Unit 2 After school
Fun time
Teaching contents 教学内容
Fun time
Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标
1. 能初步地听懂、会说、会 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )读、会写单词:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday。
2. 能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:I ha ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ve …;He/She has …;What day is it today 及回答It’s …
3. 能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:What lessons do you have 以及回答I have …
Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点
教学重点:1. 学生能够熟练运用句型Wha ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )t day is it today 和What lessons do you have 进行提问并回答。
2. 学生能够通过合作完成任务。
Teaching procedures 教学过程
Step 1 Greeting
T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you.
S: Nice to meet you too.
T: How are you
S: …
T: What day is it today
S: It’s …
T: What lessons do you have this morning
S: I have …
【设计意图:在Free tal ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )k中复习本单元的重点句型What day is it today 和What lessons do you have 通过对话的形式唤醒学生的已有知识。】
Step 2 Revision time
1. T: Look, who is he
S: He is Liu Tao.
T: What can he do
S: He can play table tennis.
T: What day is it today
S: It’s Wednesday.
T: Can Liu Tao play table tennis with his friends today
S: No.
T: Why Now, work in groups, and try to answer my question.
2. T: Liu Tao wants to play table tennis. But Mike …
S: Mike has a football match.
T: What about Su Hai and Su Yang
S: They have a swimming lesson.
T: So they decide to play table tennis on Saturday. Why
S: They don’t have any lessons on Saturday.
Step 3 Presentation
1. Song time: Days of the week
【设计意图:复习课文之后,演唱歌曲Days of the week,复习星期名词的同时,调动学生学习的积极性,渲染课堂轻松的学习气氛。】
2. T: There are seven days in a week. What are they
S: They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday…
T: Yes, can you spell them
S1: Sunday, S-U-N-D-A-Y.
S2: Monday, M-O-N-D-A-Y
3. T: On different day ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )s, we have some different lessons. (出示课程表) What day is it (指着星期一)
S: It’s Monday.
T: What lessons do you have
S: I have …
4. Ask and answer in pairs according to the timetable given.
What day is it today It’s …
What lessons do you have I have …)
5. Play a game (根据PPT上的课程表猜星期)
T: We have … What day is it
S: It’s …
6. T: We don’t have any lessons on …
S: Saturday and Sunday.
T: Yes, please pay att ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ention to the word “any”, “don’t have any …”. Got it
S: Yes!
7. Work in pairs.
(1) T: You kn ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ow the short form for Monday is MON. What about the others
Please discuss with your partners. (然后PPT呈现星期的缩写形式)
(2) 教师领读或者学生领读,加深学生对单词的记忆。
8. T: What day is the first day of a week
S: Sunday.
T: Yes! You are righ ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )t! Now, let’s say them again. Let’s start with Sunday.
S: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday …
【设计意图:在呈现环节,学生通过小 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )组讨论的形式,探究每个星期名词的缩写形式。在此过程中,学生能够自主发现规律并加以总结。活动培养了学生自主学习的意识。】
Step 4 Fun time
1. T: Look, here’s a big turntable. Let’s play the game now. (教师先示范)
T: What day is it today
S: It’s Monday.
T: What lessons do you have
S: I have Chinese and Maths.
T: Now, please talk about the turntable with your partners.
2. Play the game
S1: What day is it today
S2: It’s …
S1: What lessons do you have
S2: I have …
【设计意图:在充分复习了星期名词和句型 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )后,进入Fun time的游戏。在游戏中进一步巩固第一单元和第二单元的重点知识,即学科与星期。在这一活动中,学生可以上台操作鼠标进行游戏,这样不但能调动学生的积极性,也能体现学生在教学活动中的主体地位。】
Step 5 Consolidation
Task 1 情景问答
1. 如何询问并回答今天星期几?
2. 询问今天早晨/下午有什么课,怎么说?
3. 询问周五有什么课,怎么说?
Task 2 转换下列单词
1. SAT. (Saturday)
2. FRI. (Friday)
3. Thursday (THUR.)
4. Wednesday (WED.)
5. SUN. (Sunday)
6. Monday (MON.)
7. TUE. (Tuesday)
Task 3 改错
1. Let’s go and play the table tennis. (去掉the)
2. I have a football match at Wednesday. (on)
3. I have a swim lesson today. (swimming)
4. He have a nice book. (has)
5. We don’t have some lessons on Saturday. (any)
Homework 家庭作业
1. Talk about our time ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )table with your friends and write down the dialogue.
2. Preview Cartoon time.
Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)
Unit 2 After school
这节课是本单元的第二课时,首先在Free talk中复习本单元的重点句型,之后再复习课文。
在呈现环节,教师先利用歌曲调动学生的积 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )极性,同时复习星期名词。单词的拼写是学生的难点,所以在课堂上带着学生进行拼写的复习,这时需要多关注学生的学习效果。之后呈现课程表,通过对课程表进行的问答练习和“根据课程猜星期”的游戏进一步巩固句型和词汇。最后学生通过小组讨论的形式,探究每个星期名词的缩写形式,鼓励学生自主发现规律并加以总结。这一活动增强了学生自主探究、自主学习的意识。
在复习了主要句型和词汇后,进入 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )Fun time的游戏。这部分是一个转盘游戏,在游戏中进一步操练和巩固本单元的重点句型和目标词汇。同时,活动融合第一单元的学科词汇与句型进行对话活动。学科与星期词汇对于四年级的学生来说有一定难度,在活动过程中需要给予学生充分的时间进行练习,并尽可能多的给予学生展示的机会。学生可以上台操作鼠标进行游戏,这样不但能调动学生的积极性,也能体现学生在教学活动中的主体地位。
最后的巩固环节设计了三个任务 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ),分别是“情景问答”“转换单词”和“改错”,这些练习能够针对本节课的重难点和学生的易错点,对学生进行有目的性的训练。学生在练习的过程中,语言知识和语言技能得到锻炼与提升。
What day is it today Sunday = SUN Monday = MON
It’s… Tuesday = TUE Wednesday = WED
What lessons do you have Thursday = THUR Friday=FRI
I have… Saturday = SAT英语(四年级下册)
Unit 2 After school
Sound time, Checkout time & Ticking time
Teaching contents 教学内容
Sound time & Checkout time & Ticking time
Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标
1. 学生能够流利地说出星期名词。
2. 学生能够运用have和has谈论课程。
3. 学生能够知道字母a的发音。
Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点
教学重点:1. 学生能够熟练运用所学句型进行交流。
2. 学生能听懂、会说字母a的发音,发音准确。
Teaching procedures 教学过程
Step 1 Greeting
T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today
S: …
T: Look! These are the goals for this lesson:
1. I can say the days of the week.
2. I can use “have” and “has” to talk about the lessons.
3. I know the sound of the letter “a”.
Do you understand
S: Yes!
T: Please try to do your best to get more stars!
Step 2 Revision
1. Sing a song
2. Play a game
T: There are se ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ven days in a week. What are they Let’s have a competition. Try to say the days of a week one by one as quickly as you can. Which group is the winner
3. Say the days of the week together.
【设计意图:通过游戏活动复习星期名词,达成第一个教学目标“I can say the days of the week.”】
4. Free talk
T: What day is it today
S: It’s …
T: What lessons do you have today
S: We have …
T: What lessons do you have after school
S1: I have …
S2: I have …
T: What lessons does S1 have after school
S3: He/She has …
T: What about S2
S4: He/She has …
【设计意图:通过对话形式复习句 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )型What day is it today What lessons do you have 及其第一人称和第三人称的回答,达成第二个教学目标I can use “have” and “has” to talk about the lessons,同时为下面的教学做准备。】
Step 3 Sound time
1. T: I have a friend. ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) Look! He is Jim. He is a lovely boy. Now, he is talking to his dad. What is he saying Listen!
2. T: What does he say Listen!
S: He says “Dad, Da ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )d, where’s the cat Where’s my cap and where’s my bag ”
T: Yes, he is looking for his cat, cap and bag.
3. 教师带读 cat, cap, bag.
T: Look at these words. Do you know the sound of the letter “a”
S1: It’s [ ].
T: Yes! Let’s read these words together.
4. Read the rhyme
5. T: Look! ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )Here are some other words with the letter “a”. Can you read them (hamburger, sandwich, snack)
6. Work in groups
T: Can you give me s ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ome other words with the letter “a” Please discuss in your groups, and try to find more words with the letter “a”. (板书词汇)
T: Now please tick for yourselves on Page 17.
【设计意图:语音板块的教学分三 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )个步骤进行。首先了解字母“a”的发音,然后能读出句子和含有字母“a”的单词,最后学生四人一组找出更多含有字母“a”的单词并汇报。教学环节由浅入深,使学生能够体会学习英语的成就感。】
Step 4 Checkout time
1. T: Now, Jim f ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )inds his cap and bag. What does Jim want to do Look! This is his Weekly Activities Plan. There are some short form words. Can you spell their full form The first word is…
S: Sunday, S-U-N-D-A-Y.
T: Good! The next is …
S: Monday, M-O-N-D-A-Y.
(The same way to review TUE, WED, THUR, FRI, SAT.)
【设计意图:Checkout time中的星期表达方式是缩写形式,在练习前先复习星期名词的缩略与完全形式的拼写。】
2. 完成 Listen and tick并核对答案
Step 5 Activity time
1. T: We kno ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )w what Jim does after school. But what lessons does he have every day Now I’m Jim and let’s talk.
T: Hello!
S: Hello, Jim!
T: What day is it today
S1: It’s Monday.
T: What lessons do you have this morning
S2: I have … What about you
T: I have … I wa ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )nt to play table tennis after school. Do you want to go with me
S3: Sorry, I have a dancing lesson this afternoon.
T: What about Wednesday
Students: All right!
2. Pair work and act.
【设计意图:学生四人一组,用所学的语言完成对 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )话的创编,对话的编排需要以Checkout time中Jim每天的活动安排为依据。学生在活动的过程中,语用能力得到了提升,课堂气氛达到了高潮。】
Homework 家庭作业
1. Listen, read and recite Sound time.
2. Write down the ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )dialogue that you use in the activity, no less than 3-5 sentences.
Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)
Unit 2 After school
本节课在设计的过程中,设置人物Jim贯穿 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )整节课的教学:在Sound time板块中,Jim向爸爸询问东西在哪儿;在Checkout time 板块听力练习中,完成Jim的周活动计划表;最后的活动是学生询问Jim每天的课程安排。完整的情境设计会让整节课衔接更自然,板块过渡更流畅。
在学生明确了本节课需要达到的目标后,先以歌 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )曲Days of the week激发学生的学习热情。随后,教师设计了接龙说星期名词的游戏,学生可以根据自己的表现情况在Ticking time相应栏里打钩自评。接下来,在对话交流中,复习句型What day is it today What lessons do you have 及其第一人称和第三人称的回答,然后学生完成Ticking time内容的自评。
进入语音板块的教学前,先 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )介绍主线人物Jim,为后面的教学步骤做好准备。板块教学分为了解、掌握、和运用该语音三个步骤,最后学生完成Ticking time第三栏。
由“Jim找到他的帽子和 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )背包后会做什么?”这一问题过渡到Checkout time教学。在完成Checkout time的练习Listen and tick时,教师引导学生复习星期名词的缩写形式,之后完成练习并校对答案。
最后的活动是让学生依据Checkout time中Jim的周活动计划表,四人一组,一人扮演Jim展开对话。
[ ] (补充的词汇)
Unit 2 After school
Story time & Song time
Teaching contents 教学内容
Story time & Song time
Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标
1. 能初步听懂、会说、会读单词及词组:today, go and …, come and …, a football match。
2. 能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:Monday, Wednesday, Saturday。
3. 能初步听懂、会说、会读句型 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ):I have … He/She has … We don’t have … What day is it today 及回答It’s … What a pity! All right.
4. 初步感知第三人称单数形式has的用法。
5. 初步会唱歌曲Days of the week。
Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点
教学重点:1. 学生能够从整体上阅读故事并理解。
2. 学生能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,表演故事。
Teaching procedures 教学过程
Step 1 Greeting
1. Free talk
2. Song time: Days of the week
Step 2 Presentation
1. T: What do you hear
S: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday … (教授新词)
T: Yes. There are seven days in a week.
(呈现Learning tips: Monday缩写MON MON = Monday)
2. Sing the song together
3. Free talk
T: What day is it today
S: It’s … (板书句型,教授What day is it It’s …)
T: What lessons do you have this morning
S: We have …
T: What subjects do you like Why
S: I like … because …
T: (出示课程表) This is our ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) timetable. What lessons do you have on Tuesday
S: We have …
T: What about Friday
S: We have …
T: What do you do after school
S: I …
T: Can you play football after school
S1: Yes, I can.
T: Great! Let’s go and play football after school!
S1: All right.
T: Can you play football
S2: No, I can’t.
T: Oh, what a pit ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )y! We can’t play football together. What do you do after school
S2: I…
T: OK! Today, let’s learn Unit 2 After school.
【设计意图:让学生初步感知句型What da ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )y is it 及其回答,同时渗透句型I/We have … go and …为下一步学习进行铺垫。对话结束后,引出课题,由此进入story time的学习。】
Step 3 Story time
1. Watch and answer
(出示Liu Tao)
T: Look at this picture. Who’s he
S: He’s Liu Tao.
T: What can he do
S: He can play table tennis.
T: Good. What day is it today (教授today)
Can Liu Tao play table tennis with his friends today
Let’s watch the cartoon together. And try to find the answers. (播放动画)
T: What day is it today
S: It’s Wednesday. ( Wednesday = WED, 字母“d”不发音)
T: Can Liu Tao play table tennis with his friends today
S: No, they can’t.
T: They can play table tennis on …
S: Saturday. (Saturday = SAT)
T: Because they don’t have any lessons on Saturday.
2. Read and match. (自读课文,并且连线)
(教授match, swimming—swim)
【设计意图:在学习match和swimmin ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )g时,补充词汇have a basketball match和have a skating lesson,引导学生活学活用,拓展知识面。】
T: So, we can say: On Wednesday, Mike has a football match.
T: What about Su Hai and Su Yang
S: Su Hai has a swimming lesson.
Su Yang has a swimming lesson too.
T: So, Su Hai and Su Yang have a swimming lesson.
3. Listen and repeat
(听录音逐句跟读课文,鼓励学生模仿语音、 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )语调。重点指导句子“What a pity!”的朗读。“All right.”这个句子学生在二年级的时候已经学过了,掌握得比较好,所以在这一环节用听说的形式检验学生的掌握情况。对于个别基础差的学生进行指导。)
4. Let’s read
【设计意图:学生可以根据小组情况,自主选择齐 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )读、分角色朗读或表演课文。在此过程中鼓励学生用正确的语音、语调,并配上夸张的表情动作完成任务。】
Step 4 Consolidation
1. Retell
a. Fill in the blanks. (PPT呈现)
It’s Wednesday today. Liu Tao would like to play table tennis.
But Mike has a footba ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ll match. Su Hai and Su Yang have a swimming lesson.
They don’t ha ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ve any lessons on Saturday. So they will (将) go and play table tennis on Saturday.
b. Read it together.
2. Show time
(1) T: I want to play ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )basketball after school. S1, let’s go and play basketball.
S1: All right!
T: S2, let’s go and play basketball.
S2: What day is it today
T: It’s Monday.
S2: Sorry, I can’t. I have a Maths lesson.
T: What a pity! Ho ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )w about Sunday We don’t have any lessons on Saturday.
S1 & S2: All right!
(2) T: Now please make a dialogue in groups of four and then act!
【设计意图:活动要求学生用所学的语言进行对话 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )。活动对学生的语言提出了更高要求,期待通过合作与创新,共同将这节课所学内容以自己的方式演绎出来,课堂气氛再次升至高点。】
Homework 家庭作业
1. Listen, read and recite Story time.
2. Copy and recite the new words: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday …
3. Make a new dialogue with your group members.
Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)
Unit 2 After school
Pre-reading 阅读前
在阅读前阶段,首先通过歌曲Days of t ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )he week引出星期名词,同时介绍小提示中的知识Monday = MON,并通过歌曲的演唱巩固新知。接下来用句型What day is it today 向学生提问,让学生对新句型有初步的感知。在和学生谈论课程表之后引出话题:放学后做什么?由此自然进入Story time的学习。
这样的设计意图在于:1. 激发兴趣和积极性 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com );2. 完成歌曲和星期名词的教学;3. 渗透句型教学What day is it 和We have … 阅读前的活动为Story time的学习做好铺垫。
While-reading 阅读中
在阅读中阶段,设计了以下4个层次 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )递进的活动:其中Watch and answer要求学生带着任务观看动画,达到整体感知课文的目的;Read and match要求学生独立阅读课文并完成任务,旨在引导学生关注课文中的细节信息。这两个活动的设计核心在于“阅读并理解故事”。在理解后,为了更有效地加强语言输入,又设计了Listen and repeat和Let’s read这样两个朗读活动,重在培养学生正确的语音、语调,语感并进一步掌握课文中的句子和词汇。
阅读后阶段,设计了两个活动。首先 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ),在学生理解故事的基础上,根据故事内容填空。此活动能进一步巩固本节课故事的教学。在学生完成练习中重点关注词汇has和any的填写。之后齐读,让学生站在讲述者的角度,从而对语言的理解和运用有更深的体会。最后的活动是让学生综合运用所学的语言进行组内表演。在此过程中,学生体会互助与分享,语用能力、合作能力和创新能力得到进一步提升。
1. 关注学生对文本的整体感知和细节信息的获取。
2. 关注文本的理解,指导学生如何用正确的语音、语调朗读。
3. 关注学生在活动中体验英语学习的乐趣。
What day is it today Wednesday = WED Saturday = SAT
It’s …
I have … a football match
He/She has … a swimming lesson
What a pity!英语(四年级下册)
Unit 2 After school
Cartoon time
Teaching contents 教学内容
Cartoon time
Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标
1. 学生能够阅读理解卡通内容。
2. 学生能够在理解的基础上表演卡通。
Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点
教学重点:1. 从整体上阅读卡通并理解。
2. 用正确的语音语调朗读对话,表演卡通。
Teaching procedures 教学过程
Step 1 Free talk & Warm-up
1. Free talk
T: Hello, boys and girls.
S: Hello, Miss Sun.
T: What day is it today
S: It’s …
T: What lessons do you have this morning
S: We have …
T: How about this afternoon What lessons do you have
S: We have …
T: What subjects do you like
S: I like ...
【设计意图:Free talk环节 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )通过对话的形式复习句型What day is it 和What lessons do you have/like 来唤醒学生的已有知识。】
2. Sing a song
T: Do you like Music
S: Yes!
T: Let’s sing the song Days of the week together.
S: OK.
【设计意图:Free talk环节 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )讨论学生喜欢的学科后,接着问Do you like Music 自然过渡到歌曲的复习,渲染课堂轻松愉悦的学习氛围。】
3. T: What makes a week
S: Seven days. They’re …
T: Do you know what day I like best
S: …
T: I like Monday best, ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) because I can see you again. What is your favourite day Now please discuss with your partners. And you can say like this: I like … best, because …
【设计意图:学生们聊他们喜欢的星期 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )时可以综合运用所学的句型I like …, I can …, Because …等,对学生的语言运用能力提出了更高的要求。在对话过程中,会有学生说到他们喜欢星期六和星期天,因为这两天没有课,由此可以导入Cartoon time的教学。】
Step 2 Cartoon time
1. T: Some of you ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )like Saturday because there’s no lessons. Does Bobby have any lessons on Saturday Look, Bobby is coming. And who is he
S: It’s a chicken.
T: Yes, we can ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) call him Mr Chicken. Does Bobby have any lessons on Saturday Let’s watch the cartoon. (播放动画)
2. T: Does Bobby have any lessons on Saturday
S: No!
3. T: But Bo ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )bby and Mr Chicken get up early this morning. When do they get up every day (新授when和every day)
T: Let’s watch the c ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )artoon again and try to answer. (再次播放动画,引导学生用第一人称完成PPT上的句子I get up at … every day)
【设计意图:再次观看动画,寻找细节信 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )息。在回答问题时,考虑到学生没有学过第三人称的表达方式,所以学生在回答问题时采用扮演Bobby和Mr Chicken的方式,用第一人称回答,降低教学难度。】
4. T: Look at the clock! It rings! It says …
S: Get up! Get up!
T: Look at Bobby. Is he happy
S: No.
T: What’s wrong with him
S1: He is tired.
S2: He gets up early.
S3: He wants to sleep.
T: So when M ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )r Chicken asks him: Good morning, Bobby. When do you get up every day Bobby says …
S: At six.
T: But does Bobby have lessons today
S: No, he has no lessons today.
T: So he says …
S: Ah! I don’t have any lessons on Saturday!
T: Yes. Maybe he can get up later next Saturday.
5. Reading time
(1) 跟读动画,鼓励学生模仿语音语调。
(2) 齐读。
(3) 两人一组分角色朗读。
(4) 两人一组表演。
Step 3 Consolidation
1. T: Bobby is not ver ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )y happy at last. What will Bobby do on Saturday
S1: Maybe Bobby goes to bed again.
S2: Maybe he plays with Mr Chicken together.
T: Good. Let’s add an ending to this story.
2. One possible version:
T: Now I’m Mr Chicken. Who wants to be Bobby
S1: Me!
T: Everyone, you are the clock. Ready Let’s start!
S: Get up! Get up!
T: Good morning, Bobby. When do you get up every day
S1: At six.
T: I get up at six. What lessons do you have today
S1: What day is it
T: It’s Saturday.
S1: Ah! I don’t have any lessons on Saturday!
T: Really Let’s go and play football, OK
S1: Good idea!
T: Can Sam play with us
S1: Let’s go and ask him.
T: OK, Let’s go!
3. T: Now, add an end ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ing to the story with your partner. One is Mr Chicken, and the other is Bobby. These sentences will help you! (PPT呈现)
4. Act the new story.
T: Excellent, boys and girls. Wonderful jobs you did today.
【设计意图:续编卡通故事对学生的 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )语用能力提出了更高的要求。在教师的示范之后,学生两人一组合作完成任务。期待学生通过合作与创新,综合运用所学语言以自己的方式演绎出来,将课堂气氛推向高潮。】
Homework 家庭作业
1. Listen and read Cartoon time. Try to recite it.
2. Act the st ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ory with your friend. If you can make a new ending, that will be great.
Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)
Unit 2 After school
在阅读前,老师设计了三个连贯的活动,首 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )先在Free talk环节通过对话的形式复习句型What day is it today 和What lessons do you have/like 唤醒学生的已有知识。然后通过Do you like Music 问答,自然过渡到歌曲的复习,活跃了课堂的气氛。之后让学生猜一猜教师喜欢一周中哪一天,再让学生同桌讨论他们喜欢的星期,并说一说原因,提高学生的语用能力。以上设计的意图在于:1. 复习句型What day is it today 和What lessons do you have 2. 激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性;3. 自然导入Cartoon time。阅读前的活动为Cartoon time的学习做好了铺垫。
在阅读中阶段,通过让学生看动画回答问题, ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )帮助学生了解故事大意而后抓住细节信息。之后在和学生的对话过程中,引导学生进一步理解卡通故事,并指导学生用正确的语音、语调朗读。此活动的设计核心在于“阅读并理解故事”。在理解后,为了更有效地加强语言输入,教师又设计了朗读与表演的活动。
阅读后阶段,设计的拓 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )展活动是续编卡通故事。首先教师引导学生思考在Bobby得知今天是周六不用上课之后, Bobby会和Mr Chicken说些什么,他们准备做什么。然后教师进行示范性的表演。之后学生两人一组,合作完成表演。老师期待学生通过合作与创新,综合运用所学语言,以自己的方式演绎出来。这一活动对学生的英语语用能力提出了更高的要求。
I get up at six.
When do you get up every day
Mr Chicken
What lessons do you have today
Ah! I don’t have any lessons on Saturday!