Lesson 14 Would you Like Some Soup
本课是冀教版小学英语(三年级起始版)三年级下册第三单元第二课。这是一节以食物词汇为基础的情景对话课,用“ Would you like some... ”进行征询意见。在本单元第一课中,学生已经能听懂会说“I’m hungry. I’m thirsty. I want to eat... I want to drink...”因此,这节课对学生来说难度不大,课文中的四个食物词汇noodles, dumplings, soup, rice生活中都常见,容易理解和朗读。教材的主要内容清晰明了,尤其适合进行对话练习,教学本课应主要从情境入手,给学生创造适合的情境来激发学生的兴趣。
(1)掌握词汇:noodles, dumplings, soup, rice
Would you like some … Yes, please. / No, thanks.
--Are you hungry
--Yes, I am.
--Would you like some
--Yes, please. / No, thanks.
教师在课堂上使用手势、肢体语言及鼓励性的语言(Good! Very good! Perfect! Excellent! Amazing! I like you! ...)来加强师生之间的情感交流,使学生产生强烈的求知愿望。评价手段主要是采用鼓励性评价方法,对每一位学生的发言都给予积极的评价,在评价过程中注意理解、尊重学生,使学生体会到学习的乐趣和成就感。
1. PPT课件
2. 食物(noodles, dumplings, soup, rice, chicken, meat, tea, juice)图片, 仿真食物(仿真碗面、仿真米饭、仿真鸡肉), 单词卡片(自然拼音讲解用)
3. 笑脸哭脸(句型用)
重点句型(Would you like some … Yes, please. / No, thanks.)的长条卡片
4. 食物小图片(竞争机制用)
【导入】Greetings, Competitor mechanism and Oral English
1. Teacher and students greet each other.
2. Teacher divides the students into two teams(team A & team B) and introduces the competitor mechanism(课堂竞争机制).
3. Teacher and students practice the oral English. (Hello! How are you Are you happy Are you hungry )
设计意图:在问候和口语练习的过程中,既吸引了学生注意力、活跃了课堂气氛,又穿插了上一课的重要口语话题(I am hungry. Are you hungry Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.),一举双得。
Teacher presents the new word “noodles” with a situation and a bowl of
emulational (仿真的) noodles.
Situation: (1)当教师问“Are you hungry ” 大部分学生回答“No, I’m not.”的时候。教师会说“But I’m so hungry. So I’m looking for some food. Wow, what’s this ”
(2) 当教师问“Are you hungry ” 大部分学生回答“Yes, I am.”的时候。教师会说“So let’s look for some food. Wow, what’s this ”
(教师边问“What’s this ”,边手持仿真碗面表现出激动状。)
【讲授】New Words
1. Noodles
(1)Teacher presents the word with a situation and a bowl of emulational(仿真的) noodles.
(2)Students read “noodles” on the screen.
(3)Teacher guides students to pronounce “noodles”.
“自然拼音”讲解: n / oo / dle / s分别发什么音。
(4)Practice the word’s pronunciation with a game. (看谁反应快:教师在教室中边走边问“What’s this ”当教师把仿真大碗面条放到某一个学生的桌子上时,这位同学要站起来大声地回答“noodles”)
2. Dumplings
(1)Teacher presents the word with a vivid picture of dumplings.
(2)Students read “dumplings” on the screen.
(3)Teacher guides students to pronounce “dumplings”.
“自然拼音”讲解: d / u / m / p / ling / s 分别发什么音。
(4)Practice the word’s pronunciation with a game. (Touch and say: 两人一组边拍卡片边说单词。)
(5)Checking time (noodles & dumplings): Teacher asks(What’s this ) with the big picture of dumplings and the emulational noodles. Students answer.
3. Soup
(1)Teacher presents the word with a vivid picture of soup.
(2)Students read “soup” on the screen.
(3)Teacher guides students to pronounce “soup”.
“自然拼音”讲解: s / ou / p分别发什么音。
(4)Practice the word’s pronunciation with a game. (教师指着黑板上的表示汤的图片问问题“What’s this ” 答的好的小组可以得到一张漂亮的图片。)
4. Rice
(1)Teacher presents the word with a bowl of rice.
(2)Students read “rice” on the screen.
(3)Teacher guides students to pronounce “rice”.
“自然拼音”讲解: r / ice分别发什么音。
(4)Practice the pronunciation of rice and noodles with the emulational food. (学生根据教师手中的仿真食物快速地说出单词。)
(1)Teacher presents the pictures of the food one by one on the screen, students speak out the words quickly. Teacher points, students say. (教师快速指单词,学生快速说单词。)
(2)Teacher shows the big pictures of the food quickly, students speak out the words quickly. (教师快速闪卡片,学生快速说单词。先全班一起说,再两人一组PK说。)
(3)Teacher writes the words one by one on the blackboard. (在写的过程中,教师会引导学生用自然拼读的方法边读边写;学生伸出手指,跟着老师一起比划。)
(4)Read and match. (读一读,连一连。)
(5)Teacher and students read the words (noodles, dumplings, soup and rice) in two kinds of tone: rising tone and falling tone. (教师和学生一起用升调和降调读单词,先全班齐读,再两人一组PK读。)
【讲授】<Part1 Are you hungry, Jenny >
Li Ming’s father: Are you hungry, Jenny
Jenny: Yes, I’m very hungry. What’s this
Li Ming’s mother: Dumplings.
(1)Students answer the questions (Who are they / What are they doing ) according to the picture on the screen.
(2)Students watch the video with the question. (What do they say )
(3)Students read after the recording and imitate the pronunciation.
(4)Students and teacher read the conversation together.
(5)Students and teacher perform the conversation. (Team A performs Li Ming’s father, team B performs Li Ming’s mother, teacher performs Jenny. )
【讲授】New Sentences
--Would you like some...
--Yes, please. / No, thanks.
1. Would you like some...
(1)呈现:由Part1中的dumplings自然过渡,教师指肚子做动作表现出非常饿的状态,并且指着饺子说“I am so hungry. I’d like some dumplings. Would you like some dumplings ” 以此方式,在PPT和黑板上呈现出句型“Would you like some... ”
(2)解释:When you have dinner, you can ask your family member“Would you like some... ”
(3)带读与操练:Would you like some... (教师有节奏的带读,并且和学生一起通过“木头人”游戏的方式反复读,以达到流利的程度。)
(4)应用:①学生用黑板上的食物大图片集体询问教师“Would you like some... ”
②学生用自己手中的食物大图片(上课之前发的,每人一张)单个询问教师“Would you like some... ”
2. Yes, please. / No, thanks.
(1)呈现:通过教师的回答,自然呈现出“Yes, please. / No, thanks.” 并在PPT和黑板上呈现出句子“Yes, please. / No, thanks.”
(2)解释:If you want to eat, you say “Yes, please.”
If you don’t want to eat, you say “No, thanks.”
②教师指,学生说(当教师指笑脸时,学生边做动作边说“Yes, please.” 当教师指哭脸时,学生边做动作边说“No, thanks.”)。比赛看哪组反应快。
(4)应用:① Teacher asks with a picture of food, one student answers.
② One answers, the others ask. (全班一起用教师手中的图片或食物问,一位学生根据个人意愿作肯否回答。)
注:当全班学生一起问某一个学生时,教师可以引导大家先问能吃的东西,再问不能吃的东西(books/chalks/paper/toilet paper/rulers/desks/erasers)
设计意图:当他人用“Would you like some... ”征询意见时,学生要学会如何进行肯定回答和否定回答。此步骤在进一步操练“Would you like some... ”的同时,又反复操练了肯定回答句型“Yes, please.” 和否定回答句型“No, thanks.”。 旨在让学生灵活运用肯否句型,联系生活实际,根据个人意愿回答问题,以达到准确无误的礼貌的接收或拒绝他人的食物。
【讲授】<Part3 Yes, please. / No, thanks. >
Li Ming’s father: Would you like some dumplings, Jenny
Jenny: Yes, please.
Li Ming’s mother: Would you like some soup, Jenny
Jenny: No, thanks.
(1)Students watch the video with the question (Does Jenny want to eat dumplings ).
(2)Students read after the recording and imitate the pronunciation according to the text on PIC.11. .
(3)Students and teacher read the conversation together.
(4)Students and teacher perform the conversation. (Boys perform Li Ming’s father, girls perform Li Ming’s mother, teacher performs Jenny. )
【活动】Pair work <PPT-PIC.13>
问:Are you hungry
答:Yes, I am.
问:Would you like some... (noodles / dumplings / soup / rice)
答:Yes, please. / No, thanks.
(1) Teacher asks, students answer.
(2) Students ask,teacher answers.
(3) Teacher and one volunteer do a pair work.
(4) Students do the pair work with their desk mates.
(5) Volunteers perform their pair work.
【活动】<Part2 Let’s chant!>
Students and teacher chant together with the video.
【练习】Listening <Part4 let’s do it!>
Students listen to the recording. Tick or cross.
【活动】Summarizing Time <PPT-PIC.15>
1. Teacher guides students to speak out the new words with the pictures on the blackboard.
2. 教师再次呈现本课功能句型,并强调用法。
--Would you like some …
--Yes, please. / No, thanks.
3. 总结竞争机制的得分情况,表扬并鼓励学生。
【作业】Homework <PPT-PIC.16>
1. Draw and write down the food you like. The more, the better. (画出并用英语写出你喜欢的食物。越多越好。)
2.Ask your family member “Would you like some _____ ” (询问你的家庭成员“你想吃______吗 ”)