2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册Welcome unit 单元检测卷有答案


名称 2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册Welcome unit 单元检测卷有答案
格式 zip
文件大小 29.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2022-02-15 19:39:01



Welcome unit 单元检测卷
Leaving junior high school and going up to the big school was a very frightening change for me.I went there with no friends.The only two people who came from my previous school were two girls,Donna Davis and Sakjinda Rai,but I developed little friendship with them.At first I was scared (害怕的)and looked stupid.But after a few months,I tried keeping my arms open and making friends with people around me.
After an unsuccessful relationship with Amit Sharmar,who ran away from me whenever I said hello to him,Sher Bhachu joined me,and we seemed to have a bit in common.So I made my first friend,and I wasn't on my own any more!But after a few days,he broke his leg,and was off for a couple of months!I was on my own again!
Anyway,when Sher finally did return,I introduced him to another friend of mine,Graeme Parker.They got on like a house on fire,but unfortunately that little threesome (三人一组) only managed to last about a week or two before they had a bit of fight,and poor Graeme went his own way.Shortly after that we met and later joined another gang.Others later joined at various stages,including Chris Elemen,Venay Maru,Amandeep Vidhani,Yaser Ghauri and Paul Barrance.It was with these people that I spent most of my life in senior high school.
1.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage
A.The author didn't like Sakjinda Rai at all.
B.The author's junior high school was not very good.
C.The author felt frightened in the new school with no friends at the start of his senior high school time.
D.The author had tried his best to make friends with Donna Davis.
2.Who was the author's first friend in the new school
A.Donna Davis.     B.Amit Sharmar.
C.Graeme Parker. D.Sher Bhachu.
3.After a short time,the author was alone without friends again because .
A.they quarrelled about something
B.his friend was off because of injury
C.the author moved to another school
D.they found they had nothing to share
4.According to the last paragraph,we can learn that .
A.the author made more friends as time went on
B.the author missed his little threesome
C.the author and Graeme had a bit of fight
D.Graeme Parker and Sher Bhachu were close friends
Outside of school,Laurent Simons is a common 9 year old child.He plays video games with others,spends time online,and loves to travel.But when it comes to studying,he is a lot better than those ten years older than him.The most surprising thing is that he got a degree from university at age nine.
Laurent Simons completed his final project at Eindhoven University of Technology and got a degree in electrical engineering (电气工程).Most people take three years to complete the same program,but Laurent completed the program in just 10 months.Peter Baltus,one of his teachers,said,“Laurent has the ability to learn and take in lots of information in very little time.He learned more in a short period of time,so I went through the courses much faster.”
Laurent's grandparents would tell him that he was special from a very young age.He started primary school when he was four,and at six years old he was already in high school.Then he started university and professors there couldn't stop talking about how excellent Laurent Simons was.
Laurent says he wants to study medicine later,and work on artificial organs (人造器官).His reasons are personal.The grandparents he grew up with suffer from heart disease,which influences his choice.
Laurent has appeared in many interviews.However,some people think Laurent's parents shouldn't allow him to go to so many interviews.They say that his parents have taken away his childhood (童年).However,the boy's father says that everything his son has achieved hasn't been forced on him,but that it's “who he is”.
5.What makes Laurent Simons special
A.He is good at playing video games.
B.He always feels himself successful.
C.He is a well known boy on the Internet.
D.He finished university at a very young age.
6.What do Peter Baltus' words show
A.Laurent is really a quick learner.
B.He offered Laurent more courses.
C.Laurent spends most of his time studying.
D.Laurent knows more than his classmates do.
7.Why does Laurent Simons want to study medicine
A.To choose a popular job.
B.To meet his parents' wishes.
C.To help people like his grandparents.
D.To further study his favourite subject.
8.What can be the best title for the text
A.Laurent Simons Is Just a Nine Year Old Boy
B.A Nine Year Old Got a Degree from University
C.A Nine Year Old Dreams of Studying Medicine
D.Laurent Simons Is Smarter than His Classmates
Whether you're a boy or a girl and whether you're a freshman or a senior,developing the following skills will help you achieve success in school and in life.
Time management. There are just 24 hours in each day.What you do with that time makes all the difference.While high school students have an average of 35 hours per week of class time,college students have an average of 15 to 18 hours per week.Manage your free time wisely and you'll make full use of each day.
Good study habits. If you've got them, it's great.If not, there's still time to develop them.Good study habits include the following:
·Always be prepared for class, and attend classes regularly.No cutting!
·Finish homework in a timely manner.
·Review your notes daily rather than study for tests the night before.
·Set aside quiet time each day for study,even if you don't have homework or a test the next day!
Good note taking. You can't possibly set down everything the teacher says since we talk at a pace of about 225 words per minute.But you do need to set down the important material.Note taking should be in a way that's the most helpful to you.You can try writing notes on different coloured cards.If you really have a problem with note taking,you might ask your teacher if you can record daily lessons.Do whatever it takes!
Review of daily notes. Don't wait until the night before the test to review your notes.Go over your notes each day while the lecture is still fresh in your mind.Add any missing pare your notes with a classmate's notes.Review your notes each day to improve your learning and build towards your final goal,mastery of the subject or skill.
1.If you want to make good use of each day,you should .
A.achieve success in school and in life
B.deal with your free time in a wise way
C.develop good study habits earlier
D.set aside some quiet time for study
2.If you want to form good study habits, you should .
A.get them as early as you can
B.study for tests the night before
C.set down all the teacher says
D.go over your notes every day
3.What's the best title for the passage
A.Tips for Students to Achieve Success
B.Wise Time Use and Management
C.The Importance of Good Study Habits
D.Good Note taking and Review of Daily Notes
To most of us, school means classes,teachers,schedules, grades and tests.But for the children at Sudbury Valley School, Massachusetts,school is very different.
Firstly, there are no lessons.All the children, aged between 4 and 19, do whatever they want.There are no teachers—only “staff members”.The idea behind this is that you do not need to make children learn, because children want to learn anyway.“You do not need to say to the three year olds,‘Go to explore your environment.’You can't stop them!”says Daniel Greenberg, a founder of the school.“But if you make children do what you want all day,they will lose all taste for learning.”
At Sudbury Valley School,you will permit children to talk, read, paint, cook, work on computers,study French,play the piano,climb trees, or just run around.Two boys spent three years just fishing!
The other way that Sudbury Valley School is different is that the children can decide the rules.Every week,there is a school meeting where both children and staff have one vote (投票) each—even the four year olds.They decide the school rules, how to spend the school budget,and even which staff they want and do not want any more.
When the school first opened in 1968, people said it would never work.But today,the school has 200 students,and 80% of its students go on to college.Even the two boys who went fishing all the time have successful careers today.One of them is a musician and the other is a computer scientist.
1.What is the main topic of the article
A.An unusual school.
B.Children's hobbies.
C.A school without rules.
D.Education in the US.
2.What does the school believe
A.Teachers cannot teach children well.
B.Children learn best when they do what they want.
C.Learning is for adults—children should only play.
D.Children should only learn about one thing at a time.
3.What does Daniel Greenberg say about the three year olds
A.They love learning.
B.They are very naughty.
C.They want to be outside all the time.
D.They are too young to learn anything.
4.Who has the most power in the school meetings
A.The older children have more power than the younger children.
B.A child has more power than an adult.
C.The younger children have more power than the older children.
D.Everybody has equal power.
How to Say Sorry to Our Mothers
Our mothers care about us most and it's also said that we fight the most with people closest to us. 1 Sometimes,care and love can take the form (形式) of anger.All a mother wants is that her children are safe and happy,though she can be wrong sometimes.If you've been angry with your mom and said things you shouldn't have said,it is time to say sorry to her.
 2 You can say sorry to her when she is calm and doing something relaxing like reading a book.Tell her why you acted the way you did.Also tell her how you realized it was your mistake. 3 Just say whatever is there in your heart and it'll be one of the best apologies (道歉) ever.Finally,she'll excuse you for sure.
Write a sorry letter to your mom.If you find it difficult to say what is in your mind face to face,you can write a letter to your mom. 4 Tell her how sorry you are in the letter.A letter works very well in almost all cases as it shows the efforts you've taken to make things better.
If you have really hurt your mom a lot,more efforts are needed this time around. 5 Along with this video,write a small letter to make her think of all the times you made a mistake and she excused you.And tell her how you need her to correct your mistake!
A.These fights are because of care and love.
B.You can also tell your mom how you love her.
C.A meaningful face to face sorry is the best answer.
D.Promise her you won't make the same mistake again.
E.Write down everything you want to say to your mom.
F.Make a video which includes all the photos of you and your mom.
G.To make your mom feel even better,you can write a small song or poem for her.
My name is Miranda Gibson.I have been at the top of a tree for five months now.Some people might wonder 1 on earth I would choose to do that.
I have walked through this forest many times.On 12 December 2011, 2 rolled into the forest and the destruction began.I couldn't 3 the thought that these forests would be 4 forever.So, on 14 December 2011, I packed up my life, 5 of my job plans, and climbed 60 meters to the top of this tree.I have been here ever since.
Life in the tree top can be 6 at times.I have times when I feel frustrated and wish I could 7 to anywhere, just have a 8 of scenery for a minute! There are times too, when I feel terribly 9 .I miss my friends and family. 10 these times, I find myself loving the 11 .
Living on the tree has been inspiring.I am willing to 12 up here for as long as it takes, 13 I honestly hope it won't be too 14 before I can put my feet on the ground below and stand in a forest that will never be 15 .
1.A.why           B.when
C.how D.where
2.A.water B.animals
C.machinery D.tourists
3.A.bear B.help
C.keep D.spare
4.A.sold B.stolen
C.protected D.lost
5.A.grew out B.fell short
C.ran out D.let go
6.A.refreshing B.risky
C.challenging D.rewarding
7.A.get up B.get away
C.give in D.give up
8.A.change B.look
C.search D.touch
9.A.confused B.nervous
C.sorry D.lonely
10.A.Beyond B.Without
C.Despite D.Unlike
11.A.height B.experience
C.background D.position
12.A.return B.stop
C.stay D.hide
13.A.but B.though
C.because D.so
14.A.soon B.long
C.near D.bad
15.A.moved B.logged
C.burned D.missed
Mississippi primary school students are always given a special back to school welcome on their first day.Last year a group of about 20 fathers 1. (welcome) the children in front of the school gate of Barack H.Obama Magnet Elementary in Jackson,Mississippi.The parents have made a human “tunnel” (隧道) for kids on their first day for 2. past few years,according to Parent Teacher Association president Rashad Williams.
“The idea behind it 3. (be) that they want the kids to know their dads believe in them and support them,”Williams said.“It can reduce the first day anxiety and improve new kids' 4. (confident).”
Photos of the sweet welcome were posted to the school website.The photos showed that the students enjoyed 5. (run) through the “tunnel” as the parents smiled and gave high fives.
Most of the dads are part of a program 6. is called WATCHD.O.G.S.The goal of the program is 7. (provide) good male role models and to improve school security (安全).
Williams said some of the fathers were college graduates the school's headmaster had taught and that it made the welcome more special.The students seemed to enjoy the welcome 8. (great).
While back to school season may be 9. (bore) for some students,it wasn't for these Mississippi kids.Thanks to these lovely dads,it is now something to look forward 10. .
1.表示欢迎 2.介绍学校 3.美好祝愿
7.to provide