选择性必修 二 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures - Using Language(80张PPT)


名称 选择性必修 二 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures - Using Language(80张PPT)
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文件大小 92.5MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-01-28 15:55:05


Unit 2
Unit 2
Bridging Cultures
Express your opinions on studying abroad
To read and understand the two argumentative letters.
To learn the structure of an argumentative letter.
To be able to express your opinions about studying abroad.
Read the title and guess what genre the letters are.
Argumentative letters
A local newspaper has invited parents to share their opinions about studying abroad. Listen and read two letters, underline each writer’s main points. Then mark the reasons for their opinions.
Letter from Wang Li (mother of twin girls
Main point
Although studying abroad can bring great benefits, I think the disadvantages for young people are greater.
Great economic pressure.
The tremendous pressure that comes with studying abroad.
While studying abroad does have potential benefits, young people who study in China also have a great future to look forward to!
adj. 巨大的,极大的
Letter from Zhang Yi (father of one boy)
Main point
There are certainly disadvantages, but in my opinion, the advantages are much greater.
Personal growth.
The increased chance for cultural exchange.
It provides a great opportunity to contribute to the development of our motherland.
Economic pressure
Read the first letter and find some details to support the writer’s opinion.
Tuition fees
Living expenses
n. 费用;花销
The tremendous pressure that comes with studying abroad
An unfamiliar environment
Limited language skills
Culture shock
Not mature enough to handle the challenges by themselves
Personal safety
Different approaches to teaching and learning
adj. 成熟的
People who study in China also have a great future to look forward to
As China has boomed, the educational environment has improved significantly, with many great universities now available.
vi.&n. 迅速发展;繁荣
Read the second letter and find some details to support the writer’s opinion.
Personal growth
Become more independent
Gain a global perspective and improve your general competence
n. 角度;观点
Cultural exchange
Promote friendship between nations
View the world from different angles and gives us more insight into our own culture
n. 角;立场
Provide a great opportunity to contribute to the development of our motherland
China needs more talented young people with a global perspective who are highly competent with language, have leadership and organisational skills, and have strong cultural awareness
Better career opportunities are provided
Read the letters again and then use the connectors in the box to rewrite the sentences below.
as a result, besides, for instance, that is to say
1 Students who want to study abroad must consider their parents’ budget. They should think about whether they can afford the costs of studying overseas.
Students who want to study abroad must consider their parents’ budget. That is to say, they should think about whether they can afford the costs of studying overseas.
as a result, besides, for instance, that is to say
2 Studying abroad can put great pressure on young people. They may feel lonely and miss their families.
Studying abroad can put great pressure on young people. For instance, they may feel lonely and miss their families.
as a result, besides, for instance, that is to say
3 Studying abroad will give students a good education. It also helps them to gain a global perspective.
Studying abroad will give students a good education. Besides, It also helps them to gain a global perspective.
as a result, besides, for instance, that is to say
4 Global development strategies help to make connections between China and the rest of the world. Young people with language skills and strong cultural awareness are needed.
Global development strategies help to make connections between China and the rest of the world. As a result, young people with language skills and strong cultural awareness are needed.
adj. 合乎逻辑的; 合情合理的
Use connectors
When you write an argumentative piece, use connecting phrases to lead readers through your process of reasoning. Good logical connectors will help your audience understand your point of view, whether they agree with you or not!
Discuss the following questions with your partner.
1 What are some other advantages or disadvantage of studying abroad that were not mentioned in the letters
One disadvantage od studying abroad is that not all students are suited to it. Some students will never gain the needed language ability or may not get the most from an unfamiliar teaching approach. One advantage of studying abroad is the opportunity to meet new lifelong friends from different cultural backgrounds.
2 Which parent would you probably side with Why
I would probably side with Zhang Yi because I think Wang Li’s perspective is too narrow. Yes, there are possible disadvantages with studying abroad, but Chinese students are smart and strong enough to overcome these. Meanwhile, the rewards for studying abroad are much greater than any of the disadvantages.
Start with a question or a fact.
State an opinion.
Give reasons and evidence to support an opinion.
State a conclusion.
Analyse the argumentative letters.
1 Mark the parts of the argument in the letters.
2 Underline the connectors in the letters. Then study the words below.
Connectors expressing opinion
Point of view:
in my opinion, as far as I know, as far as I am concerned, personally (speaking)
in short, to sum up, all in all, in conclusion / summary, generally speaking
in other words, that is to say, that means
Connectors expressing reasons or evidence
to begin with, what is more, besides, moreover, in addition
Cause & effect:
because, as, so, thus, therefore, as a result
Giving examples:
for example, for instance, such as
1. 开头:提出需要议论的议题;
2. 正文:对所提出的问题进行议论;
3. 结论:对以上的讨论进行总结和归纳。
1. 正反对比议论文。通常分为三段/四段:提出论点;分别陈述正方的观点和反方的观点;提出自己的观点。
2. 支持一种观点的议论文。分为三段:提出自己的观点(支持或反对);就自己的观点给出理由;通过驳斥相反的观点,再次强调自己的观点。
递进及并列:besides, in addition, what’s more …
比较:just like, just as, in the same way, on the other hand,
on the contrary, while ...
顺序:first of all, second(ly), third(ly), then ...
因果:therefore, as a result, for this reason ...
目的:so that, for this purpose, in order to ...
总结:in a word, in short, all in all, in all ...
个人看法:in one’s opinion, in one’s eyes, personally, as far as I know…
a dramatic increase
living expenses
cost an arm and a leg
the tremendous pressure
one cannot deny the fact that
gain a global perspective
improve your general competence
cultural envoys
from different angles
China’s global outlook
the Belt and Road Initiative
Write a letter to the editor expressing your own opinions about studying abroad.(共18张PPT)
1. …how to behave in new surroundings.
behave v. to do things that are good, bad, sensible etc. 表现
v. not to do things that annoy or offend people
behaviour n. manner of acting or controlling yourself
eg The little girl always behaves well when her aunts come to visit.
Mom’s always telling me to behave when we go out.
Parents can influence the behaviour of their children.
behave well / badly towards sb.
对某人态度好 / 恶劣
behave oneself 表现得体,有礼貌
Do behave! 规矩点!
well behaved / badly behaved 表现好 / 差的
behave as if / as though ... 表现得好像……
1) I’ll ____________________ (对待他们) as I would like to be treated.
2) Jim was a little boy, but he ________________________
________________ (表现得像个大人).
3) I want you to _________________ (乖乖的) while I’m away.
behave towards them
behaved as if / as though
behave yourselves
he was an adult
2. …helping to educate young people who will contribute to the economy and further strengthen our country.
strengthen v. to become stronger or make sth stronger;
to make sth. more powerful 加强,增强;巩固
strong adj. 强大的,坚强的,坚固的
strength n. 力量;强度;长处,实力
build up one’s strength 增加体力
have strength to do sth. 有力气做某事
with all one’s strength 用尽某人全身的力气
eg I didn’t have the strength to get out of bed.
Ron’s main strength is his ability to encourage his players.
The team has been strengthened by the arrival of two new players.
Our friendship has strengthened over the years.
strength, force, energy & power
strength 人的体力,力气,强度等。承受重物的力量
force 武力;暴力;力量:人或事物撞击所用的力,forces:兵力,军队
energy 人的精力,活力
power 人的某种能力;机器的动力;人、国家或某个机构的权力。
eg The force of the wind closed the door.
The manager listened carefully to Jack’s plan and admired him for his energy and enthusiasm.
After the serious disease he lost the power of speech.
A car needs a lot of power to go fast.
The powers of a president are defined in the constitution.
1) To make members of a team perform better, the trainer has to know their __________ (strength) and weaknesses.
2) ____________ (strength) our friendship, we’d better keep in touch with each other.
3) 夏天使我精力充沛,我感觉我有力量做生活中最困难的事。
Summer makes me full of energy and I feel ___________________________________________________.
I have the strength to do the most difficult things in my life
To strengthen
4) It is beyond my _________ to help you.
5) I don’t have the _________ to deal with it right now.
6) The soldiers took the prisoners away by _________.
7) Tolerance is one of her many _________.
Another way of setting realistic goals is to analyze your short and long term objectives, keeping in mind your beliefs, values and ___________. (strong)
3. The education you gain and the experiences you have will change you for the better.
gain v. to obtain /achieve; to increase in weight / height / value 获得; 得到;增加
n. an advantage / improvement, especially by planning / effort; an increase in the amount or level of sth.
eg The country gained its independence ten years ago.
There is much to be gained from seeking expert advice early.
She hopes to gain experience from / by working abroad for a year.
We have seen impressive gains in productivity over the last twelve months.
These doctors and nurses have resulted in great gains in public health.
acquire 宾语:知识 / 技能等;
earn 宾语:金钱 / 荣誉等理应得到的东西;
obtain 宾语:期望已久的东西;
gain 宾语:经验 / 利益 / 优势 / 好处等;
win 宾语:比赛 / 战斗等;
get 宾语广泛, 可是具体东西, 也可是抽象事物。
acquire / get / gain / earn / obtain / win
【语境应用】用acquire / get / gain / earn / win的适当形式填空。
After four years’ study, I ________ a good knowledge of computer and my perseverance ______ me many friends in the university. Therefore I _______ a good job, which has made me ________ much experience. And now I _______ up to $100, 000 a year.
经过四年的学习, 我获得了丰富的电脑知识。在大学里, 我的毅力为我赢得了很多朋友。因此, 我找到了一份好工作, 这项工作使我得到了很多经验。现在, 我每年能赚10万美元。
4. as far as I’m concerned
as far as I know
so / as far as 与……一样远;就……而言
as far as sth. is concerned 就某方面 / 某事而论
as / so far as I know 据我所知
far from 远非
so far 到目前为止
1) 对我个人来说,你做什么都可以。
2) 就英语而言, 他是我班最好的。
As far as I am concerned / In my opinion, you can do what you like.
As far as English is concerned, he is the best in our class.(共29张PPT)
Unit 2
Unit 2 Bridging Cultures
Talk about Chinese language learning abroad
To talk about Chinese language learning abroad
To practise listening and speaking skills
1. What do you know about Chinese language learning abroad
2. How do people from other countries find out about Chinese culture
Before you listen, talk with your partner.
Foreign students practise calligraphy.
Foreign students are learning how to
pronounce Chinese characters.
Watch the video about one day studying in the Confucius Institute. What do you know about the Confucius Institute
The Confucius Institute (CI) is a nonprofit organisation that strongly believes in the value of global education. It aims to bridge cultural divides by providing opportunities to experience the world from each other’s point of view and allow people to exchange their culture, customs and history person to person.
Introduce to the Confucius Institute
The Centres for Community have a group of individuals who believe in the value of global education and who love Chinese fascinating culture. They host monthly events, conferences, and group discussions all with the goal of bringing people together and providing them with a space to join in cross cultural exchange and create lifelong friendships.
Apart from the many Confucius Institutes all over the world, communities also offer Confucius Classrooms that provide Chinese language education and cultural programs. Some programs include the following: Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese Painting, Hands-on Chinese Crafts (技艺), Chinese Game Club, Cultural Festivals and Events, Chinese Cooking, East / West Medicine as well as Chinese Dance. Confucius Classrooms are generally based in primary and secondary schools.
Students participate in a great variety of cultural and language programs at Confucius Institutes across the world, representing all ages, ethnicities (种族), and backgrounds.
Each year the Confucius Institute honors ten excellent Confucius Institute students, to celebrate their achievements in Chinese language and cultural education and promote the value of global education.
By September, 2019, 535 Confucius Institutes and 1,134 Confucius classrooms had been set up in 158 countries or regions around the globe.
Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions.
1. Where does this conversation take place
2. Who are the people speaking
3. What are they talking about
It appears to take place in a radio studio.
A radio host and a Chinese teacher named Aisha Khan.
They are talking about Chinese learning in the Confucius Institute in Karachi, Pakistan.
Listen again and take notes by filling in the poster below.
Welcome to the Confucius Institute.
Learn to _____________ and all about ______________!
Our institute has grown! We started with __________________ __________ but now we have many more. It is a centre for _________________. You can learn and practise fascinating Chinese traditions. Knowledge of the Chinese language and culture is important because of increasing ___________________
_____________. Many students go on to great jobs in __________
Join us today to help break down language and _______________, and bring the world together!
speak Chinese
Chinese culture
a few students and
Chinese activities
trade between China
and Pakistan
cultural barriers
Answer the questions according to what you remember of the conversation.
What made Aisha feel like she was part of Ms Hu’s family
Making and eating delicious dumplings together in Ms Hu’s home made Aisha feel like she was part of her family.
2. Why did Aisha want to become a teacher
3. Why do students learning Chinese see it as beneficial to their future
Because she wanted to carry on Ms Hu’s work.
Because learning Chinese would help them find good jobs at Chinese companies.
Imagine you're interviewing a student at a Confucius Institute in another country about his or her experience. Work with a partner to brainstorm what the interviewer might ask and how the student might answer. Then role-play the interview. Use the phrases and questions in the box to help you.
We are pleased to welcome ...
Thanks for joining us.
Tell us more about …
Thanks for your time.
It was a pleasure talking with you.
Interviewing someone
What was your biggest challenge
How did you overcome it
What are you keen on
What is the key to your success
What do you feel is your biggest achievement
A: Hi, Jane. Welcome to the show!
B: Thanks for inviting me.
A: Tell us, what was your biggest challenge in learning Chinese at the
B: Well, suppose it was difficult to grasp the tones at first.
A: I bet! Did joining the Confucius Institute help overcome this
B: Absolutely! Getting involved with Chinese cultural activities there
definitely helped a lot...
Read the conversation and answer the questions:
1. What problem is Lu Yao having
He is having a problem with an English listening task.
2. What may be the cause of the problem
He has trouble hearing the weak forms of the words which are not stressed.
3. How can he solve his problem
He should pay more attention to the weak forms, watch some movies, and study how the weak forms are used.
Listen to the conversation and underline the weak forms the speakers used. Then practice the conversation with your partner.
Watch the video about the weak forms. Learn to practise the rules.
Preview the next part on Page 20-21 — Using language:Express your opinions on studying abroad.