人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册 Unit 5 Poems训练(原卷版+解析版)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册 Unit 5 Poems训练(原卷版+解析版)
格式 zip
文件大小 595.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-01-14 21:09:07


1.TED is designed to bring awareness to important subjects and to inspire people to change their attitudes and lifestyles through a talk show format(形式).
2.Therefore, what we mentioned above is the core(核心) of his new theory.
3.“A bus look”describes a blank(没表情的) facial expression people wear while taking public transportation.
4.The deadline(截止日期) for scholarship application is this Friday, so your time is quite tight.
5.The beginning of the story is a bit sad and as the story unfolds we will meet with more sorrow(悲伤).
6.It's too bad of you to tease(取笑) a child because he is heavier than the other children.
7.The amateur(业余的) player is under treatment, and he is looking forward to returning home.
1.(2020·天津卷7月)The library is now a multimedia zone,loaded with information in many formats(format).
2.There is no doubt that a true friend is a person who can share your joys as well as sorrows(sorrow),whatever happens.
3.If you want to win a prize in the contest, you'd better have your essay_polished(polish).
4.A book had been stolen, but the teacher said he was sure Tom was innocent(innocence).
5.What she has just said isn't in correspondence(correspond) with the views of the majority.
6.Gregor Mendel chose to study pea plants because their characteristics were easy to_control(control).
1.My daughter showed a lot of sympathy for the people who were begging from the passing shoppers.
2.Yearbooks are one of the most important ways for people to look back on their high school years, which are made up of individual pictures of all the students.
3.Some people are always in a good mood while others never seem to smile.
4.From MySpace to your blog, the Internet has been widely used to build up and broaden our online social networking.
5.Some people only buy smartphones from well-known companies such as Apple and Samsung, while others don't care about the brand as long as the smartphone works well.
be made up of, be popular with, build up, keep up with, correspond with, pick up, out of sympathy
1.Chocolate sauce is always popular_with youngsters.
2.Out_of_sympathy,_he donated all his savings to the children who were left unattended after the earthquake.
3.The entire universe is_made_up_of different kinds of matter.
4.What the suspect described didn't correspond_with the eyewitness's account of the accident.
5.Volunteering is win win—while you're helping others, you get experience and joy, make new friends and build_up confidence.
As a result, people will eat more food to try to make_up_for_that__something_missing.
Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon/on_which_school_education_depends.
Wherever_there_are_strangers standing or sitting close together, talk cannot be avoided.
With_the_beautiful_moon_up_in_the_sky,_we sit together and eat mooncakes and fruit, sharing our stories.
①Your account of events does not agree_with hers.(agree)
②Your account of events does not correspond_with/to hers.(correspond)
③Your account of events is_not_in_correspondence_with hers.(correspondence)
(2021·陕西百校联盟第一次模拟)My motivation for starting our family tradition of reading in the car was purely selfish:I could not bear listening to a song for another 10 hours.My three children had been addicted to this cassette on our previous summer's road trip.
As I began to prepare for our next 500 mile car trip, I came across a book—Jim Trelease's The Read Aloud Handbook.This could be the answer to my problem, I thought.So I put Roald Dahl's James and the Giant Peach into my bag.When I began to read aloud the tale of the boy who escapes the bad guys by hiding inside a giant peach, my three kids argued and wrestled in their seats.But after several lines, they were attracted into the rhythm of the words and began to listen.
We soon learned that the simple pleasure of listening to a well written book made the long miles pass more quickly.Sometimes the books we read became highlights of the trip.I read Wilson Rawls's Summer of the Monkeys as we spent two days driving to the beach.We arrived just behind the power crews restoring (恢复) electricity after a tropical storm.The rain continued most of the week, and the beach was covered with oil washed up by the storm.When we returned home, I asked my son what he liked about the trip.He answered without hesitation, “The book you read in the car.”
Road trips still offer challenges, even though my children now are teenagers.But we continue to read as we roll across the country.And I am beginning to see that reading aloud has done more than help pass the time.For at least a little while, we are not shut in our own electronic worlds.And maybe we've started something that will be passed on to the next generation.
【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。为了不在自驾游中重复听一首歌,“我”在车上为孩子们朗读故事书。这吸引了他们的注意力,并为我们的旅途增添了更多的乐趣。
1.Why did the author start reading in the car
A.She wanted to have a better journey.
B.She wanted to keep a family tradition.
C.Her children were addicted to reading.
D.Her children were tired of the cassette.
A 解析:推理判断题。根据第一段第一句中的“I could not bear listening to a song for another 10 hours”可知,作者无法忍受再听同一首歌10个小时了。由此可推知,作者想要有一个更好的旅程。故选A。
2.How did the children react after the author read a few lines
A.They kept quarrelling.
B.They hid themselves.
C.They soon settled down.
D.They continued to fight in their seats.
C 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的最后一句“But after several lines, they were attracted into the rhythm of the words and began to listen.”可知,作者读了几行之后,孩子们被吸引了,开始听起来。故选C。
3.What can we learn about the author and her family's trip to the beach
A.They were caught in a storm.
B.They enjoyed reading on the road.
C.They had a good time on the beach.
D.They thought it had passed too quickly.
B 解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中对那个海滩遭受风暴后的描述和最后两句“When we returned home, I asked my son what he liked about the trip.He answered without hesitation, ‘The book you read in the car.’”可知,当回到家时,作者问自己的儿子喜欢这次旅行的什么,他毫不犹豫地答道:“你在车上读的那本书”。由此可推知B项正确。
4.Which can be the best title for the text
A.Reading Is Better than Traveling
B.Books That Changed My Children
C.Road Trips That Are Full of Challenges
D.Reading Makes Road Trips Great
D 解析:标题归纳题。根据第三段第一、二句和尾段内容并结合文章的其他内容可知,最初为了不重复听一首歌,作者决定在途中为孩子们朗读故事书;后来,作者发现大声朗读能让漫长的旅途过得更快、更有乐趣,甚至有时候被朗读的书成为他们旅行中最精彩的部分。故选D。
(2021·山东历城二中第一次模拟)Literature reflects life.So in aging Japan there are a large number of hit books by aged authors.“Age 90:what's so great about it?” is a humorous essay on the difficulties of the elderly, by Aiko Sato, who is 95.It sold one million copies in 2017, making it Japan's best selling book that year.
In 2018 the Akutagawa Prize (芥川龙之介奖) went to Chisako Wakatake, 63 at the time, for her first novel I'll Live by Myself.The book talks about how to live in old age.Going to Die Soon, by Ms.Uchidate, features 78 year old Hana, a former alcohol shop owner trying to make the most of her remaining years.The novel has been called a book for shukatsu (为死亡做准备), or preparing for death, making readers think more deeply about what it means to age.
Japan's population has the world's highest percentage of over 65s.People are living longer, so many have at least 20-30 years of retirement, for much of which they are energetic.
And although the Japanese have been spending less on books, that is least true for the over 60s.
Lawson, a convenience store chain, recently decided to stock books with the older generation in mind.
But the elderly writers' books are attracting younger readers, too.Some are preparing for their own old age or want to understand the increasing number of old people they see around them.Others find relevance in the themes explored, such as loneliness, a problem that stretches well beyond the silver haired.
The most notable feature of the new trend is that the vast majority of authors, and main characters, are women.Especially popular are the ara hun (“around hundred” year old) writers like Ms.Sato, whose book, readers say, helps them be more positive.Their popularity also reflects support for strong women who are passionate about their work, a phenomenon that is all too rare in Japan today.
【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。本文主要介绍了很多日本老年作者成为畅销书作家的这一现象,并剖析了其背后原因以及这一趋势的特点。
5.Going to Die Soon is a book________.
A.about how to stay positive in old age
B.which won the Akutagawa Prize in 2018
C.which helps people live the rest of the life to the fullest
D.written by 78 year old Hana, an alcohol shop owner
C 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Going to Die Soon,by Ms.Uchidate,features 78 year old Hana,a former alcohol shop owner trying to make the most of her remaining years.”可知,《即将死去》的主角——78岁的花奈——之前是一位酒馆老板,她试图充分利用自己剩余的岁月。因此,《即将死去》是一本帮助人们充实地度过余生的书。故选C。
6.Why are the books by aged authors popular with younger readers
A.Young readers now have more elder relatives.
B.Young readers face similar problems as the elderly.
C.Young readers are worried about becoming old.
D.Young readers are as lonely as the elderly.
B 解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的内容可知,一些年轻人正在为自己的晚年做准备,或者想要了解他们在身边见到的越来越多的老年人。另一些人则在书中探讨的主题中找到了相关性,比如孤独,这个问题远远超出了老年人群体的范畴。也就是说,老年作者写的书之所以很受年轻读者的欢迎,是因为年轻读者面临着与老年人相似的问题。故选B。
7.What can we learn from the passage
A.Aged writers might be more successful than younger writers.
B.An aging society brings more chances for women writers.
C.People have to work after their retirement in an aging society.
D.Ambitious career women might not be popular with the Japanese.
D 解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Their popularity also reflects support for strong women who are passionate about their work, a phenomenon that is all too rare in Japan today.”可知,女性作家的受欢迎程度也反映了对热爱工作的女强人的支持,这种现象在今天的日本非常罕见。由此可推知,野心勃勃的职业女性可能不受日本人欢迎。故选D。
【难句分析】 The novel has been called a book for shukatsu(为死亡做准备), or preparing for death,making readers think more deeply about what it means to age.
分析:本句主句为“The novel has been called a book for shukatsu, or preparing for death”;or引导并列成分(因此此处可根据preparing for death来理解shukatsu);making readers think...为非谓语动词作状语,其中what引导的是宾语从句,作介词about的宾语。
Giselle Williams didn't know how to sew. But she did possess a family heirloom (祖传遗物) in the corner of her house—her great great grandmother's sewing machine. She wondered if she could do something __1__ during the epidemic.
That's when she __2__ the 100 year old sewing machine. It is __3__ and it doesn't use electricity. Instead, the 1922 Singer machine is __4__ mechanically by a foot pedal pushed up and down by the operator's foot.
After the machine remained __5__ for decades, it definitely needed some repair, so Giselle's husband Darin set his mind to __6__ it. After fresh lubrication (润滑) and a new leather drive belt, the couple finally made the machine __7__. Then Darin taught Giselle how to sew. “I haven't used a sewing machine since my grandmother taught me to sew puppets back in the 1970s,” Darin said. “But sewing masks seems to be __8__ the same.”
Then the couple purchased fabric to begin trying making masks despite the rising price. Luckily, friends and neighbours also donated fabric to the couple to support the __9__. After a few days' practicing, the couple officially __10__ their mask making operation. Their first __11__ came from local healthcare providers.
Since those first weeks, the couple has made a(n)__12__ in their production. In the face of the flood of requests, Darin __13__ the Singer, so they can produce more masks a day.
Giselle's great great grandmother would feel much __14__—her great great grandchildren __15__ themselves to making masks for frontline medical workers.
【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。吉塞尔和丈夫利用高祖母遗留下来的一台老旧缝纫机做口罩,并以成本价销售给需要的人。
1.A.profitable B.imaginative
C.significant D.popular
C 解析:综合全文内容可知,吉塞尔想用高祖母的老式缝纫机做意义重大的事情。
2.A.remembered B.bought
C.received D.recognized
A 解析:根据上下文语境可知,这个时候,她想起来了在墙角搁置的那台历史悠久的缝纫机。
3.A.unique B.ready made
C.efficient D.old fashioned
D 解析:根据“the 100 year old sewing machine...it doesn't use electricity”可知,这是一台老式的缝纫机。
4.A.produced B.powered
C.protected D.connected
B 解析:根据“it doesn't use electricity...by the operator's foot”可知,操作人员通过踩脚踏板来给这台缝纫机提供动力。
5.A.disorganized B.discontinued
C.unused D.unchanged
C 解析:根据“But she did...in the corner of her house”及“it definitely needed some repair”可知,这台缝纫机一直被闲置着。
6.A.replacing B.restoring
C.selling D.ruining
B 解析:根据“it definitely needed some repair”及“After...and a new leather drive belt”可知,达林决心修复它。
7.A.lighter B.safer
C.exist D.function
D 解析:根据“After fresh lubrication (润滑)...the couple finally...”及下文讲述夫妇俩做口罩的内容可知,最后这台缝纫机可以正常运转了。
8.A.ultimately B.necessarily
C.fundamentally D.hardly
C 解析:根据语境可知,达林自从上世纪70年代就没用过缝纫机,但他觉得用缝纫机缝东西在根本上都差不多。
9.A.effort B.suggestion
C.policy D.judgment
A 解析:根据语境可知,朋友和邻居们也给他们捐赠原料,来支持这一努力。
10.A.set aside B.set down
C.set back D.set about
D 解析:根据“After a few days' practicing...from local healthcare providers.”可知,几天的练习后,他们开始正式着手制作口罩。
11.A.advertisements B.interviews
C.orders D.experiments
C 解析:根据“came from local healthcare providers”可知,他们最初的订单来自当地的医疗保健中心。
12.A.classification B.increase
C.restriction D.prediction
B 解析:根据“In the face of the flood of requests”可知,他们增加口罩的产量。
13.A.improved B.charged
C.removed D.demonstrated
A 解析:根据下文“so they can produce more masks a day”可知,达林改进了这台老式缝纫机。
14.A.welcome B.interest
C.tension D.pride
D 解析:根据“her great great grandchildren...for frontline medical workers”可知,高祖母要是知道吉塞尔和她丈夫的事迹后,一定会感到自豪。
15.A.compared B.devoted
C.adjusted D.resigned
B 解析:根据全文可知,吉塞尔和丈夫全身心地为一线医护人员生产口罩。
As to garlic and raw onion, you might want to avoid their after effects, but many of these 1.____________(positive) unfriendly foods are good for you. In fact, the smells on your breath are immediate and can last for hours. The reason is that garlic and onions contain something that is very smelly and can contribute 2.____________ bad breath. As the foods are digested, the special oils they contain 3.____________ (absorb) into your bloodstream and you breathe 4.____________(they) out until the foods are removed from your body. Despite all this, you should eat them. Those who add garlic and onions to food need 5.____________(little) salt than those who do not. So it's 6.____________ healthier alternative, says Rebecca Valle, a dietitian at Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. “Garlic and onions can also protect against many 7.____________(disease) and promote good health,” she said. So how do you enjoy them without 8.____________(offend) everyone around you?Eating less of the garlic and onion and drinking plenty of water works. Drinking milk also helps reduce the things 9.____________ cause bad breath. Chewing gum, sucking on a mint or sipping peppermint tea will also help. But remember 10.____________(see) your doctor if your bad breath continues.
【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了吃大蒜及洋葱的好处, 以及去除吃它们之后所留下的难闻的味道的方法。
1.positively 解析:考查副词。修饰形容词unfriendly要用副词,故填positively, 意为“确实”。
2.to 解析:考查固定搭配。contribute to为固定搭配,意为“促成、造成”,符合语境。
3.are absorbed 解析:考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。根据句意并分析句子结构可知,主语the special oils与absorb之间为被动关系,应用被动语态,又由从句所用的一般现在时可知,此处也应用一般现在时;又因主语为复数形式,故填are absorbed。be absorbed into... 意为“被吸收进……”。
4.them 解析:考查代词。空处作动词breathe的宾语,要用人称代词的宾格形式,故填them。
5.less 解析:考查形容词的比较级。根据本句中的than和语境可知,此处要用little的比较级形式,表示“需要较少的盐”。
6.a 解析:考查冠词。此处泛指“一种较为健康的选择”,且healthier的发音以辅音音素开头,故要用不定冠词a。
7.diseases 解析:考查名词的单复数。此处表示“大蒜和洋葱也能够预防许多疾病”,空前有many修饰,又因disease是可数名词,故应用其复数形式。
8.offending 解析:考查非谓语动词。本句中without是介词,后面一般接名词、代词或动词 ing 形式作宾语,故此处填offend的动词 ing形式offending。
9.that/which 解析:考查关系代词。分析句子结构可知,此处引导限制性定语从句,且在从句中作主语,先行词是the things,指物,故应用关系代词that/which引导该定语从句。
10.to see 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:但是如果你的口臭继续存在, 记得去看医生。remember to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“记得去做某事”,符合句意,故空处填动词不定式。
Dear Johnson,
I'm writing to tell you the arrangements I've made for our one day relaxation.
Li Hua
One possible version:
I'm_writing_to_tell_you_the_arrangements_I've_made_for_our_one day_relaxation.
Shall we meet at our school gate at around 9 a.m. and then take the subway to the city theater I've heard some famous Peking Opera artists will give performances in the city theater. Knowing you are a Peking Opera lover, I feel you can't miss it. After seeing the performances, we can go to the bookstore to buy some books on Chinese poems. Do tell me if you have any better ideas.
Looking forward to your reply.
I could smell the turkey cooking, even in the attic where I was hiding out.I heard a laugh, too, and a bang from something being dropped.Our house was noisier since my new stepsister and step mother moved in—Jen and Mom.
I called her Mom, but the word felt uncomfortable, like a pair of shoes that pinched (夹脚).I didn't remember my own mother, and she had died in an accident when I was a baby.It had always been just Dad and me.We were a team.Now, so much had changed, and sometimes I wished I had the magic to change it back.
I heard Dad's footsteps upstairs.“Do you want to take Jen skating?” he asked.
“I guess.” I sighed, thinking about how Dad and I usually spent Thanksgiving Day building a big snowman.But this year, Dad was too busy helping Mom cook the turkey.
“Thanks,” Dad said and put his arm around my shoulders.“We'll make that snowman later,” he promised.
“Yeah,” I agreed, not too sure we'd have time.
Mom handed us some homemade cookies with smiling faces as we grabbed our skates.I had to admit, Mom came up with good ideas sometimes.Even though I liked that, I still couldn't help but feel as if she were changing everything.
“No, thanks.I'm not hungry,” I said, although I was, a little.
“Ready?” I asked Jen.She nodded, and we headed out the front door.
The snow crunched under our boots as we walked down the street.The silence was awkward.“Did you go skating a lot last year?” I asked, blurting out the first thing that came to my mind.
Jen shook her head and looked at me.Finally she said, “On Thanksgiving, Mom and I always went to visit some friends on a farm.I especially loved seeing their big turkeys.”
Until then, I'd never even thought about how Jen must be feeling.She not only had a new stepfather and stepbrother, she had a new town and home, too.Jen and her mom used to live near a lake, and she'd had to move up north with us.She'd had more changes than me.
Suddenly, I didn't feel quite so sorry for myself.
We were so busy making it that we didn't hear our parents come outside.________________________________________________________________________
One possible version:
Suddenly, I didn't feel quite so sorry for myself.She seemed sad, now that I'd taken the time to notice.I decided to do something to cheer her up.“I have a better idea,” I said enthusiastically.“Come on—let's start back.” “OK,” agreed Jen, and a little smile caught at the corner of her mouth.Ten minutes later, Jen and I put our skates on the front porch, and I told her we can make a big snow turkey.“This is going to be great,” Jen said, grinning at me with rosy cheeks.
We were so busy making it that we didn't hear our parents come outside. “It's the biggest snow turkey I've ever seen.” said Mom with a grin.A moment later, we were all busy working on our giant creation.When our snow turkey was finished, Mom said to me, “Thanks for cheering Jen up.You're a good brother, and you come up with great ideas.” A happy feeling spread through me.I said, “I guess we make a good team.” The snow turkey helped me remember that everything could still work out even if it had to change.
1.TED is designed to bring awareness to important subjects and to inspire people to change their attitudes and lifestyles through a talk show ( )(形式).
2.Therefore, what we mentioned above is the ( )(核心) of his new theory.
3.“A bus look”describes a ( )(没表情的) facial expression people wear while taking public transportation.
4.The( )(截止日期) for scholarship application is this Friday, so your time is quite tight.
5.The beginning of the story is a bit sad and as the story unfolds we will meet with more ( )(悲伤).
6.It's too bad of you to ( )(取笑) a child because he is heavier than the other children.
7.The ( )(业余的) player is under treatment, and he is looking forward to returning home.
1.(2020·天津卷7月)The library is now a multimedia zone,loaded with information in many ( )(format).
2.There is no doubt that a true friend is a person who can share your joys as well as ( )(sorrow),whatever happens.
3.If you want to win a prize in the contest, you'd better have your essay_( )(polish).
4.A book had been stolen, but the teacher said he was sure Tom was ( )(innocence).
5.What she has just said isn't in ( )(correspond) with the views of the majority.
6.Gregor Mendel chose to study pea plants because their characteristics were easy ( )(control).
1.My daughter showed a lot of sympathy ( ) the people who were begging from the passing shoppers.
2.Yearbooks are one of the most important ways for people to look back on their high school years, which are made up ( ) individual pictures of all the students.
3.Some people are always ( ) a good mood while others never seem to smile.
4.From MySpace to your blog, the Internet has been widely used to build ( ) and broaden our online social networking.
5.Some people only buy smartphones from well-known companies such as Apple and Samsung, ( ) others don't care about the brand as long as the smartphone works well.
be made up of, be popular with, build up, keep up with, correspond with, pick up, out of sympathy
1.Chocolate sauce ( ) always ( ) youngsters.
2.( ),_he donated all his savings to the children who were left unattended after the earthquake.
3.The entire universe ( ) different kinds of matter.
4.What the suspect described didn't ( ) the eyewitness's account of the accident.
5.Volunteering is win win—while you're helping others, you get experience and joy, make new friends and ( ) confidence.
As a result, people will eat more food to try to ( ).
Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill ( ).
( ) standing or sitting close together, talk cannot be avoided.
( ),_we sit together and eat mooncakes and fruit, sharing our stories.
①Your account of events does not ( ) hers.(agree)
②Your account of events does not ( ) hers.(correspond)
③Your account of events ( ) hers.(correspondence)
(2021·陕西百校联盟第一次模拟)My motivation for starting our family tradition of reading in the car was purely selfish:I could not bear listening to a song for another 10 hours.My three children had been addicted to this cassette on our previous summer's road trip.
As I began to prepare for our next 500 mile car trip, I came across a book—Jim Trelease's The Read Aloud Handbook.This could be the answer to my problem, I thought.So I put Roald Dahl's James and the Giant Peach into my bag.When I began to read aloud the tale of the boy who escapes the bad guys by hiding inside a giant peach, my three kids argued and wrestled in their seats.But after several lines, they were attracted into the rhythm of the words and began to listen.
We soon learned that the simple pleasure of listening to a well written book made the long miles pass more quickly.Sometimes the books we read became highlights of the trip.I read Wilson Rawls's Summer of the Monkeys as we spent two days driving to the beach.We arrived just behind the power crews restoring (恢复) electricity after a tropical storm.The rain continued most of the week, and the beach was covered with oil washed up by the storm.When we returned home, I asked my son what he liked about the trip.He answered without hesitation, “The book you read in the car.”
Road trips still offer challenges, even though my children now are teenagers.But we continue to read as we roll across the country.And I am beginning to see that reading aloud has done more than help pass the time.For at least a little while, we are not shut in our own electronic worlds.And maybe we've started something that will be passed on to the next generation.
1.Why did the author start reading in the car
A.She wanted to have a better journey.
B.She wanted to keep a family tradition.
C.Her children were addicted to reading.
D.Her children were tired of the cassette.
2.How did the children react after the author read a few lines
A.They kept quarrelling.
B.They hid themselves.
C.They soon settled down.
D.They continued to fight in their seats.
3.What can we learn about the author and her family's trip to the beach
A.They were caught in a storm.
B.They enjoyed reading on the road.
C.They had a good time on the beach.
D.They thought it had passed too quickly.
4.Which can be the best title for the text
A.Reading Is Better than Traveling
B.Books That Changed My Children
C.Road Trips That Are Full of Challenges
D.Reading Makes Road Trips Great
(2021·山东历城二中第一次模拟)Literature reflects life.So in aging Japan there are a large number of hit books by aged authors.“Age 90:what's so great about it?” is a humorous essay on the difficulties of the elderly, by Aiko Sato, who is 95.It sold one million copies in 2017, making it Japan's best selling book that year.
In 2018 the Akutagawa Prize (芥川龙之介奖) went to Chisako Wakatake, 63 at the time, for her first novel I'll Live by Myself.The book talks about how to live in old age.Going to Die Soon, by Ms.Uchidate, features 78 year old Hana, a former alcohol shop owner trying to make the most of her remaining years.The novel has been called a book for shukatsu (为死亡做准备), or preparing for death, making readers think more deeply about what it means to age.
Japan's population has the world's highest percentage of over 65s.People are living longer, so many have at least 20-30 years of retirement, for much of which they are energetic.
And although the Japanese have been spending less on books, that is least true for the over 60s.
Lawson, a convenience store chain, recently decided to stock books with the older generation in mind.
But the elderly writers' books are attracting younger readers, too.Some are preparing for their own old age or want to understand the increasing number of old people they see around them.Others find relevance in the themes explored, such as loneliness, a problem that stretches well beyond the silver haired.
The most notable feature of the new trend is that the vast majority of authors, and main characters, are women.Especially popular are the ara hun (“around hundred” year old) writers like Ms.Sato, whose book, readers say, helps them be more positive.Their popularity also reflects support for strong women who are passionate about their work, a phenomenon that is all too rare in Japan today.
5.Going to Die Soon is a book________.
A.about how to stay positive in old age
B.which won the Akutagawa Prize in 2018
C.which helps people live the rest of the life to the fullest
D.written by 78 year old Hana, an alcohol shop owner
6.Why are the books by aged authors popular with younger readers
A.Young readers now have more elder relatives.
B.Young readers face similar problems as the elderly.
C.Young readers are worried about becoming old.
D.Young readers are as lonely as the elderly.
7.What can we learn from the passage
A.Aged writers might be more successful than younger writers.
B.An aging society brings more chances for women writers.
C.People have to work after their retirement in an aging society.
D.Ambitious career women might not be popular with the Japanese.
Giselle Williams didn't know how to sew. But she did possess a family heirloom (祖传遗物) in the corner of her house—her great great grandmother's sewing machine. She wondered if she could do something __1__ during the epidemic.
That's when she __2__ the 100 year old sewing machine. It is __3__ and it doesn't use electricity. Instead, the 1922 Singer machine is __4__ mechanically by a foot pedal pushed up and down by the operator's foot.
After the machine remained __5__ for decades, it definitely needed some repair, so Giselle's husband Darin set his mind to __6__ it. After fresh lubrication (润滑) and a new leather drive belt, the couple finally made the machine __7__. Then Darin taught Giselle how to sew. “I haven't used a sewing machine since my grandmother taught me to sew puppets back in the 1970s,” Darin said. “But sewing masks seems to be __8__ the same.”
Then the couple purchased fabric to begin trying making masks despite the rising price. Luckily, friends and neighbours also donated fabric to the couple to support the __9__. After a few days' practicing, the couple officially __10__ their mask making operation. Their first __11__ came from local healthcare providers.
Since those first weeks, the couple has made a(n)__12__ in their production. In the face of the flood of requests, Darin __13__ the Singer, so they can produce more masks a day.
Giselle's great great grandmother would feel much __14__—her great great grandchildren __15__ themselves to making masks for frontline medical workers.
1.A.profitable B.imaginative
C.significant D.popular
2.A.remembered B.bought
C.received D.recognized
3.A.unique B.ready made
C.efficient D.old fashioned
4.A.produced B.powered
C.protected D.connected
5.A.disorganized B.discontinued
C.unused D.unchanged
6.A.replacing B.restoring
C.selling D.ruining
7.A.lighter B.safer
C.exist D.function
8.A.ultimately B.necessarily
C.fundamentally D.hardly
9.A.effort B.suggestion
C.policy D.judgment
10.A.set aside B.set down
C.set back D.set about
11.A.advertisements B.interviews
C.orders D.experiments
12.A.classification B.increase
C.restriction D.prediction
13.A.improved B.charged
C.removed D.demonstrated
14.A.welcome B.interest
C.tension D.pride
15.A.compared B.devoted
C.adjusted D.resigned
As to garlic and raw onion, you might want to avoid their after effects, but many of these 1.____________(positive) unfriendly foods are good for you. In fact, the smells on your breath are immediate and can last for hours. The reason is that garlic and onions contain something that is very smelly and can contribute 2.____________ bad breath. As the foods are digested, the special oils they contain 3.____________ (absorb) into your bloodstream and you breathe 4.____________(they) out until the foods are removed from your body. Despite all this, you should eat them. Those who add garlic and onions to food need 5.____________(little) salt than those who do not. So it's 6.____________ healthier alternative, says Rebecca Valle, a dietitian at Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. “Garlic and onions can also protect against many 7.____________(disease) and promote good health,” she said. So how do you enjoy them without 8.____________(offend) everyone around you?Eating less of the garlic and onion and drinking plenty of water works. Drinking milk also helps reduce the things 9.____________ cause bad breath. Chewing gum, sucking on a mint or sipping peppermint tea will also help. But remember 10.____________(see) your doctor if your bad breath continues.
Dear Johnson,
I'm writing to tell you the arrangements I've made for our one day relaxation.
Li Hua
I could smell the turkey cooking, even in the attic where I was hiding out.I heard a laugh, too, and a bang from something being dropped.Our house was noisier since my new stepsister and step mother moved in—Jen and Mom.
I called her Mom, but the word felt uncomfortable, like a pair of shoes that pinched (夹脚).I didn't remember my own mother, and she had died in an accident when I was a baby.It had always been just Dad and me.We were a team.Now, so much had changed, and sometimes I wished I had the magic to change it back.
I heard Dad's footsteps upstairs.“Do you want to take Jen skating?” he asked.
“I guess.” I sighed, thinking about how Dad and I usually spent Thanksgiving Day building a big snowman.But this year, Dad was too busy helping Mom cook the turkey.
“Thanks,” Dad said and put his arm around my shoulders.“We'll make that snowman later,” he promised.
“Yeah,” I agreed, not too sure we'd have time.
Mom handed us some homemade cookies with smiling faces as we grabbed our skates.I had to admit, Mom came up with good ideas sometimes.Even though I liked that, I still couldn't help but feel as if she were changing everything.
“No, thanks.I'm not hungry,” I said, although I was, a little.
“Ready?” I asked Jen.She nodded, and we headed out the front door.
The snow crunched under our boots as we walked down the street.The silence was awkward.“Did you go skating a lot last year?” I asked, blurting out the first thing that came to my mind.
Jen shook her head and looked at me.Finally she said, “On Thanksgiving, Mom and I always went to visit some friends on a farm.I especially loved seeing their big turkeys.”
Until then, I'd never even thought about how Jen must be feeling.She not only had a new stepfather and stepbrother, she had a new town and home, too.Jen and her mom used to live near a lake, and she'd had to move up north with us.She'd had more changes than me.
Suddenly, I didn't feel quite so sorry for myself.
We were so busy making it that we didn't hear our parents come outside.________________________________________________________________________