Unit 8(Period 4 Checkout time & Writing time)教学设计
Unit 8 Dolls 第四课时:Checkout time & Writing time
词汇:eye, nose, mouth, ear, hair, big, small, fat, thin, tall, short, long…
句型:He/ She is…. His/ Her…is/are…
词汇:arm, leg, tail, a pair of glasses…
拓展句型结构He/She has…
学生能初步感知动词三单has, likes的用法。
Step 1 Warm up
Sing a song: Head, shoulders, knees and toes
learning aims:
Step 2 Lead in
Brain storm
Teacher gives the sample words: eyes; big; big eyes.
Students say more similar words.
Teacher shows two pictures. Students describe them with sentences:
His/Her...is /are....
Let’s talk
Students talk about the robot in Cartoon time.
T: Can you talk about the robot
S: His eyes are big. His nose is big. His ears are big.
His arms are long. His legs are short.
(Supplementary teaching: arm, leg)
Help students make the sentences better.
T: Look at these sentences. They all have the same words-big. Can you try to change something to make them better
S: His nose and ears are big too.
T: Good. We can use “and” to make a long sentence.
T: What about these two Long and short, they are opposite words. So we can use...
S: But. His arms are long, but his legs are short.
T: We can use some conjunctions like “and”, “but” to make a sentence better.
PPT Shows: Tip 1: 表达时,巧用连词,语意连贯。
【设计意图:利用Cartoon time中已经学过的机器人形象,帮助学生复习已学过的内容,并让学生在已知的基础上较轻松地优化句子的表达。】
Let’s listen
Students listen to a text about the robot. Then answer: what can he do
T: In cartoon time, do you remember, what can the robot do
T: What else can he do Let’s listen.
S: He can talk/ jump/ dance/ sing/ cook/ draw.
T: Great. The robot can draw. He draws some picture. Let’s enjoy the pictures.
【设计意图:利用听力,帮助学生复习已经学过的can的句型,为之后的表达做铺垫,并导入checkout time的教学内容。】
Step 3 Presentation
Let’s talk
Students talk about the first picture in Checkout time.
T: look at the dog. How is the dog
(Supplementary teaching: tail)
T: Three sentences are in the same structure. Can you try to change anything
S: He has a short tail.
T: Great. Pay attention: He has...
T: When we talk, we can use different sentence patterns.
PPT Shows: Tip 2: 表达时,句式多样,变换灵活。
Let’s listen
Students listen to a text about the second picture in Checkout time.; answer the question: What body parts are mentioned
T: the cat has more body parts like head, hands and so on. But we only talk about the three parts, why
T: Yes. When we describe, we should catch the key points.
PPT Shows: Tip 3:表达时,抓住重点,适当增减。
Let’s guess
Students read a text; guess who it is; finish a table.
(Supplementary teaching: tooth, teeth)
Make a profile
Students talk about what Bobby likes and what Bobby can do according to some pictures they learned before. Then finish the profile of Bobby.
PPT Shows: Tip 4:表达时,观察细节,丰富内容。
【设计意图:通过对Checkout time中的两幅图的口头表达以及文字描述,引导学生尝试运用不同的句子结构进行表达。加上学生所熟悉的Bobby,在外貌描写的基础上,适当增减,补充了like和can两部分内容,丰富表达内容。】
Step 4 Practice
Let’s talk
Teacher shows a picture of her friend, Rosa. Students talk about her appearance.
(Supplementary teaching: a pair of glasses)
T: I also draw a picture of my best friend. She is Rosa and she is 29 years old. Look at my picture; can you say something about her appearance
S: Her name is Rosa. She is 29 years old. She is nice and cute. Her hair is long. Her eyes are big. She has a pair of glasses.
Make a profile
Students watch some pictures and get information about what Rosa like and what she can do. Finish the table and expression.
S: She likes flowers. She likes animals. She likes cakes. She can cook. She can make cakes.
With the help of the four tips, students change the sentences to be better.
(Supplementary teaching: favourite, His/Her favourite ... is/are....)
She likes flowers. She has many flowers in her home. She likes animals. Her favourite (animals) are giraffes. She likes cakes and she can make them well. They are nice. She can cook yummy food too.
Add a beginning, an ending and a title, get a completed composition.
Step 5 Consolidation
Let’s write
Students write a composition about someone’s profile according to what they learned in this lesson.
Let’s check
Teacher chooses one or two students’ writing, and show how to revise a composition.
Students work in pairs, read and revise the composition.
Step 6 Homework
Read your writing and try to make it better with your partner.