greet vi.问候;迎接
4 pub n.酒吧;酒馆
4 wine n.葡萄酒;果酒
4 beer n.(一杯)啤酒
4 stew n.炖菜(有肉和蔬菜)。vt.&vi.炖;煨
4 custom n.风俗;习俗;习惯
4 sensory adj.感觉的;感官的
4 striking adj.引人注目的;显著的
4 transition n.过渡;转变;变迁
4 crowd n.人群;一群人;民众。vt.挤满;使………拥挤
4 Wales 威尔士(英国)
4 Scotland 苏格兰(英国)
4 Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰(英国)
4 Anglo-Saxon 盎格鲁.撒克逊人
4 Viking n.维京人;北欧海盗
4 Norman adj.诺曼式的;诺曼人的
4 the Normans 诺曼人
4 Battle of Hastings 黑斯廷斯战役
4 Roman adj.古罗马的;罗马的。n.古罗马人;罗马市民
4 Van Gogh 梵高(荷兰画家)
4 the Emerald Isle 绿宝石岛(爱尔兰的别称
4 Irish adj.爱尔兰的;爱尔兰人(或语)的
Reading & Thinking:
Reading for Writing:
1.This is _____ they solved the problems in the city .
2._____ our football team will win is uncertain yet .
3._____ frightened us most was _____ two lights appeared suddenly in the darkness .
4.My mother asked ____ was the matter with me .
5.The reason I didn't come to the meeting was ____ I got ill .
6.Please pass me the notebook ____ cover is yellow .
7.Li Hua was one of the girls ____ have the chance to go abroad.
8.He must be form Africa , ____ can be seen from his skin .
9.Air ,___ we breathe every day , is around us all the time .
10.1949 was the year ____ the New China was born .
11.236 I don't know the reason ____ she looks unhappy today .
12.This is the village _____ my father worked three years ago .
13.I still remember the day ____ the old scientist took us to the lab for the first time .
14.The letter ______ I received yesterday is from my sister .
15.The woman _____ you saw in the park is our geography teacher .
16.Evidence has been piled up _______ drinking water after getting up in the morning contributes to one’s health.
17.Many experts believe that teachers’ development is _______ the key to better education lies.
18.He was disappointed ____ he had learned from books quite differed from his actual life.
19.Many people firmly believed ______ a healthy lifestyle can improve the quality of life.
20.The question came up at the meeting ______ we had enough money for our research.
21.It happened once, however, some seventy years ago, ______ the gold cup was stolen a few days before the race!
22.Sorry I’m late, but you cannot imagine ______ great trouble I took to find your house.
23.Teamwork, or cooperation, is ________ it takes for a football team to win a game.
24.His promise ________ he would give away half of the year’s income to the disabled turned out a lie, ________ made the public feel cheated.
25.The whole family were worried about Jane because no one was aware of ___she had gone.