选择性必修三 Unit 3 Environmental Protection - Reading and Thinking(67张PPT)


名称 选择性必修三 Unit 3 Environmental Protection - Reading and Thinking(67张PPT)
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文件大小 22.9MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-02-05 17:55:38


To know some useful words and expressions.
To understand some language points in the passage.
the way in which plants, animals, and people are related to each other and to their environment, or the scientific study of this
to make something continue to exist or happen for a period of time
good enough for people to live in
it changes to a liquid, usually because it has been heated.
词根词缀: eco- 经济,生态 -logy 学说
ecological adj. 生态的; 生态学的
ecologist n. 生态学家 ecosystem n. 生态系统
including all the necessary facts, details, or problems that need to be dealt with
a substance such as coal, gas, or oil that can be burned to produce heat or energy
a general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing
everywhere in the world
a way of doing something that has been officially agreed and chosen by a political party, business, or other organization
very often or many times
a mark made by a foot or shoe
to send out radio or television programmes
1. When people produce huge amounts of extra greenhouse gases by burning fossil fuel…
huge amounts of + 不可数名词
eg Huge amounts of damage have been done in a very short time.
a huge amount of +不可数名词
eg A huge amount of money has been spent on this project.
(1) 一般只用来修饰可数名词复数形式的有:
a great / good many, a great / large / good number of, quite a few等。
(2) 一般只用来修饰不可数名词的有:
quite a little, a great deal of, a large amount of, large amounts of等。
(3) 既可修饰可数名词复数形式,又可修饰不可数名词的有:
plenty of, a lot of, lots of, a mass of, masses of等,这时谓语动词的单复数形式取决于它们后面所接的名词的形式。
(4) a large quantity of和large quantities of后既可接可数名词复数形式,又可接不可数名词,这时谓语动词的单复数形式要由quantity的单复数形式来决定。
1) It’s reported that a good amount of money _____ (was / were) spent to prevent and control desertification (荒漠化).
2) A large number of houses ______ (was / were) destroyed in the earthquake.
3) I think that large amounts of time _____ (is / are) wasted in watching TV series.
4) A large quantity of flowers _____ (has / have) been planted in our school.
2. The heat is released back into space at longer wave lengths.
release vt. : to let a substance flow out
release sth. into sth.
eg Oil was released into the sea.
Coal power stations release sulphur dioxide(二氧化硫) into the atmosphere.
release vt. : to let news or official information be known and printed
eg The latest developments have just been released to the media.
release n. 排放;释放;发布
eg The accident caused the release of radioactivity(放射性物质) into the atmosphere.
There are strict rules on the release of official information.
3. Continued greenhouse gas emissions will result in further warming and long-lasting changes to the global climate.
result in: to make something happen
eg The accident resulted in the death of two passengers.
Our efforts resulted in success.
result from...
由……造成; 因……而产生
as a result of...
由于……的结果(后接名词、代词或动词-ing 形式作宾语)
as a result
结果 (在句中常用作插入语, 相当于一个副词)
eg His failure resulted from not working hard enough.
He is unable to go to school as a result of the fall from his horse.
He saved the life of the boss’ daughter. As a result he was given an excellent job.
1) 他的粗心导致了他的失败。
2) 他犯了一个大错误,因此失去了工作。
3) 疾病通常是由缺乏睡眠引起的。
His carelessness resulted in his failure.
He made one big mistake, and as a result he lost his job. / He lost his job as a result of one big mistake.
Sickness often results from lack of sleep.
4. We as individuals can also reduce our “carbon footprint” by restricting the amount of carbon dioxide our lifestyles produce.
restrict vt. : to limit or control the size, amount, or range of something
eg In future we will restrict class sizes to 20 students.
I'm restricting myself to a piece of candy a day.
restriction n. : a rule or law that limits or controls what people can do
eg The park is open to the public without restriction.
It is a club with strict restrictions on its membership.
I am restricted to three cups of tea a day.
1) 我被限制一天喝三杯茶。
2) 他不喜欢他们限制他选择的自由。
He dislikes their restriction of his freedom of choice.
5. It is our responsibility to seize every opportunity to educate everyone about global warming.
seize vt. : When you seize an opportunity, you take advantage of it and do something that you want to do.
seize a chance / an opportunity :
to quickly and eagerly do something when you have the chance to 抓住机会/时机
eg Seize the chance, otherwise you’ll regret it.
Joe seized an opportunity to speak to his boss alone.
seize vt. : to take hold of something suddenly and violently
eg Suddenly he seized my hand.
I seized his arm and made him turn to look at me.
seize vt. : to take control of a place suddenly and quickly, using military force
eg The soldiers seized the city after a hard fight.
A group of soldiers seized the airport.
seize vt. :(of a strong feeling, desire, etc) affect (sb) suddenly and overwhelmingly (指强烈的感情、愿望等)突然影响或控制(某人)
eg I was seized with a sudden desire to laugh out loud.
When she saw his face, she was seized by fear.
The young man _________________ and made some money.
2) They _________________ in a surprise attack.
3) I was suddenly _________________________ great insecurity and loneliness.
seized by/with a feeling of
seized the chance
seized the airport
1. There is little doubt that Earth is getting warmer and warmer.
There is little doubt that...
There is no doubt that...
There is some doubt about sth.
eg On the other hand, there is little doubt that people with low EQs often have problems getting on with other people.
There is no doubt that he is honest.
There is some doubt about his ability.
I have some doubt whether he will be fit in time for next Sunday’s match.
2. …not only causing serious damage, but also costing human lives.
not only ... but also ... 不仅……而且……
当它连接主语时, 谓语动词的数应服从就近原则:由最靠近谓语动词的部分即but also后面的部分(名词或代词)决定谓语动词的数。
eg We not only watch TV but also read books and newspapers after supper.
Shakespeare was not only a writer but also an actor.
Not only Tom but also I am an engineer.
not only位于句首时,主谓要倒装。
eg Not only had the poor man been arrested, but also he had been sent to prison.
Not only is food production important but also taking care of the environment is important.
Use these words and expressions to make sentences.(共34张PPT)
To discuss climate change
To learn to identify the style of this text and infer the writer’s purpose
To learn to draw a diagram
To think about how we can do to deal with climate change
Climate change is a heat topic for the scientists around the world. They all try to find out the truth about these questions:
What causes the climate change
What are the solutions to stop climate change
View the video.
But someone may ask: is climate change really a problem Why
It leads to floods/flooding.
It’s getting hot and hotter and so there are more droughts.
The polar ice sheet is melting and the sea levels are rising. Sea-level rise in turn causes damage to coastal regions.
Lead to extreme weather which in turn impacts farming and harvests
Disrupt the balance of the ecosystem
Destruct wildlife

What is the graph about What information can you get from it
Have you ever seen the photo before What might be the story behind it
Discuss climate change
Before you read, look at the graph and the picture on Page 26 and discuss these questions in groups.
1. What type of writing is this passage
Argumentative writing
Narrative writing
C. Expository writing
D. Advertising writing
2. In which part of a newspaper or magazine may we find this passage
Entertainment B. Economy
C. Education D. Environment
Read the passage quickly, and choose:
Read the text quickly, and figure out the main idea of each paragraph.
Para. 1
The earth is getting warmer.
Para. 2
A specific example of the results of climate change
Para. 3
A major reason of global warming is “man-made” greenhouse effect.
Para. 4
The danger of rising temperature
Para. 5
We should seize every opportunity to reduce global warming.
Read the text carefully, and answer the questions.
What happened to the polar bear in the photo Why did the writer write about it
Possible answers: The polar bear died of starvation/hunger. The write used this alarming case as an example to show us how the increase in temperature had terrible impact on Earth’s ecology.
dead polar bear in
Norway’s Arctic island of Svalbard
2. Why is the “natural” greenhouse effect important and necessary
One possible answer: Greenhouse gases can trap some of the heat, which can keep Earth’s climate warm and habitable. Without this process, Earth could not sustain life.
1. What are the “greenhouse gases”
In the atmosphere surrounding the earth there are gases called “greenhouse gases”, including carbon dioxide, methane (甲烷, 沼气).
2. How do you understand “greenhouse effects”
They trap the heat from the sun, which
causes the temperature of earth goes up.
Related questions:
3. What are the consequences of high greenhouse gas emissions
Possible answers:
Earth’s surface temperature to rise
extreme weather
natural disasters
low sea-ice levels
causing deaths
economic losses
4. Why did the author mention the climate scientists’ warning
One possible answer: The topic is a scientific one, so adding the climate scientist’s warning can make the author’s opinion (or writing) more persuasive form the scientific aspect. On the other hand, we readers may feel more reliable about the author’s attitude if it is based on the research of some scientists.
5. What is the author’s purpose of writing this text
One possible answer: The author hopes we can pay attention to the climate change and do something to stop it. For he or she writes “We as individuals can also reduce our ‘carbon footprint’” and “It is our responsibility to seize every opportunity to educate everyone about global warming.”
The ________ is getting warmer and warmer.
Evidence one:
Evidence two:
Evidence three:
a warming ocean and atmosphere
Read paragraph one, and fill in the blanks.
melting ice
rising sea levels
Time Where What happened How did it happen
Norway’s Arctic island of Svalbard
A polar bear died of starvation.
Paragraph 2 introduces an example of the increase in temperature that had an impact on Earth’s ecology. Read it and fill in the blanks.
The bear cannot hunt food because of low sea-ice levels.
Trap heat from the sun to keep the Earth’s sustainable life.
Read Paragraph 3, and figure out the reason why earth’s temperature rising.
Green-house effect
“Natural” greenhouse effect
“man-made” greenhouse effect
By burning fossil fuels, extra greenhouse gases cause Earth’s temperature to rise.
Read the article again and create a diagram describing how the greenhouse effect works.
Draw a diagram
Diagrams are very useful tools that can be used to brainstorm ideas, map out processes, show cause and effect relationships, explain a new idea or concept and so on. When you read an essay about scientific issues, you can try drawing a diagram, which will not only allow you visualise the problems more clearly but also can help demonstrate your creative thinking and problem-solving.
Summarize the main idea of paragraph 4, according to the diagram.
We should take appropriate actions at once.
In Paragraph 5, the author hopes everyone can take actions to reduce our “carbon footprint”. As individuals, what can we do in our daily life to help to minimize climate change
Use renewable energies
Save energy
Stop using plastic bags
Live a low-carbon life
Use the minimum paper, backing paper etc.
Take green transportation
Take a shower instead of a bath
Turn off the lights, computers etc. the moment you don’t need them

Discuss the questions in groups.
What examples of extreme weather and disasters do you know Can you make a list
Do you think climate change is the result of human activity Give your reasons.
Who do you think should take responsibility for dealing with climate change What can we do
Words you may use:
Adjs: inhospitable, sever, mild, hot, tropical, reusable, recycled, economic…
Verbs: mitigate/reduce/alleviate/minimise climate change;
deal with/ tackle/ solve/stop/ prevent climate change…
Nouns: Gas emissions, carbon dioxide, CO2, fossil fuels, extreme weather, natural disasters, rainstorms, heatwaves…
adj. 不适宜居住的
Global warming
1. The planet has warmed anywhere from 0.5 to 1.0℃ (1 to 2℉) over the last century.
2. A definition of global warming would have to include a measurable, consistent temperature rise, like the one we have seen in recent history. A question remains – Is it an unusual change Much debate about that one.
Supplementary materials
3. The earth gets one kind of energy (visible light) from the sun and gives off another kind (infrared红外线). This kind is what gets trapped by “greenhouse gases” (GHG’s) in the atmosphere.
Greenhouse gases
4. A greenhouse keeps warm by physically trapping the air inside and preventing convection (对流). The atmosphere helps keep the planet warm by trapping outgoing radiation instead.
5. The leading gasses are Carbon-dioxide, Methane, Ozone (臭氧) and Nitrous Oxide (一氧化二氮). Gas analyzers show the concentrations of this stuff have increased somewhat since the beginning of the industrial revolution.
6. The greenhouse effect raises the average temperature of the Earth by more than 30 degrees, so without it the Earth would be a very cold place!
1. Retell the reading passage in your own words.
2. Preview page 28 and finish the exercises 1 & 2.