选择性必修三 Unit 3 Environmental Protection - Using language 2(27张PPT)


名称 选择性必修三 Unit 3 Environmental Protection - Using language 2(27张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 5.6MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-02-05 17:51:52



Write a report on an environmental issue
1. To read and understand the report on water pollution in the Li River.
2. To learn some words and expressions.
3. To learn to write a report on an environmental issue.
What do you know about the Li River Have you ever been there
2. What do you think might have caused water pollution in the Li River
Look at the title and the pictures and discuss the questions.
Read the report and then answer the questions.
What were some of the negative effects on the Li River as a result of the growth in tourism
The water quality had suffered greatly. The growth in tourism also meant the local population rose rapidly, which led to more household and commercial waste. And more chemicals were used in crop.
2. What measures have been taken to improve the LI River’s water quality
Waste water treatment facilities were built, many polluting enterprises were closed or moved, and new rules on tour boat routes and garbage disposal methods were made.
In addition, the media was used to spread environmental awareness and encourage greater use of clean energy.
3. What is the “River Chief System”
It’s an initiative which hold senior officials responsible for reducing water pollution.
Read the text again and complete the paragraph summaries.
Para 1 Introducing the topic
Para 2 Describing the ____________________
Para 3 Presenting some __________________
Para 4 Presenting further ________________
pollution in the Li River
causes of the water
initiatives to solve the water pollution
plans and
Draw a mind map to show all the factors that caused the pollution.
Fill in the blanks to complete the summary using what you have read.
The Li River is one of the most famous _________________ in China. But it had had negative effects on its ____________.
Besides the garbage that tourists threw into the river, ___________, household and commercial waste, chemicals used in crop all contributed to the problem.
tourist destinations
water quality
tour boats
The local government has taken several steps to restore the river’s ______________. Waste water treatment facilities were built, many polluting enterprises were ______________, and new rules on tour boat routes and garbage disposal methods were made.
In addition, the media was used to spread ______________________ and encourage greater use of clean energy.
original beauty
closed or moved
environmental awareness
Use what you have learnt to write a report on an environmental issue.
Choose an environmental problem that directly affects you or your local community. Research the issue on the Internet. Consider the following questions:
What is the issue Why does it need to be dealt with
Where does the issue occur What are its causes What effects does it have
What actions have been taken so far What future actions are planned
Has the issue been dealt with well Is it likely to be solved completely Why or why not What alternative solutions are possible
1. 依据调查结果,用事实说话,语言表达要力求准确、精练。
2. 一般过去时和被动语态使用较多。
white pollution 白色污染
household garbage 生活垃圾
motor vehicle emissions 机动车辆排放
develop renewable resources 开发可再生资源
global warming 全球变暖
endangered wildlife 濒危野生物
water resource conservation zone 水资源保护区
forest coverage rate 森林覆盖率
windbreaks 防风林
pesticide residue 农药残留
motor vehicle exhaust 汽车尾气
clean energy 清洁能源
greenhouse effect 温室效应
greenhouse gas emissions 温室气体排放
energy conservation and emissions reduction 节能减排
environmentally friendly / eco-friendly 环保的
environment-friendly products 环保产品
throwaway biodegradable plastic bags
China’s goal is to build a resource-conserving and environmentally friendly society.
A better understanding of the environment is necessary. 更好地了解环境情况是有必要的。
The underlying trend of higher and higher temperatures is likely to continue.
Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.
Do something useful to protect the environment.
Don’t throw any litter onto the ground.
The amount of water which is suitable to drink is smaller and smaller. 可饮用水越来越少。
It’s our duty to protect our environment.
Air pollution is also a big problem in very large cities, especially in developing countries.
In many parts of the world, as people become more aware and apply new technology to solving the pollution problem, there is hope for the future. 在世界很多地方,随着人们对环境污染问题的认识越来越清醒,并使用新的技术解决污染问题,未来还是大有希望的。
Exchange drafts with a partner. Use this checklist to give feedback on your partner’s draft.
Does the writer describe the environmental issue clearly
Do the measures taken to deal with it sound effective
Does the writer use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling
1. Local officials were concerned … steps should be taken to restore the river’s original beauty.
restore v. to make something return to its former state or condition 恢复
restore ... to …
eg She was hoping that the Mediterranean climate would restore her to full health.
2. Dozens of pollution enterprises were closed or moved.
dozen n. twelve 一(打);十二个
dozens of 许多;很多
eg You will be able to take ten dozen bottles free of duty through customs.
I must have mentioned him dozens of times in my letters.
3. At the same time, they … and fine tourist organisations for abuses.
fine v. to make someone pay money as a punishment 对……处以罚款
fine sb for (doing) sth
eg She was fined for speeding.
They fined him $100 for using threatening behaviour.
Check your writing, and modify it.
Summarise the usage of word “fine” and use a dictionary if necessary.