2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit4 Body Language单词课文规整 语法填空 完形填空练有答案


名称 2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit4 Body Language单词课文规整 语法填空 完形填空练有答案
格式 zip
文件大小 6.6MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-01-11 08:38:34



高中 英语 选修第一册
Unit 04
1. words & Phrase
4 interaction n. 交流;相互影响
4 vary vi. (根据情况)变化;改变
4 appropriate adj. 合适的;恰当的
4 by contrast 相比之下
4 approve vi. 赞成;同意。vt. 批准;通过
4 demonstrate vt. 表现;表达;说明;证明
4 gesture n. 手势;姿势;姿态
4 witness vt. 当场看到;目击;见证。n. 目击者;证人
4 employ vt. 使用;应用;雇用
4 identical adj. 相同的
4 interpret vt. 把……理解(解释)为。vi. &vt. 口译
4 differ vi. 相异;不同于
4 by comparison (与……)相比较
4 cheek n. 面频;脸频
4 favour vt. 较喜欢;选择;有利于。n. 帮助;恩惠;赞同
4 bow vi. 鞠躬;点头。v. 低(头)。n. 弓;蝴蝶结
4 waist n. 腰;腰部
4 make inferences 推理;推断
4 break down 消除;分解;打破
4 barrier n. 隔阂;障碍
4 fake adj. 假装的;假的;冒充的
4 anger n. 愤怒;怒气。vt. 使生气;激怒
4 reliable adj. 可靠的;可信赖的
4 incident n. 发生的事情;严重事件;冲突
4 trial n. &v. 审讯;审判;试验;试用
4 slight adj. 轻微的;略微的;细小的
4 slightly adv. 略微;稍微
4 twin adj. 双胞胎之一的;孪生之一的。n. 孪生之一;双胞胎之一
4 nonverbal adj. 不涉及言语的;非言语的
4 assessment n. 评价;评定
4 assess vt. 评估;评价
4 internal adj. 内部的;里面的
4 straighten up 直起来;整理;收拾整齐
4 slump v. 垂头弯腰地走(或坐等)
4 pose n. 故作姿态;(为画像、拍照等摆的)姿势。vi. 摆好姿势。vt. 造成(威胁、问题等)
4 bend vt. &v. (bent,bent)(使)弯曲;倾斜;偏向
4 reveal vt. 揭示;显示;露出
4 clarify vt. 使更清晰易懂;阐明;澄清
4 in other words 换句话说;也就是说
4 educator n. 教师;教育工作者;教育家
4 tick vt. 给(试卷、问题等)打钩号。vi. (钟表)发出嘀嗒声。n. 钩号
4 tendency n. 趋势;倾向
4 lower vt. 把……放低;降低;减少。adj. 下面的;下方的;较小的
4 imply vt. 意味着;暗示
4 barely adv. 几乎不;勉强才能;刚刚
4 chin n. 下巴
4 occupy vt. 占据;占用
4 stare vi. 盯着看;凝视。n. 凝视
4 ceiling n. 天花板;上限
4 distract vt. 分散(注意力);使分心
4 perceive vt. 察觉;看待;理解
4 distinguish vi. &vt. 区分;辨别
4 anxiety n. 焦虑;担心;害怕
4 chest n. 胸部;胸膛
4 embarrassed adj. 难堪的;尴尬的
4 ashamed adj. 羞愧;惭愧
4 merely adv. 只是;仅仅;只不过
4 call on(短暂地)访问;要求(某人讲话等);正式邀请
4 bother vi. &vt. 费心;麻烦;因……操心。n. 麻烦;不便
4 weep vi. &vt. 哭泣;流泪
4 at work 有某种影响;在工作
4 conflict n. 矛盾;冲突。vi. 冲突;抵触
4 inquire (=enquire)vi. &vt. 询问;打听
4 ultimately adv. 最终;最后
4 adjust vt. 调整;调节vi. &vt. 适应;(使)习惯
4 intervene vi. 干预;介入
4 react vi. (对……)起反应;回应;(对食物等)有不良反应
4 component n. 组成部分;零件
4 tone n. 语气;腔调;口吻
4 Brazil 巴西(国家名)
4 Bulgaria 保加利亚(国家名)
4 Albania 阿尔巴尼亚(国家名)
一. 完形填空。
It’s not polite to arrive at a dinner more than 15 to 20 minutes late. The host or hostess usually waits for all the 1 to arrive before serving the meal. If someone is late, the food may be spoiled, and 2 may the host or hostess’ spirits. If you have to be 3 call and tell them to start 4 you.
It’s even worse to be early! The host or hostess will probably not be 5 .If you are early, drive or walk around the block a few times, or just sit in your car until the right time.
Though it’s often 6 to arrive at a party on time, on the other hand, the host or hostess 7 guests to arrive and leave between certain times, so you can 8 at any time between the times he or she gives you.
It’s nice to bring an empty stomach, but it’s even nicer to bring 9 present. The present should not cost a lot, or you might make the host or hostess 10 .Flowers, wine, or a box of candy will be fine.11 bring money as a present. In an introduction, the
12 of a name is: (1) the given name; (2) the family name. In other
13 , the given name comes 14 .It’s important not only to learn and remember 15 , but to repeat them often in conversation. After the introduction, we usually call friends by their 16 names. Older people may want you to call them by their titles and family names, such as “Mrs Smith”, “Mr Johnson”, “Dr. Brown”.
A maiden name is a 17 family name at birth. In the United States and Canada, after a woman 18 , she takes the family name of her 19 in place of her maiden name. It is now becoming common, however, for women to 20 their maiden names after they get married.
( ) 1. A. guests B. visitors C. customs D. passengers
( ) 2. A. or B. so C. but D. yet
( ) 3. A. tired B. hungry C. late D. early
( ) 4. A. without B. for C. with D. after
( ) 5. A. awake B. ready C. up D. friendly
( ) 6. A. useless B. impossible C. unable D. important
( ) 7. A. forces B. invites C. begs D. orders
( ) 8. A. play B. fly C. arrive D. start
( ) 9. A. a big B. a small C. a good D. an expensive
( ) 10. A. pleased B. satisfied C. interested D. uneasy
( ) 11. A. Never. B. Always C. Do D. Be sure to
( ) 12. A. spelling B. calling C. order D. pronunciation
( ) 13. A. words B. letters C. idioms D. sentences
( ) 14. A. last B. first C. finally D. in the middle
( ) 15. A. expressions B. appearances C. names D. addresses
( ) 16. A. given B. family C. middle D. pen
( ) 17. A. gentleman’s B. boy’s C. woman’s D. man’s
( ) 18. A. works B. marries C. bears D. dies
( ) 19. A. husband B. mother C. father D. sister
( ) 20. A. stop B. give up C. keep D. find
二. 语法填空——单句练习。
21.He tried to turn his dream into a __________(real).
22.As time __________(go) by, my memory seems to get worse.
23. __________(go) against nature can cause deadly disasters.
24.I __________(total) agree with you.
25.This is a new discovery that has a number of industrial __________(apply).
26.With the help of science and technology, __________(explore) the Mars is not a dream.
27.We haven’t __________ (calculate) the cost of the party yet.
28.I didn’t catch your meaning. Could you please __________(simple) your explanation
29.It is a __________(logic) conclusion from your point of view.
30.I took a keen interest in the social __________(revolute).
31.With the goal __________(set), the problem became how to achieve it.
32.The two side’s opinion are __________(total) different, so it’s hard to reach an agreement.
33.We should set up a long-term program for scientific and __________(technology) development.
34.These theories are used to test how well people think __________(logical).
35.The manager often came __________(personal) to the factory to help.
36.What about your attitude to __________(intelligent) test
37.Having my family around me means __________(happy) to me.
38.The passage has now been __________(simple). I’m sure little Jane can read it.
39.In no way shall he __________(allow) to take my book without my permission.
40.The problem may not __________(arise), but there’s no harm in keeping our powder dry.
一. 完形填空。
01-05 ABCAB
06-10 DBCBD
11-15 ACABC
16-20 ACBAC
二. 语法填空——单句练习。
26.exploring/to explore
37. happiness
39.be allowed