人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 5 Launching Your Career单词精讲课件(36张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 5 Launching Your Career单词精讲课件(36张ppt)
格式 pptx
文件大小 4.8MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-02-05 18:52:50



Unit 5
1. bounce v
1. vt & vi(使)弹起;(使)反弹:
The children were bouncing a ball against the wall.
2. vi 上下跳动;蹦 (jump):
Boys, stop bouncing up and down on the sofa.
3. n [C] 弹起;跳起;[U] 弹性:
The old basketball looked very used and had lost its bounce.
bounce around 蹦来蹦去;弹来弹去;探讨;交流:
Some people know what they want to do from a young age, but many others just have a few ideas bouncing around in their heads.
(1)on the bounce 在弹起时;接二连三地
(2)bounce around/about 蹦来蹦去;弹来弹去
bounce into...蹦蹦跳跳地进入;猛然冲进
①He bounced into the room and shouted at me.
②Ferreira again won the Portuguese championship,becoming the first coach to win three titles on the bounce.
③Because Gypsies bounced around/about from country to country,they found it difficult to build permanent settlements or find jobs.
1) 这些球已经没有多少弹性了。
There’s not ________ ________ left in these balls.
2) 我们关于书的封面设计的想法在脑海里晃来晃去。
We were ________ some ideas ________ for the design of the book’s cover.
3) 他遭遇过很多挫折,但他似乎总能很快地振作起来。
He’s had a lot of problems, but he always seems to ________ ________ pretty quickly.
much bounce
bouncing around
bounce back
1. The boy came down the street, bouncing a ball.
2. The children were bouncing on their beds.
3. There’s not much bounce left in these balls.
4. Hearing the doorbell ring, the boy bounced across the room to open the door. ___________
蹦 / 上下跳动
活泼兴奋地走 / 蹦蹦跳跳地去
2. head start 起步前的优势
at the start 刚开始;在起跑线
at the start of...在……开始的时候
a fresh start 新的起点,新的开始
take a fresh start 重新开始
from start to finish 自始至终,彻头彻尾
①The new system was confronted with great difficulties at the start.
②He takes over as chief executive at the start of next year.
③You'll have a fresh start every single day—not just on January 1st.
3. debt n [C] & [U] 债务;欠债;人情债:
eg. They will send kids to college whatever it takes, even if that means a
huge amount of debts.
fall / get / go / run into debt 借债;负债:
It’s much easier to get into debt than to get out of debt.
in debt (to sb) 欠(某人)债;受(某人)恩惠:
Nearly half the college students said they were in (serious) debt.
I’m in debt to him for his help.
out of debt 不欠债
pay off one’s debts 还清债务
in debt  负债
out of debt 不欠债
pay off debts 还清债务
get/run into debt 负债
owe sb.a debt 欠某人一个人情
get out of debt   还债
①I'm heavily in debt at the moment,but hope to be out of debt when I get paid.
②He worked hard day and night to pay off his debts.
③I owe him a debt of gratitude for all he has done for me.
④It's much easier to get into debt than to get out of debt.
1) She has no sense of economy, and ______________________ $1,000.
她没有节约意识,欠钱超过1 000美元。
2) They made a contract that they should __________________ in a year.
3) Don’t get the merchant to lend you money any more, because he himself is _________ too.
in debt
her debts amount to over
pay off all their debts
1. in debt 负债;欠情
2. owe a debt of gratitude to sb 欠某人的情
3. Out of debt, out of danger.
4. 债务危机;倒债危机debt crisis
5. 偿清债务pay off debt
6. 负债,欠债get into debt
1. It is reported that the company ran up huge debts. _________
2. He was so good to me that I can never repay the debt I owe him.
1. The club is 4 million ______________(负债).
2. He managed to ________________(还清债务)in two years.
三、根据所给词块, 将句子译成英语。
欠债容易还债难。 (fall / get / go / run into debt)
in debt
pay off his debts
It’s much easier to fall / get / go / run into debt than to get out of debt.
4. profile n.简介;概述;侧面轮廓 vt.概述
eg. Dani has a lovely profile.
The new CEO was profiled in yesterday’s newspaper.
Here’s the short profile of the actor. (翻译)
He presented his best profile to the camera.
The story was given a low profile in today's papers.
He sat in profile to me.
in profile 从侧面看;以侧面
draw in profile 画侧面像或轮廓
a profile of...……的简介或概述
high profile 鲜明的姿态
low profile 低姿态;不出头露面;不惹人注意
keep a low profile 保持低调
①The painting shows her in profile.
②The BBC are working on a profile of the British nuclear industry.
③When you are feeling happy,please enjoy it,but keep a low profile.
5. participant n. 参与者;参加者
participate vi. 参与;参加
participate with sb. in sth. 同某人参与某事
participate in (doing) sth. 参加(做)某事
participation n. 参与;参加
eg You are expected to be an active participant.
Over half the population of this country participate in sport.
She never participates in any of our discussions, does she
We want more participation in the decision-making.
Some members refused to participate. (翻译)
1) _________________ are opponents and therefore you should win the tournament on your own.
2) I suggest that you should participate ______ your friend in his sufferings.
3) Things will turn for the better if we can work out some ____________ (participate) rules for people to obey.
All the participants
6. accountant n. 账户;解释;账目;理由;描述
vt. 认为;把…视为
vi. 解释;导致
名词:accountant 会计
过去式 accounted
过去分词 accounted
1. by (from) all accounts根据各种说法
2. keep an account of 记录
3.on account of因为,由于
4. turn something to good account利用;善用
5. 将...考虑进去take something into account
6. 绝不on no account
7. 对...做出解释;构成(数量,比例) account for
7. spy n.密探;间谍 vi.从事间谍活动 vt.突然看见
We spied three figures in the distance.
He denied acting as an enemy spy.
[造句] 我肯定邻居在暗中监视我。
I'm sure my neighbours spy on me.
spy on/upon sb.暗中监视某人;侦察某人
spy into sth.侦察某事
spy sth.out 暗中查明某事,秘密了解清楚某事
①He studied the map and spied out the quickest route.
②He knew he was being spied on/upon at that time.
③I was demanded to spy into the enemy's movements.
8. attend vt. 出席;上学;照料;招待;陪伴
vi. 出席;致力于;照料;照顾
第三人称单数 attends
现在分词 attending
过去式 attended
过去分词 attended
名词:attendant 服务员,侍者;随员,陪从
attendance 出席;到场;出席人数
1. attend university 上大学
2. attend court 出庭
3. attend to 注意;照料;致力于
4. 上学;去上学attend school
5. 上课attend class
9. priority n. 优先;优先权;优先考虑的事
[C] 优先事项:
Education is a top priority.
Nowadays the priority for travelling is shifted from shopping to food and
[U] 优先权:
Club members will be given priority.
1. He always gives priority to other people rather than to himself.
2. Safety should always be the top priority wherever we are.
3. If you think enjoying yourself is more important, then you need
to get your priorities straight.
1. according to priority 依次
2. high/low priority 重点/非重点项目
3. 当务之急,重中之重 top priority
4. 优先考虑;认为优先 give priority to
1. The development of the national economy is a(n) _______________(当务之急).
2. Our _______________(头等大事)is to maintain the customer’s confidence in our product.
3. Vehicles coming from the right _______________(有优先权).
top priority
first priority
have priority
10. finance n. 优先;优先权;优先考虑的事
财政;金融 the management of money:
the Minister of Finance
personal finance
I think it’s a good idea to study finance nowadays.
raise finance for
government / personal finances
vt 提供资金给;为……筹措资金 (fund):
Who finances this organization
financial adj 财政的;金融的:
financial transactions / assistance / advisers
global financial crisis
financial assistance
Hong Kong is an international financial centre.
financially adv 财政上;金融上
1. finance an enterprise供给企业资金
2. international finance 国际金融
3. finance department 财务部;财政部;财会部
4. 用于……的资金finance for ...
5. 金融危机;财政危机financial crisis
1. He is a well-known expert in finance. __________
2. Unless we can get more finance, we’ll have to close the store.
3. The repairs to the school will be financed by the educational department. __________
1. This company was in serious ___________ (finance) difficulties.
2. He was freed from ___________ (finance) dependence on his parents.
3. Now your company will end up ___________ (financial) in the red.
11. employer vt. 使用,采用;雇用;使忙于
n. 使用;雇用
形容词:employable 适宜雇用的;有资格任职的
名词:employee 雇员;从业员工
employment 使用;职业;雇用
employer 雇主,老板
1. in the employ of 受雇于
2. employ oneself in 从事于;忙于
3. 雇佣某人作为 employ sb. as…
be employed as..
4. 雇佣某人做某事 employ sb. to do sth.
12. desert n. 沙漠,荒原;
v. 遗弃;舍弃,离弃(某地方)
adj. 沙漠的;荒凉的;被抛弃的
第三人称单数 deserts
现在分词 deserting
过去式 deserted
过去分词 deserted
复数 deserts
形容词 deserted 荒芜的;被遗弃的
1. desert island 荒岛
2. Gobi desert 戈壁沙漠
3. Rats desert a sinking ship. 船沉鼠先窜。
4. 抛弃某人desert sb
5. 某人丧失了勇气 sb’s courage deserts sb
13. acquire vt. 获得;取得;学到;捕获;养成
第三人称单数 acquires
现在分词 acquiring
过去式 acquired
过去分词 acquired
形容词:acquired [医] 后天的;已获得的 名词:
acquirement 取得;学得;才能
1. acquire knowledge/skills 获得知识/技能
2. an acquired taste 爱好;嗜好
3. acquire a reputation for ... 得到……的名声
4. 养成好习惯acquire good habits
5. ……学地很好acquire a good knowledge of ...
1. You have to acquire a lot of skill and experience before you can be of service to others.(2013 福建) ____________
2. I was wearing a newly acquired jacket. ____________
要不遗余力地获取知识,决不灰心。(2015 福建书面表达改)
(acquire, get discouraged)
a. (formal) to get sth, especially by buying it
b. (formal) to learn sth
Spare no effort to acquire knowledge and never get discouraged.