人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册 Unit 1 People of Achievement 训练(原卷版+解析版)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册 Unit 1 People of Achievement 训练(原卷版+解析版)
格式 zip
文件大小 290.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-01-14 20:52:11


1.Since his childhood, he has shown a(n) extraordinary(非凡的) talent for painting and his works have been on display throughout the world.
2.The Foreign Ministry launched a system of emergency consular liaison (联络) volunteers, which aims to help Chinese citizens when they encounter(遭遇) difficulties abroad.
3.Known to millions as the “Queen of Crime”, Agatha Christie (阿加莎·克里斯蒂) began her writing career while working as a nurse and went on to produce 79 novels and numerous(众多的) short stories.
4.During the fight against COVID 19, China's sharing crucial(关键的) scientific information is highly appreciated.
5.Sept.3 was set as Victory Day of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression so that people can remember the harm caused by the war, and mourn(哀悼) the victims in the war.
6.Thomas Edison was a great genius and obtained(获得) more than 1,000 patents all his life for his inventions.
7.The high speed trains are seldom delayed or cancelled for weather conditions.Consequently(因此),they have become the first choice for many passengers.
1.(2020·全国卷Ⅲ)As the small boat moved gently(gentle) along the river he was left speechless by the mountains being silently reflected in the water.
2.(2020·全国卷Ⅲ)As scientists(science) look deeper into our genes (基因), they are finding examples of human evolution in just the past few thousand years.
3.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)If there is truly a concern about a professor's professionalism or ability, be sure to use online course evaluations(evaluate) to calmly offer your comments.
4.(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)Over 300 years its population grew gradually(gradual) from 800 people to 8 million.
5.(浙江卷)Under such circumstances(circumstance), smart firms need to find ways to let their employees have enough flexibility to manage their time efficiently.
6.It's a difficult skill to master, but once obtained(obtain), it will benefit you for the rest of your life.
7.Apparently(apparent) everyone knows that global warming makes the climate more extreme.
8.Our company has a commitment(commit) to quality and customer service.
9.Harvard University, founded(found) in 1636, is the oldest university in the United States.
10.The individuals who have contributed to this book are far too numerous to mention(mention).
11.His mother reminded him to drink the boiled(boil) water and more milk.
12.Personally, I used to try effective methods to achieve my academic(academy) goals.
1.(2020·天津卷7月)This led Jones to the conclusion that there are too many extremely lonely people in his community, who are easy targets of cheating.
2.(2020·江苏卷)Being good at something and having a passion for it are not enough.
3.(全国卷Ⅱ)100℃ is the temperature at which water will boil.
4.Cathy was over the age limit and, as a consequence, her application was rejected.
5.On/Upon approaching the school, you will find in the middle of our campus stand a high status.
commit oneself to do, insist on, in conclusion, come to power, take up a position, as a result/consequence, sum up
1.The new mayor has taken many measures favorable to the people since he came to power.
2.The academically successful man was invited to take up a position as a professor to lead the research in this university.
3.In the last meeting, the manager insisted on adopting a creative marketing strategy to advertise the company's new product.
4.She was always hard working and as a result/consequence, she won full scholarship for her master's degree and graduated with honors.
5.To everyone's relief, both sides committed themselves to settle the argument in a peaceful way at yesterday's conference.
I have read many poems of Yu Guangzhong, one of which I will never forget.
It is widely acknowledged that students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality.
①Upon/On their return to the country, the women's volleyball team received praise and flowers.(upon/on)
②Upon/On returning to the country, the women's volleyball team received praise and flowers.(upon/on)
③As soon as they returned to the country, the women's volleyball team received praise and flowers.(as soon as )
④The moment they returned to the country, the women's volleyball team received praise and flowers.(the moment)
①He acknowledged having been defeated in the game.(acknowledge+doing)
②He acknowledged that he was defeated in the game.(acknowledge+that)
③He acknowledged himself (to be) defeated in the game.(acknowledge+复合宾语)
④It was acknowledged that he was defeated in the game.(it作形式主语)
①It was in the schoolyard that I picked up a notebook which was marked with the name and class yesterday.(定语从句) 
②It was in the schoolyard that I picked up a notebook marked with the name and class yesterday.(分词作定语)
(2021·临沂一中质检)Elizabeth Garrett Anderson was born on 9th June, 1836, in Whitechapel, East London. She was expected to marry well and live the life of a lady. However, meetings with the feminist (女权主义者) Emily Davies and Elizabeth Blackwell, the first American woman physician, convinced Elizabeth Garrett that she should become a doctor.
This was unheard of at that time and her attempts to study at a number of medical schools were refused. She enrolled (入学) as a nursing student at Middlesex Hospital and attended classes for male doctors, but she was driven out after complaints from other students. As the Society of Apothecaries did not specifically forbid women from taking its examinations, in 1865 she passed its exams and gained a certificate which enabled her to become a doctor. The Society then changed its rules to prevent other women entering the profession this way.
In 1866, she set up a clinic for women in London, thanks to her father's backing;in 1870 she was made a visiting physician to the East London Hospital. There she met James Anderson, a successful businessman, who she married in 1871.
In 1872, Anderson founded the New Hospital for Women in London, staffed entirely by women. She appointed her spiritual guide, Elizabeth Blackwell, as a professor there.
Anderson's efforts paved the way for other women, and in 1876 an act was passed permitting women to enter the medical professions. In 1883, Anderson was appointed to manage the London School of Medicine for Women, which she had helped to found in 1874.It was the first medical school in Britain to train women as doctors.
Anderson, Britain's first female doctor, retired in 1902.Six years later, she became the mayor (市长) of Aldeburgh, the first female mayor in England. Anderson died on 17 December, 1917.
【解题导语】 文章介绍了英国的第一位女医生——安德森的生平和她的成就。安德森是英国的第一位女医生,也是英国的第一位女市长。
1.Why did the Society change its rules
A.To provide certificates for women.
B.To forbid women to take its exams.
C.To offer programs to train women doctors.
D.To encourage women to attend medical schools.
B 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The Society then changed its rules to prevent other women entering the profession this way.(该协会随后改变了规则,以防止其他妇女以这种方式进入这一行业。)”可知,该协会修改规定是为了禁止女性参加考试。故选B。
2.What was Anderson's father's attitude to her career
A.Supportive. B.Doubtful.
C.Sympathetic. D.Critical.
A 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“In 1866, she set up a clinic for women in London,thanks to her father's backing(在1866年,由于她父亲的支持,她在伦敦开办了一家妇女诊所)”可知,安德森的父亲支持她的事业。故选A。
3.What did Anderson do after founding the New Hospital for Women
A.She married a successful businessman.
B.She started a clinic for women in London.
C.She learned at a hospital as a visiting physician.
D.She helped create a school to train female doctors.
D 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“In 1872,Anderson founded the New Hospital for Women in London(1872年,安德森在伦敦建立了新女子医院)”和倒数第二段中的“...the London School of Medicine for Women, which she had helped to found in 1874.It was the first medical school in Britain to train women as doctors. (……她于1874年帮助建立了伦敦妇女医学院。这是英国第一所培训女性医生的医学院)”可知,安德森在创立新女子医院之后,又协助创办了一所培训女医生的学校。故选D。
4.Which of the following can be used to describe Anderson
A.Strict. B.Sensitive.
C.Determined. D.Modest.
C 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“She enrolled (入学) as a nursing student...to prevent other women entering the profession this way.”以及根据第三段至最后一段叙述的她将一生奉献给了医学事业并最终成为英国的第一位女医生和女市长可推断出,安德森是一位意志坚定的人。故选C。
(2021·北京房山区一模)Our Cambridge Scholars' Program is to help intelligent high school students aged 14-18 reach their full potential and prepare for their amazing futures.
Outstanding Education
We offer a range of excellent courses—from Astronomy to Psychology to Debate. Pick and mix from our diverse course list to pursue your passion or try out different subjects to find your favourite. The courses are taught by our experienced teachers, nearly all of whom belong to the University of Cambridge.
Enriching Activities
We run activities after classes to help you develop friendships with the great new people you'll meet. In the evenings we have dances, sports activities, punting on the River Cam, film nights, and more.
Cultural Trips
We have trips around Britain. Visit castles, palaces, museums and more to learn more about the country's cultural heritage and have a fantastic time with all the new friends you'll make.
Optional Paris Trip
Note: Sign up for the optional Paris trip you should pay extra $1,500 fee.
After the Cambridge Program ends, we offer an optional week in Paris—seeing all the famous sites such as the Eiffel Tower and Versailles, as well as having a trip to Disneyland Paris.
Time:Two weeks: Saturday, July 25th-Sunday, August 9th
Our full course offering during the two weeks is as follows:
Option One Option Two Option Three Option Four
Cambridge Thinking Astronomy Computer Science Artificial Intelligence
Debate Essay Writing Criminal & Forensic Psychology Business Psychology
Economics & Finance InternationalRelations,Politics & Leadership English Literature Chemistry
Engineering Journalism Mind Games Essay Writing
The Quantum Universe Mind Games Biology Law
9 am-10:30 am 10:45 am-12:15 am 1:30 pm-3 pm 3:15 pm-4:45 pm
【解题导语】 本文是一篇应用文。文章主要推荐了剑桥学者项目。
5.What can we learn about the Cambridge Scholars' Program
A.It is designed for intelligent university students.
B.It offers the chance to visit the places of interest of Britain.
C.It includes an optional week of touring around Paris for free.
D.It has various courses taught by experienced college students.
B 解析:细节理解题。根据Cultural Trips中的“We have trips around Britain. Visit castles, palaces, museums and more to learn more about the country's cultural heritage and have a fantastic time with all the new friends you'll make. (我们在英国各地旅行。参观城堡、宫殿、博物馆等,了解更多关于这个国家的文化遗产,并与你将结交的所有新朋友度过一段美好的时光)”可知,剑桥学者项目提供去英国参观旅游的机会。故选B。
6.If a student has free time from 2 pm-10 pm, what courses can he attend
A.Mind Games and Essay Writing.
B.Debate and Cambridge Thinking.
C.Journalism and Computer Science.
D.Chemistry and Artificial Intelligence.
D 解析:细节理解题。根据表格Option Four中的3:15 pm-4:45 pm可知,2 pm-10 pm可以去参加人工智能以及化学课程。故选D。
7.What is the main purpose of this passage
A.To compare the courses.
B.To evaluate the activities.
C.To recommend the program.
D.To introduce the travel arrangement.
C 解析:写作意图题。根据第一段中的“Our Cambridge Scholars' Program is to help intelligent high school students aged 14-18 reach their full potential and prepare for their amazing futures.(我们的剑桥学者项目旨在帮助14-18岁的聪明高中生充分发挥他们的潜力,为他们美好的未来做准备)”可知,这篇文章的目的是推荐剑桥学者项目。故选C。
(2021·广东惠州二模)When HarmonyOS, the Chinese self developed operating system for Huawei mobile devices, was released on Aug. 9th, it quickly became a hot topic on social media. Many believe it not only represents the rise of the country as a tech power, but also shows respect to classical Chinese culture by naming the system “Hongmeng” in Chinese.
“Hongmeng” is a classical word from Zhuangzi. In the ancient times of Chinese legend and myths(神话),“Hongmeng” was used to describe the original state of the universe before matter existed. For HarmonyOS, “Hongmeng” indicates the developers' aim to make an innovative operating system, unlike any other.
Besides “Hongmeng”, Huawei has also registered many of its products under the names of legendary creatures from Chinese myths. For example, the company's Kirin mobile chip got its name after a lucky monster called “Qilin”. And its server chip is called “Kunpeng”, a creature that changed from a fish into a giant bird.
“Many Chinese Internet users and media have praised Huawei's use of these names, as they stand for Chinese wisdom and ancient people's imagination and spirit of exploration,” Global Times noted.
In fact, Huawei is not alone in using traditional culture for modern ventures. Ne Zha, a film, also portrays traditional culture in a modern context. The movie is loosely based on the well known work of classical Chinese myth The Investiture of the Gods. In 2019 it became the biggest animated movie in China and was called “the glory of domestic anime (国产动漫)”.
Indeed, the long history and splendid classic works have given China a profound culture. Myths and legends are the creative works of tremendous imagination. As Global Times put it, today by revisiting a modern context, “ancient myths has the power to inspire imagination in young people”. After all, imagination is the beginning of creation.
【解题导语】 中国自主研发的华为移动设备的操作系统被命名为“鸿蒙”,体现了现代技术和中国文化的结合。文章对这一命名进行了阐释。
8.What do we know about HarmonyOS
A.Its release raised a storm of objections.
B.It is named after creature in myth.
C.It combines high technology and culture.
D.It's the best operating system.
C 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Many believe it not only represents the rise of the country as a tech power, but also shows respect to classical Chinese culture by naming the system ‘Hongmeng’ in Chinese.”可知,在很多人看来,它将科技和文化结合在了一起。故选C。
9.Which of the following best explains “innovative” underlined in paragraph 2
A.Creative. B.Modern.
C.Popular. D.Intelligent.
A 解析:词义猜测题。根据第二段中的“‘Hongmeng’ indicates the developers' aim to make an innovative operating system, unlike any other”可知,“鸿蒙”与其他操作系统不一样,由此可知,该操作系统是“创新性的”。故选A。
10.How do the public think of Huawei's use of the names
A.Confused. B.Unexpected.
C.Approving. D.Doubtful.
C 解析:观点态度题。根据第四段中的“Many Chinese Internet users and media have praised Huawei's use of these names”可知,公众赞扬这些名字的使用。由此可知,他们是赞成用这些名字的。故选C。
11.What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs
A.The film Ne Zha is not adapted from myths.
B.The film Ne Zha is a big hit.
C.More businesses follow Huawei's lead.
D.Ancient myths is a good choice for entertainment.
B 解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“In 2019 it became the biggest animated movie in China and was called ‘the glory of domestic anime (国产动漫)’.”可知,在2019年,《哪吒》成为中国最大的动漫电影,被称为“国产动漫的荣耀”。由此可知,《哪吒》这部电影大受欢迎。故选B。
(2021·成都石室中学一模)Smart devices are sometimes powerful. They put a world of information at our fingertips. 1.________ That is a huge blessing for parents seeking flexible work hours. Smart phones and tablets can also promote efficiency by allowing people to get things done in spare moments that would otherwise be wasted, such as while queuing for coffee. They can even help lazybones create the false impression that they are working around the clock, by programming their e mail to be sent at 1 am.
But for most people, the servant has become the master. Not long ago only doctors were on call all the time. Now everybody is. Bosses think nothing of invading their employees' free time. 2.________ Even people with strong mind check their smart devices with heavy addiction, even during pre dinner drinks, and send e mails first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
3.________ How can we harvest the benefits of connectivity without becoming its slaves One solution is digital dieting. Just as the abundance of junk food means that people have to be more disciplined about their eating habits, 4.________ Maybe the only way to break the 24/7 habit is to act together rather than individually. The firms should introduce rules about when people are expected to be offline, and encourage them to work together to make this possible.
We must be aware that the faster smart devices become and the more addictive the apps that are designed for them, the stronger the addiction will grow. 5.________
A.This is partly because smart devices are addictive.
B.Work invades the home far more than domestic chores invade the office.
C.Now it's time to outsmart the smart devices by insisting that everyone turn them off from time to time.
D.the abundance of junk information means we have to be more disciplined about our browsing habits.
E.Banning texting at weekends can really show the iPhone who is boss.
F.They enable people to work at home instead of crowding into the subway with smelly strangers.
G.What can be done to keep smart devices in their place
【解题导语】 文章主要讲述了智能设备有时很强大,它们把一个信息的世界放在我们的指尖。但我们必须意识到,智能设备的速度越快,为其设计的应用程序越容易让我们上瘾。
1.F 解析:根据后文“That is a huge blessing for parents seeking flexible work hours.”可知,对于那些寻求弹性工作时间的父母来说,这是一大幸事。一大幸事指代F项内容。F项“They enable people to work at home instead of crowding into the subway with smelly strangers.(它们能使人们在家工作,而不是和有难闻气味的陌生人挤在地铁里。)”符合文意,故选F。
2.B 解析:根据前文“Bosses think nothing of invading their employees' free time.”及后文“Even people with strong mind check their smart devices with heavy addiction, even during pre dinner drinks, and send e mails first thing in the morning and last thing at night.”可知,B项“Work invades the home far more than domestic chores invade the office.(工作对家庭的影响远远大于家务琐事对工作的影响。)”符合文意。故选B。
3.G 解析:根据后文“How can we harvest the benefits of connectivity without becoming its slaves?”可知,此处在讲如何正确使用智能设备。由此可知,G项“What can be done to keep smart devices in their place?(我们可以做些什么来保持智能设备的地位?)”符合文意。故选G。
4.D 解析:根据前文“Just as the abundance of junk food means that people have to be more disciplined about their eating habits”可知,D项“the abundance of junk information means we have to be more disciplined about our browsing habits.(垃圾信息的泛滥意味着我们自己的浏览习惯必须更加自律。)”符合文意。故选D。
5.C 解析:根据前文“We must be aware that the faster smart devices become and the more addictive the apps that are designed for them, the stronger the addiction will grow.”可知,智能设备的速度越快,为其设计的应用程序越容易让我们上瘾。C项“Now it's time to outsmart the smart devices by insisting that everyone turn them off from time to time.(现在是时候通过坚持让每个人随时关闭智能设备来战胜智能设备了。)”符合文意。故选C。
1.Since his childhood, he has shown a(n) ( )(非凡的) talent for painting and his works have been on display throughout the world.
2.The Foreign Ministry launched a system of emergency consular liaison (联络) volunteers, which aims to help Chinese citizens when they ( )(遭遇) difficulties abroad.
3.Known to millions as the “Queen of Crime”, Agatha Christie (阿加莎·克里斯蒂) began her writing career while working as a nurse and went on to produce 79 novels and ( )(众多的) short stories.
4.During the fight against COVID 19, China's sharing ( )(关键的) scientific information is highly appreciated.
5.Sept.3 was set as Victory Day of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression so that people can remember the harm caused by the war, and ( )(哀悼) the victims in the war.
6.Thomas Edison was a great genius and ( )(获得) more than 1,000 patents all his life for his inventions.
7.The high speed trains are seldom delayed or cancelled for weather conditions.( )(因此),they have become the first choice for many passengers.
1.(2020·全国卷Ⅲ)As the small boat moved ( )(gentle) along the river he was left speechless by the mountains being silently reflected in the water.
2.(2020·全国卷Ⅲ)As ( )(science) look deeper into our genes (基因), they are finding examples of human evolution in just the past few thousand years.
3.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)If there is truly a concern about a professor's professionalism or ability, be sure to use online course ( )(evaluate) to calmly offer your comments.
4.(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)Over 300 years its population grew ( )(gradual) from 800 people to 8 million.
5.(浙江卷)Under such ( )(circumstance), smart firms need to find ways to let their employees have enough flexibility to manage their time efficiently.
6.It's a difficult skill to master, but once ( )(obtain), it will benefit you for the rest of your life.
7.( )(apparent) everyone knows that global warming makes the climate more extreme.
8.Our company has a ( )(commit) to quality and customer service.
9.Harvard University, ( )(found) in 1636, is the oldest university in the United States.
10.The individuals who have contributed to this book are far too numerous ( )(mention).
11.His mother reminded him to drink the ( )(boil) water and more milk.
12.Personally, I used to try effective methods to achieve my ( )(academy) goals.
1.(2020·天津卷7月)This led Jones to the conclusion ( ) there are too many extremely lonely people in his community, who are easy targets of cheating.
2.(2020·江苏卷)Being good at something and having a passion( ) it are not enough.
3.(全国卷Ⅱ)100℃ is the temperature ( ) which water will boil.
4.Cathy was over the age limit and, as ( ) consequence, her application was rejected.
5.( ) approaching the school, you will find in the middle of our campus stand a high status.
commit oneself to do, insist on, in conclusion, come to power, take up a position, as a result/consequence, sum up
1.The new mayor has taken many measures favorable to the people since he ( ).
2.The academically successful man was invited to ( ) as a professor to lead the research in this university.
3.In the last meeting, the manager ( ) adopting a creative marketing strategy to advertise the company's new product.
4.She was always hard working and ( ), she won full scholarship for her master's degree and graduated with honors.
5.To everyone's relief, both sides ( ) settle the argument in a peaceful way at yesterday's conference.
I have read many poems of Yu Guangzhong, ( ).
( ) students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality.
①( )y, the women's volleyball team received praise and flowers.(upon/on)
②( ), the women's volleyball team received praise and flowers.(upon/on)
③( ), the women's volleyball team received praise and flowers.(as soon as )
④( ), the women's volleyball team received praise and flowers.(the moment)
①( ).(acknowledge+doing)
②( ).(acknowledge+that)
③( ).(acknowledge+复合宾语)
④( ).(it作形式主语)
①It was in the schoolyard that I picked up a notebook ( ) yesterday.(定语从句) 
②It was in the schoolyard that I picked up a notebook ( ) yesterday.(分词作定语)
(2021·临沂一中质检)Elizabeth Garrett Anderson was born on 9th June, 1836, in Whitechapel, East London. She was expected to marry well and live the life of a lady. However, meetings with the feminist (女权主义者) Emily Davies and Elizabeth Blackwell, the first American woman physician, convinced Elizabeth Garrett that she should become a doctor.
This was unheard of at that time and her attempts to study at a number of medical schools were refused. She enrolled (入学) as a nursing student at Middlesex Hospital and attended classes for male doctors, but she was driven out after complaints from other students. As the Society of Apothecaries did not specifically forbid women from taking its examinations, in 1865 she passed its exams and gained a certificate which enabled her to become a doctor. The Society then changed its rules to prevent other women entering the profession this way.
In 1866, she set up a clinic for women in London, thanks to her father's backing;in 1870 she was made a visiting physician to the East London Hospital. There she met James Anderson, a successful businessman, who she married in 1871.
In 1872, Anderson founded the New Hospital for Women in London, staffed entirely by women. She appointed her spiritual guide, Elizabeth Blackwell, as a professor there.
Anderson's efforts paved the way for other women, and in 1876 an act was passed permitting women to enter the medical professions. In 1883, Anderson was appointed to manage the London School of Medicine for Women, which she had helped to found in 1874.It was the first medical school in Britain to train women as doctors.
Anderson, Britain's first female doctor, retired in 1902.Six years later, she became the mayor (市长) of Aldeburgh, the first female mayor in England. Anderson died on 17 December, 1917.
1.Why did the Society change its rules
A.To provide certificates for women.
B.To forbid women to take its exams.
C.To offer programs to train women doctors.
D.To encourage women to attend medical schools.
2.What was Anderson's father's attitude to her career
A.Supportive. B.Doubtful.
C.Sympathetic. D.Critical.
3.What did Anderson do after founding the New Hospital for Women
A.She married a successful businessman.
B.She started a clinic for women in London.
C.She learned at a hospital as a visiting physician.
D.She helped create a school to train female doctors.
4.Which of the following can be used to describe Anderson
A.Strict. B.Sensitive.
C.Determined. D.Modest.
(2021·北京房山区一模)Our Cambridge Scholars' Program is to help intelligent high school students aged 14-18 reach their full potential and prepare for their amazing futures.
Outstanding Education
We offer a range of excellent courses—from Astronomy to Psychology to Debate. Pick and mix from our diverse course list to pursue your passion or try out different subjects to find your favourite. The courses are taught by our experienced teachers, nearly all of whom belong to the University of Cambridge.
Enriching Activities
We run activities after classes to help you develop friendships with the great new people you'll meet. In the evenings we have dances, sports activities, punting on the River Cam, film nights, and more.
Cultural Trips
We have trips around Britain. Visit castles, palaces, museums and more to learn more about the country's cultural heritage and have a fantastic time with all the new friends you'll make.
Optional Paris Trip
Note: Sign up for the optional Paris trip you should pay extra $1,500 fee.
After the Cambridge Program ends, we offer an optional week in Paris—seeing all the famous sites such as the Eiffel Tower and Versailles, as well as having a trip to Disneyland Paris.
Time:Two weeks: Saturday, July 25th-Sunday, August 9th
Our full course offering during the two weeks is as follows:
Option One Option Two Option Three Option Four
Cambridge Thinking Astronomy Computer Science Artificial Intelligence
Debate Essay Writing Criminal & Forensic Psychology Business Psychology
Economics & Finance InternationalRelations,Politics & Leadership English Literature Chemistry
Engineering Journalism Mind Games Essay Writing
The Quantum Universe Mind Games Biology Law
9 am-10:30 am 10:45 am-12:15 am 1:30 pm-3 pm 3:15 pm-4:45 pm
5.What can we learn about the Cambridge Scholars' Program
A.It is designed for intelligent university students.
B.It offers the chance to visit the places of interest of Britain.
C.It includes an optional week of touring around Paris for free.
D.It has various courses taught by experienced college students.
6.If a student has free time from 2 pm-10 pm, what courses can he attend
A.Mind Games and Essay Writing.
B.Debate and Cambridge Thinking.
C.Journalism and Computer Science.
D.Chemistry and Artificial Intelligence.
7.What is the main purpose of this passage
A.To compare the courses.
B.To evaluate the activities.
C.To recommend the program.
D.To introduce the travel arrangement.
(2021·广东惠州二模)When HarmonyOS, the Chinese self developed operating system for Huawei mobile devices, was released on Aug. 9th, it quickly became a hot topic on social media. Many believe it not only represents the rise of the country as a tech power, but also shows respect to classical Chinese culture by naming the system “Hongmeng” in Chinese.
“Hongmeng” is a classical word from Zhuangzi. In the ancient times of Chinese legend and myths(神话),“Hongmeng” was used to describe the original state of the universe before matter existed. For HarmonyOS, “Hongmeng” indicates the developers' aim to make an innovative operating system, unlike any other.
Besides “Hongmeng”, Huawei has also registered many of its products under the names of legendary creatures from Chinese myths. For example, the company's Kirin mobile chip got its name after a lucky monster called “Qilin”. And its server chip is called “Kunpeng”, a creature that changed from a fish into a giant bird.
“Many Chinese Internet users and media have praised Huawei's use of these names, as they stand for Chinese wisdom and ancient people's imagination and spirit of exploration,” Global Times noted.
In fact, Huawei is not alone in using traditional culture for modern ventures. Ne Zha, a film, also portrays traditional culture in a modern context. The movie is loosely based on the well known work of classical Chinese myth The Investiture of the Gods. In 2019 it became the biggest animated movie in China and was called “the glory of domestic anime (国产动漫)”.
Indeed, the long history and splendid classic works have given China a profound culture. Myths and legends are the creative works of tremendous imagination. As Global Times put it, today by revisiting a modern context, “ancient myths has the power to inspire imagination in young people”. After all, imagination is the beginning of creation.
8.What do we know about HarmonyOS
A.Its release raised a storm of objections.
B.It is named after creature in myth.
C.It combines high technology and culture.
D.It's the best operating system.
9.Which of the following best explains “innovative” underlined in paragraph 2
A.Creative. B.Modern.
C.Popular. D.Intelligent.
10.How do the public think of Huawei's use of the names
A.Confused. B.Unexpected.
C.Approving. D.Doubtful.
11.What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs
A.The film Ne Zha is not adapted from myths.
B.The film Ne Zha is a big hit.
C.More businesses follow Huawei's lead.
D.Ancient myths is a good choice for entertainment.
(2021·成都石室中学一模)Smart devices are sometimes powerful. They put a world of information at our fingertips. 1.________ That is a huge blessing for parents seeking flexible work hours. Smart phones and tablets can also promote efficiency by allowing people to get things done in spare moments that would otherwise be wasted, such as while queuing for coffee. They can even help lazybones create the false impression that they are working around the clock, by programming their e mail to be sent at 1 am.
But for most people, the servant has become the master. Not long ago only doctors were on call all the time. Now everybody is. Bosses think nothing of invading their employees' free time. 2.________ Even people with strong mind check their smart devices with heavy addiction, even during pre dinner drinks, and send e mails first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
3.________ How can we harvest the benefits of connectivity without becoming its slaves One solution is digital dieting. Just as the abundance of junk food means that people have to be more disciplined about their eating habits, 4.________ Maybe the only way to break the 24/7 habit is to act together rather than individually. The firms should introduce rules about when people are expected to be offline, and encourage them to work together to make this possible.
We must be aware that the faster smart devices become and the more addictive the apps that are designed for them, the stronger the addiction will grow. 5.________
A.This is partly because smart devices are addictive.
B.Work invades the home far more than domestic chores invade the office.
C.Now it's time to outsmart the smart devices by insisting that everyone turn them off from time to time.
D.the abundance of junk information means we have to be more disciplined about our browsing habits.
E.Banning texting at weekends can really show the iPhone who is boss.
F.They enable people to work at home instead of crowding into the subway with smelly strangers.
G.What can be done to keep smart devices in their place