Unit 6 In a nature park Read and write 教案


名称 Unit 6 In a nature park Read and write 教案
格式 docx
文件大小 241.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-01-09 21:00:51



《Unit 6 In a nature park》Read and write 教学设计
五年级的“Read and write”部分都是由一段对话、一组练习题和一个任务型活动组成。这部分的功能有两个,一是复习巩固本单元A、B部分的主要语言;二是适当扩展,增大语言的输入量。这一部分的教学目标是让学生能读懂对话;能完成教材提供的检测学生阅读理解程度的填空或问答题;会书写两组重点句子;能完成一项综合运用所学语言的任务型语言活动。
本单元学习的主题是自然公园。本课时是承接第五单元读写部分中Mr. Jones的邀请信,Robin应邀来到他的家中,站在窗边望向窗外,将看到的自然公园以一篇短文的形式呈现出来的。本节课读的部分要求学生借助图片阅读短文,完成补画自然公园景物的任务;写的部分为个性化的书写活动,要求学生写出有关自然公园的问题及答案。
五年级的学生接触读写课已有一年的时间,基本能够了解这类课型的模式与要求,初步具备了一定的阅读能力,能够懂得联系上下文理解语段的含义,同时具备了一定的仿写基础,并逐步向独立写作过渡。对于本课阅读材料中出现的单词nature park, mountain, village, lake以及there be句型的使用,学生已在第五单元和本单元的前几课中接触并掌握。同时本节读写课是这学期的最后一节,学生已经拥有了一年半的书写积累,因此,我将本节课中写的目标由针对自然公园场景利用there be句型进行问答提升为按照例文进行仿写,旨在更好地发展学生书写的能力,为中小衔接做好准备。
I Warming-up
1 Greetings
2 Listen to a chant
T:First, let’s listen to a chant.
T:Do you like my room
3 Daily talk and chant
T:There is a house. Let’s go in and have a look. And try to remember the things that you have seen.
T:Now, let’s try to chant it together, OK
【设计意图:课前通过Chant为学生营造一个轻松的课堂氛围,再通过回顾上一单元Mr. Jones的家,激活学生的已有知识,同时也让学生体会到故事间的连贯性,为本节课的短文学习做好铺垫。】
II Presentation
1 Pre-reading
T:Whose house is this Yes, this is Mr. Jones’ house. Look, Robin is at Mr. John’s house. He is looking out of the window. There is a nature park near the house. Can you use “Is there… ” or “Are there… ” to guess what’s in the nature park
T:Now, please write one question on the paper. And put it in the bag. After a while, let’s answer the questions together, OK
【设计意图:让学生利用Is there… /Are there… 进行猜测,并记录在纸条上上交,既激发了学生阅读短文的兴趣,又锻炼了学生独立书写句子的能力。】
2 While-reading
A. 1st reading—read and circle
T:Look, there is a short passage. As we known, there is a natural park near the house. And, what’s in the nature park Now, please read the passage, and circle them. For example, in the park there is a high mountain. (Use TPR to explain the word “high”.)
T:So, great. There is a high mountain, a small village, a lake and many ducks in the nature park. Now, let’s answer your questions.
【设计意图:这一环节是对课前学生预设问题的一个回应,检测学生们的预测情况,同时也是检查与指导学生们对there be句型的一般疑问句的书写情况。】
B. 2nd reading—read and underline
T:But where are they This time please read again, and underline the positions. For example, where is the park It’s near the house.
C. 3rd reading—fill in the blank and repeat
T:Can you fill in the blank and repeat the passage
Draw the picture.
T:Robin would like to draw a picture of the park. Can you help him Now, please draw it on your book.
T:Now, let’s make a picture on the blackboard together, OK This is Mr Jones’ house. And he lives there. And this is the nature park. Where is it
III Practice
1. Retell the passage
T:Now, look at the blackboard, let’s try to retell the passage, together.
T:Please try to use “There is…”and “There are…” to introduce the park in pairs, OK
2. Watch a video
T:See, this is the nature park. Do you like it Why
IV Production
T:Look, there is another nature park. First, let’s see what’s in it
T:Great. Can you write a short passage about it If you just can use “There is…”and “There are…” to introduce, that’s OK. And if you can introduce them in order, that’s so great. If you can use some beautiful words, such as “beautiful”, “wonderful”, “nice”, “peaceful”, or some sentences like “ This is a … nature park.”, “ The air is… The water is…”, “I like the nature park.”, that’s perfect.
V Summary
1 Sum up
2 Homework
Continue to finish the passage.
If you like, write a short passage to introduce one of your trips, and share with us.
Unit 6 In a nature park