Unit 5 Music Period 1 Listening and Speaking课件+ 学案


名称 Unit 5 Music Period 1 Listening and Speaking课件+ 学案
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-02-14 13:45:37


Unit 5 Music
Period 1
Listening and Speaking
Key words
[ kl s kl] adj.
classical music
a classic movie
[ en d i] n.
physical energy
atomic energy focus energy
Key words
[ str d] adj.
stringed instrument
[s l] n.
touches my soul
bare your soul (to sb.)
Key phrases
1.stringed instrument 弦乐器
2.universal language 世界语言
3.give a performance 表演
4.make a sentence 造句
5.touch one’s heart 触动心灵
6.dance to 跟.....跳舞
7.feel like 感觉像;想要
8.the same as 与.....相同
9.give sb. energy某人能量
10.remind sb. of... 使某人想起;提醒某人某事
Read word you see loudly.
Game time
Lead in
In this unit, you will
Look and discuss
1 read about the virtual choir.
2 listen to people talk about their music preferences, and
share your own.
3 write a speech about how music has helped you or someone
you know.
4 learn about musical scores in films.
Lead in
1 What do you think the performers are doing on the stage
2 What can you say about the place where they are giving
the performance
3. Can you name some of the musical instruments that the
performers are using
They are performing classical music.
Look and discuss
They are performing in the concert hall.
Piano, violin, flute, drum,bagpipes(风笛), saxophone(萨克斯管), etc.
Lead in
Music is the universal language of mankind.
Lead in
Chinese Name: 亨利·沃兹沃斯·朗费罗
foreign name: Henry·Wadsworth·Longfellow
Nationality: United States
date of birth: 1807 date of death: 1882
professional: poet and translator
birthplace: Portland, United States
representative works: Night Chants(夜吟), Evangeline(伊凡吉林), Poems on Slavery(奴役篇), the song of hiawatha
(海华沙之歌), Christ(基督).
Lead in
How many kinds of common musical instruments do you know Please give examples.
Lead in
What kind of music do you know
rock and
Hip pop
Lead in
What kind of music do you know
An orchestra is a large group of musicians who play a variety of different instruments together. Orchestras usually play classical music.
Rock and roll is a kind of popular music developed in the 1950s which has a strong beat and is played on electrical instruments.
Lead in
What kind of music do you know
Rap is a type of modern music with a fast strong rhythm and words which are spoken fast, not sung.
Hip-pop refers to people who think that they can rap to Hip-Hop beats but are all Pop stars. Eminem, Kendrick Lamar or 2Pac.
Lead in
Chinese traditional music refers to the music created by
Chinese people with national morphological characteristics,
including both ancient and contemporary works.
Country music is a kind of pop music with American national characteristics. It rose in the southern United States in the 1920. It has simple melody, stable rhythm, strong narrative, strong local flavor, affection and enthusiasm without losing popular elements,often with narrative lyrics.
What kind of music do you know
Lead in
Jazz is a style of music that was invented by African American musicians in the early part of the twentieth century. Jazz music has very strong rhythms and often involves improvisation.
Classical music is the traditional genre of music conforming to an established form and appealing to critical interest and developed musical taste.
Discuss in groups. Which kind do you like best How does that make you feel
Hard rock
Chinese traditional music
I know the types of music: traditional Chinese music/hip hop/hard rock.I like hip hop music best. It makes me feel energetic and happy.
Discuss in groups. What kind of music do you know Which kind do you like best How does that make you feel
I like classical music best. Classical music is simple in structure and bright in melody, which can bring people comfortable, calm, warm and happy spiritual feelings.
Classical music
country music
Game:Listen, match and tick.
Please explain the content described in the following pictures
The man is a conductor. He is conducting an orchestra.
orchestra n.管弦乐队
An orchestra is a large group of musicians who play a variety of different instruments together, led by a conductor . Orchestras usually play classical music.
conductor n.(管弦乐队、合唱队等的)指挥;职业指挥
a person who stands in front of an orchestra , a group of singers etc., and directs their performance, especially sb who does this as a profession.
Free talk
The musical instrument in the picture is guqin.
The woman musician looks like a Chinese.
The picture shows a cowboy playing a guitar. This scene usually appears in country music performances.
The boys in the picture are wearing peaked cap(鸭舌帽), T-Shirts, sneakers, gold necklaces and are performing with microphones in their hands. Their clothes indicate that they are playing pop music.
Free talk
Please explain the content described in the following pictures
Talk about music preferences
What are the people doing in the pictures below
1 Before you listen, discuss the question in groups.
1.The man is conducting an orchestra.
2.The woman is playing the guqin.
3.The man is playing the guitar.
4.The men is are singing or rapping into microphones.
2 Match the pictures with the correct types of music.
A Chinese traditional B classical C country music D hip-hop
1 The first student likes to
3 A reporter from the school newspaper is interviewing students about music.Listen to the interviews. Draw lines between the words to make complete sentences. Some words will not be used.
dance to
Chinese traditional songs.
listen to
classical music.
country music.
2 The second student likes to
3 The third student likes to
hip-hop music.
1. The fist student likes to listen to country music.
2. The second student likes to dance to hip-hop music.
3. The third student likes to play classical music.
1 A: Country music touches my heart.
B: So you like music that's ____of________
2 A: When listen to hip-hop, I just have to move!
B: So it makes you want to_______
3 A: Classical music makes me feel like I'm sitting beside
a quiet stream and enjoying nature.
B: So to you, it's__________and____________
4 The reporter paraphrased some of the answers the students gave
him. Listen to the interviews again and complete the sentences with
the words you hear.
When you want to explain
something difficult to somebody,
it is helpful to use easier words with the same meaning This will help you make it easier to understand.
1 Do these types of music make you feel the same as the students Why or why not
2 What type of music do you not like, and how does it make you feel
5 Discuss these questions with your classmates.
techno music, or "high-tech dance music", is a
style of modern pop music, which uses computers
and synthesizers to produce some special sound
effects. This kind of music is often combined with
a lot of sound effects. It usually has a regular dance rhythm, which is fast, repetitive, stiff, mechanized
and rhythmic.
Discuss in group. What is high-tech dance music
6 Talk in pairs. Interview each other about music. Use the pictures below for ideas.
A: What kind of music do you like
B: I like techno music.
A: What makes it so special to you
B: I like to listen to it when I exercise.
It gives me energy.
Reasons for liking music
touches my heart/soul
makes me happy/want to dance
gives me energy/hope
helps me exercise/study
sounds peaceful beautiful
reminds me of home/people I love
Work in pairs or groups and role play a conversation.If you are a journalist, interview students about music.
Please use the sentences below.
A: What kind of music do you like
B: I like traditional Chinese music/hip hop/hard rock/country music/classical music.
A: What makes it so ...
B: I like to... It makes me happy/want to dance/gives me energy/hope/helps me exercise
/study sounds peaceful beautiful/reminds me of home/people I love.
A: What kind of music do you like
B: I like country music.
A: What makes it so special to you
B: I like to listen to it when depressed. It makes me relaxed and feel better. It sounds peaceful and beautiful.
notebook[’n u(t)buk] picture[’pi(k)t ] bike key[bai(k)’ki:] a red pen[ ’re(d)’pen]
good-bye[’gu(d)’bai] sit down[’si(t)’daun]
例如:outside[’au(t)said] a big house[ ’bi(g)’haus]
good friend[’gu(d)’frend] can’t sing[’ka:n(t)’si ]其中,括号中的辅音就是不完全爆破的.
Let’s learn
good morning[’gu(d)’m :ni ] good luck[’gu(d)’l k]
good night[’gu(d)’nait] blackboard[’bl (k)b :d]
摩擦音有f,v,s,z,θ , ,3,h,括号中的辅音就是不完全爆破的。
Let’s learn
How many roads must a man wal(k) down Yes, and how many years can a mountain exist
Before you call him a man Before it's wash(ed) to the sea
How many seas must a whi(te) dove sail Yes, and how many years can some people exist
Before she sleeps in the sand Before they're allow(ed) to be free
Yes, and how many times mus(t) the cannon balls fly Yes, and how many times can a man tum his head
Before they're forever banned Pretending he jus(t) doesn'(t) see
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind The answer, my friend, is blown' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind. The answer is blowin' in the wind.
1 Read the lyrics below from "Blowin' in the Wind" by Bob Dylan. Notice how the plosives are pronounced.
2 Repeat after the recording.
Language point
1. prefer v.更喜欢;较喜欢;喜欢......多于
to like one thing or person better than another; to choose one thing rather than sth. else because you like it better
…prefer A to B 更喜欢A;比起B来更喜欢A
例句: I prefer classical music to pop music.
preference n. 偏爱; 爱好;偏爱的事物;最喜爱的东西
a greater interest in or desire for sb./sth. than sb./sth. else
例句: Buyers are showing a preference for small cars.
①I ______(更喜欢)going to the cinema to watching TV.
②I prefer walking____(喜欢......多于)climbing.
Language point
词语辨析: classical与classic
(1)Classic describes something that is accepted as being of very high quality and one of the best of its kind. classic指经典的、优秀的、一流的:a classic movie /work经典影片/作品.
(2)Classic also used to describe a typical example of something 该词亦可用以表示典型的:
a classic example/mistake 典型的例子/错误
2. A Chinese traditional B classical C country music D hip pop
A中国传统音乐 B古典音乐 C乡村音乐 D嘻哈乐
classical 古典的,经典的
classical music古典音乐
a classical composer/violinist 古典音乐作曲家 / 小提琴手
Language point
① ''Swan Lake'' is one of the great ________(古典的)ballets.
②Romeo and Juliet is one of William Shakespeare's _______(经典的)plays.
(3)Classical describes a form of traditional Western music and other things that are traditional in style. classical用于西方古典的、传统的音乐及其他事物:
a classical composer古典音乐作曲家 a classical theory古典学说
(4)Classical also used to talk about things that are connected with the culture of Ancient
Greece and Rome. 该词亦用于与古希腊和古罗马文化有关的事物:
a classical scholar古典学者 classical mythology古典神话
energy n. 能源;能量;精力
搭配: be full of energy精力充沛 have the energy to do sth.有精力做某事
apply/devote one's energy to...把某人的精力用在......上
例句:The youth are always full of energy.年轻人总是精力充沛。
例句:My heart was full of youthful energy. 我的生命充满了朝气。
例句:I don't have the energy to do this all again.我没有精力再重做一遍。
3.I like to listen to it when I exercise. It gives me energy.我喜欢在运动的时候听音乐。它给我能量。
Language point
①She put all her________(精力)into her work.
② Oil shortages have brought on an_______(能量)crisis.
词语辨析: energy, strength, force与power
She put all her energies into her work.
He hasn't even the strength to walk upstairs.
I don't hold with the use of force.
Political power depends upon economic strength.
Language point
例句:The teacher spoke slowly to make herself understood.
例句:Soft music makes him relaxed.
His timely help made it possible for us to finish the task on time.
4. make+宾语+宾语补足语
Classical music makes me feel like I'm sitting beside a quiet stream and enjoying nature. 古典音乐让我感觉好像我正坐在一条安静的小溪边享受大自然。
①make sb./sth. done 使某人/某物被......
②make sb./sth. do使某人/某物......,如果make用于被动语态时,则用带to的不定式,即sb./sth. be made to do..某人某物被要求做......
Language point
③make sb. +形容词使某人处于一 种什么状态
④make sb.+名词 使某人成成为......(如果宾补是表示独一无二的职位或头衔等名词,则
it, 将真正的宾语移至句末,其基本结构为make+形式宾语it+宾补+真正的宾语” 。
(2019江苏,书面表达)It's an opportunity to make the Chinese culture better _______ (know)to international students.
解析:句意:这是一个使中国文化被留学生们更好地了解的机know与宾语the Chinese
Language point
1.classical adj.古典的;经典的;传统的
2.energy n.能量;能源;精力
3.soul n.灵魂;心性;内心;心灵
4.stringed adj.有弦(乐器)的
1.stringed instrument 弦乐器
2.universal language 世界语言
3.give a performance 表演
4.make a sentence 造句
5.touch one’s heart 触动心灵
6.dance to 跟.....跳舞
7.feel like 感觉像;想要
8.the same as 与.....相同
9.give sb. energy某人能量
10.remind sb. of... 使某人想起;提醒某人某事
1. Tell one of your friends what kind of music you like best and why.
2. Search on the Internet for more kinds of music to enjoy.中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台
新人教版必修二Unit 5 Music
Period 1 Listening and Speaking学案
学生姓名 班级 序号
课题内容 Unit 5 Music Period 1 Listening and Speaking
教材分析 The theme of this unit is "Literature, Art and Sports between People and Society".This lesson takes music as the topic, and makes students familiar with the types of music through listening. Then, students and partners are guided to cooperate with each other in dialogue practice as journalists and interviewees. The main purpose of the dialogue is to enable students to master the sentence patterns and ways of expressing music preferences. Next, the text takes the expression of music liking as the topic, and guides students to explain difficult words by paraphrase. After filling in the blanks, guide the students to practice dialogue with the knowledge they have learned, so that students can exchange their feelings and reasons about music and share the reasons and feelings about the types of music they don't like. In the sixth question of this lesson, students are required to play the role of reporters and students to practice oral English in groups, and use phrases to express the reasons why they like music types to practice long conversations. The final content of the text is plosive and non-plosive, which is pronunciation training.The class design is reasonable, knowledge points are closely linked. First, introduce music-related knowledge by listening, and then simply express music preferences through oral dialogue practice, and then go deep into expressing the reasons for liking or hating music types and their own feelings. Practice dialogue from the simple to deep, guide students to practice dialogue with vocabulary and important language points in specific situations, and improve students' language expression ability and team cooperation consciousness. Students can not only broaden their horizons, but also improve their cultural quality, which is conducive to their healthy physical and mental growth.
学习目标与核心素养 1. Master key words and phrases.2. Familiar with different kinds of music.3. Be able to master listening skills and acquire important information.4. Be able to use the sentence patterns to express their preference for music and talk with their partners about the type of music they like and the feeling that music brings them.5. Cultivate students' awareness of cooperative learning and personal thinking ability.6. Learn some explosives and incomplete explosives and their rules.
学习重点 1. Be able to use the sentence patterns that express their preference for music to talk with their partners about the type of music they like and how music makes them feel.2. learn some explosives and incomplete explosives and their rules.
学习难点 Be able to use the sentence patterns that express their preference for music to talk with their partners about the type of music they like and how music makes them feel.
1.classical adj.古典的;经典的;传统的
2.energy n.能量;能源;精力
3.soul n.灵魂;心性;内心
4.stringed adj.有弦(乐器)的
1.stringed instrument 弦乐器
2.universal language 世界语言
3.give a performance 表演
4.make a sentence 造句
5.touch one’s heart 触动心灵
6.dance to 跟......跳舞
7.feel like 感觉像;想要
8.the same as 与......相同
9.give sb. energy某人能量
10.remind sb. of ... 使某人想起;提醒某人某事
1. prefer v.更喜欢;较喜欢;喜欢......多于
to like one thing or person better than another; to choose one thing rather than sth. else because you like it better
... prefer A to B 更喜欢A;比起B来更喜欢A
例句: I prefer classical music to pop music.
preference n. 偏爱;爱好;偏爱的事物;最喜爱的东西
a greater interest in or desire for sb./sth. than sb. /sth.else
例句: Buyers are showing a preference for small cars.
①I prefer (更喜欢)going to the cinema to watching TV.
②I prefer walking to (喜欢......多于)climbing.
2. A Chinese traditional B classical C country music D hip pop
A中国传统音乐 B古典音乐 C乡村音乐 D嘻哈乐
classical 古典的,经典的
classical music古典音乐
a classical composer/violinist 古典音乐作曲家 / 小提琴手
词语辨析: classical与classic
(1)Classic describes something that is accepted as being of very high quality and one of the best of its kind. classic指经典的、优秀的、一流的:a classic movie /work经典影片/作品.
(2)It is also used to describe a typical example of something 该词亦可用以表示典型的: a classic example/mistake 典型的例子/错误
(3)Classical describes a form of traditional Western music and other things that
are traditional in style. classical用于西方古典的、传统的音乐及其他事物:
a classical composer古典音乐作曲家 a classical theory古典学说
(4)It is also used to talk about things that are connected with the culture of Ancient
Greece and Rome. 该词亦用于与古希腊和古罗马文化有关的事物:
a classical scholar古典学者
classical mythology古典神话
①''Swan Lake'' is one of the great classical (古典的)ballets.
②Romeo and Juliet is one of William Shakespeare's classic(经典的)plays.
3.I like to listen to it when I exercise. It gives me energy.我喜欢在运动的时候听音乐。它给我能量。
energy n. 能源;能量;精力
搭配: be full of energy精力充沛 have the energy to do sth.有精力做某事
apply/devote one's energy to...把某人的精力用在......上
例句:The youth are always full of energy.年轻人总是精力充沛。
例句:My heart was full of youthful energy. 我的生命充满了朝气。
例句:I don't have the energy to do this all again.我没有精力再重做一遍。
①She put all her energies (精力)into her work.
②Oil shortages have brought on an energy (能量)crisis.
词语辨析: energy, strength, force与power
energy 能源;能量;精力 She put all her energies into her work. 她把全部精力都投入到工作中去了。
strength 力量;强度;力气 He hasn't even the strength to walk upstairs. 他连上楼的力气都没有。
force 武力;暴力;部队 I don't hold with the use of force. 我不赞成使用武力。
power 权力;能力;动力 Political power depends upon economic strength. 政治权力取决于经济实力。
4. make+宾语+宾语补足语
Classical music makes me feel like I'm sitting beside a quiet stream and enjoying nature. 古典音乐让我感觉好像我正坐在一条安静的小溪边享受大自然。
例句:The teacher spoke slowly to make herself understood.
例句:Soft music makes him relaxed.
His timely help made it possible for us to finish the task on time.
①make sb./sth. done 使某人/某物被......
②make sb./sth. do使某人/某物......,如果make用于被动语态时,则用带to的不定式,即sb./sth. be made to do...某人某物被要求做......
③make sb. +形容词使某人处于一种什么状态
④make sb.+名词 使某人成为......(如果宾补是表示独一无二的职位或头衔等名词,则名词前一般不用冠词)
⑤在“make+宾语+宾补”结构中,当宾语是不定式或从句时,常在宾补前使用形式宾语it, 将真正的宾语移至句末,其基本结构为make+形式宾语it+宾补+真正的宾语” 。
(2019江苏,书面表达)It's an opportunity to make the Chinese culture better known (know)to international students.
解析:句意:这是一个使中国文化被留学生们更好地了解的机know与宾语the Chinese culture之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词。
1. (2019. 江苏高考)More wind power stations will spring up to meet the demand
for clean________(能源).
2. May God have mercy on your________(灵魂).
3. The_________(古典的) music makes me calm.
4. His words deeply t_______my heart, and I had to give in.
5. We need to take great care to avoid confusing the two t_______ of plants.
1.Do you wake up every morning feeling_________(energy) and ready to start a
new day
2.He works so hard that he doesn't have the energy__________(exercise).
3.He arranged many________(tradition) folk songs for the piano.
4. For a long time I just wanted to play_______ (country) music.
5. She has a______(nature) ability to understand the motives of others.
1.I admire her because she is always_________(精力充沛).
2.This was a time when people must__________(把他们所有的精力用......上) work.
3.He plays___________(古典音乐) as well as pop music and jazz.
4.Beethoven is______________________________(一位古典音乐作曲家).
5.Too many Job hunters______________________________(犯这种典型错误)of thinking only about what's in it for them.
1.I'm concerned about the urgent situation, but it is beyond my__________.
2.Jack often takes exercise, so he is full of__________.
3.He pushed the car into the river with all his__________.
4.He lost the key, so he had to open his door by__________.
When_________, rather than pop, __________was playing, diners spent more.
2. 幽默能使人在工作、学习和生活中充满活力。
Humor can_________ _________ _________in his work,study, and life.
3. 跑步既便宜又容易,而且总是充满活力。
Running is cheap, easy and________ _________ _________.
4. (某个)角色会让你想起一个朋友吗
Does a character________ _________ __________ _________ _________
These old photos my happy childhood________ _________ __________ _________.
Beijing Opera 1_______(consider) as a national treasure in China,which
2_______(date) back to over 200 years ago. The early Qing Dynasty saw the great
3_______(develop) of this opera. Qianlong Emperor in the Qing Dynasty had
4________interest in the local opera.5________(celebrate) his eightieth birthday,
he asked opera troupes (戏班) 6________ different places to perform for him in Beijing, so the four big Huiban Opera Troupes entered the capital. 7_______ (gradual),they combined with Kunqu Opera, Yiyang Opera, Hanju Opera and Luandan Opera, and formed the present Beijing Opera.
Beijing Opera is a form of traditional Chinese theatre 8__________combines music, performance, and dance. Many audiences from different 9_________ (country) think that it is the 10________(large) and most influential kind of opera in China and the influential is incomparable in China.
Folk music is a kind of traditional melodies (旋律), words,and songs of the (1) people that are often handed down from one generation to the next.
(2) music deals with almost every kind of human (3) . Folk music often expresses the (4) of ethnic and social groups and sometimes a nation. It is the (5) of the people. A folk song can (6) political or religious beliefs, tell a (7) or describe history, or just provide (8) .
Folk music is usually learned by (9) rather than by reading the notes or words. The music is (10) from person to person, from place to place, and from generation to generation. Folk songs sometimes change either by accident or from a (11) change. Folk song melodies and words often (12) overtime. Tunes are shortened or lengthened; pitch and rhythms are altered (改变); portions of one song may be (13) with part of another. Words of a song may also change over time.
Folk songs can often be (14) into different types. The ballad, a song that tells a story often about (15) events, is one of the main types of folk song.Ballads are in stanza (节) (16) , where a melody is (17) for each of several verses, and may have are refrain(叠句) that is repeated several times. Another type of folk song is those that deal with a (18) activity, occupation, or a set of circumstances. This group (19) work songs, prison songs, war songs, and the like. There are also spiritual songs, songs for children, (20) about life's stages, and many songs are just for celebration, dance, and enjoyment.
(1)A.ancient B.common C.magical D.romantic
(2)A.Classic B.Folk C.Popular D.Modern
(3)A.response B.experience C.interest D.activity
(4)A.nature B.quality C.character D.position
(5)A.music B.imagination C.art D.history
(6)A.express B.reform C.hold D.confirm
(7)A.lie B.story C.secret D.difference
(8)A.message B.communication C.amusement D.boredom
(9)A.reading B.writing C.speaking D.listening
(10)A.created B.extended C.distributed D.shared
(11)A.purposeful B.meaningful C.dramatic D.significant
(12)A. develop B.happen C.improve D.disappear
(13)A. filled B.connected C.combined D.associated
(14)A. organized B.arranged C.broken D.classified
(15)A. real B.historical C.important D.special
(16)A. style B.form C.type D.nature
(17)A. competed B.performed C.repeated D.played
(18)A. human B.cultural C.social D.particular
(19)A. includes B.composes C.possesses D.divides
(20)A. stories B.songs C.poems D.films
1. [答案]energy
2. [答案]soul
3. [答案]classical
4. [答案]touched
5. [答案]types
2.to exercise
5. natural
1.Full of energy
2.apply/devote all their energy to
3.classical music
4.a classical composer
5.make the classical mistake
1. classical, music
2. make one energetic
3. it's always energetic
4. remind you of a friend
5. keep me reminded of
1.is considered句意:京剧被认为是中国的国粹......
根据句意,此处应使用一般现在时的被动语态。故填is considered。
2. dates 句意: ...它可以追溯到200多年前。date back to意为“追溯到”,使用一般现在时。故填dates。
3. development根据句意及空格前 the与空格后of可知,此处应使用名词形式。故填development。
4. an have an interest in意为“对.....感兴趣”。故填an。
5. To celebrate此处使用不定式表 目的。故填To celebrate。
6. from句意: ......他让各地的戏班到北京为他表演,于是四大徽班进入了都城。from “来自”。
7. Gradually句意 :渐渐地,它们与昆曲、弋阳腔、汉剧、乱弹戏曲互相结合,形成了现在的京剧。此处修饰整句话,应使用副词形式。故填Gradually。
8. which/that句意: 京剧是中国传统戏剧的一种形式, 融合了音乐、表演和舞蹈。此处为定语从句,先行词是a form of traditional Chinese theatre,关系词在从句中作主语,应用关系代词which/that引导。故填which/that。
9. countries 句意:许多来自不同国家的观......根据空前的different可知,此处应用复数名词。故填countries。
10. largest 句意:许多来自不同国家的观众认为它是中国最大,最具影响力的一科歌剧,其影响力在中国是无与伦比的。此处与and后的most influential 是并列关系,应使用形容词的最高级。故填largest。
(1)考查形容词。A:ancient“古代的”;B:common“普通的”;C:magical“具有魔力的”;D:romantic “浪漫的”。此处表示民间音乐是普通人的音乐。 the common people固定短语,“平民”, 故选B。
(2)考查形容词。A:Classic“经典的”;B:Folk“民间的”;C:Popular“流行的”;D:Modern “现代的”。根据上文“Folk music is a kind of traditional melodies(旋律,主调),words,and songs of the 1 people that are often handed down from one generation to the next.”民间音乐是一种传统的旋律,文字和民间歌曲,往往是代代相传的;以及下文“Folk music is usually learned by 9 rather than by reading the notes or words.” 可知通常通过倾听而不是通过阅读笔记或文字来学习民间音乐.本文主要讲的是民间音乐。 故选B。
(3)考查名词。A:response“回答,回应”;B:experience“经历”;C:interest“兴趣”;D:activity “活动”。根据上文“ethnic and social groups, a nation,the 1 of the people, political or religious beliefs, describe history”可知本段讲的是民间歌曲涉及几乎每一种人类活动。故选D。
(4)考查名词。A:nature“本质”;B:quality“质量”;C:character“特征”;D:position“地位”。 民间音乐通常表现了一个民族、社会团体有时甚至一个国家的特征。故选C。
(5)考查名词。句意: 这是人民的音乐。A:music“音乐”;B:imagination“想象”;C:art“艺术”;D:history “历史”。故选A。
(6)考查动词。A:express“表达”;B:reform“改革”;C:hold“持,握”;D:confirm“证实”。 根据上文"Folk music often expresses the 4 of ethnic and social groups and sometimes a nation."可知,此处表示民间音乐可以表达一个人的政治或宗教信仰。故选A。
(7)考查名词。A:lie“谎言”;B:story“故事,经历”;C:secret“秘密”;D:difference “不同”。结合前句的句子结构可知,此处表示民间音乐可以讲述一个故事。 故选B。
(8)考查名词。A:message“信息”;B:communication“交流”;C:amusement“娱乐”;D:boredom “厌烦”。此处表示民间音乐有时也只是给人们提供娱乐。故选C。
(9)考查动词。A:reading“阅读”;B:writing“写”;C:speaking“说”;D:listening “听”。根据下文“rather than by reading the notes or words.”可知,民间音乐是通过听来学习的而不是通过读来学习。故选D。
(10)考查动词。A:created“创造”;B:extended“扩展”;C:distributed“分布”;D:shared “分享”。根据下文"from person to person, from place to place, and from generation to generation”民间音乐由一个传给另一个人,由一个地方传到另一个地方,由一代传给一代,可知,音乐是所有人共享的,故选D。
(11)考查形容词。A:purposeful“有目的,故意的”;B:meaningful“有意义的”;C:dramatic“戏剧性的”;D:significant “重要的”。民间音乐有时改变是故意的。故选A。
(12)考查动词。A:develop“发展,研发”;B:happen“发生”;C:improve“提高”;D:disappear “消失”。根据上文“Folk song sometimes changes either by accident or from a 11 change.”以及下文“Words of a song may also change over time.”可知,音乐随着时间的流逝而变化发展。此处change与develop是近义词.故选A。
(13)考查动词。A:filled“填充”;B:connected“连接”;C:combined“结合”;D:associated “联系”。此处仍在讲述民间歌曲的变化,有时一首歌的一部分或许会与另一首歌的一部分融合。combine with固定短语,“与……结合”, 故选C。
(14)考查动词。句意: 民歌可以分为不同的种类。A:organized“组织”;B:arranged“安排”;C:broken“打破”;D:classified “分类”。故选D。
(15)考查形容词。A:real“真正的”;B:historical“历史上的”;C:important“重要的”;D:special “特殊的”。根据下文的“Another type of folk song is those that deal with a 18 activity,occupation,or a set of circumstances.”可知,民歌通常讲述的是一个真实的事件。故选A。
(16)考查名词。句意: 民谣以章节的形式表现,在一节里一个旋律重复几行。A:style“风格”;B:form“形式”;C:type“类型”;D:nature“本质”。 故选B。
(17)考查动词。A:competed“竞赛”;B:performed“表演,表现”;C:repeated“重复”;D:played“玩”。根据下文“and may have a refrain that is repeated several times.”可知,民谣以节的形式表现,在一节里一个旋律重复几行。 故选C。
(18)考查形容词。A:human“人类的”;B:cultural“文化的”;C:social“社会的,社交的”;D:particular“特殊的”。根据下文“This group 19 work songs, prison songs, war songs, and the like.”可知,有些民歌是针对某种特殊的活动、职业或者情形的。故选D。
(19)考查动词。句意: 这种音乐包括劳动歌、监狱歌、战歌以及之类的。A:includes“包括”;B:composes“作曲”;C:possesses“拥有”;D:divides “划分”。故选A。
(20)考查名词。A:stories“故事,经历”;B:songs“歌曲”;C:poems“诗”;D:films “电影”。还有精神歌曲,儿童歌曲,人生舞台歌曲,许多歌曲只是为了庆祝,跳舞和享受.其中的songs可知答案, 故选B。
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