2021-2022学年高中英语人教版必修第二册Unit1 Cultural Heritage-Period 6 Assessing Your Progress教案-


名称 2021-2022学年高中英语人教版必修第二册Unit1 Cultural Heritage-Period 6 Assessing Your Progress教案-
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-01-25 20:52:04



People’s Education Press Book 2 Unit 1
Cultural Heritage
Period 6 Assessing Your Progress
How can you take part in cultural heritage protection Read the passage. Then complete the phrases below and use them to finlsh the passage.
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Getting young people to activities to protect their national heritage is a good way to introduce them to their country's history As they learn mora about whare they coma from, they will hopefully tell others about thair country and culture. Df course, teachers must between teaching the good and bad parts of a country’s history. Learning only the good parts can narrow thinking. Laarning the bad parts may help
those kinds of things happening again. Students who know their history and culture are mora lika|y to that their cultural heritage is protected, and teachers can motivate students by asking them to oome up with their own ideas and make proposals for ways to protect this. One possible idea is for students to raisa or moray an organisation or group that protects thelr cou tryl cultural heritage. Teachers may also
their local museums or historical societies for help in getting students mor+ interacted in this important fleld.
2’ Read the conversatlon and learn about intangible cultural heritage flCH).
Then complete it with the correct relative pronouns or adverbs.
A: My taachar just gava us a task I laally don't know how to do. I have to take part in an ofganisation protects our cu8ural heritage.
B: Oh, that sounds intsrasting! Where ara you planning to go I'm sura thara are ali kinds of historic sltes aJltUrat relics need to be protected,
A: Yes, but I’m no] one of those people love museums. I think they‘re kind of boring. I like going on field trips I can experience and do things to protect cultural relics.
B: Cultural h ritege is a Ici1 more than just relief, you know. For example, our country has many nationdities dances, crafts, and other traditiaris are also vary important. If we don't protectlfiose traditions, there may coraa a time they disappear,

*Project: Learn about intangible cultural heritage
A country's cultural heritage includes not only temples, palaces, and other cultural relics, but also its traditions, customs, and knowledge, such as dances, arts, and crafts. Learn more about intangible cultural heritage and prepare a class presentation.
J Work in pairs. Look at the examples of Chinese IC.H and discuss the questions.
Are you familiar with any of these examples of Chinese ICH Tell your partner what you know about them.
Have you ever observed or taken part in any of tham If so, when and where Share your experiences with your partner.
What other kinds of ICH do you know about Share what you know with your partner
Work in groups. Choose something that represents ICH. Use the library or the Internet to do research. You can refer to the questions below as a guide.
v Whal is it v What are its characteristics What does it look like v How is rt used/done/made
Who uses/does it v Does it have any symbolic meaning
x Why should we protect it v How can we protect it
Nake a presentation to the class about the ICH that you have chosen.
Teaching Design Analysis Book 2 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage
Period 6 Assessing Your Progress
Good afternoon, distinguished judges. It’s my great pleasure to be here to share with you some of my ideas of the teaching design of Book 2 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage, Period 6 – Assessing Your Progress. The presentation consists of the following four parts.
Part I Teaching philosophy
Firstly, I’d like to talk about my teaching philosophy. The whole design is based on my understanding of the new English curriculum standards for senior high schools. The new curriculum lays emphasis on students’ core competencies. In order to achieve it, the activity-based approach to English learning and the big ideas are also put forward in it. Accordingly, I designed a series of varied levels of activities to help students think, practice and then promote their core competencies, following the principle of Consistency between teaching, learning and assessing.
Part II General introduction
Next, I’ll introduce some general information.
Analysis of the teaching material
First, I’d like to introduce the unit as a whole.
Overall analysis of the whole unit
The teaching material is from Book 2 Unit 1 of People’s Education Press. The topic of this unit is cultural heritage with the theme of human and society. The content of this unit can be divided into three parts – a basic understanding of cultural heritage, the problems cultural heritage is facing and the protection and passing down of cultural heritage. The content of each period is presented in the form of listening, speaking, reading, writing and viewing. This lesson is Period 6 – assessing your progress, which reviews the whole unit and helps students put what they
learn into use and form the big ideas.
Analysis of this period
With the topic of cultural heritage, this period can be divided into three parts. Part 1 is language assessment, including reviewing the words and chunks and the grammar learnt in this unit. Part 2 is the self- reflection part. Part 3 involves a project.
As the last but two period in this unit, the focus of it has been switched to domestic and intangible cultural heritage.
Analysis of the students
This lesson is designed for Senior One students. They are curious, enthusiastic and creative. In former periods, they have learned about some famous cultural heritage at home and abroad and have a certain understanding of tangible cultural heritage but are not clear about intangible cultural heritage. So, they are encouraged to do some research before the class and share the stories behind intangible cultural heritage during the class.
Teaching objectives
Combining the analysis of teaching material and the analysis of students, the teaching objectives are set as follows.
By the end of this class, students are expected to be able to:
① review and practise the key words and chunks, relative pronouns and relative
adverbs learned in this unit.
② present stories about intangible cultural heritage
③ analyze the dilemma of intangible cultural heritage and reflect on how to protect it
Among these objectives, it is critical to direct students to review and practise the language and grammar. However, how to help students to present their stories and enlighten them to analyze and reflect remains a challenge.
Teaching methods
To achieve these objectives, task-based language teaching and communicative approach are applied. At the same time, students learn by autonomous learning and collaborative learning, using different interaction patterns.
Part III Teaching procedures
Next, I’d like to introduce my teaching procedures.
As this class involves a presentation project, one week before the class, I showed the pictures to students to check how much they know about intangible cultural heritage. They had no difficulty in recognizing them and then formed 6 groups according to their own interest.
To better guide them, some questions were offered to them. Students were also reminded to tell the stories behind the intangible cultural heritage expressively using proper words and chunks and clearly written sentences and paragraphs. Some journals, books, websites, TV programs and model English stories were also recommended to them for their reference.
During the class, the teaching procedures are arranged in the order of assessing, reflecting, presenting and summary. All the activities are directed by the level of reviewing, practising and innovating. Then I will follow the steps to show each section.
First, students read two short paragraphs and chose the proper words and chunks to fill in the blanks. The step is designed to provide situations for students to review and use the key words and chunks and thus develop their language competence. After finishing the exercise, students discussed in pairs about how to group these words and chunks. In this section, students can be more aware of the usage of the key words and chunks and the semantic field around the topic “cultural heritage” can be constructed.
As for the grammar assessing part, students were encouraged to translate some sentences using attributive clauses to describe people and
things in greater detail. This section also scaffolds students to polish their following presentations.
Just as a philosopher and educator John Dewey once said, we don’t learn from experiences; we learn from reflecting on them. In this period, it is necessary to remind students to reflect on their own progress and improvements. This part emphasizes on students’ self-monitoring on their own studying process, helping students to adjust their learning strategies to be more autonomous learners.
The next presenting part is a comprehensive language using activity which is more open, practical and challenging, requiring students’ more time and energies. After one weeks’ preparation, they proved to be cooperative and really amazing.
Group 1 went to experience paper-cutting in person. They realized that paper-cutting can travel the time to express people’s wishes for auspiciousness and happiness. Group 2 shared the story of a kitemaker Yang Hongwei. They named the story “strings” because they thought the strings of kites represent the link between people. Group 3 performed a short play about writing spring couplets and proudly showed their calligraphy works. The group studying Guqin were drowned in the graceful music.
What’s more, the group studying opera chose Qunqu as their topic, which is among the first batch of intangible cultural heritage in China. They actively consulted a local Qunqu artist and learned the spoken parts of Peony Pavilion.
The last group focused on local intangible cultural heritage, and they were fascinated by the charm of Silk Carving(绫刻). They even shot a vlog to record their discovering process.
In all, students told six vivid stories which were informative and touching. After sharing, students from other groups graded the presentation based on accuracy, coherence and expressiveness. The section gives chances for students to present stories about intangible cultural heritage and develops their learning capacity and cultural
In the summary part, to develop students’ thinking quality, I showed students more examples of intangible cultural heritage, and then students thought deeper about core spirit of it. They all agreed that it is the perseverance and the pursuing of perfection that is the core spirit of intangible cultural heritage, namely, craftsmanship spirit. They also discussed the problems and dilemmas that intangible cultural heritage is facing and tried to figure out some solutions. Students realized that to well protect, inherit and make good use of these precious treasures is our shared responsibility, for cultural heritage reminds us of who we are, where we come from and how far we have traveled.
Part IV Homework& blackboard design
After class, students were required to sort out their idea and write a letter to consolidate what they have learned this class. They can choose one to finish based on their own ability levels.
Blackboard design
The blackboard design of this class was finished by students and me, consisting of semantic field, the titles of six stories and the key word craftsmanship spirit.
Part V Teaching reflection
features of design
To sum up, the whole class went smoothly with most teaching objectives achieved. All the activities are based on and aimed at the big idea. The class helps students pay more attention to our rich and splendid domestic and local culture. The whole class is student-centred and encourages students to work together to use English to tell Chinese stories. This class assesses students’ progress though their presenting, enhancing their core competencies especially learning capacity and cultural awareness, and thus implementing the essential aim of fostering virtue through education.
But when I reflected the whole class, it came to me that we can make better use of learning resources inside and outside the classroom to make it into a project learning combining more subjects, or a STEAM class. Another thing that this class taught me is that students cannot experience enough culture in one single lesson, we teachers should be the successors of traditional culture to better cultivate them.
But the most impressive part is students’ excellent performance. If you don’t give students chances and proper guidance, you’ll never know how talented and creative they can be. Just like if you don’t walk into the garden, you’ll never know how beautiful the spring is.
Last but not least, here are my references and acknowledgements. I want to thank those devoted artists for their inspiration. And I want to give my sincere thanks for your attention. Thank you very much for your listening!
学科 英语 实施年级 高一 设计者 张苏涵
使用教材 人教版(2019)必修二
单元名称 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage
单元课时 7 课时
教学设计围绕 Cultural Heritage 这一单元主题,利用记叙文、新闻、视频等多模态语篇,创设真实情境,激活学生已有知识和经验,设计富有逻辑、层层递进的教-学-评一体化活动,使学生在主题语境中学习理解、应用实践和迁移创新,逐步加深对中外文化遗产的认知,了解文化遗产的现状和面临的问题, 思考如何力所能及地参与文化遗产保护,推动学科核心素养落地课堂。
1.主题名称 人与社会
2.主题概述 本单元以文化遗产为话题,探讨在“人与社会”的主题之下,引导学生了解中外文化遗产保护的历史和现状,所面临的问题以及相应的解决方法。在了解的基础上,引导学生结合自己的生活,积极思考如何能够参与文化遗产保护,并付诸行动。 首先,开篇页的引言“Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations.”来自联合国世界遗产中心,点明了文化遗产的历史、现实和对未来的重要意义,是人类联系过去,现在和未来的纽带,为本单元的话题做了铺垫。主题图上两个儿童并肩坐在长城的台阶上眺望, 寓意保护文化遗产应该从小做起,既要脚踏实地,又要面向未来。 单元第一课时是 Listening and Speaking。该板块的活动主题是“参加青少年项目”(Take part in a youth project)。听力文本是关于一个国际青少年文化遗产保护项目的采访。学生通过听力文本中对青少年参与文化遗产保护的描述了解文化遗产保护的意义。鼓励学生运用所学知识、结合自身兴趣和优势等,参与到文化 遗产保护的行动中。
单元第二课时是 Reading and Thinking。该板块以“了解怎样解决问题” (Understand how a problem was solved)为活动主题。学生阅读的文本为记叙文, 文章引导学生分析和探讨在修建阿斯旺大坝的过程中,文化遗产保护所面临的挑战和问题,以及解决过程和方法。促使学生在理解的基础上,关注国际合作在问题解决过程中的关键作用,重视文化遗产保护与社会经济发展的平衡与协调关系。 单元第三课时是 Discovering Useful Structures。该板块的活动主题是“更细致地描写人或事物”(Describe people and things in greater detail)。本课时的主要内容是在学习必修 1 限制性定语从句的基础上,进一步复习并熟练掌握限制性定语从句的形式、意义和功能,体会这一语法手段可以使人和事物的描述更加丰富、充实和生动。设计遵循“发现—总结归纳—练习—运用”的 思路,让学生关注语言形式和意义,提高语言能力。 单元第四课时是 Listening and Talking。该板块的活动主题是“谈论历史和文化”(Talk about history and culture)。学生通过听取游客和导游在游览克里姆林宫、红场及周边建筑时进行的对话,获取主要信息,并能在新的语境中运用“启动交谈”这一语言结构。 单元第五课时是 Reading for Writing。该板块的活动主题是“写篇新闻”(Write a new report)。本课时阅读文本是一则关于利用数字技术制作敦煌莫高窟文物图像的新闻报道。教学逻辑顺序是“文本内容理解—文本结构和语言内容分析—写作情景设置—完成写作任务—展示写作成果”。这一过程能培养学生提炼关键信息以及概括、归纳要点的高阶思维能力,培养和提高学生分析、归纳、总结等思维能力和批判性思维能力。 单元第六课时是 Assessing Your Progress,包括 Vocabulary & Grammar, Reflecting, Project 三个板块。前两个板块针对本单元重点词汇和语法进行复习,回顾本单元主要内容。项目活动是“学习非物质文化遗产”(Learn about intangible cultural heritage),以小组形式完成报告的任务,紧扣单元主题,展示中国的非物质文化遗产,体现较高的综合语言运用能力及总结概括能力。 单元第七课时是 Video Time。该板块提供了名为“The Great Wall”的视频资 料,介绍了居住在八达岭长城附近的梅景田老人三十年如一日清除长城杂草的事迹,记录了志愿者与中外游客对长城历史文化价值的认同和关注。该视频传递的
3.主题学情分析 Period 1: 学生对泰山有一定感性认知,但不太清楚保护文化遗产,他们可以做什么。 Period 2:学生对中外文化遗产有一定认识,但不了解阿斯旺大坝建立时遇到的困 难和问题,对于文化遗产保护上的国际合作认识不够。
Period 3:学生已学习过定语从句,但应用起来仍有困难。 Period 4: 学生对于俄罗斯克里姆林宫、红场有一定感性认识,但了解不深。学生在开启新聊天、新话题上有困难。 Period 5:学生对敦煌莫高窟有一定的感性认识,但对数字技术保护文化遗产这一全新手段不太了解。学生接触过新闻这一文体,但没有尝试过书写新闻。 Period 6: 学生对于物质文化遗产有一定了解,但对于非物质文化遗产的界定、精神不太了解。学生有尝试过小组活动,但没试过用英文去讲中国故事。 Period 7: 学生对长城较为了解,但不太清楚普通人为保护长城所做的努力。学生 需要意识到保护文化遗产不止是政府的工作,更需要大众的参与。
4. 单元学习目标与课时安排 Cultural Heritage 单元目标与课时安排
单元教学目标 语篇及课时
对文化遗产的了解 了解文化遗产保护的意义 Take part in a youth project 听说,1 课时
使用定语从句更详细地描述人或物 Describe people or things in greater detail 语法,1 课时
谈论历史和文化,学会如何“开启新话题” Talk about history and culture 听说,1 课时
文化遗产面临的问题 了解阿斯旺大坝建立时文化遗产面临的问题和解决办法,关注国际合作在解决问题时的作用 Understand how a problem was solved 读思,1 课时
阅读新闻报告,学习书写新闻 Write a news report 读写,1 课时
保护和传承文 化遗产 了解、保护和传承中国的非物质文化遗 产 Learn about intangible
cultural heritage 单元 Project,1 课时
了解普通人为保护文化遗产作出的努力,意识到普通民众也有责任和能力参与到文化遗产保护中去 The Great Wall 视听说,1 课时
5. 学习活动 在本单元 Period 6: Assessing Your Progress 课时中,挑战性学习任务如下: 学生尝试对本单元重点词汇词组进行分组,更好地了解词汇词组使用的语境, 建构语义场,提升高阶思维能力。 学生尝试在课外时间通过互联网、图书等资源,实地走访、体验等,了解中国非物质文化遗产,并在课堂上使用展示、叙述的方式介绍,充分体现了英语学习活动观,培养学生创新思维和自主学习能力。
6.*开放性学习环境 充分利用网络、图书等资源查找非物质文化遗产相关信息。 通过实地走访、考察、采访手工匠人等方式,了解非物质文化遗产。
7.主题持续性评价 (在学习活动栏里已填写)
8. 单元作业设计 Homework in Period 1 (Listening and Speaking): Write a proposal to call on more students to protect cultural heritage. Homework in Period 2(Reading and Thinking ): Search for more examples of cultural heritage protection and share with us next class. Homework in Period 3(Discovering Useful Structures ): Finish exercises in workbook. Homework in Period 4(Listening and Talking): Prepare a group conversation of sightseeing in a tourist spot and present to the class next period. Homework in Period 5 (Reading for Writing): Polish your writing and compare it with your group members. Write a news report for the passage on Page 64.
Homework in Period 6 (Assessing Your Progress): Suppose you are Li Hua, write a letter to your foreign friend Jim to introduce one ICH. Suppose you are Li Hua, write a suggestion letter to the editor of China Daily on how to protect ICH. Homework in Period 7 (Video Time): Think about what you can do to protect cultural heritage and make a poster in groups.
9. *反思性教学改进 (教学反思在本课时教学设计中填写)
第二部分 课时教学设计
第 6 课时 Assessing Your Progress
1.教材分析 With the topic of cultural heritage, this period can be divided into three parts. Part 1 is language assessment, including reviewing the words and chunks and the grammar learnt in this unit. Part 2 is the self-reflection part. Part 3 involves a project. As the last but two period in this unit, the focus of it has been switched to domestic and intangible cultural heritage.
2.学情分析 This lesson is designed for Senior One students, who are curious, enthusiastic and creative. In former periods, they have learned about some famous cultural heritage at home and abroad and have a certain understanding of tangible cultural heritage but are not clear about intangible cultural heritage. So, they are encouraged to do some research before the class and share the stories behind intangible cultural heritage during the class.
3.教学目标 By the end of this class, students are expected to be able to: ① review and practise the key words and chunks, relative pronouns and relative adverbs learned in this unit. ② present stories about intangible cultural heritage. ③ analyze the dilemma of intangible cultural heritage and reflect on how to protect it.
4.重点难点 Teaching important points
Direct students to review and practise the key words and chunks, relative pronouns and relative adverbs learned in this unit. Teaching difficult points Help students present stories about intangible cultural heritage and analyze the dilemma of intangible cultural heritage and reflect on how to protect it.
5. 教学过程 教学目标 教学活动与步骤 评价要点 时间与互 动模式
To form groups to tell stories and make preparations for the project. Before the class Present to the students some pictures of ICH and let students recognize them. Students form groups based on their own interest. Remind students to refer to the questions and prepare presentations. Students can correctly recognize the ICH in the textbook. Students form groups based on their own interest. CW/GW 5 mins
设计意图: To activate students’ prior knowledge about ICH and encourage them to tell stories referring to these questions.
1. To direct students to review key words and chunks and grammar. Students read two short paragraphs and choose the proper words and chunks to fill in the blanks. Students discuss in pairs about how to group these words and chunks. Students translate some sentences using attributive clauses. Most students can finish the exercises on time and correctly. IW/PW 12 mins
设计意图:The step is designed to provide situations for students to review and use the key words and chunks and thus develop their language competence. Students can be more aware of the usage of the key words and chunks and the semantic field around the topic “cultural heritage” can be constructed. This section also scaffolds
students to polish their following presentations.
2. To remind students to reflect on their own progress and improvements. Students reflect on their own progress and improvements during learning this unit. Students can reflect on themselves objectively. IW 3 mins
设 计 意 图 : To encourage students to reflect on their own progress and improvements, and help them adjust their learning strategies to become more autonomous learners.
3. To encourage students to present stories about ICH. Students present their discoveries about ICH using the ways of telling stories. Other groups grade the performance based on accuracy, coherence and expressiveness. Students can clearly interpret an ICH and convey the spirit of it. GW 20 mins
设计意图:To give chances for students to present stories about ICH and develop their learning capacity and cultural awareness.
4. To dig deeper about the core spirit of ICH and discuss the problems and dilemmas ICH is facing. Students look at more examples of ICH and think about the core spirit of ICH. Students talk about the dilemmas ICH is facing and try to figure out solutions. Students can realize that it is the spirit that we should pass down. CW/IW 5 mins
设计意图:To direct students to think deeper about intangible cultural heritage and form the big ideas that they should protect and pass down ICH.
7.作业布置 Homework(choose one): Suppose you are Li Hua, write a letter to your foreign friend Jim to introduce one ICH. Suppose you are Li Hua, write a suggestion letter to the editor of China Daily on how to protect ICH.
8.教学反思 Teachers should make better use of learning resources inside and outside the classroom to make it into a project learning combining more subjects, or a STEAM class. Because students cannot experience enough culture in one single lesson, we teachers should be the successors of traditional culture to better cultivate students. Students’ performances are excellent and amazing. It is all worthwhile to let students be the stars and tell the stories by themselves. If you don’t give students chances and proper guidance, you’ll never know how talented and creative they can be. Just like if you don’t walk into the garden, you’ll never know how beautiful the spring is. I want to give my acknowledgements for paper-cutting artist Han Xuemin, silk carving artist He Fu, Guqin and Qunqu artist Liu Hengwei. Students and I are all moved by their devotion and inspiration. As a teacher who has great impact on students, I will work hard to continue to inherit traditional Chinese culture and inspire my students carrying on their good work.
Appendix: Students’ Learning Guide
Book 2 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Period 6 Assessing Your Progress Name: Class:
Activity 1: Fill in the blanks with the words and chunks we have learned in this unit.
The cultural heritage is our treasures , whether at home or from . However, many or cultural relics are when the old must the new, which great losses.
In order to cultural heritage, many people money organizations that protect our country’s cultural heritage, it is well protected.
Students should our culture and tradition. Teachers may also local museums for help in getting students to the activities to protect cultural heritage.
Group the adjectives/verbs/verb phrases above.
Cultural heritage
Description Problems Protection
Activity 2: Translate the sentences using attributive clauses.
Activity 3: Self-reflection
How well you use the words and expressions to describe cultural heritage and its problems and protection
How well you use attributive clauses to describe people and things in greater detail
How does learning about cultural heritage affect your opinion about your role in protecting your culture
Activity 4: Thinking and discussing
What do you think is the connotation(内涵) of intangible cultural heritage
Discussing the following questions:
What are the dilemmas(困境) that intangible cultural heritage is facing
As students, what can we do to protect intangible cultural heritage
Homework(choose one):
Suppose you are Li Hua, write a letter to your foreign friend Jim to introduce one ICH.
Suppose you are Li Hua, write a suggestion letter to the editor of China Daily on how to protect ICH.