选择性必修 二 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures - Reading and Thinking+Language points(66张PPT)


名称 选择性必修 二 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures - Reading and Thinking+Language points(66张PPT)
格式 zip
文件大小 26.3MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-01-28 15:49:27


To learn some useful words and expressions.
To be able to use them properly.
1. “I didn’t know what to expect,” Xie Lei recalled.
recall vt. & vi. to remember a particular fact, event, or situation from the past
eg She could not recall his name.
eg I don’t recall seeing any cars parked outside.
As I recall , it was you who suggested this idea in the first place.
recall doing sth. 记起做过某事
as I recall 据我回忆
2. Xie Lei is studying for a business qualification at university in China and has come to our university on a year-long exchange programme.
qualification .n. the qualities and skills that you need to be able to do an activity or task
eg You’ll never get a good job if you don’t have any qualifications.
academic / professional / educational etc. qualifications
teaching/legal/medical/secretarial/academic qualifications
qualify vt. & vi. to have the right to have or do something, or to give someone this right
qualify to do sth. 有资格做某事
qualify as sth. 取得资格(或学历);合格
qualify sb. for sth. 使某人有资格做某事
eg She hopes to qualify as a lawyer at the end of the year.
This training course will qualify you for a better job.
qualified adj. having suitable knowledge, experience, or skills, especially for a particular job
be qualified for / to do 有资格做……
eg The guides are qualified to lead groups into the mountains.
3. My ambition is to set up a business in China after graduation.
ambition .n.
a strong desire to achieve sth
determination to be successful, rich, powerful etc
achieve / fulfil / realize one’s ambition
be full of ambition 满腹雄心
lifelong ambition 终身追求
a lack of ambition 胸无大志
eg His ambition is to sail round the world.
She fulfilled her ambition to run the 10,000 metres in
under 30 minutes.
ambitious .adj. determined to be successful, rich, powerful etc
be ambitious for 渴望获得
eg He’s very ambitious for his children.
4. …Xie Lei chose to live with a host family, who can help with her adaptation to the new culture.
adaptation .n. 1) the process of changing something to make it suitable for a new situation 适应
2) a film or television programme that is based on a book or play 改编本
eg Evolution occurs as a result of adaptation to new environments.
He’s working on a screen adaptation of his latest novel.
adapt .v. 1) to gradually change your behaviour and attitudes in order to be successful in a new situation
2) if a book or play is adapted for film, television etc, it is changed so that it can be made into a film, television programme etc 改编,改写
adaptable adj. 有适应能力的; 能适应的
adapt … to … 使……适应于……
adapt oneself to… 使自己适应……
adapt to sth. 适应某物(事)
adapt from... 根据……改编
adapt … for ... 为……改编; 改造……以供……之用
eg The children are finding it hard to adapt to the new school.
How do these insects adapt themselves to new environments
Three of her novels have been adapted for television.
The film has been adapted from a play of the same title.
1) 我们的眼睛慢慢地适应了黑暗的环境。
Our eyes slowly _________ ______ ______ ________.
2) 这部戏剧已经改编得适合孩子们看了。
The play ________ _______ ________ ________ ________.
3) 你会很快适应这新的环境。
You will soon _______ ________ ________ ______ ______ ___________ and customs.
adapted to the
has been adapted
for children
adapt yourself to this new
5. “When I miss home, I feel comforted to have a second family,” Xie Lei said.
comfort .n. 1) if sb or sth gives you comfort, they make you feel calmer, happier, or more hopeful after you have been worried or unhappy 安慰
2) a way of living in which you have all the money and possessions that you need or want
for comfort 为了舒服
It be a comfort to do sth. 做……是件令人安慰的事
give comfort to sb. 安慰某人
eg He was used to a life of comfort.
Your kindness has given me much comfort.
comfortable adj. 舒适的;舒服的
comfortably adv. 舒适地
uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的
eg She always came to comfort me when I felt upset.
1) I was so ____________ and warm in bed that I didn’t want to get up.
2) The warm-hearted lady always _________ those who are in trouble.
3) They were soon _____________ settled in this place.
6. Xie Lei also found many courses included students’ participation in class as part of the final result.
participation n. the act of taking part in an activity or event
participation in 参加;参与
eg Thank you for your participation.
I’d like to participation in the work.
participate vi. to take part in an activity or event 参加;参与
participate in 参加;参与
participant n. 参与者
eg We encourage all the students to participate in the teaching.
Jack didn’t participate in the game as a result of his illness.
Everyone in the class is expected to participate in these discussions.
participate, attend, join & take part in
participate 指以一个积极的角色在感情、观念或行为方面与他人共同参加某一活动。
attend 侧重参加或出席会议或学术活动等,去听、去看,但自己并不一定起积极作用。
join 指加入党派、团体或参加一群人的活动、游戏、讨论等。常见搭配为:join the army (club, party); join sb.; join sb. in (doing) sth.。如:join in a game (discussion, conversation)。
take part in 指参加某一活动并在其中发挥作用。
I _______ the Football Club but I did not ___________in any game.
7. …but what surprised her was that she found herself speaking up in class after just a few weeks.
speak up 1) If you ask sb to speak up, you are asking them to speak more loudly 大声点说
2) If you speak up, you say sth, especially to defend a person or protest about sth, rather than just saying nothing 明确表态
eg Could you speak up We can’t hear at the back.
The chairman has spoken up in support of the campaign.
speak up for 支持;替……说话
speak for 代表……讲话;为……辩护
speak of 谈到;讲到
speak out 大胆说出
8. Now halfway through her exchange year, Xie Lei feels much more at home in the UK.
feel at home to feel comfortable in a place or with a person
eg I’m already feeling at home in the new apartment.
make yourself at home 别拘束
feel at ease 舒适,不拘束,自由自在
put sb. at ease 使某人放松/舒适/自在
9. “Engaging in British culture has helped,” she said.
engage vi. to be doing or to become involved in an activity
engage in (使)从事;参与
engage oneself in 使……参与;使……忙于
be/become/get engaged in 从事;忙于;专注于
eg Only 10% of Chinese adults engage in regular exercise.
Tu Youyou is engaged in her scientific research.
engage vt. to attract sb’s attention and keep them interested
engage sb’s interest / attention 吸引某人的兴趣/注意
eg The toy didn’t engage her interest for long.
10. I’ve been involved in social activities.
involve vt. 1) if an activity or situation involves sth, that thing is part of it or a result of it
2) to include or affect sb or sth
3) to take part actively in a particular activity
get / be involved in 参与;卷入;与……有关联
involve doing sth. 包括做某事在内
involve sb. in (doing) sth. 使某人参与做某事
eg As the secretary of the boss, what will your job involve
The job involves me travelling all over the country.
How many people were involved in the accident
We want to involve as many people as possible in the celebrations.
1) There was a serious traffic incident ___________________________ (涉及一群年轻人).
2) Tom ____________________________ (热衷于集邮).
3) __________________________ (家务事包括做饭), washing dishes, sweeping and cleaning.
involving a group of youths
is involved in collecting stamps
Housework involves cooking
1. It was the first time that she had left China.
It was the first time that sb. had done sth.
It / This / That is the first / second…time that sb have done sth.
It / This / That was the first / second…time that sb had done sth.
2) 去年,我第二次游览长城。
This is the first time that I have visited your hometown.
Last year, that was the second time that I had paid a visit to the Great Wall.
what 引导主语从句
2. At first, Xie Lei had no idea what she should say, but
what surprised her was that she found herself speaking up in class after just a few weeks.
“动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语”结构,宾语补足语可以是名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式、v.-ing形式或v.-ed形式等。
eg He entitled the book Crime and Punishment.
I’ve never known you so cheerful.
They found the girl back before June.
When I came around, I found myself in my mother’s arms.
He strongly advised her not to do so.
She could feel the wind blowing on her face.
You’ll have to get that tooth filled.
Use these words and expressions to make sentences.(共28张PPT)
Unit 2
Unit 2
Bridging Cultures
To gain some knowledge about studying abroad.
To understand the passage by using different reading skills.
To learn some sentence structures.
I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.
— Mary Anne Radmacher
This quote is from the book, She: A Celebration of Greatness in Every Woman (2014) written by Mary Radmacher. Paraphrased, it means that by travelling around the world, the author has become a different person.
Work in groups. Talk about the benefits of studying abroad.
To learn a foreign language
To get to another culture first hand
To travel and make friends around the world, and broaden your horizon

Watch the video about the student’s first day of college studying abroad. Do you want to study abroad
1 Where do you think the girl on the left is from
2 Where do you think she is studying now
3 How do you think her life differs from that in her home country
Look at the picture on Page 13 and discuss:
Suggested Answers
1 I think she is from China.
2 She is probably studying in a foreign country.
3 No doubt she has many more foreign friends, and she has to adapt to a new culture.
Look at the title and picture on P14. Where do you think the article is from What do you think the article is about
I think the article is from the newspaper of an overseas university, and it is probably about the life of an exchange student from China.
Suggested Answers
Read the passage and conclude the main idea of each part.
Part 2
Part 1
Part 3
(para. 3-6)
(para. 7-8)
Xie Lei left for London on an exchange programme and her ambition.
Introduce the topic
two challenges and Xie Lei’s solutions
Challenges in daily life (para. 3-4)
Xie Lei’s present situation and the writer’s wish for her
Challenges in the academic requirements
(para. 5-6)
Why did Xie Lei have the following feelings during her year studying abroad Make sentences using “Xie Lei felt / feels...because...” according to the article.
excited nervous comforted confused surprised confident feel at home
Listen to the article about Xie Lei’s experience on an exchange programme and then do the following activity.
Xie Lei felt
it was the first time that she had left China.
she didn’t know what to expect.
she lived with a host family.
she did not know how to form her own opinions based on other people’s ideas.
at home
Xie Lei felt
she found herself speaking up in class after just a few weeks.
her presentation on traditional Chinese art was a great success.
what seemed strange before now appears quite normal to her.
Challenges What Xie Lei did
Daily life adaptation to a whole new life learnt to__________________________;
learnt to___________________________
asked for___________________________
loneliness lived with________________________;
use public transport
ask for things she didn’t know the English names for
help from passers-by when she got lost
Read the article carefully and take notes on what you read by filling in the table.
a host family
Challenges What Xie Lei did
Academic requirements writing an essay got help from _________;
_______ a lot to prepare
participating in _____ and giving _______________ gave a presentation on _____________________
traditional Chinese art
her tutor
Discuss the following questions in groups.
Why did Xie Lei choose the exchange programme
Why has Xie Lei got involved in social activities
Because she wanted to learn about global business and improve her English. Her ambition was to set up a business in China after graduation.
Because it can help her adapt to the new culture there. She’s also keen to share her culture with the British people.
How has Xie Lei helped to build bridges between China and the UK
As well as studying in the UK, she acts as a culture messenger sharing Chinese culture with people around her by giving presentation on traditional Chinese art, teaching people how to cook Chinese food, and involving herself in social activities.
4 What other challenges do you think students studying abroad might face How can students prepare to handle these challenges before going abroad
It can be scary to try to fit into the new lifestyle while there, since it is so different to their own. Maybe students will face times when they don’t understand the proper way to do something, such as paying utility bills. In this case, there is always someone who is willing to help — either at your university campus or even in a local shop.
Suggested Answers
Read the article and work with a partner to analyse the structures in the underlined sentences. Use the tip for help.
Understand long sentences
English structures are different from those in Chinese, but you can figure out what a long sentence means by following a few simple steps.
1. Decide if the sentence is compound (look for and, but, or, etc.) or complex (look for who, when, where, etc.).
2. Find the main clause if it is a complex sentence.
3. Look for modifiers.
1. I had to learn how to use public transport and how to ask for things I didn’t know the English names for.
and连接两个how to结构作宾语
I didn’t know…是省略了that / which的定语从句,修饰先行词things
2. Although some foreign students live in campus accommodation, Xie Lei chose to live with a host family, who can help with her adaptation to the new culture.
who引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词a host family。
3. The first time that she had to write an essay, her tutor explained that she must acknowledge what other people had said if she cited their ideas, but that he mainly wanted to know what she thought.
第一个that引导定语从句,修饰先行词the first time
4. At first, Xie Lei had no idea what she should say, but what surprised her was that she found herself speaking up in class after just a few weeks.
Use these structures to make five sentences.
Useful structures:
特殊疑问词+to do
the first time that …
Work in pairs and discuss the following questions.
1. Which part of this passage interests you most Why
2. What other challenges do you think students studying abroad might face
3. How can students prepare to handle these challenges before going abroad
Read the text and recite paragraph 7.
Preview Learning about Language on pages 16-17.