人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册 Unit 4 Adversity and Course训练(原卷版+解析版)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册 Unit 4 Adversity and Course训练(原卷版+解析版)
格式 zip
文件大小 399.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-01-14 21:08:23


1.Here we offer thousands of quality blankets(毯子) to suit various tastes of our customers.
2.A growing number of people support the argument that it is cruel(残忍的) of humans to train wild animals to perform tricks for entertainment or advertisements.
3.Though already in his fifties, he seems never to lose his passion and youthful vigour(活力).
4.They've paid 6 months' rent in advance for a two room apartment and will give it a thorough(彻底的) cleaning before moving in.
5.We got stuck in ice and after several days it got so dangerous that we had to abandon(舍弃) the ship and walk along the ice to safety.
6.With their decent(相当不错的) incomes and comfortable living conditions, the lives of white collar workers are envied by many ordinary people.
7.They said goodbye to him as he got aboard(上火车) the train at Union Station.
8.The passengers became very frightened after realizing the ship was sinking(下沉).
1.(2019·天津卷)Occasionally, I would read a novel that was_assigned(assign), but I didn't enjoy this type of reading.
2.Shopping used to_mean(mean) actually going to shops, but nowadays, you can shop without even leaving your house.
3.Please give me feedback at your convenience if my qualification(qualify) meets your requirements.
4.While leaving for university, the fewer belongings(belong) you take, the safer and more comfortable you will feel.
5.The Internet is a wonderful place, but unfortunately(fortunate) there are people on the Net who can be mean, rude and criminal.
1.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)It_turns out that just looking at green, growing things can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and put people into a better mood(情绪).
2.(全国卷Ⅲ)She has turned down several invitations to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies.
3.It's impossible for one to be qualified for this job without professional training.
4.The movie gets such a complicated storyline with nearly 40 characters that some of the audience may have difficulty in understanding it thoroughly.
5.You need to assign each action to the relative button view component.
turn sb. down, make fire, give off, from bad to worse, used to do, turn to, guide sb. in...
1.In those remote mountains people used_to farm by the slash and burn method.
2.Despite all these benefits, most Australians still turned_down the proposal to eat kangaroo meat.
3.I wanted a broad education that would provide me with a value system to guide me in my career.
4.Things went from_bad_to_worse,_until finally he had to give up his position.
5.When heated, the liquid will give_off heavy smoke as well as a horrible odor, making it difficult for people to breathe.
They should abandon_playing_computer_games. If so, they will make great progress in their study.
She didn't intend to go home because_her_father_was_cruel_to_her.
A_knowledgeable_guide_will_ensure you an enjoyable and instructive experience around the museum.
4.随着科学技术的发展,旧设备不得不被新发明取代。(give 短语)
With the development of science and technology, old equipment has to give_way_to_new_inventions.
①She_wrote_such_a_moving_composition that before long she was invited to write articles for a newspaper. (such...that...)
②She_wrote_so_moving_a_composition that before long she was invited to write articles for a newspaper. (so...that...)
(2021·惠州调研)When students got their textbooks at the beginning of the year at San Mateo High School, they also received the Yondr pouch (口袋), a locking device for their phones. The phone slides into it and gets locked through a magnetic (磁力的) device. It's not unlocked again until the final bell rings. The procedure will repeat every day for the rest of the school year.
Adam Gelb, the vice president, ran a pilot project last year with 20 students and decided to do a school wide, bell to bell program for this school year. The Yondr pouch is a start up in San Francisco with a mission to create phone free spaces, something that is the very thought with Gelb.
“I really think it's about being present and engaging in the adult that's trying to teach you, and your peers that might be in your small group. That's part of the main philosophy that we're trying to spread,” he said.
Brad Friedman, another teacher at the school, said he was becoming concerned with overuse of phones at school. He said he often saw students completely lost in their phones, some not socializing at all with other students.
This week, he's already seeing the difference. “Everyone else was socializing and eating lunch together. That's what I wasn't seeing enough of when phone usage is at its worst,” he said.
A senior at San Mateo High School named Djelani Phillips Diop said he definitely panicked at first when he heard he had to lock his phone. “I panicked, I guess. Last year when we had phones, I was using it every day,” he said.
In case of emergency, every classroom has the unlocking device. Teachers still have access to their own cellphones and desk phones. “We've gotten all 1,700 students unlocked with a matter of minutes,” said Gelb.
We spoke to four students who, despite their initial panic, agreed that a phone free school experience has its benefits.
【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一所中学在新学期发放课本的同时也发给学生一个用来锁手机的袋子——Yondr口袋,以此来限制学生在校过度使用手机,逐渐把学生的注意力从手机屏幕转移到更有意义的校园活动和社交上来。
1.What can we learn about the Yondr pouch from paragraph 1
A.It is a device to lock phones.
B.It is a bell to unlock phones.
C.It is a device to be used for a year.
D.It is a phone intended for students.
A 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“they also received the Yondr pouch (口袋), a locking device for their phones”可知Yondr口袋是一个用来锁手机的设备,故选A。
2.The Yondr pouch is used more in Gelb's school to ________.
A.create space to use phones freely
B.help the students to be more outgoing
C.encourage more mutual communication among students
D.help the students to realize the harm of overuse of phones
C 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段引用的副校长(这项创新举措的设计者之一)的原话可知,在学校推广Yondr口袋的目的是不让学生使用手机,而使其专注于参与老师或小组的活动;第五段也提到,没有手机在手,学生们能相互交流、共进午餐,大家愿意参与校园社交了,情况发生了很大的变化,故选C。
3.What is Friedman's attitude to the use of the Yondr pouch
A.Concerned.        B.Favorable.
C.Disapproving. D.Doubtful.
B 解析:观点态度题。根据第四段、第五段可知,布莱德·弗里德曼看到了使用Yondr口袋前后学生的变化——很多人从沉溺于手机到积极参与社交,校内氛围好了很多,由此推断出他对这种变化是满意的。favorable意为“赞成的、赞许的”,符合题意,故选B。
4.What can be learned from the passage
A.The students were willing to have their phones locked at first.
B.The phone will get unlocked automatically when there is an emergency.
C.Students prefer eating lunch together with their phones in hand.
D.Some students came to realize the benefits of the phone free program.
D 解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段可推知,有一部分学生从最初的恐慌、抵触逐渐转变,最终意识到“无手机校园”的好处,D项中“came to realize the benefits”很好地表达了学生态度的前后变化,且内容契合原文,故选D。
(2021·北京海淀区一模)There is certainly evidence that actors experience a blending of their real self with their assumed characters. For instance, Benedict Cumberbatch said, “My mum says I'm much more impatient with her when I'm filming Sherlock.”
Mark Seton, a researcher at the University of Sydney, has even coined the term “post dramatic stress disorder” to describe the lasting effects experienced by actors who lose themselves in a role. “Actors may often prolong habits of the characters they have embodied,” he writes.
A recent finding doesn't involve acting, and it indicates that merely spending some time thinking about another person seemed to rub_off on the volunteers' sense of self, led by Meghan Meyer at Princeton University. Across several studies, these researchers asked volunteers to first rate their own personalities, memories or physical attributes, and then to perform the same task from the perspective of another person. For instance, they might score the emotionality of various personal memories, and then rate how a friend or relative would have experienced those same events.
After taking the perspective of another, the volunteers scored themselves once again: the consistent finding was that their self knowledge was now changed—their self scores had shifted to become more similar to those they'd given for someone else. For instance, if they had initially said the trait term “confident” was only moderately related to themselves and then rated the term as being strongly related to a friend's personality, when they came to rescore themselves, they now tended to see themselves as more confident. Remarkably, this morphing of the self with another was still apparent even if a 24 hour gap was left between taking someone else's perspective and re rating oneself.
“By simply thinking about another person, we may adapt ourselves to taking the shape of that person,” said Meyer and her colleagues. That our sense of self should have this quality might be a little discouraging, especially for anyone who has struggled to establish a firm sense of identity. Yet there is an optimistic message here, too. The challenge of improving ourselves—or at least seeing ourselves in a more positive light—might be a little easier than we thought. By roleplaying or acting out the kind of person we would like to become, or merely by thinking about and spending time with people who embody the kind of attributes we would like to see in ourselves, we can find that our sense of self changes in desirable ways.
“As each of us chooses who to befriend, who to model, and who to ignore,” write Meyer and her colleagues, “we must make these decisions aware of how they shape not only the fabric of our social networks, but even our sense of who we are.”
【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章以演员们的“戏剧后应激障碍”为导入,以科学研究为基础,讲述了角色扮演对个人自我意识和行为的影响和塑造,通过对自我意识的积极影响,人们能提升自己。
5.The first two paragraphs mainly ________.
A.state that acting requires skills
B.explain the stress that an actor faces
C.show that a role leaves a mark on the actor
D.stress the importance of devoting oneself to a role
C 解析:段落大意题。根据第一段中的“There is certainly evidence that actors experience a blending of their real self with their assumed characters.”和第二段中的“Actors may often prolong habits of the characters they have embodied”可知,前两段向读者表明:一个角色在演员身上留下了印记。故选C。
6.What does the underlined phrase “rub off” in paragraph 3 probably mean
A.Influence. B.Strengthen.
C.Confuse. D.Determine.
A 解析:词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“A recent finding doesn't involve acting, and it indicates that merely spending some time thinking about another person seemed to rub off on the volunteers' sense of self, led by Meghan Meyer at Princeton University.”和第四段中的“Remarkably, this morphing of the self with another was still apparent even if a 24 hour gap was left between taking someone else's perspective and re rating oneself.”可知,仅仅花时间去思考另一人都会影响自我意识,此处rub off意为“影响”。故选A。
7.According to the study, taking the perspective of another person ________.
A.brings changes to one's self knowledge
B.motivates one to better understand himself
C.helps people deal with their identity problems
D.produces temporary effects on one's character
A 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Remarkably, this morphing of the self with another was still apparent even if a 24 hour gap was left between taking someone else's perspective and re rating oneself.”可知,接受别人的观点会给自我认识带来变化。故选A。
8.What is the significance of the study
A.It offers instructions on making friends.
B.It proposes a means to improve ourselves.
C.It gives advice on adjusting one's emotions.
D.It presents a way to deal with stress disorder.
B 解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“Yet there is an optimistic message here, too...we can find that our sense of self changes in desirable ways.”和最后一段可知,在社交活动中通过角色扮演或表现出我们想成为的那种人,人们的自我意识能得到积极地改善,说明研究的重要性在于它提出了一种提升我们自己的方法。故选B。
Journalism wasn't on my radar until I was looking at colleges to apply to during my junior year in high school. As I thought about what my passions were, I kept thinking back to my likes of writing and watching the nightly news and also my desire to know everything about everything. So a decision was finally made.
Now as a junior in college with one semester to go, I realize that journalism is so much more than writing and broadcasting the facts about certain things. We have a right to know what's going on in our country! We have a right to know what's going on in our country! Journalists have a duty to keep the masses informed and uphold the whole thing that people love to spew out(涌出). Sure, information can go astray (误入歧途), and there are some news outlets that will put a different spin on stories. But it's all a matter of how we, the public, perceive the news.
On a deeper level, a journalist's duty should also be to tell the stories of people who don't have the opportunity to do so alone. Think about it: What stories do people empathize with most It's the stories where people who have gone through something tough or traumatic are put front in center that do the best, and for a good reason. Journalists have a responsibility to the public by not just informing them, but also giving them a chance to talk about real issues that have an effect on them.
And that is the reason why I want to become a journalist. I want to give a voice to the people who feel like they have no voice at all. I want to be able to tell the stories that often go unheard or often get ignored. And I hope that my fellow journalism students realize that they have the power to do so as well, no matter what sort of journalism they go into.
We are more than journalists.
【解题导语】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者在大学里学的是新闻专业,他表达了自己对于记者责任的看法。
9.What decision did the author make at his junior year in high school
A.Reflecting on his life regularly.
B.Choosing journalism as his major.
C.Paying more attention to his study.
D.Receiving higher education after high school.
B 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的内容可知,作者在高中选择大学专业时,最终决定了学新闻专业。
10.What can we infer from paragraph 2
A.Journalism is a career involving hardship and suffering.
B.Many people are indifferent to the things around them.
C.We should learn to distinguish true and false news.
D.The masses should have strong faith in journalists.
C 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的最后两句内容可知,新闻有时会有不同的报道,会让消息误入歧途,所以我们应该学会辨别真假新闻。
11.According to the author, people are most likely to sympathize with those ________.
A.having an effect on other people's life
B.having a chance to talk about their suffering
C.reporting others' stories with their own suffering
D.going through something tough with a positive mind
B 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“It's the stories where people who have gone through something tough or traumatic are put front in center that do the best, and for a good reason.”可知答案。
12.What's the author's suggestion to his fellows
A.Work hard toward their goal.
B.Help more people after their journalism work.
C.Know about their ability to give a voice to those ignored.
D.Think clearly about what sort of journalism they'll go into.
C 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“I want to give a voice to the people...my fellow journalism students realize that they have the power to do so...”可知,作者希望他的新闻专业同学能够意识到自己有为被忽略的人发声的能力。
(2021·南昌二中模拟)Although books are still popular with teenagers, most of them spend more of their leisure time staring at their phone than reading a paperbook.1.________ Instead of publishing a whole book at once, they produce very short chapters, which they send once a week to their readers by text message.
2.________ Many are written by high school or university students who are very familiar with the topics that teenagers are interested in.Common themes are love, tragedy and betrayal, and the stories often deal with difficult or controversial issues.
Twenty one year old Rin wrote her novel over a six month period in spare moments, often while commuting on the train. 3.________ Her book sold 40,000 copies and was number five in the Japanese bestseller list.Rin said that her mother had had no idea that she had been writing a novel and was therefore very surprised when she saw a book with her daughter's name on it.
4.________ Chapters have no more than 200 words, and often just 50-100 words.Sentences are short and there are no descriptions of anything or anybody because there isn't space.The text mostly consists of dialogue and the language is direct, conveying a lot in a few words.
In 2009, a young Japanese writer called Takatsu, who lived in Canada, began writing the first English language cell phone novel, Secondhand Memories.Takatsu had read an English translation of Rin's story and had been impressed by its simple and emotional language.It was a feature he deliberately copied when he started writing Secondhand Memories.5.________ He now believes that, in English, cell phone novels have a powerful and poetic identity of their own.Cell phone novels encourage young people to engage in fiction, even those who would not normally pick up a book.They could be described as ten novels for the 21st century.
A.Books are sometimes regarded as old fashioned and difficult to read.
B.In response to this trend, some smart young authors have changed the way they write.
C.However, as the story progressed, the style gradually evolved into something different.
D.She typed out chapters on her phone and uploaded them onto a popular website for cell phone authors.
E.No money is made from cell phone novels unless they are published as books.
F.The style of cell phone novels has evolved to suit the medium.
G.Although the idea originated in Japan, cell phone novels have also appeared in the rest of world.
【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了手机小说这一新型的小说形式,作家们不是一次出版整本书,而是制作非常短的章节,每周通过短信发送给读者。同时介绍了两位作家写手机小说的情况。
1.B 解析:根据下文“Instead of publishing...by text message.(他们不是一次出版整本书,而是制作非常短的章节,每周通过短信发送给读者)”可知,面对青少年如今长时间看手机的趋势,一些作家改变了自己的写作方式。B项“作为对这一趋势的回应,一些聪明的年轻作家改变了他们的写作方式”符合语境,故选B。
2.G 解析:根据下文“Many are written...interested in.(许多作品是由高中生或大学生写的,他们非常熟悉青少年感兴趣的话题)”可知,本段是在说明手机小说出现的地点和创作者,G项“手机小说虽然起源于日本,但也出现在世界的其他地方”符合语境,故选G。
3.D 解析:根据上文“Twenty one year old Rin...on the train.(21岁的林在6个多月的业余时间内写小说,通常是在乘火车上下班的时候写)”可知,本句承接上文继续说明林写作的事情。D项中She指代上文中的林。D项“她用手机打出了一些章节,并把它们上传到一个流行的手机作者网站上”符合语境,故选D。
4.F 解析:根据本段下文的内容“章节不超过200字,通常只有50-100字。句子很短,没有任何对事物或人的描述,因为没有空格。文本以对话为主,语言直接,言简意赅。”可知,本段是在说明手机小说所具有的风格更加言简意赅,与媒体的风格类似。F项“手机小说的风格已经演变到适合用手机的媒介观看”符合语境,故选F。
5.C 解析:根据下文“He now believes that, in English, cell phone novels have a powerful and poetic identity of their own.(他现在相信,在英语中,手机小说有着自己强大而富有诗意的特征)”可知,鹰津从一开始的模仿到后来风格逐渐变得不同,这让他对手机小说的看法有了改变。C项“然而,随着故事的进展,风格逐渐演变得不同”符合语境,故选C。
1.Here we offer thousands of quality ( )(毯子) to suit various tastes of our customers.
2.A growing number of people support the argument that it is ( )(残忍的) of humans to train wild animals to perform tricks for entertainment or advertisements.
3.Though already in his fifties, he seems never to lose his passion and youthful ( )(活力).
4.They've paid 6 months' rent in advance for a two room apartment and will give it a ( )(彻底的) cleaning before moving in.
5.We got stuck in ice and after several days it got so dangerous that we had to ( )(舍弃) the ship and walk along the ice to safety.
6.With their ( )(相当不错的) incomes and comfortable living conditions, the lives of white collar workers are envied by many ordinary people.
7.They said goodbye to him as he got ( )(上火车) the train at Union Station.
8.The passengers became very frightened after realizing the ship was ( )(下沉).
1.(2019·天津卷)Occasionally, I would read a novel that( )(assign), but I didn't enjoy this type of reading.
2.Shopping used ( )(mean) actually going to shops, but nowadays, you can shop without even leaving your house.
3.Please give me feedback at your convenience if my ( )(qualify) meets your requirements.
4.While leaving for university, the fewer ( )(belong) you take, the safer and more comfortable you will feel.
5.The Internet is a wonderful place, but ( )(fortunate) there are people on the Net who can be mean, rude and criminal.
1.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)( )_turns out that just looking at green, growing things can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and put people into a better mood(情绪).
2.(全国卷Ⅲ)She has turned ( ) several invitations to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies.
3.It's impossible for one to be qualified ( ) this job without professional training.
4.The movie gets such ( ) complicated storyline with nearly 40 characters that some of the audience may have difficulty in understanding it thoroughly.
5.You need to assign each action ( ) the relative button view component.
turn sb. down, make fire, give off, from bad to worse, used to do, turn to, guide sb. in...
1.In those remote mountains people ( ) farm by the slash and burn method.
2.Despite all these benefits, most Australians still( ) the proposal to eat kangaroo meat.
3.I wanted a broad education that would provide me with a value system to ( ) me ( ) my career.
4.Things went ( ),_until finally he had to give up his position.
5.When heated, the liquid will( ) heavy smoke as well as a horrible odor, making it difficult for people to breathe.
They should ( ). If so, they will make great progress in their study.
2.她不打算回家因为她的父亲对她很残忍。( )because_her_father_was_cruel_to_her.
( ) you an enjoyable and instructive experience around the museum.
4.随着科学技术的发展,旧设备不得不被新发明取代。(give 短语)
With the development of science and technology, old equipment has to ( ).
①( ) that before long she was invited to write articles for a newspaper. (such...that...)
②( ) that before long she was invited to write articles for a newspaper. (so...that...)
(2021·惠州调研)When students got their textbooks at the beginning of the year at San Mateo High School, they also received the Yondr pouch (口袋), a locking device for their phones. The phone slides into it and gets locked through a magnetic (磁力的) device. It's not unlocked again until the final bell rings. The procedure will repeat every day for the rest of the school year.
Adam Gelb, the vice president, ran a pilot project last year with 20 students and decided to do a school wide, bell to bell program for this school year. The Yondr pouch is a start up in San Francisco with a mission to create phone free spaces, something that is the very thought with Gelb.
“I really think it's about being present and engaging in the adult that's trying to teach you, and your peers that might be in your small group. That's part of the main philosophy that we're trying to spread,” he said.
Brad Friedman, another teacher at the school, said he was becoming concerned with overuse of phones at school. He said he often saw students completely lost in their phones, some not socializing at all with other students.
This week, he's already seeing the difference. “Everyone else was socializing and eating lunch together. That's what I wasn't seeing enough of when phone usage is at its worst,” he said.
A senior at San Mateo High School named Djelani Phillips Diop said he definitely panicked at first when he heard he had to lock his phone. “I panicked, I guess. Last year when we had phones, I was using it every day,” he said.
In case of emergency, every classroom has the unlocking device. Teachers still have access to their own cellphones and desk phones. “We've gotten all 1,700 students unlocked with a matter of minutes,” said Gelb.
We spoke to four students who, despite their initial panic, agreed that a phone free school experience has its benefits.
1.What can we learn about the Yondr pouch from paragraph 1
A.It is a device to lock phones.
B.It is a bell to unlock phones.
C.It is a device to be used for a year.
D.It is a phone intended for students.
2.The Yondr pouch is used more in Gelb's school to ________.
A.create space to use phones freely
B.help the students to be more outgoing
C.encourage more mutual communication among students
D.help the students to realize the harm of overuse of phones
3.What is Friedman's attitude to the use of the Yondr pouch
A.Concerned.        B.Favorable.
C.Disapproving. D.Doubtful.
4.What can be learned from the passage
A.The students were willing to have their phones locked at first.
B.The phone will get unlocked automatically when there is an emergency.
C.Students prefer eating lunch together with their phones in hand.
D.Some students came to realize the benefits of the phone free program.
(2021·北京海淀区一模)There is certainly evidence that actors experience a blending of their real self with their assumed characters. For instance, Benedict Cumberbatch said, “My mum says I'm much more impatient with her when I'm filming Sherlock.”
Mark Seton, a researcher at the University of Sydney, has even coined the term “post dramatic stress disorder” to describe the lasting effects experienced by actors who lose themselves in a role. “Actors may often prolong habits of the characters they have embodied,” he writes.
A recent finding doesn't involve acting, and it indicates that merely spending some time thinking about another person seemed to rub_off on the volunteers' sense of self, led by Meghan Meyer at Princeton University. Across several studies, these researchers asked volunteers to first rate their own personalities, memories or physical attributes, and then to perform the same task from the perspective of another person. For instance, they might score the emotionality of various personal memories, and then rate how a friend or relative would have experienced those same events.
After taking the perspective of another, the volunteers scored themselves once again: the consistent finding was that their self knowledge was now changed—their self scores had shifted to become more similar to those they'd given for someone else. For instance, if they had initially said the trait term “confident” was only moderately related to themselves and then rated the term as being strongly related to a friend's personality, when they came to rescore themselves, they now tended to see themselves as more confident. Remarkably, this morphing of the self with another was still apparent even if a 24 hour gap was left between taking someone else's perspective and re rating oneself.
“By simply thinking about another person, we may adapt ourselves to taking the shape of that person,” said Meyer and her colleagues. That our sense of self should have this quality might be a little discouraging, especially for anyone who has struggled to establish a firm sense of identity. Yet there is an optimistic message here, too. The challenge of improving ourselves—or at least seeing ourselves in a more positive light—might be a little easier than we thought. By roleplaying or acting out the kind of person we would like to become, or merely by thinking about and spending time with people who embody the kind of attributes we would like to see in ourselves, we can find that our sense of self changes in desirable ways.
“As each of us chooses who to befriend, who to model, and who to ignore,” write Meyer and her colleagues, “we must make these decisions aware of how they shape not only the fabric of our social networks, but even our sense of who we are.”
5.The first two paragraphs mainly ________.
A.state that acting requires skills
B.explain the stress that an actor faces
C.show that a role leaves a mark on the actor
D.stress the importance of devoting oneself to a role
6.What does the underlined phrase “rub off” in paragraph 3 probably mean
A.Influence. B.Strengthen.
C.Confuse. D.Determine.
7.According to the study, taking the perspective of another person ________.
A.brings changes to one's self knowledge
B.motivates one to better understand himself
C.helps people deal with their identity problems
D.produces temporary effects on one's character
8.What is the significance of the study
A.It offers instructions on making friends.
B.It proposes a means to improve ourselves.
C.It gives advice on adjusting one's emotions.
D.It presents a way to deal with stress disorder.
Journalism wasn't on my radar until I was looking at colleges to apply to during my junior year in high school. As I thought about what my passions were, I kept thinking back to my likes of writing and watching the nightly news and also my desire to know everything about everything. So a decision was finally made.
Now as a junior in college with one semester to go, I realize that journalism is so much more than writing and broadcasting the facts about certain things. We have a right to know what's going on in our country! We have a right to know what's going on in our country! Journalists have a duty to keep the masses informed and uphold the whole thing that people love to spew out(涌出). Sure, information can go astray (误入歧途), and there are some news outlets that will put a different spin on stories. But it's all a matter of how we, the public, perceive the news.
On a deeper level, a journalist's duty should also be to tell the stories of people who don't have the opportunity to do so alone. Think about it: What stories do people empathize with most It's the stories where people who have gone through something tough or traumatic are put front in center that do the best, and for a good reason. Journalists have a responsibility to the public by not just informing them, but also giving them a chance to talk about real issues that have an effect on them.
And that is the reason why I want to become a journalist. I want to give a voice to the people who feel like they have no voice at all. I want to be able to tell the stories that often go unheard or often get ignored. And I hope that my fellow journalism students realize that they have the power to do so as well, no matter what sort of journalism they go into.
We are more than journalists.
9.What decision did the author make at his junior year in high school
A.Reflecting on his life regularly.
B.Choosing journalism as his major.
C.Paying more attention to his study.
D.Receiving higher education after high school.
10.What can we infer from paragraph 2
A.Journalism is a career involving hardship and suffering.
B.Many people are indifferent to the things around them.
C.We should learn to distinguish true and false news.
D.The masses should have strong faith in journalists.
11.According to the author, people are most likely to sympathize with those ________.
A.having an effect on other people's life
B.having a chance to talk about their suffering
C.reporting others' stories with their own suffering
D.going through something tough with a positive mind
12.What's the author's suggestion to his fellows
A.Work hard toward their goal.
B.Help more people after their journalism work.
C.Know about their ability to give a voice to those ignored.
D.Think clearly about what sort of journalism they'll go into.
(2021·南昌二中模拟)Although books are still popular with teenagers, most of them spend more of their leisure time staring at their phone than reading a paperbook.1.________ Instead of publishing a whole book at once, they produce very short chapters, which they send once a week to their readers by text message.
2.________ Many are written by high school or university students who are very familiar with the topics that teenagers are interested in.Common themes are love, tragedy and betrayal, and the stories often deal with difficult or controversial issues.
Twenty one year old Rin wrote her novel over a six month period in spare moments, often while commuting on the train. 3.________ Her book sold 40,000 copies and was number five in the Japanese bestseller list.Rin said that her mother had had no idea that she had been writing a novel and was therefore very surprised when she saw a book with her daughter's name on it.
4.________ Chapters have no more than 200 words, and often just 50-100 words.Sentences are short and there are no descriptions of anything or anybody because there isn't space.The text mostly consists of dialogue and the language is direct, conveying a lot in a few words.
In 2009, a young Japanese writer called Takatsu, who lived in Canada, began writing the first English language cell phone novel, Secondhand Memories.Takatsu had read an English translation of Rin's story and had been impressed by its simple and emotional language.It was a feature he deliberately copied when he started writing Secondhand Memories.5.________ He now believes that, in English, cell phone novels have a powerful and poetic identity of their own.Cell phone novels encourage young people to engage in fiction, even those who would not normally pick up a book.They could be described as ten novels for the 21st century.
A.Books are sometimes regarded as old fashioned and difficult to read.
B.In response to this trend, some smart young authors have changed the way they write.
C.However, as the story progressed, the style gradually evolved into something different.
D.She typed out chapters on her phone and uploaded them onto a popular website for cell phone authors.
E.No money is made from cell phone novels unless they are published as books.
F.The style of cell phone novels has evolved to suit the medium.
G.Although the idea originated in Japan, cell phone novels have also appeared in the rest of world.