Module 4 A Social Survey — My Neighbourhood
I. 模块教学目标
技能目标Skill Goals
▲ Talk about neighbourhood
▲ Learn how to show position and direction
▲ Learn the present perfect tense
▲ Learn to describe where you live
II. 目标语言
Showing position and direction
The Summer Palace is in the suburb of Beijing.
The city Urumqi is in the northwest of china.
Japan is to the east of china.
Chongqing is on the east of Sichuan.
1. 四会词汇
neighbourhood, local, suburb, hometown, attractive, fortunate, pretty, sound, tourist, bother, nuisance, rent, district, approach, harbour, gorgeous, architecture, starve, park(v.), traffic, organization, unemployed, household, occupation, professional, manual, employment, exchange, fascinating, afford, survive, contact
2. 认读词汇
survey, committee, gallery
3. 词组
put up, so far, up to now, till now, get away from, a great many, a number of, go up
Present perfect tense used for recent events
They’ve put up a lot of high-rise buildings recently.
Present perfect tense used for experiences
I’ve seen quite a lot of China.
Present perfect tense used with words that cannot last
We’ve started a holiday club for children.
Present perfect tense used with words that can last
I’ve worked for it for four years now.
And this is the first time I’ve visited your hometown. P32
It’s been six years since we last saw each other, you know. P32
It’s been very successful, so far. P36
Up to now, I’ve understood everything the teacher’s said. P36
We’ve had very good weather this winter, till now. P36
But they are never beautiful in the way that the countryside is beautiful. P37
Another problem is that it is becoming more and more difficult for farmers to make money from their farms. P39
III. 教材分析与教材重组
1. 教材分析
本模块的中心话题是A Social Survey — My Neighbourhood,围绕如何介绍居住地或所熟悉的城市展开。谈论的话题涉及描述居住地、指示地点和方向、了解社区居委会等。旨在通过本模块的学习,使学生学会使用一些描述某一地方的词汇,以及就neighbourhood这一话题发表自己的观点,并能通过进行社会调查,写出描述neighbourhood近期变化以及居委会工作及所起作用的一篇调查报告。
1.1 INTRODUCTION介绍了一些与建筑、居住地以及某个地方有关的词汇,以及两篇学生描述自己neighbourhood的示范小短文,使学生初步了解这些词的意义,为本模块的学习奠定良好的基础。
1.2 READING AND VOCABULARY部分提供了一段对话,介绍厦门市的地理位置、气候及城市概况。让学生阅读文章后完成练习,培养学生的快速阅读能力,以及对词汇的认读和应用能力。
1.3 GRAMMAR 1部分要求学生通过分析句意了解现在完成时,并能够区分一般过去时与现在完成时。
1.4 LISTENING AND VOCABULARY部分含两篇关于社区的对话形式的听力材料。要求学生在听完一段材料后,能够抓住大意并获取自己所需的一些数据信息。
1.5 GRAMMAR 2部分学习两类不同动词,即延续性动词和非延续性动词在现在完成时中的用法,并要求学生学会正确运用。
1.8 EVERYDAY ENGLISH部分使学生通过做选择题掌握七个日常用语的意义,达到会正确使用的目的。
1.9 FUNCTION AND SPEAKING部分要求学生练习怎样指示方向及地点,并能在对话练习中熟练运用。
1.10 CULTURAL CORNER是一篇介绍西欧农村生活变化的文章,使学生了解一些关于西方国家社会生活的知识。
1.11 TASK部分要求学生根据本模块所学知识写一篇关于自己所住地区的调查报告,是对学生综合运用语言能力及社会实践能力的检验。
2. 教材重组
2.3 将GRAMMAR 1,GRAMMAR 2与WORKBOOK中Grammar整合在一起,上一节“语法课”。
2.5 将CULTURAL CORNER与WORKBOOK中Reading整合在一起,上一节“泛读课”。
2.6 将WRITING,TASK与WORKBOOK中的Exercises 18-19整合在一起,上一节“写作课”。
3. 课型设计与课时分配
1st Period Speaking
2nd Period Reading
3rd Period Grammar
4th Period Listening
5th Period Extensive Reading
6th Period Writing
IV. 分课时教案
The First Period Speaking
Teaching goals 教学目标
1. Target language 目标语言
a. 重点词汇和短语
apartment, apartment block, countryside, high-rise building, local, suburb, neighbourhood, across the water
b. 重点句式 P31
He lives with his parents in a suburb in the northeast of the city.
She lives in the countryside in southern Liaoning, about fifty miles away from the city of Dalian.
2. Ability goals 能力目标
Enable the students to talk about their neighbourhood and know how to show position and direction.
3. Learning ability goals 学能目标
Teach the students to learn how to introduce the neighbourhood with the target language.
Teaching important && difficult points 教学重点和难点
Learn how to describe the neighbourhood and give directions.
Teaching methods 教学方法
Pair work, speaking and task-based method.
Teaching aids 教具准备
A computer, a projector and some slides
Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式
Step I Greetings and Lead-in
T: Good morning / afternoon, class!
Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Mr / Ms...
T: We have known each other for more than one month but do you know where I come from? You can guess. Perhaps some of you have known it.
Ss: Are you from Xi’an?
T: Yes, you are right. I come from Xi’an. It is a very beautiful city and one of the six ancient capitals in China. Have you been there? And how much do you know about it?
S: Xi’an is the capital of Shannxi province. And it is famous for its delicious food and tourist attractions. Though I haven’t been there, I have learnt a lot about it by watching TV.
T: Then do you know what the most famous tourist attraction is?
S: I think the most famous thing in Xi’an is the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Emperor Qin Shihuang.
T: Yes, every year thousands of people from other parts of China or from other countries visit the Emperor Qin’s Terracotta Museum. Have some of you visited it?
S: Last summer I have visited it with my parents. It is the biggest on-site museum in China. The museum looks quite elegant and delightful. Three main buildings of the museum, which are named Pit 1, Pit 2, Pit 3, were constructed on their original sites in different periods of time.
T: I believe you have learnt a lot of knowledge by visiting it about history, culture and human civilization.
S: Yes, I think so.
T: Very good. I suggest you visit famous tourist attractions all over our country when you have spare time. By doing this, you can enlarge your view and knowledge. OK! Besides the Emperor Qin’s Terracotta Museum, there are many other tourist attractions in Xi’an, such as the Huaqing Pool, Da Yan Tower etc. And the most famous food is Jiaozi dinner, Tang-style dinner and pancake soaked in mutton broth. They are all delicious. Welcome you to Xi’an and welcome you to visit my home. There I live with my parents in a two-storey house, which is in a suburb in the southeast of the city. We have lived there for over ten years. OK. Today we are going to learn a new module about neighbourhood.
Step II Warming up
T: Now please look at some words on the screen and pick up those we can use to describe buildings. I will give you one minute.
Show the words on the slide.
apartment, apartment block, countryside, five-storey, local, high-rise building, mile, (second) floor, suburb, stone
T: Time’s up. Volunteer?
S: I think there are 6 words that can describe buildings. They are apartment, apartment block, five-storey, high-rise building, (second) floor and stone.
T: Yes, you are right. What about the other words?
Ss: The others can be used to describe where the buildings are.
T: Well done. Now please open your books to page 31. Read the two short passages carefully, then decide if the sentences on the screen are true or false. If they are false, please correct them. I will give you two minutes to complete them.
While the students are reading the passages, show the sentences on the slide.
1. Zhang Hua lives with his parents in the center of the city.
2. Lin Xiaoyun lives in the countryside in southern Liaoning, about thirty miles away from the city of Dalian.
3. Lin’s parents have recently built a house which is two storeys high.
After two minutes.
T: Who will tell us if the sentences are true or false? Volunteer?
S: The first one is false. Zhang Hua lives with his parents in a suburb in the northeast of the city.
S: The second one is false. Lin Xiaoyun lives in the countryside in southern Liaoning, about fifty miles away from the city of Dalian.
S: The third one is correct.
Step III Speaking
T: Now please turn to page 38. Answer the questions of Activity 1 in FUNCTION AND SPEAKING. One question, one person.
Students answer the questions one by one.
Sample answers:
1. Tian’anmen Square is in the middle of Beijing.
2. The British Isles are near continental Europe.
3. Guangzhou is in the south of China.
4. The city Urumqi is in the northwest of China.
5. The Summer Palace is in the suburb of Beijing.
6. We can see the high-rise buildings of Pudong across the water.
Combine Activity 3 on page 31 with Exercise 17 on page 90 in WORKBOOK. Make the students work in pairs to discuss the questions on the slide.
T: Now please work in pairs. Describe your homes according to the questions on the screen, and compare your homes. A few minutes later, I’ll ask some pairs to act out your dialogues.
Show the questions on the screen.
1. How big is your flat / house?
2. Where is your flat / house located?
3. Is it close to your school?
4. Is it close to your parents’ place(s) of work?
5. Do you like your neighbourhood?
6. Do you have good neighbours?
7. Are there parks or other public facilities nearby?
8. Is there good public transportation?
9. Are there markets and shops nearby?
After they have finished, ask one or two pairs to repeat their dialogues in front of the class.
A sample dialogue:
S1: I live with my parents in a fifteen-storey apartment which is in a suburb in the southeast of Beijing. Our apartment isn’t very big. Because it isn’t close to either our school or my parents’ places of work, we have to take bus everyday. Fortunately, there is very good public transportation. What about you?
S2: I also live with my parents. We live near our school in a flat which isn’t big, either. Everyday I walk only about five minutes to get to school. But my parents have to take bus to get to their places of work. By the way, are your neighbours kind and good?
S1: Yes, they are all kind people. We get along quite well with each other. We always visit each other at our leisure.
S2: You know, in 2008, the 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. In recent years, Beijing has taken on a new look. More and more high-rise buildings have been put up and the air has become fresher and fresher. However, I only know the condition of urban districts, what about the suburb?
S1: The same thing has happened to the suburb.
Step IV Homework
T: Today, we’ve learnt how to describe the neighbourhood and direction, and we’ve also learnt some new words and useful expressions. You should review them after class. Besides, collect some information about the city of Xiamen. OK! That’s all for today. See you tomorrow!