人教版(2019)必修 第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife protection训练(原卷版+解析版)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife protection训练(原卷版+解析版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-01-15 19:06:44


1.(2019·江苏卷)Wildlife has been greatly threatened(威胁) in the modern age.
2.The nonprofit organization was set up to preserve endangered(濒危的) species from extinction.
3.It's illegal(不合法的) to read others' private letters without permission.
4.In order to make him accept our suggestion, we decided to work out more convincing evidence immediately(立即).
5.The rise in sea levels is believed to be behind a(n) alarming(惊人的) decline of more than 50 percent in penguin colonies, which are dependent on sea ice.
6.Confucius is the representative of diverse culture in China, who focuses on the significance of harmony(和谐).
1.(2020·新高考山东卷) And contrary to existing (exist) research that says you should avoid eating with heavier people who order large portions (份), it's the beanpoles with big appetites you really need to avoid.
2.A cook will be_immediately(immediate) fired if he is found smoking in the kitchen.
3.After he retired, the old man did all he could to protect the old temple from being_damaged(damage).
4.Unlike other magazines that tend to use Photoshop _to_beautify(beautiful) their photos, this one shows only untouched photographs, revealing its true nature.
5.The patient can move his fingers.It's a baby step, but a great improvement toward recovery(recover).
6.It's unwise to choose only one kind of dress to raise people's cultural awareness(aware) because we should pay attention to the content of traditional culture, not the surface.
7.It's hard for kangaroos and emus (鸸鹋) to walk backwards because of the unusual(usual) shape of their legs.
8.Scientists have mapped out the brain activities that underlie the emotional(emotion) experience.
1.(2019·天津卷)The captain of the ship was advised to turn back due to a sudden heavy storm.
2.(2018·江苏卷)It can be concluded that restaurant keepers need not “be overly concerned about ‘bad’ tables”, given that they're profitable.
3.Up to now, scientists haven't found a right reason to explain why dinosaurs died out about 65 million years ago.
4.By no means shall we abandon searching for the missing people.
5.Michael put up a picture of Messi beside the bed to keep himself reminded of his own dreams.
6.After days of heavy rain, people began to realize the rising lake posed a threat to villages around it.
die out, on average, adapt to, make out, due to, search for, stir up
1.It is a pity that nowadays, a large number of old customs are gradually dying_out.
2.The management asked experienced workers to help newcomers so that they could adapt_to the work as soon as possible.
3.Due_to poor efficiency, it didn't turn out as planned, which disappointed the whole group.
4.There are the matters which will affect you deeply and are surely to stir_up anger inside you and make you feel powerless.
5.A dense white fog enveloped the whole city, which made it difficult for us to make_out what was in front.
When_it_comes_to_adaptation,_it is important to understand that climate change is a process.
People around the world should be_fully_aware_of_the_real_situation of water shortage.
His writing is so confusing that it's difficult to make_out_what_he_is_trying_to_express.
It_was_her_hard_work_and_determination_as_well_as_her_gentle_nature_that led her to the way of success.
(2021·东北三省四市高考模拟一)Running after fireflies (萤火虫) on a warm summer night might become a rare childhood memory if humans don't take action.There are over 2,000 different firefly species around the world, but their populations are decreasing due to artificial light pollution, pesticides (杀虫剂) and smaller habitat size.
A team of Tufts University led researchers surveyed scientists and conservationists about the threats to firefly populations around the world.According to the study, one of the main threats to fireflies in East Asia and South America is artificial light.Fireflies light up to attract mates, but they can easily mistake human made lights as potential partners.Adult fireflies typically live only a few days, which doesn't give them long time to find a mate.
Humans' destroying the insects' natural habitats creates another threat.During their larval phase (幼虫期), Malaysian fireflies live in riverside bushes that are often pulled out for human made fish farms.In Europe, Lampyris fireflies are finding less food to eat due to the growing urbanization of what were once woods and farmlands.In Malaysia, adult Pteroptyx fireflies that usually prefer to mate in specific trees next to rivers have to find new mating areas because the trees are being cut down for farmhouses.
The study also looked at the effects of climate change, tourism, invasive (侵入的) species and water pollution.On a positive note, while fireflies around the world seem to be suffering from the previously mentioned issues, Big Dipper fireflies living in the US happen to be booming.“Those guys can survive pretty much anywhere,”said Sara Lewis, a biologist from Tufts University.
The study urges countries where firefly populations are dwindling to take measures to preserve suitable habitats, lessen light pollution, reduce use of pesticides and develop better guidelines for tourism around known firefly areas.
【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。研究发现,人工光污染、杀虫剂和较小的栖息地造成萤火虫的数量在减少。
1.What mainly causes the drop of the firefly population in East Asia
A.Light pollution. B.Habitat loss.
C.Climate change. D.Food shortage.
A 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“one of the main threats to fireflies in East Asia and South America is artificial light”可知,在东亚,萤火虫数量减少的主要原因之一是光污染,故选A。
2.Which of the following is more likely to adapt to the environment
A.The Malaysian firefly.
B.The Lampyris firefly.
C.The Pteroptyx firefly.
D.The Big Dipper firefly.
D 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Big Dipper fireflies living in the US happen to be booming.‘Those guys can survive pretty much anywhere’”可知,北斗七星萤火虫更可能适应环境,故选D。
3.What does the underlined word “dwindling” in paragraph 5 mean
A.On the rise. B.On the decrease.
C.Under control. D.Out of control.
B 解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“to take measures to preserve suitable habitats, lessen light pollution, reduce use of pesticides and develop better guidelines for tourism around known firefly areas”可以判断,这些都是针对萤火虫数量减少而采取的措施,故画线词意为“减少”,故选B。
4.What does the text mainly talk about
A.Watching fireflies is a rare childhood memory.
B.Cooperation is the key to firefly protection.
C.Urbanization becomes a main threat to fireflies.
D.Human activities lead to fewer firefly populations.
D 解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段中的“There are over 2,000 different firefly species around the world, but their populations are decreasing due to artificial light pollution, pesticides (杀虫剂) and smaller habitat size.”可知,本文主要讲的是人工光污染、杀虫剂和较小的栖息地造成萤火虫的数量在减少,故D项正确。
(2021·山东新高考第一次模拟)Next time you find yourself tending to your flower garden,you may want to stay quiet.The flowers are listening.
Israeli scientists discovered that the plants hear bees approaching and attempt to lure them in with sweeter nectar (花蜜).In several experiments, they found that playing audio recordings of buzzing bees around certain flowers will cause the sugar concentration in the nectar to rise by about 20% in less than five minutes.Such a rapid reaction by plants to sound had never previously been reported.Just to make a comparison, the researchers also tried a higher frequency noise—like that made by a mosquito or a bat—and the flowers did not respond.
The authors pointed out that the behavior is actually in line with the natural order of things, considering that a plant's ability to sense its environment and respond to it is critical for its survival.So, it seems that plants have some sort of consciousness.
This is not the first time that plants have reacted to the sound around them.In a 2009 study, the researchers found that women's voices help make plants grow faster.In that experiment,tomato plants were found to grow two inches taller when they were tended to by a female gardener.
What if we told you that a potato chip bag left on the floor of a break room could listen in on office gossip As people were talking around the potato chip bag, they were sending tiny sound vibrations (震动) into the air.Those vibrations then hit lifeless objects around the room.If you had a camera that was zoomed in on one of those objects extremely closely, in theory, you could actually see the object move along with the vibrations.You could then feed that video into a computer program that could translate the vibrations and you could play back the audio of the conversation that just took place.
So the next time you're at the botanical garden or in a grocery aisle,be careful what you say.Someone—or something—might be listening.
【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。研究发现,植物会对周围的声音作出反应,而无生命的物体也会随声波的震动动起来。
5.Which of the following best explains “lure” in paragraph 2
A.Shut. B.Attract.
C.Trap. D.Lead.
B 解析:词义猜测题。根据第二段第一句和语境可知,当植物听到蜜蜂靠近时,会试图用更甜的花蜜吸引它们,故选B。
6.What is vital for plants to survive
A.The soil they depend on to grow.
B.The audio recordings played to them.
C.The identification to the sound frequency.
D.The power to sense and react to the environment.
D 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“a plant's ability to sense its environment and respond to it is critical for its survival”可知,D项“感知环境并对环境作出反应的能力”正确。
7.What can speed up the growth of plants
A.The women's voice.
B.The strength of the vibration.
C.The species of the young plant.
D.The number of the music played.
A 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“the researchers found that women's voices help make plants grow faster”可知A项正确。
8.What is the main idea of the text
A.The frequency of vibrations determines plants' growth.
B.Sound vibrations can be processed into audio.
C.Buzzing bees can increase the production of nectar.
D.Plants or lifeless objects may have the ability to listen.
D 解析:主旨大意题。文章开头说植物听到蜜蜂靠近就会试图用更甜的花蜜来吸引它们,后面说薯片的包装袋可能会偷听办公室的闲聊,再结合文章最后一句“Someone—or something—might be listening.”可知,这句话总结了全文大意,故选D项“植物或无生命物体可能有听的能力”。
【难句分析】 In several experiments, they found that playing audio recordings of buzzing bees around certain flowers will cause the sugar concentration in the nectar to rise by about 20% in less than five minutes.
分析:这是一个复合句。that引导宾语从句,作found的宾语,在该宾语从句中“playing audio recordings of buzzing bees around certain flowers”为动词 ing短语作主语。
(2021·潍坊一中考前模拟)I had a student today who got his finger stuck inside a test tube in science class. It was really quite stuck.This young man's finger __1__ to get whiter and whiter right before my eyes.
Remaining __2__, I suggested he carefully rotate (转动) the tube.It wouldn't move a bit.He __3__ soap and cold water.Still stuck.Meanwhile __4__ was breaking out in the class.__5__, I sent the young man to our secretary, who was a miracle worker raising three kids of her own.With her in charge, I was __6__ all would be OK.
To get the students back in order, I __7__ my own story of getting my knee stuck between the rails of a balcony.Same kind of curiosity, I remembered __8__ then how far I could thrust (塞) my knee between the rails.Inch by inch, I kept __9__ and before I knew it, my knee was stuck and __10__ before my eyes and in front of lots of strangers at a popular Las Vegas hotel!
Hearing my story, many students followed with their own __11__ of heads, arms, fingers stuck in places they shouldn't be.A few minutes later, the young man came back, test tube unbroken and finger __12__ to lovely shade of pink.
I just couldn't get mad at this kid.He's only twelve.I too got my knee unstuck, but not without great __13__.The excuse for me, however, was not __14__ but plain stupidity.I was __15__ fifty years old when this happened.
【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。一个学生在作者的课堂上把手指卡在了试管里,尝试多种办法拿出手指都失败了,最后作者把他交由一位同事去处理。此时,班里一片混乱,为了维持秩序,作者与学生们分享了各自被卡的经历。
1.A.used B.needed
C.happened D.continued
D 解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个年轻人的手指在我眼前继续变得越来越白。use意为“使用”,need意为“需要”,happen意为“发生”,continue意为“继续、持续”。根据上文“It was really quite stuck.”和下文“Still stuck.”可知,手指一直卡着,会继续(continue)变白。故选D。
2.A.calm B.silent
C.cheerful D.active
A 解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我保持冷静,建议他小心地转动管子。calm意为“冷静的”,silent意为“沉默的”,cheerful意为“高兴的”,active意为“积极的”。根据下文“I suggested he carefully rotate (转动) the tube”可知,作者保持冷静(calm)尝试帮助他。故选A。
3.A.lost B.fetched
C.tried D.accepted
C 解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:他尝试用肥皂和冷水。但依然是卡住的。lose意为“失去”,fetch意为“拿来”,try意为“尝试”,accept意为“接受”。学生手指卡住后,尝试(try)用肥皂和冷水让手从试管中出来。故选C。
4.A.fire B.chaos
C.violence D.argument
B 解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:与此同时,教室里一片混乱。fire意为“火”,chaos意为“混乱”,violence意为“暴力”,argument意为“争论”。根据下文“To get the students back in order”可知,教室里一片混乱(chaos)。故选B。
5.A.Finally B.Gradually
C.Frequently D.Apparently
A 解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:最后,我把这个年轻人送到了我们的秘书那里,她是一个奇迹创造者,自己养育了三个孩子。finally意为“最后”,gradually意为“逐渐地”,frequently意为“频繁地”,apparently意为“明显地”。做过多种尝试依然没成功,作者最后(finally)决定把这个年轻人送到秘书那里。故选A。
6.A.happy B.doubtful
C.surprised D.confident
D 解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:由她负责,我有信心一切都会好的。happy意为“高兴的”,doubtful意为“怀疑的”,surprised意为“惊讶的”,confident意为“有信心的”。根据上文“who was a miracle worker raising three kids of her own”可知,秘书有经验,作者对她有信心(confident)。故选D。
7.A.shared B.wrote
C.read D.heard
A 解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了让学生们恢复秩序,我分享了我的膝盖卡在阳台的栏杆之间的故事。share意为“分享”,write意为“写”,read意为“读”,hear意为“听说”。作者跟学生分享(share)自己的故事。故选A。
8.A.calculating B.explaining
C.wondering D.reporting
C 解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:出于同样的好奇心,我记得当时我想知道我的膝盖能在栏杆之间伸多远。calculate意为“计算”,explain意为“解释”,wonder意为“想知道”,report意为“报告”。作者将膝盖塞进栏杆是想知道(wonder)膝盖能在栏杆之间伸多远。故选C。
9.A.pushing B.climbing
C.walking D.kicking
A 解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:一点一点地,我不停地推,在不知不觉中,我的膝盖被卡住了,在我眼前,在拉斯维加斯一家很受欢迎的酒店里当着很多陌生人的面,并肿了起来。push意为“推”,climb意为“爬”,walk意为“走”,kick意为“踢”。根据上文“I remembered ______ then how far I could thrust (塞) my knee between the rails”可知,作者在将膝盖往前推(push)。故选A。
10.A.shaking B.lifting
C.resting D.swelling
D 解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。shake意为“摇晃”,lift意为“抬起”,rest意为“休息”,swell意为“肿胀”。根据上文“my knee was stuck”可知,作者的膝盖卡住了,而且肿了(swell)。故选D。
11.A.findings B.conclusions
C.stories D.news
C 解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:听了我的故事,很多学生都跟着讲起了自己的脑袋、胳膊、手指被卡在不该卡的地方的故事。finding意为“发现”,conclusion意为“结论”,story意为“故事”,news意为“新闻”。根据上文“I ______ my own story of getting my knee stuck between the rails of a balcony”可知,很多学生都跟着讲起了自己的故事(story)。故选C。
12.A.pointing B.returning
C.belonging D.growing
B 解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:几分钟后,这个年轻人回来了,试管完好无损,他的手指又恢复到一种可爱的粉红色。point意为“指向”,return意为“返回”,belong意为“属于”,grow意为“增长”。上文提到手指变得越来越白,但下文说是可爱的粉红色,所以手指是恢复(return)到正常。故选B。
13.A.encouragement B.disappointment
C.embarrassment D.achievement
C 解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的膝盖拿出来了,但还是会尴尬。encouragement意为“鼓励”,disappointment意为“失望”,embarrassment意为“尴尬”,achievement意为“成就”。根据上文“my knee was stuck and ______ before my eyes and in front of lots of strangers at a popular Las Vegas hotel”可知,作者很尴尬(embarrassment)。故选C。
14.A.ambition B.youth
C.bravery D.experiment
B 解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是,我的借口不是年轻而是单纯的愚蠢。ambition意为“雄心”,youth意为“年轻”,bravery意为“勇敢”,experiment意为“实验”。根据下文“I was ______ fifty years old when this happened.”可知,此处是说作者的借口不是年轻(youth)。故选B。
15.A.above all B.in total
C.after all D.at random
C 解析:考查短语辨析。句意:这件事发生的时候我毕竟已经50岁了。above all意为“首先”,in total意为“总共”,after all意为“毕竟”,at random意为“任意地”。根据下文“fifty years old when this happened”可知,这里是转折,结合选项,毕竟(after all)符合语境。故选C。
(2021·广东惠州一模)Today, Mount Qomolangma's peak is not a lonely place any more.Over 3,500 people have 1.____________(successful) climbed the mountain over the past years.Meanwhile, climbers have complained about 2.____________(wait) for hours in the bottlenecks.
In fact, the dangerous 3.____________(crowd) aren't the only problem.All those climbers need 4.____________(bring) a lot of gear (装置) and much of them ends up being left on the mountains, becoming the world's 5.____________(tall) rubbish dump.
But the good news is 6.____________ some mountaineers are overtaking it to clean up Qomolangma.Mountaineers Paul and Eberhard are part of Eco Everest Expedition which has been cleaning up rubbish since 2008.So far they 7.____________(collect) over 13 tons of garbage.
Some of that rubbish is even being used for 8.____________ higher purpose.As part of the Mount Everest 8844 Art Project, a group of 15 artists from Nepal collected 1.5 tons of garbage.They've changed the cans and oxygen tanks into 74 pieces of art that have been exhibited 9.____________ Nepal's capital.Part of the profit from sales 10.____________(be) available for the Everest Pakeers Association which has helped collect tons of rubbish off the mountain.
【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。在很多人成功登顶珠穆朗玛峰的同时,他们遗留的垃圾也造成了环境问题。幸好有环保登山者,他们致力于清理珠穆朗玛峰,并做出了巨大成绩。收集的垃圾被制成艺术品陈列在尼泊尔首都,目的是提醒人们环保登峰。
1.successfully 解析:考查副词。句意:在过去的几年里已经有超过3 500人成功登顶珠穆朗玛峰。climbed为动词,应用副词修饰。故填successfully。
2.waiting 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:与此同时,登山者们抱怨在瓶颈路段等候时间太长。句中about是介词,其后接v. ing形式作宾语。故填waiting。
3.crowds 解析:考查主谓一致。句意:事实上,这些危险的人群不是唯一的问题。分析句子结构可知,提示词作为句子主语,谓语动词是are,所以主语用复数形式。故填crowds。
4.to bring 解析:考查固定短语。句意:所有的登山人员都需要带很多的装备,这些装备中有很多最终都被留在了珠穆朗玛峰上,使之成为世界上最高的垃圾场。根据固定搭配need to do sth.(需要做某事)可知,此处应该用不定式形式。故填to bring。
5.tallest 解析:考查形容词最高级。句意同上。句中的rubbish dump是名词词组,所以用形容词修饰,再根据句意可知,此处表示“世界上最高的垃圾场”,故用形容词最高级。故填tallest。
6.that 解析:考查表语从句。句意:但好消息是一些登山者现在正在从事清扫珠穆朗玛峰的工作。分析句子结构可知,此处是表语从句,从句“some mountaineers are overtaking it to clean up Qomolangma”的句子成分和句意都是完整的,所以用连接词that。故填that。
7.have collected 解析:考查动词的时态。句意:到目前为止,他们已经收集了超过13吨的垃圾。句中So far(到目前为止)是现在完成时的标志词,主语是they,应用have done。故填have collected。
8.a 解析:考查冠词。句意:那些垃圾中的一部分甚至有一个更高的使用目的。句中purpose是可数名词单数,根据句意此处不是特指,应用不定冠词。故填a。
9.in 解析:考查介词。句意:他们已经把易拉罐和氧气瓶变成了74件艺术品,这些艺术品已在尼泊尔的首都展出。根据句意可知,此处应为“在尼泊尔的首都”,所以用介词in。故填in。
10.is 解析:考查主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,be动词对应的主语是profit(利益、利润),是不可数名词,根据全文可知,时态应为一般现在时。故填is。
1.(2019·江苏卷)Wildlife has been greatly ( )(威胁) in the modern age.
2.The nonprofit organization was set up to preserve ( )(濒危的) species from extinction.
3.It's ( )(不合法的) to read others' private letters without permission.
4.In order to make him accept our suggestion, we decided to work out more convincing evidence ( )(立即).
5.The rise in sea levels is believed to be behind a(n) ( )(惊人的) decline of more than 50 percent in penguin colonies, which are dependent on sea ice.
6.Confucius is the representative of diverse culture in China, who focuses on the significance of ( )(和谐).
1.(2020·新高考山东卷) And contrary to ( ) (exist) research that says you should avoid eating with heavier people who order large portions (份), it's the beanpoles with big appetites you really need to avoid.
2.A cook will be( )(immediate) fired if he is found smoking in the kitchen.
3.After he retired, the old man did all he could to protect the old temple from ( )(damage).
4.Unlike other magazines that tend to use Photoshop _( )(beautiful) their photos, this one shows only untouched photographs, revealing its true nature.
5.The patient can move his fingers.It's a baby step, but a great improvement toward ( )(recover).
6.It's unwise to choose only one kind of dress to raise people's cultural ( )(aware) because we should pay attention to the content of traditional culture, not the surface.
7.It's hard for kangaroos and emus (鸸鹋) to walk backwards because of the ( )(usual) shape of their legs.
8.Scientists have mapped out the brain activities that underlie the ( )(emotion) experience.
1.(2019·天津卷)The captain of the ship was advised to turn back due ( ) a sudden heavy storm.
2.(2018·江苏卷)It can be concluded that restaurant keepers need not “be overly concerned ( ) ‘bad’ tables”, given that they're profitable.
3.Up to now, scientists haven't found a right reason to explain why dinosaurs died ( ) about 65 million years ago.
4.By no means shall we abandon searching( ) the missing people.
5.Michael put up a picture of Messi beside the bed to keep himself reminded ( ) his own dreams.
6.After days of heavy rain, people began to realize the rising lake posed a threat ( ) villages around it.
die out, on average, adapt to, make out, due to, search for, stir up
1.It is a pity that nowadays, a large number of old customs are gradually ( ).
2.The management asked experienced workers to help newcomers so that they could ( ) the work as soon as possible.
3.( ) poor efficiency, it didn't turn out as planned, which disappointed the whole group.
4.There are the matters which will affect you deeply and are surely to ( ) anger inside you and make you feel powerless.
5.A dense white fog enveloped the whole city, which made it difficult for us to ( ) what was in front.
( ),_it is important to understand that climate change is a process.
People around the world should ( ) of water shortage.
His writing is so confusing that it's difficult to ( ).
( ) led her to the way of success.
(2021·东北三省四市高考模拟一)Running after fireflies (萤火虫) on a warm summer night might become a rare childhood memory if humans don't take action.There are over 2,000 different firefly species around the world, but their populations are decreasing due to artificial light pollution, pesticides (杀虫剂) and smaller habitat size.
A team of Tufts University led researchers surveyed scientists and conservationists about the threats to firefly populations around the world.According to the study, one of the main threats to fireflies in East Asia and South America is artificial light.Fireflies light up to attract mates, but they can easily mistake human made lights as potential partners.Adult fireflies typically live only a few days, which doesn't give them long time to find a mate.
Humans' destroying the insects' natural habitats creates another threat.During their larval phase (幼虫期), Malaysian fireflies live in riverside bushes that are often pulled out for human made fish farms.In Europe, Lampyris fireflies are finding less food to eat due to the growing urbanization of what were once woods and farmlands.In Malaysia, adult Pteroptyx fireflies that usually prefer to mate in specific trees next to rivers have to find new mating areas because the trees are being cut down for farmhouses.
The study also looked at the effects of climate change, tourism, invasive (侵入的) species and water pollution.On a positive note, while fireflies around the world seem to be suffering from the previously mentioned issues, Big Dipper fireflies living in the US happen to be booming.“Those guys can survive pretty much anywhere,”said Sara Lewis, a biologist from Tufts University.
The study urges countries where firefly populations are dwindling to take measures to preserve suitable habitats, lessen light pollution, reduce use of pesticides and develop better guidelines for tourism around known firefly areas.
1.What mainly causes the drop of the firefly population in East Asia
A.Light pollution. B.Habitat loss.
C.Climate change. D.Food shortage.
2.Which of the following is more likely to adapt to the environment
A.The Malaysian firefly.
B.The Lampyris firefly.
C.The Pteroptyx firefly.
D.The Big Dipper firefly.
3.What does the underlined word “dwindling” in paragraph 5 mean
A.On the rise. B.On the decrease.
C.Under control. D.Out of control.
4.What does the text mainly talk about
A.Watching fireflies is a rare childhood memory.
B.Cooperation is the key to firefly protection.
C.Urbanization becomes a main threat to fireflies.
D.Human activities lead to fewer firefly populations.
(2021·山东新高考第一次模拟)Next time you find yourself tending to your flower garden,you may want to stay quiet.The flowers are listening.
Israeli scientists discovered that the plants hear bees approaching and attempt to lure them in with sweeter nectar (花蜜).In several experiments, they found that playing audio recordings of buzzing bees around certain flowers will cause the sugar concentration in the nectar to rise by about 20% in less than five minutes.Such a rapid reaction by plants to sound had never previously been reported.Just to make a comparison, the researchers also tried a higher frequency noise—like that made by a mosquito or a bat—and the flowers did not respond.
The authors pointed out that the behavior is actually in line with the natural order of things, considering that a plant's ability to sense its environment and respond to it is critical for its survival.So, it seems that plants have some sort of consciousness.
This is not the first time that plants have reacted to the sound around them.In a 2009 study, the researchers found that women's voices help make plants grow faster.In that experiment,tomato plants were found to grow two inches taller when they were tended to by a female gardener.
What if we told you that a potato chip bag left on the floor of a break room could listen in on office gossip As people were talking around the potato chip bag, they were sending tiny sound vibrations (震动) into the air.Those vibrations then hit lifeless objects around the room.If you had a camera that was zoomed in on one of those objects extremely closely, in theory, you could actually see the object move along with the vibrations.You could then feed that video into a computer program that could translate the vibrations and you could play back the audio of the conversation that just took place.
So the next time you're at the botanical garden or in a grocery aisle,be careful what you say.Someone—or something—might be listening.
5.Which of the following best explains “lure” in paragraph 2
A.Shut. B.Attract.
C.Trap. D.Lead.
6.What is vital for plants to survive
A.The soil they depend on to grow.
B.The audio recordings played to them.
C.The identification to the sound frequency.
D.The power to sense and react to the environment.
7.What can speed up the growth of plants
A.The women's voice.
B.The strength of the vibration.
C.The species of the young plant.
D.The number of the music played.
8.What is the main idea of the text
A.The frequency of vibrations determines plants' growth.
B.Sound vibrations can be processed into audio.
C.Buzzing bees can increase the production of nectar.
D.Plants or lifeless objects may have the ability to listen.
(2021·潍坊一中考前模拟)I had a student today who got his finger stuck inside a test tube in science class. It was really quite stuck.This young man's finger __1__ to get whiter and whiter right before my eyes.
Remaining __2__, I suggested he carefully rotate (转动) the tube.It wouldn't move a bit.He __3__ soap and cold water.Still stuck.Meanwhile __4__ was breaking out in the class.__5__, I sent the young man to our secretary, who was a miracle worker raising three kids of her own.With her in charge, I was __6__ all would be OK.
To get the students back in order, I __7__ my own story of getting my knee stuck between the rails of a balcony.Same kind of curiosity, I remembered __8__ then how far I could thrust (塞) my knee between the rails.Inch by inch, I kept __9__ and before I knew it, my knee was stuck and __10__ before my eyes and in front of lots of strangers at a popular Las Vegas hotel!
Hearing my story, many students followed with their own __11__ of heads, arms, fingers stuck in places they shouldn't be.A few minutes later, the young man came back, test tube unbroken and finger __12__ to lovely shade of pink.
I just couldn't get mad at this kid.He's only twelve.I too got my knee unstuck, but not without great __13__.The excuse for me, however, was not __14__ but plain stupidity.I was __15__ fifty years old when this happened.
1.A.used B.needed
C.happened D.continued
2.A.calm B.silent
C.cheerful D.active
3.A.lost B.fetched
C.tried D.accepted
4.A.fire B.chaos
C.violence D.argument
5.A.Finally B.Gradually
C.Frequently D.Apparently
6.A.happy B.doubtful
C.surprised D.confident
7.A.shared B.wrote
C.read D.heard
8.A.calculating B.explaining
C.wondering D.reporting
9.A.pushing B.climbing
C.walking D.kicking
10.A.shaking B.lifting
C.resting D.swelling
11.A.findings B.conclusions
C.stories D.news
12.A.pointing B.returning
C.belonging D.growing
13.A.encouragement B.disappointment
C.embarrassment D.achievement
14.A.ambition B.youth
C.bravery D.experiment
15.A.above all B.in total
C.after all D.at random
(2021·广东惠州一模)Today, Mount Qomolangma's peak is not a lonely place any more.Over 3,500 people have 1.____________(successful) climbed the mountain over the past years.Meanwhile, climbers have complained about 2.____________(wait) for hours in the bottlenecks.
In fact, the dangerous 3.____________(crowd) aren't the only problem.All those climbers need 4.____________(bring) a lot of gear (装置) and much of them ends up being left on the mountains, becoming the world's 5.____________(tall) rubbish dump.
But the good news is 6.____________ some mountaineers are overtaking it to clean up Qomolangma.Mountaineers Paul and Eberhard are part of Eco Everest Expedition which has been cleaning up rubbish since 2008.So far they 7.____________(collect) over 13 tons of garbage.
Some of that rubbish is even being used for 8.____________ higher purpose.As part of the Mount Everest 8844 Art Project, a group of 15 artists from Nepal collected 1.5 tons of garbage.They've changed the cans and oxygen tanks into 74 pieces of art that have been exhibited 9.____________ Nepal's capital.Part of the profit from sales 10.____________(be) available for the Everest Pakeers Association which has helped collect tons of rubbish off the mountain.